06/04/1991-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL ACEINDA MONDAB', MARCH 4, 1991 '?01 BOLIVARSTREET,, CITY HALL / a 00 P. M. 1. Call tc1 t rc:ler, Invo ..ation ar cl Plebe to the Flab . flinute , Cit.izen' ln ut . Cor icler° ans Possible Action to Authorise Reclue t for Pro o al Used Back -Hoe for Water Department t;. Consider and Possil. le Action Reardin ORDINANCE 03-91 Regulating Recreational Vehicles and Trailers can Public Property i , Consic er4 and Possible Action Rearclin iarnin of e street. t.cy be Constructed from Freese Drive Extension to David Drive . Consider ar d Possible action on Fire Code Er f'orcerxaent Cor yr .ittee 9. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Re reser ta.tive to U ,h- r. Trinity Regional Water District 1C . C"on i eran F'c ik le ct.ion ors Pri rit.izin of treet. fc r R et^c ti tr°tl :t icon 11. C _ nsi leracid Possible Action Rear;dingy ORDINANCE 04-91 SANGER'S ANTI-LITTER ORCINANCE -91 ar er;= Anti -Litter Circ inance 1 c"its c n ini tra.tion Re ort. 13> Anyp ether such Flatters 14. Adjournment t Ro, alie arcia, City Secretary 11t 1v I E : t�'it vu t�u 1Vleetir%j February 1. 1 B, 1991 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Mar is Brs".Ixto: ftj Councilman Carroll McNeill, and C'ouncili a.n Wendell it�lEI�11YER �.ESENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Counciin�m r� Danny McDaniel t�T1gER PRESENT. City Mana Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia., J. C. Landers, Me.Mvyn Tucker, Larry � ov st, Benny Erwin, Eddie Branham, G�irland Tbu*)rntoi)t, �;l.�11 Schad, Jeanne D( ore, Esta Ashcraft and Travis Roberts 1, t,�iayor a�x°mstron called t-he n�eetin tcs c�rc�er, awe the ir��%c�cd-�.ticn and led the Pledge to the flag. ��, i�isbursexxler�ts: �liotioxz vas made by Councilrnar� .Tl�ox��as tc� apprave disbursements for Payment. Seconded by Councllnlall McNeill. Motion carried. l, :�t��rec:.iation .��rard fc�x' ,.1. �. Landers 0 its C`c�uncil ��reser�ted an A.tvard to J. f'. Lax�.clers for eight i �l v gears of service as Fine Iiilarshall. Considex° and Passible Action to Award Bid for Renaintin `?OCi,000 Gallon. arzd l �IC1,ClE►Ci Callon water �tora�e Tangy. City Manaer stated that the low bidder was Kerri Pa.int.ixa Co. tarsCrtssWn. iLy COuncii IVIt.4 v'11l t� 1 Page 12crt11on rangy mat ,y Cc uIIcilnncui ThidilIaU L.cJ Cyr Painting; Cot) the low bidder for $19,850, Seconded by Councilwoma.n Braxton. Motion carried. �. Cc�s�i�ider and Pc��ible f-�ct.i{an can Landfill Cl���ur� pla�� i�vlz. Trryavi� Rc�bei•t.� fx��n�. Hunter and A��c�ciaL.e� p�e�e��teci tl�e ..Iosure Plan for the City Landfill in accordance with regulations required by Texas Department of Health. Jig{$u��ic�n. I�✓lctic��z a� made b�F Cc�uncil�nan Thc��na� t.c� accept the Landfill Closure Plan for City of Sanger Landfill as presented by Hunter and Associates. Seconded by Councilman McNeill, Motion carried. (9.) Consider and Possible Action for Annual Springy; Clean --.Up Week �lc�ti��r� a� made by CounCilrr�an ��lCl�leill 1.« r�,e�is�nate �rlarCl� 1i�tr� to March 2.1st as Annual Spring Clean-up Week. ;!)eCOn(Aed DV Cc uncilzprian Thomas. Motion carried. �3. � 11�. ) C�3n�icier anti Po��ible ACtir�n i`or Re�oluti�3ra # R3-� 1 bljpportir g Beautific;ULion t�VIIImittee CovernV).`s Rey YCli�g CI (A Application X .AMfiic�rt fAs rrIade icy Cour�Cilman Thornacz anc_3 czecnnc_ieci. liy Ccaur�Cil��=��rr�ari Bra�.tcari tc� a.dept, Resr}luti��n �R:3--�1 ��at.�pertir���; hanger's Beautification Committee Governor's Recycling grant Application. Motion Carried.. �. 12.) Consider and. Possible ACtiorz ears Proposed "felCorne to �0 �ILV C�aurlCil Li tU )�/18/91 Page 3 ia6Y 1e City Council tl�a.t t.le Committee has recommended to the City Council to consider %onstructin al "Welcome to Sanger" sign and flower~ spot at the corner of northbound 1-35, Access Road at Loop 138, using volunteers and City personnel not to exceed $400 in cost. Disc�a.ssiorl. l%1c�tion vas made by Councilman �1c.I�eill and secs}�icie�i l�yyy Councilman Thomas that if they are willing) to work free, the: City will allow them to do it. Motion carried. t0. (7.) Consider and Possible Action on City Collection. of Tree Limbs Discussion. Itet7� tabled for° newt City Council l�✓leetin� tc� a.11��� t.l�c� other t�vo (�'� Councilmernbers an opportunity to give theirinput. 11. (8.) Consider and Possible Action to seep,. proposals orl Street Cracks Seal System City �1ana�er° advised this is a bud�et.ed ite��a, I3r~ief discussion, l��otion eras made by Councilt�xan I�cl�leill and sec�onde�l by C'ouncilma.n Thomas to authorize staff to seep proposals on a str°e��t. crack seal system tip to five thousand dollars ( 5,000d). Motion carried, 2�. (i 1. � Consider and Possible Action Reardin C�rdinal�ce -Pr C13_cI1 Peulatin� Rec-r~eational Vehicles and Trailers on Public Pr~open~ty Draft ordinance was discussed. Item tabled to a11ow staff to het l��or~e clar°ificatio�� on the draft ordinance. ay Consider~ at�d Possible Action Pear°Olin Naming, of new Street, to iv}e Const.r�acted frcarn Freese Drive F�tension to David Drive a City Council I�llt. 2/18,r91 Page 4 Item tabled IOU alloy% citl6ens a.n opportunity to participate in r7aming the street. 1�1. Cc:�nsicleraz�d Possible Action orz PtJC fdat.e Case on Centel City �liana.er advised the City Council that. City Attorney, Porgy. gelman, had forwarded some material concerning the PUC Commissions current case against Centel's 4A.9 nwhon annual overcharges. Lirief discussion. Consens�zs of C'i.ty Cor�.ncil to ta�.e no actir�x�. o�z this it:en�. 1 �. Consider anc� Possible Action for %ilayor to Issue Election girders :�✓layorArn�stror� issued Election Order 1'or /lay �, 1�-�;�1 E1�=c.tic�zs . Side II, #:�°� 1 ►. Executive Session According to Article 52522-17 vernon's Civil Statutes, O, Personnel Matters Ivlayc�r Arrx�st.rong convened: City Council into Executive Session at. 3�q p. zn. 1 s . Consider and Possible Action %egarding Executive Session �:�ayc�r Arrx�stron�; recon�Tened City Council from Ecuti�?e Sessi�:�n i�layorArvnstron€� advised they lead gone into executive session to discuss ez�lplc3yr7ent of the near I� ir,e Ir�spectorlzich gill he replacing Mr. Landers. She Mated they had three (3) applicants for this position. ,lira Conley, Craig; Waggoner, and. Mike Tucker. O avor ArBmstr°one; felt all three were highly qtzalified. and that there ere reasons that. t llejr chose the one they t� id, t �ity Council Mtn. ?f 18/91 Page 5 l Iotion was 111a.de by Cmu cll111C4 Tl�or�Las t.o Dire i 1r4 klirrJ C r l%=ty ao the new Fire Inspector. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. 00tion carried. 1��, t= ity A�:lrr�ir�istrati{.��� Report: ��`it�F Mar�.er reporretec-.1 that: ��.. Sa1es Tax Receipts for calendar year 1t1�1 have ir�creased by 15.01% over the first two months of 1000, front $17,947 to $ 20I 641. lea. Chaack Tr�.cker and tarry Ro�iers have con7.pleted their service requirements (2 years), Mate schooling and have taken their state certification test to be Class C Water Systern Operators. Test results will be returned in six weeks, c. Chuck Tucker will be attending a Public Works short course at Texas A M which offers training on street repairs and upcoming drainage law requirements. d. New Police ��fficer was hired., Jirn IvlcDaniel,, �vho lzas eleven (11) years experience with the City of Lewisville. 1;�. .rly Otter Such ��latters: a. Mayor° Armstrong briefed City Council on the suit. that. Oa�� Morales filed a°ainst tl�e I�epar°trzaent of �`onar��=,r°ce rse�ar°{,�i�1�?; the census. (A decision will be made approximately on July 15 by Mr. Robert Mosbacher, Secretary of Commerce Office.) The Pact Sheet Letter that wa.s put. toether~ reardin� the census count. This will allow the citizens to write a short. letter to Robert Mosbacher and state how they feel Sanger has been dealt with unfairly with the Census Count and stating reasons. b. Mayor Armstrong advised the Animal Control Officer has resigned. 