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02/03/1992-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular
WA--- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1992 f1 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL fi • aMa a), Approve Minutes b). Disbursements 3. iti en"s Input 4. Briefing on t Vater Project -Upper Trinity Regional Water District Valley View In Reference Animal Control Downtown sidewalks MImprovements KEATON ROAD r lo. Adjournment Rosalie _.^ MINUTES. City Council Meeting January 21, 1992 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwaman Margie Braxton, Councilman Wendell Thomas, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid �JTHERS PRESENT. City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Craig Waggoner, Mark Hamilton and Betty Johnson - Sanger Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Kincaid gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. a). Approve Minutes b). Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman Kincaid to approve Consent Agenda. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: None 4. (5). Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization to Request Bids for %j VW Tan Cab and Chassis -Fire Department Craig �7Vagganer, First Assistant Chief, with Sanger Fire Department addressed the City Council and advised this is a budgeted item. Discussion. Councilman Berndt made the motion to authorize Fire Department to request bids far a C7ne Ton Cab and Chassis to replace existing fire truck. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 5. (4). Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization to Request Bids for Digger Derrick Truck -Electric Department Discussion. City Council recommended that staff specify on the bid request an allowance for trade-in. CC Min. 1/21/92 Page 2 Councilman Kincaid made the motion to authorize request bids for the Digger Derrick Truck for the Electric Department. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Acker Street Improvements City Manager addressed Council on this item. Discussion. Consensus of City Council to direct funds for Holt Road to pursue improvements to Acker Street from 455 to Bolivar, Elm Street and Pecan. 7. Executive Session According to Article 5251-17 Vernon's Civil Statutes, (f), Negotiations for Acquisition of Real Property Mayor Armstrong advised that it was not necessary for Council to convene into executive Session to discuss this item, 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session No action. 9. City Administration Report: City Manager reported on the following issues: a}. February 17th is the first day to file application for place on ballot. b}. City Manager reported on the meeting with City Consulting Engineer's, discussed were the projects involving the Sewer - Interceptor Line - Wayne Street, Water Well and Elevated Tank Site and Upper Trinity Water Requirements. c). The marina lease still has not been signed e). City Manager advised that he will be having a brief meeting tomorrow with the engineer at the Architect's Office in Frisco who is designing the bath house and concession area. Hope to have that completed and submitted to the State by the end of the month. CC Min. 1/21/92 Page 3 1ve Any ULher Such Matters. a). Councilman Kincaid has had many complaints regarding the garbage that is building up on Austin Street. This person also has alot of heavy equipment. Staff instructed to check into this matter. b}. Councilman Jenkins stated that he recalls that at one time the City had an ordinance that regulated persons from living in the downtown fire district. Discussion. • ordinance to this effect. c}. Councilman Jenkins also inquired into tine personal requests of the Cemetery Associatom DISCUSsityn. Mayor Armstrong appointed Councilman Jenkins and Councilwoman Braxton to a committee to meet with the Cemetery Association Committee to see if they could work out these differences. d}. Councilwoman Braxton stated there has been several complaints regarding the gray house on Elm and 4th. City Manager advised we were aware of the problem and will be taking care of it. 11. Meeting adjourned. 