01/21/1992-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularUri 4IIIIII,4111111CIL i 1 TUESDAY, A' y i 1992 1 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 1 i Me i •Disbursementis 3. Citizen's Input Bids forDigger Derrick Truck m Electric Department w• Bids for One Ton Cab and Chassfs IIIIe Fire Department 7. Executive Session Accarding to Article 5�51-17 Vernan's Civil Statutes, (f), Negotiations for Acquisition of Real Property 10. City Administration Report Any Other Such Matters iC(7�ii11C lxdTCl�JI City Secretary MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: City Council Meeting January 6, 1992 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Wendell Thomas, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilman Tommy Kincaid City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Merwyn Tucker, Bill Murrell, Craig Waggoner, Keith Newton, Bobby Swan, Jeff McNeill Betty Johnson - Sanger Courier Garcia, and 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. City Manager Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Consent Agenda: (a} Approve Minutes (b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 3. 1990-1991 Audit Presentation -C.P.A. Bill Spore Mr. Spore briefed City Council on the 1990-1991 Audit and the following issues were explained: (a) Balance Sheet (b) Revenue and Expenses of General Fund and Enterprise Fund (c) Statement of Cash Flow (d) General Fixed Assets (e) Outstanding Debts (f) Capital Improvements Mr. Spare went over his management letter and discussed the following issues: {a) Purchase Order System needs to be more efficient. (b) Check list needs to be made before closing out a month in the General Ledger. CC Min, 1/6/92 Page 2 { c) Computer Source Code that the City does own, needs to be printed periodically and every time changes are made, the source code needs to be printed. Discussion. •U011 1M. t • • • • ♦•f ••. ♦ • • by CouncilmanBerndt. City Manager added that staff recommends Mr. Spare be allowed to do the audit next year if Council gives their consensus. Motion carried. 6. Executive Session According to Article 5252-1�, Vernon's Civil Statutes, (g), Personnel 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session Mayor Armstrong reconvened City Council from executive session at 7:30 p.m. No formal action was taken. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Fire Chief Motion was made by Councilman Berndt to accept Fire Chiefs recommendation to appoint Bill Murrell as Volunteer Fire Chief. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 9. PresentationJintroductian -New Fire Department Officers Elected Officers are. 1st Assistant Chief - Craig Waggoner Captain - Jeff McNeill Captain - Jimmy Waggoner 2nd Assistant Chief - Keith Newton (EMS) Captain - Bobby Swan"Fireman of the Year" Captain - Vacant Mayor Armstrong presented plaque to outgoing Chief Merwyn Tucker for riffs outstanding service in the Volunteer Fire Departmeni. CC Min, 1/s/92 Page 3 1U. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Fire Protection Interlocai Cooperation Agreement for Fiscal Year 199 1- 1992 with Denton County Motion was made by Councilman Berndt to aecept the Fire Protection Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fiscal Year 1991-1992 with Denton County. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action Cooke County (EMS Services) Assistant Chief Keith Newton briefed City Council on the Mutual Aid Agreement with Cooke County EMS Services. Discussion. kgreement with Cooke County subject to the approval of City Attorney. 3econded by •uncilman Berndt Motion 12. City Administration Report City Manager reported on the following issues: Regian �TIII Meeting is January 24, on Friday, at Benbroak for those who would like to attend. (b). The second scheduled Cauncil Meeting for January 20th will fall on a scheduled City holiday, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. In the past, City Council Meeting has been moved to Tuesday following the holiday which would be Tuesday, January 21st. Council gave their consensus. (c). City Manager stated he talked to John Mears of Hunter Associates, who is working on the swimming pool design. They are trying to schedule a meeting for this week. Hunter's has done their part on the parking lot and water lines. They are in the process of getting that design finalized and submitted to the State to see if it is in compliance with grant application. Hunter Associates, also, expect to have a final cost estimate and a bid document for the sewer intercepter line south of Wayne Drive by the first meeting in February. gym; CC Min. 1/6/92 Page 4 he orig inal water wellp tower site on pro iT ultable forproject • Property,n the Lane • • be secured ithin the proximity of or of a and Villow intersection. r rs CAl A O%OIY. - r• •• • • Texas Parks and Wildlife Department At present, lease agreement that the Corp can't finalize, has been sent to Parks ♦ Wildlife requesting*. plan, and they have agreed on a twenty year lease and it had sent back to Ft. Worth one more time. Commissioner Don Hill regarding improvements on Keaton Road and McReynolds Road. hat both of b.included, Cammissioner Hill wants McReynolds to be done within the next fifteen to eighteen months. I $J Any Other Such Matters (a}. Councilman Kincaid expressed his concern regarding the recyclables with Southwest Paper Company. (b). Mayor Armstrong read a Thank You received from Horace McGuffin concerning City employees - Bobby Swan, Chuck Tucker, Tantu Goode and Tony Vega, for the prompt effort on fixing the street in front of Friendly Feed. (c). City Manager also advised of the bad water problems during the holiday season on First Street. Citizens over in that area were very complimentary on our City employees. She has also received many compliments on the outstanding work of the Volunteer Fire Department. 