08/05/1991-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAUGUST 5, 1991 THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR TONIGHT AT 7 P.M. HAS BEEN CANCELLED.' A QUORUM WAS NOT ABLE TO MEET, ROSALIE GARCIA CITY SECRETARY ANNEXATION ABSTRACT 29, SEET 4, REUBEN BEBEE 23.6 ACRES SANGER CEMETERY 1. Disbursements }. approve Payment for Calvert Construction Abstract 2 , Sht. 4, Reuben Bebee, Consisting of 23.6 Acres (Sanger Cemetery) irat. 35 Access goad from FM 455 to Pecan , g r t `rt rrrr st tYrt ap r try ar lirr L,a ifill i . r rx icAr ar cl T3i"l Actic r tc Atxtl ri icy f" r I prrat - i- VVY4 7 i , arMir y viriir trxwii t tn Mnrtl Consider a c P ilale ActionRearir . ppair trr t t e? E g OtherOthert h Matter r <ro .r z; Council Men .sent Agenda b tale e p r ir i i ual c r i. ratit . DENTON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DENNIS M. BURN, P.E., DIRECTOR (817) 383.1166 COURTHOUSE ON THE SQUARE 110 W. HICKORY DENTON, TEXAS 76201 July 30, 1991 The Honorable Nel Armstrong Mayor City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: The Commissioner's Court, at their July 30, 1991 approved the enclosed interlocal cooperation between Denton County and the City of Sanger for course penetration asphalt pavement on several city At1 G 2 1g91 CITY OF SAGER meeting, agreement a single streets. We will contact your office to schedule this project with your staff. We anticipate initiating our work activities on August 15, 1991. Please forward a'check in the amount of $2,500.0.0 to me prior to August 15,.1991. 3incerely, I i pe ni Burn,PEo eUn ji Director of Public Works Denton County DB:jP cc: Commissioners Court Jack Wagner Sam Tipton iI TLT'I its U Bell i'It;:1I July 15, 1991 ounci John Berndt, Councilman Wendell Thomas, 11man Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy ouncl neal � loctric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Police Chief 13enrfy rwin, Public Works Foreman Eddie Branham, Domlin and hcraft, Linda . . jej ewlett, Peggy Sanford, Burl H. Bourland, Royce L. Fain, red Yeatts, Tracy hornton, Rhonda Jackson, Francile Sullivan, w Bounds,at leissner, Helen 4artin � Sanger Courier, Andy Garza, Randy Petterson, laine SchadDenton 1. iay�r �.r �trc��z eallecl the eetlr� tc� girder, aye tie i�.�eatic�r� �r�� led tie pledge LO tl e flag. U P. ppointments to the Beautification Board. Place 1 ta��.craft dace 2 T eedi Jones "lace 3 Dorothy Clark: lace 4 Patricia Fleissner Place 5 Cindy Richardson lace 6 Teresa Calvert dace 7 Linda Hewlett Board,Commission Members of the Library Board.and Planning and Zoning y � � a). AIarrave irs�.te raf 'ij 11� 1 lad. �i�k��rse eryt e . Proclamation #P711w1 In Support Of Disabilities _ct of 199 1). Confirmation of Sullivan Senior Center Officers : itizen° Input - None ran was not present to Mate his request. / / 101 zq I page e a v _ he Public Hearing. Mayor Armstrong did inform City Council thal the 3ervice Plan was included in the annexation packet. Access Bid IIIIs East of 1.35 Road from FM 455 to Pecan clease of ouncilman Jenkins. Motion carried. lie��ir�n f�all��aed e�r�eerr�iri� the fez�ee �t� iiavid �ric�e bei�� ��� utility Easements. V Council instructed the staff to proceed to move the fences back to II east line of the Utility Easement making sure each property has access to the Utility Easements. Staff was also instructed to meet on an individual basis with the property owners to see if this solution € ill work regarding their fences. It darshall Street, Walnut Street and Oak Street. Seconded by xan Berndt. Motion Ive off It Discussion, Councilman Jenkins made the motion to 9t Meeting ordinance to the next City Council 10th to Care Inn. The property owner of the Care Inn, a resident of Ardmore, Oklahoma, h k to see if he will donate a 40' street ROW along .0 line in order to extend street to connect with t ust north of contacted ,ith boundary east side of �. "i�caci Street l�� the fcc�tl�all fielcia i nest checlr�le afar street repair. were going to attend the TML Region VIII Dinner which will ble held at UNTO � Silver Eagle, Friday, Aug -List 2nd. $10,339.74 compared to last year's $U,534.b6. This calendar year, we have aLake Ray Roberts has definitely impacted our sales tax. i Ftincairi �tatec� tlxat the Ser�ic�r Sullivan Center nee wheel chair ramp. ren t wide enough and } door was budgeted to be also n stall stalled this year. Ccauncilman Jenkins askedChief in if all the truck routes ��xere rerl�r iex�tifieci. T�ayor Armstrong advised she had sell last Friday from rail entan fr�s Centel, lie wanted tc re�ure her their Dave nit forgotten the EAS and had the petition almost completed. � �d� to y o many stops.problem 114 1J I a pity Council d et VVVIASLIOP July 15, 1991 CouncilmanCouncilman John Berndt, Councilmane Kincaid PrItZRIXT "i ; a a II h k ilto 2, pity secretary .o o.lie cia; Vickie lieson - L, ibrarian, ivie n I UC er - F ire Chief Benny Erwin - Police Chief, and Danny McDaniel 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. scheduledFiscal Year Budget Items Revenues and the following department budgets: ire Abrary Cax Services Q ..... ...; ._. r; - i �"'. - t { t•:. _ r iC� t' i;: ` rw! •� �{::� •{ } %• r._t •:::� � ec f,t� l y._:.i. ( 'i !._E �" ...? l' �1 !'�I �.;:! I� I": •._! ! I"�: I_' I:::. � i" !_! I `I %.• � i�`, �.) ,:.. ): � � !:: �..! r'`•{''.:_! ,_! . „ .i .d t.:. t__ .:. .{. : `i • _; ,! !.... r •..! „ �. (::+{�I`•If�::lti-li._ C=i.i!'dC� L...t�!EJI.)'CI):�t41 ( i:,�.i—'f...i it_.f:.f�11::a'':i it 11�1. ,'', '!.�7. �`:; `Fr:':::":!:: �•.!s::� ! !''s" a: L... �...C..,r' E::E.�!!__!:C C'I'�i(i:P�d'!� F�'CF>f_..i=2{�;I::C�i= l'.t'C 1= ._ll``�l1:� �' ": •� _ i_ o... t.. � t .�:, -.; r: —: -}i�� ;::,��Pa:::!C=:I, r�:.1...i:_::.._L.1_, _ I'l:�'T!'_'. f=°r-i•� )•il-�(`�I-,' ` C� :CF?I::: C I''...'f-:l�:. (:1�.1:1'1:�;::, E't`�::::��_I'`.i'1' �„ .[�..,, r•°+. ,` f;t t' C!F'L_N i`� Ffill LI;:3'i' C:t"?t iE t=itl`Y 1 ,t_} ;; ;r ;`"t:i f—'t1CiE: 1 F�N) iR I NIV NA I NV Li F-d4 I='Ct NUM DUE DTtl r'URC'.L; AMT D T ts. c:1. t)0 34 n t){_} I OTAL. i'`��t„Y ?iiJ!"