12/17/1990-CC-Minutes-Regular"c i ^MINUTES :City Council Meeting December 17,1930 MEMBERS PRESENT :Mayer Nel Armstrong,Councilman Wendell Thomas, Ccuncilwoman Margie Braxton,Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Carroll McNeil,and Councilman Jeny Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rosalie Garcia,Randy Johnson,Benny Johnson,and JeanneDeVore-Sanger Courier Mayor Armstrong called meeting to order,gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. Minutes -approved as printed with one correction --add toOthersPresent-Jeanne DeVore -Sanger Courier Disbursements; Motion was made by Councilman Thomas andSecondedbyCouncilmanJenkins.Motion carried, Citizen's Input -none Conduct 2nd Public Hearing on Annexation ,Lot 4, Indian SpringsAdditionandaSectionofLandKnownas.6617 Acre AdjoiningLot4ontheSouth, 1. 2, a 4, 5. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open to the public. No one spoke for or against the Public Hearing. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. Consider and Possible Action to Interlocal Agreement -Denton County Street Work on Kirkland Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and Seconded byCouncilmanJenkinstoapproveInterlocalAgreementwithDentonCo.Regarding Street Work on Kirkland Motion carried, 7(14)Any Other Such Matters: Mayor Armstrong advised due to the item being left off the agendaCityCouncilcouldincludeitintheagendaforthe27th, Vice-President of Frontier Waste, Randy Johnson presentedtheirproposalswhichreflecteda6,7%increase in SanitationRateforresidentialandcommercial a a Discussion followed This item will be an agenda item in the City Council Meeting for the27thofDecember, 8(7),Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid on Pump forWastewaterTreatmentPlant City Manager Hamilton advised that only one bid was received Beatty Air Conditioning in the amount of $4,283,00, Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept Beatty Air m n:.r:urw....y Conditioning Proposal for replacement,installation,checking-out, and start up of a new 500 GPM Gorina Rupp ISAS Solid WastePumpforthepriceof$4283.00.Seconded by Councilman McNeillMotioncarried .9(8).Consider and Possible Action to approve Resolution 12-90 -Suspending Operation of Proposal Sate Schedule filed byDentonElectricCooperative Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and Seconded byCouncilmanMcNeiltotablethisitemuntilalaterdate.Motioncarried ';r; 10(9).Consider and Possible Action to approve Resolution #R 13-90- Authorizing City to Accept Credit Cards for Payment of Fines, Taxes,and Utility Bills. Discussion Jenkins made the motion to adopt Resolution #R 13-90acceptCreditCardsforPaymentofFines, Bills.Seconded by Councilman McDaniel_sxes. Motion carried 11(10).Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution #S 11-90 Supporting Joint Actions of Municipal Electric Utility System. Discussion, Motion was made by Councilman McNeil and Seconded byCouncilmanMcDanieltoadoptResolution#R11-90-SupportingJointActionsofMunicipalElectricUtilitySystem,Motion carried 12(11),Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Board Representative to Upper Trinity Regional Water District Merlon was made by Councilman Jenkins to appoint John Hamilton d Representative to the Upper Trinity Regional Water District.Seconded by Councilman McDaniel Motion carried 13(12),Consider and Possible Action to approve Ordinance #011-90-Regarding Records Management Program, Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and Seconded by Councilman Thomas to Adopt Ordinance #011-90. c* AN ORDINANCE OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER,TEXAS,ESTABLISHING AUTHORITY FOR AN ACTIVE AND CONTINUING RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACT:PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE -PROWLING FOR AN EFFECTIVE-DATE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion Carried 14(13),City Administation Report 1,City Manager Hamilton invited City Council to the City Staff Christmas Dinner on 12-21-90. 2.Audit is near completion and will be presented at the next - City Council meeting. 3,City Manager Hamilton asked City Council if they would be interested in purchasing a "Happy Holidays"advertisement in the Christmas Addition of the Sanger Courier,It was the concensus of City Coun^.^^roceed with the purchase of the advertisement jfncrA :,u !.;% 15.Meeting adjourned i o / City Secretary '^mlmsss^L Mayor MINUTES:City Council Meeting December 27,1990,7 pm MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carroll McNeill,Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilwoman Marge Braxton,and Councilman Wendell Thomas OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton Acting City Secretary Etta Stogsdill,Randy Johnson,Benny Johnson,Sharon Copeland and Jeanne DeVore Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Conduct a Public Hearing on the requested zoning change from B-2 to 1-1 with a Specific Use Permit on 4062 acres of land located on the west access road of 1-35,more or less out of the H.Tierwester Survey,Abstract A-1241,Denton County, Texas, L 2. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open to the public. No one spoke for or against the Public Hearing, Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Requested Zoning Change from B-2 to 1-1 with a Specific Use Permit on 4.062 acresmoreorlessoutoftheH.Tierwester Survey,Abstract A-1241, Denton County,Texas, Councilman Jenkins made a motion to approve the requested zoning change from B-2 to 1-1 with a Specific Use Permit on 4062 acres of land located on the west access road of 1-35,moreorlessoutoftheH,Tierwester Survey,Abstract A-1241,Denton County,Texas,Seconded by Councilman McDaniel Motion carried. 3. Consider and Possible Action on a rate adjustment on solid waste services requested by Frontier Waste Management 4.