4. fit E!. CIt '0t:.. i:: i. ;; .L . f —.•-: r II It k r, t I't It It It I It ru J1 lt,, .I 7_1 It ILI It 41 ,..`{. �I•.! is._.#1:: .... .•. it I lei „ j`l r '.i Viai''.Ili ' i� I, 'r 1. u .1C OF S OF .::. '.: r "..' i OF I _r OF ... _., t ._ _:: .. It t I it It tit .; ._ OF,. ..._ ;_.:._ er+ IFll I. POF OF Sl t , ... - ._. ter, - 1 f IV OF IV OF 7 i- .i'i t-.. - 'tti Ilk tN r 4 r ijFIF 0 OF It IF :... _ , f- a t� VI I OF r 1 '. t t r i1 IF i ..l 1 .i.t�':: ; �. :.t !. 4 .. _)+' OF.i`:. ' !.: Jr j. t1 .. .. ,... ._I. !"F .... ,.Or— i;; �.�.' .. .. It v,:: r ,.t �I . ,..OF .1 :... ll .,. _. ..�..: t I , 1, ! v_%... :r `. [ •i..�'13 dr.`,I'{ ! ,; � Ii_ IF IF OF 4 . i_r f :. t -lr — __ ! i � [ _'� ? t ._'� ..:I .1 t. _ I r Or _ f 'aLL'r -r F,x OF F . -I IV.. .. �3_ .. .. ca ..i } -- 1 : .l.l:. i t r; E .: 1 , wd 41 ';_': {..I _Inj L..IF r r illj .tE { 1t r �.!.i:..-i F,iII,... !'} I ,', i... !., =:: t fl tr :�%I_� I It :It I, t to tI , .. i iZ `i Taater Well Bond Exp.-EF � �`:; '� ., -��_ FIA: _{{ _ �-i -' - 23,080.10 CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 1078 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manage 1l DATE: January 31, 1992 SUBJECT: Briefing on Water Project - Upper Trinity Regional Water District As we come closer to finalizing our new water well and elevated tower, staff felt it appropriate to ask the Executive Director of the Upper Trinity Regional Water District, Tom Taylor, to brief the Council on the progress and proposed design of the project to bring lake water to Sanger and other cities in Denton County. JH:es ©Di MEMORANDUM # 1077 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of e John Hamilton, City Manager January 31, 1992 Interlocal Agreement - Valley iew City Council The attached memorandum from Chief Erwin explains the City of Valley View's request to enter into an agreement with Sanger to house and dispose of their stray dogs. The proposed Interlocal Agreement as presented by Chief Erwin was not prepared by our attorney. At this time, staff recommends that no action be taken pending legal review. JH:es attachment 71?. pVy^` %/.''-���,y �.J �.ri."L 3�.V �y.�Cyly f`)S t'17�;�1q_�a 17Vp'L�V} v Cp.Ly `}�" �1�. '�'+!''t'i �J t:' &\ L' !.\. lJ 1"1 . � a:.f LV AV Cl L:e Lti.GV .L 1�6 p C i'iS .L la d' ���'�'��'�]CF F �iA�i,��' �J��G7, �'�'OR?�%iC� L>OG� Iz� dal-�I1SCs�'?� �I�I�I�f��, ���L`�'��i ��ck o��. iz�r.;�rni-,�r 2�,199�_, i r�c�iv�r3 �. cai.�. �ror�ti City `� _ _... _ _ .... _ ._ _.. 7') ....... � ... ,......-.,, .�..., ,-. F t i ., l l .-. e r C i � r. <.r "F'' ..-, <.r��-.� C" 'L� n a r• Ir � : � i t= � a t'� t-r r r- ,:�v tti.; (, L �:. 1. r✓1 L .x' v aL r_�t t:�% a' A. 4 C ll6 CA a a v a. 't ct s...�.. �: y r � c- r-r �. � sa a ,..� e.v e y �.. u ._., .... �.�.. �.,. .a... ..P ..,�...,. �r .., �. cnulr.�. �tor� �ramn �� �_�z��.r �oc�C ixz cur ���:i.tE�r. Rjl�� ��#r�zzr��rc��� �ra�a.�t t��� cost ��r�r ��z.l, ��r�ul� }�� �rzd co�C o� pta.�i�irzc; tize�z �o �1���. I r�r3va.��� �r.�. �°'re�in�r. t���t; t���N� ��tter :���«u�.� }:,� t�k�� �r� Cozxrz.ci I -zrzr_i C�.t1 ��rz�zc�c�r l��Eur� i caulci �:�z���rrc�r . � �olc'� }:x�r �11�t �. �c�-i rz� �.�r�E',Ytir?a:�t �)�ttt7�Er). �7v7r1��?r �Yl� V�1..1_E'��� v�� ��� 4<>O���r7 3.�.�nC) �� t?