(t�ty,lt'1 (li_I�``�;:� ? [�_•�. �, ,', n (`1CMV, ON II_ LANDFILL L.CF51 ':'1`:.P91 let_}4i_ii_, ;$1, If,{_7n i_!t_! W Ct hi I :. ON L. f- tNDE-' I L L. L. C 6 '91 4/f f o4{7t_Y %� q 4:J! jo 00 TOTt' L.. t L3-_n BLI'iV1 CDE "'C'I F t_a-f+. 942 J `' 1 ��i``Vl =!'•°;. %ie,iJi_} ], 4 1 fat=ir 4i , TOTAL.. t=,-,t�}i�7 C-''I-I 1='nt7d ;�i<<�. iit_!�+ •J�'1t�4I(a�l�Tt-il_. •r:�,�..f��!='1._!F�'� MOP AND HCOINDLE 7c. 4`14t:'n—i i.}{ i t f o iJ 4 4;::`.t_71Y T0I;1L.. L_MHD, UN TO 414n V-3-10 .} T 0 T AL. k-'E:.t'r I �; I t5i;•'klt.� T' 1 i_}i }I�;`�t r'e t"1van t.}tei 1r1E'n4C;, 7C,;�; L.'_FtJ n 4 It1 :f �iL_L�tt L�I;-i tt-_ttL. t_(:`i i-{ 4. l.: '':}1_li FP'tt]_'Yv L'r'ft.7341 !'r] TClTPIL t)(�'!�C'Ir,kag AMUC:CIL.. i r� C?Lthrf t=tl�!� iL vL=;"t GCaL :,rt i �' TCITAL irft:7t�ai:) 1?��t�C'1�(ak�{ (wt+„ hL_EG'Ta C.C?--(?�='n � T Cl'T i1L. p�tli(*.ali�i;='i-11_ �LIIi_I=YItdC!Y �.isn iYiY .,IE:L..Dlk'<( cn -I., ; _i.. .':ii`:�:':71. n cr t�i tq} n V O [ f-6Y i:_}�' 3iAN IE Fi ' C1F`EF'd 1 T E'.tri L_ 1. � � a ei�!'�1C'l-il�{', 1C)C 7 is 1 /,:'1 1=°A( La : 1:11=�NDO 1111b' NO i NV D T E PO NUllDUE L?TE F'! 1=;CH !' MT >-t IS i ii 11 447a C)4C?t? 025: Of, n r.�c. .. _ r Cry' c' �• odor{': ON {._l�1�1Di=11__i_ •. 5 0[_? 7:11`?!'l1. G':-`'+.: sRft�?`;'f'}1 ., ��, _tt-r 44 7n C?4C?Co) f_,97, cit;} a:—+, ��t_? 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I G-:(_ mE.1 3r.1L_D, _ ,_a 2_ . ._.:� 7s i 0`I'AL.. f�r-;i-'?IY ON,R(:i'�z 3 IMill : A4 �j c f_)�T I_i{n� WC -IRK Ora L_?�is`d �r IL_l_ 1(III) (a) L.s Ir IJ ONEN IA TO'il`ir_ l�Ur:- f�li1 i)I�?r-:i(E_Il��al"r.; G %r.. I;r:f=`ARTrrlEN r "I : r-'t il_ 111r_ }ANITEE T IAN -r 0 :' iAl t`.R URAC WORM.; t:?f'f—l.I.C;L_�:: �1�1IP'a'!�•-_ti=_ b':1 07n :ri( ) I"•Lfi}1Ea'Y' 1 (){1 % i %`? i IG44f ) ?fir_ UTE, r-`f_EfaCH A KII 0IS ON Z fad ON t' .i. 4i4_! CITY OF SANDER : VENQOR INV NO MAYOR & COUNCIL—GF MAYOR & COUNCIL1EF ADMINIyTRAIlON—EF FUBLIC WORKG—EF DATA P CEO INB VEHICLE MAINT—EF COMM= CENTER— WASTE—QTR CIA I GENERAL FUND ENTERPRISE FUND AP OPEN ITEM LIST INV DTE PO NU COMPANY !00 7Z3lZ9! PAGE S IG:40 DUE OTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT !4 207,50 !S 214,30 !G 1,e12.92 !7 200,14 i9 73g,17 20 23' 05 2i l,OGy 72 22 35 4G Is !8,@00.93 !S G30.17 qƒ� 4r Sheet 1 of 2 CONTRACTORS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAY ESTIMATE NO.: Three PERIOD: June 15. 1991 PROJECT: Freese Drive Extension D90027E DATE: July 100 1991 TO• July 5, 1991 ENGINEER: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Dallas, Texas OWNER: City of Sanger CONTRACTOR: CALVERT CONSTRUCTION. INC. 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 503750 Sanger, Texas 76266 Denton, Texas 76206 BIDS RECEIVED: 1-7-91 CONTRACT DATE: 1-7-91 NOTICE TO PROCEED: 2-18-91 CONTRACT .AMOUNT: $ 124,650.00 ADJUSTMENTS: REVISED AMOUNT: CALENDAR DAYS: SUMMARY OF JOB STATUS Total Work Completed DAYS USED• Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 % Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Amount Due This Period $ 97,357.00 $ 97,357.00 $ 4 867 85 92 $ 489.15 $ 56,156.87 $ 36,322.28 Time Used: START CONSTRUCTION DATE: 2-28-91 COMPLETION DATE: SUBMITTED BY: By: For Contractor te: Da APPROVED• 'Fo Engineer Date • �' / 17 APPROVED: Date: For Owner Work Completed Sheet 2 of 2 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATE OWNER: City of Sanger PROJECT NAME & NUMBER: Freese Drive Extension - D90027E CONTRACTOR: Calvert Construction, Inc. ESTIMATE NO: Three FOR PERIOD ENDING: July 50 1991 Item Description Unit of Amount Work Unit Value of No. Measure Bid Comp. Price Work Comp P.1 Prepare Right -of -Way P.2 Sawcut & Remove Ex. Walks and Drives P.3 Sawcut & Remove Curb and Gutter P.4 Unclassified Roadway Excavation P.5 Lime Treated Subgrade P.6 Lime (Type A) Slurry P.7 6" Flexible Base (Type A) P.8 Prime Coat (MC-30) P.9 Concrete Curb & Gutter P.10 5" Alley, Driveway & Valley Gutter Pvmt. "Poll 2" Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement STA. 20 20 S.Y. 50 50 L.F. 200 200 $ 250.00 $ 5,000.00 10.00 5.00 L.S. 1 1 7,800.00 S.Y. 71500 71500 1.65 Tons 120 120 85.00 S.Y. 71500 61000 3.85 GAL 11875 2.40 L.F. 4,000 3,617 6.00 S.Y. 300 109.3 (Type D) S.Y. 6,000 P.12 18" RCP L.F. 60 P.13 Type 'IS" Headwall EA 2 P.14 Concrete Flumes C.Y. 7 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED. Recommended for Approval: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 LOMA Date Approved Date TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5 % Retained Subtotal Less Previous Payments Balance Dine this Period 30.00 3.30 25.00 500.00 300.00 500.00 1,000.00 15,600.00 12,375.00 10,200900 23,100000 21,702.00 3,280.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 $97,357.00 $ 97 357.00 $ 97,357.00 $ 4,867e85 $ 92,489.15 $ 56,156.87 $ 36,332.28 ` O1 do, I toot e T n3 i+ito j N O.ry to odo y 0 f C W O 0 l rJ O „a Di ro orol C U C•-< food J a n 0 0 ^ r- ? N ^ : 7" ro T aoa . rn do.,­4 n io odd a dodo.{ T • OO N C n0ow" door 3 n N 0 /v► t O 0 7 O' •N l J "n y ' a o, man Do door M ryry y —) m rod 7— < n 0 ' o 0 o do ol 0 oil . C7 O m (D m do V mgo DT , O O a w dodo{ O•!10 • fp v' -rr ? N 3 )' Cl R y O welp m 0 0 rn o.Q o .don S 7 C ^door 0 y n p' / C.>r4 ''y Ooo" r0_ y co L7 N • r rn m• m^ m m • y 71 r r K > m X T CJ K no % x O d x x K K OIJ f' i as—' . a T A n n ti OKM2 •• oo _ ( x u of iD n' (m) D 0 (D N m t a C ' 7 O D) O don :3 opme ru 0 O po ^ O O O y . 70- ^ 1 to (D Pod 4 " -, C D aC Q . (D C- rD m N Y (= ' n O (D ; OC :1 -i O ' n 3 a VD 0dodo0 7i ro -_ , 'O -n rot .ai rn Q 30 3 o w o j v, FoodN Food : do' N V) a v 'OO m o (D o 0 0 0 wo O ( mdodo C' C 0 C D ro o J O d a n V o to . 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O :.y1 __ �. ,,, y J 'n �� v � O •_ iN V _�� :� n Y rn � n t� . 1 � •d n ll .�i-, O V O �• �� �- � y y 7: ^� b b ('� 'C b Z O r- r- .=, onn 1�1 � Y n T --1 --1 � � � 0 b O � "!_ /: ' ' .� O � � � fn \\ m (� ON o� fn �lfl\� -� !