005 f�.ity Council TVlt�q. ?i 1t91 Page :. City lViaaer��.edotne photos to t.l�e Council on a solid waste transfer station that Decatur is using,. He basically wanted Council to review these since he planneci this to be an agenda item at the next City Council meetint , 29. i4�Ieet.in�; adjourned. ..., . ._ . ....., .. _. _ _ .. ... r.: r•'•. r_.._e ': - :.., ': to ..:.{. 1- t r- `r. (-I i' (..-! _:..,; •`..; I n _) , .. l t .. j ;i j-. _ 7 ' . f :.:_:, - f : is } -1 t=:. t:::... ._ .. a L::. r •...! : 4.! 4. ! l : .1 ! f=: t I't : i fyl `_ " {-` i"'a::: I 1 t , ... F. i(:i i.'7' •.i f. '- ri i`, - -.(•,(i"I"_ s r?': %:! 1 :?r_r^,z •'•i;;3 [- t. i'a: : E _!:, : tl rl t ,;t {tf t,. ,_ 1.. ,•..! ; .• _,: _ .. ., E:::,< I'.i::`i'{ : I ,L: '`(!`riE i`:I'' 1. :: .1_f-! _ f • f_ t y:i' .I'I I: :F'r'1 ' 1::_;I: i :i. s. • ,:, t:`!._;. { ,I::.i•:III::{= -1f._. {...._{ f _f ..... -- _ t4�r '�{.14IF tYFr_ � 'E..11 to } iPfIIJ,i (={l�i=(:jUr-4`1 it OF i P�v}.I I CE: ANh.E(_iP' 'i Et I XIN T 'I-- r1.•_, �i�'(E:I-•.!.'-,Ht�� !._i�;F;Hr't ri:_f>ri.-!i;� ..1}PII r Vi-I I „. -.i�� (E B,AE, :,0Ei_I-.in.} r 1N SAI E. i'z' ,. ff l i_ Z Ty CrEtr.;_ a 0 To R OUT ii t_ :!!_. L:.:l ? i_EI'i 1. F.,= { 1--- f-{ Ct y ! I E•IN( "i; —.T.? ,•(-i It iicjs1'1 E-:t:El;Ftyi_iNiE�.lC �':)1 1: It i f •_3- �v_+ ! ?F.`i 'r. .� l L:t„.i? ff .v i �� EIT'I ONfFi�:�3:, 1j . P yy }} jj_�( 1:.i G C S.i_I L _.. LIS -1 _. itit t.l(_} �l. a ..'''i• z ,t,-'. RE' } V1 k$ Ul C'Fu t-�,.. f' %t..i r;i_li�P'� �'•1j`,i f�i_ij�l:�: `:, }_,}.�e .a (.?:`'l_ �_?1S4 iI. 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E Ii�'I q: :, (t "AlL{. ... {._ aA.' E=1{Fi J•i^ t.?; -•t'I. r-tn t!1 r„1t_i C{,,wio ' .(l:�ji I... tt i_tt?r'll.._IL._ i.l_. LI rjE..,.,1_. JG.r•1AA L:)i3h A. �i!Ik�E.. rrt; _r- �, t..j E {-I {�� �. !_7{ I�J l!{ � { E {'1.AAA t r: ! l �E.J A. is k li' 'i' r C1:_t=�+.. 1=1t _IT : : i ..�} "11"Y{�i ��� [..._L<.I. ! _{'� LL'. ( {�. {_., �i l�f.._i:j 77 {.� ( i -. _} _ _ :.. L,.. a-!i.€': rt11k. ;q(:! CkCF:C.T _r �, J.S... f'. Ir"-,E : it(!._3 F: �:iC'L=.r ( t' 1,PL E: 1J1' 1;1 (-'H Y H.II r. r �_ "L .NIA i/L_ i;ITrsEE3._i():C?L�:::°i.¢'r« _'.IrtrE DIfS;PL.A'11 O6'ilEI3q 6`�"°2%i}:C�i_; 3(L..II'! i-I(E.I._T.h�EiJ;=;tjl�t;?I`r; Laf=~'t-?.Er`d t; iil_It'=:KIi`iE� i,%1_ :?1 TNIr;i.J i IiPd=;'I.4¢ i. l,(::}iJ - ?i„ fDAL..¢ i}I E::L. F`0R Ert,�;INIE Ti'lilKE::F PIP VEI�I1}I_tE? It-li;�L. ;P"'I'>(_}(i '.}(-; "c's¢(}i,; '-,r •;'. �,r �.,i i i? 1• p�j[ r—�(".'�Yf E T "t_• t...� �: 1.....•f�.: ! t .l :. 1._.:..l i—t f Et:r Jl... t i _, W L: o r; _ "i r7 r. Li'r _: Oil t E i } :' 914 4_ ¢ . ¢ VENT), L.! i ��I, qt:' fat`, I'tL ¢ 1.'7_ r__. r�it'=}-L"l'E'iE��r,zE E;C:io ;:f'•�t.„ .wx;?'3i-}(:} .�'¢ r II-1 i I'-i T :�:1`1N ' I G; i:}i�lt'.; �i I'1"!I'-�l-tIi L'i t_.3(_} 10,00'jS I..f.�.�D �T I. F1 Y—'it 1`f J._:F I /•1_ EP.i1;i�ilIt:iN ,'IB¢i:;,:'::;t:} (;:¢' 1 .)E JE:Ni_triF° TLJ1 F?L 7. d. i}tP.} .Pe ,i`;cf .;r¢t. -; }. iJ. i. i i �] �i-' (''[''} I I— E I: S t_ ,.J !v,_'•.. f i _., t�' :._ _ a .JCr; i.:l f}rri C BUT i "FIN `i-.L `,¢ (_)�I.�i_}(_; Con `;t c' .`� .{!. jj j'}4 E;}) (( HA TIED Eif«�E13Bu%p }}/''! GL•i_I�.ytL�_,^, FIFICI i L (�'"' i~. i CIFIS IA VLh!}i_irk OPY AL I is :. It I. 1 :.._. iI'_ €_ =' �. 'L �((( if I f .F 0 ;'A '.I 7f fl M1 1g L 1" J. EN`i 2 r.: t r_:• 4: ]ERIA i L 1 i.!_' i�' .S ._ .. _ :_i_ i.,if^( }_!-Ec fI'—IC.1'"3 ii_ i1:`?rft til.JT:f_ij.E R r iE_L-WIL i= ci R t_. IT f G Ac.u,.. lr R%D � �i=iGAL' 1 NF VErt OFF 'T (::I i'FiL.. l n i. (; OAKI L_l_i�L•1 13°�i ! rt.tl..s, E--• I1 !J} —;i i r 1q. ii'i i- i_!•:Si tl } (; _ MOUNT rHOLDER' -,+._!='r_i;r'a F-t[,:_:C11_:tJ E ° i- F it H1=: !,.14,1 N6 ! i 11 1AM tUN i i_I e E t. �Lii_1 iNtlU E?Er'r,ir, F E1tf: ?—'F;t;EI`,t ! lIrli'tL'JII/ i., : .. ['7 El li �—t � .I t{.�f�:;�FRIO1rcl-Il R� EI .(- tMf " ._� HIT! `,iE 1`at_}0 R' I FI A L t�. E iE 8 t T i_. E_ 1ASllF. E.NID ClI TOTAL, - ,.'.fl',�i:�!t_? �'.=s7—'�i�11.:7t'_�: l'�i_i.1.i i®;Li�_. �.;4f`•�{ 1 irk kj'I It III li-?` Su E=UR J.1tsi iM��MIN E:L PA WI E_ T R ID,U f3AL,n 'G*,E(-)R f1TE--1 7.i_` FIE* N11A07 ;E:}G,t w tt`i I'C rR M is j1((" L r7. t_! F'i_i (� i�.�„�-S �l� �, n E_I F•_! 1.,3n F'tt! G? L.. _' : •:J 1 rT ( ;E. t111 _ i_IIq `s1. 9 t,'L D11..11.._1!,It, , i_j t4 (t'.t.9 (ME_!t_) f' F! i• E._ )D I. `r: I 1 'f i �. t:l E i 1 I_I N `J c 1 1 t_? z IG E_;!E_ D1,_;..I}i:;Est Uf:i_tr-i 41.9uE,):t?#7 1.n18 c llf-{tr1E"f ID L E G 173 }1 rz. t. t-�E_' 1. =v t`1 '71. ':Ja C?,a�t_1(? ,.�: •; �7 C�:i I `; U:iF ID I- It,t UF.:F1 I. }L. ..a'a i? Ii J:ii_lh�� [—'i-i fPtL:L_f-. L-. ? : j j i`:EI' t,l•t —f. tj NI_{UR f T [=)i_ �.; r,._ t'tt7}='"�a i•1:-.�i�`" {}F�i-' Ui- C-{E:r'I ' U;'i_ D1 j•R al %'U'I 10N i=4i,i E*1 'iC.,. t.:OI-TI f;OL °Si:1-100[. kro R Fi(::Ei 17) A .rPiC:i—;`;C`sN U F TON 4i-!,A•p 1 C) V'.Ed1JOR I00i IL. r"''''`" =' i•i i I tit iW, � T r.Ii':. ci E 3fi'=' [i!llC1 C i1 A R Ui..:F 14 R. RL3 [ i Ui�E IIII a. t3 .t F2l:.i�'f-ii:.., Is-.{Ei.... t_l:-i}':. ON VI:,.rai,fei �.7 ti_.. s—, — rIII ..t ! R i f p'•al 4t. ..% _ G':� J-i�t v::•'ra c::%?_}e„1 lJ F? t-.1; CE;r;i!_li ?i� i;1T "�;:iI :n ;w7C='I_A frCTI . ;.rE'ND0f •-J.T; }i:..J i_7 iw t_?m RriteR r:'CiF, r i:i-IC1I R, CiF 1:,F::_;K IAL.E i1DC R -CC) i AL. TO TaCiL_ fri:tL. (}EI-`C21_y ! fsiE:i`�i I :i J. If F RIaIa �i f, iP'x is `I"(=1 ! i ia;,..._,: r- _i . �: �. I i. F F5 7 `ti7� t7ti 7,1 a r'it.7 a r'it.7 t 4 i_E y `a� {�`U�_:, :ter, ;_•" '=; C.}�' f f ;fji E j�::i j_ (=" 4 A 1 i- i� Ai-� f •'. �_7 i_ i:-. �.'�,.:i i`;i CITY " ' AI C ER Po OBOX 578 ANGER, TEXAS 76266 lE l RAAdI T 1 'I 7C37 T t : l-3or orable 1v1a. or lvlernk ers of t.l e City Council F RC,M4 John Hamilton, City Mana. er'T BATE: March 1, 1991 3 i_i 4iEC"T: Renut fc3r° Proposals - L7secl Back- l-loe for4 Wat.erg Depar°tmer)t Bucl et A.11oca,tiorr 7_. _ _m_5C [ staff is seeking perrrrission to seek Proposals for the purchase of a useel Back -Hoe for the rater Department. Currently our public works departrnent operates with only one Back -Hoe. The additional equiprrrent would provide a knack -up and double our productivity. irtar proposals tnroulc . he presented. to Council fc. r aptaroval at pour arck 1 um Aleeting, A cop; of tl e legal notice is enclosed for rourrevie r. 'The ref erer ce t. triade-iris refers to two disabled tr°actors that we now have, or e 197o, John Beene with a load differential and one 1966 Ford Back -Hoe with a. ,i d motor. .Il-l:es Request For Proposal The City of Sanger is seeking proposals far one (1) used back -hoe with a front end loader. The vehicle must be a 1976 or newer model. Proposals will be accepted until 2:30 p.m., Monday, March 18, 1991. All proposals must be returned prior to the listed date and time in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Back -Hoe Proposal," to the Office of the City Secretary, 20i Bolivar, P. O. 13ox 578, Sanger, Texas 76266. All proposals will be opened and publicly read in the City Hall Conference Room at 2:30 p.m., Monday, March 18, 1991, and forwarded to the City Council for consideration at 7 p.m., March 18, 1991, at their regular meeting. The City of Sanger reserves the right to re, ect any and all proposals. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary PUBLISH 3/6/91 (3/5/91 to paper) 578 ANGER, TEXAS 76266 Tt . 