04/15/1991-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAPRIL 15, 1991 . 1" BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7#400 PALL 2. Minutes 3. Disburserr ents . Citizen's Input a. Consider and Passible Action Re ardin Proposed By-Laws Far Sanger Beautification Committee 6. Consider and Passible Action Re ardin Fire Inspection CoMmittee Report 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for Authorization to Conduct A Surplus Property Sale 8. City Administration Report 9. Any Othet• Such Matters 10. Adjournment Rosalie Garcia City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Meeting April 1, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Danny McDaniel, and Councilman Wendell Thomas Councilwoman- Braxton PRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Bill McClellan, John Berndt, Ben Weatherall, Burl Bourland, Ruth McGuffin, Pauline Garrett, Peggy Sanford, Vickie Perez -Sanger Courier, Electric Supt. Larry Yoast, and Benny Erwin -Chief of Police 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, City Manager Jolin Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes were approved with the following change to insert Plan B to the minutes: PLAN B. Frontier Waste Services Available: 1. Eight 4 yd. containers = 32 yds. � 50. oo per month rent. 200.00 per pull (dump) ALL Eight or 25.00 per can dumped. 2. Curb Side Special Pickups: FWM can make pre -arranged and paid special pickups at curb side on Thursdays, and depending upon availability Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays $ 5.00 per washing machine, dryer, chair and items such sized. 10.00 per refrigerator (with compressor remove(A), Sofa, mattress, and items such sized. 15.00 and up for larger sized piles of waste (cost depends upon amount and time to load). CC MIN. W i/31 PAGE 2 Batteries,.iMotor 3. Construction and Demolition Site Pick-ups: FWM suggest that the City of Sanger pass an ordinance that. requires all construction and demolition sites to obtain at least one 4 yd container for the purpose of disposing of solid waste. This would reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill containers, and keep the construction or demolition sites cleaner and safer. $ 25.001 set fee 25.00 per dump � If container remains at site far aver two months a �5C1.60 minimum will be charged per month (minimum two dumps per month). 3. Disbursements: Matian was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to approve disbursements for payment. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input: None 5. Consider and Possible Action an Park Board Recommendation - Downtown Park Burl Baurland included a presentation concerning the construction of a 2f1' diameter Gazebo/Band Shell with a sound system on the site of existing small gazebo at the downtown park. Mr. Baurland stated that Mrs. Bell, the donor, is willing to totally pay for the cost of constructing the new gazebo as a ,gift to the people of Sanger in memory of her husband. Mayor Nel Armstrong stated that John Hamilton and herself have discussed they would like the old gazebo to be saved and moved to the old Community Center to provide a covered area for the parents. CC MIN. 4!1191 PAGE 3 Mayor' Nel Ax'tnstr'ong also stated Mrs. Bell is paying entire cost. cif project and the City will not be out any expense: Gor.rncilman McDaniel made the motion to accept the Park Board recornmendation and allow the gift to be granted to the City in appreciation. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins that persons who remove old gazebo from present site to relocate it to the Community Center Park. Seconded by Councilman McDaniel. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R4-�1 Supporting TML's Telephone Franchise Fee Committee City Manager briefed City Council on this agenda iterri. City of Sanger, Texas Resolution #R4-91 A REBOLt7TION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF BANGER, TEXAS, APPROVING IVIN 11N TELEPHONE FRANCHISE STEERING COMMITTEE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, Councilman Jenkins made the motion to adopt Resolution #R4-fl1 approving participation in the Telephone Franchise Steering Committee and declaring an effective date with the stipulation that the City will not be obligated in any financial way at this time. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. ?. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R5-91 Supporting Fireworks Control Legislation. City of Sanger, Texas Resolution #R5-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, SUPPORTING FIREWORKS CONTROL LEGISLATION. � CC MIN. 4/Ito 1 PAGE 4 Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman McNeill to adopt Resolution #1?5-91. Motion carried. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R6-91 Supporting the Fire Prevention and Fire -Fighting Activities of the Texas Forest Service City of Sanger, Texas Resolution #R6-91 City Manager• stated that this grants Texas Forest Service mare authority to coordinate wildlife fires throughout the state. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Resolution #R6-91. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Resolution #R7-91 Supporting Passage of Legislation Granting Counties Authority to Adopt Fire Codes A RESOLUTION QF THE CITY QF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, SUFPORTING PASSAGE OF LEGISLATIQN GRANTING COUNTIES AUTHORITY TO ADOPT CODES. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman Thomas to approve Resolution #R7-91. Motion carried. 1Ci. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #05-91 Establishing Drug Abuse Policy City Manager advised that this is state law and has to be in farce by April 15, 1991. CC MIN. w 1/91 PAGE 5 Discussion. ' Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Ordinance #05-91 and seconded by Councilman Thomas. CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE #05-91 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, MAKING FINDINGS ON THE EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR, PROVIDING FOR DRUG TESTING PROCEDURES AS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO ALL PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, PROVIDING FURTHER FOR SUCH TESTING TO ALL PUBLIC SAFETY PERSONNEL, THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY MANAGER, DEPARTMENT HEADS, OPERATORS OF CITY OWNED VEHICLES AND TO PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN ON -DUTY ACCIDENTS RESULTING IN INJURY OR DAMAGE TO EMPLOYEES OR CITY PROPERTY, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES TO ASSURE THE INTEGRITY OF THE DRUG TESTING PROCESS, PROVIDING FURTHER FOR DISCHARGE FROM PUBLIC SERVICE ANY PERSONNEL TESTING POSITIVE FOR SUCH CONTRABAND SUBSTANCES, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. Motion amended to delete all appointed member of City Boards; Motion carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action Re�ardin� Ordinance #06-91. Establishing Electric Rates within Saner for Denton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. CC MIN. �l/1/91 PAGE 6 � ...� � � � ♦ ..� � � � � ♦ ♦ , ♦ M ♦ • Mayor advised that P. U.C. has approved this; and therefore, City Council has na authority concerning the rates. Councilman McNeill made the motion not to accept Ordinance #06-91. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. Discussion. 12. City Administration Report. City I�ianager reported the fallowing items: 1. Police Department has initiated a new effort to serve autst�nding City Court Warrants �. Street Department has located and has purchased a used truck to replace one existing vehicle. The vehicle was a 1982 Ford and was purchased for $38Q0. This was a budgeted item. �, Water tank contractor has rescheduled and should be an site tree week of April 1st - 5th to start an �CIQ,I]O(] and 100,OQ0 maintenance repair work. 13. Any Other Such Matters: • �. Councilman Jenkins also stated that he had read an article concerning the sales in Pilot Point. and the impact it has made to sales tax revenues. Discussion. CC MIN. 4/1/91 PAGE 7 3. Council�ian McDaniel asked an the .status on the house located at 213 S. 5th Street, City Manager stated that Fire Inspector has issued a letter: however. we have not 8 heard from him as to the status of the situation. 4, Councilman Thomas stated he had a call concerning pot holes on Church Street, Railroad Avenue (South of Willow), 5. Mayor Armstrong advised that the letter that was enclosed in the packet from Mrs. Burrows, was checked into and those people were in their legal right and she will respond to Mrs. Burrow's letter. 6. Mayor Armstrong stated that there is a Bill tl-�a:t has been proposed by Hilderbran, House Bill 1916. Requires cities only to have elections on certain days which will have effect on Bond Elections in the future, Mayor Armstrong stated that they will call Ben Campbell and Mr, Carriker`s office telling them that both of these bills will be detrimental to our City. CI GE SHNGER t1E.f'ICiR �.�E�l!G1� rE�th1E G/L_ DISTRIBUTION C7�'L. I)ISTr�:II1UTIGI�1 4:g rUPKE CORDS ;�'•— ,=�i'at�at:a A''s'I-lCf=;AFT f�(�R�IL�L� G/L_ DISTRIBUTION STATE INSPECT 1Fft,%i �:rll� TON, Ell _ .-.:�,t:Yt:r ttF;i-�.E_R Ci• 'I (=!1'I_Git +v (Jt�1F't=t{�d•1' .Y 6/1_ DISTRIBUTION E BOOK':, • DROCES-iING ';_- GGL_7��i•tR ?1=`Ei�I}�ETY' (-°RGtJUCf`� .n�7ab I./L DISTRIGUTICIN !6/L IIISTI IBUTION G/I_. DISTRIBUTION G/L D1E,TRIB9Uf 10N G/L DISTRIBUT1 10N I CSu i7TL= I LUID (:,/L i3l e i RIBUTION t_L_x i=1rt1(E1m\1NA GG E.nl V. i=iGC:CII�ta1 F'r `THIJL.E L..I.,i : NO 41 1000 uE".r�alrClR T'G'i-i=jL. ��Et�d�aGR TC1'i F-il_ t1C`r�11Jl�lR f GT��L_ a.9n 05It^Yt_} 41. y n CYt- t:Yt:r t'L-=NDO. R TOT,IAL. i .. i•`rC J n 3 t [7t_a taCY CYC a t�GLI I GL''EI�I 7 n t.YfFi 1CI¢ t [7t_a taCY CYC a t�GLI I GL''EI�I 7 n t.YfFi 1CI¢ Iz' n !_!R .L_!,lTt=tL. �-- ('�,�tt-Y'_Y 1_ C•t� •JIaI•� I 1 (JR i 4 �L_ ��I. It-'1—'L. 1. i' �-: G/t_ t?T`3TF'IGf_f! Rita 11.n I6t=i(1 1.t}n 8G G/L DI'STRIBUTICIN 44CA'n I IC}C} It:}n 86 (T/i_ DISTR I.ElU ION `,t1;:2¢ 0800 IC}, BG G/L DISTRIBUTION 44cn190(Y It 67 i'E! 11. ;_•! IT I :=,Sf_.E q Ci_1'L' Y !lJ I (:`.t:.L':Ht 1t.IGE' 3 Et G/•L_ DI STRIPYHON 41In IF•,CYC) 1.7/L DISTR:tUf_J•I 101\1 44U':se 11fi0 ae 13 1w,2 An G/L 11 (I;IBUT ION r;j n 1 YCrt:Y �n Iv' K I TCHE k! TGW41:�L -31 C:LT� OF 5- aHHC7E:R r11!Ffd HC:COI. N I S: PH Y HEfl._E L_ I C;T I HO AS OF 4/1��/91 1t_J;. I r�IV01 c:t_ AMO.LINT I:?.I SF:OL 11-4 r - rfs..j _i COCA (_ U.4, BOO i I_. ? 3 CH., OF {ply 1 S' 7076 Gil_. DIOTRiB1J* I0N 441'y I P.Y0 CDKE s OA RE.NTA VENDOR TOTAL. n -7{} a /I._ DISTRIC?UTION Z1,,3140 00 METAL THRD HANDLES VENDOR Tt_ITAL- �:�_.. j G/L DI` TRIBUT ION 4 772t=i9f}fi VENDOR TOTAL., t7/L_ .DI:;TRIEll U ( ION 050ii POWER FOR STREEto LIGHTS V E(���OR TO`f�-tL.. � i - 1t;;wt�at�; OFTCO Ih�??U'.w�TRIEG 74_v +3/L i11:3 RIL,UT ION 4IIjn22Cif_i ORANGE E,OL_.VENT, AEROSOL. CLEANER VENDOR TOTAL 1t1, t�i:i 1 fJy iit:a t�a y t�if i _t 5 i'7 1�iy t'_•�7 1 c:.... 1 j i � I "OOUKI1' 01_f'i t`' f-'O PT 611. I7I'3T RIC-fUT101\1 19a 1 f(}ii C t 3 a 5'1 G/L. DT'S i RIBUTION 41` , 10C.0 C-: ;y 01 G/L. JDISTR14BUTTON tT1gu047E)o, 1t;? y'�`; CLUTEr1-I SUIVE ItI i, CL,UTCH, T/O f EAlrZING) E!RES S. U R E E'LA16E, C:AldAt.IC rC0N Iw:/L. DI S 4 T R.{F i_I 110t%I A-19, 0 ;f_!t! Gil' !)IGTRIBUT ION 19 0i,00 'y40 CANS FREON, SlRttr- 733. 95 G/L_ }I'Rs 1'RIE4,U'i ON y `?`.! oIl... F 11JER 85 +: /l, DISl*RIB1-1 T 10 N 419. {l;iiii b,'!