-' t•� O W d \ ^. l0 l0 N O f-' O J p M T `-J W 'O 1 Y Q J,. m C '— v N FEW,Fi 1-' lPh w N F-' _ toomommoo- N 171 -+ 01 N ((UU O CO n Am FINE, w rfD fool ( O O INJt H WOO (f W O0 Ox W O y -o, oN w ~i,hd In N lC • top 1l N r. O• a INA N 1-1 Iowa, n 61 N O Ul 00 m. U1 O O O O - too O O O O O c O O O O O U O O O O O u, ~ ot] v mo ON N Loll O U p c ~ O O nl O O O (, too < G N ! o a: N. ~' . O No (1 IA CDOto :1 G rn IA O O Olt= ,u (onO ♦ • • ♦ L m O O O O m O O O O v m -i p n I^ 7 O to ., wo n O 7 (7 T v 7 .7 IV ot Art '( N I ! `VV- w 000wo f-' O U1 U O O O O -i ry0; O O O O -( ) "i mU ,1 O O O O O ton O O O O -- _ - n• 0 0 o 0 0 o O w , O 00 w o . > x Ui O O O O O O _ mtoo O O O O O 00 H — v O Ul l % Ul O w n 00 Ln O O O O m O O O O c ; n> n 0 toot Is 0 CJ- t.•, 0 •- c Co,^ ^ ^. rot 3 Vow tool too f: took =i Vola » 0 fftj &O II ( n n !In n '4 x r.rn rn J - o i (, n r" < ':r tort. =. n 0 a,Vl Vow Y 19 ri O r (- r r/ y' =C ' i 40 n ^, 1 m w (p A a' -1 VOO ro, tool — CS. m JAW ro U O — 1 Q O e. V m rrl _{ `-i r J roll 0 O V < ? cO Z' ua L Y Y n Asti i O r_ r 1 n 11two n T _1 -+ - O00 r .. O a1 c fll \ \ ni uoi U~i Omo r w \ to -J NNoFMO 00 ui m p N w too J ICI T `-J w O1 v (1 to ` ONP John Hamilton, City Manager Ot DATE. august , 1991 Cemetery, McReynold44 b:,. iX ` +`.€.IJ L.4 Ai.R 4✓At . 1..ttVA 315v e S9.Wdd dV 4A Gd&xj G€69 ifii.l V.6. k95.- tL d Et 4 d.i-Ixtf t '.&S .4cRe rnolds Road separates the Sanger Cemetery, it can be considered contiguous to our city limits on the south side of WlcReyn ld . The ce iete- ,kroculd be annexed into the city as I understand, primarily for Police patrol, and would be private property with the City assuming no responsibility for int r al road or utility maintenance. a ic r ic lax a ruircd r tat lacer i crxcld fir your r3 i I x dI isc ssi x tlx annexatio with John Coker, lxe stated that. at. MIS t1tfxe, M cemetery would not need grater or seder services. tic x rdi xac fir tlxi t clo • • I'I,nN OI' ;;I;I1V[CI: I�OIi ANNI?Xt� /1 I� I� A , C t'i' Y 0 t�' ; NG � it , TtsX/1;; W�II�;ki•:AS, Ar, Cl.��,r 970u ab nmen�luJ t��iulruH 1:h�t n plan vE ��ervi.c�. he :,d�,pi,od by the y_►,overning body of a city prior to passage oL• an ordinan�.� annexinb un area; send WiIi,KLAS, the C11:,y oC Sanger is conlomptatin�; unnexnl•ion of on area wl�it;h is bounded as shown on a map or the proposed annexation. NOW, TH�lt1a+0RL, llis IT Itti50LN�D BY THC CITY COUNCIL O1. 1'Ni: CITY U1' 5ANGl;K, 'rI:XAS 5c4tivn 1. i'uxsuunt L•u the provisions oC Article 970a ps :,mantled, 'Cexas Code AnncttaL•ed, I:here is har.eby adopted for the proposed annexation area the �vllawin� plan v� service: I. basic Service I'1an A. Police (1) P:�CzallinE,, radio responses to calls, a:1d uChEr routine police services, usznN present personnel and eq:t�.pment, will be provided on the effective datd oL• annexation; (Z) '1'raf Ctc si�,nal.a , trafXa.c si.i,ns , street markings . and ether tr.�Efic control devices wilt be inetallo�l as the need therefore i.s FStablished by appropriate study and traffic standards. Il. r'ire (1) biro hr.ot;ecti.on Uy L-t,o pre.:enL- per�;onnet �md nqui.p- ment of the tiro fil;hti.ng Eorce, will be provided on the effective date o.E annexation. C. Water . (1) W::Cur Car dumc�ti�:, commercial and indu�alrl.al use will be provided at city rateh, from existing city 1 inCs on thy. a Ffec tiv�. date o E annexation, and �� thureaEtcr xrom nrw lines as extended in accordance with Cha��ter 10 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of 5an6er, Texas, U'. Sewer , �� (1) t'roprrtieu in tl�e anncxrd areut: Witt be connected to sower lines in accord,�ncc: with Chapter 10 oG the Code of Ordinances of the Citf of 5an�er� Texas. L. Kerus.e Collection (1) The hams: rceutar reLuge 4ulle�:tiun sorvice now pro- vided within L•hu city will be extended to the nn- Waxed area wl.thin one month eater ,the e.EFective 02® date of annexation. -• :i...l.:V.l.�:t' ���.�.111 �nnexc:cl At'e�ls ,. Na�,e Twu r'. 5L•reeL•e (1) ►:mc�•�;��ncy maintenrtnc:e uC streets (repair uE haL.'crcloua chuckholes , mr_aaures necey:aary Cor traffic; [low, etc.) will begin on the effective data oC annexation. (2) Kvutlnr. m.'tl»t•el,nnre on the: same basis ati in the present city, wilt begin in the annexed area on the effective date of annexation. (�) accnnsL�•uctinn and rhsu��facinY, of r.treetg, in - a tai i�tiv`n �►i s cvrm urai.nApe taCili.ties . COt1• str.uctiun of curbs and putters, Ind other ouch major improvements, as the need therefore ig det:e�-mined by the governin�t body, w�.�.l be ac- complished under the established policies of the city. G. Inspection Services (1) Any in:;pectic,n yervires now provided by the city (building, electx•icrtt, plumbing„ gas, housing, sani.Cation, etc.) will beN,in in the annaxation area on the effective date of annexation. H. klanning and zoning (1) Thc. Plrtnning and 'Coning, �urigdiction of the city wilt extend to the annexed .•trea on tha effective date of annexation. City planning will there- . after encompass the annexed area. I. Street Lighting (1) 5trclet l.igi�tiri�, will bo instFalled in the substan- ti.al.ly developed .'►reab in accordance with the established policies o.0 the city. J. Kecrcation (1) 1te�;idenL•s of the'rtnnexed areit may use all existin�y i�ecreal•ionr�l Xacili.tierl, parks, etc:., on the ef- • Lerl•ive date of annexation. Tha s.•tme stnndarda and ,, policies now used in the present city will be Col- ' �.owod in expanding the recre.'ttiot�al program and • Facilities in the enlarged city. K." ` Clectiic: Distribution (1) 'Che ca.ty recommends electric power. the use or City of Sanger ford � r 'elet vivou Plan Annexed Areas _'al cs Threc: L, Miscellaneous (1) Street name 911,P19 where needed will be inutalled within approximately 6 months after the effective date of annexation, II, Gupital Improvement program (C'Lp) The CxP o E Chn Ci f-v ,•�.,,, � 18 Uy that: is updated yonrly, The Plan Jos prioritized by such policy guidelines as: (1) Demand Cor services as camifared to ether areal; based partly un density of population, magnitude of problems compared to other areas established technical utandards and prores- sionnl. studies,• and natural or technical re- straints or opportunities, (2) Impact on the balanced growth of the city, (3) Impact on overall city economics. 