08/19/1991-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAUGUST 9, 1991 SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS I-35 FM 455 TO PECAN WATER LINE RECYCLING DISPOSAL CONTRACT SOUTHWEST PAPER STOCK LANDFILL RESOLUTION R9-91 NAMING STREET BEHIND CARE INN REAL PROPERTY R STREET, CITY HALL is 11 t ,t , l%e 6tea tl 6 2, CONSENT AGENDA* ) Approve Minutes f July 15, 1991 & Budget Wo3r9kshop `A D 1;sbunerAem entc, AGENDA* , Citizen's lit lr"Can't icir T3 il tir c it xat t 1C c rri r ld r° err Pn1lo%I i tirwttn : & tn-t cixi .A ir t t tri e "r cl - l- 1 i€A r~ rr 0 s4v l A ti a Ai F' easr cl Wtr Tali ' j- 1 on dr Naming of Strebe et ind Care Ire l City Administration Report It'. xecutat%v Session orcil tom, 'on1der ano Possibl Actin Regarding xecutatte eslorl. Any Other Such MattersRosa.HeGarciar°c i 1 , A4journment City Secretary An r Ct3tic2l lember y request a item on. the Consent Age be. PRE SE ,TW PRESENT. or Nel ArmSLrong, ouncilwoman filar to B to fr; i ncilrx an John Berndt. Counciirnn Wfmdell Tmils, 'ouricil it Jerry Jenkins, and Councilmarl T € inj.Lly l 1 Cleal ;l ctric Syuperintenderit Larri Yoast, Police Chlef Benny rvvM, Public Works Foreman Eddi.p Branham, D10r yin and. atsy Salrgent, Cindy Esta Ashcraft, Lind e lett, Peggy Sanford, Burl H. Bourl n , RoVice L . FaIIA, was r. t- `L t` a L0 'L A.C-. OLL%r I t.L %. Z.7ic, t` CIla r,A. L LTAk U $' `'e-C,A d. °.t- °,.4, 4>' , .3. tS ..t:> ` 3. ;'Sd 3'wsip R. 41 %, . a:3 SCR °w d ,S.Y " ,! 4,, LYL 6 .a ar,RL y'4.= Thorrit n, Rhonda Jackson, Fr ricilc Sullivan, Pat lei s cr, Helen Bounds, Ben and Ann Weather -all, Marsha I rtin -- Sanger Courier, An' Garza., Ran I ett r;son l inc Schad -Denton RecordChronicle, Dr. Charles Bitty. grid ickic Elieson w s4 it's sT fz 't { a led Thy. plc e o tau Ilag Establishing1jeaullficallon ommlueeasanufaclalzoard. ri .f° a: o Bo rd, T1TL L BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, PROVIDING FOR EVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING1 ` `ECTIV DATE, I 11ctirr was e b Councilman Jenkins ri€i secndcci. L-iv Cuilr, ii q f "Tl a arxi t rdit r .c fii - 1. Ir tirara c ric l f 1 / 1 Page ,ons idcr° and Possible �cti n egardin A e�intment to Beautification Committee as are. Official Board, otion was made by ouncil a rMomas to approve the fallowi appoint tints to the BeautificationBoard* lace 1 to �hcaf% dace 2 Tweedi Jones l lace Dorothy Clark Place 4 Patricia Fleissner Place 5 CindyRichardson lace Te1 resa Calvert Place 7 Linda Hewlett °,ommis ion hilembers of the Library Board. till0v Board, Parlks Board a d Planning and Zoning Board. =, � c�rmiiti��i�i �f i�tc�i laa�d lcl�� iccriic�l£"it�r�ai'd ervin thre consecutive terms - 'i`om Ki caid - P s mmission and Francile Sullivan- Utility Board, ��e �ic�rt c�dae 10 LAI t Proclamation #P7~ 1 - In Support Of Disabilities Act of l 9 df= Confirmation of SullivanSenior Center Officers a�ricilman Jenkins gad the motion t alasrovc the Cancm Acendae itien` lifiuiw - None 31 Citizen, 3v1rs Joe Brown,a�- €Vlr. Brown was not b cscnt tri state his rcucst. / r /9 r Page 3e ��. ap��r�.�;l�.tc�f SDhect 4, Redben Bebee, Consisting of 23.6 Acre: (Sanger f ineter t/ 11 f av r ArmKrong opened tine First rUU11C Hearing L0 tic UUULIC. c one spore for or a aim t and Mayor ArrriSLL Vlae i rUc cd k1m the Public Hearing, Mayor Armstrong, did informC its€ �oun ii that the cr icc Plea was included in the annexation packet. 1. �.�r�icir ar�d l�ci'i�l ctir� cardir� ��tc�ri�ati��rr car �.t��- ;�irr Bid -East of 1.35 Access Road from: FM 455 to Pecan SSSSF; SjB';a.;3 LPL iY4.1 14P® LL3�w'3.ifs'.e2 SY.. �34-°�Y'°.'a�L'..;-^�:,€. �.i p. are -Tcnlzir�s. Motion rarricd, ict��ii� fllc���c c�ccr�iri tl�� fcr�cc� �� i�a�id Sri€��. l��ir�; tlgc lJtflity Easements. d�.r,i�rlcil irr�;tr�ctd tl�c staff t� rccccd to rc�Fc _���� fcr�cc �a��l� t t�rr�c1 cast link of the Utility Easement making sure each r operty ni atz access to the Utility Easements, Staffwas also instructed to rac t o rt a individual basis with the property owners to sere if this ;sohii-ion wHI, work regarding their fences. es. :staff tc rcrt �ac1�tl�i �ltxtic� i fat�ic arrrs�el ner . t �.cr�idr aid 1��il �.ctic�r� car°disc It�rlcal ,�;rccrcr�t t�,�itls ct�rz €�curat� - trc.ct lcc�sx�trr�ctis� �r�cct -tinx°i WnQ xsadp i-1 nil � ollmn � lincaid fri arc roposed ltcri*-arirrt%its ctcs ir%r s`cardirr itlttt: l�4ar h ill Street, Walnut Street and Oak Street. Seconded by ncilman Berndt. Motion carried. lie orridcr and Possible Action cardi Personnel P olici4; Discussion. Councilman Jenkins ado the motion to �i�� ff'icia[ areal �. tl�c `cr�c�r�s�cl �alicic asrd is��trt�ct�d staff t�� k�rrrj rdinance to the next City Council Meeting for approval. Seconded lwv Councilman an I incaid, Motion carried. �� 3 91 Page 14, CiTy dmini tration report. City Manager reported on the following; a). The work repairing the unnamed street is 2/3 completed on loth to Care Inn. The property owner of the lot Psi, north of Care Inn, a resident f Ardmore, Oklahoma., has been contacTed to see if he will donate a 0' street ROW along south boundary line in order to extend street to connect with the east side of la). Woad Street, by the football field, is next scheduled r ejor street repair. c ). City Manager advised City Council 'To please let rinin know it They were going t attend the `:I`IVIL legion III I inrucir ���hich il. C held at U.N,T. _Silver eagle, Friday, August 2nd. d?. City Dana ,er advised that the Sales I ax ref�ei lred tc da Y 10,339.74 compared to last gear' , . . Thiscalendar .rear, � e have collected 5, � IR 1 . Labe a Roberts lea definitely impacted our sales tax. 15, Any Other Such Matter : a). Councilman Kincaid aid stated that the Senior Sullivan Center- need a wheel chair ramp. ramp before the end of the b gut. yeary hUVNu.rer, the d r aren't wide enough and one door was budgeted to he also installed this year. {��rreilr��an er=�l�in� asked lief �,rin if all the truck r��i�te €� re rserl identified,Jr j thief rivi.n did Mate that most f the rate are identified e� eft �cst�� street tc� l�at%r°rn t� r�x�t.irz and r�.�r�� f��,tin t�� Int. 350 pity Manaer advised unil an tIenkins if lie worjld et;ive lz a list, �e �t�ld tale pare sf it, I�ayor Armstrong advised she had a sell last Friday trr Bract er2tri ii Centel, e .