11/06/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES:City Council Minutes November 8,1989 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrongs Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT:Councilman Wendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rose Garcia., Chief of Police Benny Erwin,Edgar Barrow,Jack Garland, Benny Johnson and his secretary,Wendy -Sanger Courier, and George McCracken Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.City Manager gave the invocation.Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag.1. 2.Minutes were approved as printed. Disbursements -Councilman McDaniel made the motion.Seconded by Councilman McNeill.Motion carried.3. Citizen's Input -None.4. 5.Request from George McCracken to Speak Regarding Police Service. Mr.McCracken,owner of the Texaco Station,came before Counciltoaddresssomecomplaintsconcerningpoliceservice.Issues addressed were: (1).Police weren’t patrolling his place of business enough in the late hours of the night. (2).He had four (4)thefts from his station. (3).If police could patrol more often in the area in the late hours of the night,it could eliminate this problem from happening. ..........Chief Erwin explained that on one of the vehicles thatMr.McCracken claimed was stolen,the owner had hired a wrecker service from Denton and they came and took the vehicle.Mr.McCracken was holding the vehicle for storage and had notsentacertifiedlettertotheownernotifyinghimofwhatwasowed against the vehicle.District Attorney’s Office would not take thecaseduetoMr,McCracken not sending the certified letter to the 548 owner and that it was a civil matter between the two parties. Mayor Armstrong explained to Mr.McCracken that his location isnotthebestplace. Mayor Armstrong thanked Mr.McCracken for expressing hisconcernandpolicewillbemadeawareofthis. 6.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Community Center Policies. r.'Discussion.Mayor Armstrong advised that the Community Center Policy Committee failed to produce a quorum for their scheduled meeting Thursday.Four members of the Connnitt.ee had contacted the City recommending disbanding of their committee and empowering the Parks Board to oversee the Community Center. Mayor Armstrong did state she had contacted Bill Switzer who was the person responsible for instigating the Community Center to be donated to the City years ago.Bill Switzer did advise her that when the building was donated it was requested that this Community Center Policy Committee be set up consisting of a member from each church in the community. Mayor Armstrong stated she explained to him that at that time they did not have a Parks Board and basically both boards are doing the same thing. Mr.Switzer agreed on disbandment of the Committee with the stipulation that if at any time a problem arose or some of the citizens or church member complained that they would look into considering this committee again. '' The members of the Community Center Policy Committee were also concerned that the Wednesday Study Club would not be involved in the policies affecting the Community Center. The city manager and herself felt that the Parks Committee could be enlarged to include two (2)more members —the president or her representative of the Wednesday Study Club and the President of the Ministerial Alliance. Disbandment of the Community Center Policy Committee scheduled for next City Council Meeting,November 20th. Ordinance to include two (2)more members to Parks Board to be included on next City Council agenda. On the policies governing the Community Center: 7 .?On #3: 2 nd paragraph after rate -insert -Kitchen use is limited to food warming,no basic meal preparation is permitted. 2nd paragraph after rate -insert -Kitchen use is limited to food warming,,no basic meal preparation is permitted. 3rd paragraph after USER —The building is to be left in a clean and orderly condition. Councilman Shaw made the motion to adopt the Community Center Policy as drawn up by the Sanger Parks Board.Seconded by Councilman Jenkins.Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong also stated that when the building was donated to the City,the City promised to install a plaque stating who donated the building and the year.It has not been done.Staff instructed to take care of this matter. 7,Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Resolution #R13-89 Supporting Grant Application on Sewer Infiltration. RESOLUTION tR13-89 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT ASSISTANCE UNDER THE 1989 TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (TCDP), AUTHORIZING A LOCAL MATCH,AND DESIGNATING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, Councilman Jenkins made the motion to adopt Resolution *R13-89 Supporting Grant Application for on Sewer Infiltration. Seconded by Councilman Shaw,Motion carried. 8..Consider and Possible Action on Disposal Contract with Frontier Waste Management. City Manager went over the recommendations the attorney,Ron Neiman had concerning the contract. Discussion. Copy of Mr.Neiman's recommendations was given to Mr.Benny Johnson.Contract to to be put on next City Council agenda for Nov.20 th for approval by City Council. 