'xhe annexed urea wall Ue coniderc�cl for CIP pl,�nning in Lie upcoming, CIP plan, which will be no longer than one year from the date of annexation. In this new CIP Planning year the annexation area will be Jud ed accordingly to the unme established criteria as a 1 other areas of the city, CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #90t� TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager AN DATE: August 2, 1991 SUBJEt;T: Bids on New Water Line - I-35 Access Road frotn FM 455 south to Pecan "The bid opening on this project is Scheduled for 2 p.i�j., Monday, August 5th in the Conference Room. All bids will be presented to Council for review at the regular meeting. Funding for the project is from Water Capital Fund, Band Construction Funds and up to $7,400 from ARA (Care Inn). JH:es 023 FROmJohn Hamilton, City Manager DATE. Auffust 2r f sA I ,fit tl�ir r�lar �tir� �f �J��l� tl�. ��� l�a�tifi�atir� �c� itt�� r�Fi��ci the enclosed recycling disposal contract between Southwest Paper Stock Inc, and the Cite of Gainesville. The Committee unanimously reecomime �ded that Council consider a similar arrangement In order to efficiently receive and dispose of recycled material. A representative of Southwest Papele Elko . has been invited to Council to discuss their services with Council. CONTRACT STATE OF TEXAS ?t )t COUNTY OF COOKE )t WHEREAS, The CITY OF GAINESVILLE, TEXAS, a Municipal Corporation (CITY), desires to encourage its citizens to engage in recycling of materials that are subject to reuse and which aid in the protection of our environment, and; WHEREAS, SOUTHWEST PAPER SICK, INC., CSOUTHWEST), a Texas Cnrnnratinn has the knnwledoe and abilitu and desires to assist the CITY in its protection of our environment, and; WHEREAS, the CITY and SOUTHWEST desire to reduce their agreement to writing. THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: CITY and SOUTHWEST, for the mutual considerations herein stated, agree as Follows: 1 . SOUTHWEST will Furnish ,_,,,, � ,�,,,,,,,_W„ containers For the purpose of collection of the following materials only: a. unseparated glass b, aluminum cans c, white paper d. other paper and unseparated plastic. 2. CITY will adopt methods, policies and manners to encourage its citizens to utilize the recycling containers and to participate in the recycling of the Foregoing enumerated materials. 3. TERMS - Term of this agreement is for one C1) year from date of signing. The agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written herein. notice to the other- at the address stated Li. CONSIDERATION - The CITY acknowledges that the recycling of reusable materials is overriding concern and provision of a recycling program For utilization For the citizens of the CITY and that the collection by the CITY of any fee for providing the necessary equipment and encouragement of recycling would be a limitation upon the program and therefore agrees to accept as a total consideration the sum of One Dollar C�1.00) annually. 5. NON EXCLUSIVE GRANT - This agreement is a Non Exclusive Grant to SOUTHWEST. 6. SERVICES a. CITY shall furnish one (1) location for SOUTHWEST to provide containers for collection of all materials enumerated in Paragraph 1. b. SOUTHWEST will remove all recyclable materials placed in the collection containers when needed or upon seventy two (72) hours notice by CITY. 7. INSURANCE - SOUTHWEST shall furnish proof of insurance as Follows in the amounts as stated: a. General Liability - 51,000,000.00 b. Workers Compensation applicable to the State of Texas. 0. INDEMNIFICATION - SOUTHWEST does agree to indemnify CITY, its officers, employees, agents and servants from and against all claims and suits For damages, injuries to persons (including death), and/or property damages, losses and expenses, including court costs and attorney s fees arising out of or resulting from SOUTHWEST'S performance of this Contract, including all such causes of action based upon common, constitutional or statutory law, or based in whole or in part upon allegations of negligent or intentional acts on the part of SOUTHWEST, its agents, servants, employees, suppliers, Licensees, invitees and/or subcontractors whether or not such claims are based in whole or in part upon the negligent acts or emission of Recycling, Contract/Southwest Paper Stock................................Qcge 2 CITY, its officers, employees, agents and servants. The contractor indemnification obligation to CITY shall not be limited in any way by any limitation in the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for SOUTHWEST under the Workers Compensation Statutes. ADDRESSES OF THE PARTIES TO THIS CONTRACT: THE CITY OF GAINESVILLE, TEXAS SOUTHWEST PAPER STOCK, INC. 200 South Rusk Street 400 West Jessamine Gainesville, Texas 76240 Fort Worth, Texas 76110 (817 ) 665-4323 (817 ) 924800S THIS AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO AS OF THE 21st DAY OF MAY 1991. CITY OF GAINESUILLE, TEXAS ATTE5?ED: .ita Gray, Ci SOUTHWEST PAPER STOCK, INC. AT?ESTER: � Secretary Secretary Recycling Contract/Southwest Paper Stock..................................Pace 3 �;XA:S; May 21, 1991 Robert M. Tallon Southwest Paper Stock, Inc. P.O. Box 1503 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 RE: City of Gainesville Recycling Agreement Dear Mr. Tallon: Attached is a copy of the executed contract between the City of Gainesville and Southwest Paper Stock, Inc., for the location of five (5) recycling containers. We are in the process of constructing a secure site for the placement of the containers and will contact you as soon as this is complete. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, _... ens Cravens, Assistant City Manager GC/pp attachment (1) City o[ Gainesville 200 South Rusk • Gainesville,'1'exas ?629A • Illl7) GGS•4323 • Fax 1II171665-23t19b Pa 04 BOX 578 _ O rr Hamilton, City Manager )ATE* August 2, 1991 took regarding the possible purchase of our landfill is enclosed for your r evxw. If CouncR 's interested in pursuing this possibility, (our deadline to close our landfill stands at September 4, 199 1), you could instruct staff to utilize legal and en ineerin services to deter i s the fea ibility r merit of thisoffer` an help determine a equita?