�arited % rea�t�r e her their �"«�`� s��,� forgotten the EAS and had the petition almost completeci Page ) Mayor Anxistrong also stated she had received another complaint. Apparently when the trash is being picked. UP, the , piled the trash on one area so that the garbage truck won't ham—te to make so manystops_ The problem it is causingis that by t1le time the garbage e truck does come by, the dogs get into the garbage. pia YLIT�i UI Ov fit a cll Joudt cn%ca JWY 15, 199 t Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Wendell T h rris Councilm are Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy I i .cald I'�`; Benny Erwin - Police Chief, and Danro McDaniel s. rm trong called the meeting to order, udct �iTr��- i�cuic��x f r°�d l I�' 11 ' c l Year Budget - Items scheduled for discussion are Projected venues iiand the following department budgets. i�c�aartn�crat budct dicrz�cdo .rri i nis tratio ire ;li c I A r ar=y .1ax Services udet zxiksho� acijur«ncd at lie _ o ` TEN r C.?F ;-=t,rdG� H OF,El,l I TEN L.?4'i CC±M I it.?t} t=r dr',i's._ I-,r_.F. 1 V [A 3\1'D 0 R I.hI4! EdE=± It`.4J M'!= F''CJ h,{lJfYi E71_iC 0, I44= I. .�4[1 Hif!'I D.jC. ntr11 �.. _ ?ti flr"A! !"`e' Asl� PTINDI'CII_iI�:.I`G C - 11 'rit" r i fr•:h, s t• �sjFs rj" / -r SEWER i ! r 'i r•; f r' �i r f _, e .. ,!iJRE, > E El%E-. !=l_ _ ,._,.?. _31 Im{,.,.?7 :s,' '1 ''It t1. ?C4u .. r �f;} WORK f-1-E• I IE=I' `�_rA tf C} !?„''o 1,'';?1 {'.Sf")A II:t'1/`�1 r_}w=t_C i_it_} tdC�CtF, 61C f_IF `=TA ::elf.:= 8/i}:�•ii'`?1. �•`;t:?'3 C ii=`i!"11 �i=.r t�?ti t_'ifa tt�clzt III, W0RK AT *_rC,i a/C?.=i:'' 1 A: :4.f} ;{!ii'9.f:?1. 4f_`S t) aQU Out IOIAL J•-'t�'z _4 t"?fit SUP E:}� 11{0ti} f rr i:.:''?/?1. �'i<�`t:°4, t/c``:_1/`�-li c:E, J I It _... t_}(.) 1_'Y✓ v 1p. J It It It Iwo TAI... i_`C:rya 1. 8 v t"if„1 tl fti t t iJ "t t ! Q '#125 ElIJRRLl.w rLJFE.,I'1f11?F',i i :"C• i� _, C: FOR C!i-�`_..,�p'-i L' 11 r.:. jr fs j:� rr: 7 S}" o tYfi FiE:FI:L: Frl1E(al` : 1`±_±r< !t., ',: W ±e.r �ii 4,ti, L ' �_ 1It. J ,}t{JF E[_Ei.LF_?"F"- St r_ s c'..7r t� s u .• rr -'r_y cc SuFT E)PINI�:G• •_,U f::F,':J, r? : r''t_?1 r psi C,:L. 4 L,r'c'.1 1 J; o f?t=} C' CI-1-iES GCIIEIRCIDE i18SEl'0 %ft„}4°/`S1 %;it_it_? F??`i�'I:''�li ct;%,f„?t_} t.}fIt _i 41113 c C',67UC,i 1514G 00 LOr r r.- '" Gs r r a •t c I CITY"CTI'iE }i_!F'I=LI I,'4r-''#'_'1. 'f, 15 l':�", Br c: i d. •Jn % < t)i_} 44c:e C?�=:t:O 1'=k `i i r. _.'': _•p rMC f f %.1 1!- /'1 58 _= 14 B / i:1 / r_1 47.: • C i }C } 111,3vii100 47r 40 AIR != iL_ i Lf—'..c; r==C,;'y;i}c_} r`� i'=t1 81 1.'; B/i_'ii e±i _ � 9C.00 III r_1,W�t?C:i !f�t!I>� f_I�' i L_I"C'i lri�?, E;l'� 1 l�?.±�F3!�!A`; ii�'1 Pa U� r?i�!: 1'3 Fi4_f::Ec:.fl-.F, !-!'�`Ilr=`.f31_!E.(i: it�,fi�+'-# !:'r_'F,/�!1 ?�=a�':.,�' r',•`�..'1!_ii I::'f:,_rt•! =tit'i DEALER: E LE C (OR IC* SUPPLY Py t!, is{j=1 ; O. : i' LIGHT •_:UF- 417 ',0�.4,— .J 1:'!c,?•_}i _ 1 t=tiif? ir''1, ?1 A _Ir_. eft-} �i r'i'_ C?tt�?i:? 'r'li_: �im: TOTAL 4 ti=:n `sic f�it�a GI C1' O C:?F N1TiN ACC IUNIC"dif"�I_ 1",UILf=?IN :'1�t EAST iif;E;IPN`�L::'� IF'E €.1I:o r,L11} co LAN u,1_.. �J v S;! ('_ E'a I) IJ R GC`i}tUTH l_. k-b i A I OF'E::I`� .1!'E.hi L.I 1 C�ii�'ff't=1i''�' 1t)1) �'r`�C;%'a11 l Fit=E: =' 00 n ' i ('+iV NO i. lti V D k E POP HIM L?I._I(_ UM t`=j +1 !cot, 81_.:r'i 1, to ()400 EJt_7'3n -D4 ECi IL'AE_ 1-,..=1r_tn '1"it11L.E=`r C'L.E_I+::i .1.4;1'•�ji)C) bbub k0EAL 14"AYMPAT ON SEWER F,{tr`:'t 3 .�!-J 'TO T FI L. 4 `an atCxy,? 4190 (�?zj*0(::) r.}1': a !_I ram: t»}(i 41 rja 0700 431n000, _f0TAL. r r 'mot 1 � ~= J l � 1. ! '-' 1 1... I L• �'= .,_I ._F r :.! .� ! i i n 7 /`: 1 Nt='l{w: tr' '1 j 1 1;`7tta c;0 CJ'1?:1a Jt»i 7 i1l, )7n ibitJl1 2500 i:i;_!.f 17bb— i-.E f E'.�i I )_.L. '14!`_1'4:) I,'t_);rri.l /�)!}C;r 0:/ 1 rrc.' )—'€ (l:� rr`-11 I WFC�'iL ;•iir;{�? i*11r;'1�I� SCE;(._. +: i�l_.f_E_ILi-3R E (=E._ i'NO i�iC)C�1'I F(L.`d _, E�L�'F'NC1Ed I""siE='J} % r'•�(1 r"w11 lOIAL. 1 ± 1:�� 1471j;1.._c;TA'I c. i'�iE� I;*F' ��)E�Rt�';.C:�'� i,I I. T'Y' I iF ' `IAI\Ii r; V 1.-. U100 R I I''-f V Ptf s_I 1 I t f;1__ 1'2{-1 I� ? ("j rrs�'sr:1 f i�C� 1"'i(('i I R LnC.�L MID 1.0 RRJ'A I hi ;'6tE.,6 1-1 E f°'t=3 E:1_.E.fD'I i "IN T. 51 i 13 I_?[_{b i-'ulur? t=1 ' OPF N 1 'I'Fhri 1_. I `OT PaiF,PAN v ,. t:}i) � t,' �. t�„I91 1'ft'1{*11,—. 5 `:1 ,1_ , ii,) ryf06/111 iJ •J SJ I ' ' '•� 1 i.+I F 170 8 f )1 f '-) I �• '? :? : r t. r A15 - -?i_? .yam=Jn t„)t=: a-. '-i'.Jv t �. "i' ._I 'i1)l{r41_ T i )L. L_.: 7 _. t-�.J r'f i'�r� 1,.JS It _ .._ a 'YAIF':::R NRE_AKF:R DO q.411 C)`t. F..t,__,, t_) 30 0}1s_) I—_IC1-11E- PA,R. `44111_:'5 ''t' 11° .-It WHER 1;f-1NG, I'ZOL.f_.E. r?It• 11 C'f J;': R T A F+ E C-i q T 1<"� �' i 1:" FZ i r+ `i .t I Cis Ci, UQ TOTAL L�V r J.t if .J t'�= E•J cl .f".{�t•;il L. E.i �Fi Y'11:-'. �4rTlt-t:�i r'1 �'7..�`rC• r.:4 ,! , t`, ,l r{.1. 0800 L. •:;.=�;;1ta; ROADRUNNER'(fi�si'F' i i, SUPPLYelf ';I�-j: � OFFICE :'l It_IJ.i ;L)'� I`%iJl._St1t�i� :.7 r'�t l:i '. �t ._I r•1._. 'i ... .. o-:J %i'=?::' f C1 1 PC O= BIJ�, i 1t..17 a 7 �i• r ..JIG 1 1191 :�_+_ �`� : 1 1 �P ,.i r 5 1Gs i'i_) (11 C OF •�,CIhd[==I..I; A i_i�.t_.!'d !. (f_M L;._ i C:latHP h"Y 1._.4. Sr`'I(S 1=`i,E ;. 'E hdirC'F iiI'':? I'd!J l:Cl ` i�'i 4= POh`[Jt5! i=)(_li= IiT' >''_i1:t-:P1 i=tt1 i iYi=�;s._= iitTT ifl` N TOP id(ii_i INi.=r 13'7 l ;r',`'}1 ��''_}.`.-_;`:, ll,'i=:i. 04".)1 :gin C1ii INV FOR `:;}TA1d SIS 7it)`dr•'r1- 81GO st"11/111 t_tt_: �?(_I i„'_"?-":I I Itr "�}?'-a •-, 9�( RIt It7 i. F,/;-, 1.''`''�!1 ,{ ; 16 : `-!1 }t'-"-'i; 1.'..—,f f;;.( -. 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W l_a R! ::' 1. t-} '+',}(_),: 16 oom c' F l RE i 39 L vF:l-{ I0I,E MA 1 NTloo-tit=' 1 11 � <<5 � ' CIDMICNII;-SI RATIONom--FF 1E14, 3'` n S)5 E L" 1=riJ.i3L.Ii.J !'.1i.lRt.. ®•E.i=` 1 "i 'T,j„ _ •_J CITY OF : NGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 AZiGZ91 PAGE ; . 