03/18/1991-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1991 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 74400 P. M. 1. Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 2. Minutes 0. Disbursements 4. Citizen's Input 5. Proclamation and Presentation Honoring our Arrrled Forces In Operation Desert Storm - Chamber of Commerce i. Consider and Possible Action on Solid Waste Transfer Station 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding City Collection of Tree Limbs 8. Consider and Possible Action on Solid Waste Rates 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids on Crack Seal System 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids for a Used Back-Hae 11. Consider and Possible Action for Appointment of Presiding Judge and Alternate Judge for May 4, 1991 Election 12. City Administration Report 13. Any Other Such Matters A. Adjournment ie Garcia, City Secretary MINUTES: w ■ ■ k t1TYY T7la"^+ PRESENT: City Council Meeting; March 4, 1991 Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman Wendell Thomas and Councilwoman Margie Braxton City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Elect. Supt, Larry Yoast, Public Works Supt. Chuck Tucker, Vickie Perez - Sanger Courier, Billye Hollingsworth, Garland Thornton, Steve Hollingsworth, Jae Lynn Roeder, Fire Chief Merwyn Tucker, and Fire Inspector Jim Conley 1. Mayor Pro -Tern Jerry Jenkins called the meeting to order. Councilman Thomas gave the invocation. Mayor Pro -Tern Jenkins led the pledge to the flag. `�. Minutes stand approved as printed with one correction to reflect that Councilman McDaniel was present. 3. Disbursements: Motion was made by Councilman Wendell TharYYas and seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. 4. 5). Consider and Possible Action to Authorize Request for Proposals - Used Back -Hoe for Water Department Matian was made by Councilman McDaniel and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton to authorize staff to seek proposals for ono (1) used back -hoe with a front end loader. Motion carried. Vehicle must be 76 or newer model. Proposals will be accepted until 2:3G p, m., Monday, March 19, 1991. CC Minutes 3/4/91 page 2 5. 6). Consider° and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #03-J1 Regulating Recreational Vehicles and Trailers on Public Property i NF#MAAjLj AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, 'TTTY A Q nT"4"4TTT A'T'TAT1ry T1 A T'T1TATf^' TeTTTTTTAT TTT" t,4TTTT T TA ATrr&i 1 Gtlt'10) An"V Lt11 11V V KwP%AX11.11V V VV I L F .11Y 1 Kin %�1 1 1 L11Y11 1 ..)�, PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE, PROVIDING SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to accept. Ordinance W3-91 with the following changes - Section I. A. to one (1) ton truck and Section I. B. one (1) ton truck. Section II. A. ninety- six (96) hours. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 6. 7). Consider and Passible Action Regarding Naming of New Street to be Constructed from Freese Drive Extension to David Drive Discussion. Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton. and seconded by Councilman Thomas to name the proposed street to David Drive which is an extension of David. Motion carried. Citizen's Input: a). Mrs. Billye Hollingsworth stated she works for• the Crisis Center and that they have a limit of $50.00 on what they can help a family for one time. The other day she came to the City Office to see if we could leave someone's electricity on, if the Crisis Center would pay $50.00. She was told by one of the Office employees that we could not accept partial payments on electricity. She stated this made "no sense to her." She asked City Council if they were aware of this. Discussion. inu es 3/4/91 page 3 eason it wouldn't r. a. • . r. b. Mr. Billy Williams from Valley View, Texas representing the Senior Citizens of Valley View advised that they are all talking about the possibility of a "fishing bar" to the Marina. Mr. Williams continued by stating that if somebody could get a contract to build a Marina beside a fishing bar, it would be a good investment. Mayan Pra-Tem Jenkins, in summary, stated Sanger is presently trying to secure a Marina on this side of the lake; however, the City will not receive any income from it. 8. Consider and Possible Action an Fire Cade Enforcement Committee Discussion. Mayan Pro-Tem Jenkins volunteered himself to the committee. Mayor Pro -Tern also nominated Councilman McNeill, Jim Conley - Fire Inspector, Fire Chief Merwyn Tucker, and Chief of Police Benny Erwin. 9. Consider and Passible Action to Appoint Representative to Upper Trinity Regional Water District Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to appoint John Hamilton as Representative to the Upper Trinity Regional Water Districi effective June 1, 1991 for a four year term. Seconded by Councilman Wendell Thomas. Motion carried. 1Q. 11). Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #Q4-91 Banger's Anti®Litter Ordinance CC Minutes 3/4/91 page 4 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE THROV�ING OR DEPOSITING OF LITTER IN PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, REGULATING THE DISTRIBUTION OF COMMERCIAL 1 lTT v • T TT . 9TT1 vv T lY /^. /•1TlT. T1 I'\T T V' Tr P TTT". AND NON-1.;UMN11a,t UTAL riH1V1l1J1LLZ)j 1 r1L DEPOSITING OF LITTER ON PRIVATE PREMISES; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OR VIOLATIONS OF ITS PROVISIONS; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman McDaniel to adopt Ordinance #04-91. Motion carried.. 11. 1®). Consider and Passible Action on Prioritizing of Streets for Reconstruction City Council proceeded in prioritizing streets for construction. This to be an item on the next agenda to take action. 12. City Administration Report: Mayor Pro Term Jenkins briefly went over City Marlager'� Report: a. Larry Yoast, Electric Supt.., gave a brief update on the conversion progress from 46a Volts to 7200 Volts in a C ity's effort to update our electrical system to better economical supply. b. City is still seeking a qualified applicant for part-time Animal Control Officer. c. Fire Chief Tucker reports there will be an Emergency Medic_ncl Technician School (EMT) beginning about April 1st conducted at the Fire Hall. { a, Councilman McNeill asked Council about Mr. Benny Johnson's letter regarding solid waste transfer station. Llgl;U3�1V11. • f $18.00 dump • ^. b, Cauncilman McDaniel advised Chuck Tucker he had a resident complaint about a ditch problem on 7th and Bolivar. Chuck Tucker advised he would take care of it, c. Cauncilman McNeill requested a report on the warrant status. to I I L31 �l f- I I \1 b r N CiF 0\11 )=tt�;COUt+f I ` � F'f-1'Y HbL.r: L I -� i i (SIGAS I= OF'E:hd 75/f) 13 1'i a t;rt_) 13 19 : /I_ r I )TRIUBUTION 47.:_,a {,QC){_} i,C) C:;j I,I Tg BOOKS44), SHI1-`PING VENDOR TOTAL_ 13; a 119 {)':=} :L, E5 1'�' ; — 730 AMERIC,AN SAFIETY U ILITV )':ORP �r (41 9 i,R LM 14 128. 