�l� purchase rice. cl�ur� IYIEMGRANDUM #905 Tc3; FROM: DATE; SUBJECT: CITY OF SANCrER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members John Hamilton, City Manager August 2, 1991 Authorize Bids For Sewer Im the City Council ents The enclosed bid announcement. regards the proposed sanitary sewer line constrIACtion to connect our two lift stations on Old Highway 77. This project is scheduled for payment collection budget and is estimated at replaces the scheduled $105,000 sewn Addition. from the regular wastewater $507000 - $55,000. This protect. r collection line to service Willowood All Maids Mill be presented for Council consideration on August 19th. JH:es Enclosure 031 SECTION A ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals addressed to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Sanger, 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas, 76266, will be received at the office of the Mr. John Hamilton, City Manager until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 15, 1991 , for materials for: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FIFTH STREET SEWER LINE Bidders must submit with their bids a Cashier's Check in the amount of five percent (5%) of the maximum amount bid, payable without recourse to the City of Sanger or a Proposal Bond in the same amount from a reliable Surety Company as guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract and execute bond and guarantee forms :1t V V lUCU wt Witit LoCn k lv J UdyS dl LCL' 11OL1C:C vi dwdru U1 cWlLrilcL %6 him. The successful Bidder must furnish performance and payment bonds each in the amount of 100 percent (100%) of the contract price from an approved Surety Company holding a permit from the State of Texas, to act as Surety and be acceptable according to the latest List of companies. holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of Treasury of the United States, or other Surety or Sureties acceptable to the owner. All unit prices must be stated in both script and figures. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities. In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating the price in the bids, the Owner reserves the right to consider the most advantageous construction thereof, or to reject the bid. Unreasonable or unbalanced unit prices will be considered sufficient cause of rejection of any bid or bids. Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves regarding local conditions and conditions under which the work is to be done. Attention is called to the provisions of the Acts of the 43rd Legislature of the State of Texas and subsequent amendments concerning the wage scale and payment of prevailing wages specified. Prevailing wage rate will be as established by the City of Sanger for this project. Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Forms, Specifications, Plans and Contract Documents, etc. , may be examined without charge, or may be obtained at the office of Hunter Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 8140 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75231, for a fee of Twenty Dollars ($ 20.00), non-refundable. ATTEST: CITY OF 5ANGER, TEXAS Nel Armstrong, Mayor A-1 City of Sanger D91019E r�a i Ivy of Sanger R.J. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 i`lEi''IC)R.Ah1Gl)M � 8��4 T�): Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Counr_.il FROM: John Ham 11 ton, C 1 ty Manage )ATE: August '2, 1991 Sr.1BJECT; Appointments to North Texas Llbrary System The enclosed memo from our librarian requests the reappolntrnent. of Nancy Smith as the lay representative to the North Texas Library System with Helen Bounds to serve as alternate. Enclosure 033 TEL"a Rug 01,91 13901 No.014 P.02 Southwest Paper Stock, Inc. Buyers and Suppliers of All Grades of Paper Stock P.OI Box 1503 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 (917) 924-8005 FAX (817) 928.3000 sUly 1I 1991 Mr. Sohn N�xmilton i;i Ly manager woIty of Sanger, Texas P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Rey Materials Recovery Facility pear Mr. Hami7,tonr C=;J 7:t was �; pleasure to mac�`t•; you and discuss a Mattr,rials Recovery Facility. Southwest Paper Stock is very interested in the City of Sanger's landfill area for a Regional Recovery Facility. This facility would provide recycling services for Denton, Cooke, and Grayson counties. We would like to me®t and discuss the details of our proposal in length at your earliest cWnvenianca. Also, we would certainly appreciate you forwarding a copy of our proposal to the Mayor of Sanger and to the Sanger City Council members. Again, thank you for your time and l look forward'to hearing f ram you sc�a n . Sincerely, t� Robert F.Dunlap President BT/jld Proceselnp Facility: 4t)0 West Jessamtae Fort Worth, Texas T811t? s±,+f.—,-•..siis7` :k. SFtFt.3i::;I'a ,+"i. t - ""`2Yiiat34+ 3. i^.A h'"E9Y..Md9"d63Y8:i11S: sSTWtS* EHwe+' r .isL;iXi_T C i'.":, .: •,- I LI k, W \ I C W v P tt F f - vi ❑ w z L7 [. Q VA W r 1 ty of `)ar1der P.O. Box 578 Sander, Texas 762166 MEMC; PANGIJf"I S 5 TC?; Honorab 1 e f' 1ayor and City Counc i 1 Members FR,0 T ._John Ham i 1 ton, C i ty Manager IT )ATE: August. 2, 1 491 S! 1B_1Er 7 ; Appointment. t.o Denco C -1-1 Board The enclosed letter and Resolution #R -gl supports Olive Stephens as a member of the Denco 0-1-1 Board of Directors. Ms. Stephens is Mayor of Shady Shores and has been involved with 104-1-1 for several years. Staff recot7irnends approval of Pesolution - R9- ? 1. .1H:cg Enclos _tre a35 Gity of Sanger. Texas Resolution #R9-91 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Artirle 1432e, V.A..C.S. provides that two voting members of qip Rntarri of ma" adpre of a"F.mprdpnncr �'nmm>>t�inntinna Tlio1-rint avian hn ..A ... u vA AVA"AA. btiA. vA wA A AAAVAb�AAvj YVAA►AAA. AAAV"w AVAAV A AV4AA�♦ vAA4 A vv appointed jointly by all cities and towns lying wholly or partly within the District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Gity council of the Cittiof Sanger, Texas: Section I The City of Sanger hereby appoints Olive Stephens as a member to the Board of Managers of Denco Area 9-1-1 Emergency Communication District, Section II That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of , 1991. ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia, Gity Secretary Nel Armstrong, Mayar e 030 n, .. .: �.. 0 4_r dx��.<.� _ OLIVE STEI'HENS 101 Lakeshore Drive Shady Shores, TX 75205 TO: Mayors/Council Members DENCO It is time for appointments to the DENCO E-9-1-1 Board serving __.. __ _a.. _ � at-..., r•.: a-., ..� ram,-,-„1 1 i-�n and T would like tc� 1Je1141JLt l.Vl.Lltl.1/ a11U 4Llc �+J.4Y va. '.+�+�-+-.'� � .'"• , ".---- - solicit your support of my appointment. I have served on the Steering Committee, the Interiir� Board and the City/Town representative an the DENCO E-9-1-1 Board. This commitment began in 1987 during which time mazy obstacles were overcome before the implementation of the service began far the DENCO District in 1990. My dedication and qualifications justify my request for your support in the appointment to serve a time of two years (September, 1991 through August, 1993). I have served in the following capacities: Board of Directors of the American Cancer Society for 20 years Denton County Extension Service for 23 years (Holding all offices in Denton County and District Director on the State level) Member of the Denton County Historical Commission Member of the Lake Cities Chamber of Commerce Denton County Transportation Plan, Secretary Denton County Mayor's Association, now serving as Secre'�.ary Town of Shady Shores Commission, elected in 1963 Town of Shady Shores, Mayor, elected in 1973 to the present I am dedicated to serving each city/town as your representative an the DENCO E-9-1-1 Board. Than)c you for your consideration. Sincerely, l ive S e he�is1����� O p �3 E\?� #f± 2»221 »■k# 2# FROM DATE. 2#?©»J2f* f?. #. BOX ? 78 /±?»fEXA <629, 2■ y+<»��f ?:»,■< � \°�2< 2� «. !°� C » *,»< \ohn ? y:\ \\# m City Manage . . ®ugust <«+ % \ 7:? «<! ,: Street behind Care n ? 2.:��°t?kQ<■:? §*2<�■2. 2<T» 4»y2- ¥ .# ;: > designated City streetand as such -1f«« to be ?i?<1t ?#d.. »¥e Street Francis Drive I\■.1 Street " Olive Street < Ash Street \»<?:T»« »2<® � < � ®2»?:• ?#f< < f? ?#<f# #< »■ :<-© ® � � @ .\ J SANGER STREET INDEX 1st. STREET..................................E,F-6 KEATON ROAD......... 2ntl. STREET .............................. E-6; G-6 KEETON ROAD............ .................. 11II-3 3rd. STREET ............................. E-5.6; G-6 KIRKLAND STREET..., 4th. STREET.. F.G-5.6 LA RUE .................. .................. FG.1 5th. STREET ........................... E-5,6; F,G-5 LANEY DRIVE ............ 6th. STREET ............... - ................. G-2.3 .............. E-5; F,G-5 LYNN .................... H-3 7th. STREET ...................... .................. .........E-5; G-5 LOCUST STREET........ „.......... F-5.6 8th STREET ............................... E-5 f-5 MANOR COURT S.. ���•�� 1 q 9th. STREET.... ............................... F-5 MARCIA LANE...... .............. 10th. STREET......... H-5 •�•••���•�.�......... E,F,G-4,5 MARSHALL STREET G-5.6 11 th STREET. ..... ....................... F-4 MEADOW DRIVE. S ...... ................. 1-4.5 12th. STREET............0. b.F-4 MELINDA MYRL DRIVE . 13th. STREET.. .......... f-4 OAK STREET ......... .................. ........... ACKER STREET ........................ ...E,F-4 OLD PILOT PIONT ROh................. G_5 ...'. ALLEN DRIVE .......................... ....... H-4 PALAMINO ......... .................. E-5,6 AUSTIN STREET ..I ............. ......... G-3 4 5,6 PARAMONT . I ........ "' • . 1-3 AUSTIN STREET W .......... ................. 1-3 .................. G-4 *PARKER ........ ................... H-3 BENJAMIN DRIVE ...... 4..................... G-2,3 PARMA COURT .... BENJOY DRIVE... ............................ G-1 2 PEACH STREET .... .. ... •..........F 5 1-3 olmccl ................................ F-4 PECAN STREET .... -- ...E-4.5 BOLIVAR ROAD ................................ E-5 PERRY DRIVE ...... H-3 80UVAR STREET .............................. F-5 PIONEER.........._....... ... . BROOKE DRIVE &............. .................. I-3 • � • • •.......... G-2,3 PLUM STREET' . •E_5 BROOK GLEN DRIVE ........................ H-3A PRAIRIE............ I-3 CARMEN COURT.. ............. ............. G,H-3 PRESTO .............. CHERRYN DRIVE.. H- .. I-3 �•� 4 QUAIL RIDGE ROAD. ;;G-7,8 CHERRY STREET.. .......................... F-5,6 RAILROAD AVENUE,. I.. . CHURCH STREET ............... ..................... E.F-6 • •.......... GH-5 RANGER CREEK ROAD ... G-7 COLONIAL HEIGHTS ........................... H-5 RISING STAR LANE ...... .................... G-2 DAVID DRIVE. I I.. . t 1. 1 1. 1 16 4 . * 6 ... . H-4 SANGER WEST BOULE'" „_..,,.,, 1...••... E_q DENTON STREET......... 4.................. G-5 SHADY GROVE......, ....,,.,,,,.,,, I..& I-3 DIANE DRIVE ............................ 4.... G.H-5 SIMS AVENUE......... ................. F.G-7 DUCK CREEK ROAD. G-2,3 SMITH STREET......... .................. F-6,7 EAST RIDGE PARK ROAD .................... F,G-6 SOUTHLAND DRIVE.... .. ................... 1-445 ELM STREET ................................ F-4,5,6 SOUTHPARK COURT....... ................... G-4 EXCHANGE DRIVE ............................. E-4 SOUTHSIDE DRIVE.............................. 1-5 FAIRFIELD CIRCLE. t * 4 H-3 STEPHEN COURT ...... _. _................. G,H-3 FREEZE DRIVE ............................... G,H-4 STEPHEN DRIVE ... I.... L. .. HILLCREST DRIVE ........ 1•••••- ...•... H-4 ................... G.H-5 TAMMV .............. ... H-3 .0.1......... H LT STREET, W............... "" ............ F-3 TURTLE CREEK ................................ H-5 HOUSTON STREET ............................. G-5 VERNON COURT. I ........................... G,H-3 HUGHES STREET . I ............................ F-4 WALNUT STREET .......... . H-3 JACKILU STREET .............................. H-6 WALTER....................................... H-3 JENNiFER COURT...... 6.... 4................ G,H-3 WAYNE DRIVE... I.............................. H-6 JONESAVENUE......... 4...................... G-7 WILLOW STREET....__._................... F-5.6 KARLA DRIVE ... ....I ........... ....... G-1 WOOD STREET........ ................. G-5.6 KATHRAN DRIVE........ I .................. 