` GL E?ISIRI /Bw UT10N 424y 1 '(J'.) C�. 40 G/1_. DISmTRIBUT116Oki 419= 1000 Ba4;w` I&P)INK RESI7E.R' 1itL'y AU EN TF+CIL., l;RAKE CADS? „ Clf:i . t} F,r.lr:l� •jt r=�. rj J n 1f�ay t�;t�a :�• •_:fni- Ia•c VF_.t DCJR VEs�TI)CtR i�iI Au J.41 A CIF 4/12/91 1C)e3pt?„o() I VOICE CE AMOUNT D I SCOUNT n G/L DIT TRIBtU`I ION 419,, 08Cit? 4a i`%, if .14C 1 it.) a 00 I G/L.. DISIRit;i_II]:l ltd 419., 1000 1a 50 G/L DISTRIBUTION { y1`?ate?:,$)te! 80 A 1 1 ii; hlt lid=: G/L DISTRIBUTION 419a 0300 15J,39 O/L DI:ri`I RIBU T ION 41' a t:)iC)o 1 ,a 58 G/L. DISTRIBUTION 4 19 m 1100 Zia 5:7 G/L DIS FRIBU T ION 41. 9a 0FE,,0t? I ;a 59 F1._..1.L, TILT.-te•�y 7. SPARK E _ 1�3 l..l_•i•.• 9 II% —1 E�..t. ')f .. 9 Lit Asa ±q : _}g G/L_ DIS RI'DU I ION 419a i_?.F0 o i9 Ea1d-EE_EL COVER VE('•#u)iOR TOTAL. 1C��f�) DI Ii� ��a�",i•�a 1t`it�a G/L DI:�STRIBUTI•I!i'f i +a I1t?t) ;,' u' 0 MEDICAL_ SUt=Pt_IE5 .Lf _._ t TOTAL. - . 1.=+— 1Cit:)t_} EE�.iE:?CR��•�' t�i�'� t�C�;�ifi'��E�iY �• 74C�+ �`ia �'�� „tit:) �:'��a c'=:� G/I_ I)IS•T•RIBETTTON 43 1a0500 ki'ia; i PROF FOR f=nTCHEi1A N VL_t�f5})_JR i f j 1 AL.. L"� lm i 5, a i_}t-} i'`v!a �` J fi 1 ��,�- 11J:-,'r; t�) �-•ETic �.�f_iRr'l.�lr-;Err 1 r�r.� Cub/L S IRs.[�'Ui,.0t�_E EQUIPMENT LJE�AISE VENL)OR TOTAL 4t?av,C 1 — .:st�?C? C? t,• E3 TRACTOR s�_Cla E_.! G/ L DISTr I BU•T 1.0N �_t•_,t-)t_! V1lh: lO�t31_ 'sp�; _'( a c! t,' a i_r .•'1 _ t-sT.l._Z _�t�ilUc=R CiFIE_'•��a a ILT1�:a t-sT.l._Z _�t�ilUc=R CiFIE_'•��a a ILT1�:a :, /- I_. - -f�. a- tz ..I`;! t !'{ €_. III ( 6 °i—1 F{_i(_..._. €_..� ,_ € f'.t_: €-'t{'-iieE'. , : l I.r�!d� R I Fitl_I I OI+.I .t 11 1TC")R' it1A Ir; ;,' i_ l i 1.:-; I i R I. i_%I_+'I I t_1 ! C? .' a ! 11.I'=:F'E!i=!lTIIiC,! 'i';r=#pii;�?t..i f_iti tall-_ D III) i :€.t.;r.,._.. IRTE'LIi1i31!'1'aa(}. I;i L. D!, 'S ( R I R L€ T I.ON 41. 9> rt !?i.•`. 'i RIE{€_€T I.ON 419a 1C., Sp Wit_? ON 7; ;' 10 3 11 15 5 a GItI._ ION 419p0800 11a 10 .11)l'_3TR1.OUT E TA T E i NEDPEU*T 10N 1 BLIL.4B I.1 E! (c� VE{VL?CIR TOTAL 1 ;1 Et t?t1. ? 1+1 ';5 a p .�:• ? I! P,1p i=;t�1 p (1(7 ��':t)p C1C? O!L 0 1 t3t T R I Ell I J T I ClN 4,300, 01'0() Bon QU AB ; i D G E r) RE{=?DERE; GLI I D€=:, VENDOR TOTAL P,Op f)o ltl 800 00 n R/L Dif i R'_'E €J T 1.Or1i fa�1'W#p ctit7il 35 93 hATTEE'RY la;i... E11';TR1'Fi_€f'Trl!'`I t+i''ipt:;'7'flf? 957 BATTERY VENDOR TOTAL. ? 1, 9t_1 , C?o i 1 a ':�C) =;0 - 2-4Gt 5 0 JOE GEORGE PI_IJrtii I NG]s '"DERV I C:ES 3T'P VALUE, ELEC. THERlfS T A T ; SERVICE GECALL- VErar?OE= I'O'I'fiL "! a r 7t_; Ei, O: J L. 1,'- C�b`;t:?C? L('sE;E (�iTSE'S EI�II�Ti'IL� R(rE-R E'F.FPING IOuV VENDOR TOTAL AL. a C)Q 34n 95 :: cT. r'1' rir M H I I IJ ER Vf�. :)R VLIVa�(:iR 11i=�tiE (iPEIN Alt.,:{l N I b PN`1MiLL I._ T f:'1 1: NU AR, OF 4/12/91 10ot;ta„t)t') Tt�IV0It_E• AMOUNT DISC0UItIT �;=,.— ��7Ct-at:a Lf141 Eit1rORC:E(�'IEI�IT SYS l E:r�iC II`1! :a 7041 G/L. I DISTRIBUTION 424.0300 5 ROL_LS PARKING VIOLATION LABELS & ';HIPPING VENDOR TOTAL C1 41a r L. i ll__ DU TR1_F{l1TTON 419. 1100 G/L. T)I;;TRICUTION 4c:4a 1200 J HOOD BRACKETS 'v'LND0R L::'T-- ;=:,,t�at)�') I._ci�li�l��=; (�f�L��=Pr�Pc:Rg TC•1Cj ? ( it ?!_?J =v /T 9 {WL.. DISTRIBUTION 4".3R,n 1`�I00 r��;_ t_)ta G/L T:)IRETRIBUTION 43bn 1400 00 TTTERING Mrq IF' =uAKH)E ADHET1STa AEq L. VENDOR TOTAL 1 7op 00 F'faLiE= r�1=+E ra 17t�aa t�)ci Cw l�;.)t..l t_) L{�1PlE �� � 'h: nR {.7i•3::� {��.�n "7// /fj�C' ���� L: �Lc �i i., a t, )t� L_: •.,'4.�a r�r' I... O/I__ {�rL iO/L G/L DPE: DISTRIBUTION !aT DI'S DIS l'_C R1*82UT 1R1.1dJi RIUUTION T RIBUTICIN (0N Or\l 4.31.1a 434a �'•Jr'Tat))t_)() 4234a 434v t 9 C*)t:) OE`600 iaBOX) 0100 24a it 4'4ac:4 i;=:u a LE,a 04 Obe 8 GAS PL1RCLJASE I._{�lr'aL' 0.I.!"tR I-'RlMT lKita T}TST R•+_+_'E;i1T10N r`T11.a 1E,t:at) 1 :a 4(:) COURT DOCKET E NVEL.OR, WHITE ENVELOP 7.`_i' 1L{. 55= 00 „ (Y.) `i 'ta Qu (:,/L i,1r_1rRIBUTi{_N «11a I1t,)t_) JJe00 r IRE MPE CT I Olga REF)OR`I S C/i_ DISTRIEWTION 44Cm 1500 CHI I)T:ETRIBUTI.{ON 44":a 140c) VE.ND01= TOTAL ;=E!��a Zia „Cat_) ;'E,tja;lt} ;:(— 3a.1i_:.`-.rt") M)':*:)4`3T ;7iTPPI 1*001, ,_c SUPPLY Crtea t 7c;F 4?,: 4c1))7a 4C) G/L_ DI TRI1BUTION 418a 0 810n 47a 40 GOAT SK IN PR.LI'I E,f_:1ORS CIF' ltdi3t,.F+ lt".1F ;1E.f�ll)CIR (1)1t5iC to/l._ DIct!RIBUf ION G/L D113TRIBUT ION G/L_ IIISTRIBUTION u� L-tAl_K '331UPPAR I S PEN I=}CCCILlI`d'fS C'A`{T`HFIL.F: LI ST t,!t:; I t�IVC) I i�'E lit=1C SUN 1 1)1 Sr_.Oi!NT ..j 1213 1 0(4 { 134 1 /ot_f 418a c) Ptt`0 �JEI`�iI1C)R TCf I C3L �yq 1' (i�;fi r)r:-;Trrrd;T is r�r��=?1C)C) NVA VGh1I'!t=lE< "t'Ct"i"NL.. ;nr�•_ ;3,�=+C){a} �'f�t.:TEL C-'''(=u� I t'J�� G/L DISTRIBUTION 455a C}t) 1,7ml G t� L. I.) I �;1 R I BUT ION 4J:J a t_)01t-)t-) '} {— I^' F"I t � 1 ROD VENDOR 100FA!_. yt`ACLEANER l r G/L DIS! RIBU: ION �s•41 a c't_}t_)0 1C)4= 5 SHOP l-' VACUUM � .!__E_ANE R G/L_ DIS T RIL-,U'I 1UN 72,z C)8t:)C) 47_ tit:) 2,5 49C G.r{ ri j tai(_ ,DIS"ERI'} t_II 1.lit•� 4,341 , C) 7i:)C) v?, 8 i_i/L DIC,'IE;IBUT Ii:N r 24a t:)500 CONCRETE T E STAKES5 f i,171DP S!-1OVEL at ? JC)C) 29 7 WALL E,C1X5 L}t.1PL,E`{ i)LITLETp lifETAL.. CEILIN't3% BOX, DUPLEX COVER lll n f1503 1k, 34a 9J G/L L)ISTE:'IF{t.l; IC1N 47i-'a i"��C)Ci 184a 1='VC TM,:.,, t::EMENTa HILL PIT SETg 10/cl, NM l• /G WIRE RnMEX ri 7509 A-5. 98 t !l_ 1?IST'RI U i ICsla 472n 080ra 45v 90 ='C) g 2 k, R I r I„ C:i NDU I I. Vr:::raDciR TOTriL_ t7/L DISTRIE;tI'!'1UN ( 701, 55,( cc• - �_Ja il�_) C.4 i'T'y' OF SANGER OPENi"it�i_:OUN I ;= I=a't�`f (-lKE, t_.I r 1 NG 1='HLA r AS; OF 4 / 14'! 9 1 10 c :,Ca on (}t_a VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOIt_:E Hr`10UI�11 UISC:OUNI Ot'EN G/L DISTRIBUTION 41 is 110C} `;L!,oii R EPA I R ON = L 411P HUB ,�.. a: 74 7C58m LEa .•� c: " BULLDOG HITCH, SLAM LEPf :::HERq v," CHAINS VENDOR TOTAl. L='10m 21t 5 t;a 85 , 'F: lam_. •.:i D4'a 3 5 e ... t�•!f FlTC'.`iQT}='II`I TnKl 41`•i_ 1(}[j 1:3a 72' G/L DIS FRIBUTION 41Ga 110f_a 13m 70' D1STRIBUT 1:ON 419a f,}8COK} 13m 7 GiL DISTRIBUTION 419 i? 0c) 13=73 G/1_ DI'_nTRIBUT YON 41`340bi4C}C} 1:3.73 G/L .DISTRIE:,U T 10N 41`Da ii7()0 13aa 73 VENDOR 1 t_tTAL� 82m 35 a 00 315 :. c r4 G/1._ DISTRIBUTION 4214a C').?C;C} 1.'Ja 95 REF'LE. C T OR r;Ltl_.i; c 0t;; c'?: K F�L,ASFILL I GHT G/L DIS T RT"UTION 419a 'I II") 1.a 13 GI/L. i)ISTRIE,Ui ION '24a 2000 a 7=3 G/L. DI!TRIBUT ION 419. 0900 in 19 RADIO CONNE CTOFtq LITE E,LJLE?Sq PLUG VENDOR TOTAL.. 19m 5 *' a oo 1'90 UE: G/i_. SANGER :DI gTRIBUTION 4c .4,a 21DO 394t 40 GLASS COMM. CENTER, LF1tyOR VENDOR TOTAL _;rya 40 , ? 0 ;9n ! 0 iaf" F I }:�E '�U;-'i='L..V •�: •?;3:1C, ir;a ?_}Ca „?.;i� 7t:aa caC} G/L D1."—_;iRIBUT(ON 411u1r0C) G/L D113TRIRLITION 411a 1500 .35,C}f.} CWY !"APE::R VENDOR TOTAL 70„ i)0 t?C} 70, Cm ) ri .;cjta{:;t:; SANGER PARTS CENTER tilt_ I-i I'• I it? C,U i IOtT I I l'i' CI ,;(�N ER C P'3—�l ACC(: UN l'` R( YABL_E L_ I ST I NG Alt;}L_ PTO OF 4/1. ! i1 ]ia44ta.�tx;) VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOICE Alt=1UQ.NI t �. �.). �! I L't .� �.�� l I .� I IL�a "� �. a t„)•', l_)t..1 a C:4 ME'—'RTf:: NUT l07c �:a 1ip. - FITT INGS 7314 ): r 31 4- 1 Et 1 t_?t? 1 t !b �_7/L.D 1 `.,�TRIE}E_I l 1: t.11 •.I 4'1�:1a i313t:)C) 1 a wI' FUEL_. HOSE ii % 1:c'o _.a f ) titr _s i?tar I; I DTRTPTr;IITTFIN 41.9y0500 ,,,I,t:a BRASS FITTINGS 73 L: •_'/ •_E n 58 u t..) t_r G L. D I IT P BU T T FI M 419=0;0tar ir.O8 TOGGLE SWITCH -,-.-, t elpt9 irii E» G/ia. DISTRIBUTION ,2,1a'1 1 9 L--IU dCH G/I._ DI',7'RIt:sl!'i 1:s?hJ 4:L9 1(q)t.r0 14, C?�) TURN 2 ROTORS of 7151a60 „C)o 51a6 13 G/L.. DISTRIBUTION 42q 1i=:tiCr 1„;t,3 PRIA GUN G"rL_ D 1 S T R1B;Ul 10N 419, 0430C) „ 1.1 SW G/L. DISTRIBUTION 419a 2000 a 611) OPEdtaY OLlf+.l:, 'TE1ij0 'X' .7 M 12 Era 32 „ 00 C', a ._', 2: G/I._ DISTRIBUTION 4121v0500 6%a32 VE.I.1L_?OR TOTAL. 15 6i a Esc:(045 _! f � 38 752 i_1CIRGEI-'i l JGt..l l•'tl L_L_i._q AI`ll )...•o u PKGv 4��4 FIRE EXT. 1i�::! IrGXII P!_IBLAC ("TORE;!=i VENDOR TOTAL_ 140% "S7 i 00 :t t;.tfa 117 8 — stC;C3_ a SERV I CE3B760 _CNO:L. LIBRARY G/L. DIS i RIEII_ITION 1Li'•'`ppp�a OE1,00 1. 1.t�a BN CRIME CLUB BOOKS VENDOR TOTAL_ .11 88 „ 0o 1 Ib. BB 41 ikfiju C I MS TIRE SERVICE C:I 1 `Y' CIF" OHIk4 bLN VL".I�I)C1R Vf_:h�i='aCii�� h■��ti�tF=m. Li/L 1)1R]L*R'I BUT I:ON R E P A I RE%D t:�/I._ FaIOTRIF,UT}:r1ha tCUNT F TIRF.O 'aC Fldt=�'� RE'F'�IIF� j_i11.... :DI; 'MIBU1ION G/L_ DI:C;TF:IBUTIC+r1I STF:LPL_ r.}_I_, L_OCKNUT, BCq_T, NUT, WASHt R iG/L DISTRIBUTION COUPLINGS f: l ARTS FOR bPN I hdKl_ERn is f:,/L DISTRIBUTION i tPEN Aid :uLIUN i b F-`i=iYH OLL L_ I: I I P4 AS OF 4/1/91 10ntiiot.r0) I rd'd0I Ct At=iCJUNII D I SC:OUt■1T :i19n 0 ;tit:) 744ta [� J , o{._It„ai„) ` 41v i")Ctiai:a 7 �{' r i..?900 �f-'•Ja it_t�a�_a 1 i n 50 '3n i�}ti Jn i.)o ,sytt} r n I t_a 64 l�Lv tiE L.Ln s ,.: RI'I,(JT IA jFE1i_v {; tip; e 77 U/L DIC, I RIBUTIFIN 41 n t?t,t_ai_) E,n 51,, i_;/L. DISTRII:;11TION 424., 1 't)0 3a 66 G/C DISTRIBUTION 419.o800 :1`:a G/!_ .1STRIBUT ION 4072a0'(a(a 17223 /L_ DISTRIBUTICEtf 418mOfito} 4n a`'s L•i/{._ DISTRIBUTION 421e :1.%00 2'.3 19 O/L_ I)ISTF'IPsiITIt�1I�.} �`;n 1 i)i; Da 18 G/L_ D, ISTRiBUT ION 419n 1000 Sn tit_a ti/!_. DITRIFtUTI(:thl 41n i?Citiii n 61 FIT T IhGES, 54PIRMY PAINT, F11_161-11It}ft=r ,PUNCH, HITS, HOLE 43AL4, COI'%INI-,CTOR4 E:TC':a 7351 4 m 99 C/L_ DISTRIBUTION 4717'a (0)90(4i 4n 9 TUBEd COUF'L_ I NG t_at_a `t-ILC "i OF'E:i�T rr3`W.t4 1 el �t j n t_;tJ 1 t7n �i`ai (a/I._ DISTRIBUTION �+iJntj`_:ii:;i; 1C•n:�.`.:i nn ..}.. 1 rr RIBUT !ON 411n t7T.i.; 4a 99 I v'iLrhTk>i N F;OFTIt .x- 7467 c'in 3 6 nti) im:1a• 8 G/},_ DISTFRIBUTICIN 41i.,oF,i_at_; L.00VS FOR ; TORs OC TrFNKS CITY OF St il%IGE;R CiE,E'!'d t=1C,=:Ot_IN I'E:; f='H of HbL.E L_ A"; i' I I 40 (o'H01. I ter i=1.t_IL) I. 1 CCF " '<�ChlLiOR `',�[:I�II)OR (�irrhlE IL��IOICE: �'3t�i01_!�!'i' L}I'7C:ClLJh;'I Cf'E:id loolt 7478 Ji o 7 `.1 C? 0 _ 7 9 C;IL. Ef.t:;lf .[FELiii01�� 4vjI.:(615!?i) �5a SjPRAY PAINT .f 748 i 19= 9 i iCr 1 Sim 99 G/L DISTRIBUTION i;72 07913 �H0VEL FOR SEWER rM., Nf 74`}`0 ,ra 4` irCr C.Ix 4rD (7IL DISTRIBUTION 4r4,m 0 00 49 GA6 CF=N lK qq a 97 f t_rt_? C: ra._.. tall._. DISTRIBUTION 42',.)N �„r, �rt_r ?f HOSE, COUPL..E.R, FRAME FOR CE.R I 754 r7 r^S` 2Jn i ll_ D i'CfRIhsU'i Itlhd 4 1 o-'a C?„ 00 o `?' *110 SLEDGE HAMMER B= Mal G/L )?I`=I'I RI�:Ei�fION 47o='n 09irCr 1, G , C='i1fC GLUE, COUPL I NGd E:L ROWS 7G,fot Et;)m t:rt; a CrCr �Cr Crij till.°. Eli' 'fRIBUTION 47•,,a 0200 Son C?Cr BOOKS VENDOR TOTAL, Flom (it"Of) 4��-- L;•:�i. t= I ir=t(!Rl�si�rI i'�tJTr� ,:�1_.r-i::,S O/l_ DISTRIBUTION L{•I I t:?t_r .'.ff, WINDSHIELD INSTALLED VE N )0R 10 ]'A L I i 5, i it r n t, 0 i �-'50 C ro ; tf:=,'— L}f=.,IE•`=."lt.? I t_hil•'3 t�l(-t f cD (:OfAlpll.Q•`;l E_)C'�! •;; 77t=?t, Wit:?, rii_r ., C?C? r;C?o Crt�a G/L. DISTRIBUTION 4417,it c :oo ;;Ca, Citr UIDE:RGROUND TANK FEE VENDOR TOTAL. 0m 00 , o() ` ii_ GCz iL+._ 46,77.C? I 0i`,4I' IS GFNERA!_. ::a'j CtRE tail. DISilTRIBU ION 411a 1700 in 9 G: 8x 1 I r= AME_ VENDOR TOTAL �iC, „ trCa 5u fr '_ L+r�,70 'f RI—I;OUN'i Y RCFRTtERA f ION •r'r 7...EGT�� 1 w7 � L.i„r � rt_r I �, r� < Jt_r tji L Vir-i TR T Cit. iI 1111�+1 'T;ZIn l„j f_,i:rt::r r:J 'tea trfi G/L DISTRIBUTION zjcp loo;,. 1100 v384 50 REPAIR ICE MAC'HIiuE CITY OF SANGER (_iI-IE.t''•I AL:CL 1LJN I PHYHHL.E. L.1 1 .t NO PHUIL I �. l<FIVDOR tIF'Ni_'OR NAME. 'I.NVOICE. AMOUNT D SCOUNI OPEN 41Ei�iLa(1R Tt�tTt=�!_ 1.37n .=1t,r d t,at�a 1.�;7� Sir .. a��.-. �("j C.1: ,�1 �I� W,� �?tit'IIt11 L:t t�iiy �. t�t.,•a -r •; c• i i ,_ •_!% 1 5 •_f M t:tt_I „ , at_a 154 f 1Sr, L 5 ''}(.,` t ( 77 i�fr'I...['?"�7iS`'�fRrvlI(BU..i DISTRIBUTION 4240 1200 15=�e 6G L.!i"'It'�iJ�ll" W 10...