08:Jz \ VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE OTE PURCH AM` gISC, AMT DATA PROCESSING I9 200.79 VEHICLE MAINT—EF 20 40.a8 COMM, CENIERBF 2i l03,2A QASIE—QTR LOLL—EF ee 340,5E GENERAL FUND l3,873=55 ENTERPRISE FUND 13n 31y QO $� ! C I TY OF SANGER P,O, BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 f'lEf'IURANDUM '� � 13 T0; Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM; John Hamilton, City Manager )ATE: August 16, 1991 SUB,_JECT: Consider and Possible Action on bids for Sanitary Sewer System Improvements The bids for this project, to close the upper lift station on �Jld Highway 7-; -� and tie it in to the newer, larger, lower lift station, will be presented for your review and consideration, This project is scheduled for payment from the regular wastewater collection budget and is estimated at $30,000,00 to $35,000.00. This project replaces the scheduled $105,000,00 sewer collection line to service Willowood Addition, JH;cg 0l0 BID TABULATION SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS - FIFTH STREET SEWER LINE CITY OF BANGER D91019E AUGUST 15, 1991 - 2:00 P.M. HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 BIDDER BID NO. TOTAL BID BONB DAYS 303 Contractors 3644 Garner Arlington, Texas 76013 (817) 261-9071 HCH Construction 1475 Richardson Dr./Suite 230 Richardson, Texas 75080 (214) 690-6681 Jagoe Public P.O. Box 250 X 6 0 $ 9 2, 7 0 0 Denton, Texas 76202 Joe McElreath Company, Inc. P.O. Box 1094 X 60 $59,000 Gainesville, Texas 76204 (817) 668-6511 Moss Construction Co., Inc. P.O. Box 860401 Plano, Texas 75086 214 881-9544 Dill Backhoe Service 320 S. Red River Gainesville, Texas 76240 Radick Construction Keller, Texas X 45 $74,900 CITY OF SANGER P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 (`1E(`1C�RANC)Uf1 '� � 14 Tt?: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John Ham 11 t.on, City Manager GATE: Auqust 16, 1991 SUBJECT: Consider and Possible Action -Water Line Improvements I-55 Access Road The enclosed bids on the proposed 6 inch water main on the east I- Sc access road from FM 455 south to Pecan Street are presented for your review and consideration. Staff recommends accepting the low bid frorii C:�ill Construction of Gainesville. Funding this project is $7,000.00 from ARA Living Center, $4,300.00 from water Capital Reserves, $4,300 from unexpended bond funds and the balance from Reserve. JH:cg Enclosure IY Pa Ot BOX 578 OM* John Hamilton, City Manager `r 1455 south to Pecan 5th in the Conference Room. All bids will be presented to Council for µcvlew at the regular meeting. and up to $7,000 from BRA (Care Inn). BID TABULATION WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS - I-35 SERVICE RD. CITY OF BANGER D91024E AUGUST 5, 1991 - 2:00 P.M. HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 BIDDER BID N0. TOTAL BID BOND DAYS Jayne Pufl:l1C P.O. Box.250 Denton, Texas 76202 X 30 $ 38 5 76.00 498-8363 , Moss Construction P.O. Box 860401 X _ _ $ 4 6 35 2 . 0 0 Plano, Texas 75086-0401 , 881-9544 303 Contractors 3644 Garner Arlington, Texas 76013 X 60 $ 38, 370.00 (817)261-9071 Radich Construction Co., Inc. P.O. Box 1355 Keller, Texas 76248 X 45 $ 38 224 . 00 (817)656-8553 , East Texas Contracting 737 Judy Lane Seagoville, Texas 75159 287-1187 HCH Construction, Inc. 1475 Richardson Drive/Suite 230 ' Richardson, Texas 75080 X 30 $ 32,390.00 690-6681 Dual Construction - -:. .. Texarkana_,=Texas 75504 - 286-0094 Calvert Construction P.O. Box 50375 Denton, Texas 76206 (817)387-2626 ... :, � ... .._-r-, .. � _. ......_. _.... ... .... _ .. BID TABULATION WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS - I-35 SERVICE RD. CITY OF BANGER D91024E AUGUST 5, 1991 - 2:00 P.M. HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 BIDDER BID N0. TOTAL BID BOND DAYS Dickerson Construction Co. __ P.0. Box 181 X 60 $ 36,425.00 Celina, Texas 75009 382-2123 Strittmatter Irrigation & Supply Inc. 800 North Hwy. 377 Pilot Point, Texas 76258-9276 Murray Construction 515 N. Kealy St. X 60 $ 46,140.00 Lewisville, Texas 75067 436-4566 Mario Sinacola b Sons P.O. Box 248 Lewisville, Texas 75067 221-3584 Joe McElreath P.O. Box 1094 Gainesville, Texas 76240 X -- $ 22,5I5.63 (817)668-6511 Rhode, Construction 2031 John West Rd. X 40 $ 39,449.13 Dallas, Texas 75228 -D �.11 �� B.ac�tho � ` ". - 320 �• Red River ". cashie = _� _ 45 " "" •. $ � 22, 332 Gainesville; Texas "76240 check ,.-51 $ 1,11 .62 .:. lana FROM the enclosed recycling disposal contract between Southwest. raper toc.K. In a and thp City of Gainesville. The oitte unanimously re omrnlearl.. diat a it c c a i der a similar arrange rat in order to efficiently recel and dispose of recycled material. A representative of Southwest Pape, Stock has been invited to Council to discuss their services with Council. CONTRACT STATE OF TEXAS }t COUNTY OF COOKE }t WHEREAS, The CITY OF GAINESUILLE, TEXAS, a Municipal Corporation (CITY), desires to encourage its citizens to engage in recycling of materials that*are subject to reuse and which aid in the protection of our environment, and; WHEREAS, SOUTHWEST PAPER SJJICK, INC., (SOUTHWEST), a Texas Corporation has the knowledge and ability and desires to assist the CITY in its protection of our environment, and; WHEREAS, the CITY and SOUTHWEST desire to reduce their agreement to writing. THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: CITY and SOUTHWEST, agree as Follows: 1. SOUTHWEST will for the mutual considerations herein stated, Furnish .S „_, „ containers Foc the purpose of collection of the following materials only: a. unseparated glass b. aluminum cans c, white paper do other paper and unseparated plastic. 24 CITY will adopt methods, policies and manners to encourage its citizens to utilize the recycling containers and to participate in the recycling of the Foregoing enumerated materials. 9. TERMS - Term of this agreement is for one (1) year from date of signing. The agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to herein. the other at the address stated Lied CONSIDERATION - The CITY acknowledges that the recycling of reusable materials is overriding concern and provision of a recycling program for utilization for the citizens of the CITY and that the collection by the CITY of any fee for providing the necessary equipment and encouragement of recycling would be a limitation upon the program and therefore agrees to accept as a total consideration the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) annually. S. NON EXCLUSIUEGRANT - This agreement is a Non Exclusive Grant to SOUTHWEST. 