06/04/1990-CC-Minutes-Regular-9 ,'w MINUTES:City Council Meeting June 4,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong ,Coimciiwoman Margie Braxton , Councilman Wendell Thomas ,Councilman Danny McDaniel ,, Councilman Carroll McNeill,and Councilman Jerry Jenkins w *-'OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary lose Garcia , Pam Hamilton ,Mark Hamilton ,Robert Alexander ,Lucille Houghten,Ruth Cain ,Ed Miller ,Trayis Roberts,George Holcomb ,Peggy Sanford ,Carmen &Burl Botiriand, Leslie Browning ,Ann Barton and Elaine Schad 1 ,Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order ;Councilman Thomas gave the invocation,followed by the pledge to the flag. O Minutes were approved as printed. Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to approve the disbursements for payment.Motion carried. ‘7 Citizens Input -Mr.George Holcomb at 508 S.3rd had a complaint for Council .Mr .Holcomb had his roof reshingled at his house and his complaint was that he is having a difficult time trying to dump at the landfill .He had talked to Mr ,Hamilton and was advised he could not get into the landfill due to it being wet.However ,he had gone to the landfill and walked out in there and he feels that his truck can get in there with no problem . 4. Discussion. Council advised Mr .Holcomb that they were not opening the landfill for him tonight;however,first thing Tuesday morning he could use the landfill . Consider and Possible Action Regarding Raising Senior Citizen’s Ad Valorem Exemption.U. Discussion. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to raise over 65 exemption from $6,000 to 110,000.Seconded by Coimciiwoman Braxton. Motion carried with two (2 )no votes,Councilman McNeill &. Councilman Thomas. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Water System Improve- ments.6. [Side A 202 )Travis Roberts -Consulting Engineer from Hunter &Associates briefed City Council. some weeks ago a bid was awarded to Water for construction of Project *2 -Water line at 455 =It seems that Water Treatment Construction Co.cannot honor the bid they originally submitted.When they bid on Proiect *1 &»2, specification indicating City of Sai bid ; their In summai-y, Treatment Construction Co wWaterTreatment Construction Co.saw nothing in the a-might use only a portion of the had they would hays been more careful in distribution of markup on Project sl _.Water line construction -455 = O if thcy j.1 Under these circumstances.Water Construction Co =cannot honor They will need anthepriceoriginallysubmittedon additional $6500 = the project. discussion. Mr.Hoberts suggested that the City could do four (4 )things; Collect bid bond and use that on 2nd bidder.JL £ 9 To approve change order for 16500 resulting in contract for-in p x s?»L5 X a 9 -collect the bid bond and put in escrow account and not build water line.Do n LI. ti se that bid money and then award bid to Murray Construction ompany.c City Manager did adyise that in seeking to collect bid bond litigation could exceed the amount collected on the bond. Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept change order of $6500 and award bid to Water Treatment Construction Co. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion was amended to read. Motion was made by Councilman $6500 and award bid to Water Treatment Construction C specification that the work be completed in a minimum of 60 days from the beginning of the work which is eleyen days from now . Seconded by Councilman McNeill ,Motion carried and one no yote - Councilman Me Daniel. Jenkins to accept change order of 44-1 ns Conduct Public Hearing for Grant Application with the Texas Parks &Wildlife Dept ,-Municipal Pool Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. City Manager made a brief presentation as to the parking facilities,etc, size of the pool. '1 Mark Hamilton spoke for the youth of Sanger in hopes that Sanger will get the swimming pool and will continue to plan recreation for the youth in the community. Mr ,Burl Hourland stated that the project is over than what they anticipated;however ,they hope when it is finalised ,it will cost less. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. Mayor Armstrong stated there will be another Public Hearing scheduled June 18,1990 , Executive Session According to Article 6252-17,Vernon’s Civil Statues,(f ),Negotiations for Acquisition of Seal Property. (Tape A,513)" nO * Mayor Armstrong convened Council into executive session at 7:41 p ,ni._,June 4,1990. Mayor Armstrong reconvened Council from executive session at 7:52 p ,m ,,June 4,1990 , No action taken. 9,Any Other Such Matters: Mayor Armstrong asked City Council if there is a state law conearning junkyards*City Manager to check on this * a * Councilman McDaniel asked if the City is presently having a business drive to bring business to Sanger , b, City Manager advised him that the City budgeted $3,000 for economic development.He has visited several businesses to encourage them to establish their business in Sanger. 10 ,Ci t-'Y1!- City Manager advised that the two P &S recommendations on Willowood Addition and Millar’s property will be on the agenda,June 18,1990 , a , The power-outage Tuesday/Wednesday was caused by a storm at Valley View which interrupted Brazos'5 ability to provide power to our substations, b. City Manager reported on meeting with Ms.Jan Sills,Texas Water Commission.Ms.Sills verbally extended waiver to September 14,1990 on the study and the planning of enlarging wastewater treatment plant , c. d.City Manager advised City Council that Council has no authorization concerning private clubs.They are regulated by the state , r - City Manager reported on the upcoming EPA requirement for treatment of chlorinated water .Discussion.e. f ,Mr ,Hamilton stated that regarding the proposed one way ordinaries by Hughes Street ,Dwight Bird of the Highway Dept , informed him that the visible configuration of Int.35 at Hughes is the way it is going to be, At the nest City Council meeting,will present a better list of terms of expirations on the Boards and Commissions, S- h.Mayor Armstrong advised that she declared a proclamation for June as the month for Family and Community Togetherness Month which known as RISE -Reaching Into Studentw Education , >/%V'-11 ,Meeting adjourned ,%%N: Cf ><clOn CO •X «u -Ciijy Secretary O %