11/05/1990-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council Meeting November 5,1990 MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Council"7^Councilman Wendell Thomas. McDaniel,Councilman Carrel Jerry Jenkins i Margie Braxton, wirnan Danny McNeill,and Councilman 9 V -V V OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rosalie Garcia,Representatives from Centel -Ken Ambum,Jim Kropid-President,Brad Denton and Jim Doss,ElaineSchad-Denton Record Chronicle,and Jeannie -Sanger Courier Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.City Manager gave the invocation.Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. Minutes were approved with the following correction -page 5, item 4,last paragraph,last sentence to delete problem and add primary concern but time to reflect cost is not the primary concern but time. 1. 2. Disbursements:Motion was made by Councilman Thomas andsecondedbyCouncilmanMcNeilltopaydisbursements.Motioncarried 3. Citizen's Input:None4. — ' Conduct 1st Public Hearing on Annexation of Lot 4,Indian SpringsAdditionandasectionoflandknownas.8617 acre adjoining Lot 4onthesouth-Mike Norman o. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open Mayor Armstrong asked if anyone wished to speak for or againsttheannexation. No one spoke for or against Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed Centel Representative to Discuss EAS. Lengthy discussion continued with the City Council and thePresidentofCentel.,Jim Kropid,Centers TX President Mr.KropidofferedacomparisonofEASPlanstotheCityCouncilrangingfromalowof35%discount a middle range plan of 45%discountandahighrangeof50%. City Manager asked if Centel had worked any proposals on a fixedflatrateandtheCentelRepresentativeBradDentonandJimKropidadvisedthattheyhadn't since it would only benefit so few people. 6. Mr.Kropid did state that a flat rate could be anywhere from $15 to$20, Discussion, This item was tabled to allow this proposal to be sent back to theEASCommitteeforstudyandtostateanyobjectionsbeforeconsideringorrejectingthisplan. City Council advised it would be possibly back on the City Council agenda on November 19th, Item was tabled to allow time for a meeting to be called for theEASCommittee.Mayor advised Centel that if the EAS CommitteemetbeforethenextCityCouncilmeetingthiscouldbeplacedon theagendaforthe19th. Consider and Possible Action to Award Proposal for Exchange ofLand 7, Motion was made by Councilman McNeill that the City make theevenexchangeoflandadjacenttocityproperty,foot for foot asbeing100'X 200'parcel out of a 3.55 acre tract out of Abstract1241D,Tierwester Sheet 4,Tract 12 and that the City make thetradefootforfootandMr.John Anderson being responsible for allcosts,Seconded by Councilman Thomas.Motion carried Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization to Seek BidsonOne(1)Police Car Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded byCouncilmanJenkinsthatthebidforPoliceCarbeadvertised as sowrittenontheagendaMotioncarried. Consider and Possible Action to Nominate a Candidate forAppointmenttotheAppraisalReviewBoard This item tabled until the next City Council Meeting. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointments to theIndustrialDevelopmentBoard 8. a “wf * 10. 5 9 Malian was made by Councilman Jenkins to appoint Garland Thornton,John Hamilton and Carroll McNeill to the Industrial Development Board Motion carried, 11,Consider and Possible Action Regarding Sanger Landfill Lengthy discussion followed Mayor Armstrong also stated that she would like a notice to be sent to the residents of Sanger concerning the Public Hearings, Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to proceed with the two Public Hearings for November 19th and December 3rd and to proceed with authorization from Hunter Associates,Inc., Consulting Engineers to begin 3h sore Plan for landfill and for the Postcard Notices to be mailed n Hearing,Seconded by Counciiwcman.Braxton,Motion carried 12.Executive Session According to Article 5252-17,Vernon's Civil Statutes,(f ),Negotiations for Acquisition of Real Property City Manager advised that he did not have any information toreport 13.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session No action on item #12 since there was no information to report 14,City Administration Report citizens of the Public3 City Manager reported on the following: Chuck Tucker and Garry Rodgers have both passed their "C "Wastewater License. a-„.... Mr.Tucker and Homer Branham are beginning classes for Class “C"water license.Steve Wooley,Wastewater Plant Operator has a ,!D"wastewater license,Mr.Wooley andMr.Branham license.State r collection trea begin classes for their "C"wastewater es require all employees in wastewater t to be licensed. b.The new Animal Control Officer,Rhonda Jackson,will begin work on November 15 and is scheduled to attend the state required school in January. City Manager stated that on October 19,1990 City purchased gasoline at a wholesale price of $1.24.City Manager advised that there is another vendor that is willing to sell to the city. In the future telephone bids will be taken for gasoline. Any Other Such Matters: c. 15. AcNeill im ^ed as to the status of Troy h,City Manager advised that k on that ditch since he has been city did it,we will fix the a.-v -1-r.v ClSLJISLT S Cl u. agen St~rVproblem, Mayor Armstrong asked if anything has been done on the Hollingsworth drainage.h = advised the Engineers will be here Thursday-<e for the Engineers to take a look at it first i,V 4 ,8 r*.* Mayor Armstrong advised that before the Beautification Committee or Committees make any plans that they need tobringittotheCityCouncilfirstThiswouldkeeptheminformedastotheirplansanddecisions. Councilman Thomas stated that the ditches on Acker Streetneedtobecleanedout c. d Councilman Jenkins stated that there are some spots that have“sunk down"where the new water line has been installed ontheeastsideofAcker eeting adjourned e. 16./; 3 • **9a 9 4QOoc\(Q/Yl //;o nn /\jdCitySecretary% %>v## 7 Mayor