9.Consider and Possible Action on Bank Depository Contract. Discussion. Change wording as listed below: After September,1992 -insert -shall be United States Treasury Bills or insured and/or guaranteed Certificates of Deposit and/or municipal bonds with a rating of not less than Baa or the current rating assigned to the City of Sanger's outstanding revenue bonds 550 or any combination of the three]and in this connection ++ Councilman McNeill made the motion to approve the Bank Depository Agreement with the proposed changes.Seconded by Councilman Jenkins.Motion carried. 10.Consider and Possible Action on Fire Mutual Aid Agreement. Councilman Shaw made the motion to accept the Fire Mutual Aid Agreement.Seconded by Councilman McDaniel.Motion carried. -•••'-• 11.Consider and Possible Action on Casting Votes for Candidate for Denton Central Appraisal District. Councilman McNeill made the motion to adopt Resolution *R 12-88 Casting their 12 Votes for Jon Beck.Seconded by Councilman Shaw.Motion carried. 12.Consider and Possible Action on Seized Property Polity with Denton County District Attorney’s Office. City Manager stated that City Attorney,Ron Neiman from Lewisville and City Attorney Karen Brophy of Carrollton have both reviewed this document and recommended acceptance by their City. Motion was made by Councilman Shaw to adopt Seized Property Policy with Denton County District Attorney’s Office.Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Votes Recorded: Ayes Councilman Shaw and Councilman McNeill Councilman Jenkins and Councilman McDanielNays Motion passed with the Mayor casting her vote. 13.Consider and Possible Action on Quit Claim Deed -Rosene Sebastian. Mayor Armstrong stated that this concerned 9th Street between Plum Street and 455.It was designated as a street]however,was never used as a street.Council Quit Claimed the north part of Street back in May of 1984 to Willie K.Pate. John Coker came before the Council February of 1984 to either open the street or Quit Claim it to him.Nothing was ever done on hisrequest. Mayor Armstrong stated she had talked to Sam Burrus and he does own some property and he is willing to take proceduresnecessarytogetthepaperworkforthisQuitClaim. Council in agreement to Quit Claim the property once the paper- wort is submitted and the Abandonment Ordinance is drafted by staff . 14,Any Other Such Matters: Mayor Armstrong stated that Denton Co.Public Officials will call another meeting for Nov,9 for all elected Public Officials in Denton County. a. Mayor Armstrong felt that Council needed to look into putting a street between Gateway Addition South once the service roads become one way,the City will need to look at another area as an "out*5 for citizens. b. Councilman Shaw asked about the wheel chair ramps and the hard rail for City Hall and the Senior Center.c. d.Councilman Jenkins asked if Police Reserve Funds are also included in the audit since he has not seen the funds listed anywhere. City Secretary said that the funds are audited]that all funds and expenditures come through the City Office. 15.City Administration Report: As requested by Congressman Dick Armey,Mayor Armstrong appointed Carl Ray Higgs.,Bill McClellan and Gary Lynch to Lake Ray Roberts Lake Information Exchange Committee. a. b.Ashcraft Garage is considering demolishing the storage building south of his business and fencing the lot as a vehicle storage area.Current zoning code does not permit a vehicle repair business at his location;however,he would be utilizing the area for the same purpose as currently used. City Manager asked Council if they wanted the request to go before the Board of Adjustments or for staff to approve the proposed improvement. Council agreed for staff to approve proposed improvement. City Manager requested permission to purchase an additional vehicle for the electric department as approved in the Budget,Electric,Acct #471.08,Motor Vehicles $4,900. c. Consensus of City Council for staff to proceed with purchase. d.There will be a Regional Review7 Committee at Council of Governments at 9 a.m.,Wednesday morning,15th, 552 concerning our grant application on sewer line infiltration. Benefit dinner is planned for 7:00 p.m.,Friday,Now 17 th,at Chisholm Trail Elementary to honor Volunteer Fire Dept.e. 16.Meeting adjourned. rdnClAk y ity Secretary •...' MINUTES:City Council Minutes November 20,1969 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Pro-tem Jerry Jenkins,Councilman Carroll McNeill,Councilman Glenn Shaw,Councilman Danny McDaniel,and Councilman Harvey W.Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,Etta Stogsdill,Bill McClellan-Parks Board,Burl Bourland -Parks Board,Benny Johnson -Frontier Waste Management and his secretary, Nick Cain and Ron Massey -Colonial Life &Accident Insurance Company,Sandra Lloyd -First National Bank and Charles Fenoglio -Sanger Bank 1.Mayor Pro-tem Jenkins called the meeting to order.CityManagerJohnHamiltongavetheinvocation.Mayor Pro-tem Jenkins led the pledge to the flag. Minutes of November 6,1989 were approved with one correction-to correct spelling on Harvey Wendall Thomas5 name. _ • 3.Disbursements -Councilman McNeill made the motion that thedisbursementsbeapprovedaspresented.Councilman Shaw seconded.Motion carried. Citizen’s Input:4. Burl Bourland invited everyone to the Park for the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting,Monday evening,November 27th,at7p.m.