14 G/I._ DISTRIBUTION 4I gat) 00 121,5a 14 _r..- F,ylliT i' 'OFI 1 CF! r 00 J 7r a 8 Rt..t..O.tl_ ASY t1[ ND0R I OTAI.. 1 15a JJ G>`L. DISTRIBUTION 41.9a 1.1t-)t:) 8a STATE :Ct`#W. FOR TANK TRUCK VENDOR T�11 Fll.. r; �it'i t_)ti j?a t_) a .�;f+t,0 i EAT Y AIR %Ctr,1i�I`(ii;}�ih'1t, E tia ESL LG8 E,t_) ��+ 00 i-�Cr_'�L_'Sa l.0i a r /1_ F7I s_, T R I BU T I ON 421 a 0600 sir) e oo G/t._ DISTRIBUTION %L, Ex i=:c:C0 18BU G,{q) I__£ai ):J)R g, PARTS I=OR NEW PUI40 STATION `.r'L:hlDOR TOTAL., 2 G 8 E,0 t?i) a — 'i�t�} i=,ONi'4tahlhl G�.7h.I;�,Ta i;t� G/1... DIGTR I F'iU T ON =+47a {_)+{_}t_} 5 a 0 o LOADER LMLg4OR ta/L i?I oTR1: BUT ION 7 35 el `+47a C)400 195,' t_r(_) 1Tj 5a a t_){_} 1954 t_}(_) BI._ADE UT I L. i TY ROAD VENDOR TOTAL.. 55(=), C)i) C)t) ::-,_ i^}a o _— r+1;�'1 NfJRRt_iS SLii='E{,1�1iaRt�£.iT i /1_.. T)TSTRIIy{UTION 411:1ai}1t:)t? C'[11=1= EE c'-3UF L I ES LP:,S — G/L 1ISTRIEBU i.ON 41•.3.C_),J0t_) :J4n Y UJKER .)I'• 7L�)L.. I....a r� r {_)'.) C�a 7t� G/f_ D1,"3 RIi:U ION 17l_)0 DFAT T E:RIES 006 CITY OF MItiGER OIDE P4 F-a;C.I::OU[-%! i S PAYABLE t_ I' T :t Nf 1:11 GE, A'�, C7F i' i /'�} 1 1 IS j;'O 19 VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOIICE ;-MOUNT 1:rIGCOUkIT CII E:N cf G L D15 R.1 iBLJI I+'ICI 41. Zsv t,131 t_}t_} i_„50 ("w OF'F EE: I LTER'5 ;r r ! c:n tart 47tc:x `i (7IL_ tI`TRIFWTlohd 427n 07t;;C; WATE7R DISTILLED 7=)C,1 r,n 75 'tj ISTRIBUT ION 442nCr2C0 Li„ 7 BATH i I D`-,q L I GI -I I.+FLUB, PAE:,E.l i TOWELS, CORRECTION FLUID VENDOR TOTAL :Ltai},PM 1 , i;i�a ltatran 11 J li_ DPST RI:FUTl ION 4: 0t 1600 to L!x k_'8x 8, f_, PERSONNEL F•ORMlE IS min as ('AIL DISTRIBUTION 4139x01.i.rt? 31x.J: SUSPELMENTARY MATRIAL_ 'TO LAWBOO S VENDOR TOTAL. C,t:rx 1. IS (.LFAR CREEK AND G/L_ DISTRIBUTION G/L_ DISTRIBUTION 4131, 447„ 0500 C.inF0 0 1.1`)x 738m 00 4 FLEX E,A`-_;c .Sf4 f.ACI, ':;tai�iD TOPSOIL_ LlA" ED IJIORTAR SAND VENDOR TOTAL. 1 � S°5 7 x c:�t. a ou 14 857n ; 4 :. ?r.-rt;.t�a ,�4_an c.at_? „ ;•)cr ���:I?„ t_ii�? .. l iL DISTRIBUTION ION '+•39m Er.. t;}t_r ir INTRO TO EMERGENiE:'`f MANAOEPIENT SC;N+7iJL. VENDOR TOTAL_ 130„ t�0 IS( ) <<rx tiC} r. 1t=? CyE,tat:} DAI,T !='ROL}UCT' : iantr ti/L DISTRIBUTION 4='`fn ='000 lx C:IIL_ 'LriSi'RIBUT IC!N 421n 0500 12, t_rt_} I �RUSh(L�S AND filft 'TS VENDOR lCJ1("1L Lt_ry L:t} ?_? tIn �'t.} f 1 1 —. J:?'ai)t.a DAV I S UT I I_. I _(,! GIL I:aIS�%TRIDUTION 41.9x 0800 F;'1„ 1;? REPAIR F'OLF: TC"IMP GIFT DIGGER TRUCK VENDOR TOTAL. :'EJ1x 18 „taclr 1���._ i,300Cr C:ITY tJC' DE:NTt_IhI, A(_Cx 't1i=.fiaUCiLt tt�'hIF?i=tf iaFlfirlE ?�,rL_ �?��;r'it:rrn,r_�Tir?fia ?�ii::r�=r�.i ?��,c:cl��ra���:, r=������r-f�L.r:. L_IrT.�ra�, I ri4�'irl I i=:l= ��r:1ni_1(t! T �:; �:ri :t.iLll�!'T L; _ 1'fi=;t�?t�; �E":�iTr.�;~i +_:C?u E:L.L�t�;T�. t;ti--I��'a � itli;n 5 .� rv;�7 1? f i_ j) i }��T�t ?' [,i_' T is l�ii�d � �,y�, �q: �C;i;;; C7r'L. I)!�'('F:IktI.J'TIDr'! %.�;4.,, t; i�u�} r�i_tv't�:-r'rt i C?"Ir_ �'Ci4�JFw� '`�lErvi�[.tit � Ci i ��i.. � if"- � f_!i_'wi3 �} � �!�(i(_Jj�� i 1-1i. i i ?� �•'f-1�i i'� 7 l `; .;� , ?_=;lL i?T '1 fi=:3'i,I.iT?'i:Ji�i '��:1 p C}r•�i�}t:} [7IL. r�rc,�r-i.f�,Lri�flra �s�'�?ni-}.��i_}t_; i=t_if�i_ r='i)t=ii== i) rr)Zia T T RF�P'd�'� r';I�i' F Li_TrrR r�17I! �,�r=tL'�:�c. .�. �� -�r r C__��r frr'L_ i7T`._=;ii=:lEtf.ITTU�! ';1`-}=t_}�,t_}i} f i I._ i? i �, T f: i 1�?(J T I t=1r'� ��• 1 '�, ('} r�t�?t�} SF='F�(;E't F'Lllk`;� F'E.)1:1L�:�: ��T4=k.�,ihdi� L3Ct7r T(•l�Rh10i'T't=t'� t:�li._ 1) � tT'�f i t�,ii'i l:t��?r°� ', ir::: �}�iC;s; �:=cl�=��:r �:� � L c l=; r. raL; �'f �rar-� 7�=''r '� t7!L 1�3 l.'� T (� 1. �ti_i l 1 L1r�i �`+ 1'::{a 1 ii;ijt Li i r.- i�? ] ; ?1" E�`';1 :i i;L;T l rt(�� 't {i `�1 e i t li;; i?f i._ i/l�'�i I\�. L'i i...ii Et�� ji'1. 'Jc t_?�±�i.}t} C;/L (.;T��'�'j={:f h;f i'i (I_l(1 :;.j r�{, !}rit�}t) FLta t-iC�.f�:� Hi1:rE t_!_f�r�l�''� LsRf-?N��: �=1_.L1x.0 .e, 1 �i ?.;!_ ��i;3T?Ti�tl.lTTCji�� =t•1`_�6i}}t�?C? t�3�i:�rtr= i_tt.Jilt�'I � F�: t.7:� i_ i,} l �:1 i ti 1 $,; i_i i .!. ?J r'•� -$ �. '7 c l_}.. j t } i_1 Fri=: fi=1L. f•E�f=s'� � i lri[=�y �?PE_t=1fi�tE.Fi ;1F:td�rCtFt �r CI I t=,i i:,j"_ ji-�:��t,lt_; f"ra�1=.(���iY' ij(�'=i I.(.ir'fl-�iii:4•`�. €i rr�,��Et::li�i � F i�rr-; r-'F�Tc:r-!i~li t� r__r=IL_F;?:)�.ra�:'F' �lii; ()r'�Iir' ��. r 'f w. �r 7 �t r� C��Jn t_; t,,; _'�� t�;i7 i_'�ln r_}t„} y,a, .�,� �,� t�; i n ��'�,i=�e G,� �;t_;„ to}fir � t ti.�; v u: ��=�� � �,�=s., AEA C-' %�! i�.'.'! a �j 1 t;;t;, t;i=} f � n C r 1�a � � r� •e:, ��, .� �!� ��: t=s; � �- i�v ., .!L �. �F'i � s i-? f:. —�i'=�a ttf -�� -�� _. J y C. �J -�r� ! �..,I a 1_ •. i u. • i c i..._r } 1. .Sl c r� �i { Ltd; „ t,tl; „ �: u:} C?i:} ,: i,,;( 7 o t::}� i i7t7 „ r�'r? n (_} i�'t o (Jt_} 1='s"10E ,s oF'L�r�a F� �� o t�} i�; W i. ( L.�... _. a 4.W��:1 '=;t•; � 5r ;( t�; i�i ,; nt_; j L; 'F, !ti�; '�?n L.G .,�ri f_n r''i_} ., ;� t_? :fie r� �'_ CITY OF SANGER R OPEN ACCOUNTS F'AYt�AI:sl_.k� I_. i E:'T �: raE� r t i);E 4 AG OF 3/10/91 1544 n 1g VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOICE AIe1CiLlNT D I SCE7l. NT OPEN G/L DI; T I�UTBL ITION 41 B 0F,o0 1 5d o 2,7 G/L. DI:S T RIEWT1:ON 418e 0700 13kel;, 36 SCO T 2A RELY E.IVER HAUL i F.S I ii CALIBRATE" 1.7— i.lt=�'�'.� r:3t=1ThIF�'=;VI1_L_E= irE�StJi�TS G/I._ I?IS"FRmu= rION 4,� 11()0 1F'1a 7S U/L DISTRIBUTION 419, 110(:; iir:,2() Ctl-RBIN CHAIN REP 14EETI-I G CYCLE OIL VF-NDfDR TOTAL AL. i 3 i d 9 SI U (){:Y 1 1 z _;Ej 1. a— 1ts77 E�t]t._Ei'I hIE1AIT`E1 :_; [�!= TEXAtS, INC, 7447C 9a U7 () e:29" 67 G/I-. DISTRIBUT 14 iN 42''7e ()600 2 9 m 3A7 1 " VALVE VENDOR TOTAL f.?(_? t_: G: rya B7 G/I_ 9I" I RIBJJTION 47 'G 1. 1(.)(,) 534On o19 HOSE F:I'i T ING, ABAF-�''iQRS F40R 5" HC15E VENDOR TOTAL i „t10 i{_; . 8 r. { ).- 20350 HARCRI: iS C•H? M I GALS 71, f.,c: 1 a ii05v 00 o Y 1 k: ,o5, { )t i S/�`EI._ DITRIBUTICIN 1,r,:z J. t;!L I).i`3TR:tE}E1TIOki ! 1 t, 0700 F,c2, 5o 15.1044 CYLINDER VEtdflC1R 'TOTAL 1,, SC) , i:Ytl „ {;{i :Ei.0 ;?1 - 2,037`, HARI-OOL E=ARIA & GARL?i_,N CENTER G/L. DISTRIBUTION 4)6(;,,i,'�00 1c:,57 VAF'AEl VENDOR1"E!'TAL. 1 , 57 00 1S`! Hf-1RT 1=15E-;I}15 & SERVICE ., f?I' T 1-� !RIBUt%ON 1 A11, 1.400 ff, (_; G/L 1DIS,TR:E BUT ION 411, 1500 VENDOR TCrTAL. 