( iDES;, SH 11:13I N VENDOR. TOTAL, 15o CC G tacr 15, Elb ,_gin E! Fj a t..ai_j 1 Ei•-t O/1_ DISTRIBUTION 4 1„ 05C)o I9 i;'. i55 HOT MIX COL_! LPY VENDOR TOTAL.. 11 123Z E15 It 0o 1x 1F'3a F, 5 4t;-- 53FE,Ca t,1s=t'�t'JF" � E�L1T��h11(=�"i'I�1E 7524 1 5n tRa = ot.a 1CJt�a G/L. DISTRIBUTION 419n 1,700 1�aOLI EXHAt 13I REPAIR ;;c't_a VENDOR TOTAL- 1 5n 00 , 00 i 5o 00) r. Tt�T�=rL In 1�3t� 17 A krtj ;`� 1.rJiaW 1. r �..n r ��t=.l} �'t�,00Rc.0 RECORDSRECORDSPROCESSEDPROCESSEDESS !;/1_ DE PART MENT'C A1�1p1Ii�IE;I Rs1TI(=ita-CF L..IBRARY- OF I JOL 1 CE--rF STREETS*GF IWAiER•--E.F 1 2 3 5 F, 105U _`ri'un ID 6 1 e 8016u 2128a 064 80 76 WAS i•EWATER---F_.F C7'�d �: ' ELECTRIC--EF PARKS -CF 8 911 91 �� E 9c) 88 F"UBL I C WOI I C-'CIF F 1 RE—GF' VEHICLE MAINT-1, F MAYOR COUNCIL—GF MAYOR &• COUNCIL—E:F ADMINISTRATION EF 1 t? 11 12 14 I5 1.E, 433. 45t_a, 164t.74 14rna 146a IBEn•39 221l 00 35 315 PUBLIC WORE'—EF 17 43S, Sc) DATA PRO`E�=fcrllVi�+-1 E VEHICLE MAP-flf-.EF 19 ,eta 52 us,F, WABTE.WTR COL.L•-•EF E'er B77u 79 T Cy. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ■ "* 0* BOX 578 ANCG, ER, TEXAS _ii Nnnorahle Mayer McMDerS dfntl�e City Council Jahn Hamilton, City Manager April 12, 1991 Proposed By -Laws For Sanger Beautification Committee In order to complete their application to the Annual Deep Texas Beaixtiful Contest, the Beautification Committee is submitting the enclosed By -Laws for your approval. JH:es Enclosures Sanger Beautification Committee By -Laws The Sanger Beautification Committee is appointed by the Mayor of the City of Sanger and confirmed by the City Council. The following general by-laws shall be applicable for the committee: 1). Membership fs open to all residents of the Sanger area; however, a majority of members shall be residents of the City of Sanger. �). Terms shall be for two (2) years except initial members shell draw lots to determine either one (1) year or two (2) year terms. After the first year of operation, all terms shall be for two (2) years. 3), Teo member shall serve more than six (6) consecuCive years as a member of this committee, 4). Officers of the Committee shall be elected for one (1) year terms by the membership and shall consist of Chairperson, Vice -Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer, 5). The general mission of the Committee shall be to: a). Co-ordinate and prepare Keep Texas Beautiful Contest Applications, b). Co-ordinate volunteer recycling efforts within the community, c). to increase the overall beautification of our community. 6). Any funds collected and/or controlled by the committee fr��m private sources shall be placed in an account separate CAIJ apart from City Funds. Any public funds collected or received by the Committee shall be deposited into City Funds so as to be audited and coy-atrollc�� in accordance with law. Amendments to the by-laws of the Sanger Beautification Committee shall be submitted to the City Council fnr adopt.«n. t��'IEI4�C�RA.N D[J�,jI #7.3i7 F R Oivl: DATE; CITY OF BANGER P. 0. BOX 57EI BANGER, TEXAS 76200 Ho��orable Mayor £ Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager /100 April 12, 1991 *�Aj SUBJECT: Consider• &Possible Action Regarding Fite Inspect.ians Committee Report. The Committee reviewing our current. fire code a_nd inspection practices will present their report and recommendations to the City Council. If Council so desires, Council can take action on the report or accept the report for study and review and schedule it for any appropriate action at a later date. FILE NO. OCCUPANCY ,DRESS MAILING ADDRESS ACTIONS NECESSAflY TO CORRECT HAZARDS FOUND: someplace $pe0lel .ws INSPECTION REPORT BANGER FIRE DEPARTMENT 817-458-7930 A. Flammable Liquids Qases Solids Explosives 1. ❑ Excessive amount on premises 2. ❑ Storage rooms • premises not properly marked 3, ❑ Storage prohibited except in fire resistive room or outside building 4. ❑ Valves • dispensing equipment to be approved type main- tained in good order 5. ❑ Electric wiring and appliances to be U.L. approved type 6. ❑ Discontinue use of any flammable liquid having a flash point below 1000 for cleaning 7. ❑ Post and maintain "No Smoking • Stop Your Engine" signs in conspicuous locations 8. El Provide approved safety cans for all dispensing of flamrn• able liquids 9. ❑ Securely chain or strap all compressed gas cylinders in a vertical position 10. ❑ Misuse of materials subject to fire and injury to personnel 11. ❑ Other hazard B. Electric Distribution System 1. ❑ Wiring • switches • plugs defective, to be replaced 2. ❑ Overload fixtures panel not in accordance with N.E.C. C. Electric Appliances and Equipment 1. Li Appliances • motors to be maintained in working order 2. El Extension cords used as permanent wiring 3. ❑ Wiring • Improper • unsafe practice Lot* Fire Protection Systems and Appliances 1. ❑ Check all fire extinguishers for proper maintenance and recharge all which are expended 2. ❑ Provide and maintain rated fire extinguishers for each square feet of floor space. 3. ❑ Mount fire extinguishers in conspicuous accessible loca- tions, not more than 5 feet above floor level 4. ❑ Standpipe - hose cabinets valves to be repaired, replaced, obstructed 5. ❑ Sprinkler system riser, valves, heads, Siamese, hydrants, alarms need repair, replace, inoperative, obstructed 6. ❑ Provide and maintain a minimum of 18" clearance between the top of any storage and sprinkler heads or any overhead obstructions E. Heat Producing Devices 1. ❑ Defective • to be replaced • repalred 2. ❑ Improper - prohibited device - to be repaired or removed 3. ❑ Venting • improper . inadequate 4. El Combustible stored too close to appliance 5. ❑ Appliance not approved by A.G.A. 6. El Clearance from appliance inadequate 7. El Remove accumulation of grease from all cooking apparatus, vent hoods, ducts, vents, etc. F. Exits, Passageways, Life Safety 1. ❑Corridors •passageways • obstructed , improperly maintain- ed 2. ❑ Stairs, towers • obstructed, defective, Improperly maintained 3. ❑ Door devices - panic hardware, fusible links, defective in- adequate 4. ❑ Exit passageway inadequately lighted, provide exit lights . ❑ Exit lights to be lighted at, all times 6. ❑ Exit signs marking, inadequate improper size 7. El Exits - inadequate, insufficient number 8. El Discontinue practice of locking or blocking any designated exit FMO USE ONLY; BILLEOIFEE: Date CI These premises were found to be reasonably fire safe at this time ❑ Re•inspection Date OCC Code- Square Footage STATEMENTS ARE AIDS TO MEMORY ONLY NOT QUOTATIONS OF THE CITY CODES. G. General Hazards 1. ❑ Hazardous accumulation rubbish • debris - waste materials to be removed 2. Cl Smoke • heat detection fire alarm systems inoperative, to be repaired 3. tJ Repair partially -burned building or remove it from the prem- ises 4. 5. 6. '=7 ❑ CJ Ventilating systems to be cleaned, repaired, installed Aisles, cross aisles to be maintained - full width at all times Combustible lint and dust to be removed front equipment, 7. ❑ walls, bDams, floor, disposed of 1,, proper mannor Vacant building • secure all openings until such time as the building is made same or demolished and removed 8. ❑ Provide adequate flameproofing for all combustible decora- tions, drapes, or curtains 9. ❑ Provide metal containers with metal covers for the collection and storage of waste combustibles 10. ❑ Provide metal containers with self -closing metal covers for the storage of soiled shop towels and rags 11. 12. ❑ CI Replace all missing ceiling tiles Post address outside building H. Others 1. ❑ A valid fire department permit required for the following: Remarks: - MAINTAINING HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS ARE IN VIOLATION OF CITY ORDINANCES. I Inspector_ Apparatus & Shift Copy Delivered To: TYPE Of INSPECTION: D ROUTINE/COMPANY INSP D CO O PERMIT LETTERS ❑ ❑ 1 2 ❑ ist Re -ins ❑ SPECIAL TEST MEMOS U D D BO PO HD ❑ 2nd Relnsp ❑ CODE CHEC�� CE OTHER � �' TO: FROM: r% A mr T . 1lnIL'i SUBJECT: Pt Oo BOX 578ANG ER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manage Apa`•ii 12, 1991 V Request Authorization to Conduct a Surplus property Sale Staff is requesting authorization to conduct a surplus property sale of City Equipment on Thursday, May 9, 1991, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Yard. Legal notice of the sale would be published twice prior to the sale. A partial list of sut•plus property is: 2 - 1984 Ford 4 door sedans - as is 1 - 1976 Ford back -hoe - as is (bad motor) 1 - 1976 John Deere Tractor - as is (bad differential) 1 - 1982 Chevrolet One -Tan Truck 1 - 1976 Ford 2 1/2 Ton Flat -Bed Truck The sale would else include same used office furniture and police property roam items including bicycles. All revenue from the sale will be credited to other income. E FROM: ATE* SUBJECT: Hnr�r►rrs►'hte Ms�y nr R; Tyfr?mhPt^c of tt�e f:ity t�,'ni�nr�il Jahn Hamilton, City Manager April 12, 1991 City Administration Report 1). Officer Kenny Graves assumed his duties as our seventh police officer on April 3rd. Officer Graves has been a long time member of our police reserve force. 2). Chief Erwin and Sgt. Yarbrough are attending �. Currant Falic�e Practices school at C. O. G. the week of April 15-19. 3). The storm damage from Thursday evening's thunderstorms is being addressed as this report is written. 4). Absentee voting far the May 4th election is scheduled at City Hall during normal business hours beginning Monday, April 15th through Tuesday, April 30th. 5). The contractor an the water tank repairs and painting expects to be completed, weather permitting far exterior painting, the week ending April 19. JH:es f BLANK SHEET 025 T0: JOHN HAMILTON CITY ��GER FROM: BENNY ERWIN CHIEF DATE: 4-8-91 SUBJECT: WEED LETTERS Attached are the copies of the weed letters send this week which are in violation at this time. 1. Mr. T.H. Pritchett- Willow and 5th 2. Mr. A.R. Kruger- Corner of 6th and Bolivar 3. Mrs. Willie Patterson- Willow & Railroad Ave> 4. Mr. Don Sable- 5th And Wayne 5. Denton Savings Association- 13th And Bolivar 6. Mr. Richard Muir- Between Church and Wood & I-35 S.R. ��� r,.::� of April 9, 1991 Mr. Benny Johnson Frontier Waste Management F. 0. Box 758 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Benny: In March, the City received a few complaints regarding your service trucks spilling hydraulic fluid on city streets. As you know, State and Federal regulations regarding clean-up and disposal of hazardous and/or toxic materials are becoming more inclusive and strict. Therefore if one of your vehicles does cause a spill in the future, you will be billed for the cost of clean-up and disposal of any materials on our public streets and right-of-ways. Our police and fire departments are currently reviewing hazardous waste disposal regulations and procedures and we should be able to provide you with some type of cost estimate on these procedures in the near future. Your cooperation and understanding is appreciated. S i erelylpaAE: �hn Hamilton City Manager JH:es rc: Mayan &City Council Merwyn Tucker, Fire Chief Benny Erwin, Chief of Police situ of April 93 1991 Mr. John Berndt 214 So 6th Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Herndt: Our Consulting City Attorney, Ron Neiman, has provided a copy of a 1976 Texas Attorney General's Opinion regarding Volunteer Fire Fighters serving on City Council. This opinion indicates that there would be no conflict in both serving on the Volunteer Fire Department and the City Council, The City Staff had received conflicting information regarding particular circumstance. I hope that this information clarifies any misunderstanding regarding your candidacy and service with the Volunteer Fire Department. RG:es cc: Mayor Armstrong City Council Members S i cerely, 600jox� so�z Rosalie Garcia City Secretary your sot BOLINAR STREET r.o. uoX see BANGER, 'JC'EXA.S 76�t66 8�7-458-'l930 e=�•45g-4seo FAX �ittt of ---- -Ip . TT�r4,; _ April 9, 1tiu1 Mr. Steve Hallingswartl� F'. O. Box 884 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear r�lr: Holllr�gsEalorth: Our Consulting City Attorney, Ron Neiman, has provided a copy of a 1978 Texas Attorney General's Opinion regarding Volunteer Fire Fighters serving on City Council. This opinion indicates that there would be no conflict in both serving on the Volunteer Fire Department and the City Council, The City Staff had received conflicting information regarding your particular circumstance. 