14. Meeting adjourned. IF !'IF I IF ) : f : I : F- IT If .. . f. ! _ ,..t k f 1 '. +l (. i, t �, e l f ,;. t ::., i i >�' t , .... ; _ .... _!''.� .b... .. ... "J .'.. IF l'IF we 0 71 IF IF - ^ '---:i IF : �..1': {{ !, �.3t, ': ": !`:F ') '..': �. 1 .... 1„'i i'i 4 t...i i f _f _i. v . !'. ... _• .i —, . a , I IF :_ .,I ir I IT IF IF , IF : IT 'k vTjIF Li j f? t I.., ti l,—: :• FITf IF I III I IF F- If I IF, ; I. 1 l- .'• ... ,1•„1 .: _.. _, ..!t_'� _ . . - 4 If 4 -- 1 —IN ;I I �3.FIT i I : _: o-. 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VIF .i I IFF FIFF It Itf: IF I IF Ed { IF IIV I ixe i.:. f. it VF IF IFIF :: a d.: _ LIZ IF 'Id k .. .. .J/ Imm+i. L_. .i. .} ..i IF I IF _:.. , _: Ad IF pm _ .. .: _ _. r._. _ V,'t_, .L3I. . ! .. .. _e It W it ZIFF IF I IF 1 { I t. -, .• It IF IIJ �€ . .. _ _. .. 1 .. -, _. .. F 1€ f. I IF IF I tIF �. f .r:it F , i . t. ._ r,��ti _ it 41 t It It , {... 1... ,. -.. .... _ .. _ .. i. ! .,. _ _ it L CIL i r� _. ;, j,", t 1At . I: 7i i`� I_rt iC.! _ .. ,!{r ?.I '-� 1.ry.; �. 1. t 1 JG �ii•1r_ — .. ;, �. r .. r �: ,;"-..i .',4;,. .... (: !1(k �`d! �'�i �,i fE.. f , -t.°i. -� :.ii': ,_.. .. I, I _Am A: -r. - {I .. A CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 1043 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager (! DATE: January 17, 1992 SUBJECT: Request Proposals -Lease/Purchase -Digger Truck for Electric Department Staff request authorization to accept bids far a Digger Truck for the Electric Department as noted in the Electric Budget under Contractual Services. Attached is a copy of the specifications for a Digger Derrick Truck. This will be a lease purchase. The total estimated purchase price for this equipment is $90,000. The FY 91/92 budget provides $30,000 toward the total price ($2500 per month estimated payment on a lease purchase). Staff will be available for any questions regarding this bid request. JH:es The City of Sanger is accepting sealed bids on a Digger Derrick Truck. A copy of the specifications can be secured from the City Secretary during normal business hours at City Hall, 201 Bolivar Streets Bids must be on the official bid sheet and be returned to the City Secretary in a sealed envelope marked "Digger Derrick Truck" prior to 2:40 p.m., March 2, 199Z at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Hall Conference Room, 201 Bolivar, Sanger, Texas. All bids will be presented to the City Council at their regular meeting, March 2, 199Z at i p.m. in the City Council Chambers for their review and consideration. The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids and in any case award the bid in the best interest of the City. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary {2 consecutive weeks} SPECIFICATIONS FOR A DIGGER DERRICK TRUCK The City of Sanger will accept bids on the following vehicle until Zavv p.m., Monday, March 2, 1992, this will be a lease/purchase plan with option to bid 36, 48, or 60 months for one (1) 1991 or 1992 Model Rearmount Digger Derrick Truck with the following included as standard equipment. As an alternate to the above vehicle, a demonstrator with similar equipments Please note any exceptions or explanations to the specifications in the space provided. AlION IN • r R • ff i MOUNTEDTURRENT • CONSOLE HYDRAULIC + • THROTTLE AT i ONE SET OF SEPARATE AFRAME OUTRIGGERS WITH 40 IN, SPREAD AT PENETRATION i BOOM WINCH, • GEAR DRIVE UNDER . , AT OF SECOND STAGE • • LIMITED ■ TURNTABLE i ROTATION •, PROTECTION HOLDINGTWO STAGE HYDRAULIC EXTENDING STEEL BOOM ASSEMBLY + ON r PERMANENT . 1 CRIMP O HOSE FITTINGS HYDRAULIC TANDEM . s AND FILTRATIONPACKAGE 50 GALLON .• , OIL RESERVOIR MOUNTING•i R BOLTING CONTROL PLACARDS, CAPACITYM SAFETY DECALS • SET OF OPERATION, PARTS a • AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS INSTALLATION i•N OF THIS .. INCLUDES DRIVELINE KIT, ... _._ w'... • TO PUMP HYDRAULIC, lULIC • SE KIT OIL, 55 GALLONS BOOM SUPPORT STABILITYFINAL INSPECTION AND PAINTING i OF ONE • • ENAMEL SPECS »ate ■©R $2 - »: 61 PAGE 2 »».:» �.. . .»«.�.... »» IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF a* 2: ?!f?±■ AT 22?? PENETRATION >.� .�.. .. >.f y. .. �>. <,■ ©� �� © t e e°� <�# » STAGE TIP AUTOMATIC •e2: GUIDE PROTECTION THAT AUTOMATICALLY MOVES : POLEGUIDES WHEN HYDRAULIC THIRD STAGE &#eM IS ??»»©» 2$$$ 2 �t° »�e.?`? ?? ©©a■; : » »«§ �� - DIGGER ALLOWS CHANGE #?SPEED WHILE UNDER of?lf,? <e*■ INCLUDES« #.<»»» DIGGER CIRCUIT > A...>. SHAFT > DIGGER ,2» HYDRAULIC. c_ STOW MECHANISM AND AUGER OVER»?@? PROTECTION � ....»_ : �»+a�»« : •»» < .:.. >. .>. > w�»t$» » .»■ © ©: : �<» ?!; Jill I $? »� ■:� «� °� < e ?� ®e2 �� »� ■ i 3$ LILd °e f 7 IVI rAlwT1,11111fillIx§ 2*t°2 ilalifiri ONTROL RECESSED^ REAR INCLUDES. HYDRAULIC HOSE I SELECTOR VALVE TO DEACTIVATE OUTRIGGERS CIRCUITRYFOR PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTAL ACTUATION MOUNTING BOXES 2ef §e»fe? VALVES �»,- z .�� °°■?■ � e ?� �©� » < . � e »� »#: AND SELECTOR VALVE. T ONE POOL VALVE WILL!? USED FOR A fe?§ PULLER THE ■»T»■ POSITION'S WORK PORT WILL CONTAIN AN -. RELIEF VALVE . A. .|$■ !z. » +e<» PULLER/TAMP ... .. 2 OUTLETS . .. PER :c WITH » DIRECT .»