�e�c�fv?r� k�e�alar�: �zz.y ac,i.c�7,r1 cez�alc% b� t��°���.. ]�� �Ca�r wrzz%c� ��_ac� t�_ a � t�-�zrt c�rz. t�i�.� �zc�,r Cr_}ztra.c��2 mr��f:ing fnr r�zT��,�f7, ?�,r..trxcl���� � � c���y o� t.��� jcz�z�zc �.c�tr��mz�t I `v� �.ra�arz u�� �rz�� i, r ��rzy t�rr�� rzs�er� bra �� 3r�r��r� ��le a��� �.C�v�_,��.~' . �� Q ,._� �aC�� ������H�� c�:�� a� s���r�� c:�m�� c�� V�L����� V���a 'phis local agr ee��er�t is made and entered iota �y tine City Of aal7.ger, lacated in Dentan County, Teas, and the City Qf Valley View, lacated in Caake County, Texas hereinafter wi11 be known as Pgency°s• Cn,?i'�'i���� T�� G�i��;c�r�;a� , both a�oncy ° � r��:ai r��: to antat� intro ar.� ac�rec��nant regarding the seized dogs from Valley View, Te��as, and holding them in the City �'a�l�d within the City of danger, `leas. f�l��r;re.a>, the it will k�e the re spansibility of the City of Valley try tra�spart ar�y anc3 aloe canine to the City of manger sheltF�r , ��1��_r�rea:�, the C"zty of Valley Vie�ra `mill place a colored collar on each canine placed. a.a2 t}.�r: shel_ter fog: ic�entif icat�.{�r�. ����r}�ase:w,. G�hereas, th�� Ci ty of Sanger of rc�iedic°�.l atter�t�_on, �ra�e needed after p�.s.cement ire the t,a al.l cast , or t��e City of disposed af. will na% except arly canine in neer� legs et:c. If medical attention �_: shelter, the City of Valley agrees Sanger leas the right to hour; canine G]i�.er��as, thcN City of Sanger will. pra�Tic�e Toad, water, and ;�-1-�.c leer far the cani.��.e p7_ac:er� �.nto t�,.�� pr�und.. t�§]hcrea� f tie C t3T caf Sar�r�er ���ai�_1 charge �i �� (6) dollars pez day far tie �eadg;7�g, food, C�as.ter and personnel to cleaza pens and saki rig c�.�r� caaf ca�in�; ��1:,�.c,�d in :�he�. tar . �7her�,as, the City caf Val.lcy `J�_a�ra w�.�_l git�e fut�_ �iuthar�_ty to the C:;i.ty of Sanger far l�i_spasal purposes, injured, ill, etc. G1l��re.�:�;, thew City «f Sar�r�er w�_�.l not �•�zcept any c,:�nine i%ita the sl-�.el�ter 1�ec��use of crag bite , serious c,r m�.ld, It will lae the C'a_ty ref Vs.�_ley View's respansi�il�.ty to have= owner ar t,G,n�=rs ,shcs.l tr_�r ca�1.i c:�e at local jlr�terinary clinic: , GJhare•d�s, ara.y canine try ne role a.sed far. th.e Sanger �:he�ater will 17.a�r�; a r�>lecase f�:�rm signed by City �'olicc L�epartmcnt or City ��ecrr�tary, frc�a�n Va�_�_ey ViEw. It w�.:�_l rye the respar�.si?�.lity of Val lay Vi.evv to rc=ceiv�= proof of rabia�s var�°cinatian upon release or after . � � .�_ l CtJ'r_�.��e=a� r�2c t"a,t�s ��f V�l��y V�Gw c�i;�po��� by the City of S�.�ger. wild_ bE-. ch�.rgt�d for � o�g� r�.g ,�.��.�. C.�r}����a�, t�h� Czty �f V�.l���y Gj�i1]_ ����ci,,�3.�e f��om Vet, �t�ct�i���.on c,�tl..l�;c�. ���uth�����.�i�., the C"ity of �arlger swill riot be res��ors�a��le fE)r tht' Til�'t�.�2 �"�t,7.rJ�i . `I'f��i `���� C1�' �� �> AC';'�.���.�1'�` ��L� ��. � �'.� h�C�D 0�" C)�� (1) y�A n�'�C�� '1'fll� l�C�N��'� "S���I�� �LT7't��A2�C'I�L�IaY �3 v7r:+A'rt: f.7r?ri /`iAT A C7t;'ri `C>T V' C} h C't"C A T':'"�'C;'U mr.iT.' i i1TT'"ftT h i (ifiTl" t l 1 '�P'G'A D '`i''T's'i?Rti i�S�JV�,t+V�,LJ VAV Pi i LL,C�LvL.�1 L?ClF�1.r� ie�� �.aa.�� &1�u .�tv��.�.rv� .✓i���, � �, � zn��s-ie,ti a. 2i4e��. t� f.S ��C,��1�a��i.�7T I�>`� �?�� `S'�:���E�J�I�'��`�'�� I3� ��t�'11E�2 a���c"�` �.��'C�iV '�'T.-�:��T�' (�Q) i?A�'� ft �� C}� ��1���"��'� �Q`��.C���a `I'I-��;��;C?� �'�" �'�.' y I��'�TIO� TC� F:77�"�`�: I)�'t�� �'r��: i�>�� �� "��'�'CTf� I�"1� 7 �UCf� �4":)`i'�.0 ���' ��,��TI�i� CQ� �`; t�li:i.,i, ��' �'i.fi lT�'t`?� CJ�t G�r7`!:'��T 'TiS `T"FI_�h�'s�' (�0) I3�Y ��0`i'�C 0�' _i:f int�c�.ci��. for- the �ge�cy, tin}: Ca: ty of i���� � r�.� v; �w l'f0. t�o�� ?F�� � f rat{�����eui foi the agency, to: C;).�:`3 cFf ��nge� ?�' , 0 . � o �b 5 7 �3 5ar�g��r , `l'��a� 7t�?66 :�i ���,ec�, t1�i� clay of ��_ty cif �%��.