11/19/1990-CC-Minutes-Regulart / MINUTES:City Council Meeting November 19 ,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Wendell Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman Carrol McNeill,and Councilman Jerry Jenkins ' _ T-OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rosalie Garcia,Jim Doss -Centel,Jeff McNeil -Fire : McGaugh.Ken Amh Dept,Ben 'Tea.. Coker,Ee Elaine Schad Tom Soisson,and Jenny -Sanger Courier Jim2, -Centel,Merwyn Tucker -Fire eral,John Roberts,Terry Jones,John W, r.-Frontier Waste,Doug Johnson, erron Record-Chronicle,Marilyn and rm •p Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.Councilman Thomas gave the invocation.Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. Minutes were approved as printed. Disbursements:Moti seconded by Council: payment Motion carried, Citizens Input None Resolution #R 10-90 -Recognizing Sanger’s Volunteer Fire Fighters L 2, tas made by Councilman Thomas and Jenkins to approve the disbursements for a 4 5. K presented the Volunteer Firemen with a plaque solution #R 10-90 -Recognizing the sendee to the *Sanger Volunteer Fire Fighters.Present to e '."ere Fire Chief Merwyn Tucker and Volunteer .urzistro: min?Rep“C.3.1 <jr cCO U 'i-wCLki, acr *-d —-—F •2.•Z.U Vil i Conduct 1st Public Hearing on Proposed Landfill Closing Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open to the public. 6. Mayor Armstrong proceeded by advising those present that the closure of the landfill has come about due to the restricted EPA rules that will take effect 2-91. Lengthy discussion followed Those citizens that voiced their opinions concerning the lan Marilyn and Tom 5 m were asked and arts Mayor proceeded in o.osing Report by EAS Committee Terry Jones as spokesman for the EAS Committee reported on the recommendations the committee proposed The EAS Committee recommended to accept the two options A &C for Residential and Business that Centel was offering as EAS to Denton. --c *9 Coker,Ben Weatherali, ?.After questions and City Council,the »w- c 4.TW “U* a."£.-wXVI earing. y , -?'r 3,00/50%Discount 1.50/35%Discount Option A Option C Business 6.00/50%Discount 3,00/35%Discount Option A Option C Mr.Jones stated that this recommendation be put into a proposal for a joint filing by Centel and the City to the PUC. Mr,Jones also advised that Centel will waive hook-up charges and will allow a three month phone history data to allow customers to make an educated guess as to the savings on the account Customers with multiple lines would be required to hook-up each line to this service. Discussion, Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept BAS Committee’s recommendation as presented by Terry Jones, Seconded by Councilman Thomas,Motion carried Consider and Possible Action Request by Frontier Waste Management to Adjust Solid Waste Collection Rates Mr,Johnson requested this item be tabled for next City Council Meeting, Discussion followed City Council discussed some of the problems that the City is having concerning garbage pickup and not picking up on unauthorized holiday. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid on 1 -1991 Police Car 8, 9. City Manager read the following bids: Hilz-Snider Chevrolet Sanger,Texas Dave Krause Dodge Denton,Texas $12*345.21 Chevrolet Lumina S 14,613.05 Dodge Spirit Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Council- woman Braxton to award bid to Hilz-Snider Chevrolet Motion carried Consider and Possible Action of an Appointment to Board of Adjustment Item tabled. 10. 11.Consider and Possible Action to Nominate a Candidate for Appointment to the Appraisal Review Board Item tabled. Executive Session According to Article 5252-17,Vernon’s Civil12 Statues,(f ),Negotiations for Acquisition of Real Property ,r::-Item tabled Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session.13. Item fabled Authorization to Seek Bids on Freese Drive Extension14 Item tabled 15.City Administration Report City Manager reported on the following: a).The Ministerial Alliance has appointed Pastor Lowell Colston of Pilgrim’s Way Baptist to be their representative on the Park Board b).Public Hearing on Mike Norman were rescheduled due to the Sanger Courier omitting a required legal notice. c).Christmas Tree Lighting is scheduled for November 29, 7:00 p.m. d).GSA sent a letter concerning amending the two sections of the Zoning Code. Any Other Such Matters: a).Councilman Jenkins asked City Manager that on 10th Street just south of 455 there is a concrete patch there.Is this a temporary deal? City Manager advised it is not concrete,its base and they are going to asphalt it b).Councilman Thomas stated that Mrs.Cudd on Marshall St needs the pavement by her mailbox to be fixed c).Mayor Armstrong stated that on the comer of 10th and Church residence,the gentleman has complained about drainage. Discussion. 16. Mayor Armstrong would like City Council to please go outandlookatthisareaShedidadvisethisgentlemanthat if anything was done it would be up to the City Council eeting adjourned f ^wraiuttW//17. % /t % City Secretary 3*it:A :;:"**-.** %<Mayor