..._. LINE FOR THE TAMP. SPECS. FOR DER. DIG. TRUCK PAGE 3 r# •i jal Paz I paxk 111411 1 vul, EYES THIMBLE ♦ r SWIVEL HOOK i • . i FLOOR WIDTH . r TREADPLATE ON COMPARTMENT AUTOMOTIVE 5TREETSIDE: COMPT# 3 - 18" 3 REMOVABLE SHELVES W/2 DIVIDERS EA. COMPT# 4 - 58" PLAIN CURBSIDE: SHOP BUILT FLOOR WITH 12 GAUGE TREADPLATE PROTECTIVE HEADFANEL WHEEL WELLS PAINTING OF THE BODY ONE COLOR 24" MUDFLAPS INSTALLED BEHIND REAR WHEELS WITH i i • �i - N • r WITH 2 IN. j BALL. MAXIMUM �' • WITH i LB. VERTICAL LOAD INCLUDES, TAMPER,LIGHT11-TrEIGAT POLE PLUMBED i POLECOMBO CIRCUIT QUICK COUPLERSCAPS, .VALVE 1 NEW w STYLE i' j s TO AXLE i • L DIESEL ENGINE, 215 • 12oOOO LB, FRONT AXLE WITH 1ZOOO LBSPRINGS In 1 s 2! A ` IL • , REAR t AXLE ` `1l. 0 7 7 X 1 14 PLY MUD AND SNOW 20.36 FRAMESECTION MODULUS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION POWER STEERING wWEST COASTMIRRORS HYDRAULIC BRAKES, DISC FRONT I EACH { GALLON f TYPE FUEL TANK PAINT HEAVY DUAL BATTERIES,t CCA TOTAL RADIO.TINTED GLASS CAB ASSIST HANDLES AM CONDITIONINGAIR CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 1069 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manageqk DATE: January 17, 1992 SUBJECT: Authorization to Advertise For Bids - Fire Department - Replacement Grass Rig TOTAL BUDGET - $.�,�Q Truck - $190000 Body - $5,000 WEPS Unit- $10,000 The fire department is seeking authorization to advertise for the truck chassis for this replacement fire equipment. The body and WEPS unit (pump) will be advertised separately (with your authorization) at a later date. The specifications are generally for a ane ton, diesel powered unit. JH:es Attachment LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger is accepting sealed bids on a One Ton Cab and Chassis to be used as a Fire Department Vehicle. A copy of the specifications can be secured from the City Secretary during normal business hours at City Hall, 201 Bolivar Street. Bids must be on the official bid sheet and be returned to the City Secretary in a sealed envelope marked "Fire Department Cab and Chassis" prior to 2:00 p.m., February 17, 1992, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Hall Conference Room, 201 Bolivar, Sanger, Texas. All bids will be presented to the City Council at their regular meeting, February 17, 1992, at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers for their review and consideration. The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids and in any case award the bid in the best interest of the City. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary {2 C®riSeCLltive Weeks) i'iho of J04 --- -- FIRE APPARATUS SPECIFICATIONS FOR BANGER FIRE DEPT. INTENT IT IS THE INTENT OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS TO FURNISH AND DELIVERY TO THE PURCHASER FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE ONE TON CAB AND CHASSIS. THIS WILL BE USED FOR RURAL GRASS FIRES, BRUSH FIRES, OR ANY TYPE OF OFF THE ROAD FIRES. ZOI BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TE7[AS 7�� Si7.458'1930 P.O. BOJ[ S78 8i7.4S8-41so FAJ[ i'itu of J �� Ujr SPECIFICATIONS FOR CAB AND CHASSIS ALL ITEMS WILL BE OF THE LATEST DESIGN AND BRABD NEW. THE UNIT SPECIFIED WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: WHEELBASE- NOT LESS THAN 130" NOR MORE THAN 135" FRONT AXLE CAPACITY- 4500 LBS. REAR AXLE CAPACITY- 7500 LBS. DUAL -REAR WHEELS (NOTE): FRONT AND REAR WEIGHT RATINGS MAY VARY ACCORDING TO THE MFG, AS LONG AS GVW RATING IS AT LEAST 10,000 LBS. CAB TO REAR AXLE MEASUREMENT: 60" FRONT SPRINGS -LEAF TYPE 1940 LBS. REAR SPRINGS- LEAF TYPE WITH OVERLOADS 3800 LB. BRAKES- POWER ASSIST FRONT- DISC REAR- DRUM ENGINE- DISEL TYPE NOT LESS THAN 360 CID CYLINDERS-- NO LESS THAN 6 TRANSMISSION AND DRIVE DRIVE- 4 SPEED AUTOMATIC WITH OVERDRIVE LOCK -OUT; FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE TRANSFER CASE- TWO -SPEED FRONT DRIVING AXLE- STRAIGHT TYPE NO INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION OF ANY KIND MANUAL LOCKING HUBS REAR DRIVE AXLE- 4.10GEAR RATIO POSITIVE TRACTION TIRES SIZE- LT 235 R 16 MUD AND SNOW TUBLESS RADIAL WHEELS- 16" PAINTED WHITE ELECTICAL SYSTEM ALTERNATOR- AT LEAST 120 AMPS. RATING BATTERY- HEAVY DUTY AT LEAST 600 AMPS STEERING- POWER ASSISTED CAB SINGLE TYPE BRIGHT RED IN COLOR WITH CAB CLEARANCE LIGHTS SEAT- VINYL BENCH TYPE FLOOR MAT- BLACK VINYL REAR VIEW MIRRORS- DOOR MOUNTED ONE EACH BRIGHT FINISH SIDE BELOW EYE -LEVEL STYLE sos BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEJ[AS �6s66 Ss�-4Ss'l93o P.O. BO][ 578 6i7.4S8-4i8o FA7[ Citu of COOLING SYSTEM HEAVIEST -DUTY AVAILABLE WITH TRANSMISSION COOLER ENGINE OIL COOLER ACCESSORIES FACTORY AIR CONDITIONER SKID PLATE ON TRANSFER CASE FUEL TANK- AT LEAST 25 GALLON CAPACITY INSTRUMENTATION- ALL GUAGES DOOR TRIM- VINYL WITH ARM REST MANUAL WINDOWS BLOCK HEATER FRONT END GUARD HEAVY STEEL PAINTED WHITE FACTORY WARRANTY OF AT LEAST ONE (1) YEAR soi BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TE7[AS 71rs66 s=7-4S8�'930 P.O. BOJ[ S78 917.4S8-4i90 FA][ MEMORANDUM # 1072 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager January 17, 1992 Acker Street Improvements This item does not require action by Council but is intended for staff to determine your thoughts on our street projects for summer, 1992. As you know, the Street Department budget contains $40,920 to improve dolt Road and $13,500 for 1000 ft. of street reconstruction. We also informally discussed in the fall that we would need to address extending Acker Street from Elm to Bolivar (300 ft. @ $70 per ft., $21,000). Since this Acker Street extension does need to be done, staff is proposing a delay of the Holt Street improvements and transferring those funds to be applied to Acker Street. To improve all of Acker Street, from 455 to Bolivar Street, would be 1700 ft. (@ $70/ft. _ $119,000) and if Elm Street and Pecan Street were added to the project, they are 200 ft. and 300 ft. long respectively (500' @ $70/ft. _ 035,000) the total of 2200 ft. of street construction would be $154,000 if you estimate a 31 ft asphalt street with concrete curb and gutter. (The Freese Drive project actually figured at $62/ft.). At one time, personnel from Sanger Bank indicated that the bank would consider a 50/50 funding for improvements to Pecan Street. At the $70/ft. estimate