6. SERUICES a. CITY shall furnish one (1) location For SOUTHWEST to provide containers for collection of all materials enumerated in Paragraph 1. b. SOUTHWEST will remove all recyclable materials placed in the collection containers when needed or upon seventy two (72) hours notice by CITY. 7. INSURANCE -- SOUTHWEST shall Furnish proof of insurance as Follows in the amounts as stated. a. General Liability - $1,000,000.00 b. Workers Compensation applicable to the State of Texas. e. INDEMNIFICATION - SOUTHWEST does agree to indemnify CITY, its officers, employees, agents and servants from and against all claims and suits For, damages, injuries to persons (including death), and/or property damages, losses and expenses, including court costs and attorney's fees arising out of or resulting From SOUTHWEST'S performance of this Contract, including all such causes of action based upon common, constitutional or statutory law, or based in whole or in part upon allegations of negligent or intentional acts on the part of SOUTHWEST, its agents, servants, employees, suppliers, licensees, invitees and/or subcontractors whether or.not such claims -� are based in whole or in part upon the negligent acts or emission of i Recycling Contract/Southwest Paper Stock'..............................ge 2 i J � CITY, its officers, employees, agents and servants. The contractor indemnification obligation to CITY shall not be limited in any way by K any limitation in the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or Far SOUTHWEST under the Wor!<ers Compensation Statutes. ADDRESSES ❑F THE PARTIES TO THIS CONTRACT: THE CITY OF GAINESVILLE, TEXAS Z00 South RuskStreet Gainesville, Texas 762�t0 C 817 ) 665-'i3�3 SOUTHWEST PAPER STOCK, INC. �}00 West Jessamine Fort Worth, Texas 76110 C H 17 ) 9Z�t-8005 THIS AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO AS OF THE 21st DAY OF MIRY 1951. CITY OF GAINESUILLE, TEXAS ATTESTED: ita Gray, City Secretary SOUTHWEST PAPER STOCK, INC. PTTESTED: Secretary _._----- i Recycling Contract/Southwest Paper Stock.!................................Pace 3 E � I � Q� May 21, 1991 Robert M. Tallon Southwest Paper Stock, Inc. P.O. Box 1503 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 RE: City of Gainesville Recycling Agreement Dear Mr. Tallon: Attached is a copy of the executed contract between the City of Gainesville and Southwest Paper Stock, Inc., for the location of five (5) recycling containers. We are in the process of constructing a secure site for the placement of the containers and will contact you as soon as this is complete. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, 4 Gene Cravens, Assistant City Manager GC/PP attachment (1) Clty of Gainesville 20t) South Ruek • " Gaioesville,'1'exub 7G210 Ittl7► 6G5.4323 • Fax (81716b5-H89b Pt 0, BOX 578 001111 FlaMilLon, ity Manag August Da, ��XJI i�& eclecl letter �� �laert L�t,�lp, l�rei�ler«ir �f g��.�tl���£e�t per 3tmo{{ckg r�e0ar i g the interested yyuyrg�gghpursuing ase ofy�our �yp��Ipa �r landfill yips_ enclosed n l �;In =fir youi Sy"E-6'P`acw. if Council. 'is interested in �d f�d.sui €� this k.,=ot�F.�3k. ilitTT, (��E..n3 nose our landfill stands at September 4, 1991). you could instrt�lt it to Atili e legal and engineering services t determine the fe sability or merit of t is offer and help determine an equitable purchase price. 1"EL HU9 UIIyl 10&V1 14U.vi6. # •v•- SouthwestPaper Stoc Inc.. ' • •• . IN :.: . : I P.O. Box t tiO3 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 (817) 824-8006 FAX (817) 828•$000 July 1, 1991 Mr. Jahn W&milton city Manager City of Sanger, 'exaa P. Q. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re. Materials Recovery Facility pear Mr. Wamilton: 7t was a pleasure to maa't you and discuss a Materials Recovery Facility. Southwest Paper Stock is very interested in the City of Sanger's landfill area for a Regional Recovery Facility. This facility would provide recycling services for Denton, Cooke, and Grayson counties. We would like to me©t and discuss the details of our proposal in length at your earliest convenianca. Aleo, we would certainly appreciate you forwarding a copy of our proposal to the Mayor of Sanger and to the Sanger City Council members. Again, thank you f ram you c a n . Sincerely, • lobert F.Dunlap M resident BT/jld for your time and T look forward' to hearing Procassin0 Faclilty; 40Q We at JessamM. Fort Worth, %xae 781 t d P.O. Box 578 T Cr I-% cf Ti;� 1t � :aJ} f'ctr A t i"t�Cr E r 6�4 . I �7I?$!CI i i =s t'r+i (f{ t'� i�iii� 1`1of�rl r1 T ItI+It ,' :+ii31fi.f1 4}It It p f L 3 l �t l ; st Fit r; ( serve = 1 f +. 1; ! [. , f I 1 t„ ,_1 I _ J r: 4� �.,.., . y. , i-. .. '. j '. i*s +rx ma uar +snewr+xrvs- ervoma vsm rlme« rr i:i-:,••: ,::,... rtcai; '. ' f '. , y , O i, u _ `) . , „ r W \l o I. I' 1, 1 ' YY t ' • W h i II i W 1 ' y '!C Q C„j rQ' o j i ^ i 'V _ u -v r f ` ~ 1 ' f 1 Y i ram` t .. ' W r 'jam"( Q O ; ,. (; ;; i i' r 0 IJ r 0. v ,, w C i it o i '�angc�C anclet _,f...: ``(tit ,�j�{, �rt_f i•.° 'f v r,llcl r, r". (if -�I 'u�I �7 —� - Fat} ?j '.eo" 4rj 'S1) c, Moors an i Fib kx C'I lt'` } VU' City of Sanger, Texas Resolution #R9-91 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF MANAbERS OF THE DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Article 1432e, V.A.C.S. provides that two voting members of the Board of Managers of an Emergency Communications District shall be appointed jointly by all cities and towns lying wholly or partly within the District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas: Section I The City of Sanger hereby appoints Olive Stephens as a member to the Board of Managers of Denco Area 9-1-1 Emergency Communication District. Section II i That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of , 1 91. Nel Armstrong, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary d h OLIVE STEPHENS 101 Lakeshore Drive Shady Shores, TX 75205 T0: Mayors/Council Members J U . 16 1991 C1 Y 4F BANGER. DENCO It is time for appointments to the DENCO E-9-1-1 Board serving Denton County and the City of Carrollton,. and I would like to solicit your support of my appointment. I have served on the Steering Committee, the Interim Board and the City/Town representative on the DENCO E-9-1-1 Board. This commitment began in 1987 during which time many obstacles were overcome before the implementation of the service began for the DENCO District in 1990. My dedication and qualifications justify my request for your support in the appointment to serve a time of two years (September, 1991 through August, 1993). I have served in the following capacities: Board of Directors of the American Cancer Society Denton County Extension Service for 23 years (Holding all offices in Denton County and District Director on the State level) Member of the Denton County Historical Commission Member of the Lake Cities Chamber of Commerce Denton County Transportation Plan, Secretary Denton County Mayor's Association, now serving as Town of Shady Shores Commission, elected in 1963 for 20 years Secretary Town of Shady Shores, Mayor, elected in 1973 to the present I am dedicated to serving each city/town as your representative on the DENCO E-9-1-1 Board. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, olive S ephe s i ' C i TY Or SANGER P.O, BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEr�10RANDUM � c� 1 I Tc:�; Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM; John Ham 11 ton, C i ty Manager DATE; August 16, 1991 SUBJECT: Proposed Water Well Project in your last packet you received a report prepared by Hunter and Associates regarding water needs for Sanger in the coming years. This item is to briefly discuss our immediate need for water and to authorize staff to proceed with the engineering feasibility and possible financing options for the $700,00 project. I believe it is in our best interest to pursue the water well as rapidly as possible to relieve our immediate need for water and to remain committed to the Upper Trinity Regional Water District as our long-term supplier of drinking water, it is also my belief that through efficient management of our lake water contract and our own water wells, the every increasing costs associated with a reliable and ample water supply can be most effectively controlled. if you so instruct, staff will have a cost summary on this projer_.t for our next meeting. Along with financing options. Lei zc Hl 1 d tz H O hr7 rA ao z°Z M z z tMa Z n x "i ►j n ' (Ti M1 h1, ? N N N l7 p is m ° W t7 ° o yH toe 06 p a MR m C" o0 p' ts y En N F • QO n ►i rk"1 V V'. Eo 4A 4A (A fA N 8 S z r W W W 46 H 6A df 4A f/9 69 6A df H GA 69 6Y df FA O p b O RD W N r.. N p O to rn N p EA 8 Fes„ 0n g°0 C En O z 1 1 1 1 i ►- I i ► I 1 11 1 ► i 1 ► ► 1 ► 1 i i 1 I ► 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 I I i 1 ► I 1 I I 1 i i ► I i 1 ► 1 1 ► 1 A 1 1 1 I i ► I ► ► ► i I t 1 I 1 1 I i I 1 1 I I 1 i i i 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 t 1 ► 1 1 ► i 1 O ► I ► I 1 ► 1 ► ► ► 1 z ► ► 1 ► 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 ► 1 I i i ► I 1 1 I 1 I I I ► 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 I I ► I I i t 1 1 1 (i z i 1 I ► I 1 1 1 1 1 1 x i I 1 ► 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 i I I 1 1 1 1 t y MtTl M i I I i I I 1 I 1 1 1 fn 1 I i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 4A df 4A 4A (A H H H Vf !/f 69 kA Vf GAP p WW N8 .p. UO Opp C8n Opp Q pb 8O 8 . -. pN 8N 8b Q erl Q En 1Mz yzo yy° Z ZJLLLLILL.. M r I I I L L I M "Wj t+ b 3AT. : UBJEMe I X .1 Iq%x I. Oo O I ugust 16, 1991 � rm gamin of Street 'behind Care Inn designated City street and as such needs to be named, icy �i�� uoiden Age Street Francis Drive Cole Street 0111ve Street Ash t eeat Hackberry Drive .=fir .t"¢ ET � 2 , SANGER STREET INDEX 1st. STREET .................................. E,F•6 KEATON ROAD.......... ................. F.G-3 2nd. STREET .............................. E•6: G-6 KEETON ROAD............ .................. H.I-3 3rd. STREET ............................. E-5.6; G-6 KIRKLAND S,7REET........ .................. F-5.6 4th.STREET...........................E-5; F.G-5.6 LARUE ................... ................... G-1 5th. STREET ........................... E-5.6; F,G-5 LANEY DRIVE ............. .......... G12.3 ....... 61h. STREET ............................. E-5; F,G-5 LYNN ..................... ................... H-3 71h. STREET, ..............................E-5;G-5 LOCUST STREET........ .,,,,,,,,.......66, H13 8th. STREET ............................... E-5; F-5 MANOR COURT. S......... .................... 5.6 91h.STREET................................... F•5 MARCIA LANE............................... H-5 1Oth.STREET .............................. E,F.G•4.5 MARSHALLSTREET .... .. .,.............. G-5.6 filth. STREET, ............ $........ ............. F-4 MEADOW DRIVE, S... A A I.,,,,............. I.4,5 12th.STREET.................................. 4 FoilMELINDAMYRL DRI VE_. „.,,,,,,,,,,,,....H-3 131h.STREET................................... F•4 OAK STREET ......... G-5 .................. ACKER STREET ..................a............E,F•4 OLD PILOT PIONTROio. .41,11,4101111,,,,E-5.6 ALLEN DRIVE .................................. H14 PALAMINO.......... .................... I-3 AUSTIN STREET ........................... G13.4.5.6 PARAMONT .......... ,..... ..... 4........ 1.3 AUSTIN STREET. W ............:............... G-4 •PARKER. ... ........... ............ H-3 ENJAMIN DRIVE ............................ G-2.3 PARMA COURT ....... .................... 1.3 BENJ0Y DRIVE ............................... G-1.2 PEACH STREET ............................... 4 E-5 DEgRa STMCC 7 .,... F-4 FECAN STREET ......,,._. ...........................• ....................E-4.5 BOLIVARROAD .......,•.11.4.....4..........0,E-5 PERRY DRIVE............ ...................H-3 8OLIVAR STREET .............................. F-5 PIONEER........................................ 1113 BROOKE DRIVE .............................. G-2,3 PLUM STREET ................................. E-5 • BROOK GLEN DRIVE ......................... H-3,4 PRAIgiE................., t-3 .................... CARMEN COURT ............................. G.H•3 PRESTON .... .......... ......:............ I-3 CAROLYN DRIVE ............................. H-4 OUAIL RIDGE ROAD..........::............. G-7,8 CHERRYSTREET.............. ...............F-5.6 RAILROAD AVENUE........................... E.F•6 CHURCH STREET ............................ G-5.6 RANGER CREEK BOAC.... .................... G-7 COLONIAL HEIGHTS,",,,",,,,......"*... 4,. H-5 RISING STAR LANE...... ".............. 0.14. G•2 DAVID DRIVE. 1 11 61 11 1 + 1 11 v A. 0................ H-4 SANGER WEST BOULEI,: �;,-.................... E-4 DENTON STREET .............................. G-5 SHADY GROVE....... .................. H.I-3 DIANE DRIVE. v 0 & 0 1 v 4 * p 4 s 0 v 4 0 a 0 4 c P "G,H•S SIMS AVENUE........ ................. F.G-7 DUCK CREEK ROAD,, G-2,3 SMITH STREET......... ...:.............. F•6,7 EAST RIDGE PARK ROAD .................... F,G-B SOUTHLAND DRIVE. 1. .. ................... 1.445 ELM STREET ................................ F-4,5,6 SOUTHPARK COURT...... ............ I ...... G-4 EXCHANGE DRIVE ...........................4. E-4 SOUTHSIDE DRIVE.............................. 1-5 FAIRFIELD CIRCLE ............................. H-3 STEPHEN COURT ............................ G•H-3 FREEZE DRIVE ............................... G,H-4 STEPHEN DRIVE ........... .................... H14 .. HILLCREST DRIVE ................. ......... G,H-5 TAMMY ........ ", ............. H-3 ................ HOLT STREET. W. ... F13 TURTLE CREEK ................................ H-5 HOUSTON STREET ............................. G-5 VERNON COURT. I ........I .................. G.H-3 HUGHES STREET 1............................. F-4 WALNUT STREET .............................. H-3 JACKILU STREET .............................. H-6 WALTER....................................... H13 JENNIFER COURT ............................ G,H-3 WAYNE DRIVE......................... 4........ H-6 JONES AVENUE ................................ G-7 WILLOWSTREET..........,.........-.........F-5.6 KARLA DRIVE ...................... 4........... G-1 WOOD STREET........ ................. G-5.6 KATHRAN DRIVE ................. 4........... G4H-5 A.. s �•- To Bolivar � +to A J.IA r1�t,ti-,{�s'Aj e3 1 ,{ 1J }t h �.... j 4 4 �.1 LQ �o Q r y. HOL I = A o .I- _J< if000ff"W _1O -1 BROOKE. DRIVE U jLogo 4 j' h..� Yi.� I DRIVE ; 4 " 7BFNJAMIN,. I DRIVEa�r J S; y �rc DUCK CREEK:OAO Its %'fir r �kk"!"`"-�`E%CHANGEO{IIVE;' T*��^ �' J � i • - C 2 1' BOt x�JFA m , ,@� Al I dki-ry_[ J ? J �. i 1 0 41 It t yIYI �, �3 y 1tCT .�yl I I idc4 ! AtF fly }7Fif, / b '� 7 a 2 ; � FA. STREET x i S04 s'r v a l{ $'} 11 /t, L/aSTREEAU to 4 �fIZ 5 1 1 U' +04i ii'4. t 1ST ` raj nt �t A:Y 13OU t44 w It�'•ll33 3 mmIf1 4mfit m'- ' t1UG„ES ITHEET 1i A It 4 0 f `°A. It i 14 @L to A it to 1 m a+4 t m ,n rkur,` tti[d i 9�.` f A r; 1 f :: y t v qq i,rKra AUrr STIN STREET,, s C I TY OF SANDER P.O, 6OX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 MEMC)RANDUM # � 12 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John Ham 11 ton, C i ty Manager IT DATE: August 16, 1991 SUBJECT: C1ty Administration Report 1, The sales tax for August was $1 1,464.78, down 1,9� from the same period last year, For calendar year 1991, our total collection are up 40.5S, totaling $87,055.87 compared to $61,963.36. '', The enclosed letter fror7i CongressrY�an Dick A.rr��ey concerning the proposed Pond Creek site marina, briefs the results of a meeting held in his Lewisville office on August 7th. At that meeting I was assured by an Army Corps of Engineers representative that the legal work on a lease for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department at Pond Creek could be completed by their local office within sixty (60) days. The Texas Parks and Wildlife representatives present then told me that their two (2) bidders on the marina concession are both still very interested in the project and pending signing of the lease, they felt work could begin on the marina as early a November, with a Spring, 1992 completion date. 3, The enacting ordinance for our new personnel policies will be presented for your consideration at the first meeting in September. 4. The first meeting in September will fall on for the Labor Day Holiday, September 2, 1991, In the past, the meetings have been held on the Tuesday following the Monday holiday. If Council concurs, the first September meeting will be posted for Tuesday, September 3, 1991, JH:cg Enclosure 038 11 j C I TY OF SANGER P,O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM � 910 Tc�; Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council t ROM: John Ham i 1 ton, C i ty Managelf )ATE: August 16, 1991 >l!ErJEf T; Executive Session -Real Estate Purchase The enclosed letter from DCversfied Financial agrees to our offer of J���ly 2, 1991, to purchase a 40 foot right of way in order to extend Acker Street from Elm, south to Bolivar, Closing costs should be minimal on this )urchase. If you accept this proposal, staff would also request your motion contain a statement instructing us to have our engineers prepare the plans for the street construction. Current engineer's estimates on a 27 foot asphalt street with curb and gutter, similar to our Freese Drive extension, is $ 70.00 per linear feet. There is approximately 300 feet of street to be constructed at a cost of $21,000,00 plus engineering. I would caution that this small project could adversely effect bids. Staff recommends acceptance of the offer, Funding for this purchase is from contingency, JH;cg Enclosure 1-6Jf"`I `' ,' i 1! � v3, C; l a ally > t� �-�t�!,' f Cl U r r , r . �q t� � i , t _ "� F f� . � � .�s �� f�, �.-s . � ._� .�r . .J r ��I x ��i o vP� 1 -41 , ,ej .P f C,l_Ic,,,r i €{ 1- El .Gjf z!` 1� i %ftJ �f L�t`` I 'wlr �i,r�4A; }�_!� 4r E. 1 '! tI I Eirr1{ �f.i `/t�E r I�Ii^7 (_ ji i 1 f '°.f ii'1 11 iP I k� CIE frt,.t'i� nI ., 1 }y Y { r j } ! '' l cl _13 s ��1 P P'F Ev',` 1)l l e' 1. ,�F4r 1 � 3 t t_t � } i ,�L i 7 G � `. E 'a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ArJiG— TIDE 1 •4 : 2i0 DIVERSIFIED FINANCIAL P e 02 U1 bi versified Financial ms, tnc„ 1231 N. Piano Atr�usk 1.3, 1.993. Mr• . ,7ahn t•te�rn i i t,r>ri C.i ty Mortr g r• t: i c.y rr.f' Sangor T)F�Ejt .:J<rt�t� Richardson, Texas 75081 680.9981 FMA 680.2546 1)ivf;r.yiii,c:c� Fitturrc:lrrl Syt;t,c�m5, 1„l', tatY4 rl perc.cl t.n rtc:ccail E t3UaMj t.0 <et l ow t.lie Ci t.,y Of SfourIgt.sr* t U 5(Ie,4 fr r i gilt. cat' carry I)r'or>ert:.y (:hut, wo }rurr.h� sod f.rorn F`cirnc:E,. TC t:h�r.�: tsr.ez rury fur•i,hr•.r t�crr•.