07/02/1990-CC-Minutes-Regular-r > •"' MINUTES:City Council Meeting July 2,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Mel Armstrong;,Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Carroll McNeill, and Councilman Jerry Jenkins MEMBERS ABSENT:Wendell Thomas OTHERS PRESENT:Fred Yeatts,Duane d Twyla Brown ,and Tommy Kincaid , &Glenn Shaw 1.Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order ,City Manager gave the invocation.Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag, 2 ,Recognition of Former Members of Council ,Boards,& Commissions , Mayor Armstrong proceeded with the awarding of the plaques , Fred Yeatts for she (6 )years of service to the P &2.••.* sis (6J years service on the Park Board. was not present also for sis |6 j years serviceJ.W,Buckle on the Park Board , whoTTT Glenn Shaw for two 12 j years service on the City Council . 4,Disbursements -Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins.Motion carried , Citizerr s Input -None5. fi Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Ordinance «02-90 Establishing One -Way Streets Within the City Limits of Sanger 3 Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open to the public. Mr ,Duane Brown spoke in opposition of making Hughes Street a one-way, Discussion continued , Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 7.Consider-and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance «02-90 Establishing One -Way Streets Within the City Limits of Sanger Discussion continued before action was taken. r- Item as tabled to allow staff to research these questionsT;T Is the Texas High ay Dept ,going to put yield signs on both lanes ?T i T Is there a State Statue against exiting off an interstate highway and turning across a street ?And , Can the City put signs on City streets reminding people of that statue ? O Consider City Policy on Ditches and Culvert InstallationU: Mayor Armstrong stated that City crews are currently installing culverts for citizens upon request for the cost of the culvert and many times the price charged for the culvert does not cover the cost of the work performed , Discussion , This Item was tabled to allow staff to draft resolution setting out cost of installing a tOQ 15Q 20Q 25J culvert. 9.Consider Resolution #12-90 Authorizing City Manager to Negotiate Land Purchase for Street Expansion City Manager advised City Council on the necessary steps that needed to be taken to acquire property for extension of Acker- Street , Discussion , Mayor Armstrong read caption of Resolution #12-90, CITY OF SANGER,TEIAS RESOLUTION #R 2-§0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER ,DENTON COUNTY,TEIAS AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY TO EITEND STREET EIGHT OF WAY Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Resolution #12-90 ,Motion carried , 10 ,Consider Resolution #13-90 Authorising City Manager to Negotiate Land Purchase for Street Expansion CITY OF SANGER ,TEIAS RESOLUTION #13-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER ,DENTON COUNTY,TEIAS,AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY TO EITEND STREET EIGHT Discussion 3 was made by .--•i Jenkins to adoiol ResolutionMotionwOimcimian #E 3-90 authorizing Cit for street expansion with the following instructions: to negotiate for land purchase-1 Manager That the City Manager contact the City Attorney and Hunter>.1 } {*ie possibility of a pro-rata agreement or ifAssociates;regarding there is a legal way City ran orce anu aeueiooer pay tiieir r ir*A r *•vJ fi i *ir '5 f \City Manager can acquire the land proceed with financing. 91 authorization .given to? JLvi Discussion of EASii. Item tabled until further investigation is done 12 3 I-’ City Manager ad vised that Chief Erwin has madeCrU-i.= arrangements to have most of the area east of Santa Few mowed at no cost to the CiAT-_y City Manager will be attendin TP A A meeting Julv 15-17 andDCfsoo will not be the next City Council Meetingpresentat 6 /21 §,6 /29.for mosomtoes -r-•w s X -City personnel have begun testing and servicing fire hydrantsa. the svstemm There are four city employees that are Volunteer Fire Department - Craig Waggoner and Bobby Swan.s—8 members of thee. Chuck Tucker .Larry Toast8 The 25®sales tax increase was effective on bills mailed outa ,11U*--i J.s Contractor's payment from Hunter Associates is $26 ,224.00X*-. O S 3 /\1 M Executive Session Pursuant to V.A.T'C*IS OiOi-l /lg ,O.AXw* Personnel £convened the City Council into executive sessionrmstrongMayorxx'O O r-at D p.niau Armstrong reconvened the City Council from executiveMayor 8:40 p.m.session at 4 -1JA.Consider and Possible Action -A- ....VM'truf •.xi.r-.x...:,, _ T ,o r .v n o *:r.'.:;v-r;».,\•-,x — Commissions, Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to reappoint Danny Spindle as Municipal Judge,Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried , Instructed staff to set a meeting between staff ,Municipal Clerk , Chief Erwin ,and Municipal Judge to discuss the Court , Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to reappoint Dr ,Clyde Chapman as City Health Officer .Seconded by Councilman McDaniel,Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel to appoint Terry Jones to Place 4 of Seconded by Council woman Braxton , g &Scmng Commission. Motion carried , Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman McDaniel to appoint Allan Sweeney,Place 2,and Lynn Spinks,Place 4,of the Utility Board ,Motion carried , Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel and seconded by Councilman McNeill to appoint Steve Day,Place 2,of Park Board . Motion carried , Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to approve the officers of the Sullivan Senior Center ,which are; Hazel Martin Margie Henry Dave Fellers Leslie Browning Erma Fellers Rose Rerun Chairman Sec./Treasurer Boardmember Boardmemher Alternate Alternate Motion carried , 15.Any Other Such Matters Councilman McNeill thanked the City Manager for the excellent work that the new employee is doing on the streets with the patchman. a. b.Mayor informed City Council that the governor has a new program regarding sending their crews to do studies of the water ,sewer ,and electric systems,to help out energy costs; and ,if the City has a problem ,they can let Citys borrow at 4*interest. Also,there is a grant program on recycling, Sanitation Service was discussed briefly concerning how late the trash is being picked up ,etc.Staff instructed to start c. c w keeping a calendar to show what days he is r late.| Mayor%V /*•*•.»»s«$% I -*