that would be $10,500 from the bank. I believe it could be possible to divide the project into two phases; one being to improve Acker from Pecan to Bolivar and Elm and Pecan and the other phase from Pecan north to FM 455. The phase from Pecan Street south would cover 1200 ft. of street at an estimated cost of $84,000 (less $10,500 possible funding from Sanger Bank), and the phase from Pecan north to FM 455 would improve 1000 linear ft. of street at an estimated cost of $70,000. If this approach were taken, it would require the Summers of 1992 and 1993 to complete the project. Travis Roberts of Hunter Associates stated that it could also be bid in such a way as approximately 50% of the costs could come from FY 91/92 budget funds and 50% from FY 92/93 budget. This might require a short term note from our depository bank and in the past Garland Thornton at GNB-Sanger has indicated that the bank would work with us on short-term loans. Q�� * 1072 Acker Street Imp. 1/ 17/92 Page 2 At this time, it should be noted that our contingency funds for FY 91/92 are estimated at $131,843. As the warm months are our large revenue months it is difficult for staff to project revenues in order to estimate the accuracy of the Contingency Account Through today, this account has a C.D. in the amount of $21,974 plus accrued interest. 'l�ilhat staff is seeking is: 1). Is Council interested in pursuing these improvements to Acker, Elm and Pecan, 2). Do you have any specific instructions for the proposed project, and 3). If you want to proceed, do you want the engineers to prepare a preliminary plan for the improvements? JH:es attachment MEMORANDUM # 1073 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. ul l y OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & Members o he City Council John Hamilton, City Manager, January 17, 1992 Executive Session - Acquisition of Real Estate This item is placed on the agenda only to allow Council to discuss site acquisition for the proposed water well. Mayor Armstrong and I have two meetings with property owners along McReynolds Road other than Joe Falls and I do not know if there will be anything to report or seek authorization for at this scheduled meeting. JH:es MEMORANDUM # 1070 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & John Hamilton, City January 17, 1992 City Administration Members of the Manager Report City Council 1). Mayor Armstrong and I met with the City's Consulting Engineers, Thursday, 0146-92, and discussed the following projects: a). Sewer Interceptor Line -Wayne Street - The engineers have a preliminary plan drawn. Mr. Joe Falls was also present at this meeting as we will need an easement across his property to extend this new 12" line to the sewer treatment plant. After discussing the project with Mr. Falls, the engineers are doing a final survey to determine the path of the easement across his property. b). Water Well and Elevated Tank Site - Mr. Falls is still somewhat reluctant to offer a site near the Cemetery. We are still working with him and expect to have a final answer within ten (10) days. c}. Upper Trinity Water Requirements - Travis Roberts is reviewing our projected water needs from the Upper Trinity Water District. These projections will be used to determine our needs through the year 2,000. marina lease has still not been signed. For information only, the real estate director for the Ft. Worth Office of the Corps of Engineers, the only official in the Ft. Worth Office authorized to sign the lease agreement, died unexpectedly this week. This could delay the process for the marina. 3}. You will note from the sales tax enclosure shows that the lake closure has had a negative impact on our sales tax collections. JH:es EL ,L-9E� V EDl� �. 1/2 I 1-`I ; �....1...1 I r ..' Fc:' I�l . r" ':kE .4. I�l t 'r`f.lE`'It1 1-`Uttt.1. rt, t-_ 1C I 'l 1. ��� 1 =� r i i:_I'1- 1. f 1. +:� ct'L• 1 r-117 '{; {-, '�-'r„i t_I. r-� '�' i'!"�'., � �' ,:: � 1 t. t � '� :� I: 1. +� +r`! 's-' ;1 'f_ I ! i. I i r� I , t;�F ! 7 i � (? I i.� r" c-:at_1 t_t i. " �:'('7 tia'Qt• ,:.t two t i:�ca F:: r�l ��I't• a. � � cam,' Li �� ct a. "`��:�rl t„I '�. 7 .1. �r t, it...t I,..000' 111�•I 1._�::?t'.:',' Gi..l IvWoi�._mWo+t* ht._tI I1._ir t•I"t 4 a. :: an t.j '.4'S �'i"14• !r!•.: c el�"'r1:t cE,,:°::�• , c—'!c:l Ws_ _ 1, tTi m E C.1 a.:::t t: tz: t ''.' 1,: 1"i i't `'t; _ U P::. n t I'1 c:i'b' �::a '!"' �W:'t::1 t_I. C�� `:.e•'t:� l^.' C..I "I.� r"I i�! 'I_ :a..� .t i.a l..' 1" +.�5 Ca ct"I� �:_+ f" ''�` ::��'I.. "t't, 4=a ff I C:�' �._i "�., :a r�+ t:�? 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E� � r i a. _:: C:1 I"•:� ir: I"1 a. rl �o: <�oT�z� ��1�:n����r��, c��� �t� , ��� Ea �t0� e F3��� � EPtn1 Chi , CI�� ��° I �� E���iC�` e ��1i���L� CO�i��O�, ���'T�O�FE r;��rcta.ve �--�__�� ,Te; ��,�.���an s���-t�r�. �� ���a Neva �r�im�.� Can�:�al t7��ica� . ��a; ��.� �. �i������.ca�: �.t �:�a C� ty aF Rae�v�.ait. ��a � ?va . . 1_�`I ��G: �.��+` aL �c��:iC��L" vit [si,}i ��T:�G � r 7"ic'�z ia.E= ��;� Yii.cz� Y'�.�� � ��w � :E.�".Vn Jc�� E �<aa.�.l Vie; �r � � �a �or�� i 1.�. tea ��a.� � tio� t�ac��.�a;�e a� I�i.