1-1csric ral`ile i ay irivSerr berps cif the CityT Cc urieil lF 1 C3 ri. John Hamilton, City IvlanagyenY& ) T E 4 March 1, 1991 4 ) SUBJECT. Proposed Ordinance #03-91, Parking Regulat.ionss rc iria.ric e # - --L 1 Tit.li the rse: c rnn enc_le i c lia.tie f4irB t,lie ts e=3tiri =if l ebrua.ry 18th is enclosed for review. Police Chief Erwin has- revie%' Te 1 the Ordinance and will be present for discussion. C'cipie: cif ciure :i tin"vTu Vehicle" C7rcliriarice are enc lc e l a a lc c e memo in your packet for reference and review. J l:e C I TY OF SA IGER il E:?F'Lzlrl i•l sE l::r THE CI--1®Y ,i l{: FR, c FP iTc ri C l} riTY', TF_? << 'S. REGULATING PARKING WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS4, PROVIDING A PENALT`v' r LAUSE, PROVIDINC SE\/FRAGILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING €OPAN EFFECT I VE DATE, Section I ' 'eif ht Lirr itation . FfiE{E€3 F E 2 rt shall ! unlawful for any person, cir ver or o r r to leave, park or stand any truck -tractor, road tractor, semi -trailer, flat- hod trailer, live -stock trailer, bus, truck trailer with a rated capacity ir, excess of three -fourth (314) ton, upon public property within any area specifically designated by zoning as either single family or multi-fannily according to the zoning ordinances of the City, E. This section shall not prevent parking or standing of the abo fe described vehicles in such zoned areas for the purposes of exped1tious14t,, loading and unloading passengers, freight or merchandise err" for parking of t.n 10.1 s with a rated capacity in excess of three - fourths provided the vehicle shall be on private property and provided an inspection of the designated parking area has been made to insure suf f i c i ent c l earance and dra i nage in streets and alleys; but not otherv/ i se. r lothing in this ordinance is ir t.er- d?MN d to le r;t,l;er- specifying designated truck routes or truck parking areas as provided h' t ti)rdinances of the City of Sanger. section 11 person, driver or o,ner to stand park or allow to Stand an automobile, tructr or any other rnot()r vehicle or any trailer on any public property for a period in excess of seventy-two (72) hours when such vehicle or trailer is without one or more wheels or is apparently inoperative for any reason. For this purpos any vehicle without license or inspection for current re3istration or inspection year may be deemed inoperative, �. FiE€���FTE� it shall be unlawful for a person, driver ot_ c�v}rner to stand, park, or allow to stand a boat, boat trailer, or recreational vehicle on any public property for a period in excess of forty-eight (48) hours, vv,11)ether or not such units are operative. i. F�� � t}� thl� rir�rt, recreational �,/e��,�.le t�'Ie�jtU; �,te,#icular type unit. priri7arily designed aS temporary lie�in�; � uart.ers Tor recreational camping or travel use that either has it.s own motive power car i s mounted on or towed by another vehicle, This would include, but is riot limited to Such entities as travel trailers, camping trailers, trucktrai lers, and motor homes. section III k�iuisan�e tilehicles or traders found to be situated so as to vtolat,e c�nyl part. of this ordinance are hereby declared nuisances and shall be towed into the t:it.y pound and such shall not be allowed to be re-claimed except upon proof of ownership and payment of the towing tee and costs of storage. V erection IV if io� tiol�; �eClC4 V �., �,n�/ person, driver or owner violatinr� any of the pro�isions of tl��ir ordinance shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convIctiof shal l l_je f fined not. lesv= than on do lar l ,00) nor rnore than tv;'' luvJndt`er" dollars ($21 )0.00), each day that such Wolation continues sl al, t rlr,� tlt.��o.ti separate offense, �. in atiy proreC�.lti4Jn CharC�itiC� a violation of ;?rty la��� or t`e`�#�;l,�ft�t�� governing t.dte riat�r{iC7 or parkin( of rvertaln vehicle, or trailer`;, proof that the particular vehicle or trailer described in the complaint was parked in violation of any such law or regulation, together with proof that . the defendant named in the complaint was, at the time of such parking, the registered owner of such vehicle, shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that the registered owner of such vehicle was, the person who parked or placed such vehicle at the point where, and for the time during which, such violation occurred, section v ��e �erak�ili�:�/conflict �,.. I f any section, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance is found to l,e rnconrt.itutional it shall not effect the rernairIing sections, clauses, phrases or words of the ordinance, 3 t i s not. the intention of thin ordinance ��>��r,�xer.���de any relati�re e;�isting ordinance ��,�ithin the r�ity cif ����n�,er, Ctic�n �f! Th`, c�rdinanC� Shall fJE'CCrI"IC �ff2Ct1V2 upon lt� �7atiSa(�r� �y t�iC �.�l�.y f.�t�I.�C�CiI t)f the City of Sander and the meeting of any publication requirernentS that, rwght be appl iahle. C�uly �aSS�d and fidt;��t�d this f"1ayor �oSal ie Garcia f 714y `;�fCr'C L dr'y City of Sanger RO. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 T7: Hr}r}r ak l : PY1# cSrr (-1r kr of tlo Cite ncil ROMJohn John Hamilton, City Manager CRATE: March 1, 1991 . s;_ E ..JECT; Naming of blew street staff was unsure of Council's wishes concerning the naming of this new :street so it is irrclue 1 on this ac enE a if you desire to take action. A list of current street names is also encioseu for review. enclosure r 1st. STREET..................................E,F-6 KEATON ROAD............................... F,G-3 2nd. STREET .............................. E-6; G-6 KEETON ROAD................................ H,I-3 3rd. STREET ............................. E-5,6; G-6 KIRKIAND STREET............................ F-5,6 4th. STREET ...........................E-5; F.G-5.6 LA RUE .. , ............ G-1 , .................. , ..... 5th. STREET ........................... E-5,6; F,G-5 LANEY DRIVE ................................ G-2,3 6th. STREET ............................. E-5; F.G-5 IYNN.......................................... H-3 7th. STREET ...............................E-5; G-5 LOCUST STREET.............................. F-5.6 8th. STREET ............................... E-5; F-5 MANOR COURT, S............................... I-4 9th. STREET ................................... F-5 MARCIA LANE.................................. H-5 10th. STREET .... . ......................... E,F,G-4,5 MARSHALL STREET .......................... G-5,6 11th. STREET ....................... . ........... F-4 MEADOW DRIVE, S ........................ i-4,5 12th. STREET ................................... F-4 , MELINDA MYRL DRIVE ......................... ... H-3 13th. STREET ................................... F-4 OAK STREET ................................... G-5 ACKER STREET ............................... E,F-4 OLD PILOT PIONT ROAD ALLEN DRIVE .................................. H-4 ......................E-5.6 PALAMINO I-3 AUSTIN STREET .......................... G-3,4,5.6 ...................................... PARAMONT I-3 AUSTIN STREET, W ............................ G-4 ..................................... PARKER........................................ H-3 BENJAMIN DRIVE ............................ G-2,3 PARMA COURT I-3 BENJOY DRIVE ............................... G-1,2 ................................. PEACH STREET ................................ E-5 BERRY STREET ................................ F-4 PECAN STREET ...............................E-4.5 BOLIVAR ROAD ................................ E-5 PERRY DRIVE .................................. H-3 BOLIVAR STREET .............................. F-5 PIONEER ............... I-3 BROOKE DRIVE G-? 3 , ........................ PLUM STREET F_S ............................ BROOK GLEN DRIVE ......................... H-3,4 .... .. PRAIRIE......................................... i-3 CARMEN COURT ............................. G,H-3 PRESTON....................................... I-3 CAROLYN DRIVE ............................... H-4 QUAIL RIDGE ROAD.......................... G-7,8 CHERRY STREET .............................. F-5,6 RAILROAD AVENUE ........................... E,F-6 CHURCH STREET ............................ G-5,6 RANGER CREEK ROAD G-7 COLONIAL HEIGHTS ........................... H-5 ......................... RISING STAR LANE G-2 DAVID DRIVE ....................: .............. H-4 ............................ BANGER WEST BOULEVARD E-4 DENTON STREET .............................. G-5 ................... SHADY GROVE ................................ H,I-3 DIANE DRIVE ................................. G,H-5 SIMS AVENUE ................................ F,G-7 DUCK CREEK ROAD .......................... G-2,3 SMITH STREET................................ F-6,7 EAST RIDGE PARK ROAD .................... F,G-8 SOUTHLAND DRIVE ........................... 