01/22/1991-CC-Minutes-Regular656MINUTES:City Council Meeting January 22,1991 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilman Jerry Jenkins,Councilman Carroll McNeill,Councilman WendellThomas,and Councilwoman Margie Braxton MEMBERS ABSENT:Councilman Danny McDaniel OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary RosalieGarciaElectricSuptLarryYoast,Public Works SuptChuckTucker,and Jeanne DeVore -Sanger Courier Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order,gave theinvocationandledthepledgetotheflag. Minutes were approved as printed Disbursements -Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins andsecondedbyCouncilmanThomastoapprovethedisbursements.Motion carried 1. 2. 3. 4.Citizen's Input -None Discussion of Fire Ant Beds on Public RO.W.-J.P.Hampton Mr.Hampton was not present to discuss this agenda item;however,City Manager stated that Mr.Hampton's basic concernwastheFireAntBedsonPublicRO.W. 5. Discussion..•' Consensus of City Council that it is the homeowner’s responsibilitytotakecareoftheproblem. Discussion of Solid Waste Revenuesa Discussion.This item was tabled for the next two months.Reschedule for the last meeting in March,1991. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization for LettingofBidstoPaint&Repair 200,000 Gallon Ground Storage Tank Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to authorize for Letting ofBidstoPaintandRepair200,000 Gallon Ground Water StorageTankandpainttheexterior.Seconded by Councilman Jenkins.Motion carried Consider and Possible Action Regarding Replacement of FireHydrants Chuck Tucker,Public Works Supt,requested to purchase fourteen(14)fire hydrants to replace the old ones that are in place and thatneedtobechangedout Discussion. 7. 8. Councilman Jenkins made the motion to purchase twenty (20)firehydrantsatacostof$625 and to be paid for out of the Utility BondConstructionFunds.Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton.Motion ’ amended to reflect that the City purchase twenty (20)fire hydrantsupto12,500.00 and to be paid for out of Utility Bond Construction r-f65i Funds.Motion carried Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment ofRepresentativetoLocalBoardofVolunteerFireFighters PensionPlan 9. Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton and seconded byCouncilmanThomastoappointCouncilmanCarrollMcNeillto servethisterm.Motion carried 10.City Administration Report City Manager reported on the following: New police vehicle is now in service. Parks Board is currently preparing a park/expansionimprovementplansforconsiderationonFY91/92 Budget a b. On 1-24-91,the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission willdecidewhetherornotCitywillbefundedformunicipalswimmingpooL d City Manager reported he had talked to Wilson Dolman whowillbetransferredandwillbereplacedbyRonHollidaywhooverseesthedeptconcerningtheMarinaMr.DolmanadvisedthattheonlythingholdingtheMarinaisthesigningofthecontractsbetweentheCorp.of Engineers and the CityofDallaswhohasobjectionstotheMarinaDolmanadvisedthatthereisnoproblemandassoonascontractsaresignedtheywillproceed 11.Executive Session According to Article 5252-17,Vernon's CivilStatutes,(f ),Negotiations for Acquisition of Real Property Mayor Armstrong convened the City Council into Executive Sessionat7:30 p.m. SCityCouncilreconvenedfromExecutiveSessionat7:48 p.m 12.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to table this item onNegotiationsforAcquisitionofRealPropertyuntilthenextCity • Council Meeting scheduled for February 4,1991.Seconded byCouncilmanThomas.Motion carried c. 13.Any Other Such Matters: Councilman Thomas asked if there are cut-off valves whentherearemajorwaterleaksintown. Chuck Tucker,Public Works Supt,advised that cut-off valvesarelocatedallthroughouttown. Councilman Jenkins asked what kind of work was done on455. a. b. City Manager replied that it was a sewer collapse. Councilman Jenkins also asked about the work on 5th Street§. Chuck Tucker replied that they were working on a water main. d.Councilman Jenkins also asked if the City could possibly do something about the chuck holes south of Duck Creek Road'on Keaton Road. Councilman McNeill stated he was concerned about the street patching the City is doing.His main concern is that City employees are doing the work properly. e. f.Chuck Tucker advised there would be a Demonstration of the Jaws of Life Saturday afternoon. Mayor Armstrong also advised that there will be a Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee Meeting, Monday night at 7 p.m.,at the Community Center. g - 14.Meeting adjourned.^• Y-2'% fi-y ^V#07:*mc- /Y /V\}/><\1 §§k c* /OYJ »c***9 3 V *Ciiiy Secretary v -r Mayor “Z >,u..—...r.„•....*r**_::*