50a 15 {:r Y ;(_; 1ff; n HIL.7-'fetiNlDF..R CHEV,, INCa 117/L flISTRIBtu Ti011 LAMP ASS'i` C I: T`( OF SANGER ❑IDE N ACCUUN I PA`•r ABLE L.1 SI 11\iC i='AGE ' VENDOR VENDOR NAME [ t�iVO I CIE AMOUNTI:)1 SCOU6..1T OPEN VENDOR T)UTP{i_ 1 e 9C5 o- t)C� 1.. ? HUNTER 1 ER ASSOC I AT'ESa INC., E 7 '4'iv 5()8, 00 t}r,'1 �io8u (_h:) Bill., DISTRIBUTION =' =:1.r t:it=,0C) 1508n 00 F40R PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES 9 tjy t)0 „ t.:)t.) 194t), CIO G/L DISTRIBUTION 4524 1000 940r.00 FOR PROFESSIONAL£ TECHNICAL SERVICE G/L 1)ISTR1GUT10 N 11,467m040u_) 1g`'Jt::t`au='`; FOR PROFESSIONAL.. &• TECHNICAL. SERVICdEls VENDOR 'TC]TAL =°4 ` 77 f 77u 25- : i J01. J % l_ i tJi i i 1 tTto Ott 71Up fi.,. T Gt_ DI'3"E RIBUT %i)H li,72, ti300 4'+14 t)tOt) PARTS FOR SEWER PLANT VENDOR TOTAL 441 It Crt) { () 441 c t)t) Et 4G,,5o j)7E GEGRGE PLUMBING SERVICES •)'c ;1 J(� 35, t_ 0 „ t_rt} _�f, (,)(t) GIL DI SITRIBUOFIO'•T +231 t)100 1.1 5 C;C} LAD IEG RES"i"ROOM PLO UMPING aR:��l£)C�R "CCl'i AL, t)t) „ t::)t:) , t'-0 7 - 244 JUi I !'o INCa L:'.•'&, ,_._i C_7 S_! i`. i'. GIL. DISTRIBUTION 41811 80t) i`.*123 ' WA I=' } ='RA Y G/L DISTRIBUTION 4".'i', (00A C) 1 70 t't/O FUSE L_.INK%S% x l S tct') {n579,t7b aI/9n 76 G/L DISTRIBUTION 412 08(m) 15149U 7E, ANCHOR ROD, GROUND ROD, DOL.TSI FUSE LINK :M 7504 10 -. G 60 00 1 t)i; Fd) G/i_ DISTRIBUTION 472m0680o 10. GO PVC EL:ROW COUPLING VENDOR TOT AL 19 701 o 06 , t)t;) 1 70 Is 06 :. LAWN LAND •'J<'- i Li..i;{ i_:y f,,tJt_}, t„)t} tJt_) '�`� �,{00 }{„}, l)t,) t:`I._. DT.STRIBUI'IiJi.1 467,31aC;°trCr='„r`1t)t), cOt iC) 000, LNCGRE 1EHID- KA(,;(i=iSKE ENG.It 48°,J RIDING SULI-,Y CITY OF SHNGEi VENDOR 'VENDCiR NAME (_+PEN ACCOl iN M f—'1 i;`I-TB1._.E IJI S, T } NIG rtl TIIVOICE i MOUN i• 1)1SCOUNT ;;Ca-L.l' i�IONS C1E!�cJr'Y4�:RR ICT� i= 7 39F' 1 G/L ISTRIBUTION 4•::56, 1.400 G/L, DISJPTI-tIBU ION 41°5reju 1500 ADSRAN FAR REPAINTING ; TOR}1+.7i_ TANK, SIREET CRt4C�yS VENDOR TOTAL. '1"" j':I}+_)t-?i•-? LOCdE �.�If"i •f+r Grl_ G/L !i 131. I)IS1-{tiIBUTTON +..7 f-IJ STRTBI_IT10N +�I�v 7 vi 7 6 li,34pt_?; 34.010�, ()0 G I_ DISTRICt+_ITION 't. += tat 080f) NAI URAI_. GAS USED VENDOR T IMI.. � 7 ri t ry G/L DISTRIBUTION 4114, It: EW, ;.3'm -,MENT PADS, ENt)E-L.OF'c', [-&OlxlNEC&1-, s 1,6L.'ONNECT BOOKS VENDOR R TOTAL. r,t;af-;,, 00 ;3t:ae t:at; ` "' 180e `)4 e�1z 11 '�F•� 1 o rF i'� f�'iisC�lt=ttit�N OII_ +=i=+��1F't�NY G/L DI G, 4 I R1BI_I 11.t_+N 41 In 0 3101_a r 17. 9 Gi/I_. L?IS T R'lBzIJi10N 414,t.ai004 15541E' f,;.1L. !)It3TRIBUTIClkl=+1.%{•�{�?taC?{:a 1.95 = 17 G/L. I)ISTRIBUT ION 4 14 t 20tat,a ri1 87 I/I. D I ST R I BUT It ON 41.42 080C } I 1.5 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414c 060C) 10Lgrm •3 G G/IL. :D1STRTI UT IfIN 41"It . 1.1'a(t) 8`i„'vi4. VENDORVENDOR .::;fr'- .:31.cat=? C'r1I''3s._IS':�Il='F'I 'TOi1L «• SI.fF'F'I_'r' l_Oa i3T'3TRIBUTI`FIN 41,13v Ca60:0 UTI1_TTY SIGNS SAFETY VES'TG VENDORTOTAL GG/L.,DI.`.—�TRIbuIION f;•1.'J to Cat -a PARTS FOR Pf2i]IR:OI.. CAR c- a t..a11 t,if_a 6 OF'EC�.I _ cr •-1 •J S J _ n i.l L. CITY (1F C�?t'dOE R 0F'L:l;f F�C;%C!UL�iT'cs PAYABLE E L.:E T I NG F'(Er;F AS Oi= w / 1P). I 15 u 4F, ; 1.9 VENDOR VENDOR NAME: INVOIIDE AMOUNT I)ISC0UkiT' OPE1\1 VENDOR TOTAL 93= 30 0(i 3.v,a �Cr 3 - 31610 i1URRAY LIGHTING APPLIANCE ., 1501 '.qa 0F, Cjt_j ��{n tic G/L.. DISTRIBUTION 4;a•.3a _-'10 4q,: 05 hiINKA �'I IOCL, 601:.f 1 �,0"CL., I1C, h ,.t_._I_ IEXT VENDOR TOTAL. 4qm C) i a t)f) 4ia„ i"r`.1 r. :4 7311 G/ L.. 'D i STR 1 u ION 472, (.)gt_)t_) 1 .`9 8.3,8e (j0 F RANid,3 t7R'.MLRS V E N DC.,R 14 0 T AL. 2 i' E I MAN, RONAL D L.A1,41 OFF ' ICE'- u/1_ Df,"3 "RIFaUT ON 416 14Cii:) 114a'36 LEGAL PI OFE0t 0I 0NAL. SERVICE G/I_ DIt3TR1:t'I_i'j I'il"N <f•16,, 140(m ATTORNEY FEE FOR LEGAL- FRVIL=:E VENDOR TOTAL .1F54n 1;: G/L DISfR E)tUI,F_Ipl TC1N1(00 45u1.1.5 G/L_ DISTRIBUTION 455, o8oCa 4 )n FAGERS SERVICE UOhdf�l_ia c_ OIL_ DISTRIB ITION +44e0300 17a00 DOG FOOD rf:) 17, O/I._. DIS..fP i [it U T ON 444a to 00 1 1 Ca(i DOG FOOD E.ND0R TOTAL ;4 0C it) CaC) f PAYLE'S CASI—IWAYS, INC. •X• F, A � � A4 a 00 4 r! a 411, 19/I_ 13I._,TRIEaI_(I10l'T 47;_,t_,..,t_)0 PVC, ELBOW COUPLING ADAPTORS LOGu.N'.Y1S O/ M_ i)PURIBUTION 41c'o 0800 S3, qt; t 7304 021. t30 CrC) '�r,n qCj CITY'' OF s_,t=3N E R OPEN ACCOLi1 I S, i'AY'AHL.E LTS'i' I NG PAUE F' cr r r_- 5 rr VENDOR VENDOR kIAME INVOICE Al-IOUNT D Il )COUi.i T OPEN G/L DISTRIBUTION 4I•cl3 a f..`=. `ii 0 `' �lt? 1_. REPAIR K I ..' ; MITL_E T WASTE; !PULL. CI'll A I N G/i._ DIs_- F,IBUTI0N 41; =iie,i:rc=} CT:9 G/L LEI ;'1_RIBL1.I..`ON 'F7 ,, d 00 Es5a 9 TIDE; S0C@ KET SET; WRENCH �} ,silll4i"�!0 1L'`�c !!ri n t,rt_, 1L6,Frn Aq i,'I_. lil:3tE?i.E;l1'I101'd Ord Eati;t:}ir WHEEL ` ARR0t1; FETE MOSEi9 DU 1' Pf-I �1; BROOtvi HAt4z,L_E VENDOR TOTAL 4 ()4m R5 , i:rii 4 0zr. 85 '}i• t_}..'_ J 4Ln {1!11 1 „t_}t_r CIat„j(pi G/L DISTRIBUTION 411n0301*0 42n00 VENDOR TOTAL. 4C}0 „ t_}r} n (Jo 4r;;•— C,4ft_}t�rii E�'ITi�i1"Y E{t7l��EC, •k i .'Lvt_rn i�}T.`'jR'!_'I;III IJi�) 4�'1.'Je 1'�t:it_} 5i_)n RENTAL TOUCHMAT I C mE TEr-t VE11I}OR TOTAL vi) E' t;}t:r y}_ lj is h•,}-Jn ti�) n i it�} r.,��, �(} G/ 1_ D I s._` 1 R I BU 1 I ON 4c: i-`000 66_ 80 ool-r fL EXCHANGE, ACE T E.L.; C�k;r'tjENq CFtC�lli�i� AMP VEaiS}CAR TU'i'At.. E,r,n Bo , otj GE,n al, -'i•5-- '�']'� ji_} ROADRUNNER Ct1t 1' TRAFFIC SUPPI INC, —Ft, ;ti n tit} 47 G/L DISTRIBUTION 4: En t:}SCrCi 41-'74.3o CTRE.E i ali,hiU VENDOR TOTAL_ 474= 3( t,}r.;} 4m 30 a •�• 7C'7E i4t-u„ i�; i='t�n 1.=?, nt�rt;r is/1._ DI(STRIE,UT ION 4/3n020ir 14',n 1•n, F200KS VENDOR TOTAL tie4Cn 131 .3rv17(j SANk+t-!{; CITY OF _ }� 7�f�>1 ir14n�,! nt;t_r 1; �l4;•„�, G/L DISTRi BLYrI(IN 421'4o E�1.t?t:r G/L_ i)1STRIBUT ION 434„ tr4;iatj tC/I_ 1)ISTRIBUT IOE1 4;;°' n t;r� OC) 7 mn s�'` G/L_ DI';TRIBUT ION zf34, 0500 r`1='_;, 70 G/!_ DIP O•IRIh�'U`I IOt'I +, 4+n 1800 185a 72 G/L D 1L 'Bl TRIBU1TIt: N 434n 110t04) 1 i3n B7 't. /►_ DISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTION.-4rntjlt;}t:r `u;145 18 EL..t=CTRICITY r tC 1. I `( OF tF.3C! NGE R VENDOR VENDOR NAME .f G/L G/L_ G/L. t )61RIPUI.tON D.P"3TRIBIT DIST'RIBUTION I;:JN G/L DISTRIBUTKON t fPEN ACCOL liff' , PA'' ABLE L I S; I' I N f�G , OF 1/1 'J 1 1. r 45 � 19 ` INoIi;E AMOUNT 1fISC Ui`kiT 5 1, 5 c:? to 5(l)self_ IJI` TRIBUTIC�N 4It"ta Ir3oi G/L DI! i R:E�,=_1TION 4E:`=;a 0'00 ;7a 0 I'HY FOR Ji_f:i71' REHM, LAD WORD FOR MCf AINIEL„ HUMBLE, KING VENDOR T OTAL. 7a 5Q G/1_ DISTRIBUTION -+1 zn i.` 00 Erg VE.L{. PE IS •H• �84 7284 G/L i�iIST RIBUT ION AIIa 1400 G/L_ )ISTRIBU'I"ION 411a 150 E. OFFIC'wU,'I='I_IEa r: 7 c° r G/L DISTRIBUTION r11a 1.ACrEi Eflt�:fl_IfaG f_ifa INK PADS 7300 ie;/L DI.