02/04/1991-CC-Agenda Packet-Regularj 1 Monday, February ! 1991 01 BOLIVAR 1. Call to Order, Inuatian and Pledge to the Flag 2. Iviinutes 3. Disbursements .. Citizen's Input 5> Consider end Possible Action on Reapplying for Municipal Swimming Pool Grant. . City Administration Report 7. Executive Session According to Article 5252-17, Vernon's Civil Statutes, (f), Negotiations for Acquisition of Real Property 9, Any Other SUCK Matters 10. Adjournment Etta Stogsdill — Acting City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Meeting January 22, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Wendell Thomas, and Councilwoman Margie Braxton MEMBERS ABSENT. Councilman Danny McDaniel J T nEt»i. S PRESENT. City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Electric Supt, Larry Yoast, Public Works Supt. Chuck Tucker, and Jeanne DeVore - Sanger Courier invocation and ledthepledge • the flag. 2. Minutes were approved as printed. V. Disbursements - Motion Was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman Thomas to approve the disbursements. Motion carried. �. Citizen`s Input -None 5. Discussion of Fire Ant Beds on Public fi. C7. W, - J. P. Hampton Mr. Hampton was not present to discuss this agenda item; however, City Mana6e0L stated that Mr. Hampton's basic concern was the Fire Ant Beds on Public R. G. W. Discussion. Consensus of City Council that it is the homeowner's responsibility to take care of the problem. 9. Discussion of Solid Waste Revenues Discussion, This item Was tabled for tl�e riext two r�7onths. Reschedule for the last meeting in March, 1991, �:C Minrxtes, 1f22�91, page 2 i . Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization for Letting of Bids to Paint !� Repair 200,000 Gallon Ground Storage Tank Motion was oracle by Councilman McNeill to authorize for Let.t.ing ��f Bids to Paint and Repair 200,000 Gallon Ground Water Storage Tank and paint the exterior. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 0. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Replacement of Fire hydrants Chuck Tucker, Public Works Supt., requested to purchase fourteen (14� fire hydrants to replace the old ones that are in place and that need to be changed. out. Discussion. Councilman Jenkins made the motion to purchase twenty (20) fire hydrants at a cost of $625 and to lae paid for out of the Utility Bond Construction Funds. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion arrrended to reflect that the City purchase twenty (20� fire hydrants up to 12,500.00 and to be paid for out of Utility Bond Construction. Funds. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Representative to Local Board of Volunteer Fire Fighters Pension Plan Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton and seconded by Councilman Thomas to appoint Councilman Carroll McNeill. to serve this term. Motion carried. 10. City AdrnirZistration Report; r.