� �ror_ k Q�' �:� �.a� �� PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release CONTACT: Al Murdock 382-2224 DATE: January 14, 1992 SPAN SYSTEM "MAKES TRACKS," PARTICIPATES IN NEW TRAX ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN WEEK OF JANUARY 21 (Denton, Texas) -- When you've got to "make tracks" to shopping, school, or a million other things, the trolley or van can take you there. That's the theme of the SPAN marketing campaign that will be introduced during the week of January 21, announced Al Murdock. Light-hearted television and radio spots will reinforce the idea that the bus is an easy, convenient way to travel. "People have always been our focus, and we're really encouraging everyone to give SPAN a try," said Murdock. The current campaign will run through February in our area and in 39 other areas served by rural bus systems across the state. Developed by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the campaign will assist rural transit systems across the state in enhancing their images and ridership. The fare per ride for bus service on the SPAN TRAX is 75� in town and $1.50 from town to town. Trips to Denton will be to the Square (where connections may be made on the Denton trolleys), Golden Triangle Mall, Denton Center, or medical offices. In Sanger, the SPAN van can be boarded at Sanger Pharmacy at noon each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the trip to Denton. The an will return to City Hall at 5*00 p.m. on those days. For information, call (817) 382-1900. DOCKET N0. 10024 JOINT PETITION FOR OPTIONAL ONE-WAY § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION EAS BETWEEN THE SANGER EXCHANGE AND § THE DENTON EXCHANGE § OF TEXAS EXAMINER'S ORDER N0. 4 On October 14, 1991, Central Te1'ephone Company of Texas (CENTEL) filed a pleading regarding notice in this docket. In its filing, CENTEL states that bill inserts have been initiated and requests to the newspaper for publication have been sent. However, proof that CENTEL has completed notice has not yet been filed. So that this case may proceed, CENTEL is ORDERED provide such information no later than 3:00 p.m., Thursday, January 16, 1992. SIGNED AT AUSTIN, TEXAS the ,2"� day of January 1992. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS PRESS RELEASE CONTACT: Al Murdock 382-2224 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: January 6, 1992 SPAN GETS NEW LOGO, JOINS STATEWIDE TRAX TRANSPORTATION NETWORK, JANUARY 21 SPAN takes on a brand new terminology and look January 21 when it becomes a member of the new statewide TRAX rural transportation network, announced Al Murdock, Executive Director. A new logo showing a friendly little bus zooming into the word "TRAX" will be incorporated into SPAY s advertising, schedules, signage, vehicles, and other marketing materials. The TRAX network is a new affiliation of all 40 existing bus systems across the state. Coordinated through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), it aims to heighten awareness and use of public transportation services in rural areas, said Richard G. Christie, TxDOT Executive. A major advertising campaign will also begin for all TRAX systems in late January.Through a series of humorous spots, it emphasizes "when you need to make tracks, TRAX can take you." "We're enthusiastic about the opportunity to let people know wore about our service. It truly is for everyone in Denton County," said Al Murdock. "The TRAX network is a network in a cooperative sense," said Christie. "By joining forces and combining resources, the 40 systems are able to promote their services far more professionally and economically than they could individually." "TRAX is not a network in the sense that a person could travel across the state on several systems. Each system is still autonomous, serving its own citizens within specific geographic areas," he said. SPAN will use the TRAX campaign to inform people about scheduled service for persons of all ages. Sanger service to Denton is at Sanger Pharmacy, 303 Bolivar Street, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon, returning to Sanger at 5:00 p.m. The fare is $1.50 for each one-way ride. The new pick up location will go into use on February 5. Information is available by telephone at 817-382-1900. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF 5A114GER P. O. BOX 578 5ANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the John Hamilton, City Manager - January 17, 1992 1991 Revenue Bond Issue City Council Attached is the new schedule for the 1991 Revenue Bond issue. This schedule replaces the schedules in your budget book for the 1977, 1982, and 1985 series issues. Also attached is a revenue bond debt payment schedule reflecting our total outstanding obligation. JH:es Attachment (L.M.} itility System Revenue onds, Series«.' Baa Rated (Average Coupon 6.818894%) Origmialt !t! 4.70% 4.90% 5.10% 5.25% 5.40% 5.60°Jro 5.80% 6.00% 6.15% 6.25% 6.40% 6.55% 6.70% 6.80% 6.90% 7.00% 7.05% 7.15% 7.15% 7.15% 'Totals 73, 72, 866.25 72, 856.25 71, 700, 00 69, 405.00 67, 025.00 64, 415.00 61, 415.00 58,186.25 54, 748.75 51, 068.75 46, 975.00 42, 620.00 37, 860.00 32, 685.00 27, 085.00 21, 092.50 14, 478.75 7, 507.50 15, 000 51000 00000 25, 000 51000 59000 00000 100, 000 105, 000 110, 000 115, 000 125, 000 01000 140, 000 150, 000 160, 000 00000 185, 000 51000 210,000 82, 045.25 161, 467.50 165, 732.50 169, 712.50 2281400.00 223, 810.00 224, 050.00 228, 830.00 227, 830.00 2269 372.50 224, 497.50 22?, 137.50 223, 950.00 225, 240.00 225, 720.00 225, 370.00 224,170.00 227,185.00 223, 957.50 225, 015.00 and elevated storage tank. The total issue represents Electric 6%, Sewer 44% • Water 50%. FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9-30 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (a) 0 � �fy ANULIA CITY OF BANGER. 