�TRIL{Ui ION r;'11a 1t 0,Ci BIC PENCILS —'LC G/L_ DI:"TRIBi(I1.N =,42wCr1i:0 G/L I)I'L5144 TBUT ICiN r;42,a j'�00 i?IC1 IC?iuC,R=, e !'Iif7:' CURi,f'a;g SE=.CTa Hi'��jl:rk{i OK4 VENDOR3 CI If AL. .�,r�t iC rCi SANGER �'AR T � � CENTER i7/t_ DPi-*ITRTBU! 1.ON BEDEM , i'E RlUt%J1' =�L. G/L DISTFtIBUTICIf'd LIGHT :SOCE LT G/L DISTRIBUTION vHX t1Li-Ti�fF�'`_*1 ji•1 �a 'i i�it_it�i 7 :L `•�1 i_ 9.E,a 8 Ea:!AT is ram': t_r6 1 a ��'�la u•tei 70 i rt:i a CrCi a triEr I'f;Cl: 9 oF'LI L..: •_! c 1. � i. C;IILLY 0F SANGER VENDOR VENDOR NAME l?V,lT, ! ACCOUN II 'E, t:'H,YAF,'L.E LIST 1116 AS OF •:'tr`15/91 15r45i; 11) Ir�V010E. r—,11zil_1NT 1)1SCOUNT G/L. DI TRI Fill T ION ',19a 0700 W = 2B Fires �iE Ct:tlt,lraECTOR it 7194 i a 1-0 G/1... i,?I`3TR1.BUTTG1N `;1.`ua 11.+-.}[} a9 C) C ISTR:CF�UTION .�s;_�laF:�}i}[:} a 10 GASKET, CUT DISC._ 7199 *2 [_} a -: L' i{ L_c VL_ G/1_ DIS T R I BU`i f f N %+19a 0500 HYD FITTING oc:.I O J a F_s[,} G/1_ DISTRIBUTION A1.9a'110(::) HOSE CLAMPS 7L_ ,., G /L. IG T RIF',i 4'I lt�i� 419a i�} i[_}[_} itie} RAD CA,r :. 1 7C:..1 a .j8 [a/1__?.'' i RI F,t1 i tir.l C+1.`: [_j`J[:}ii a ..; t RAD CAP E XC:NCINGE y 7 �: t ,1 _ a [_} L. .[`_}I';"IART B!_II 111N os[.}rj t}` C;/L_ II'v;TR:C:Ct_Ii"i0i! 42: a .i_}i?[w> a 9c RUL}_ PINE.3. A I. R i OUPLER4 Aa:?AP TF:R, i-TOGE CLtlr P13 Gii-- 1S TRIFl IT CIN =`i"1' a ltrJ[}[1 Gn b tj HYD FILTERS VENDOR TOTAL 8�c)(. �ANGER DRUG STORE �;)/L 10iTNIF;��T IT ON `}t":;fa ii,rv; t.i[_}t;a ]''v FL.;= SIA F,[:}[?a F°t]CAR F:C)U F:I?Ka F I i .M VENDOR TOTAL, 5°a 89 G/r_ DIS4TR IBUTION r+ :4,a [}, 0C) _.a . ' DI RI'C_L BI.T 7 C,/1_ 0I'3TE:Ijai1J'E Ii_Irl G/L DISTRIBUTION 419m 000 '5no2 G/L DISTRIBUT140kI 419a [T}F[�0 '91,u 611 G/L D'TRI:BUTION I.S 4 t::,=Gt:0C) 1b. zi? ) C:i/!_ D41 gTRIFsU Ii: N 42Is 1.a o901:} ��'a 5D NC_iT:�1 FiC1L_Tt E:I}1tR�( CL.�.I'T!-i `=��T"r�T`c�Y �='H�ill�l G(;`=;KE"1" Vt='tLIIE: C;f�F'4 i:ll.j a Ur'E:r�l w �s C I: I Y 011 t 1=ih.1l E:f VENDOR VENDOR Ll%lA1-lE !!^tE.N Ct�.:(30!_!1�1TS f-''fi`,'t=rEtl._I AS OF /15/91 1.' e4 A 1.r� Tr V?7TF.,E. AMOUNT D14S::�e,UNT (3/1n. DTSTRTF{UT G/L DISTRIBUT f.0N ICON 102u 41'"In 1.000 1100 S(::REWR C:CiI_!EEI_.ER .y- G I_. � a I ;..I' F3DAPTER R I N!. i'i GAL. 10 KERf_7SEI`AE: i-.-,USI1Tt�lrS tail DISIR I BU'i ION 424, ii:�,tj0 HAIlDL E GIL DISTRIBUTION 721 _+ 4112:1N C};J(}t} FiR(:Jt:!m I"iJR �3Ht7Fi ti/L DI`;TRI:F{UTION HEf-`iVY GLOVES IA T C Hh1AN G/I._ F!{�;IRIBU ION SEWER lPL,AN ! FOR TREES :7- G/L_ DISTRUB'U•i ION SPRAYER CONNECTER HOE END i /L iiT 31TRIE,�.JTT�t. E;OL"fS AND WF`461SHERS.. SPRAY PAINT 6/1. Dl. TR1.1sU IO..lt'•.I SLl(,F:GRErTE a tail_ )?1:�i! R1E{(JTISPd SEWER DRA11,11 VALVE ANT.) SUIDPLUEaS: C/I._ DISTr9'I:L UTION SAW BLADE WOOD SH I ME3 NA T L 1=1I" iRIBU I I:�`ti�f LOCK, t—M11`d KEYS (31/L DISTRIBUTION GI1_. DISITRULUTION ETTTINGS PIPE CLEANER .0 G/L DISTRI:BUT1,01'd {-it:1sE: '41 1 E)'at�ai,1 n 7 01 '{417'2 4100(.) ?fin C?'70( r.=9 t.IEj00 17,1 ?412 f.'{. o f 04001 _ 21 1CIr E,a t: r�it Lie 1 i t=1,Es u 1 1 n Go �n I,J �tlp 03 n t::ai;r n ttij n tu1 l=i�i(3E 11 1 r; °3t-a n i�a 4 L'ITY OF SANGER VENDOR VENDOR NAME COIL. Z•}ISTRI'i,LITION KEY GIL_ DI,.4.33TRIBUTION +sAt KGLA9 D f OR 22 silt] AC;SR UNDERGROUND ;'`:t._ •. °i:ri:} T�_E�! S(J�tSt�R IL" -ER '=-;ERA! i 5:;�.''= �;I-1i_tSr:Rlr!T i OPT( CiL?EN ACCOUNTS PAY(IBLL L..IS'Tlilf3 I i pit%U I f=:L. '7 4 61 0500 NDOR TOTAL 5( () NDOR TU AL.. t)t300 1LNDOR TO [AL.. 4 tnst tv 0 20Q JE.N OR TOTAL ,�� (+U{_}E}C} 'll��i`=s�� t�l�"TLR �• ':�E�;:iFR t�0a r458 t:!/L J!lt=+(RIBUT ION =}r,Ja*cc()t_} rIL- t)Ic;'TRIEUIION 00 SI}R S PIFE4 RESET TER' ,LID#S VENDOR O T AL.. F 7c(L. SHAFT ASSY4 SEAL ASSY VENDOR TOTAL ? 88 GIL DISTRIBUTION 44 SANITARY HEALTH lNSPE4CTION VENDOR TOTAL.. UNDERGROUND,, G /f"_ DP3TR! F;IiTiCil�! VF.NDOR. TOTAL AI'r10Cil�lT 1iISC:UU1P4t OE`EI%I i n to;t r t_}t:; n 0 • J n t_r t_} 00 L3SSnb4 r00 :fit_... 0u0 i'Y CiF E .Akif E R Vr.r:IDOR VENDOR NAME I;t PE IN ACCOLINP3 PAIYABL_E L. Z S'T I N LaVO I ��: AMOUNTNAMOUNTD I. SCOLIN T C'.,(_}_ 4rr;?,i_x; `i i•IE: US I_;CII�iCREE�E; H1=1P�flil;C7Clt( Fi r r 1 (30Cl� t S r s •:� VENDOR TOTAL AL. ; l .4 G/L DI n1 T RIE{UTION 4.: t}i.trC} TELEPHONETELEPHONESE�:I VICE VENDOR TOTAL E�;.'•- i:?�::t}t'r VIF(Zt•,lia tJFF%r'E FlRt�lL�l!ivT: }#• 7 C_' C� J G/I_ DISTRIBUTION 411.1400 G/L 'i?IS�TRIBUTION 41101500 11i_r(_r T Dry L.TNAi1CVR _'4;� 0 ,.. G L 1)1S11RIBUT10N 411u tJ�:,t_x�} G/L_ DISTR1'BUTIOIN 4110 COO()() OFFICE SUE' PL.Y G/L )iZ:=TRIBUTI�?8a) ON 411e 5LB SCALE VENDOR TO I �-iL. ta::�;.._ �;.;;rl.Utr L;.�EST'LiAIE VETL�'RT.P'1ilRY IjISSF't:`Et�L. G/L DISTRIBUTION 444y t;,31 It} EU T HAlrnSIA VENDOR TOTAL_ .J`'i't_it?(_? l..} Z 1_L I I�tr�.7 i G.� ! 1 i',ItJ L..t-l�? G/L DlkSSTRIBUTION SEWER AkIAL YS S NDOR TOTAL. TOTAL �L HJUM I INl I ST' M I II I Ole?--C F L_ ORIARY OF POL_ I CE 4� jF S'T i tI :ETS"GF• WATER-EF . WASTE WATER.-_Ei= E•L_E�:C TR I C,--EF PARKS _GF L- I RED."-sF IYIAYOR t *OUNC 11._.._l_;I, lrv„ r�ci ,�• i d .L t� 1 E (j o i_r iai 1 i~,t�re t:rij :L E!0. oo :.:t�i y ,Jtiry 1 � y4 ?4 r 0 4. r'{. 15 t_!E,4= 1L_ c i_r'•_r !- '4�tit�. 1 .- rat='Rr� Lei •_! ta::�;.._ �;.;;rl.Utr L;.�EST'LiAIE VETL�'RT.P'1ilRY IjISSF't:`Et�L. G/L DISTRIBUTION 444y t;,31 It} EU T HAlrnSIA VENDOR TOTAL_ .J`'i't_it?(_? l..} Z 1_L I I�tr�.7 i G.� ! 1 i',ItJ L..t-l�? G/L DlkSSTRIBUTION SEWER AkIAL YS S NDOR TOTAL. TOTAL �L HJUM I INl I ST' M I II I Ole?--C F L_ ORIARY OF POL_ I CE 4� jF S'T i tI :ETS"GF• WATER-EF . WASTE WATER.-_Ei= E•L_E�:C TR I C,--EF PARKS _GF L- I RED."-sF IYIAYOR t *OUNC 11._.._l_;I, lrv„ r�ci ,�• i d .L t� 1 E (j o i_r iai 1 i~,t�re t:rij :L E!0. oo :.:t�i y ,Jtiry 1 � y4 ?4 r 0 4. r'{. 15 t_!E,4= 1L_ c i_r'•_r !- '4�tit�. 1 .- rat='Rr� Lei •_! c i_r'•_r !- '4�tit�. 1 .- rat='Rr� Lei •_! MAYOR & COUNCIL-EF IS 6 9! A»MINISTRATION-EF !G 2a.e3 PUBLIC RRS-EF SULLIVAN CENTER -OF !S !A; 73 DATA PROCESSING-EF !g 3481.14 VEHICLE MAINT-EF 20 z71a CO11i CENTER -GF 2! !ey 63 , QASTEQTR COLL-EF rr 1 412,72 QASTEQTR COLL-EF PS 325t 00 ��q Po OF, BOX 578 ANGER, TEXAS • 6• TOt Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council f47m..,.. T Y... ^N i 7 # �... 2 � W tr R A., ....+ .-o r.,.. r n+1i�a. Jcaaaaa n�aaaaaa��aa� +1aay a�arr�aara�caa DATE: March 15., 1991 ` St�B.JECT: Proclamation and Presentation Honorir�� Our Armed Forces In Operation Desert Storm Representatives of tYie CYiarr�ber of Commerce will be present to rriake a presentation regarding our armed forces involved in Operation Desert Storm. A proclamation by the Mayor has also been prepared to Donor these men and women. JH:es h l :l in Ps Ot BOX3 ANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager T)ATFr M,,,h 15. 