11/08/1990-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES:City Council Workshop November 8 ,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Wendell Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Carroll McNeill,and CouncilmanJerryJenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton and City Secretary RosalieGarcia —rr:: Mayor Armstrong called the Workshop Meeting to order. Discussion of Proposed Capital Improvements,Street,Water andWastewater 1. 2, Discussion. "’to -^ It was the consensus of Council to prioritize the capitalimprovementprojectsintheorderofimportanceasfollows: a).Will ©wood Addition -City to relieve the strain cn the 6”sewer mains through Jackilu and Wayne Drive by constructiona12"main from a tie-in on 5th Street at about Wayne Drive,eastward on the utility easement south of Wayne Drive to therailroadtracksandthentoourWastewaterTreatmentPlantConsensusofCityCounciltoputthisasanagendaitemandthentoadviseDonSablethattheCityisplanningtodothisproject b),Improvement of Holt Road to improve traffic flow to andfromSangerHighSchool c),Site location for construction of a ground water storage tanktoreceiveUpperTrinityWater.Completion date,summer of1993. This capital improvement project was prioritized as lasthowever,Council agreed to proceed with purchasing the landrightnow. Meeting adjourned3, r City Secretary MINUTES:City Council Meeting November 5,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor If el Armstrong,Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Wendell Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Carroll McNeill,and CouncilmanJerryJenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secrerai Garcia,Representatives from Centel -Kropid-Fresident,Brad Denton and Jim Schad -Denton Record Chronicle,and Jeannie -Sanger Courier SE -C-V Jimcumi. a Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.City Manager gave the invocation.Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. Minutes were approved with the following correction -page 5, item 4,last paragraph,last sentence to delete problem and add primary concern but time to reflect cost is not the primary concern but time. 1 2. Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman Thomas andsecondedbyCouncilmanMcNeilltopaydisbursements.Motioncarried. 3. 4.Citizen's Input:None