1-4,5 ELM STREET ................................ F-4,5,6 SOUTHPARK COURT G-4 EXCHANGE DRIVE ............................. E-4 ........................... SOUTHSIDE DRIVE.............................. i-5 FAIRFIELD CIRCLE ............................. H-3 STEPHEN COURT ............................ G,H-3 FREEZE DRIVE ............................... G,H-4 STEPHEN DRIVE H-4 HILLCREST DRIVE ........................... G,H-5 ............................... TAMMY........................................ H-3 HOLT STREET, W ............................... F-3 TURTLE CREEK H-5 HOUSTON STREET ............................. G-5 ................................ VERNON COURT ............................. G,H-3 HUGHES STREET .............................. F-4 WALNUT STREET H-3 JACKILU STREET .............................. H-6 .............................. WALTER....................................... H-3 JENNIFER COURT ............................ G,H-3 WAYNE DRIVE.................................. H-6 JONES AVENUE ................................ G-7 WILLOW STREET.............................. F-5,6 KARLA DRIVE .................................. G-1 WOOD STREET............................... G-5.6 KATHRAN DRIVE ............................. G.H-5 d ep C9 i_i - - -' EXONANGE RIVE - - -- _- 455 ___ - -- - c ? _ =soL f-- To Bolivar - __ - -= -- _ - - = - - m - - - . - - _ _ - -- - - o can _ - _ = -_ - - -- - - f. -- - '' - r ' f :PEA PECAM STREET __ '_ ` , tt - _- - - r, _.__ ,. _ ._. .. __,..i. _._ - Q i Q ELM STREET a BOLL w . ar " s rn to m rn- ,. Y Erb , ',• HUGHES STREET " w ' ' -------------- ' c. HOLT STREET, W. °4 T t ; t tC t lVl: SUBJECT, r TEXAS6._ Honorai le 11 Iayor Members c}f tree City Council T_Y_._ TT 21L___ I !L__ A9_-_ _ - J01111 rVAIillIL011) 4. ILY 1V1 MAge IAarch 1., 1991 Fire Code Enforcement Committee with the appointment. of our new Fire Investi a.tor, I request ilayorand Council appoint a five (5) member committee to review our Fire Code, 1985 Uniform Fire Code, and enforcement options for compliance within the Code. I would u,g est the cotmrlittee also recommend a written enforcement policy. l , y recorl nlendat.ion for this comnm ittee would k e two rrle nhers of the City Council, Mr. Conley, Fire Chief Tucker and Chief of police Erwin. The committee could report back to the full Council at. the April Oth scheduled meeting. .JHtes Po Ot BOX 578 ANGER, TEXAS 7621 Tip: 1-lonor i le Mayor 1 lerribers of tl : pity o . rlc il FRO i'vl: John Hantiltoa, City Ma cage )ATE+ March 1., 1991 UBJEC'T: appoint. Representative to Upper Trinity Regional i 'ater District s you recall, Tou appointed me to the Board of Directors as hanger's representative. Because of the initial Board organization, that tet°rxI expires May 31, 19910 The enclosed letter from the Water District. States that you must once again consider an appointment for a four (4) yeat` terns. The .jualifications for Beard membership are listed in the letter. Enclosure 2IW..�...y UPPER TRINITY S Regional •• ad•• �.-��.•• e �-ona D Zstr2ct February 19, 1991 Ms. Nel Armstrong City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76226 SUBJECT: Expiration of Hoard Representative's Term Dear Ms. Armstrong; This is to notify you that the term of Mr. John Hamilton, your Board Representative, will expire on May 31, 1991. His short initial term was caused by the implementation of staggered terms for Board Members. The next term will be a full four years. Mr. Hamilton is eligible to be reappointed,. or you may appoint someone else. To be eligible for appointment, the person must be a qualified voter, a resident of the City or Denton County and can not be an elected official. Please let us know your intentions as soon as possible. The Board will be electing officers in May. Prior to the election, the Board would like to know who your Board Member will be. Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter. nc,�rely, tnomas General TET/dr E. Tay Manage_ c: Mr. John Hamilton City of Sanger P.O. Drawer 305 •Lewisville, Texas 75067 • 214-219-1228 CITY ki SANC7Ek BADGER, TEXAS 76299 Tt�. Honoral'�le Mayor � Merr�bers of the City Council FRt)M# John Hamilton, City Manager DATE. March 1, 1991 SUBJECT: Prioritizing of Streets For Reconstruction � copy of Merr�orar�rJ.urr� #7:3� is enclosed for reference iri fliscus�.itig tl-iis item. Staff recommends that funding for this project be front Contingency Funds in our current operating budget,., 44 i 00* If the streets are identified, I arr� recomrr�endir�g a multi -year progra�-r� with funding in future budget years to be a regular Street Department line item. This would be a warm weather Project, ideally scheduled from May 1st to September 30th of each year. ,JH:es Enclosure �sTREET�; ��anis Fp. Tr ar�k.s, E Affipco IS to Willow I i (? HIjn—g,faflS N'. to Boliv art.. BoOvar N to Urn �u� r>_t ivar %!, In Elm 4v 11`�J;t. Bol), var N, to Elm —_-____ cal. ll�t(E =t, FM 455N to 1-55 Access r J, ath Jt. Elm 1`1 to Pecan Pecan N to Peach Peach N to Plum _ t' f \Hood t1d. to WilloA� chill �� N to Locust Locust N. to C-herry he ry N. to Bolivar FC I 45 hi: tr. ___ n L (,il t�,i 1 ii� F� fb''1G#ltt�t._��# __.. _._. N. fr Austin burr h N, to Mai i shall -_._ ..- .................__.____._,..______ .__ wood N, to Willow E aTREET R.EG'iJh�-TF'.IJt:TI�:>t1 -.__—.&M."MV1_ Armstron Jenkins (McDaniel Braxton! ihor,� s'f McNeill Point Total 0 rlwfFost ptc _ ____...__ ._.___._ ____ _ _ j_..___ E ___ __ _ € _-_ _ . hurcl, l I --__- __ ___ __ , __. J. _ __ A _.. r'artihaII i ---_...---- .__._ _ _- __ _. __. _ ... 0yoov ' i _,...__,.._._ ,..—..._-_, ..-__.,__.. Added v._'AT .__..__ ..,_. .._._...._..__.. ..1 _.._.__..___— _ __,_.._.— _.._ _ _,_..---V, q A A ._.._._ A I A I I——_.... 3 t .,. _.-._ __.._._- ,._.--_ ..._,_,-._-...._ . ._._ ...- i I_... , ..._�_ _.... _...—.. . .._. ___ . __._. _ 1) i. .I �:t t, a --- - _ _ _.. __-- _1. _ _.__i Le No to Cherry i f her r y f�. t euhr r __ `a--- Am—_�_ _ __ -. , --I �. _.__ added IBol war Vaddlealn.mal.j_ -'alme_ Idea- First E try R R Tracks acks .1 _ _. — I . _ - -- - i __ t_......-._ - ' _. �- , - - __ __-. _ __. _. r, r I ! �, L 7 u5t First, #r,ecr�rici — { _ i �, t her r [ Fit'' tp s•0 L4cu5t _ _ .__ _ I real ___ 1 _ _ —ad— I A ulaul,... 1—a—m—mr—dad. ad— AddaVed-Am-mademad ­%maddame—ad Am— Am Amm — led, ma lead A, 4 1 Am --me I— a— A A Am A ---- — -- %A -A Add I—, A ad, A 1 - _.—_ _.—___— amme,_— Added .Am- ..—__ __ _._.,.__._.. ,Am, ._,___ _.___—____ I ._.� _...—____, i� tr _.__ _.._—_.—... A. _,t�1 - E i _ __.___,_ _.... _ _ , ---_ __l_ -VIA _----_ _-__ T _— i 16 -- 1 ;), Rai Ave l-,,madema-Valaud-a- aud-e A- Am f __ _ _ -.. _ _ _.__. __...- _ _ _ i r Tr V./i l l O �'+i i � I i I .._._--A I A A A I III A A I__.__Am A I A A! ..._. II I A I A A_....a__IV ..___ I _..__. .1 1 A I A I ._,._. -.... -. .... %) II fir-; a I+f., -_._. _._. _ .. ---. __ --- ._ _.. ___.___- - ___—._ _ _ .._-- --__-._.. _ . - j r .__I A a , _, VIA ... .,._._._..._ —. _-__._ .. i.__.__ - .....___. ._._� __.. _ _ _.. �.—_. {VIA .— f tE i f i i I 4A. . _A A I V A A I I .._.___. _A- __,__ _� _,_ _,_ 1"Am—am— _ _ ___A. .,—A___ . ._ —. t'.�..-° IC kfailf t _ . _ .. _ _ ___ _ al L i 'Diros E. theft `' ; f1 1 _ _._ . _ VIA __ .._ _. Added, 'Arm _-_ _ _,_ __ L Va._. ___L._ _ . _ _ _ _ .. _..