1QQ1 UU SUBJECT: Consider Solid Waste Collection Station and Operation Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker and Benny Johnson of Frontier Waste will be present to aid in this discussion. Staffs basic recommendation is as follows: 1}. Construct a fenced, attended, solid waste transfer station at the current landfill site to receive incidental, residential solid waste. 2). Our current charges for use of the landfill are: Rural Pick-up or one axle trailer $ 8.00 3). In an attempt to approximate volume of various vehicles, the following figures, rounded to the nearest whole number, are presented: Pick-up, 8 ft. Bed 8 ft. X 5 ft. X 3 ft. = 4.6 cubic yards 12 ft., single, axle trailer 12 ft. X 6 ft. X 4 ft. = 10.4 cubic yards 16 ft. Truck Bed or 16 ft. 2 axle trailer 15 ft. X 6 ft. X 4 ft. = 13 cubic yards W r • 3/15/91 ■ age 2 4), Income generated by customers using various size dumpsters would vary by type of vehicle or trailer and the total cubic volume of their load. As an example, if we operated with 30 cubic yard skid -off boxes, truck loads and if they wF generate $56 in permit re r• lh$r XYO"ri rj11M"CfA2 -c 4ArP v.,.,....., a .. .. AaAr.... A .. .. each could accept. 6.5 pick-up 're all City residents, it would only venue (i X $6 = $56). If we used 6 ewrn»lr-1 t7°r�vlr�t-ata �1 Fi its t•e�ve�n»e? t7c�r dumpster before it was emptied (2 X $0 = $16). (This would assume full dump loads by our users.) 5). Staff recommends that only residential customers be allowed to use the transfer station. Commercial customers should be required to contract with Frontier Waste directly to provide dumpster service for their needs. This would apply to contractors and other construction related endeavors. Mr. Benny Johnson will be present to discuss his recommendations for the transfer station and his proposed fee schedule for various size dumpsters. Chuck Tucker will have a recommendation concerning construction and operation of the transfer station. All available information on this item will be included in your packet or provided at the regular meeting. ,1I-I:es } FRONTIER WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. P.O. BOX 758 : 1806 N STEMMONS SANGER, TEXAS 76266 (817)458-3566 John Hamilton City Manager, City of Sanger, Texas 76266 ti ( 11 10 4 I x, FE6 2 b 1=1 CITY O F Z AN 3 QF%4 Dear Sir, The following is a price list for the options we discussed in our February 21 meeting. A. Subcontract 30yd roll -off: $135.00 per month rent. 335.00 per pull (dump)* B. Frontier Waste Services Available: 1. Eight 4yd containers = 32yds $ 50.00 per month rent. 200.00 per pull (dump) ALL Eight or 25.00 per can dumped. 2. Curb Side Special Pickups: FWM can make pre -arranged and paid special pickups at curb side on Thursdays, and depending upon availability Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. $ 5.00 per washing machine, dryer, chair and items such sized. 10.00 per refrigerator (with compressor removed), Sofa, mattress,and items such sized. 15.00 and up for larger sized piles of waste (cost depends upon amount and time to load). ***No Hazardous Waste*** Tires, Batteries, Used Motor Oil, etc. 3. Construction and Demolition Site Pick-ups: FWM suggest that the City of Sanger pass an ordinance that requires all construction and demolition sites to obtain at least one 4 yd container for the purpose of disposing of solid waste. This would reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill containers, and keep the construction or demolition sites cleaner and safer. $ 25.00 set fee 25.0o ner dump *If container remains at site for cver two months a $50.00 minimum will be charged per month (minimum two dumps per month). I look forward to discussing these options in more detail at your convince. Sincerely, Benn�nsori, President Frontier Waste Management Inc. FROM: DATE. SUBJECT, ANGER, 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager March 15, 1991 City Collection of Tree Limbs `Phis item was tabled. at the February 1�th ro.eetin�, Staff is rc-�c.�utin that Council dis�ass the follovain�: 1). Staff responsibility for n7.aking this type of collection 2a. Limits on size or volume of collection 31. Charg€Ys, if any i'or this type of service Mr. Benny Johnson of Frontier Waste Management vwrill also lie present at tYais rJ:i�tirig, JH.�:s BLANK SHEET 26. ANGER,TEXAS 76266 TC�: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: March 15, 1991 SUBJECT: Consider and Possible Action on Solid Waste Rates Where Council approved Frontier Waste Managerr�er�t's request fora 5.9 monthly rate increase, it was requested that the rates be discussed again at this meeting. The 5.9� increase translates into $, 37 per month for our residential customers. As you know, the City adds $1.50 per month to our residential customer's rate which makes our total before sales tax residential collection rate $8.13. We bill commercial customers according to contract instructions provided by Frontier Waste Management and receive a Franchise Fee of 7% from Frontier based on their total revenues. The 7% franchise fee is the same as on the previous five year contract with Texas Waste Management. With our landfill closure costs estimated at approxirna.tely $13,000 by Hunter Associates and with the costs of constructing and operating an alternative collection site for incidential solid waste, staff recommends no change in our rate structure at this time and Council could recommend that the rates be examined during budget hearings this summer for possible adjustment on the new F.Y. Budget. For• information purposes, the. 37 rate increase for Frontier generates about $444 per month i1200 residential customers X $.37�). There at°e six (6) months left in the current budget year. JH:es i t E Ta: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. r ANGER,OX 578 6.. Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager 4 March 15, 1991 Ends on Crack Seal System Any proposals received at the 2 p. m., Monday, 3-1 �#-91, bid opening will be presented for your review and approval. T3r_td.ef. ��igflttCl �j � Ta'TDn*KQ A At VIVA, DATE: 3UHaECT: Po Ot BOX 578 ANGER, TEXAS i Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council T^V%*m% T-Tca►vsilf^" fifer RA4mvia criNt• i V VAAAA AA44AAAA1t+L/AA, 1 A4Y lVLl AAt 154 March 15, 1991 IT bids on Used Hack -Hoe Any proposals received at the �:3C1 p,�r�., bid opening, Monday, �-19-`�i, will be presented for your review and approval. ��et �r,5f1(l JH:es CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of City Council FROM: Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary (; DATE: March 15, 1991 SUBJECT: Appointment of Presiding Alternate Judge far May 4, 1991 In the past, we have always appointed Billye Hallingswat•th as Presidin�; Election Judge and Wynema Sehertz as Alternate. I am recommending that we make these appointments. In the situation where a family member of the Election Judge runs foi• City Council, the Alternate Judge must assume the duties of the presiding Election Judge. This has been verified by TML Legal Dept. and the Elect1 Division. R G:es TO: d' d\VlVd. ATE: D SUBJECT; •i�:r Pe Ot BOX ANGER, TEXAS 76260 Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Council TMAJAI T7nmIJMW y %' Ilo r IVA"AIC416t ro \7 Vdddd d rA*y dI+^", ("4+mt' *KAck 1d4%iyAn March 15, 1991 City Administrator's Report 1). The new Worker's Comp. law that became effective this year requires employers with more than fifteen (15) employees to establish a formal drug policy for employees. A comprehensive ordinance and testing plan will be presented for ,your consideration at the next Council meeting. l). Weather permitting, Hunter Associates, advised that Calvert Construction would begin the Freese Drive project on Friday, 3/ 15/91. The clock is running on their contract,, They have 90 calendar days from the date of the notice to commence work which was issued on 02-18-91 and time on the contract according to the specifications began 02-28-91. By contract, completion date is May 29, 1991. JH:es MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council Cindy Barrow, Billing & Municipal Court Clerk March 15, 1991 Court Report This memo is to let you know that the Court Report will be ready for• your review Monday evening. Thank you. CB:es 01�xii%3�lx Po • ANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: Jahn Hamilton, City Mana er )ATE: March 5, 1991 �LTBJECT: Water I'umpa�e/Wastewater Flow - Billing; Period 01-16-91/02-15-91 - Bills Issued March 1, 1991 (Gallons In Thousands) February Wastewater Water Wastewater Water 16) 296 490 1) 223 294 17) 167 105 2) 222 430 18) 232 487 3) 228 286 19) 476 484 4) 228 470 20) 297 766 5) 228 288 21) 245 395 6) 216 330 22) 189 431 7) 253 446 23) 231 350 8) 201 275 24) 270 270 9) 277 520 25) __ 255 10) 277 361 26) -- 290 11) 277 337 27) 170 294 12) 192 387 28) 202 295 13) 233 299 29) 197 431 14) 171 476 30) 167 293 15) m 267 11) 1777 434 3318 5466 3316 6070 Total Water - 6,070,000 + 5,466,000 = 11,536,000 Total Wastewater - 3,280,000 + 3,318,000 = 6,598,000 CITY OF SANGER F. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM TO: John Hamilton, City Manager/�� FROM: Rose Garcia. City Secretary !� DATE: March 1, 1991 SUBJECT; Billing for 2-15-91 Billings for ; 2-15-91 WATER 1238 ELECTRIC METERS 1651 RG:cr� Total Water Gallons Total Sewer Gallons Total KWH Total Sanitation Billing Total Sewer Billing Total Water Billing Total Electric 8,778,00CI 8,748,800 2,U17,340 14,077.64 20,207.80 24,488.21 122,859.44 Wholesale Electric Costs 84,921.58 NO. OF METERS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL IN SERVICE SEWER SANIT, SEWER SANIT. FUEL ADJUSTMENT 1269 1278 126 13II DATE: March 8 , 1991 Frontier Waste Management P. 0. Box 758 Sanger, Texas �8288 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a City of Sanger check in the amount of $ 11, 3 8 2.0 7 representing payment to Frontier Waste Management for the contract agreement provided for in the Cit_v of Sana�er/Frontier Waste Management Agreement. This payment covers the month of Fe'oruary and is computed as follows: Total Residential Customers Billed 1209 at $ 8.13 rate per customer Less $1.50 per customer billed as per Contract Total Other Customer Classes Less 79G Franchise Fee Approved for payment �'7 :: •• Garcia, City Secretary $ 9,833.70 $ 1,813.50 $ 4,243.94 $12,264.14 $ 858.49 $11,405.65 virus Sanger P�lirror and Glass $ 23.58 Total Amount Due $11,382.07 T0: JOHN HAMILTON CITY MANAGER FROM: BENNY ERWIN CHIEF DATE: 3-4-91 SUBJECT: JUNK VEHICLES As of 3-4-91 vehicles sitting vehicles have been tagged as sa. vehicles will have to be moved are vehicle in City pound. 1. 311 S. 7th 2. 316 Austin 3. %00 Blk N 5th 4. 125 Sauthside 5. 8th @ Cherry 6. 105 7th ., - in yards considered as junk As of 3-14-91 most of the charges filed, or place the Q TEXAS WATER COMMI5SION B.J. Wynne, III, Chairman John E. Birdwell, Commissioner Cliff Johnson, Commissioner Allen Beinke, Executive Director Dear Storage Tank Owner: John J. Vay, General Counsel Michael E. Field, Chief Hearings Examiner Brenda W. Fosterer �f.�ebetj� ���� J� J1.J� � �� 2 5 �991 t This letter is sent to inform you of importan ,, e�pm�lttl���ri` the storage tank program. As you are probably awar�ji,ners of petroleum underground storage tanks (USTs) are subject' to, _.regulations requiring pr001 Ul lllctllC:ldi LC5jJU11511J111ty %UVeiiitg corLectwe aCtivit expenses uTid -th�rd�p-a-rty�i-i-ab-rl-it-es � For owners of thirteen (13) -to ninety=nine ( 99 ) USTs, these requirements go into effect on April 26, 1991. For owners of twelve (12) USTs or less and for local governments, these requirements do not apply until October 26, 1991. As an owner of a tank containing a petroleum product (e.g., gasoline, diesel, gasohol, kerosene, aviation gasoline) part of these requirements are now satisfied by a fund made available by the State of Texas. This fund, the Petroleum Storage Tank Remediation Fund, was recently approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an acceptable means of demonstrating financial responsibility for taking correction action in excess of $10,000. As a storage tank owner, you are still responsible for demonstrating financial responsibility for the first $10,000 of corrective action expenses and for the third party liability coverage. This can be done by any of the options included in 31 TAC Chapter 334 (§334.91-334.109). You should have already received a Notice of Storage Tank Registration Certificate from the Texas Water Commission,(TWC). It is important that you keep this letter and the Notice of Storage Tank Registration ,Certificate readily available at your storage tank facility. By keeping -these--d-ee-ttt�e•�t-t�=a-�ha-net--y�eu--are-ab-l-e---t-o-demons-t-rat-e- that regulated substance can be delivered to you as a registered tank owner, and that you are using the Petroleum storage Tank Remediation Fund to satisfy part of your financial responsibility requirements. Should you have any questions responsibility requirements, you (512) 463-7798. If you have certificate, call (512) 371-6212. Sincerely, J qu ine S. Hardee, P.E. ief, Registration Section Petroleum Storage Tank Division about the fund or