�t.i.orr�, x'F*F�l. i'.rc�e� t,o r,orit.cic;,f. rnc� ijt: (2.14) 6803 99}i 1 % C�� /$0 a fm Mc.ArdI a V i c e To' r() sis I d r n t: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIJG— 1 3—' 1 TIDE 1 4: 2 1 II I'v'ERS I F I EL1 F I NANO I AL --------------------- P e 03 t'it4 July 2, 1991 Mr. Bill Smith Diversified Finaztca.al Services 1231 N. Plano Road R .eharc son, TexaG 75081 Dear Mr. Smith•. Certified #P910-79 -715 At their regular meeting of Ju1.y 1, 1991, the instructed me to again propose to purchase 5,g80 located at Bolivar Street and the west side of q.1352 acres of a 1.211 acre tract, Prentice l aymond L. Todd E .CCJX, Vol. 1721, PG. 666 R.P.R. dollar {$1.00) per sq. ft. for a total purchase plus reasonable c7.csirig costs, Sanger City Council sq. ft. of your lot I-35 access road, . Preston tal to at a price of one price of $5,880.00 Regarding youa: f'ax of last week concerning back taxes on the property, legally,C:ouncil cannot excuse past due taxes until they havo been on the books for twenty {20j gears, The above of Eer of $5,880 for the street right of way is contingent upon a clear closing and is tendered for fourteen days from your receipt of this letter. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this offer. S rice ely , t ohn Hamilton City Manager JH:es w/r. a .. -c ---- ....r. - - - - - - --- v o o v s n L"CP tZnc404 fNf'/i' e 22rre r7[ac .2SS•nmQQ 'f<'fAeYm»rt tfrt V •A 0 0 c « 9SS oo• •Od««IpV c« •OlrVOA OOOdG'7o AOY n cn1.1Art a H00747 r79 rt7= Orc c IA 00 n 0 N c z O as•7990•b 7 n0 O 001 ?rN n7P0.1 rt n9 ' coo 7 CO A•N room «OD f O erzopr PI rt0'rtY1 •l •v 04047 %C nN 9 c O A 0rtS0 0Sc)%C00Art=7r0YI A•+ ccro.cr0NUOMONr 07W O c 7 c0f9 CKO VIO xel r4Mrto 1J W"IM 7p/07 rrt1 z%C3 c 7 rt rt rt7 f rtn0 S 0 0Trfl1 O. 47 SIp O on n« rt07 \ hc hcr70 «*M r•prr r nKO 01 Y • Lr %C9 n c%e07 7 Coin VMW r 4c49 c W art 7r -1 -1 a•IO• M rr n n N A -*M 7 N K K a =4 rt O O O IA 10 W 0 1m O. O O K rt r? rt M r 7C 7 rt' or d IV x d lu A n A N -IZ -• S1p rt co V,N %J,• vro-+rW rN FN W.ONrWPW V7 rJ N r WW ` j P N N. . . . . . . . . . . N• • . . N. Ap. . . . 00 to J1 FOrN VIOOFSVI%DP VINPOWWVWA.O O.O.O W.OAFV WJrr WV1O 'D 01 O! 00Dr FF.O FVIPP NF r N 0 VP V1 O J% J% 0% WV1 V N•O V O W J%W Ln V1N F IOK r .rNW ccPVl VV1J%FrV7FwWVPFPFOAPr.00WrWWVtWV1FP W r 73 M •••Of N 00%D tuFOO .OW%OFVFV OFW VNOFVPWFWJOOVWVIWPrP•00 PP 07' W WFO 0%WPOP40%V4%0%N100V0FrW4%V000JW0O6L%4%0%I%V7 O Srt v 7 a n n c o O N 3 3 N •O O rt 01 -{ •i •907 07 0 p q 9 OJ x r N A'--qN ViA A A VI N •C1• r• N 0 W OW Vqw ro Oo OlN VNlp tlrw NlO i% OrON r WN N N Or n M 1!1 O W Vt WrFNNr0 VN r rLnN A NA V 01 O 0 7 rt o" • N • N• . N. N. . . N. 3 07 tool) V1 V10 FW V1 P Or VP N N.O W W F cD W cO J 01 J% V N•OP V1APWr Fr •<AD '0 O rtO 0PP %DWW%OW 0w OLO%a W%ao VIr0 PP.D Vtlr Vrco%DP WO.A 4N D .00 A w OJ M% M P WOrrw OP WrcOJW VP%OA CocoON VO VPCD VWO O O w%< 99 • 3 WJNO r V V N N%0 CD Vt N N W O ONWP V+/ W N CP O Pr M N c Mph J.OW ViNNPVFPP 0 VIF VIWO OOOFOONNOVIr.OV4DO l 7 O Q rt 7 r W1 M V1 n x X c or r 3 > N 3 A I W Or I I .D-'NIJ Nrr r 1 rN✓ •Dr 1 I Nr WPN I I S 0! n 00 Wi*O V1 V1r O P 0 0 Ln WWrrrVrO .O VI VPO.DVW Vt tN 0 1 O • • • 0 • • • • • . • •'• • • 7 K c .D .O O rV .O .O O OVOP O w 0% 0 • F'WOJ F JO V00 wwwtw"O.oNO OPP in OFlT1 .OVWP JWWWW VIF%D J N F 00 WNOr V1r Vt NWVOrwwc% WWF M 1 rt XXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXaXXXXXXX \XXX71 X.\•X X:tXXX1K X\•X N > c b 0 V1 N N .D rt CD W W • A q •"; ,...N N A 0 NNfD to N OurF `--Ar NN NOrPrOr NC/N N PN N NN N 00 FWr cowVr NWO40WWNV1r•• WrFNrNPPrNP NViNNPNONr WNW 00J FOF co.OPV ry VI O!K r for 3 D WWV1 W.DO•D CO J co NO O N J Lo 003 rVIW WJOWPi% FPrOVV VNVI NOr M01 .D O N WO.00 O•DF W Ln J%0c0P%a GL% WNJFW Wut DNtltVOr WOFr NLZ JV1 7 r O 0) No N VN VPV O VIF F W O N W W N W%D W.OrV1 W P O Wr J%D O P W N NO F rt N W• V1 VtJWtfl O WP W OHO W%OFr.OP PP N O F V/ sr 000.OFr O W OO PA O W V NW .DOrVWVV1WViWJV1NJN W W.D%D PO W%O V%OJ J 00 X% 0 r• .O N tD N V W W •10 N N !D N O NNN Nor N j NW NN 4u/ NN Or40 NNN N F0 N NtlrN Ih N FNr VV1 Nr %D WPNP ON FN N►•X% r N W Ln N NOrNIfl N WNW 00J JF J WNtTFr W O.D ►+ VWOPF VI►••OW .a WNWPPFOPOW F N Qi `C N. • . N. rt 3 OJW V1WWW • NN P%D.o LTI CorVr..N N J O N.O r 17%Ln •-+• NOVfP 1%0 N M10 Mv V1WN OVW %0% 0VP V7 co JF N N•D J0 0% W V W O W NP W Vt F N N O V W N 7 W r•-+.OW JW VI W%D r LM O N NFr•F V W V N O V O N W W O WP.O V rtOV10 JV WNW V7 C% ui VI V1 W J O W N N N 0 JV1r N L" W P M F.DLn NWPW .D►•FP CO W FNPh P P V1 Vi J V1 C0.O 1s.O 0%Q F O✓WFP PP X • 1 I r I I S r••• VI ►+F•-•NrV1Nr N r r..N1-•.Or 1 r I rrV1rW W O P .D h•• V1PVr O.OWOPJVOWFWOWFr.41 V%VI NFF V1 .O co O 7 b V VIF 0% OD N%O N O Jr V1 Or N P.D F N O W Vr F V1 VP N J% WOrr VFWWN OWO fD .D V1 OWPO %OWPrONNVOFPNrFO.Or0F.ON rPV1JWJV10O FFO \..\•X .X.\•XXXXX?:XX3 XXX X.\•XXXJEX 7KXXXXXT•XJ. X X iii BANGER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER August 9, 1991 Mr. John Hamilton 'itv of Sander P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear John: P. O. BOX 188 Jim F. Coulston, Superintendent BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Mike Rosenberg, Director Finance/operations (817) 458-7438 High School Principal - Jack Biggerstaff - (817) 458-7497 FAX (817) 458-5140 Middle School Principal - Kent Crutsinger - (817) 458-7916 Elementary Principal - Brent Hoy - (817) 458-5297 Intermediate School Principal - Alice Madden % (817) 458-7476 Dir, of Educational Data Services - David L. Moore - (817) 4584438 Curriculum Coordinator - Greta Miller - (817) 4584438 1 CLi,JL fit/11A �t 2 Cl1CY C���►�C� Two or three weeks ago I visited with Chuck about getting the pedestrian crosswalks at the Intermediate School re -painted, and about the possibility of getting a new cross -walk painted at Chisholm Trail Elementary. We discussed placing the Chisholm Trail crosswalk as an extension of the front sidewalk that goes all of the way to Keaton Rd. Plus, we discussed needing pedestrian crossing signs going both directions very badly. This was a follow-up to our conversation last spring. I would appreciate your assistance in making Keaton Rd., as safe as possible for our small children. School starts for our children on August 19, 1991. If you have questions, please call. Sincerely, � Jim Coulston, Supt. "�i)rlicldcl to iidurntinn ... (Qnunuittrl Yu ?:.rrrllrurc" CONGRESSMAN DICK ARMEY 26TH DISTRICT, TEXAS 130 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515 )202) 226-7772 COMMITTfFB: BUDGET EDUCATION AND LABOR 1 _101i E epreosentattlin August 8, 1991 City of Sanger John Hamilton, City Manager P.O Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear John, Thank you for taking the time to come to my Lewisville district office for the meeting with representatives from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and Texas Parks and Wildlife on August 7. Please