1 hope that this information clarifies any misunderstanding regarding your candidacy and service with the Volunteer Fire Department, Sincerely, Ro �alie Ga�•cia City Secretary RG:es cc; Mayor Arrnstrar�g City Council Members t i t g�7-4S8-'�930 sx�•ase-axs�► pax Ce�.��, �/Jf T0: JOHN HAMILTON CITY ��GER FROM: BENNY ERWIN CHIEF DATE: 4-9-91 SUBJECT: TAGGED VEHICLES Attached are the vehicles locations. LOCATION 202 Benjamin 611 Plum 1st & 455 1st & 455 102 N. 8th DATE TAGGED 4-1-91 4-1-91 4-2-9i 4-2-91 4-4-91 tagged in the DUE DATE 4-5-91 4-5-91 4-8-9i 4-8-91 4-13-91 City of Sanger and ACTION TAKEN moved moved trailer Moved moved These vehicles were tagged 4-8-91 in the trailer parks. 112 Parma 4-8-91 4-13-91 104 Pioneer 4-8-91 4-13-91 108 Pioneer 4-8-91 4-13-91 133 Parker 4-8-91 4-13-91 140 Prairie 4-8-91 4-13-91 140 Prairie 4-8-91 4-13-91 146 Prairie 4-8-91 4-13-91 152 Prairie 4-8-91 4-13-91 156 Prairie 4-8-91 4-13-91 144 Shady Grove 4-8-91 4-13-91 111 Perry 4-8-91 4-13-91 130 Tammy 4-8-91 4-13-91 133 Tammy 4-8-91 4-13-91 135 Lynn 4-8-91 4-13-91 135 Lynn 135 Lynn 135 Lynn 4-8-91 4-13-91 111 Lynn 4-8-91 4-13-91 209 Railroad Ave 4-8-91 4-13-91 102 Sims 4-8-91 4-13-91 302 Willow 4-8-91 4-13-91 �i B. 1. THOGMARTIN District Manager 319 West Oak Street • Denton, Texas 76201 April 1, 1991 Mr. John ,Hamilton, City Manager City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: sss Asia Tin D t I. d f �.t ./? CITY �F� �AI�G�R Attached is a packet of materials explaining Lone Star Gas Company's position with regard to water heaters located in garages. Because of the possibility of flammable liquids being stored nearby, and the potential for vapors to be ignited, Lone Star is advising its customers that water heaters in garages should be elevated 18 inches off the floor. In cases where our service employees find a water heater at floor level in a garage, the customer will be advised of the potential risk and a Warning Tag will be placed on the water heater. If such a water heater is off, we will not relight it unless the customer requests us to do so and signs a waiver acknowledging awareness of the hazard. I wanted you to be aware of our position on this matter. If you have any questions, please let me know. BJT:jer Attachment D74- Stincerel , B. Thogmar Manager Customer safety is a priority for Lone Star Gas Company and its employees. In recognition A this priority, the Company will take positive action to communicate to customers the risks A storing flammable liquids near water heaters installed at floor level in garages. This communication will be effected in several ways: • Lone Star will notify all its R & C customers of the inherent dangers of this situation through a bill insert. • Lone Star will advise customers directly of the dangers if a service employee sees a water heater at floor level in the garage. A Warning Tag (copy attached) will also be placed on the water heater. • Lone Star will not light a water heater installed in a garage at less than 18 inches above floor level unless the customer requests us to do so after being advised of the hazard and signing a statement acknowledging the existence of the hazard. In addition to communicating to our customers about this hazard, Lone Star will also encourage our customers to correct the potentially hazardous condition by offering the following arrangements. • Lone Star will publicize in a bill insert a toll free number (1-800-545-3427) for customers to call for answers to questions regarding the risks and for referral to participating plumbers who will provide the elevation service. • The Warning Tag used by our service personnel to denote a hazardous situation will also contain the Appliance Information Hotline "800" number. lone Star Gas Company CHRONOLOGY OF ADOPTION OF 18 INCH RULE 1950 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE E� 1953 First appearance of Section 5110 on Residential Storage Garages. Language very similar to language in all subsequent electrical, gas and mechanical codes of national and regional scope. Pertains to electrical installations but language appears to be similar in all subsequent codes where gasoline vapors present a hazard. 1961 SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE -PART II GAS 1962 First appearance of 18 inch rule in Southern Standard Gas Code -Section 301.7 Installation in Garages. Language very similar to NEC4953 - Section 5110. 1971 CABO ONE &TWO FAMILY DWELLING CODE First integration of residential requirements of three model codes into one code document for construction of one and two family dwellings. 18 inch rule, Section M-1114 reads the same as 1988 Edition. 1974 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1 - 1974 First edition of a compilation of NFPA 54 1969 and ANSI Z83.1 - 1972 with amendments. 18 inch rule was included as Section Inclusion in previous documentations of NFPA 54 or ANSI Z82.1 is unknown since the documents are not readily available for preparation of this report. 1975 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE - 1975 ARTICLE 512 Residential Storage Garages This section was removed from the NEC with a FPN allowing the Authority Having Jurisdiction to make a technical determination as to requirements on an individual basis. 1988 STANDARD GAS CODE - 1988 Amended language to provide 18 inch rule to be measured to lowest burner, igniter or pilot instead of appliance body. 1989 STANDARD GAS CODE - 1988 w/1989 Revisions Three code changes are proposed revising the 18 inch rule. These changes are Agenda items G9, G10, and G11 - 1989. These three proposed changes further restrict the design of gas burning appliances by placing mandatory requirements on burner and igniter heights regardless of cabinet design or innovative methods to eliminate gasoline vapor migration to the sources of ignition. DOCUMENTATION SOURCES NFPA NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE - 1953 NFPA NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE - 1971 NFPA NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE - 1975 NFPA NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE - 1990 (Proposed) NFPA NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE - 1974 (First Edition) (N171"A-544974/ANSI Z223.1-1974) AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS NFPA NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE - 1988 NFPA-54-1988/ANSI Z233.14988 SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE - PART It GAS 19594960 Edition SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE - PART II GAS 19614962 Edition SOUTHERN STANDARD GAS CODE - 1988 SOUTHERN STANDARD REDBOOK CODE CHANGES AGENDA 1988 SOUTHERN STANDARD BLUEBOOK CODE CHANGES AGENDA 1989 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS by peter J. Schram and Mary W. Earley CABO ONE & TWO FAMILY DWELLING CODE - 1971 Edition CABO ONE & TWO FAMILY DWELLING CODE - 1988 Edition Telephone Conferences; Dr. Charles Flanders, PE, PhDME, Consultant, Hazardous Materials Mr. Larry Fluer, Fiuer, Inc., Consultant, Hazardous Materials Mr. Peter J., Schram, PE, Chief Engineer, NFPA Form 1856 1111JU Form 1856-1 2/91 Your water heater is installed in an area where flammable liquids are likely to be present. Flammable liquids (such as gasoline, solvents, thinners and ad- hesives) emit flammable vapors. A water heater can ignite flammable va- pors. The resulting flashback and fire can cause death or serious injuries to anyone in the area. Storage or use of gasoline and other flammable sub - stances in the same room or area con- taining a water heater poses a danger. You should have your water heater elevated at least 18 inches off the floor. This will reduce, but not eliminate, the k of vapors being ignited. For additional information call 1-800=545-3427. Customer Address: Date Customer was informed of hazardous condition: LSGC Employee: LONE STAR GAS COMPANY PERSONNEL HAVE ADVISED ME OF A HAZARDOUS CONDITION RELATING TO MY WATER HEATER. I ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL LIABILITY AND DAMAGES WITH REGARD TO THIS CONDITION, AND I HEREBY AGREE TO FULLY RELEASE AND INDEMNIFY LSGC AND ITS EMPLOYEES FOR ANY DAMAGES, INJURIES OR ATHS WHICH MAY OCCUR AS A RESULT OF 1`r1E HAZARDOUS CONDITION. Signature: Customer Su calentador de agua esta instalado en un area donde hay liquidos inflama- bles (tales como gasolina, solventes, diluyentes y adhesivos) que emiten gases inflamables. Un calentador de agua puede incendiar estos gases. El flamazo y el Fuego resultantes pueden causar la muerte o heridas graves para cualquiera que se encuentre en el area. Guardar o usar gasolina u otras substancias inflamables en el mismo cuarto o lugar donde hay un calentador de agua presenta un grave peligro. Usted debe instalar su calentador de agua por to menos 18 pulgadas arriba del suelo. Esto reducira pero no elimi- nara el riesgo de que los vapores pue- dan incendiarse. Para informacion adicional (lame al n imero 1-800-545-3427. Domicilio del cliente: Fecha en que se informo al cliente sobre las condiciones peligrosas: Empleado de LSG: EL PERSONAL DE LA COMPANIA LONE STAR GAS ME HA NOTIFICADO QUE EXISTEN CONDICIONES PELI- GROSAS EN RELACION A MI CALENTADOR DE AGUA. YO ASUMO RESPONSABILIDAD TOTAL POR TODOS LOS DANOS Y PERJUICIOS CAUSADOS POR ESTAS CONDICIONES Y YO TAMBIEN ESTOY DE ACUERDO EN DEJAR A LSGC Y A SUS EMPLEADOS LIBRES DE TODA RESPONSABILIDAD E INDEMNIZARLOS POR CUAL- QUIER DANO, HERIDAS O MUERTES QUE PUEDAN OCURRIR COMO RESULTADO DE ESTAS CONDICIONES PELIGROSAS. Firma cliente DOCKET NOS, 10014, 10015, 10016, 10017, 10018, 10019, 10020, 10021, 10022, 100239 10024, 10025 PETITION OF THE PORTER HEIGHTS § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE § TO THE HOUSTON METROPOLITAN EXCHANGE § OF TEXAS PETITION OF THE HUNTINGTON § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED ARE § SERVICE TO THE LUFKIN EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE ARGYLE EXCHANGE § FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE TO § THE DENTON EXCHANGE § __PETiTiOn OF TriE icnOME EXCHANGE § FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE TO § THE FORT WORTH METROPOLITAN EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE BUFFALO GAP § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE ABILENE EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE HALLSVILLE § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE § TO THE LONGVIEW EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE RIESEL EXCHANGE § FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE TO § THE WACO METROPOLITAN EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE LAKE DALLAS § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE DALLAS METROPOLITAN § EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE HOLLAND EXCHANGE § FUR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE § TO THE BELTON EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE CADDO MILLS § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE § TO THE GREENVILLE EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE BANGER EXCHANGE § FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE § TO THE DENTON EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE CHRISTOVAL § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE SAN ANGELO EXCHANGE 9 DOCKET NOS. 100141 at al. EXAMINER'S ORDER N0, 1 PAGE NO. 2 s EXAMINER'S ORDER NO. 1 On March 18, 1991, general counsel filed its motions establish a procedural schedule in the above styled cases. SUBST. R. 23.49(c)(4) the above cases are formally docketed. to docket and to Pursuant to P.U.C. General counsel also requested that a joint prehearing conference be held pursuant to P.U.C. SUBST, R. 23.49(c)(5). A joint prehearing conference will be held in these dockets, beginning at 10#00 a.m., April 10, 1991, at the Commission's offices located at 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard in Austin, Texas. The following matters will be considered: 1. Any pending motions filed with the Commission and served on all parties prior to the start of the joint prehearing conference, 2. Establishment of a master timetable for demand and analyses required by P.U.C. SUBST. R. 23.49(d) to (f) for all above dockets; 3. Notice; and costing of the - - -- 4. Any -other matter which may aid in the simplification of thL proceedings and the disposition of the issues. A master timetable will be adopted in these proceedings in recognition of the burden which these dockets will impose upon the Commission staff were the dockets to be handled simultaneously. Therefore, general counsel shall submit its proposed master timetable by 4:00 p.m., April 1, 1991. The parties shall file their comments on general counsel's proposed timetable by 4:00 p.m., April 8, 1991. Pursuant to P.U.C. PROC. R. 21.7, ex carte communications are prohibited during the pendency of these dockets. The parties should undertake to 1JOCKET NOS.11 ORDER PAGE N0. 3 communicate with the examiner outside the hearing room only through written documents filed at the Commission and served on all other parties of record. SIGNED AT AUSTIN, TEXAS the 22 J day of March 1991, PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS nh MEMORANDUM T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANC,ER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 70288 John Hamilton, City Manager Rose Garcia, (:ity Secretary April 1, 1991 Billing for 3-15-91 Billings for : 3-15-91 '�NATER M TERS 1232 ELECTRIC METERS 1677 fiG:rb Total Water Gallons Total Sewer Gallons Total kWH Total Sanitation Billing Total Sewer Billing Total Water Billing Total Electric ?,828,30G 7,826,100 1,506,592 13,668.01 19,719.9H 23,040.68 113,872.99 Wholesale Electric Costs $63,582.36 N0. OF METERS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL �ERV�. S ' �� SAND ,�E�WER �.ALLILT:_ 1465 1272 FUEL ADJUSTMENT 0.01750 1281 125 13? ��� Citu of Someploce $pedal DATE; April 10, 1991 Frontier Waste Maruagernem P. O. Box 758 Sanger, Texas 76266 Gentlerr�en; Enclosed is a City of Sanger check in the amount of $ 11, 4 4 0.7 1 representing payment to Frontier Waste Management for the contract agreement provided for in the City of Sanger/Frontier Waste Management Agreement, This payment covers the month of March and is computed as follows: Total Residential Custorr�ers Billed 1209 at $ 7.75 rate per customer I.r�s $1.13 per customer billed as per Contract Total Other Customer Classes Balance Less 7V Franchise Fee Approved for payment osalle Garcia, City Secretary $ 9,376.94 $ 1,366.17 $ 4,291.07 $12,301.n4 $11,440.71 sos BOLIVAR STREET P.O. IIO]C S78 BANGER, TEXAS ?bat66 8i7.4i8'7930 •DOCKET NOS• 1001a® 10015e 100160 100170 10018, 100190 100200 10021, 100221 10023o,10024, 10025 • . c • • EXCHANGE FOR • 1 AREA SERVICE TO THE HOUSTON METROPOLITAN OF TEXAS EXCHANGE EXCIHANGE FORTEXTENDEDNAREA S EC � 1 " Ito LJ SERVICE TO THE LUFKIN EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE ARGYLE EXCHANGE § APR 0 3 FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE TO § THE DENTON EXCHANGE § -:'� PETITION OF THE RHOME EXCHANGE § CITY OF SANG FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE TO S THE FORT WORTH METROPOLITAN EXCHANGE § c- PETITION OF THE BUFFALO GAP r2XCHANGS FOR PERVICE TO THE ABILENE EXCHANGE •1% ZATSAltow AeASAA BERTICE TU WACO METROPOLITAN • 1 1 SERV ICE TO THE 1 t4ETROPOLITAN • • 1 1 SERVICE TO EXCHANGE § PETITION, -OF THE SANGER EXCHANGE. § FOR E%TENDED AREA SERVICE § TO THE DENTON EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE CHRISTOVAL § E%CHANGS FOR E%TENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE SAN ANGELO § EXCHANGE § ear TO THE HONORABLE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION: COMES NOW, the General Counsel of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, representing the public interest and files its statement and proposed timeline, follows: and respectfully shows as Pursuant to Examiner's Order No. 1 pending petitions for Extended Area Service (EAS) to various exchanges were docketed pursuant to PUC Substantive Rule 23.49(c)(4). Under that order General Counsel was requested to submit its proposed master timetable by April 1, 1991. General Counsel proposes to divide the twelve docketed petitions into four groups. The first group will consist of Petition Nos. 10014 through 10017, the time table for that first group is set forth below: GROUP I Group I includes Petition Nos. 10014 through 10017. Begin Completed a. Demand Analysis 4/10/91 8/10/91 (120 days) Do Cost Determination- 8/11/91 11/11/91 switching & trunking (90 days) c. Toll Revenue Effects 11/12/91 2/12/92 (90 days) d. EAS Rate Additives 2/12/92 To the extent it is possible General Counsel would urge that this schedule to subject to the following understanding: 1. That the parties will continue negotiations to attempt to reduce the study periods. 2. This initial time table was developed without opportunity for comments from affected parties. To the extent that these studies can proceed concurrently or to extent there is an overlap, which results in a time saving, such time savings should be incorporated into the time table studies. 3. That the schedules once set by the Examiner's Order should not be expanded unless sufficient good cause be shown. The Commission Staff will consult with the affected Local Exchange Carriers (LEC) with regards to the appropriate form, detail, and content of the demand study or other related studies. II. The second group consists of Petition Nos. 10018 through 10020. Begin Completed a. Demand Analysis 6/10/91 10/10/91 (120 days) b. Cost Determination- 10/11/91 1/11/92 Switching & Trunking (90 days) c. Toll Revenue Effects 1/12/92 4/12/92 d. EAS Rate Additives 4/12/92 ,The third gx'aup consists of Petition Nos. 10021 through 10024. Begin Completed a. Demand Analysis (120 days) 8/10/91 12/10/91 c. d. Cost Determination Switching i Trunking (90 days) Toll Revenue Effects EAS Rate Additives IV. 3/12/92 The fourth group consists of Petition No. 10025. Demand Analysis (120 days) b. Cost Determination Switching & Trunking (90 days) c. Toll Revenue Effects d. EAS Rule Audits N:\rg-mc\coim�ents 10/10/91 5/12/92 Respectfully Submitted, ROBERT A. RIMA GENERAL COUNSEL MARTIN WILSON DEPUTY GENERAL .COUNSEL P Rick Guzman Assistant General Counsel 3/11/92 6/12/92 2/10/92 8/12/92 8/12/92 Public Utility Commission of Texas 7800 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite 118W Austin, Texas 78757 (512) 458-0287 pRQJ$.CT XI®e 1W®Z4 I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing General Counsel's Poson Statement was mailed this 1st day of April, 1991 by First Class, U.S. Mail, Postage Pre -paid to: Honorable Nel Armstrong City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dianne Ureich General Regulatory Manager Central Telephone Company 330 S. Valley View Las Vegas, Nevada 89152 GTE Southwest, Inc. First City Centre 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1500 Austin, Texas 78701 Rick Guzman Assistant General Counsel Public Utility Commission of Texas 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard Austin, Texas 78757 (512) 4580-0287 . 1% - I t oy �- /7,/�C/ / CAUSE NUMBERS 10014, 10015, 10016, 10017, 10018, 10018, 10019, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10023, 10024, 10025 PETITION OF THE PORTER § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION HEIGHTS EXCHANGE FOR § EXTENDED AREA SERVICE TO § OF TEXAS THE TON METROPOLITAN EXCHANGE� RC E T VE PETITION OF THE HUNTINGTON § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § �,�� R 10 1�yj SERVICE TO THE LUFKIN § EXCHANGE § �+ PETITION OF THE ARGYLE § MT��;<OF SANGER EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE DENTON § EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE RHOME § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE FORT WORTH § METROPOLITAN EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE BUFFALO GAP § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE ABILENE § EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE HALLSVILLE § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE LONGVIEW § EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE RTESEL § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE WACO § METROPOLITAN EXCHANGE § PETITION OF LAKE DALLAS § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE DALLAS § METROPOLITAN EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE HOLLAND § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED § AREA SERVICE TO THE BELTON § EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE CADDO MILLS § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE GREENVILLE § EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE BANGER § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED § AREA SERVICE TO THE DENTON EXCHANGE § PETITION OF THE CHRISTOVAL § EXCHANGE FOR EXTENDED AREA § SERVICE TO THE SAN ANGELO § EXCHANGE § NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AND REQUEST FOR SERVICE OF DOCUMENTS C`(1MES T1[1W� T(1WN (1F' T•IT(`K(„1RV f`T?G'EjC� TEXAG� by anwi tl�rn"i�gh itc sworn city attorney, Don R. Windle, one of counsel of Windle and Eastes, P.C., 111 W. Hickory, P.O. Box 1009, Denton, Texas 76202- 1009 and Austin, Texas, and also representing the interests of the Town of Shady Shores, Texas, City of Corinth, and the City of Lake Dallas, Texas, herein referenced to jointly as intervenors, as parties in the above referenced proceeding, and to insure that intervenors receives notice of all matters in these proceedings, pursuant to Commission rules and applicable .laws. Undersigned counsel now request that all notices of motions, other pleadings and notices of all matters of which notice is required or permitted to be given in the instant consolidated matter with respect to the administration of this case or Intervenors' interests be forwarded to Intervenors' counsel as follows: Don R. Windle Windle & Eastes, P.C. 111 W. Hickory P.O. Box 1009 Denton, Texas 76202-1009 (817) 898-1009 FAX (817) 382-7576 The aforesaid counsel hereby appears generally for Intervenors. Intervenors' and Intervenors' undersigned counsel request in writing that a copy of each document filed in the above case be mailed to Movants in care of Movants' counsel as listed above. Respectfully submitted, --� Windle and ,Eastes,,�P.G.