1E TOTAL REVENUE BOND DEBT SERVICE FOLLOWING THE ISSUANCE OF UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE REFUNDING AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS; SERIES 1992 UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1973 $36,175.00 (a) 5,293.75 341,468.75 UTILITY SYSTEM UTILITY SYSTEM REV REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS AND IMP BONDS SERIES 1976 SERIES 1991 TOTAL $19,943.75 (a) $82,045.25 $1389164.00 58,800000 161,467.50 225,561.25 61,050.00 1659732.50 226,782.50 58,025.00 169,712.50 227,737.50 228,400.00 228,400.00 223,810.00 223,810.00 2241050,00 2249050.00 2289830.00 228,830.00 2279830.00 2279830.00 226,372.50 226,372.50 224,497.50 224,497.50 227,137.50 227,137.50 223,950.00 223,950.00 2259240.00 2259240.00 225,720.00 2259720.00 225,370900 2259370.00 224,170.00 2249170.00 2279185.00 227,185.00 223,957.50 2239957.50 225,015.00 2259015.00 $1979818.75 $49190,492.75 $4,4291780.25 FOLLOWING 11-15-91 PAYMENT JANUARY 7, 1992 MEMORANDUM # 1075 To: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & Jahn Hamilton, City January 17, 1992 Financial Report Members of the IN City Council Effective 2 p.m., Friday, January 17, 1992, the following fund balances were on deposit for the City: Qhecking Accounts (All accounts are interest bearing.) Enterprise Fund General Fund Utility Deposit Bond Construction Certificates of Dew, osit Total Bond Reserve Reserves Deposits JH:es - $ 120,510 89,612 19,183 80 UM $1,030,588 $ l oo,0 52 - $535,365 - 227,482 257,883 50,000 O .+ 01 OI f0 a N O x fU r 0 O! y O y N r .. -� -• -- x�x >`.eax�x�x�.e�x�x: x�xxx�x: x: xxx�� ::.x �. d d n•oo�vnne�v-+oN�oo-.Pna�Po .oca000 Nvw vo.oa0 n y N (On OnMMPPIL�OOI�N MOIflPd•-�S POCONcO On nGdl� N OI • C d dnO MNIL1N000••-�O PP PN OO NOn r-10 MP1f1 d0 OOcDN M f0 1 N IL1 O M I N .-+ P O .T •-� ^� �T tL1 -I N J d •� M M N .+ I O IL1 ^� ,--i I t I � I •--� I 1 I I 1 ti l l I V I I I X NON n�OO dNnPVllf1•-+d POMd�Od ^ten OPJ••-�dd Onr-•M nSCOP tl1 MOM M.yN OIL1 u11L1nMr+nMCOSN111 lfln SMOCO ILLS�TPO-I Q7N {l1MN-I n N y POP vn01L1MN.JMN OdP�d Jnr--i IL11L1nOndJ000NOM CONNM .O C nbn OU1r-�Od POPtO u•1 tl1 .ySPJ�NO�JON O-+�ONNb dPJ NOS COOCO GIN � tL1 NCOPI�IttMPCO CO CON O.•-�d�nP ddCO NET UI .T CO PM:If Pn PtL1 Sd Ey .b .N .bb .N .b .b . TCp ...I N-,N 1L1 .�+-'1 O Pn .+OCO •-�J .�1f1 Mc0 nMO M SAP .+ �T Ipp tp b NbN bNblll N UIb b.+tiNb bN .-ib Nb�-+ N NN N N p� M b N M N N O b N O b b b -.F- P P ^I CO Ola7 PnOCOn SPSNNOCA .TnNnd POlL10 ti111�tOdOIL1MP POIl1IJ P .� P OiP O(00dd00000MNOn Pn PNO Nd MO.-+O II1nMOP.-S WO�tM �tM N • y POIP NPO-�Nn Nn PU10d0•ti N(On ^�W OO-�•-+Sd MO NSO .+OdO P OblO �Nb Md.+�T PUONbNCO aonn NCO �TPb ONNP dNMP'M vbf..�.0 CO Vl N C M M dP nM MM nn(O NM.yn0000d1 n.rPPd OON n Oil NdP P y N P Ey w .. .b .. ..nb ... vr' .b . N N .+N n.�Nd P .-�nP �P.-+M u1 ut ul aO �tP M N�In .--� ..y TIp tll b N/f� NNNCO M Cpbb N111bb b -.b MNO N NN bb (pp y M N N M N O P tfr b O O N b �. N h- L P (0 P 7 .� C � O _ ( y .� d hd00�T1�nP1-.ONdO'+PnCgPO dCA000 NSaO JOdlcO nn y N N oonOI�MMPP�L100nNMOIL1Pd'+S POc0Nf0 On.-. nOd�� NIl1 .+ C OI 7 T C O L A d do OMN1t1N000.•�OPPPN OO NOn .-IOMPtf1 dON OOtON M O L � Nll1O M I N r-CPOJ�•+^'�SILI .+ N S d.+M MN -I I OIL1Ii �+ I U U E U 1 .. 1 .+ I I I I I I < E I I � X U N -� d C O y C NOIN ndO dNnPlf11f1•-Id PO M.O .Odn.+n OP S•�ddOn.+iM PSCD�P 1L1 MOIM M^INOtillnlnnM-.nMOOJNU1CL1nSMOW111JSPO�CON It1MfJ.-I nM O yl d a. ,_ E L . •P 9. IO POP dnOIAM N�TMN Od P'+d Jnr••i ttl tllnOnd S000 NOM OONNM d w L (p � f0 (U nN�n Oi11.+O.CPOPWIL�1L1•HSPJnNWJOb O.-�dNNbdPS r.NOS O CO \ (L} I!1 NCOP n1AMPCQ 00 CG 111 CD.�dlnn Pdd07 N.T t11 .7N PMtL1 PnP�ln �T O O O• E .0,. . .N �b0 .b . . . .b .b O m L ^I NON Kl -+•�+J O Pn ^10 O'+�T ..IL1 MCO nM0 M SP '+ L y V ^c0 O, /pOb 11�bN1l1C N Nb O.•..tibW bb .+b NN-' N NN NN ,y D� � M• ID � NM N O CO N b ..1 X IO L • � ( O N /0 o m La ' L h- f0 y a � { a a E ; E YI O { o � v U C /p y� OO�OJ Pn OCOn SPJN NOOSnNf�.OP01110-IIL1•�COd OtL1MP P01L1S P C O POP OCA03d OO �M NOn PnP NO Nd MO.•+OIL1nMOP.-IS OO O.tM .T YI 01 •^ • E L POP NP0.�1Nh NI�PIL10 d0-INOn-I c000-+-+SdMO N�tO .-IOdO PP W TN ONO �NNM.O ti.T PtCNbNWCOnnNCOS Pb ON NPd NMP�M �TbNd OdlL1 -I /p p_ M M dP nM MMnnO NM.•+n O00 dS n.TPPd OO�N n Oiler NdP Ip H !L . . . O . .N . . .b0 . b .W N N N rIN h-CNd P .�nP .•+P.+M lA ftl ul LO �iP M Nltll .+ T y.- O NN NbNCO M ONN ►•tL1Nb N .+b MNO N NN N y yL M b NM N O P In w • Z f.. � . a b u w .y 01 .q N rl � Ip y N 10 f0 y C Y.-,I O! y y y T O O � L ^I �C N N O O O ;+ F- NT TH C d— N N L L y W Li^ H H •�C L+� Y7 L> ^I AdIO EU C LT7 61 6 T -+ 10 •^ �0 IO O TC) •� .�•-la-•C 41•- O C� T T T Ipy •-C� U O OE L � '^ �+^� W^IY O t OUy E Cy y T U' C > L Oc LTC > f0 •^ C �+ R d d V1.r C •^ 3 C VI C y L 7 61AC Ly-� CCILNLfOCL O>-+Y�O �+ LYL OT7 N07 C 7 C W C O .� !V O L C 10 YI O -+ GJ D O �+•^ d UI O -� t LY 01 O N T V L O O t ++ O C! O 7 O. l0 C.1 TLJ.+6�LNyD 3YYLJ•+01801•-Uy YIY O�COI'O 6U yLLYC.1 NY LU O OU COI�LO.LLOC700001 YI77Y2CyLL•�CfE CfJ OlO yCJLL CUB C) f0 O W O L 7 �0 O O O L L O -+ ([I •.-� O L L f0 W •- •^ !0 O •- O O� L t L ••- 7 0 0 QI •^ O. yUd �+<4mUCJVUC10 tL222 �YYJJJJEZdC.Oe Uf anrH 3U27• YO1/f -+ [ a d 01 ._ Ci O G1 Cl MEMORANDUM # 1068 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANDER p. O. BOX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the Jahn Hamilton, City Manager January 17, 1992 1991 Revenue Bond Issue City Council Attached is the new schedule for the 1991 Revenue Bond issue. This schedule replaces the schedules in your budget book for the 1977, 198Z and 1985 series issues. Also attached is a revenue bond debt payment schedule reflecting our total outstanding obligation. JH:es Attachment (L.M.) 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2OO5 2005-2OO6 2006-2007 z0o7-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Totals Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 1992 Baa Rated (Average Coupon 6.818894%) Original Issue $2, 230, 000 4.70% 40 90% 5.10% 5.25% 5.40% 5.60% 5.80% 6.00% 6.15% 6. 25% 6.40% 6.55% 6.70% 6.80% 6.90% 74 00% 7.05% ?.15% 7.15% 7.15% 73, 233.75 72, 866.25 72, 356.25 71, 700.00 fig, 405.00 67, 025.00 64, 415. 00 6 1, 415.00 58,186.25 54, 748.75 51, 068.75 46, 975.00 42, 620.00 VsMOM 32, 685.00 27,085.00 21, 092.50 14, 478.75 7, 507.50 15, 000 50000 20, 000 50000 85, 000 85, OOO 00000 100, 000 50000 00000 115,000 1z5,000 00000 00000 00000 160, 000 170, 000 59000 195, OOO 00000 67, Q45.25 73, 233.75 72, 866.25 72, 356.25 ? 