accept my apologies for any misunderstanding which may have occurred concerning the location of this meeting. After reviewing the matter with both agencies,. it appears that the city of Sanger should have no cause for concern regarding the approval and construction of the marina at the Pond Creek access area near Sanger. The contract will go to Texas Parks and Wildlife for their review and approval on or about August 15, It will then be forwarded to the Dallas district office of the Corps for their approval. Both agencies have assured me that barring another year or two of 100 year floods, the marina should be able to open in the spring of 1992, Both agencies have been directed to notify me of any change to this schedule. If you have any questions, or should there be any other matter with which I may be of assistance to the city of Sanger, please do not hesitate to contact me. I have appreciated this opportunity to be of service, and to represent the citizens of Sanger in the Congress. Sincerely, �� DICK ARMEY Member of DA/sjh cc: The Honorable Nel Armstrong Congress DISTRICT OFFICES: 26O SOUTH STEMMONS SUITE 210 LEwISwLLE, TX 75067 )214) 221-4527 1301 SOUTH BOWEN ROAD SUITE 422 AflLINGTON, TX 76013 (617) 461-2555 (617) 363-3376 (FROM CITY OF DENTON) 9 1991 THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE Of RECYCLED FIBERS � - r COMMISSION RAY STOKER, JR., CHAIRMAN ROBERT H. DEDMAN WAYNE B. DUDDLESTEN Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: �tUC 8 199i Cl�Y; ®F SAGER STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 3067 DALLAS, TEXAS 75221.3067 (214) 320.6100 August 6, 1991 ENGINEER -DIRECTOR ARNOLD W. OLIVER, P.E. CONTACT: The tentative 1992 Federal Railroad Signal Program for our area is attached showing those crossings that may, according to our records, meet the criteria to upgrade the safety protection. If you have major road improvements scheduled for any of these crossings or have any other crossings that you feel qualify for additional safety protection, please let us know as soon as possible. If construction is proposed, what are the improvements to be made and when? If crossings are to be added, provide a 24-hour count of vehicles using the crossing and hard copies of accidents during the period January 1, 1986 to date. You will note that the column heading "ADT" is the count used in this program. Any up to date counts you have will help us keep our records current. This information must be sent to Austin in early August, so a response by July 31, 1991 is needed to effect any change in the proposed program, Any questions should be addressed to Mr. Don Blansett, 214/320-6234, or to rne, 214/320-6231. 1 y'I'. Wallen, P.E, ct Traffic Operations Engineer Rn Equal Oppdn'unity Employer iS1 V 1. J+JOnJO JJ000 J ") A J J (") OD00JJOJv, JJ D t; 1-'.fINNO N.L sNNNR N'/NQ N.r;P r NNN.f .ONan .R at".R N 1 C7 WwJs r a0 Wv'P r V'W Vr r+t VIHON:)un OO Jr VI 1 -I ; IV W ON N r+ tit 0 P O OD N(T rJN Jtr t S V til V+W.v V'O K: aD V• O i N N J.C,AC n.CC r n+ NO t% L.Mui J`ut JAmNNE•+ p 1 2 . 4: C aD --1-iD 7 N VNNl- O.C(f Cr P Q.j WVI I 'I NJ -cn+M<mcro ar_ C.tDt_ EXD-17C-1VtT 3 r+ 1•+ mcr. maocmmmm POcQ1mm mmrrtr trmtrmcr D 1 7 Cra•crmma'mm ; to yy t } r r 7 rY X C C"t n CJ 7 CC rr ( C7 C r"r CC;KC77 Cm >V h1 O b m m D.n n D m m b m D m .+ r m b b D .71 D T ^ T R r>7r<rc7zr or r <r r 7, c7a'c T'r 1 'Y T T! r -/-1r Dr m-i--1r-;D --Ir 4r Dr--1r-1-4m r„r„r I C to r D x 1• Z +to to 7_ Zto^to'Z ZtoZ v 7;n [^D U o-rr TxV i T_In 4N.' ut ZD Z V A r n > 1 -t 1 1 C p n, r ooA onLA' n0rn LM A L. n 1 ., 7 A 7 Z r ._ ._ n N r• Z 1 Z?- D tr.. rr' $ c-r -r --t rr-Z i mDm"1 mDtnn D.-+ r' T • l v 7 P t I )' > X t T v ^ c D K c v, D C j 7 v I A ul C IpIioII AIL a C Ti' 7 1 +1 m J y m 7 ! 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N r> 'V Z N N - t T m-i i i \7 1 V qr -1 M 'O -4 .d -1 --1 A M -1 V `I to N V1 -r In -/ l/1 LA LA LIoIt LOPI N D 'r 'h "n on T. 61,1 an Ott 'r1 n T tA £, m 1 :p m " i C . i 'V Z < r+ l- N N r•-r r r+ + N r r-+ l-+ r r-r r a- r- r+ t+ N r r r r+ r lU 1-r N W N N F-+ 1•+ N 1- 1-r N 1 0 VI :e Tf 1- N N N ti r+ N N N N N /- N N t-+ /-r Ni N H t- N 1- 1-+ N 1 441 D x o f r ora rv rv Ova a F OaN/--•V rv:ra %P VQ . ' 1 2 1 30 i C t C; S C N tit W ..t R V N V J V n W N J lr W V N lr R I V' C lr C VI n Z 1 1 A O (') to n VI %n (•) VI a7 n f) to V1 A ui O •.11 Vt VI n VI VI !Nn AID i n IMP 1+ . I D ; J N J m J m :D 1- 1-• !- 1-. ►.+ f.. ^` to 7 N N N NJ JN JN N Ni NJ It I £VI V' C V VI V• lT V• O V+ VI tr V'• V, V• N O O ti. Z 1 to 1 'v 1 N NN t•NNN 1--• N N N 1 Ni N N N N N N N N NN N9rvNNNN i X X X 3 X X X x 3 3 3 X X X X X X X X 3 n X X X X X X 3 x It I m A ` : ( X A t y ^ i n !-r I..r rV ►+ 1- /-+ N h-r N /•+ W N 1- !-+ N N N N w 1-1 r \. Y `'• ( 1 NF. 1... 1V 4 ; -4m% r' IN DF. NNw w J r l t Z1 1 1 1 a wGpa.cu+tvp 4W . l,, vl>, r , c . %I" it ' e. p • <ta 6` . N n; E '` vh 0` v S i n o tu } J Cm •OMJ loop 1 6 1 D ie tl J W 0% OD 1-I It W 1-, J P .0 W N m W J iV .Ia F- .F .0 Its V O1 1 t7 JJ•OOm.t. .D N1-rm V1NmF+P W OJNNO 1-+0OaJOJ.00.OmN t' I -•1 yv S' OV+00.n f'P VtW VI lP.COO m N C7O O mV1W OA 1 h O 1 ' C'T 1 .'7 • • N w IdilV 1 A NNNNNNNNNNW r.iV,l.litP.O1..rv' xm .D A 1` r ut ut ill J J •D O h w A t` VI J .D O r-+ m aO .D N O l j*j P Ja. .CNWPr aC r r v w W v 0 mutWN.CN W w or W P W0 COMMISSION RAY STOKER, JR., CHAIRMAN ROBERT H. DEDMAN WAYNE B. DUDDLESTEN Control 195-6 Loop 138 Denton County Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 0 6 1991 CI I OF SANGER STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ENGINEER -DIRECTOR AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ARNOLD W. OLIVER, P.E. Subject: Highway Redesign��tion Dear Mr. Hamilton: P.O. OOX 3067 DALLAS, TEXAS 75221-3067 (214) 320,61D0 August 51 1991 CONTACT: The Department is doing a project requested by our Austin office which is eliminating the loops, sFurs, etc., thus making them in the City of Sanger's case a business route. We are asking the City's concurrence in the redesignation of Loop 138 to I.H. 35 Business route. Thi��change will be at no cost to the City. Your assistance in completing this project will be greatly appreciated. you have any . Phil Portillo, 214/320-66200 Sincerel y, "� rX�,�:'I I � Leroy Wallen, P.E. If District Traffic Operations Engineer An Equal Opportunity Employer