� �� Uv Byt - Don R. Windle Bar Card No. 21759600 111 w, ,ui�kory P.O. Box 1009 Denton, Texas 76202-1009 (817) 898-1009 Facsimile (817) 382-7576 13740 Research Blvd., A-3 Austin, TX 78750 (512) 258-4118 Facsimile (512) 219-1150 ATTORNEYS FOR INTERVENORS Docket No. 10014 Certificate of Service This is to certify that a true and correct copy foregoing document has been delivered, via U.S. Mail, prepaid, on this the 9th day of April, 1991, to: Kathy Yeager R. C. Smith Regulatory Manager 318 Pinewood Centel Telephone Co. Porter, TX 77365 330 S. Valley View Las Vegas, Nevada 89152 Gweyn Machacek P.O. Box 515 Porter, TX 77365 of the postage Southwestern Bell Telephone 1616 u�dalupe, )Room 600 Au s t i , TX 7 7�.0'1 _ ,, ,�, Don R. W 0 Docket No. 10024 Certificate of Service This is to certify that a true and foregoing document has been delivered, vi prepaid, on this the 9th day of April, 1991, Honorable Nel Armstrong City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dianne Ureich General Regulatory Manager Central Telephone Company ✓JV S.�: al1G� VMew OL%;; Las Vegas, Nevada 89152 GTE Southwest, Inc. First City Centre 816 Congress Avenue, Ste. 1500 Austin, TX 78701 Don R. Windle to correct copy a U.S. Mail, : of the postage MARCH 1991 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY POLICE CALLS ANSWERED OFFENSE REPORTS MADE 230 (Dispatched & Officer generated) 36 (New reports & follow-ups to existing) MAX RESPONSE TIME 27.00 (in minutes/ measuring all calls). MIN RESPONSE TIME 0.00 (in minutes/ measuring all calls) AVG RESPONSE TIME 2.22 (in minutes/ measuring all calls) OVERALL MAX CALL DURATION 240.00 (in minutes/ arrest & non -arrest) OVERALL MIN CALL DURATION 1.00 (in minutes/ arrest & non -arrest) OVERALL AVG CALL DURATION 19.85 (in minutes/ arrest & non -arrest) NON -ARREST MAX CALL DURATION 96.00 (in minutes/ all calls except arrests) NON -ARREST MIN CALL DURATION 1.00 (in minutes/ all calls except arrests) NON -ARREST AVG CALL DURATION 16.26 (in minutes/ all calls except arrests) MARCH 1991 CALL DISTRIBUTION AND ARREST SUMMARY CALL DISTRIBUTION BY OFFICER YARBROUGH 22 AMYX 90 EARHEART 52 HUMBLE 31 McDANIEL 35 ANIMAL CONTROL 0 ------------------------------------ TOTAL 230 MARCH ------------------------------------ 1991 ARREST SUMMARY TRAFFIC WARNINGS 9 TRAFFIC CITATIONS 63 TRAFFIC FELONIES 0 CLASS C MISDEMEANORS 22 CLASS B MISDEMEANORS 0 CLASS A MISDEMEANORS 0 3RD DEGREE FELONIES 8 2ND DEGREE FELONIES 0 1ST DEGREE FELONIES 3 CAPITAL ------------------------------------ FELONIES 0 TOTAL ARRESTS 105 HOURLY CALL DISTRIBUTION ----------------------------- FROM TO CALLS 12:00 01:00 02:00 03*00 04:00 05*00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12000 01:00 02000 03:00 04:00 05000 06*00 07:00 08:00 09000 10000 11:00 AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM 01@00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10&00 11:00 12*00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07*00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM AM 12 11 11 20 25 19 19 22 10 8 3 6 3 3 1 5 6 4 7 5 7 9 8 6 0 ----------------------------- TOTAL CALLS 230 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY* LOG CALL DATE TIME RECD OFFICERS CALL ADDRESS CALL TYPE CODE '01-Mar-91 12*21 AM 775 SNAP SHOP ALARM CALL 16 01-Mar-91 03:05 PM 772 POST OFFICE JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 01-Mar-91 03:30 PM 772 600 N. KEATON MINOR ACCIDENT 5 01-Mar-91 04:25 PM 772 100 WILLOW APT. #C 911 HANG UP 47 01-Mar-91 04:40 PM 772 512 MARSHALL ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 01-Mar-91 06:23 PM 772 SANGER DRUG STORE MISC OTHER CALLS 28 02-Mar-91 12:05 AM 775 CITY PARK MISC OTHER CALLS 28 02-Mar-91 12*35 AM 775 UNKNOWN PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 02-Mar-91 11*57 AM 773 108 JACKILU JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 02-Mar-91 03*15 PM 772 CANINE CREATIONS ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 02-Mar-91 07:03 PM 772 920 N. 8TH BURGLARY OF HABITATION 29 03-Mar-91 12:07 AM 774 CITGO STATION ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 03-Mar-91 09*45 AM 771 715 CHURCH AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 34 03-Mar-91 11:01 AM 771 712 PECAN CIVIL STANDBY 24 03-Mar-91 03:00 PM 773 800 S. 2ND MISC OTHER CALLS 28 03-Mar-91 03w48 PM 773 202 PECAN #7 JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 04-Mar-91 01:03 AM 774 455 @ I35 ACCESS ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 04-Mar-91 03:53 PM 773 606 PLUM ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 04-Mar-91 04:00 PM 773 1204 12TH BURGLARY OF HABITATION 29 04-Mar-91 04:44 PM 773 CARE INN MOTORIST ASSIST 20 04-Mar-91 07*03 PM 773 HORIZON STATION ARREST - FELONY 1 05-Mar-91 09:15 AM 771 KEATON @ DUCK CREEK ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 05-Mar-91 09:23 AM 771 OAK @ WILLOW ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 05-Mar-91 02*45 PM 773 W W GRILL AGENCY ASSIST 21 05-Mar-91 03:10 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. ARREST - FELONY 1 05-Mar-91 03*53 PM 773 BOLIVAR @ 12TH MISC TRAFFIC CALL 27 05-Mar-91 06:40 PM 772 411 S. 7TH ARREST - FELONY 1 05-Mar-91 09:00 PM 772 TUTTLE ELECTRIC MISC OTHER CALLS 28 06-Mar-91 03:30 PM 772 1204 12TH MEET COMPLAINANT 14 06-Mar-91 04:44 PM 773 CITGO STATION AGENCY ASSIST 21 06-Mar-91 05*30 PM 772 SANGER DEPOT JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 06-Mar-91 06:10 PM 772 411 S. 7TH MEET COMPLAINANT 14 06-Mar-91 06:11 PM 773 303 S. 3RD HARRASSMENT 45 06-Mar-91 07018 PM 773 LANDMARK BAPTIST OPEN BUILDING 17 06-Mar-91 07:50 PM 773 BURRUS MOTORIST ASSIST 20 06'�Mar-91 07*55 PM 772 802 PECAN MEET COMPLAINANT 14 06-Mar-91 08*50 PM 773 203 DAVID DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 06-Mar-91 09:36 PM 772 147 PRAIRIE SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 07-Mar-91 12:20 AM 775 901 PECAN WELFARE CHECK 18 07-Mar-91 04:15 AM 775 CITGO STATION OTHER ESCORT 23 07-Mar-91 09:15 AM 774 903 N. 6TH DISTURBANCE 12 07-Mar-91 04:35 PM 772 109 S. 5TH ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 07-Mar-91 04:37 PM 772 MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 07-Mar-91 09*16 PM 772 CITGO STATION SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE 10 07-Mar-91 11005 PM 775 523 KEATON SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 08-Mar-91 12:29 AM 775 215 ELM OPEN BUILDING 17 08-Mar-91 12:58 AM 775 WEST CHAPMAN MISC TRAFFIC CALL 27 08-Mar-91 11:18 AM 774 DIANE DR. ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 08-Mar-91 12:00 PM 774 LOCUST ST MISC OTHER CALLS 28 08-Mar-91 04:10 PM 772 FOOTBALL FIELD MOTORIST ASSIST 20 08-Mar-91 06:10 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MEET COMPLAINANT 14 "08-Mar-91 06:15 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, MEET COMPLAINANT 14 08-Mar-91 07:07 PM 772 108 JACKILU CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 43 08-Mar-91 07:30 PM 772 806 S. KEATON 911 HANG UP 47 08-Mar-91 08:00 PM 772 CITGO STATION FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVIT"( LOG 08-Mar-91 09-Mar-91 09-Mar-91 09-Mar-91 09-Mar-91 09-Mar-91 09-Mar-91 09-Mar-91 10-Mar-91 10-Mar-91 10-Mar-91 10-Mar-91 10-Mar-91 10-Mar-91 1 1-Mar--9 i 11-Mar-91 11-Mar-91 11-Mar-91 12-Mar-91 12-Mar-91 12-Mar-91 12-Mar-91 12-Mar-91 13-Mar-91 13-Mar-91 13-Mar-91 13-Mar-91 13-Mar-91 13-Mar-91 13-Mar-91 13-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 14-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 15-Mar-91 11:43 PM 775 101 WILLOW 12*06 AM 775 455 AT I35 01:41 AM 775 S/B I35 10:53 AM 773 305 N. 5TH 04:45 PM 772 455 @ 5TH 05:15 PM 772 SANGER DEPOT 06:40 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. 08:46 PM 772 1100 AUSTIN #40 03:00 AM 774 CITGO 12:15 PM 772 1ST @ WOOD 01:50 PM 772 1004 WOOD 03:19 PM 773 300 S. STEMMONS 04*56 PM 773 1605 FAIRFIELD 06:42 PM 773 223 HILLCREST 03:55 ti 773 2u6 SOUTHSIDE 05:46 PM 773 913 N. 7TH 06:50 PM 773 400 BOLIVAR 10:34 PM 773 1105 PECAN 10*00 AM 772 POLICE DEPT. 11*15 AM 772 310 S. 1ST 01*50 PM 772 514 OAK 05@56 PM 773 N. STEMMONS @ CHURCH 06*28 PM 773 802 PECAN 04:32 AM 775 802 WILLOW 04:40 PM 773 509 N. 10 TH 04:55 PM 773 108 FREEZE 06:02 PM 773 514 OAK 07*10 PM 773 153 PRAIRIE 11W09 PM 773 802 WILLOW 11:09 PM 775 802 WILLOW 11:24 PM 773 311 S. 5TH 08*10 AM 771 HOUSTON @ DIANE 02:10 PM 771 POLICE DEPT. 03*10 PM 772 212 S. 4TH 04:25 PM 772 POST OFFICE 05:20 PM 772 141 SHADY GROVE 05:35 PM 772 POST OFFICE 05*39 PM 772 SMHP 07:10 PM 772 CITGO 07629 PM 772 302 WOOD 08*52 PM 772 100 SIMS 10:35 PM 772 401 MARSHALL 03*57 AM 775 315 S. 7TH 05*15 AM 775 502 OAK 05*40 AM 775 901 N. STEMMONS 08:44 AM 774 CHAPMAN @ I35 09:03 AM 774 CHURCH @ DENTON 11:10 AM 774 106 S. MEADOW 11*14 AM 774 122 S. MEADOW 11*18 AM 774 103 S. PARK 11:22 AM 774 202 DIANE 11926 AM 774 122 SOUTHSIDE 12*15 PM 774 802 WILLOW 01:44 PM 774 KEATON @ CARMEN 02:10 PM 771 905 N. 8TH 03:30 PM 774 RAILROAD AVE. DISTURBANCE MISC OTHER CALLS MISC TRAFFIC CALL CIVIL STANDBY MISC OTHER CALLS JUVENILE COMPLAINT CITY BUSINESS MESSAGE DELIVERY MISC TRAFFIC CALL DISTURBANCE THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 MISC OTHER CALLS MINOR ACCIDENT THEFT? 0/ 20 U/ 750 IfV I OR.L I ASSIST MISC OTHER CALLS ALARM CALL MISC OTHER CALLS MISC OTHER CALLS DISTURBANCE ANIMAL COMPLAINT SUSPICIOUS PERSONS MISC OTHER CALLS BURGLARY OF VEHICLE 911 HANG UP MISC TRAFFIC CALL ANIMAL COMPLAINT ARREST - FELONY SUSPICIOUS PERSONS SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 911 HANG UP ANIMAL COMPLAINT MEET COMPLAINANT HARRASSMENT CITY BUSINESS MOTORIST ASSIST CITY BUSINESS ANIMAL COMPLAINT SUSPICIOUS PERSONS JUVENILE COMPLAINT DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCE MISC OTHER CALLS MESSAGE DELIVERY THEFT U/ 20 MISC OTHER CALLS MISC OTHER CALLS MISC OTHER CALLS MISC OTHER CALLS MISC OTHER CALLS MISC OTHER CALLS CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 911 HANG UP ANIMAL COMPLAINT ANIMAL COMPLAINT MISC OTHER CALLS 12 28 27 24 28 11 26 19 27 12 38 28 5 38 on 28 16 28 28 12 25 9 28 31 47 27 25 1 9 9 47 25 14 45 26 20 26 25 9 11 12 12 28 19 37 28 28 28 28 28 28 43 47 25 25 28 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITf LOG 15-Mar-91 04:20 PM 772 S/B I35 @ 475 MARKER AGENCY ASSIST 21 15-Mar-91 04:50 PM 771 ERVIN'S GARAGE ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 15-Mar-91 04:50 PM 771 201 BOLIVAR CITY BUSINESS 26 15-Mar-91 06:02 PM 771 I35 @ CHAPMAN MOTORIST ASSIST 20 15-Mar-91 06*20 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MISC OTHER CALLS 28 15-Mar-91 08:32 PM 772 907 CHURCH MEET COMPLAINANT 14 16-Mar-91 10:30 AM 771 900 S. 5TH MOTORIST ASSIST 20 16-Mar-91 07:35 PM 772 WAYNE'S AUTO PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 17-Mar-91 01:05 AM 775 CITY PARK MISC OTHER CALLS 28 17-Mar-91 02:03 AM 775 1200 S. STEMMONS AGENCY ASSIST 21 17-Mar-91 02:04 AM 775 1200 S. STEMMONS MISC OTHER CALLS 28 17-Mar-91 08*02 AM 771 HILZ SNIDER CHEV. ALARM CALL 16 17-Mar-91 08*06 AM 771 405 HUGES ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 