07/16/1990-CC-Minutes-Regularp MINUTES:City Council Meeting July 16,1990 MEMBE1S PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong ,Councilwoman Margie Braxton , Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Wendell Thomas , Councilman Carroll McNeill ,and Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHES3 PRESENT:City Secretary Rosalie Garcia,Ovid Meal,Lois Whatley, Margaret 0*Rear^Chris Bengston ,Jo Ann -Upfront Fashion,Chuck Tucker-&.Benny Erwin 1.Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order ,gave the invocation , ;and led the pledge to the flag. O Minutes approved as printed . Disbursements -Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton to approve the disbursements, Motion carried , Citizen 's Input;None4. c Chris Bengston Request to Speak to City Council Regarding Alley South of Bolivar Behind 5th &4th Chris Bengston ,owner of the Radio Shack ,stroke regarding the alley behind the Radio Shack . Mrs.Bengston addressed these issues: She would like the City to maintain the alley.At the present condition that it is in ,when it rains,you cannot get in there. a . Joe Ashcraft has put a rope across the alley to where his pro-pert]?is and sometimes he has cars parked there to where entrance to the alley is impossible. b , She stressed that if there was an emergency,the fire trucks or the ambulance could not get back in there. c. d .Mrs.Bengston stated that Mr.Ashcraft is talking about fencing that and she felt that at least a 10*ft ,easement shouldbedesignatedforthealley, “Do Not Block Alley1*toShewouldlikesignsputupstating keep people from parking in the alley. e . f .She also discussed the problems of skateboards and bicycles. She would like signs posted , Mayor-did advise that the Citv would have to research the deeds to .uo if 'j . make sure an easement is there and how many feet are dedicated m order for the City to enforce citizens from blocking the alley.A Mayor Armstrong asked Chuck Tucker to please check the alley this week and to try to make it more passable for vehicles coming in and out. h Ma aret (/hear Request to Speak to City Council Regarding Signs -Additional Signs for Sanger Enit off of 1-35 A Signs for City Sidewalks x to•••s Cf Rear stated her concern was that she would like to some additional signs off of Interstate 35 at the 455 exit . 's eareto She stated she called and spoke to John about this and he advised that the Mayor and himself had gone to Austin about sis 16 JVS—*months ago and spoke to the State about getting some additional signs and her the State denied the request. (blear continued by stating that she talked to a Mr from the State Highway Dept.,who advised her that the City could the request had to come from i.BirdMS. get some additional signs; the City. fHowever ^ Other issues Ms.CSEear addressed were that she would like additional signs to the Downtown Business District.She also asked if there would be any signs to Lake Say Roberts in the future? Mayor the Highway D which at that time it Roberts /' Armstrong advised that the Chamber was working with epartment at one time to possibly get a sign put up would read “Sanger Gateway to Lake Ray A CbSear also asked if the City Board directing people- downtown area including City Hall Ms.Council could put a sign like a big all the businesses in the11to,ic-an s"A Mayor Armstrong advised that she was not sure that the City could do this type of advertisement.Mayor advised she wouldA have to check on this. (/Rear also addressed the problem with skateboards and bicycles on the sidewalks. Ms. Mayor Armstrong advised the City would report back to them regarding the alley ,skateboards and bicycles on City sidewalks. •-Consider and Possible Action Megarding Appointments of Representatives to North Texas Library System **a Motion was made bv Councilman Thomas to approve Resolution appointing Haney Smith as Lay Representative and Helen Bounds as Alternate to the North Texas Library System. i 't -yui r RESOLUTION NO.Ei ~90 CITY OF SANGER,TEIAS WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Sanger has appointed Nancy Smith as Lay Rep and Helen Bounds as Alternate to the North Tessas Library System. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins.Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ditch Work Costs.oUs Discussion. Councilman Thomas made a motion that in the future the City charge for installing a 10*ft.culvert -$150 and for a 20*ft. culvert -1225 and that the fee be paid in advance and that this be- in a form of a Resolution.Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. 9 .Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointments to the Library Board Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to appoint Joe Skiles and Darwin Sargeant to the Library Board.Motion carried. City Administrators Report:10. In absence of the City Manager being at an Annual Conference. Mayor Armstrong went briefly over the Administration Report. Mayor did remind Council that if they wanted to attend the Chamber Appreciation Dinner ,August 13th at 7:00 p.m.,to let staff know. a. b =Mayor also asked Council if they could please save their copy of the draft ordinance on fence construction and animal control to bring to the nest City Council Meeting. Discussion of possible recovery of costs in extending Freese Drive.Mayor stated that City Attorney Ron Herman advised the City Manager that it would be difficult ,if not illegal,to recover costs from property owners that have already dedicated street right of way after construction is completed. c. A The request by City Manager regarding Hughes Street - whether-they wanted this item tabled was discussed .Mayor advised that City Manager is to get three (3)questions answered before Council can pursue this.\.::A Mayor advised that the 30 day report submitted to Terms Water Commission was very favorable , e. Wiliowood Final Plat is ready to be filed.w mv...,......... -f 11.-.*Any utner aucn Matters: Councilman Thomas stated h* why Acker Street isn't fixed , that street . had received a complaint as to Chuck holes are prettv bad on a.iSk 1’ b .Councilman McNeill stated that the project in April has not been completed.The Citv needs to complete tha that was started r r 4-project. A12.Meeting adjourned A#dr 'T" Sr ^.% * /«s \ co i K<l X sCity'Secretary %C *•.*•s Si //%% Mayor .a A