1. G.H-5 �-- To Bolivar -~ 0� r— BROOKE. DRIVE Y W i rPP��p�P�i DRIVEI 1 1 7 a KARLA DRIVE • Oy BENJAMIN DRIVE 2 ! DUCK CREEK ROAD AUSTIN BTNEET' m O 2 BO 'o a i N PECAN STREET ELM STREET, Fr } ? s BOU a�A1€iral ilal�r lie° cif tkze it tc�xreil FROK John Hamilton, City Manager the proposed personnel rules and regulation. The legal reviewed document will be presented for your review and approval on August 19, 199 1. s Repair of Wood Street is underway and will be completed prig to drool opening. UPPER TRINITY Regional Water District Julyl8, 1991 Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: The contract between the City of Regional Water District requires preliminary budget for your review the Board of Directors of the preliminary operating budget and These preliminary budgets have be representing each of the members, approval in about 45 days. been You can Manager Please JUL ?3 1991 Sanger and the Upper Trinity the District. to send you a and comment before adoption by District. Enclosed is a a preliminary capital budget. examined by the Directors and will be considered for provide comments directly to the Board or to the General Your responding within 30 days will be appreciated. call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, )g4j l Thomas E. Taylor General Manager TE'I'/ I Enc. 041 P.O. Drawer 305 •Lewisville, Texas 75067 • 214-219-1228 44 GO q< ,, UPPER ;•Z:. • • .gym: TRINITY . Regional W R D a•.. s ' t t t • % • a er 2s r2.c UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT PRELIMINARY BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 July 18, 1991 P.O. Drawer 305 •Lewisville, Texas 75067 • 214-219-1228 UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 EXPENDITURES Estimated FY 1990 - 92 1991 Budget = Admin. M + Project W PERSONNEL SERVICES A) Salaries $24,000 B) Taxes Medicare $348 Unemployment $264 Retirement $1,836 Total Taxes $2,448 C) Payroll Taxes and $0 Employee Benefits TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $26,448 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES A) Manager's Contract Direct Costs $50o400 Indirect Costs $21,600 Additional Services $8,000 Total $800000 A) Staff Engineer $4,000 B) Accounting Services $4,500 C) Legal Services $18,224 D) Other Professional $0 Services TOTAL PROFESSIONAL $106,724 SERVICES $115,420 $0 $34,630 $28,855 25� $0 $8,658 25% $86 , 565 75°b $0 $25,973 75% $150,050 $37,513 $112,538 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 $1,000 5% $19,000 95% $5,500 $1,650 30% $3,850 70% $15,000 $13,500 90% $1,500 10% $10,000 $3,000 30% $7,000 70% $50,500 $19,150 $31,350 .July 180 1991 OFFICE EXPENSES 1991 Budget = Admin. (°o) + Project M A) Telephone Office $2; 700 $:i,i_}N Cellular $1,200 $1,200 Total Phone $3,900 $4,200 B) Postage, Supplies, & Printing Postage $1,500 $1,920 Office Supplies $1,168 $10900 Printing $725 $1,090 Total $3,393 $4,910 C) Equipment & Furniture Purchase $2,500 $15,000 Service $1,480 $2,000 Rental $196 $350 Total Equipment $4,176 $17,350 D) Office Lease $5,760 $12,000 TOTAL OFFICE EXPENSES $17,229 $38,460 $9,615 25% $28,845 75% OTHER EXPENSES A) Travel & Meetings Auto Allowance $3,600 $3,600 Conferences $2,000 $2,500 Travel, General $1,800 $2,000 Mileage $600 $600 Meetings Expenses $980 $1.200 Total $8,980 $100100 $3,535* 35% $6,565 65% B) Memberships & Dues $500 $500 $125 25% $375 75% C) Public Information $2,000 $2,000 $500 25% $1,500 75% 1991 D) Insurance Gen. Liability & $678 Property Errors & Omit. $3,896 Workers Comp. $296 Total Insurance $4,870 E) Miscellaneous TOTAL OTHEF2 EXPENSES $19,58? BudYet = Admin July 18, 1991 (%) + Project M $700 $4,000 $670 $5,370 $1,343 25% $5,000 $1,250 25% $22,970 $6,753 SUB TOTAL $169,988 $261,980 YEAR-END CARRYOVER $15,000 $15,000 RESERVE TOTAL EXPENDITURES $184,988 $276,980 $73,030 $4,028 75% $3,750 75% $188,950 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 SOURCES r'arry Fnrcaard Interest Income Capital Fund A) Current Projects B) Project Development Fund Total Steering Committee Participation Fees REVENUES Estimated Preliminary 1991 1992 $4;800 $15,4000 $5,250 $6,000 $50,750 $152,900 $1IP030 $30,000 $61,780 $182,950 $2,000 $0 $111,808 $73,030 TOTAL $184,988 $276,980 July 18, PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 PARTICIPATION FEES (For Administrative and Planning Expenses) ENTITY 1990-91 1991-92 Actual Budget Argyle WSC $925 $1,560 Argyle, City of $925 $788 Aubrey, City of $600 $569 Bartonville WSC $1,696 $2,145 Bartonville, Town of $402 $425 Blackrock WSC $400 $741 Carrollton (Denton Co) $13,180 $13,729 Celina, City of $975 $869 Copper Canyon, Town of $445 $489 Corinth, City of $1,850 $1,972 Denton, City of $17,383 $16,865 Denton Co. FWSD $250 $250 Double Oak, Town of $850 $832 Flower Mound, Town of $7,878 $7,237 Frisco, City of $3,265 $3,013 Highland Village, City of $3,423 $3,412 Justin, City of $650 $617 Krugerville, City of $372 $368 Krum, City of $700 $771 Lake Cities MUA $3,750 $3,738 Lewisville, City of $14,334 $14,298 Lincoln Park, Town of $250 $250 Little Elm, Town of $625 $613 Mustang WSC $980 $975 Northlake, Town of $250 $250 Perare Water Co. $250 $315 Pilot Point, City of $1,375 $1,269 Ponder, Town of $250 $250 Prosper, Town of $525 $509 Sanger, City of $2,050 $1,754 Subtotal $80,808 $80,873 Contingency Allowance -$7,843 Denton County Contribution $31,000 $0 Total Participation Fees $111,808 $73,030 1991 July 18, UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT PRELIMINARY CAPITAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 RECAP Revised Preliminary 1991 1992 EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE PURCHASE 2,500 15,000 REGIONAL WATER PROJECT 1991 Direct 10,000 1,783,500 Joint With Denton 630,000 25,500 Contingency 0 250,000 UTRWD Operating Budget/Capital 67,400 138,600 Component Refund Project Development Fund 57,600 0 Total 765,400 2,197,600 RAW WATER PROJECT - CITY OF COMMERCE 280,000 135,000 ARGYLE WASTEWATER PROJECT 1,571 1,350 SOLID WASTE AND WASTE WATER PROJECTS 30,000 30,000 (Preliminary Plan) OTHER PROJECTS 10,000 0 CONTINGENCY 40,000 300000 TOTAL 1,129,471 2,408,950 04 7 July 18, 1991 TIPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DI`�TRICT PRELIMINARY CAPITAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 