17-Mar-91 05:25 PM 775 701 DIANE CITY BUSINESS 26 18-Mar-91 05:10 PM 773 100 WILLOW #C DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE i3 18-Mar-91 05*43 PM 773 BURRUS 911 HANG UP 47 18-Mar-91 06:00 PM 773 N.T. PLASTICS ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 18-Mar-91 06:48 PM 771 105 SOUTHPARK DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 18-Mar-91 07:10 PM 773 125 PARAMONT 911 HANG UP 47 18-Mar-91 08*23 PM 773 HILZ SNIDER CHEV. ALARM CALL 16 19-Mar-91 04:43 PM 773 ALLEN @ CAROLYN CITY BUSINESS 26 19-Mar-91 05:00 PM 772 UTITLITY RD @ R.R. FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 19-Mar-91 05:27 PM 773 1200 BOLIVAR DISTURBANCE 12 19-Mar-91 05:47 PM 773 POLICE DEPT. MISC OTHER CALLS 28 19-Mar-91 05w50 PM 772 901 WILLOW MISC TRAFFIC CALL 27 19-Mar-91 06*39 PM 773 817 CARMEN MOTORIST ASSIST 20 19-Mar-91 06*58 PM 773 AUSTIN @ N. STEMMONS MISC OTHER CALLS 28 19-Mar-91 07:23 PM 773 209 DAVID WELFARE CHECK 18 19-Mar-91 08:00 PM 772 2026 BENJAMIN MISC TRAFFIC CALL 27 19-Mar-91 09*28 PM 773 116 PARKER ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 20-Mar-91 12*54 AM 775 800 WILLOW CITY BUSINESS 26 20-Mar-91 01*00 AM 775 MARSHALL @ DENTON CITY BUSINESS 26 20-Mar-91 01406 AM 775 JACKILU @ 2ND CITY BUSINESS 26 20-Mar-91 01:18 AM 775 400 BOLIVAR ALARM CALL 16 20-Mar-91 01:28 AM 774 HORIZON STATION MOTORIST ASSIST 20 20-Mar-91 02:06 AM 775 400 BOLIVAR CITY BUSINESS 26 20-Mar-91 02*45 AM 775 KATHRYN @ HOUSTON CITY BUSINESS 26 20-Mar-91 05:43 AM 774 SNAP SHOP MOTORIST ASSIST 20 20-Mar-91 03:45 PM 772 BURRUS DISTURBANCE 12 20-Mar-91 06:50 PM 772 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL AGENCY ASSIST 21 20-Mar-91 07:03 PM 772 GNB BANK ALARM CALL 16 20-Mar-91 09000 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MISC OTHER CALLS 28 20-Mar-91 09:30 PM 772 9TH @ PECAN SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 21-Mar-91 02:40 AM 775 1000 CHAPMAN MOTORIST ASSIST 20 21-Mar-91 06*21 AM 775 200 S. 1ST. MINOR ACCIDENT 5 21-Mar-91 03:23 PM 772 1201 ELM MISSING PERSONS 54 21-Mar-91 04:55 PM 772 POST OFFICE MOTORIST ASSIST 20 21-Mar-91 09:20 PM 772 819 VERNON CT MOTORIST ASSIST 20 21-Mar-91 10:25 PM 772 455 @ ELEMENTARY MISC TRAFFIC CALL 27 22-Mar-91 01:49 AM 775 100 N. STEMMOMS MINOR ACCIDENT 5 22-Mar-91 12:35 PM 774 FRIENDLY FEED MISC OTHER CALLS 28 22-Mar-91 02:18 PM 774 203 WAYNE MISC OTHER CALLS 28 22-Mar-91 04:35 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 22-Mar-91 08:00 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MISC OTHER CALLS 28 22-Mar-91 09:00 PM 772 7TH @ PECAN MISC TRAFFIC CALL �`, 27 23-Mar-91 01*15 AM 775 703 S. 5TH DISTURBANCE 12 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY LOG 23-Mar-91 04:07 AM 775 POLICE DEPT. PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 23-Mar-91 07*48 AM 773 715 CHURCH MISC OTHER CALLS 28 23-Mar-91 10:44 AM 773 211 SMITH ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 23-Mar-91 12:57 PM 773 106 S. 3RD ARREST - FELONY 1 23-Mar-91 03:00 PM 772 ROBINSON MOTOR THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 23-Mar-91 04:15 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 23-Mar-91 04*45 PM 772 1609 CHAPMAN SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 23-Mar-91 05:25 PM 772 502 N. 3RD THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 23-Mar-91 06*28 PM 772 N/B I35 @ S. CITY MOTORIST ASSIST 20 23-Mar-91 08:53 PM 772 SNAP SHOP CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 43 23-Mar-91 11m20 PM 775 CITGO HARRASSMENT 45 24-Mar-91 12:08 AM 775 400 S. STEMMONS MOTORIST ASSIST 20 24-Mar-91 02:57 AM 775 DENTON REGIONAL MISC OTHER CALLS 28 24-Mar-91 12:38 PM 771 102 8TH MINOR ACCIDENT 5 24-Mar-91 03:5O PM 773 POLICE DEPT.. THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 24-Mar-91 04:12 PM 773 1611 FAIRFIELD MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 24-Mar-91 07:46 PM 773 I35 N/B @ 455 EXIT ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 24-Mar-91 10:20 PM 773 1608 BROOKGLEN MEET COMPLAINANT 14 25-Mar-91 09:24 PM 773 S/B 135 @ LOOP 138 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 25-Mar-91 10042 PM 773 CHAPMAN @ ELEMENTARY ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 26-Mar-91 03:40 AM 774 MIDDLE SCHOOL SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 26-Mar-91 04*05 AM 774 MARCIA @ KATHRAN MISC TRAFFIC CALL 27 26-Mar-91 04:20 AM 774 S/B STEMMONS @ 477 ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 26-Mar-91 03:45 PM 772 10TH @ CHAPMAN ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 26-Mar-91 06e24 PM 772 102 PARMA CT WELFARE CHECK 18 26-Mar-91 07:03 PM 773 301 S. 10TH THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 26-Mar-91 08:00 PM 772 212 S. 7TH MOTORIST ASSIST 20 27-Mar-91 05:05 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MEET COMPLAINANT 14 28-Mar-91 12:25 AM 774 GRACIES OPEN BUILDING 17 28-Mar-91 01:40 AM 774 HILZ SNIDER CHEV. ALARM CALL 16 28-Mar-91 07vOO AM 774 CITGO STATION SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 28-Mar-91 08:01 AM 771 455 @ ACKER MINOR ACCIDENT 5 28-Mar-91 05:00 PM 772 COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY BUSINESS 26 28-Mar-91 05:43 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MEET COMPLAINANT 14 28-Mar-91 09:25 PM 772 114 S. 3RD SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 28-Mar-91 10:47 PM 772 100 SIMS DISTURBANCE 12 29=Mar-91 01:50 AM 775 AUSTIN @ KEATON ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 29-Mar-91 12*45 PM 771 1106 CHURCH 911 HANG UP 47 29-Mar-91 03:05 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, MEET COMPLAINANT 14 29-Mar-91 03:45 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MEET COMPLAINANT 14 29-Mar-91 05e2O PM 772 700 ELM MOTORIST ASSIST 20 29-Mar-91 07:45 PM 772 5TH @ 455 HARRASSMENT 45 29-Mar-91 08:08 PM 772 402 ACKER #2 FORGERY/ FRAUD 53 29-Mar-91 09:45 PM 772 150 PRAIRIE ASSAULT 33 30-Mar-91 01:53 AM 774 1ST @ CHAPMAN ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 30-Mar-91 02:35 AM 774 905 ELM DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 30-Mar-91 06:18 AM 774 400 BOLIVAR ALARM CALL 16 30-Mar-91 02:53 PM 772 512 MARSHALL JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 30-Mar-91 03:43 PM 772 N/B I35 @ LOIS RD. AGENCY ASSIST 21 30-Mar-91 04:03 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, MISC OTHER CALLS 28 30-Mar-91 04:35 PM 772 409 S. 2ND MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 30-Mar-91 05:13 PM 772 310 MARSHALL MISC OFFENSE REPORT 56 30-Mar-91 07*22 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, MISC OTHER CALLS 28 30-Mar-91 09sO3 PM 772 COKER'S CAR WASH MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 30-Mar-91 10:35 PM 772 MEGA LIFE CENTER MOTORIST ASSIST 20 30-Mar-91 10:41 PM 772 CITGO MEET COMPLAINANT �I�` 14 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITr LOG ,31-Mar-91 03:54 AM 774 200 E. WILLOW MESSAGE DELIVERY 19 31-Mar-91 04:27 AM 774 CARE INN FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 31-Mar-91 10:31 AM 771 I35 @ CHAPMAN OTHER ESCORT 23 31-Mar-91 11:10 AM 771 LOIS RD, WEST AGENCY ASSIST 21 31-Mar-91 12:15 PM 771 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MOTORIST ASSIST 20 31-Mar-91 01:40 PM 771 MEGA LIFE MESSAGE DELIVERY 19 31-Mar-91 01:51 PM 771 905 N. 8TH ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITt LOG CALL DATE TIME RECD OFFICERS CALL ADDRESS CALL TYPE CODE 04-Mar-91 07:03 PM 773 HORIZON STATION ARREST - FELONY 1 05-Mar-91 06w40 PM 772 411 S. 7TH ARREST - FELONY 1 05-Mar-91 03:10 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. ARREST - FELONY 1 13-Mar-91 07*10 PM 773 153 PRAIRIE ARREST - FELONY 1 23-Mar-91 12:57 PM 773 106 S. 3RD ARREST - FELONY 1 03-Mar-91 12:07 AM 774 CITGO STATION ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 04-Mar-91 01:03 AM 774 455 @ I35 ACCESS ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 17-Mar-91 08:06 AM 771 405 HUGES ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 26-Mar-91 04:20 AM 774 S/B STEMMONS @ 477 ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 26-Mar-91 03:45 PM 772 10TH @ CHAPMAN ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 30-Mar-91 01:53 AM 774 1ST @ CHAPMAN ARREST - MISDEMEANOR 2 01-Mar-91 03:30 PM 772 600 N. KEATON MINOR ACCIDENT 5 10-Mar-91 04:56 PM 773 1605 FAIRFIELD MINOR ACCIDENT 5 2i-Mar-91 06:21 AM 775 200 S. 1ST. MINOR ACCIDENT 5 22-Mar-91 01*49 AM 775 100 N. STEMMOMS MINOR ACCIDENT 5 24-Mar-91 12:38 PM 771 102 8TH MINOR ACCIDENT 5 28-Mar-91 08:01 AM 771 455 @ ACKER MINOR ACCIDENT 5 07-Mar-91 04:37 PM 772 MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 24-Mar-91 04:12 PM 773 1611 FAIRFIELD MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 30-Mar-91 04:35 PM 772 409 S. 2ND MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 30-Mar-91 09:03 PM 772 COKER'S CAR WASH MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6 08-Mar-91 08000 PM 772 CITGO STATION FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 19-Mar-91 05:00 PM 772 UTITLITY RD @ R.R. FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 31-Mar-91 04:27 AM 774 CARE INN FIRE CALL ASSIST 7 06-Mar-91 09:36 PM 772 147 PRAIRIE SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 23-Mar-91 04:45 PM 772 1609 CHAPMAN SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 26-Mar-91 03:40 AM 774 MIDDLE SCHOOL SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 8 07-Mar-91 11:05 PM 775 523 KEATON SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 12-Mar-91 05:56 PM 773 N. STEMMONS @ CHURCH SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 13-Mar-91 11:09 PM 775 802 WILLOW SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 13-Mar-91 11:09 PM 773 802 WILLOW SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 14-Mar-91 07*10 PM 772 CITGO SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 20-Mar-91 09:30 PM 772 9TH @ PECAN SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 28-Mar-91 09:25 PM 772 114 S. 3RD SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 28-Mar-91 07:00 AM 774 CITGO STATION SUSPICIOUS PERSONS 9 074-Mar-91 09:16 PM 772 CITGO STATION SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE 10 01-Mar-91 03:05 PM 772 POST OFFICE JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 02-Mar-91 11:57 AM 773 108 JACKILU JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 03-Mar-91 03:48 PM 773 202 PECAN #7 JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 06-Mar-91 05030 PM 772 SANGER DEPOT JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 09-Mar-91 05015 PM 772 SANGER DEPOT JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 14-Mar-91 07:29 PM 772 302 WOOD JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 23-Mar-91 04:15 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 30-Mar-91 02:53 PM 772 512 MARSHALL JUVENILE COMPLAINT 11 07-Mar-91 09:15 AM 774 903 N. 6TH DISTURBANCE 12 08-Mar-91 11:43 PM 775 101 WILLOW DISTURBANCE 12 10-Mar-91 12:15 PM 772 1ST @ WOOD DISTURBANCE 12 12-Mar-91 11:15 AM 772 310 S. 1ST DISTURBANCE 12 14-Mar-91 08:52 PM 772 100 SIMS DISTURBANCE 12 14-Mar-91 10*35 PM 772 401 MARSHALL DISTURBANCE 12 19-Mar-91 05:27 PM 773 1200 BOLIVAR DISTURBANCE: 12 20-Mar-91 03*45 PM 772 BURRUS DISTURBANCE 12 23-Mar-91 01*15 AM 775 703 S. 5TH DISTURBANCE 12 28-Mar-91 10:47 PM 772 100 SIMS DISTURBANCE 12 06-Mar-91 08:50 PM 773 203 DAVID DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY LOG 18-Mar-91 06:48 PM 771 105 SOUTHPARK DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 18-Mar-91 05:10 PM 773 100 WILLOW #C DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 30-Mar-91 02:35 AM 774 905 ELM DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 06-Mar-91 06@10 PM 772 411 S. 7TH MEET COMPLAINANT 06-Mar-91 07:55 PM 772 802 PECAN MEET COMPLAINANT 06-Mar-91 03:30 PM 772 1204 12TH MEET COMPLAINANT 08-Mar-91 06:15 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MEET COMPLAINANT 08-Mar-91 06:10 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MEET COMPLAINANT 14-Mar-91 02*10 PM 771 POLICE DEPT. MEET COMPLAINANT 15-Mar-91 08:32 PM 772 907 CHURCH MEET COMPLAINANT 24-Mar-91 10:20 PM 773 1608 BROOKGLEN MEET COMPLAINANT 27-Mar-91 05:05 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, MEET COMPLAINANT 28-Mar-91 05:43 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. MEET COMPLAINANT 29-Mar-91 03:45 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, MEET COMPLAINANT 29-Mar-91 03:05 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, MEET COMPLAINANT 30-Mar-91 10*41 PM 772 CITGO MEET COMPLAINANT 02-Mar-91 12*35 AM 775 UNKNOWN PHONE COMPLAINANT 16-Mar-91 07*35 PM 772 WAYNE'S AUTO PHONE COMPLAINANT 23-Mar-91 04:07 AM 775 POLICE DEPT. PHONE COMPLAINANT 01-Mar-91 12:21 AM 775 SNAP SHOP ALARM CALL 11-Mar-91 06:50 PM 773 400 BOLIVAR ALARM CALL 17-Mar-91 08:02 AM 771 HILZ SNIDER CHEV. ALARM CALL 18-Mar-91 08:23 PM 773 HILZ SNIDER CHEV, ALARM CALL 20-Mar-91 01:18 AM 775 400 BOLIVAR ALARM CALL 20-Mar-91 07*03 PM 772 GNB BANK ALARM CALL 28-Mar-91 01:40 AM 774 HILZ SNIDER CHEV. ALARM CALL 30-Mar-91 06*18 AM 774 400 BOLIVAR ALARM CALL 06-Mar-91 07618 PM 773 LANDMARK BAPTIST OPEN BUILDING 08-Mar-91 12:29 AM 775 215 ELM OPEN BUILDING 28-Mar-91 12:25 AM 774 GRACIES OPEN BUILDING 07-Mar-91 12:20 AM 775 901 PECAN WELFARE CHECK 19-Mar-91 07*23 PM 773 209 DAVID WELFARE CHECK 26-Mar-91 06:24 PM 772 102 PARMA CT WELFARE CHECK 09-Mar-91 08*46 PM 772 1100 AUSTIN #40 MESSAGE DELIVERY 15-Mar-91 05*15 AM 775 502 OAK MESSAGE DELIVERY 31-Mar-91 01:40 PM 771 MEGA LIFE MESSAGE DELIVERY 31t-Mar-91 03:54 AM 774 200 E. WILLOW MESSAGE DELIVERY 04-Mar-91 04*44 PM 773 CARE INN MOTORIST ASSIST 06-Mar-91 07w50 PM 773 BURRUS MOTORIST ASSIST 08-Mar-91 04*10 PM 772 FOOTBALL FIELD MOTORIST ASSIST 11-Mar-91 03:55 PM 773 206 SOUTHSIDE MOTORIST ASSIST 14-Mar-91 05:20 PM 772 141 SHADY GROVE MOTORIST ASSIST 15-Mar-91 06:02 PM 771 I35 @ CHAPMAN MOTORIST ASSIST 16-Mar-91 10:30 AM 771 900 S. 5TH MOTORIST ASSIST 19-Mar-91 06:39 PM 773 817 CARMEN MOTORIST ASSIST 20-Mar-91 01*28 AM 774 HORIZON STATION MOTORIST ASSIST 20-Mar-91 05:43 AM 774 SNAP SHOP MOTORIST ASSIST 21-Mar-91 09:20 PM 772 819 VERNON CT MOTORIST ASSIST 21-Mar-91 04:55 PM 772 POST OFFICE MOTORIST ASSIST 21-Mar-91 02:40 AM 775 1000 CHAPMAN MOTORIST ASSIST 23-Mar-91 06:28 PM 772 N/B I35 @ S. CITY MOTORIST ASSIST 24-Mar-91 12:08 AM 775 400 S. STEMMONS MOTORIST ASSIST 26-Mar-91 08:00 PM 772 212 S. 7TH MOTORIST ASSIST 29-Mar-91 05m20 PM 772 700 ELM MOTORIST ASSIST 30-Mar-91 10:35 PM 772 MEGA LIFE CENTER MOTORIST ASSIST 31-Mar-91 12:15 PM 771 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MOTORIST ASSIST 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVIT? LOG 05-Mar-91 02:45 PM 773 W W GRILL AGENCY ASSIST 06-Mar-91 04*44 PM 773 CITGO STATION AGENCY ASSIST 15-Mar-91 04e2O PM 772 S/B I35 @ 475 MARKER AGENCY ASSIST 17-Mar-91 02:03 AM 775 1200 S. STEMMONS AGENCY ASSIST 20-Mar-91 06:50 PM 772 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL AGENCY ASSIST 30-Mar-91 03:43 PM 772 N/B I35 @ LOIS RD. AGENCY ASSIST 31-Mar-91 11:10 AM 771 LOIS RD. WEST AGENCY ASSIST 07-Mar-91 04:15 AM 775 CITGO STATION OTHER ESCORT 31-Mar-91 10:31 AM 771 I35 @ CHAPMAN OTHER ESCORT 03-Mar-91 11:01 AM 771 712 PECAN CIVIL STANDBY 09-Mar-91 10:53 AM 773 305 N. 5TH CIVIL STANDBY 01-Mar-91 04:40 PM 772 512 MARSHALL ANIMAL COMPLAINT 02-Mar-91 03:15 PM 772 CANINE CREATIONS ANIMAL COMPLAINT 04-Mar-91 03:53 PM 773 606 PLUM ANIMAL COMPLAINT 05-Mar-91 09*23 AM 771 OAK @ WILLOW ANIMAL COMPLAINT 05-Mar-91 09:15 AM 771 KEATON @ DUCK CREEK ANIMAL COMPLAINT 07-Mar-91 04:35 PM 772 109 S. 5TH ANIMAL COMPLAINT O8-Mar-91 11*18 AM 774 DIANE DR. ANIMAL COMPLAINT 12-Mar-91 01:50 PM 772 514 OAK ANIMAL COMPLAINT 13-Mar-91 06o02 PM 773 514 OAK ANIMAL COMPLAINT 14-Mar-91 05:39 PM 772 SMHP ANIMAL COMPLAINT 14-Mar-91 08*10 AM 771 HOUSTON @ DIANE ANIMAL COMPLAINT 15-Mar-91 02:10 PM 771 905 N. 8TH ANIMAL COMPLAINT 15-Mar-91 04m5O PM 771 ERVIN'S GARAGE ANIMAL COMPLAINT 15-Mar-91 01:44 PM 774 KEATON @ CARMEN ANIMAL COMPLAINT 18-Mar-91 06*00 PM 773 N.T. PLASTICS ANIMAL COMPLAINT 19-Mar-91 09:28 PM 773 116 PARKER ANIMAL COMPLAINT 23-Mar-91 10:44 AM 773 211 SMITH ANIMAL COMPLAINT 24-Mar-91 07:46 PM 773 135 N/B @ 455 EXIT ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25-Mar-91 10*42 PM 773 CHAPMAN @ ELEMENTARY ANIMAL COMPLAINT 29-Mar-91 01:50 AM 775 AUSTIN @ KEATON ANIMAL COMPLAINT 31-Mar-91 01:51 PM 771 905 N. 8TH ANIMAL COMPLAINT 09-Mar-91 06:40 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, CITY BUSINESS 14-Mar-91 04*25 PM 772 POST OFFICE CITY BUSINESS 14-Mar-91 05:35 PM 772 POST OFFICE CITY BUSINESS 15-Mar-91 04:50 PM 771 201 BOLIVAR CITY BUSINESS 17-Mar-91 05*25 PM 775 701 DIANE CITY BUSINESS 19-Mar-91 04*43 PM 773 ALLEN @ CAROLYN CITY BUSINESS 20-Mar-91 02:06 AM 775 400 BOLIVAR CITY BUSINESS 20-Mar-91 12:54 AM 775 800 WILLOW CITY BUSINESS 20-Mar-91 02*45 AM 775 KATHRYN @ HOUSTON CITY BUSINESS 20-Mar-91 01:06 AM 775 JACKILU @ 2ND CITY BUSINESS 20-Mar-91 01:00 AM 775 MARSHALL @ DENTON CITY BUSINESS 28-Mar-91 05:00 PM 772 COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY BUSINESS 05-Mar-91 03:53 PM 773 BOLIVAR @ 12TH MISC TRAFFIC CALL 08-Mar-91 12:58 AM 775 WEST CHAPMAN MISC TRAFFIC CALL 09-Mar-91 01:41 AM 775 S/B I35 MISC TRAFFIC CALL 10-Mar-91 03:00 AM 774 CITGO MISC TRAFFIC CALL 13-Mar-91 04*55 PM 773 108 FREEZE MISC TRAFFIC CALL 19-Mar-91 05:50 PM 772 901 WILLOW MISC TRAFFIC CALL 19-Mar-91 08:00 PM 772 2026 BENJAMIN MISC TRAFFIC CALL 21-Mar-91 10:25 PM 772 455 @ ELEMENTARY MISC TRAFFIC CALL "22-Mar-91 09000 PM 772 7TH @ PECAN MISC TRAFFIC CALL 26-Mar-91 04*05 AM 774 MARCIA @ KATHRAN MISC TRAFFIC CALL � rF 01-Mar-91 06:23 PM 772 SANGER DRUG STORE MISC OTHER CALLS 02-Mar-91 12:05 AM 775 CITY PARK MISC OTHER CALLS SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITi' LOG 03-Mar-91 03:00 PM 773 800 S. 2ND 05-Mar-91 09:00 PM 772 TUTTLE ELECTRIC 08-Mar-91 12:00 PM 774 LOCUST ST 09-Mar-91 04:45 PM 772 455 @ 5TH 09-Mar-91 12:06 AM 775 455 AT I35 10-Mar-91 03*19 PM 773 300 S. STEMMONS 11-Mar-91 10:34 PM 773 1105 PECAN 11-Mar-91 05:46 PM 773 913 N. 7TH 12-Mar-91 10:00 AM 772 POLICE DEPT. 12-Mar-91 06:28 PM 773 802 PECAN 15-Mar-91 06:20 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. 15-Mar-91 11:22 AM 774 202 DIANE 15-Mar-91 11:18 AM 774 103 S. PARK 15-Mar-91 03:30 PM 774 RAILROAD AVE. 15-Mar-91 11:10 AM 774 106 S. MEADOW 15-Mar-91 03:57 AM 775 315 S. 7TH 15-Mar-91 09:03 AM 774 CHURCH @ DENTON 15-Mar-91 11:14 AM 774 122 S. MEADOW 15-Mar-91 08:44 AM 774 CHAPMAN @ I35 17-Mar-91 01:05 AM 775 CITY PARK 17-Mar-91 02:04 AM 775 1200 S. STEMMONS 19-Mar-91 06:58 PM 773 AUSTIN @ N. STEMMONS 19-Mar-91 05:47 PM 773 POLICE DEPT. 20-Mar-91 09:00 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. 22-Mar-91 02:18 PM 774 203 WAYNE 22-Mar-91 12:35 PM 774 FRIENDLY FEED 22-Mar-91 08:00 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. 23-Mar-91 07:48 AM 773 715 CHURCH 24-Mar-91 02:57 AM 775 DENTON REGIONAL 25-Mar-91 09:24 PM 773 S/B 135 @ LOOP 138 30-Mar-91 04*03 PM 772 POLICE DEPT, 30-Mar-91 07:22 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. 02-Mar-91 07:03 PM 772 920 N. 8TH 04-Mar-91 04:00 PM 773 1204 12TH 13-Mar-91 04:32 AM 775 802 WILLOW 29-Mar-91 09:45 PM 772 150 PRAIRIE 03-Mar-91 09:45 AM 771 715 CHURCH 15-Mar-91 05:40 AM 775 901 N. STEMMONS 10-Mar-91 06:42 PM 773 223 HILLCREST 10-Mar-91 01:50 PM 772 1004 WOOD 22-Mar-91 04:35 PM 772 POLICE DEPT. 23-Mar-91 05:25 PM 772 502 N. 3RD 23-Mar-91 03:00 PM 772 ROBINSON MOTOR 24-Mar-91 03:50 PM 773 POLICE DEPT. 26-Mar-91 07wO3 PM 773 301 S. 10TH 08-Mar-91 07:07 PM 772 108 JACKILU 15-Mar-91 11:26 AM 774 122 SOUTHSIDE 23-Mar-91 08:53 PM 772 SNAP SHOP 06-Mar-91 06:11 PM 773 303 S. 3RD 14-Mar-91 03:10 PM 772 212 S. 4TH 23-Mar-91 11:20 PM 775 CITGO 29-Mar-91 07:45 PM 772 5TH @ 455 -` 01-Mar-91 04:25 PM 772 100 WILLOW APT. #C 08-Mar-91 07:30 PM 772 806 S. KEATON 13-Mar-91 04:4O PM 773 509 N. 10 TH 13-Mar-91 11:24 PM 773 311 S. 5TH MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 BURGLARY OF HABITATION 29 BURGLARY OF HABITATION 29 BURGLARY OF VEHICLE 31 ASSAULT 33 AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 34 THEFT U/ 20 37 THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 43 CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 43 CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 43 HARRASSMENT 45 HARRASSMENT 45 HARRASSMENT 45 HARRASSMENT 45 911 HANG UP 47 91 1 HANG UP € 47 911 HANG UP 47 911 HANG UP 47 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY* LOG 15-Mar-91 12:15 PM 774 802 WILLOW 911 HANG UP 47 18-Mar-91 05:43 PM 773 BURRUS 911 HANG UP 47 18-Mar-91 07:10 PM 773 125 PARAMONT 911 HANG UP 47 29-Mar-91 12:45 PM 771 1106 CHURCH 911 HANG UP 47 29-Mar-91 08:08 PM 772 402 ACKER #2 FORGERY/ FRAUD 53 21-Mar-91 03:23 PM 772 1201 ELM MISSING PERSONS 54 30-Mar-91 05:13 PM 772 310 MARSHALL MISC OFFENSE REPORT 56 /Ve.1 A-rm f ( j-an� r, i� oL P ci ka�� j�a�Mteto/ ybve vow � , how ,�r`es7 e$l�h , to S , �t h a �s e aT T4� (`1 is H �s 11 Oki Th et ►, bokwI ^tery / n ,� , A law �7 • e 7— g:rooL Pt a K� Il�z w, r� , h �'� l i a.►�� . 'T D sue. ►-7 Iv b T�A VV'VN bov CL l� � To k03e •7keY TlIeLr �.�,(� H G� fie- � �`' I ,�,_.�I � d •�-� �' h- �-V'�- ��`� MONTHLY REPORT It T A l /" 1:1 f1 1'1 11 11 i T r T r. r A t .1 N *ILY v[2�L< rUOL 1C Lloaft Cl MARCH 1991 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson ADMINISTRATTUN: Drafted a proposed budget for fiscal year 91-92 and submitted it to the city administrator. Meetings attended: Publicity Committee Meeting, 3/19, Fort Worth Disaster Preparedness Workshop, 3/21, Lewisville PUBLT C RELA`1'I UNS Read stories to a fourth and fifth grade class as part of Public Schools Week. Drew up a new library chart to help patrons find their way around the library. SPTiff IALI PkUJEG`1'S: Althoucah �tl� goal was not met, enough Campbell's labels were collected to order 10 children's books. PRUVRAMS: "`i'hings in the Sky" was the theme for the month. Weekly themes included "Airplanes and Kites", "Sun, Moon and Stars", "Birds", and "Weather". MARCH 1991 STATISTICS Mar 90 Mar 91 BORROWER CARDS: Last month 1,333 1,901 New cards 20 26 Cards withdrawn 0 1 TOTAL 10353 10426 CIRCULATIQN: Adult nonfiction 145 150 Adult fiction 71 102 Junior fiction 130 56 Child's nonfiction 68 158 Child's fiction 323 210 Paperback fiction 130 238 Magazines 5 10 Crystal 0 1 Videos 91 215 Cassette players 4 4 Miscellaneous 3 7 TOTAL 9470 1, 151 PATRON VISITS: 385 437 (getting books) 279 365 PROGRAMS: Number of programs 9 4 Total attendance 40 22 VULUN'1'EEkS Number of adults 4 3 Number of juniors 1 1 Total hours 10 12 COLLECTION: Last month 10,499 10,390 Books added 50 70 Books withdrawn 56 87 Total Hardbacks 10,443 10,373 Paperbacks 41031 TOTAL COLLECTION 14,404 REVN'NUE: Overdue fines $27.70 $68.40 ILL postage 5.17 Donations 4.18 0.20 TOTAL $37.05 $68.60