1, 700.00 69, 405.00 67, Q25.00 64,415.00 61, 415.00 58,186.25 54, 748.75 5 1, 068.75 46, 975.00 42, 620.00 37, 860.00 32, 685.00 27, 085. 00 2 1, 092.50 14, 478.75 7, 507.50 82, 045.25 161, 467.50 ,732450 169, 712.50 2281400.00 0810400 224, 050. QO 228, 830.00 227, 830.00 2269 37Z 50 224, 497.50 227,137.50 223, 950. OO 225, 240. o0 225, 720.00 225, 370.00 224,170.00 227,185.00 223, 957.50 225, 015.00 946, 723.75 2, 230, 000 1, 013, ?69.00 4,190, 492.75 Bonds were issued as a refinance of former issues benefitting water, sewer and electric (combined $1, 430, 000) and a new issue ($800, 000) for a new water well and elevated storage tank. The total issue represents Electric 6%, Sewer 44% and Water 50%. FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9-30 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2ooa 2009 2010 2011 .���� � Ei ��g� �`-� Y p� SA�NGER CITY OF BANGER. -ERAS TOTAL REVENUE BOND DEBT SERVICE FOLLOWING THE ISSUANCE OF UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE REFUNDING AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS ;SERIES 1992 UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1973 336,175.00 (a) 5,293.75 0 _-_541=468�75- UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1976 319,943.75 (a) 58,800.00 61,050.00 58,025.00 =_ 197=818�75- FOLLOWING 11-15-91 PAYMENT UTILITY SYSTEM REV REFUNDING AND IMP BONDS SERIES 1991 582,045.25 161,467,50 165.732.50 169,712.50 228,400.00 223,810.00 224, 050,. 00 228,830.00 227,830.00 226,372.50 224,497.50 227,137.50 223,950.00 225,240.00 225,720.00 225,370.00 `22a,17o.00 227,185.00 223,957.50 225,015.00 �4� 190� 492_ 75- JANUARY 7, 1992 TOTAL 5138,164.00 225,561.25 226,782.50 227,737.50 228,400,00 223,810.00 224,050.00 228,830,00 22T,830,00 226,372.50 224,497.50 227,13T.50 223,950.00 225,240,00 225,720.00 225,370.00 224,170,00 227,185,00 223,95T.50 225,015.00 _S4_429,T80�25- MEMORANDUM # 1075 TO: FRAM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF BANGER P. 0. $UX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the John Hamilton, City Manager January 21, 1992 Water Well Proposed Site City Council On Monday, January 20th, Mayor Armstrong and I met with Mr. &Mrs. Edward Lane concerning their FAA Certified Landing Strip located north of the proposed elevated tank and water well site on Joe Falls' property. It is my opinion, that the banes' will agree to decertify their landing strip. John Mears with Hunter Associates, has already contacted the FAA and has been informed that in order to decertify the air strip, the owners would need only to write a letter requesting that the property no longer be a public access landing strip. As more information becomes available, I will keep you informed regarding this matter. JH:es . �'� CITY OF' SANGER P. Ow BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUIVI TO: John Hamilton, City Manager FROM: Chuck Tucker, Public Works Superintendent DATE:' January 17, 1992 (1/21/92) SUBJEC : Water Samples Texas Department of Health notified me that two of the five Bacteriological Samples taken on 1/9/92 from 811 Peach and 711 5th Street had coliform bacteria present Therefore, we will have to notify our customers by paper. When taking samples, I have noted that we have got to be extra careful not to touch or breath on the sample bottle. In doing so, it will ruin the sample. Therefore, I do not believe it's the water, it is just the fact of not being extra careful when pulling samples. If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know. Thank you. CT:es January, 1992 Volume 2 Issue 1 Upper Trinity Regional (later District P.0, Drawer 305 Lewisville, TX )S06T (2i4) 219-1228 Particioatinc Members Argyle, City of Corinth, City of Denton, City of Oenton County FWSD #1 Highland Village, City Lake Cities MUA Lewisville, City of Northlake, Town of Pilot Point, City of Sanger, City of Particioatin9 Utilities `"Argyle Water Supply Corporation eartanville Water Supply Corporation Mustang Water Supply Corporation Contract Members Aubrey, City of Bartonville, Town of Carrollton, City of Celina, City of Capper Canyon, Town of Oauble Oak, Town of Flower Mound, Town of Frisco, City of Justin, City of Krum, City of Lincoln Park, Town of little Elm, Town of Ponder, Town of Prosper, Town of Contract Utilities 'lackrock Water Supply Corporation Perare Water Company Denton, county of of Organization of UTRwD Completed Legislation approved during the 1989 General Session caused the Upper Trinity Regional Water District to be created. The legislation provided for a 2-year open membership period for all eligible entities wholly or partially in Denton County. When the membership period ended June 16, 1991, some 30 entities were on board. The District now represents: Participating Members 10 Contract Members 14 Participating Utilities 3 Contract Utilities 2 County of Denton 1 Approximately 26 cities and towns are involved in the regional program. The District is governed by a Board of Directors. Each member entity appoints one representative and Denton County appoints one. wastewater service to Argyle Inaugurated On December 18, Mayor Jenkins threw the switch for pumps to transport wastewater from Argyle in a new pipeline to the Denton wastewater treatment plant. The first project of the District to become operational was accomplished under a regional contract that provides for Denton to treat wastewater for District customers bordering Denton. This project is the first phase of a program that will allow the City of Argyle to offer wastewater collection to other parts of the City. UTRWD Helping Towns Develop wastewater Control Flans Several communities in Denton County now rely solely on septic systems for