10/01/1990-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES:City Council Meeting October 1,1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Nel Armstrong,Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Wendell Thomas,Councilman Danny McDaniel,and Councilman Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT:Councilman J erry J enkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton,City Secretary Rosalie Garcia,Burl &Carmen Bourland Gene Hughes,Kenny & Shelly Ruland,and Frank Rodgers 1,Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.City Manager JohnHamiltongavetheinvocation.Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag, 2,Minutes stood approved as printed. 3,Disbursements -Motion made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Thomas to approve disbursements,Motion carried.It was noted the Water Treatment is 30 days behind competition. 4,Citizen’s Input -None 5,Consider and Possible Action Regarding Fall Clean Up Week - Beautification Committee Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to propose Oct 20-27 asfailclean-up week.The City’s participation will be to keep thelandfillopenallthatweekandweekendbefore-Friday to Monday, free dump for anyone who can show proof by utility bill that theyliveinCitylimits,there will be no free curb-side pickup.However, they will see to work this problem out with Beautification Committee,Seconded by Councilman McNeill Motion carried. Conduct Public Hearing on Variance Request for Woodrow Barton, Replat of Lot 2,Block 48 of 0.T,of Sanger 6. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing Open. Mr.Woodrow Barton spoke on behalf of his variance requestMr.Barton was requesting that Ms 100’X 100’lot at Plum and 6th Street be divided into two 50’X 100’lots facing Plum StreetHealsowasneedingavarianceonthesizethehouse,the sideyardrequirements,and a variance to build a carport Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing Closed Consider and Possible Action Regarding Variance Request forWoodrowBarton 7. -* Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton to grant variancerequestonthesizeoflotfrom60’to 200’,6,000 sq.ft to 5,000 sq.ft (50'X 100'),size of house be granted a variance from 1,200 sq.ft.to 1,100 sq.ft,size yard variance of 6'to 7 as shown on theplatandthatthevariancebegrantedtobuildaonecarcarportSecondedbyCouncilmanThomas.Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Ruland’s Request Concerning Property located at Indian Springs Subdivision. Mr.&Mrs.Ruland addressed the City Council concerning a land purchase of Indian Springs Subdivision.The issues they addressedwere:(1}for a ruling on Ordinance Number 45 -AgriculturalTypeUses.(2)Specifications concerning the construction ofonesizefamilyresidenceplusoutbuilding,without the completionofstreets,alleys,utilities,etc.,but,(II without violating the existingplatofthesubdivision,(a)Driveway from Duck Creek road to homesite on lots 8,4,and 5.(b)Availability of water and sewer connections,(c)Inspections of existing water and sewer lines. Discussion followed a Mayor Armstrong advised that she did not know if the City couldlegallydothis.They might require the opinion of the City Attorney to advise whether Council had to legally maintain this property as a subdivision. City Council tabled this item until Oct 15th to allow Council tocontactCityAttorneyforanopinionastoseeifthiswouldactually be legal Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Industrial DevelopmentBoard a Discussion.This item tabled to give some of the Councilmembers an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the By-laws and if theywouldthenconsiderservingontheBoard. Consider and Possible Action Regarding D.CAD.’s 1991 Budget -Resolution R9-90 10. Councilman McNeill made the motion to table this item until City receives formal budget from Appraisal District for approvalSecondedbyCouncilmanThomas.Motion carried Consider and Possible Action Regarding 9-1-1 Budget -ResolutionR8-90 11. CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO #R8-9Q A RESOLUTION WHEREBY THE CITY OF SANGER APPROVESTHE1990-91 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET,AS PER ARTICLE 1432e VAIS.,AS AMENDED,OF THE DENTON COUNTY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION DISTRICT. ..'' Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to adopt Resolution #R8-50 approving 9-1-1 Budget.Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton.Motion carried 'tr 12.Consider and Possible Action to Discuss and Appoint Board of Adjustment Memher(s) This item tabled until all five members can be appointed. 13,City Administration Report City Manager provided the City Council with the following information: Briefly mentioned news release concerning sewer rate dispute between Highland Village and Lewisville Provided Council with Beautification Committee’s Recycling Survey Results The NCTOG review of the swimming pool grant is required by Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept The challenge of the Census estimates have been mailed to their Ft Worth Office. Staff is continuing to secure easements to extend both Acker Street and Freese Drive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Staff has amended Accts.Payable from our monthly purchase from Brazos Electric.Accts.Payable is a non- bearing interest account If we left the money in the interest bearing account until it was time to pay the City could earn interest $13.89 per day interest Mr.Brad Denton of Centel had telephoned Monday,9-24-90, and stated he expected Centel to have their additional proposals for EAS ready to present to City Council,Nov.5th or 19th. 6. 7. 14.Any Other Such Matters: Mayor asked if the Police Dept can enforce junk ordinance?1. Executive Session According to Article 5252-17,Vernon’s Civil Statutes,(f ),Negotiations for Acquisition of Real Property Mayor Armstrong convened City Council into executive session. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session. City Council reconvened from executive session at 8:44 p.m. Motion was made by Councilwomari Braxton that City Administrator be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of Dr.Joseph Stout’s property.According to the terms agreed upon as stated in the Memorandum #634,9700 sq.ft,this offer also includes stipulation that it would be cash offer,that the City will be willing to pay closing cost and survey but,City will pay no back taxes or no means any other costs,the property must be clean and that the offer will also be accompanied by the phrase that this offer is made pending necessity of commencing condemnation proceedings in order to acquire right of way for public benefit If agreement cannot be reached with this stipulation that we allow a time frame of 14 days from dates proceedings begin.Seconded by Councilman 15. 16. -cThomas.Motion carried 17.Adjournment Q£0 A x City Secretary I- MINUTES'City Council Meeting October 15»1990 MEMBERS PRESENT:Ne:Armstrong,Mayor Councilman Wendell Councilwoman Margie Braxton, hcmas,Councilman Danny McDaniel, and Councilman Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT:Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT:City Manager John Hamilton.City Secretary Rose Garcia, Frank Rodgers,Kenny &Shelly Ruland David Vanderlaan, Billy Jack Hollingsworth,and Jeannie -Sanger Courier Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order,gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. Minutes were approved as printed Disbursements -Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman McNeill to pay disbursements.Motion carried. 1. v v 2. a 4 Citizen’s Input None Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bid Proposals for Electric Pickup City'M The til r $7,285.20 This was a budget item that was budgeted at $7500.00. Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel to accept bid from DaveKrausePontiacas.so stated in the proposal Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton.Motion carried 5. ger advised City Council that only one bid had come in. ickage was for a 1989 Dodge Dakota,1/2 ton P.U.for from Dave Krause Pontiac. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Drainage Improvement Request -5ily Jack Hollingsworth Discussion. 6.-...' Motion was made by Councilman McNeill that we use the existingeasem Seeen and that the City make a concrete flume at that location, by Councilman Thomas.Motion carried