08/06/1990-CC-Minutes-Regular622 MINUTES:CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 6,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilman Margie Braxton, Councilman Danny McDaniel Councilman WendeH ‘Thomas,and Councilman McNeil MEMBERS ABSENT:Councilman J erry J enkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary RosalieGarciaJohnAndersonandChuckandDanaRenz 1.Mayor Armstrong call meeting to order,gave the invocation andledthepledgetotheflag, 2 Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R 5-90HonoringtheServicetotheCommunityofDr,Clyde Chapman Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel and seconded byCouncilmanMcNeilltoapproveResolution#R5-90 HonoringtheServicesofDr.Clyde Chapman to our City. Motion carried Minutes:Approved with one correction-page 7(b)to insertthelocationwhichwasAustinStreet o. Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel andsecondedbyCouncilmanThomastoapprovedisbursementsfor payment.Motion carried Citizen's Input None Dana &Chuck Renz Request to Speak to the City Council RegardingtheMegalifeYouthCenterandYouthRallyatCityPark. Mr,Chuck Renz asked City council for permission to use the CityParkonAugust24thforaChristianYouthRally. Motion was made Councilman Thomas and seconded by CouncilmanMcNeilltoallowtheMegalifeYouthCentertoholdaYouthRallyattheCityPark.Motion Carried John Anderson Request to Speak to the City Council RegardingtheCityPropertyonAckerStreet Mr,John Anderson addressed Council concerning a proposal forandequallandexchangewiththeCityfrontagepropertyonAckerStreetattheCityWaterStorageFacility. Discussion. 4. :—' 5. 6. 7. Council tabled this item to allow staff time to study the water line locations on this property Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R8-9GEstablishingFeesfortheInstallationofDrainageCulverts. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to adopt Resolution#R6-90 establishing fees for the installation of drainage culverts. a Seconded by Councilman Thomas.Motion carried. Council agreed to make this effective as of today and those that have already requested the culvert and are on the list,to be done at the old price. 9.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointing City Health Officer Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to appoint Dr.Bittle as City Health Officer for the 1990-1991,until the City’s next budget year.Seconded by Councilman McDaniel Motion carried 10,Discussion-Hughes Street City Manger answered some questions that were asked from a prior council meeting concerning Hughes Street City Manager advised Council that Mr.Bird from the Highway Department had stated that there would only be one yield sign for the access road for the west lane of the northbound access. City Manager also stated that another question asked from Council was,“Is there a State Law concerning control of vehicles exiting off from and Interstate Highway and turning across a street?” City Manager informed Council that Mr.Bird and Chief Erwin had both expressed that the state law concerning obeying a traffic control device could and should be enforced and this location to prevent exiting freeway traffic from turning onto Hughes Street Council had also asked the City Manager to inquire as to whether the City Council could put a sign reminding people of this state law. The City Manger stated that the City can place a sign on Hughes Street with the wording “No Entry from Int 35”. Discussion, Council instructed staff to order the signs and to erect them as soon as the access road becomes a one way.Signs to be place a Sanger South -Southside Street and Hughes Street Council also wanted the Highway Dept to be contacted to see if they could erect a sign that could read “No U-Turn”off the exits.Police Chief Erwin was asked to instruct police department to conduct a survey as to how many people disobey the traffic sign once it is erected 11,City Administration Report City Manager reported on the following items: L He will be attending TML Policy briefing in Austin August 16- 17 on Federal Relations to better understand federal issues facing local governments. 2.City Crews have begun repairing the drainage culverts on Austin Street at the Community Center Park, 3.City Manger advised reported on Acker Street pot-hole He stated that once the city secures the right- ~/ ... of-way to extend Acker Street to Bolivar,the 1/2 block of Acker South of Elm to North property line of Ray Todd,will be reconstructed with a new 27 ft,asphalt street with a concrete curb aid gutter.Acker Sheet will be monitored for repairable pot holes. 4.City Manager also stated that at the next City Council meetinghewillpresentaResolutionofparticipationandcontractforapprovalwiththeUpperTrinityRegionalWaterDistrict 5.Citv Manager asked for Council approval to purchase 2 or 3weed-eaters depending on the cost and a new chain saw. Consensus of City Council for City Manager to proceed with purchase. 6.City Manager also informed City Council on the memorandum Fire Chief Tucker regarding the fire department's request touseGrummanFireTrackinruralareas.Short discussion 12.Any Other Such Matters No Items Reported Adjournment13. 1990-1991 Budget Workshop continued %%OF y %/! City?Secretary »* %