10/15/1990-CC-Minutes-Regular MINUTES:City Council Meeting October 15, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT;Mayer Nei Armstrong,Ccuncilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Wendell Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel, and Councilman Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT;Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rose Garcia, Frank Rodgers,Kenny &Shelly Inland,David VanderlaanJackIdcilingsworth,and Jeannie -Sanger Courier3M, Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order,gave the invocation,and led the pledge to the flag. Minutes were approved as printed Disbursements -Motion was made by Councilman Thomas andsecondedbyCouncilmanMcNeiltopaydisbursements.Motioncarried 1. i; V iv 2. 3. Citizen’s Input None Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bid Proposals for ElectricPickup City Manager advised City Council that only one bid had come inThebidpackagewasfora1989DodgeDakota,1/2 ton P.U.for $7,285.80 from Dave Krause Pontiac. This was a budget item that was budgeted at $7500.00. Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel to accept bid from DaveKrausePontiacas.so stated in the proposal Seconded byCouncilwomanBraxtonMotioncarried 4. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Drainage ImprovementRequest-5:Iy Jack Hollingsworth Discussion a............ Motion was made by Councilman McNeill that we use the existingeasementandthatdieCitymakeaconcreteflumeatthatlocationSecondedbyCouncilmanThomas.Motion carried -^ 7.Consider and Possible Action to Set Dates for Mike Normans Annexation. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman McNeill to hold the Public Hearing on Mike Norman’s Annexation on November 5th and November 19th regarding the .annexation on Mike Norman’s property and that the Annexation Ordinance be set on the calendar for the 2nd meeting in December. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Ruland’s Request Concerning Property located at Indian Springs Subdivision Discussion Motion was made by Councilman McNeil and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton that City Council grant Ruland’s request concerning property located at Indian Springs Subdivision with the following stipulations: (1)Meet with Denton County Coop,and reach some type of approval regarding electric equipment that is there. (2)Before a house is built that all water and sewer lines be inspected by city approved inspection. (3)As-Built Plans be presented at the end of the inspection and that, (4)Street be built to the house according to Ordinance stipulations,and {5}In one year it be looked at again. Motion carried 8. Council also advised Mr.and Mrs.Ruland that they needed to get their attorney to legally draw up an agreement to the effect that it can be reviewed by our City Attorney. 9.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Library -Interlocal Agreement Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel and seconded by Councilman Thomas that City approve Interlocal Agreement with the County regarding the Library.Motion carried. 10.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Fire Dept -Interlocal Agreement Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel and seconded by Councilman McNeill that City approve Interlocal Agreement with the County regarding the Fire Department.Motion carried. 11.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment to Denton County Crime Stoppers Board Mayor Armstrong stated she would contact Don Freeman to see if he would be willing to be appointed. ?? 12.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment to 9-1-1 Board of Managers Mayor Armstrong appointed David Purifoy to the 9-1-1 Board of Managers. 13.City Administration Report City Manager reported on the following items: (1)The Wednesday Study Club spent several hours and much labor completely cleaning the Community Center.Mayor Armstrong advised she would send them a letter commending their service. --. (2)Police Dept new haswasrecentlyhired.Richard Yarbrough was appointed as Sgt and Officer Amyx to Corporal During the rain Sunday 10-7-90,City had one power outage,east on McReynolds Road,which was caused when lightning strike severed a power line. The Police Dept has made the change-over to dark blue uniforms. two new officers.Chris Humble (3) (4) (5)City Manager advised goal workshop will be scheduled for November 5th. -.t r.v;:* f 6}The TML Annual Conference will be held in Corpus Christ! the 24-25. 14.Any Other Such Matters: (1)Councilman McDaniel advised he has had one complaint with cable. CcMeil stated Troy Graham is having a problem Apparently,City had someone work out there die dirt on top of the ditch.When it rains,it Graham’s chicken house and (2)*? nlr*i- tlie waterW. runs back into the chicken house. Councilman McNeill advised if the City could get the backhoe and level the dirt off. (3)Councilman McNeill stated that the water line at the fire hydrant at Cit-Go is very low and that concerns him. City Manager advised that he had talked to the engineers and they advised that the sub -contractors anticipate finishing up this weekend,then next week, they will walk through the project and they will decide then whether it is acceptable or not. ~c Councilman McNeil stated that the water line at the fire hydrant at Cit-Go is very low and that concerns him.(3) City Manager advised that he had talked to the engineers and they advised that the sub-contractors anticipate finishing up this weekend,then next week,they will walk through the project and they will decide then whether it is acceptable or not (4)Councilwoman Braxton advised that she has had some complaints OR the fire hydrants located across the Railroad Track that they are not sufficient for water flow. City Manager advised that they have replaced one fire hydrant and it is centrally located at Kirkland and Sims. City Manager advised that they probably need to place another one;however,cost is not the problem. (5)City Manager advised Clean-up Committee will have a kick off on the 20th at Church of Christ parking lot for clean up week.City Manager did advise the Clean-up Committee that the City would not have curb side pickup and suggested having volunteers from Sunday School Class or Lions Club. He has not hegpd from Esta Ashcraft yet on this. Adjournment •> \d-ola V;X’ V 4» l±**«**"*fita?City Secretary MINUTES;City Council Workshop November 8,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Wendell'Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Carroll McNeill,and Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton and City Secretary Rosalie Garcia 1.Mayor Armstrong called the Workshop Meeting to order. 2,Discussion of Proposed Capital Improvements,Street,Water andWastewater Discussion.