• ., s . • a. New police vehicle is riow in service. b. Parks Board is currently preparing spark/expansion improvement plans for consideration on FY 91I92 Budget. CC Minutes, 1/22/91, page 3 c. On 1-24-91, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission will decide whether or not City will be funded for municipal swimming pool. d. City Manager reported he had talked to Wilson Dolman who will be transferred and will be replaced by Ron Holliday who oversees the dept. concerning the Marina. Mr. Dolman advised that the only thing holding the Marina is the signing of the contracts between the Corp, of Engineers and the City of Dallas who has objections to the Marina, Dolman adv i a that there is no problem and as soon as contracts are signed they will proceed. 11. Executive Session According to Article 5252-17, Vernon's Civil Statutes, (f), Negotiations for Acquisition of Real Property Mayor Arrr�stro�ig coriveried the City Couricil into Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. city Council reconvened from Executive session at 7:48 p. m. 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to table this item on Negotiations for Acquisition of Real Property until the next City Council Meeting scheduled for February 4, 1991. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 13. Any tJther Such Matters: a. Councilman Thomas asked if there are cut-off valves when there are major water leaks in town, Chuck Tucker, Public Works Supt., advised that cut-off valves are located all throughout town. b. Councilman Jenkins asked what kind of work was done on 455. Vfkgt it sewer collaiDse. CC Minutes, 1/22/91, page 4 c. Councilman Jenkins also asked about the work on 5th Street. Chuck Tucker replied that they were working on a water main. d. Councilman Jenkins also asked if the City carxld possibly do something about the chuck holes south of Duck Creek Road on Keaton Road. /".s t A T 1 + .a L.e. eo ., r.ia nl�.-.• a v.ea.�t �. vviiaa%iarfiia.n av'lil`veial s�iatc^u uc vi+'i3a �onvcrned u.,.rv�it �:.� ...L... patching the City is doing. His main concern is that City employees are doing the work properly. f. Chuck 'Tucker advised. there would be a Demonstration of the Jaws of Life Saturday afternoon. g. Mayor Artristror�g also advised tY�at tYiere will be a C1iatYiber of Commerce Economic Development Committee Meeting, Monday night at 7 p.m. at the Community Center. 14. Meeting adjaurnc-�.. >AVINGS � PAYMENTS FEE�RUARY �b, 1991 CITY OF SANDER 5'I'. FD. INDE81"EDNE55 (TT192211) (GENERAL FUND) GENERAL FD. EQUIP. REPL. ACCT. (*176891) (GENERAL FUND) UTILITY INT. & SINKING (*192245) (ENTERPRISt� f=UND) UT. FD. EQUIP< REPL. (4160002) (ENTERPRISE FUND) S. E. NOTE PAYMENT 10TH TO GNB (ENTERPRISE) FIRE TRK. SAVINGS ACCT. (*197673) (GENERAL FUND) GENERAL FUND S.BK. 26TH•—PATCHMAN 9,275.00 20,A78.00 1,1�46.0�1 1,251.48 '•�cCtlf:,'U F 4'1-.I�lT_7L! I r i`�i`�A1F�.' I`f- OL.E i.. J.::;..! 1: VI"' , T VOICE AMOUN'i D T G OUNT :t.—• ;=�fat�a I"a �: T i-t���ri�r{�; G/L 1?TS T F,1.BUTTi7N 4i_'1.0 C:''.110 i 1n PULLF..dY AND 2�' BELTS, VE.N?::ai f r? CI'I HL_ c.' 1.: Act �'_ ,=,:t:;t�} IF"?L`.Ei� �. TCl`�L_f�tF4 C•(Ji�ll-'f=ilt4`'� ar PID 7515 1 E,,, 9 G/L DT_;TRIF;JTJmlON {•(;lnfi4,00 G, al 1. BOOK.. 1= D I L T, I-? i A F; vr:NDI_IF.: El r �!i'`st:? �,[�?F,fTTFfdi�1 C;C1P.Iti"l•, i�;ti_ G/L_. 1101,STRIBUTfO11161 r47� ij;%iat_; 4,4,,.J.oc) 5 {F�So LOADER WORK �tC�� l Eia li F?