__ _,,..,__.. __"I .. _ . . j? N A'VERAH rb,L CK. IS 2100 FEET X 1 j.SCJ � $2700 PER BLOC � _._�__'� -_� E City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 MEMORANDUM # 736 T0: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: February 1, 1991 SUBJECT: Possible Street Reconstruction As reported to you earlier, the reconstruction of Kirkland Street with new base and a chip seal surface totaled approximately $13.50 per linear feet based on a 22 feet wide road surface. With this cost and type of reconstruction in mind, staff has identified a total of 2.67 miles (14,071 linear ft.) of city streets that could be considered for this type of reconstruction. This list is presented far your consideration and review and could be placed on the regular Council Agenda for discussion either February 18 or March 4, As you review the list you might identify other locations that we did not include. Since the estimated cast of reconstructing the entire 2.67 miles could be $190,000, we will obviously have to prioritize the streets, develop a construction timetable and identify funding sources. At this time we have not allowed for this type of project in the FY 90/91 budget; however, there is $44,000 allocated to contingency which could be considered for funding. I would appreciate your input and suggestions. The location are listed in no particular order. ,JH:cg im Possible Location For Street Reconstruction 02-01-91 (projected cost calculated at $13.50 per linear ft.) (1). Railroad Avenue -Santa Fe Tracks, east 220 ft (2,970) - Ampco south to Willow 1,240 ft (16,740) 1,460 ft (19,710) (2). 13th Street -Hughes N. to Bolivar 375 ft (5,063) - Bolivar N. to Elm 296 ft (3)996) (3). 12th Street -Bolivar N. to Elm 300 ft (4,050) (4). l.1 th Street -Bolivar N. to Eim 300 ft (4,050) (5). 1Oth Street - FM 455 N. to i-35 Access 540 ft (7,290) (6)., 9th Street - Elm N. to Pecan 270 ft (3)645) - Pecan N. to Peach 245 ft (3)308) - Peach N. to Plum 250 ft (3)375) (7). 6th Street -,Wood N. to Willow 325 ft (4,388) W11low N. to Locust 330 ft (4,455) - Locust N. to Cherry 260 ft (3;510) - Cherry N. to Bolivar 270 ft (31645) - FM 455 N. to Loop 138 540 ft (7,290) (8). Walnut Street - N. from Austin 200 ft (2,700) - Church N. to Marshall 230 ft (3,105) - Wood N. to Willow 230 ft (3)105) (9). 0ak Street - S, from Church 150 ft (2,025) - Church N. to Marshall 225 ft (3,038) - Marshall N, to Wood 230 ft (3,105) - Wood No Willow 225 ft (3,038) (10). 1 st Street - W11low N. to Locust 485 ft (6)548) - Locust N. to Cherry 290,ft 14 (3) 9 15) (`� - Cherry N. to Bolivar 265 ft (3)578) (1 1). Bolivar - First E. to Railroad tracks t 12). Locust - First W. to Second (13). Cherry - First W. to Locust (14). Elm - Second - E. (15). Railroad Ave. - S. from Willow (16). Jones Street - S, from willow (17). Kirkland - Sims E. then S. to Willow 265 ft (3,578) 375 f t (5)063) 370 ft (4,995) 250 ft (3)375) 2,900 ft (39)150) 1,075 ft (14)513) 545 ft (7)358) T t�: FROIVI® DATE+ 31JTBJECT: C°ITY C7F �.�I��9EFi ANGER, TX 76266 Iler�erable I Ia c3r i��Ier27bers 0, its Ceuracil John Hamilton, City Manager T ,larch 1, 1991 t rdinance #04�91 ® AAnt.l-Litter T���is i;3 esser�tia.11� the sa�rrre c.�rdir-�arrce t1�at is carrrentl�� ira ��=I����-�. T�� �,kx-,i change is under the penalty section, the enhanced- dollar penalty amount is In accordance with guidelines established for the Keep Texas Beta tlfl)l c� ratest that (:)ur Beautification Committee is entering. The normal Class C firm range is 0 - $200 plus court and applicable Stat Casts. The fine enhancement to $1,000 demonstrates the corarraunity`s commitment to combating litter. As always the actual fire amount is set by our Municipal Judge. JH: es 032 ,• � �* • � ' I checked the ordinance tougher except penalty clause CITY MA AGRR CHIEF �� 1 with the City of Lewisville and City of Denton and in our City code has more guide lines and looks the penally clause. We just need to add this into our ordinance. !11 1t '• .' f • 1 i � • � - t � � � � � � 11. _ 1 ,}. R: • � 1 •C •� • °_ Lr. � �. � ... �. r � ` i " � � 1 ! � 1 . • • � : ■ � � � � `; • M is 1_ r� f'or the purpose of this ordinance the following terms shall have the meaning given herein. 1. f1 Authorized Private Receptacle'° is a litter storage and collectian receptacle as required and authorized in the code of ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas. 2. " Conn�nercial handbill" is any printed or written matter, any sample or device, dodger, circular, leaflet, pamphlet, paper, booklet, or any other printed or otherwise reproduced original or copies of any matter of literature: A. Which advertises for sale any merchandise, product, commodity, or thing: or B. Which directs attention to any business or mercantile or commercial establishment, or other activity, far the purpose of either directly or indirectly promoting the interest thereof by sale; or C. Which directs attention to or advertises any meeting, theatrical performance, exhibition, or event of any kind, for which an admission fee is charged for the purpose of private gain or profit. 3. " Garbage" is putrescible animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food. 4. " Litter" is 'Garbage", "refuse", and "rubbish" as defined herein and all other waste material which, if thrown ar deposited as herein prohibited, tends to create a danger to public health, safety and welfare. 5. " Non -Co ercial handbill" is any printed or written matter, any sample, or device, dodger, circular, leaflet, pamphlet newspaper, magazine, paper, booklet, or any other printed or otherwise reproduced original or copies of any matter of literature not included in the aforesaid definitions of a commercial handbill or newspaper. 6. "Public Place" is any and all streets, sidewalks, boulevards, alleys or other public ways and any and all public parks, squares, spaces, grounds, and buildings. 7. " Refuse" is all putrescrible and nonputscrible solid waste (except body waste}, including garbage, rubbish, ashes, streets cleanings, dead animals, abandoned autamobiles, and solid market and industrial wastes. 8. "Rubbish" is nonputrescrible solid waste consisting of both combustible and non- combustible wastes, such as paper, wrappings, cigarettes, cardboard, tin cans, yard clippings, leaves, wood, glass, bedding, crockery and similar materials. SECTION 3, LITTER Iiv PUELIC rLACc,S No person shall throw or deposit litter in or upan any street, sidewalk or public place within the City except in public receptacles, in an authorized private receptacles far collection, or in official City dumps. Persons placing litter in public receptacles or in authorized private receptacles shall do so in such a manner as to prevent it from being carried or deposited be the elements upon any street, sidewalk or other public place or upon private property. � � • "•!* No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, street or other public place within the City the accumulation of litter from any building or lot ar from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. Persons owning or occupying property shall keep the sidewalk in front of their premises free of litter. SECTION 6. LITTER THROt�IN E3Y PERSONS IN VEHICLES No person, while a driver or passenger in a vehicle, shall throw or deposit litter upon any street or other public place within the city, or upon private property. SECTION ?. TRUCK LOADS CAU5ING LITTER. No person shall drive ar move any truck or other vehicle within the city unless such vehicle is so constructed or loaded as to prevent any load, contents or litter from being blown or deposited upon any street, alley or other public place. s° � •, No person shall throw or deposit litter in any park within the City except in public receptacles and in such a manner that the litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements upon any part of the park or upon any street or other � '� public place. Where public receptacles are not provided, all such litter shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its presence and property disposed of elsewhere as provided herein. No person shall throw or deposit litter in any fountain, pond, lake, stream, bay, or any aaher body of water in a park or elsewhere within the City. ►.., _e . n .. � • 9 _.__-__ - ._ � _ 7 No person snal.� throw or aeposic any commercial or non-comanerc.�al handbill on or upon any sidewalk, street or other public place within the City of Sanger. No persan shall throw or deposit any commercial or noncommercial handbill In or upon any vehicle inside the City of Sanger. �t� �� a �* � .