EXPENDITURES REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT Revised Preliminary 1991 1992 Debt Service on Interim Financing 8,844 106,125 UTRWD Operating Budget/Capital 67,400 138,600 Component Contingency 15,367 18,275 Total 91,611 263,000 RAW WATER P-ROJECT - CITY OF COMMERCE Reimburse Commerce for Prior Costs 50,000 0 Corps of Engineer Payments Current Year 40,000 38,000 Contribution to Reserve 25,000 25,000 Reimburse Current Expense Sulphur River Municipal Water 7,000 7,000 District Commerce Expense 5,000 5,000 Permit Proceedings SRMWD (Legal and Engineering) 50,000 20,000 UTRWD (Legal) 6,000 5,000 UTRWD Operating Budget/Capital 9,400 13,000 Component Engineering Feasibility Report 65,OOQ 0 Reimburse Project Development Fund 10,000 0 Contingency 12,600 22,000 Total 280,000 135,000 L July 18, 1991 ARGYLE WASTEWATER PROJECT Reimburse Project Development Fund UTRWD Operating Budget/Capital Component Total Revised Preliminary 1991 1992 931 0 640 1,350 1,571 1,350 * The Board is considering a financial strategy to capitalize interest. If interest is capitalized, there may be no debt service requirement during the year. If debt service is so deferred, the interest earnings on bond proceeds could be used to reduce future bond sales. E July 18, 1991 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 REVENUES Revised 1991 Preliminary 1992 REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT Reimbursement of Costs Sanger 11,121 11,121 Pilot Point 2,224 2,224 Mustang WSC 1,112 1,112 Lake Cities IAUA 1u,uuu 10,009 Argyle WSC 4,449 4,449 Bartonville WSC 110121 11,121 Highland Village 11,121 11,121 Northlake 3,337 3,337 Corinth 21,131 21,131 Total 75,625 75,625 Estimated Interest Earnings 7,583 45,175 Band Proceeds 0 138,000 Allocated to Denton 8,403 4,200 Total 91,611 263,000 RAW WATER PROJECT - CITY OF COMMERCE Reimbursement of Costs Denton 93,333 45,000 Lewisville 93,333 45,000 Denton Co. FWSD #1 46,667 22,500 Highland Village 46,667 22,500 Total 280,000 135,000 ARGYLE WASTEWATER PROJECT Reimbursement of Costs by Argyle 1,571 1,350 * The Baard is considering a financial strategy to capitalize interest. If interest is capitalized, there may be no debt service requirement during the year. If debt service is so deferred, the interest earnings on bond proceeds could be used to reduce future bond sales. July 1.8, 1991 UFPER TRINITY REtJIUNAL WATER LET fTRIt'T FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES OF PROJECT COSTS REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY PROJECT DIRECT DISTRICT COSTS Engineering Fees Preliminary Design Final Design and Surveying Easement Surveys and Legal Descriptions R-O-~W Agent R-O-W Acquisition Finance/Legal Construction Inspection & Testing Total Direct PROJECT COSTS WITH DENTON (UTRWD Share) WTP Site Acquistion Engineering, Construction and Inspection SUB TOTAL RESERVE FUND CAPITALIZED INTEREST REFUND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT FUND CONTINGENCIES UTRWD OPERATING BUDGET/ CAPITAL COMPONENT ANNUAL TOTALS GRAND TOTAL 1991 1992 "1993 1994 1995 10,000 88,000 0 0 0 0 466,500 75,000 0 0 0 69,000 0 0 0 0 30,000 16,000 0 0 0 500,000 210,000 0 0 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 230,000 8,243,000 2,200,000 0 0 50,000 400,000 150,000 0 10,000 1,783,500 8,944,000 2,350,000 144,400 486,000 25,500 0 0 C 300,000 4,670,000 2,950,000 640,400 1,809,000 9,244,000 7,020,000 2,950,000 7500000 0 0 0 0 870,000 57,600 0 67,400 236,400 139,600 0 0 125,000 C 250,000 125,000 250,000 125,000 2,385,400 2,184,000 9,469,000 7,395,000 3,325,000 11 Citu of Somepluce Specloi DATE; August 9 , 19 91 Frontier Waste Management P. O. Box 750 Sanger, Texas 76266 Ger�tlerr�en; i:.tlt,;4VbCU 1� U 1.16y of Sanger check in the amount of $ 11 v JbJ • 54 representing payment to Frontier Waste Management for the contract agreement provided for in the City of Sanger/Frontier Waste Management Agreement. This payment covers the month of _ ' July and is computed as follows: Total Residential Custorr�ers Billed 1191 at $ 7.75 rate per customer Less $i. i� per customer blued as per Contract Total Other Customer Classes Less 7� Franchise Fee Approved for payment Garcia, City Secretary $ 9,229.69 $ 1,345.83 $ 4,335.00 $12,218.86 $ 355.32 $11,363.54 s =o� BOLtVAR STREET SANGER� TT..XAS 7bat66 8sy-4Ss'l930 h.0. BOX S78 8=7.458-418o FAX MEMQRANDUM TQ: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Billings f'or: WATER METERS 1224 ELECTRIC METERS 1743 CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Jahn Hanliltan, City Managerpr�� Rose Garcia, City Secretary July 31, 1991 Billing for 7-15-91 Total Water Gallons Total Sewer Gallons Total KAkTH Total Sanitation Billing Total Sewer Billing Total Water Billing Total Electric Wholesale Electric Costs NQ. QF METERS 1� SERVICE 1446 FUEL ADJUSTMENT 0602150 RESIDENTIAL SEWERS IT. 1260 1273 12,628,aaa 12,601,700 2,720p501 13,564.69 22,906.53 30,788.40 22L81933 $128,381.63 CQMMERCIAL SEWER SANIT. 121 134 s T 0 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL Bu = get - It m scheduled for discussion are the f ll����ti���� Dert�� ���. Budgets: lchicle Maintenance ublic Works Administration darks ity Center ommuni treCt nitatio vter Va t w ter Collection Sewer) Wastewater Treatment electric tility Billing ummer Youth t MEMORANDUM #896 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members John Hamilton, City Manager August 2, 1991 Budget Workshop of the City Council The fallowing departments have been scheduled for your review: • Sullivan Senior Center • Vehicle Maintenance • Public Works Administration • Parks • Community Center • Street • Sanitation • Water • Wastewater Collection • (Sewer) Wastewater Treatment • Electric • Utility Billing • Summer Youth • Swimming Pool The tentative schedule is to complete the initial budget review an August 5th, have a complete discussion of the total budget and personnel on August Wth and adopt the final budget on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd as Sept. 2nd is LaborDay. NOTE: The swin�rning peal grant is Scheduled far awart3ing by tho Texas Parks and Wildlife Cornmissian at their August 29th meeting. JH:e;s