06/18/1990-CC-Minutes-Regular-re •- MINUTES:City Council Meeting June 18_j 1990 MEMBESS PEESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrongs Councilwoman Margie Braxton , Councilman Wendell Thomas,Councilman Bannv McDaniel , Councilman Carroll McNeill ,and Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHE1S PEESENT: ..r *;:*;**r.• City Manager John Hamilton ,City Secretary lose Garcia, Pam Hamilton ,Marl:Hamilton ,0,W,Davis,Jr ,,Brenda McDaniel ,Steve Day,Don Sable II ,Michael C Don Freeman^Ann Barton ,Billye Hollingsworth ,,Peggy Sanford ,Selma Millar ,Jim Doss A Brad Denton -CenteL, A Elaine Schad C#*=: 1.Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order ,gave the invocation , and led the pledge to the flag,. n Minutes ere approved as printed ,T t Tvv z ~t Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman McNeill to approve -disbursements for payment ,Motion carried . Citizen’s Input -Nonea, E Conduct Public Hearing for Grant Application with the Tessas Parks A Wildlife Dept ,-Municipal Pool -J * Mayor Armstrong declared the second Public Hearing open to the public. No one spoke for or against. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing dosed , 6 ,Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution *El -90 - Grant Application with the Texas Parks A Wildlife Dept.- Municipal Pool Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Resolution #11-90, CITY OF SANGER ,TEIAS RESOLUTION #11-90 \..*y;:***.<*A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER ,DENTON COUNTY,TEIAS,HEREAFTER REFEREED TO AS “APPLICANT";DESIGNATING CERTAIN OFFICIALS AS BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTING FOR ,AND ON BEHALF OF APPLICANT IN DEALING WITH TEIASrpuir 1 111L,PARIS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PARTICIPATING IN THE GRANT PROGRAMS;CERTIFYING ....j : THAT THE APPLICANT IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE ASSISTANCE UNDER SUCH PROGRAMS. Seconded by Councilman McDaniel.Motion carried. n Consider and Possible Action Regarding the EAS no fctee Report. Don freeman presented the following recommendations by the EAS C j*% ^il ]1-way optional Sanger to Denton EAS Plan. Residential customers for a $3.00 monthly reoccur ring charge,customers receive a 50$discount on toll charges from Saneer to Denton. a. Business customers $6.00 monthly reoccurring charge.b. All customers with more than one line will be required to add service to all lines. c. Discussion continued. Councilman McNeill made the motion to table this item to allow staff to do further investigation.Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton.Motion carried. o Conduct Public Hearing on Final Plat of Mllowood Addition. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open to the public. A lengthy discussion proceeded with Council addressing the issue of drainage onto Mr.Ashcraft’s property caused by Mllowood Addition and under the Santa Fe Railroad. U . Mr.Sable did state that they are not willing to bear all the cost to correct drainage under Santa Fe Railroad. Council did state that the drainage problem between Howard Ashcraft and Don Sable was a civil matter .Discussion continued. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 9.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Plat of Mllowood Addition. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept final plat on Mllowood Addition with all the requirements of the City of Sanger Subdivision Ordinance adopted 1987,specifically Section 4.04. Seconded by Councilman McNeill.Motion carried with three (3) yes votes,one il )voting no,and Councilman McDaniel abstaining. 10.Conduct Public Hearing for Zoning Change for Selma A 202 H.4th ,Lots 1-7,Blk ,14,0.T.of Sanger Millar - Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open to the public. One resident ,0,7 ,7 Davis,Jr ,spoke in favor of changing property??3 T -irom Local m ess to t Indus 17 'O'J s Discussion , Mayor Armstrong declared the Public 11 Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Change for Zelma T.of Sanger.1-7,Blfc 14,0, •-<tMotionwasmaaebyuounciiman jenions .44-4 4-to aeny change request from B-3 to L -I (Light Industry)on Zelma Millar Property,A S Lots 1-7.Blk.14 O.1 •vf Sanerer ,202 N.4th.Seconded byA ?5 JCouncilmanMcNeillMotioncarried 12 -T s’:>0rtuwAomim4.x XXX-s r i pa"A o'x than $250.00.Consensus of the City Council that it was alrightJ “5 City Manager asked City Council if they wanted the draft6, S*-1 maiong Agenda..xx'x X Council *Discussion ,Council agreed to get this item i F •S: !o S ~4 *X -f «?ie is preparm -s'a reportXXWX138forGatewayAddition ,'•R*lager adviseeu LXX -a Jresidents.Report should he finalized by June 22nd for their review. 1 >v Ci oy reporting cost if done through property owner 's assessment program Discussion , :y Manager corsJ a City Manager advised that Hunter Associates has also provided to install 30 inch gutter with constructed of rebarred concrete. 8 cost.Jonn continuedoeveratsnaveinquires to state that a drainage studv be conducted -Drier*to anv curboIl £utter-program to insure compliance with EPA rules onC*& i-un ofp water. Texas City Manager’s6ei-7 Manager wm oe vending; 'j Associations"Annual Meeting in Galveston ,June 22nd through n Dwight Mliford from Tesa oeLLXs *..r*.u *.*~r:,A*.:rum -.x.r.x.'-xvxcx;:x;r.v;x 4xv;ro;r.*.:xcc^x:xx:-.'xxrx:..cux :..V —.-_x — ~c. 'w awarded August 30th. 8 =City Manager reported on memorandum on property acquisition for Acker Street Extension , 13.Executive Session Pursuant to V.A.T.S.Article 5252-17(g )- Personnel Mayor Armstrong convened City Council into executives session at 8;b 3 p.m. Mayor Armstrong reconvened City Council from executive session at 9:14 p.m. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session - Personnel.14. Councilwoman Braxton made a motion that on the appointment of the City Physician that the three (3 )physicians in Sanger be contacted regarding the position of Health Officer with the stipulation ,stc._, to see if we could get any response.Seconded by Councilman Thomas.Motion carried. In reference to the P &.2 Commission ,motion was made by Councilman Thomas to reappoint Charles Kesseler to Place 2 and Sussell Madden to Place 6 =Seconded bv Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried.(A plague to be awarded to Fred Yeatts..] Utility Board -none appointed. Park Board -Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to appoint Pauline Garrett to Place 6 on the Park Board.Seconded by Councilman McNeill.Motion carried. Library Board reappoint Nancy Smith to Place 2,Sandra Moore to Place 6 and appoint Garland Thornton to Place 4.Seconded by Councilman McNeill.Motion carried. -Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Sullivan Center Staff to contact. Any Other Such Matters:15. •1 Louncilman fclcjjsmel complaint on Labis Lnannsi Eor H =ii has been scrambled.Staff to contact and inquire on this.i = o Councilman McNeill advised that Mr.Tuttle informed him that he would do his own ditch , o Mayor Armstrong asked staff to send memo out to City Crews to let them know that Martha Gibson had called her and stated the City had done an excellent job on the culvert. O s 4 ,Mayer Armstrong asked is the City going to spray for mosquitoes.City Manager stated it would be this week. b,Mayor Armstrong reported on NTCOG Meeting in which Councilman Braxton and herself 'attended. uuiu16.Meeting ad iourned .0 ,%v:i 7AAXS^ti:City Secretary :’ ; i -Liwn-