• No person shall throw or deposit any commercial or non- commercial handbill in or upon any private premises which are temporarily or continuously uninhabited or vacant. No person shall post or affix any notice, poster or other paper or device, calculated to attract the attention of the public, to any lamp post, public utility pole or shade tree, or upon any public structure or building, except as may be authorized or required by law. SECTION 14. LITTER ON VACANT LOTS. No person shall throw or deposit litter on any open or vacant private property within the City of Sanger whether owned by such person or not. #' � ►� l Any person removing a wrecked or damaged vehicle from street or highway shall remove any glass or other injurious substance dropped upon the highway or street from such vehicle or vehicles. - SECTION 16. PENALTIES `� Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance `� shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction - -• � r^ r-• • t a•� i• • -. --� 11! !1 • � � - - N • ♦•M. • .• • •A • • • •� r• .. � c. •� rs • • • - .� w # • 4 �. '�"�"� If any section, subsectian, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provisian and such balding sha11 not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. SECTION lII. OL�DINANCES REPEALED all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. `- � • 1 The fact that there are presently no adequate provisions regulating public nuisance created by litter within the City of Sanger, Texas, making the regulation hereof necessary in the public interest, creating an urgent and immediate emergency relative to the preservation of public health, safety, comfort and general welfare, requiring that this ardinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. Is�l..� �• �}.� . • A.D. Yi 5i 5 �?f 1VIEMOR.4NDtJM �7F�5 T C): FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 70266 Honorable Mayor• &Members of the Cit.,y Council John Hamilton, City Manager'C March 1, 1991 U City Administration Report. 1). Electric Superintendent Larry Yaast will be present to give a brief report on improvements to the electric system. 2). We are still seeking clualified applicants for the part-time Animal Control position. It is important that the applicant be a high school graduate in order to be state certified, 3). Fire Chief Tucker reports that there will be an Emergency Medical Technician School (EMT) begim-Ang about April 1st conducted at our Fire Department. There are fifteen (15) slots in the school, the majority of students will be Sanger Police and Volunteer Fire Personnel. The lead instructor, will be Bob McMullen, from Southwestern Medical Center, (U. T.) .* Dallas. .JH:es ®3� BUDDY COLE �r PRECINCT 1I ell. ►` I Tr t t SANDY JACOBS N, "* PRECINCT 2 %n 1"../ DENT4N COUNTY C+DMTVIISSIONEII,S COURT JUDGE, JEFF MOSELEY (817) 383.0298 T0: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT iiEAD5 FR02d: DENTON COUNTY JUDGE AND COMMISSIONERS COURT RE: DATE CHANGE OF COUNTY SUPPORT RALLY LEE WALKER PHECINCT3 DON HILL PRECINCT4 The Denton Commissioners Court changed the date of its old fashioned county -wide Desert Storm Support Rally to Saturday, March 23, Z991. None of the other plans have changed. An old fashioned peoples support parade is still scheduled at 2:00 P.M. to march around the Courthouse -on -the -Square. The focal point of the rally is a Blood Drive where donors will either have an opportunity to contribute at a mobile facility or make a pledge for donating at a later date. Supervised activities for children will be provided on the courthouse lawn. This will include games, face painting, and helium filled balloons. In addition to Veteran Groups, Marching Bands, Color Guards, and Patriotic Music, there will be speeches from Elected Officials honoring our men and women serving in Operation Desert Storm. If you, your city, veterans group, church or civic organization wish to participate in this county -wide support rally, contact Linda Baggett in the Aide to the Court's Office at (817) 383-8399 or 1-800-346-3189. Please call no later than March 15, 1991, if you want to join the Old. Fashioned Peoples Parade with your City's, Churches, or Organization's banner. Contact Linda Baggett in the Aide to the Court's Office at the above phone numbers, as soon as possible. Those wishing to set up a table (booth) should also call Linda Baggett no later than March 15, 1991. COURT1i0USE ON THE SQUARE • lI0 W. HICKORY • DENTON, TEXAS ?6201 (817) 383.8355 • (817) 383.118fi • (800) 340.3189 ocnC13 rn4) . O c. o •° •O. o C w ul arb a 2 a c n cn o o O 0o cz cd o o 9 4 O p Off •++ O y >1 Gr O 'LS it 4 3 ui 'd y E 3c,cl 0 LW to cl iWQ ` u no L43 cis a s„ v o n w F' Vay3 upi o>o 3 ❑ ` Ei d` °oaui o,^'o >c oa3i ou°' Cc -c.-•.+3:.cnWu3uv: o cl cccc bc bo,r ce 1,0 y ,rn fr '+ w ftS y . j 3 O caC, 3u3o>'Q>yt0a r u 0 O NF cn C tiy' h 0 O LO. ^ a O 3 f.i •3: ' 41 o u 4) cis CL*d'H coi0 co J 3 a 3w% U as 04 CKS q+ a 3aooi y c 3 ace', y a. o 0 y `° .b c" vas (D co cd c vai N bD Ncis Morn O v.0 caE p c13 3 'E >> rA v w cc y N O FFirii 8 CO C, cytl ju,,, y QA rn Q GGL u , cc aDes n ctu 3 a iw y W k x • "'1, c T3 N po y • C OOC» O Gd U j aa a 8 . y t N O Cd Ry+ ycz 1.. o cots O cb >' Nw V CZ 0 rn V) 3 p 04 .4 (1) 0 W 03 ci Ei O O SRs Co cz i.C, E+ y bA t Cn p ai U v0 Q S ..0 O V cil aR. t FRONTIER WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. P.O. BOX 758 : 1806 N STEMMONS SANGER, TEXAS 76266 (817)458-3566 John Hamilton City Manager, City of Sanger, Texas Dear Sir, 76266 '1'ne following is a price lint for• tric options 'rr'^c diUc'a�s�d in our February 21 meeting. A. Subcontract 30yd roll -off: $135.00 per month rent. 335.00 per pull (dump)* B. Frontier Waste Services Available: 1. Eight 4yd containers = 32yds $ 50.00 per month rent. 200.00 per pull (dump) ALL Eight or 25.00 per can dumped. 2. Curb Side Special Pickups: FWM can make pre -arranged and paid special pickups at curb side on Thursdays, and depending upon availability Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. $ 5.00 per washing machine, dryer, chair and items such sized. 10.00 per refrigerator (with compressor removed), Sofa, mattress,and items such sized. 15.00 and up for larger sized piles of waste (cost depends upon amount and time to load). ***No Hazardous Waste*** Tires, Batteries, Used Motor Oil, etc. 3. Construction and Demolition Site Pick-ups: FWM suggest that the City of Sanger pass an ordinance that requires all construction and demolition sites to obtain at least one 4 yd container for the purpose of disposing of solid vaaste. This would reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill containers, and keep the construction or demolition sites cleaner and safer. $ 25.00 set fee 25.00 per dump '�If container remains at site for cver tvao months a $50.00 minimum will be charged per month (minimum two dumps per month). I look forward to discussing these options in more detail at your. convince. Sincerely, Benn�nsori, President Frontier Waste Management Inc. 2 DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 1991 T0: MIKE ROSENBURG FROM: BENNY ERWIN CfiIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: UNLOADING, FIRE LANES, PARKING, ELEMENTARY 5CHOOL On several occasions since your request I've observed the traffic in and around the Elementary School and consistently, the problem appears to be that vehicles are stopping against the curb. If two or three vehicle stop and leave their vehicles unattended then the fire lane becomes the unloading zone. This creates a serious problem because the children cross the paths of vehicles, if the vehicles start to move along the curb. There are several reasons why the parents are doing this: (1) They can park along the curb without any violations occurring, no signs indicating, No Parking, or unloading only. (2) The fire lane is clearly marked on the driveway, but there are no signs indicating that stopping is prohibited. (3) When a parked vehicle along the curb is left unattended then other vehicles start to unload one at a time, while the first vehicle is unloading then the other vehicles have to wait, they just start following the leader. Most of the above reasons account for the blocking of the. firelanes and traffic jams during the rush hours of the morning and afternoon hours. I can only look at addressing the safety issues, one possible solution might be to construct a loading/unloading lane or lanes on the East side of the school, along Keaton road. If such a zone were constructed and signs posted against leaving vehicles unattended, and if a sidewalk was constructed from such a zone to the existing sidewalk, most of the problem would no longer exist. I believe that the fire lane also needs to be along the curb in case of a emergency, instead of the location now. This will allow emergency vehicle close to the front and ensure safe parking and excess to the fire hydrant on the South side of the building in front. �� s 1 j., siE;2 ncc ss w ftr F12F . C, .re-J3 t u icl R C ' Nt r ru / N S tl k'O GF Ot .l Igt2,KWG ® F QE oti HoT E KFat g, ti2r. LAa EX1'ENOIwG i--n 14 '0 F' Plua t= M 455 MAIN EN' • O Q w t " ► k _ ►.i kTiiE3►b"fi TO: DATE. 3UBBJECT: CITE CIF SANDER P, G. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 70266 Honorable h ayor Iviembers of the Cit. Cottr cil J€3hn Hamilton, City 1Vlana er°9 Proposals for Street Crack -Sea Street TY e Request for ProYaosals on this item failed to a ear ire tY e Sanr er Courier as scheduled on February 21sto Therefor, tYie legal notice was amended to reflect a bid opening on March 1€3th with recommendations submitted. to Council at your regular meeting that evening. ERND11i7 T t�: F,Pf XIT! DATE 3UB.JECT: t�IT I kir 3tAiNt1ER R 04 BOX 578 SAPP ER, TX 76266 Honorable mayor �. ll�Ierr�bers of c� ity tic.auncil lrshn T49,rrtilton. City mfirinupv�Ak IAarch 13 1991 Diesel Fuel Spill into Sewer System c��� rr�ay know that on February , 1�91, caur se���er treatrr�er�t pla��t receiver_1 a substantial arnount of diesel fuel inflow which disrupted our plant operation. The Texas Water Commission was immediately notified c)f the petroleum spill and we took measures to brim our plant back into c)peration and compliance. We have been inspected by the T. W. C. and received a passings serge. However, we now have the problem of disposin s of the sludge with possible diesel fuel contamination. Hunter and Associates have recommended two (2) possible courses of action if our sludge is found to be contaminated following test results we should rc°c°ei 7e r'r id- week, about March (3th.+ 1�. Convention collection and disposal of the sl�.lde key a tc��:ic waste handler, estimated cost P0LJjUUU. �). Treat���e��t. of the sluds�e with a. T.Q.C. approvec::i, ��et.rc�leun� di�;estin l�act.eria; cost 7,OClQ - ��l,t�Cl�. 3}. if tl�.e tests firtc_1 acceptable levels of diesel, no extraordir�a:ry rr�easures for disposal of the sludge will lave tc� be talrerg. If unacceptable levels of diesel are revealed by the tests, staff recommends option '?a the use of the bacteria. The source caf tYie spill have been tracec:l to Horizon Chevron. Mr. Charles Burton is aware of the situation. He has no insurance of this type of occurrence. The City has to dispose of the Problem; therefore, we will do Wbat is zec.essary t.o co��lla�ly with T. �7. �;, regulations and then seed recovery of - expenses from Mi�. Burton. I will inform you as soon as test results alre nown* Memo "I DO 3/ 1 /91 Page 'c�nzzltln Cityttc�r*neJr Rer� Nein�ar leas been ncrtiflecl of tree Ar°cumstances and has verbally recommended recovery of expenses from Mr. Burton. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 85-9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 901 SECTION 5A OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTITLED JUNK VEHICLES DEFINED AND SECTION 5B ENTITLED JUNK VEHICLES DEEMED PUBLIC NUISANCE; EXCEPTIONS;PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT CHAPTER 9 , SECTION 5A &_ 5B OF T.HE HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 5: JUNKED VEHICLES 5A . DEFINITIONS SANGER CO.D OF :ORDINANCES IS (1) Junk vehicle means any vehicle which does not have lawfully affixed thereto both a valid Texas License plate or plates and a valid Texas Department of Public Safety motor vehicle inspection certificate, and the condition of which is one (1) or more of the following. a. Wrecked b. Dismantled C. Inoperative d. Abandoned and/or discarded, including components thereof. (2) Antique vehicle means a passenger car or truck that is at least 35 years old. (3) Special interest vehicle means a motor vehicle of any age that has not been altered or modified from original manufacturer's specifications and, because of its historic interest,.is being pre- served. (4) Sight barrier fence means a fence built of materials and constructed in such a way that objects placed behind the fence cannot be seen from the opposite side of the fence. Sight barrier fencing must meet City of Sanger specifications and be approved by the City Building Inspector. 5B. JUNKED VEHICLES DEEMED PUBLIC NUISANCES; EXCEPTIONS The location or presence of any junked vehicle or junked vehicles on any lot, tract, parcel of land, or portion thereof, occupied or unoccupied, improved or unimproved, within the city shall be deemed a public nuisance and it shall be unlawful for any person to maintain such a public nuisance or to permit or allow the same to exist on his or its property or on the property of another, provided that this subsection shall not apply to a vehicle or vehicle part that is, in a lawful manner: (1) Completely enclosed within a building or screened from ordinary public view by means of a sight barrier fence of appropriate height and construction. (2) Stored or parked on the premises of a business enterprise when necessary to the operation of such business enterprise. (3) In an appropriate storage place or depository maintained by the City of Sanger. (4) In an operable condition specially adapted or constructed for racing or operation on privately owned drag strips or raceways. (5) Retained by the owner for antique or special interest collection purposes rather than for salvage or for transportation and stored in a manner as described in (1) above. (6) Stored as the property of a member of the armed forces of the United States who is on active duty assignment outside the continental and territorial limits of the United States. SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. -�- SECTION IV Whenever in this Ordinance an act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, or wherever in such Ordinance, the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, the violation of any such provision shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars; provided, however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State. Each day any violation of this. Ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. SECTIvN V This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1985, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. ATTEST: y aretary APPROVED: Mayor - - NO. 2-7-72 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE EXISTENCE OF JUNK VEHICLES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SANGER, TEXAS, TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND PROVID- ING FOR THE ABATEMENT AND IMPOUNDMENT OF SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF COSTS, AND THE LEVY OF A LIEN TO COLLECT SAME; PRO- VIDING FOR THE SALE OF SAID VEHICLES; PROVIDING A PENALTY; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, HEREBY ORDAINS: JUNKED VEHICLES v uiin VC111t:1e Def ineCl. Whenever the term "junked vehicle" is used in this Ordin- ance it shall mean any vehicle which does not have lawfully affixed thereto both a valid Texas License plate or plate and a valid Texas Department of Public Safety Motor Vehicle Inspection Certificate and the condition of which is one or more of the following: wrecked, dismantled, inoperative, abandoned and/or discarded, including com- ponents thereof. SECTION II. Vehicles Deemed Public Nuisances; Exceptions. The location or presence of any junked vehicle, or junked ve- hicles, on any lot, tract, parcel of land or portion thereof, occu- pied or