your financial may contact the TWC Fiscal office at a question about your registration JSH:ag P. O. Box 13087 Capitol Station • 1700 North Congress Ave. � Austin, Texas 78711-3087 • Area Code 512/463-7830 Council transfers By Palmer Haines Staff Writer At the end of a three-hour public hearing Tuesday night, Denton City Council voted to get out of the commercial trash hauling business and close the city's landfill within 18 months. "This is probably one of the most important and complex decisions the coucil has made in the last decade," Bill Angelo, director of community services said today. The city council voted to sell the city's portion of commercial trash hauling business to Texas Waste Management, a local solid waste hauler. The sale will give Texas Waste Management at least 95 percent of the city's commecial solid waste hauling market, according to Bill Angelo, director of community services for the city. He said the city would retain no regulatory control over the fees Texas Waste Management charges for commercial haul- ing. Under the terms of a $1.9 million contract, Texas Waste Management will buy the city's commercial solid waste trucks, dumpsters and customer list for See 117ASTE/8A A oM m o En En O O M a a'o o� y crew " ¢ � R-c C=4 � (D non MO En D o 0a Diu O C. Lam., � Ina c�� 0 (D M o o K y yK fD K ... cD Q' 0.o a.°CD GQ En C_ En cD ... E; b� 124 CD 0 CD p w��'Z�pq O(D �O En V (n CD O w`Oc"C o O Cn C2 EnO cC CD 9 n (`nDm to tots.» (D En N rj)O C r„ R G rM O (OD w w "� (D MO ° En >� En y M� A� En ofD" ¢�°oOo�,wlow won,No rr V, c �°-. ' "�' ► Yam'*. O (n (DCIA pows ¢ (�D PI QQ i0-r °-3 UOQ (CD°-n G r•� INVOICE INVOICE NO. 1818315 SOLD TO SHI E TO STREET & NO. STRV & NO. _ of - CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP �\ 6a CUSTOMER'S ORDER SALESMAN TERMS F.O.B. DATE / / ..�Zl J /tit 0 :' COMMISSIONERS CHUCK NASH Chairman, San Marcos GEORGE C. "TIM" HIXON Vice -Chairman San Antonio BOB ARMSTRONG Austin LEE M.BASS Ft. Worth HENRY C. BECK, III Dallas DELO H.CASPARY M. Anoupuri JOHN WILSON KELSEY Houston BEATRICE CARR PICKENS Dallas 0, (TONY) SANCHEZ, JR. Laredo TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT 4200 Smith School Road 0 Austin, Texas 78744 • 512-3894800 March 1, 1991 ANDREW SANSOM Executive Director {' h , (; 1 _; I `✓ I '. fig MAR - 4 1991 Mr. ity Manager Hamilton �,`!TT OF SANGER C P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Grant Application -Sanger Switzer Park II Dear Mr. Hamilton: 44 This is to acknowledge receipt of your request to resubmit the referenced application with revisions to the project scope. Please call me at 512/389-4947 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 1 ""j4w*4 W Stephen A. Bosak Project Section Head Grants -in -Aid Branch SAB:ED:Ib AMOVOMWNAk� 1660 S. Stemmons Freeway Suite 295 Lewisville, Texas 75067 (214) 221-0911 (214) 420-0709 Fax AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF DENTON } Before me, the undersigned personally appeared and stated: I, John W. Munn, Executive Director of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District, do solemnly swear that the attached report of the operations and finances of the Denco Area 944 District is a true and correct report of the activities of the District for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990. Jo W. Munn xecutive Director Sworn to and subscribed this a� day o� , 1990. �el arol Youssef otary Public in exas My commission expires February 16, 1993 ANNUAL REPORT OF DISTRICT OPERATIONS February, 1991 The Denco Area 9-1-1 District was approved by voters in August, 1987, and in the 3.5 years of its existence, has coordinated the implementation of Enhanced 9-14 (E944) Service to its residents. The operations of an emergency communications district are largely defined by Texas law, rr• •n. A _1_ 4 A01 it TL].. ,. a.,, �.,..,. 41.E ..4i� biro nl-nr n♦' il>c Vernon s Civil JtaLULCS tUL1G1G 14+04OUS 1111J JLdLULU ILAJUir%S LlllJ execUUVe uii. mow• vi ... district to present a report to the board managers and all participating public agencies on the finances and operations of the district. The basic functions of an emergency communications district are as follow: 1. To collect, invest and disburse revenue from the 9-1-1 service fee; 2. To coordinate the design of the 9-1-1 network, to set standards for public safety answering points, and supervise installation of the 94-1 system; 3. To provide training in 94-1 call -taking procedures for the employees of public safety agencies who receive emergency calls; 4. To educate the public about the availability of 9-1-1 and its proper use; coordinate the data base for the 9-1-1 network. MEMBER AGENCIES The boundaries of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District include all of Denton County, including all of the incorporated area of the City of Carrollton. Areas of the county not included in the district are those areas of incorporated cities already receiving 9-14 service. Calls for emergency assistance placed through the 94-1 network are answered at one of seven Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). Calls are routed through a feature called Selective Routing, which determines the routing of a call through the location of the caller. In most instances, the network provides the call -taker at the PSAP a visual display indicating the phone number and address from which the call originates. Page 2 Annual Report Narrative The seven PSAP locations in Denton County are: The Denton County Sheriff's Office The City of Carrollton The City of The Colony The City of Denton The City of Flower Mound The City of Highland Village ThP ('itv nF T PwiewlllP Emergency calls for incorporated cities other than those listed above are answered by the Sheriff's Office PSAP and transferred to the appropriate agency. Calls from locations which do not have a street address are routed to the Sheriff's Office, and display phone number only. At the present time, Denton County is undertaking a project to assign addresses to unaddressed areas of the county. FINANCIAL The largest single expense in the installation of the 9-1-1 network is a "non -recurring cost," which the telephone companies charge once the service is initiated. Legislation under which the district is established allows for the collection of this fee in advance of cutover of service in order to pay this large cost at the outset. Although it was anticipated that the Denco Area 9-1-1 District would borrow funds in order to pay this cost, the implementation schedule allowed the district to accumulate sufficient