disposal of wastewater. To assure that the environment and the drinking water supply are protected, several towns and utilities are cooperating with each other and with the District to assess the adequacy of septic tanks for wastewater control. They are considering the impact of growth and whether collection systems may be needed in the future to protect health and environment. After a series of meetings with the communities, the District on January 3, released guidelines for conducting wastewater control studies. The studies are expected to be completed by November of 1992. UPPER TRINITY Regional Water District Chuck Carpenter Denton Chamber of Commerce 382-9693 CHAMBER ACTION (January 21, 1992) If ever the small businesses of this community needed to rally, now is the time' We've been talking since the Special Session of the Texas Legislature last August about a proposal to close down 'at least two of the 13 existing state schools as part of the settlement of a 17-year lawsuit. A special governor -appointed task force is currently conducting on -site visits to review and evaluate the various state rllool _facilities. They will be in Denton this Thursday, January 23 at 3:30 p.m. in the DSS gymnasium.] The Denton State School provides almost 1,800 jobs, 59 percent of which reside within the city; approximately 82 percent live within Denton County. Total salaries for the 1991-92 Fiscal Year will be $32 million, which translates into approximately $2.6 million being injected directly back into the local economy on a monthly basis. These figures don't include the estimated $2.89 million spent by the school itself through local merchants, vendors, physicians and hospitals, plus another $295,108 returned to Denton retailers and the hospitality industry from the Client Trust Fund. In short, practically every type of small business here in town is directly and/or indirectly financially impacted by the Denton State School; and we need to show up in mass on Thursday to show our personal support. In 1957, a group of 2,000 local citizens, coordinated by Marvin Ramey - who was Chairman of the Board of the Denton Chamber of Commerce at the time - raised over $100,000 to purchase and donate the land on which the Denton State School currently sits. To this day, that has proven to be one of the most valuable investments the people of this community have ever made! MEMORANDUM # 1074 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members John Hamilton, City Manager January 21, 1992 Water Projections The attached are Associates for th JH:es attachment City Council e the water projections as projected by Hunter and Upper Trinity Water District. i --------------------------------------------------------------- BUS. OPER. SUP. SYSTEMS 3696321 P.02 .� ,,. �'��, 1 � � 20 l�do . 002 F' . 07 R�C3IaI�A.� KA i i�x SY's�T�`M . �sxxM,B.Ti� o� wii7'ER ?dI3L`n� � . FrRdM• �� SYA7'Et� . ������� RRQ�IR��;x� �� , ��Qt7�BT�D t�M0.U19'1'.( �artia.�pera� x999 "'tGa'i • �.99� ,1945 .�946 x937 X998 �.99g 200U SANG�a ' " .04p .4iG . f 10 .rSV .200 '" - - .2•a0 ,2QA Notre: �� 3ure �o take dzought condition� raced oa tt pe$k da � .��' into �ccot;.nt. How much wi�•Z tau Y you havra 1:u��iclent w�lt�r from other sourceQ to ► You ia: a Hh:llc, entcr your umou.�E s.n tihe PixsC carx} su�5est that , you taF•a into account our f,�zrn os arltr of p�'ojoctcd need► h'e y unit oU� o� uervice}. p x (ci3tpac�,ty With xarge�t, Note: Give t:s dour � bash estimato, Thin: �,s not Four data will hel the nz�tric,t � cr'rJnitn'ent, nci bindtn�. P Plan for the bo�ti option. ,' • � t 'nET•�l� Box 1012 Sanger, Tx 76266 458-5184 Mayor Nell Armstrong City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger Tx 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: January 13, 1992 As you are probably aware, construction was recently completed on the new entry to the cemetery. The addition of closable gates should allow a degree of security we've not had before and hopefully prevent recurrences of the recent vandalism to several monuments. Wynema Schertz has discussed prelimi- nary arrangements for the Police Department to lock and unlock the gate with Mr. Hamilton and Chief Erwin. At our board meeting on January 9, 1992, the issue was discussed at length and several options were considered. Following is a general description of the way we hope to proceed. We realize that it would be virtually impossible to open and close the gata at any specific time; most of us feel that this is also unnecessary. If the gate could be locked near dark and unlocked sometime in the early morning hours, at whatever time would be most convenient, we feel our security concerns would be met. Once the gate is secured, drive -through patrol shouldn't be required for the rest of the night. Obviously, if police business requires the officers' presence elsewhere, the gate would simply have to wait. We plan to erect a sign advising visitors of this policy, to be worded something like this: THIS CEMETERY TS LOCKED EVERY EVENING. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, PLEASE CALL 458-3311. We hope that the term "evening" is sufficiently ambiguous to avoid committing ourselves to a rigid time frame. If the City requires some sort of release of liability for locking and unlocking the gate, we have no objection. W. K. Pate and Joe Spratt have been appointed to a committee charged with communicating with council members to help iron out any difficulties and answer questions concerning this request. We appreciate your cooperation regarding the recent annexation of the cemete- ry. In addition to vandalism prevention, occasional police patrols should add to the peace -of -mind of many of our elderly visitors. For the Board of Trustees, oe Sp tt cc: Council Members, John Hamilton