unoccupied, improved or unimproved, within the City shall be deemed a public nuisance and it shall be unlawful for any person to maintain such a public nuisance or to permit or allow the same to exist on his or its property or on the property of another; provided that this Section shall not apply with regard to junked vehicle or junked vehicles in an enclosed building,,or on the premises of a business enterprise operated in a lawful place and manner, when nec- essary to .the operation of such b usiness enterprise, or in an appro- priate storage place or depository maintained in an lawful place and manner by the City, or_to vehicles in an operable condition specially adapted or constructed for racing or operation on private -owned drag strips or raceways,.vehicles retained by the owner for antique col- lection purposes rather than for salvage or for transportation, nor vehicles stored as the property of a member of the armed forces of the United States who is on active duty assignment outside the continental and territorial limits of the United States. SECTION III. Order to -Abate Nuisance; Notice, Contents. Whenever any such public nuisance exists in the City in lation of this Ordinance, the Health and Safety Inspectnr shall order the owner and the occupant, if any, of the premises whereon such public nuisance exists to abate or remove the same. Such or- der shall be in writing, shall state the nature of the public n sance, specify the correct measures required, stating that it must be removed and abated within ten days from the date of receipt of said notice. Such notice should further explain to the owner and/or occupant that the request for a hearing contesting the abatement and/or removal of said alleged nuisance must be made to the Health and Safety Inspector prior to the expiration of ten days from re- ceipt of said notice and/or order. Such request must be in writing and delivered or mailed to the Health and Safety Inspector, City of Sanger. Copies of the Order of Abatement shall be mailed, by cer- tified or registered mail with a five day return requested, to the owner or occupant of the premises whereupon such public nuisance exists, If the notice is returned undelivered by the United States Post Office, official action to abate said nuisance shall be con- timed to a date not less than ten days from the date of such re- turn. SECTION IV. Provision for Public Hearing. If the Health and Safety Inspector of said City receives a written request asking for a public hearing to contest the order or notice of abatement received by the owner and/or occupant of the premises whereon public nuisance exists, such a hearing shall be held before the governing body of the City or any other board, com- mission, or official of the City, as designated by the governing Page Two body, prior to the removal of the vehicle or part thereof as a public nuisance. Any resolution or order requiring the removal of a vehicle or part thereof shall include a description of the vehicle, and the correct identification number and license number of the vehicle if available at the site. If said vehicle is re- moved, pursuant to this section, it shall not be reconstructed or made operable, and within five days after the date of removal of said vehicle, notice shall be given to the Texas Highway Department identifying the vehicle or part thereof, to enable said Department to forthwith cancel the Certificate /Pitle to such vehicle pursuant to Article 1436"1Vernon's Texas Penal Code, as amended. SECTION V. Impoundment; Assessment of Costs; Lien. If the owner and/or occupant makes no request for a public hearing, fails, neglects or refuses to obey any order issued under the provisions of the preceeding Sections, or if the premises are unoccupied, and the owner or his agents cannot be served, pursuant to the preceding Section, the Health and Safety Inspector shall abate such public nuisance by impounding the junked vehicle or junked vehicles and shall defray the expenses thereof out of any monies in the City Treasury available for such purpose. All ex- penses so incurred in the abatement of such public nuisance shall be charged against the owner of the junked vehicle, and a statement of the costs incurred by the City to abate such .public nuisance shall be sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, to the owner of such vehicles. When mailed, the said costs statement shall state that the amount due shall be paid within thirty (30) days of such mailing. In the event that said costs statement is returned undelivered, public notice of said costs statement shall be given and said notice shall state that the amount due shall be paid with- in thirty (30) days, from the giving of said notice. In the event Page Three that the amount due has not been paid within the applicable thirty (30) days, the Health and Safety Inspector may file a statement with the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas, of the expenses in- curred to abate such public nuisance and the City shall have a priviledged lien on such jttunked vehicle or vehicles, together with ten (10%) percent/onttenesdelinquent amount from the date such pay- ment is due. For any such expenditure and interest, as aforesaid, suit may be instituted and recovery and foreclosure had in the name of the City, and the statement so made, as aforesaid, or a copy thereof shall be prima facie proof of the amount expended in any such abatement performed by the City. SECTION XI': Owner may obtain possession of impounded vehicle VI by paying costs. The bona fide owner of any such junked vehicle or junked ve- hicles, which have been impounded in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance may acquire possession of such junked vehicles by paying the costs of the abatement as shall have been computed in accordance with the preceeding Sections and by paying a reasonable storage charge based upon the period of time such junked vehicles or vehicles have been impounded. SECTION *Iftl: Sale of Abandoned Vehicles, Disposition of u(I Proceeds. In ,the event that possession by the bona fide owner thereof of any junked vehicle or vehicles impounded in accordance with the provisions hereof is. not acquired within ninety.(90) days from the date of the receipt of the registered letter or of giving public notice of the costs of abatement, such junked vehicle or vehicles shall be deemed to have been abandoned and then may be sold by the City. The proceeds from any such sale shall first be applied to reduce or satisfy the storage charges computed in accordance with the above Section, and any amount of such proceeds then remaining Page Four shall be applied to reduce or satisfy the lien perfected. Such lien shall remain in full force and effect with the respect to any portion of the costs of abatement remaining unsatisfied. SECTION VIII. Penalty for Violation of Provisions. Any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by fine not to exceed Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. Farh day such violation shall continue or be permitted, shall be treated as a separate offense. SECTION IX. Savings Clause. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that if any section ,.paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or inva- lidity shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares the same would have been enacted without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitu- tional or invalid portion. SECTION X. Effective Date. The fact that there are presently no adequate provisions regu- lating public nuisances created by junked vehicles within the City of Sanger, make the regulation hereof necessary in the public in- terest, creating an urgent and immediate emergency relative to the preservation of public health, safety, comfort and general welfare, requiring that this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordainedp. PASSED AND APPROVED this the � day of A. D. 1972• ATTEST: L CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Page Five