funds to cover the cost with funds remaining for reserves. The attached end of year financial statement does not reflect over $900,000 of the non -recurring cost, since at the end of the fiscal year these costs had not been itemized by the major service provider, GTE. IMPLEMENTATION Early in the 1989-90 Fiscal Year, the Denco Board of Managers selected AT&T Callstalker as the system for 9-1-1 call delivery. Installation followed in the spring of 1990, along with training and advance public education activities. On August 18, 1990, fully Enhanced 94-1 service was available to the residents of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District. DENCO AREA 944 DISTRICT EXPENDITURES, 1989-90 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries Health Benefits Retirement Benefits Worker's Compensation Total Personnel Services MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies Printing Postage Maps & Materials Total Materials and Supplies FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT Furniture Office Equipment Total Furniture and Equipment CONTRACTURAL SERVICES Legal Fees Accounting Fees Professional Audit Equipment Maintenance Other Professional Services Total Contractural Services LEASE PAYMENTS Office Lease Equipment Lease Total Lease Payments TRAVEL AND AUTO Auto Allowance Travel Total Travel and Auto 1989-90 EXPENDITURES $ 59,973.00 4,429.00 2,601.00 372.00 67,375.00 2,842.00 969.00 1,150.00 0.00 4,961.00 623.00 1,956900 2,579.00 9,000.00 1,8WSW 2,500.00 3,444.00 60.087.00 76,831.00 15,484.00 583.00 16,067.00 4,561.00 2,439.00 7,000600 EXPENDITURES Page 2 MEMBERSHIPS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Memberships 0.00 Subscriptions 115.00 Total Memberships and Subscriptions 115.00 UTILITIES Office Telephone 45662.00 9-1-1 Service 35,271.00 Total Utilities 39,933.00 INSURANCE Liability/Property 300.00 Electronic Equipment 0.00 Auto Liability 0.00 Total Insurance 300.00 ADVERTISING Classified 63.00 Public Education 11,650.00 Total Advertising 11,713,00 Total 1989-90 Expenditures $ 226,874.00 EXPENDITURES Page 2 MEMBERSHIPS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Memberships 0.00 Subscriptions 115.00 Total Memberships and Subscriptions 115.00 UTILITIES Office Telephone 4,662.00 9-1-1 Service 35,271.00 Total Utilities 3%933.00 INSURANCE Liability/Property 300.00 Electronic Equipment 0.00 Auto Liability 0.00 Total Insurance 300.00 ADVERTISING Classified 63.00 Public Education 11,650.00 Total Advertising 11,713,00 Total 1989-90 Expenditures $ 226,874.00 a WE SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE Denton County and Carrollton residents can get help in an emergency no matter what language they speak! Denco Area 94-1 District call takers„ can now communicate in more than 140 languages using the translation services provided by AT&T's Language Line. Since February 14th, call -takers can speed dial Language Line and have an interpreter on the line in seconds when a foreign speaking caller needs help. This 24-hour a day, seven-day a week service will remo`ve-,any language barrier that may have existed in our District and thereby improve service to all citizens. To promote the Language Line, Public Service Announcements have been translated into Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Spanish. They will be broadcast over foreign language radio programs and posted in newsletter, church bulletins or gathering places where those who will use the service would most likely see them. If you have any additional suggestions for distribution of promotional materials feel free to call us. - PUBLIC EDUCATION HIGHLIGHTS A significant new addition has been made to the many public education resources our office provides for school, organization or safety fair use. We now have an easy -to -use 944 simulator complete with call-back capability. This system is equipped with push button and rotary dial phones donated- by GTE. The simulator, as well as videos, teaching manuals, phone stickers and a limited supply of other materials may be used free of charge for safety education throughout the District. call us at 214-221-0911 to -make arrangements. A program designed to reach homebound senior citizens with 9-1-1 news and phone stickers has been completed in Carrollton, Lewisville, Denton and Denton County. Using the generous services of volunteers at Meals on Wheels and SPAN offices in each area, we provided information and stickers for this difficult -to -reach, but high -usage group of citizens. It'�� Several months ago, the Department of Public Works contracted the North Central Texas Council of Governments to assign addresses to the residences and businesses in the rural areas of Denton County. This important information is needed since a street and number address pinpoints a location for emergency service response. The base maps were developed from existing lata and recent aerial photography. Addresses were assigned based upon driveway and structures derived from the aerial photos. The base maps and the computer assignment of addresses have been completed. The assigned addresses are being checked to see whether they go to a home or business and not, for example, to a field or barn not requiring an address. The Department of Public Works anticipates completing address verification by the end of this summer making our 9-14 system even more effective. The public will be notified of their new addresses when verification is completed. Texas Weather Instruments, Inc. 4926 Greenville Avenue, Suite 1302 Dallas, Texas 75206 214/368-7116 RECEI V ELI March 8, 1991 Ms. Nel Armstrong City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P. 0. Box 57B Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Ms. Armstrong, MAR 1 1 1991 Cep I OF SANGER 1 have discussed the sign issue with my sister, Carolyn Patterson, and we both agree that we would be pleased to assist the City of Sanger. We approve of the layout and placement of the welcome sign as outlined in your plans, subject to the previously discussed conditions: 1. That the sign be removed and the site be restored to its original condition within 60 days of being requested by either my sister or myself. 2. That the site and the area immediately around the site be maintained properly without cost to my sister or myself. 3. That permission be obtained for any additional structures or improvements on the site that is not included on the current plan. Yours truly, David Patterson DBP/gh Enclosures Ship to Address: Texas Weather Instruments, Inc. 5942 Abrams, #113 Dallas, Texas 75231