12/27/1990-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES:City Council Meeting December 27, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carrol McNeil,Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilwoman Marge Braxton,and Councilman Wendell Thomas OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,Acting City SecretaryEttaStogsdillRandyJohnson,Benny Johnson,SharonCopelandandJeanneDeVore Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Conduct a Public Hearing on the requested zoning changefromB-2 to I-1 with a Specific Use Permit on 4.062 acres oflandlocatedonthewestaccessroadof1-35,more or less out of the H.Tierwester Survey,Abstract A-1241,Denton County, Texas, V ..S1. 2. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open to the public. No one spoke for or against the Public Hearing. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Requested ZoningChangefromB-2 to 1-1 with a Specific Use Permit on 4.062 acresmoreorlessoutoftheH.Tierwester Survey,Abstract A-1241,Denton County,Texas. Councilman Jenkins made a motion to approve the requested zoning change from B-2 to 1-1 with a Specific Use Permit on4.062 acres of land located on the west access road of 1-35,moreorlessoutoftheH.Tierwester Survey,Abstract A-1241,DentonCounty,Texas.Seconded by Councilman McDaniel Motioncarried 3. Consider and Possible Action on a rate adjustment on solid waste services requested by Frontier Waste Management 4. Discussion, Councilman Jenkins made a motion tc grant Frontier Waste agement a 55%increase overall biking dare effective on ge Braxton,9 'O Q ^1 Billing.Seconded by Councilwcmsn fiction carried Consider and Possible Action on Final Payment Water Treatment Construction Company Councilman McNeill made a motion to pay Water Treatment Construction Company’s final payment with a deduction of 51,421,93.making the final payment $13,011,50.Seconded byueuncumanihomas.Motion earned with one no vote - 5, ':' 1 :eLank.r"" -t ,w»W OF <:;•Meeting adjourned6,&/?.AyFT v V<r- W'.VC C >* 3 "4:- \OCKo &N.%City Secretary *MaS°5?%%^AS .„0" A.Mayor