09/17/1990-CC-Minutes-Regular7 % MINUTES:-< September 17,1990 v no 1 ^ii V -. MEMBERS PRESENT:Major Nel Armstrong,Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Danny McDaniel,Councilman Carrol McNeillCouncilmanJerryJenkins,and Councilman Wendell Thomas OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rose Garcia, and Benny Johnson Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order,gave the invocation .and led the pledge to the lag. Minutes stood approved as printed Disbursements -Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins andsecondedbyCouncilmanThomastopaydisbursements.Motioncarried 1. 2, 3. Citizen’s Input None Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Fuel Rate Adjustment for Frontier Waste Management Mr.Benny Johnson addressed the City Council concerning a fuel adjustment rate increase due to the sharp increases in gas prices. Lengthy discussion followed Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel to table this matter until the last meeting in November unless an emergency situation arises.Seconded by Councilman McNeill Motion carried Establish Date for Goals Workshop 90/91 Council scheduled the Goal Workshop for October 15th, City Administration Report City Manager reported on the following issues: Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast has initiated a meter maintenance program as budgeted in an effort to ensure that our meter readings are accurate as possible. City Manager advised City Council of the Newsletter of the Bureau of Solid Waste Management,Texas Department ofHealth,regarding the new,proposed EPA rules, concerning the closure of the landfilL 4 5. :-v.-- 6. 7, 1). 2), 3).Police Department will be changing to navy blue urnrcms by using existing funds in the 89/90 and 90/91 budgets. 4).Tim Dwelle of the Woodwright Shop will be moving his business to the Wilson Lumberyard Building. Any Other Such Matters:None Meeting adjourned. 8, 9. .ll'M.J -.l.l ".