%eyr G%1.F?G'd ��� � OIt '�ity of Sa.r.�.g�r Q .,w- �_ C1 I Y OF SANDER P. O. BOX 573 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 1Q79 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manage DATE. January 31, 1992 SUBJECT: Engineering Study -Downtown Sidewalk As you may have been reading in the Denton newspaper, the City of Denton is laboring with a proposed sidewalk repair ordinance. Staff requests authorization to have Hunter Associates prepare recommendations and cost estimates on our downtown sidewalks. As you are aware, some are in need of immediate repair and modification to make our downtown area more accessible. With an engineering report available, we could begin to organize a plan to make these needed improvements. This would not be a detailed plan, but rather a preliminary report funded from the existing engineering budget allocation. JH:es CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 1080 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: January 31, 1992 SUBJECT: Denton County Bond Funds -Keeton Road Improvements Staff has discussed the proposed Denton County improvements to Keeton Road with both Commissioner Don Hill and Denton County Public Works Director Dennis Burn. Both county officials has stated that if the City would design and administer the project, the County would fund a minimum of $88,000 in street improvements. With this limited funding in mind, staff proposes chip sealing Keeton Road between FM 455 and Duck Creek Road and replacing the asphalt and base, improving drainage and making the dangerous curve at Keeton and the mobile home park much less severe. With these objectives in mind, staff requests authorization to have Hunter Engineering prepare a preliminary report and proposed design with cost estimates on these proposed improvements to Keeton. The County Funds will be available after mid -March, 1992. JH:es CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 1081 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: January 31, 1992 SUBJECT: Administration Report 1 }. As of Friday, I was unable to learn of any progress on the marina from either the Corps of Engineers or the Parks and Wildlife Department. 2). The Upper Trinity Water District is beginning work to update their Master Plan for Wastewater Services for Denton County. As you know, our Wastewater Plant was last updated in 1986 at an approximate cost of $850,000. Our current discharge permit is set at 480,000 gallons per day and our average daily discharge for the past twelve months is 265,000 gallons per day. Hunter Associates, which designed our plant, estimates it should serve a population of 6000 which gives us a growth factor of about 30%. The Texas Water Commission rules require a design study be implemented when our daily discharge equals 75% of permit which in our case would be 360,000 gallons per day. The work our crews have done to reduce infiltration into our system have been extremely successful and beneficial as our average discharge for the first five months of 1990 was 519,000 gallons per day. One significant expense facing our plant operation is the dechlorination of our discharge. A preliminary estimate of this improvement is between $25,000 and $50,000 depending on design and EPA requirements. Our engineers will advise as to which budget year we will need to include this project. Our current TWC permit expires in 2 / 9 3 . JH:es ��-�� .�... � t.,i l� L�3. LV d.31'i � � L,' .L5 41 LV J 4 T .1, 1 A°l,�"1.1V E'1 �`� l.:.e 1G Di��'�: 1--l%--9� ��e�� iti> � co}�Y of ���.� jura�t v��ic1�� �ur�.ed into r�2� o�. 1.--� "�~- 9� . � j�.�7�� �r���a_r���.� �.� tter wi 1l ��� gent to c:az � act- t}lc� �x ra�;1�r�. 2 . !� � T'�;C�� _ _--. _ ��il��' COI., :3, 30:i Ot�i� __.�__ Itit��ItY �'��1I✓�;`�' �. 70� ��7Ii I�C�C� .®__ I?�CItY I�Ia`FV�:S E"• e � :%. ,�? 1 aQC`I. a`�` _ _._ �. iil�'�`I�1�I��YI� ��� I:�l:} 7 . 114 �3 �30 L, � �[�, �'� -- J" o � . S I �� S 9 , ? � � `� . <?� "�"�� _.. _...�. �IIJ L � I� C OIL � �O I� 1 .�... � t.,i l� L�3. LV d.31'i � � L,' .L5 41 LV J 4 T .1, 1 A°l,�"1.1V E'1 �`� l.:.e 1G Di��'�: 1--l%--9� ��e�� iti> � co}�Y of ���.� jura�t v��ic1�� �ur�.ed into r�2� o�. 1.--� "�~- 9� . � j�.�7�� �r���a_r���.� �.� tter wi 1l ��� gent to c:az � act- t}lc� �x ra�;1�r�. 2 . !� � T'�;C�� _ _--. _ ��il��' COI., :3, 30:i Ot�i� __.�__ Itit��ItY �'��1I✓�;`�' �. 70� ��7Ii I�C�C� .®__ I?�CItY I�Ia`FV�:S E"• e � :%. ,�? 1 aQC`I. a`�` _ _._ �. iil�'�`I�1�I��YI� ��� I:�l:} 7 . 114 �3 �30 L, � �[�, �'� -- J" o � . S I �� S 9 , ? � � `� . <?� "�"�� _.. _...�. �IIJ L � I� C OIL � �O I� 1 • cablevision January 20, 1992 Hon. Nel Armstrong, Mayor P. O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: JAM 13 1992 STY OF SANGER We are pleased to be able to share with you one of the finest things that has ever happened to our company. Following months of negotiations and years of customer input, Galaxy Cablevision has entered into a new contract with The Disney Channel. An agreement that will bring cable television's premiere family entertainment to our customers as part of our basic service. Up to now, The Disney Channel has been offered as a premium service with a monthly service charge of seven or eight dollars. However, beginning February, 1992, all Galaxy systems currently offering The Disney Channel will provide the service to all subscribers at no extra charge. From now on Basic means Basic Plus Disney! Many times over the years we have been asked by customers and non -customers alike to offer more quality family programming. Now we can. We hope you and the many families you represent will enjoy "The Wonderful World of Disney". Happy 19921 Sincerely, pin Ott Ron Voss Vice President Corporate Development RV:jhl 1220 North Main Street Sikeston, Missouri 63801 (314) 471-3080 Here are your Entry Forms for the Ilk 11 R7 I Allu 11111111iijklil 1911114111111H[l FOR YOUR TOWN FgE 01 T Coloring Sweepstakes ! yy 0 SANGER Every application sent in by a child 12 years old or younger is another chance for your department to win the Grand Prize -- an Emergency -One Town & Country Firetruck. Children v^f a!! ages lOVe firetrucks. This cr,ioring contest is a great way to get the youngsters in your community involved in your community relations program. When everyone hears about the Grand Prize, you can count on enthusiastic civil supportl On August 15, 1992, one child's Entry Form will be randomly drawn. THAT CHILD WILL WIN THE TOWN & COUNTRY TRUCK FOR YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENTI Your opportunities to win are all over town...with every child up to 12 years old (as of August 1, 1992). See Complete Sweepstakes Rules for participation qualifications. Circulate Entry Forms through schools, libraries, recreation centers, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, camps, churches, and any other community organization that provides service to children. Your goal is to have as many entries submitted from your community as possible. MORE ENTRIES MEAN A GREATER CHANCE TO WIN THIS FABULOUS FIRETRUCKI Start your campaign right away. Use the enclosed postcard to order more Entry Forms if needed, or make additional entry forms on your office copier. ACT NOW! The Sweepstakes ends August 1, 19921 Good Luck! Subsidiary of Federal Signal Corporation "Firetruck For Your Town" Sweepstakes P.O. Box 285 Deerfield, Illinois 60015 G' 1 I 1 ftomMAWSTAR t��