`t rF'i!i'lIT VENDOR TF.)IT AL_ 435n ��at_a t. o ,t�_ ={•i�;.)t_a c{�raTFif'iL_ ..r�l._Irf='L-It�l��!{� c�:�_ G/L Di?34RI BUT i:ON r..]ca, t?10t_a 467 G/L ii.11 TR.IBU T 10N 4 '�r t=>.it.?t i rWay Cal G/L DT:_TRTB U`i'T0N t;•. )'iCat:? t :`—_!i [7/L D 1 S`f F;.LLS{.)'I LQ i I fi24 t? t:?ta i="tu 41 u G.71L F. I STR I Ell IT I ON tt33, 1)4100 f3/L. DI;=iF:IFIUi701,11 ;wFovin=t_? i'b.,`t_a G/L. DI S_,TR I BUTI ON 4 ;..a� C?1Ca{} ;=i `.!u E!7 G,`L Li'r1.Etf_1TI0ti _�nt:alt;Ca w,`t',:'DIwD G L L'ISteT R TBUI ION 42%*- Ca'1 t)C} , G L- DItSTRIBUT ION 1 ;Cat? ; .,_, Tl:_,_Ew1=l]FJNE !3ERVICE Vj=ftJ.l.-iOR 1*0I HL. 88 1, t-} I..: li•H F'II,I I I IJ{T IlL_ S f...} — i C_ I �'_} {.,, _ki.a il L ... '1': t"''I...I � i,' ti' f •� c !� 1 a '..11 � .I, 44 ll.tl • 1 CASE E= OF KITCHEN T 01-JEL S AND I f. AS11F_ lO I L.E T VENDOR TOTAL f-lE_ - _;ta COCA COLA F{t? f l I._T,"TI; 11I7W t_1i- N I G/qL DTSTR E'sUT 9 Opj 1;-4iD' 1F;Ut_a i_E.�'1'wi t• E_ I ON COKE Pp1FL:ETIIIE VENDOR TOTAL .jIA I D Aklf-1 fsOir{Mk Fit_: I f-il_, CREDIT UFjF_'I'v 1 t_a, t_at�a !F I F CiPL1`4 HE.;C:(ll_IN l S PH t t—:in+LL L.1; `T' 1. NU5 �1T It1UClF vF:�P1C?{J[I h;FiT1E 7ci?,175 i 7t_i, F.? t_}t.e 1 r`Un .J n �`i !_ I}T::."!k a-i-(JI lLt�� —i'�i l�n 19t_?t_1 1. ?0=6 Ir .; VI::PdL"'OR TO AL 70, F.: t?t? l rr }n Et n •?'r r• + t I '(_{ E:j'_}..i i (� R� % nq F+=t l_?t_? �:�_I % n ('!`r G/L D I ra!•I R is �;U it_H `� 14= 1'_)i_?f_? i�.'��Jn 1. /L DU31 RI I:,LI•i ION 414n 190t_} 42, G/L DItD T RIFj,Ili -i iJi' 41 n 3.9C}t} r;t:}nC)C) 1.2 I I E;(11�I:_; AkID FtOXE: OF 1''F1'z F SHEETS a+C?C}CY l I T'r` 1, IE' DENTON, t=t€ U. }i .='U E,G4(s 15 I 1 C;n 981 ::Y0 1; '{ 1i} 9 E: E,IL !?11131RIEUI ION 17nC?40o 151.1,C?>'_J,, j13f =GLj f]lz rjC3 ' PCI TL•L•=: C.� Jn f_!t_} n t_!t_3 i�'-.!„ ('ir`�._DISTI �'IEsU�i 140N 4F.,h_ 0,6:0 t_?t1 WA TES R ANALYSIS `dENP.ln, TOTAL. '1n 1E5nLlA i?r'? �fj_.. 1.!'}t'}ijCi iti.�I�ETt7t�i C:Un E!_IeG+Tn C;Ci--Ct(='n q It�1i�:s t rlt_ T R iE,Uj ICtN 4 4v06'Y0 ; ;=Ilia 'I DUCK CREEK RLin LIFT SITA iO et?Fh1Ii(:jE 70TE'=tL t:iC; ;::'C� 1 n 11— 1. :^,;�}t.Y T�cr,��•(.a!•,i r���cr,I�s� �: �Jr� (' Jj __J _ i�}I.'=,(RIIBUi?:[li1 4;4n 1.1t7 OX`it E]q CYLINDERS tREFIL..t._f ��i=11Yt11 TE1? htLt}f_? r: n ;t,? :. i'-- i.7itiC; Fi1{i'T' !n(irEF:l'FI i='lJCELIf T_IEtRrIE;Y ) 1} i:a (r:I El_ITI{:{;7 'i (.gin ii;-'t.?i:; S1i+n tYt} VE:.IUIiIiR i'CIii=tL F:r":nt,;;:Y (}iY L+ra:4DO ta,ii_ iiF,1TtIE{I.Ji TQ;E /a '1nC?Gf;i_Y C:0 1.t K.F- YEl FOR 11=tE fSFiOE t'a0 7 17 190 i'17' Ce tY Ca1L. DI i RIt,LIT I(:1T1 ,1n i_) Cdo 1.4n 45 U/`L TiI lE IFEUi'ist{1 1nC)cl0(1? 14n fw; 1. C} 1 I.T 141-1 FUi n+CtC ;l t.lE rtF c.)va"INr;ER C.1FDE:N Cji-.COUNTS F'HYH .[=: l.:i TIN(i I,�,; -, a , Vf h� L C-Rt '�i4:NII)0Ho NAME I `11VO I CE:. f f7l0uIaT 1:i 14,Ct:IiJ1.i I OPEN VE=i`d1af� TO��L 1,t)8 t_it:? 1,iiG s 1a/L DISTRIBUTION =1r'. a, C)Tt:?t; GALAXY CABLE SI---, zV I C'E VENDOR TC1T1=1L, t::;t) r c r ., Gil. IS3TRIB TION 42I.„ JiaC) 51Q=t„ t)t WI E tdF I.NE:. FOR CffNPHALJI P ND CONCRE 1E: SAW 4'Cil1_.C-iFl TOTAL D i:: � (: 0 r. c !E t : r.:at�? ._F._F- „ t-it'i ., •..F•_.'?„ T r'1l1 ,t_a `,•`hi G�{�'�1, /- (t 4F „t,7t�? F',;".'r?., (`J DI'=TTF=:I.BuT10N 664, ' a PE{I EIOO 5 Atft_F i? �'k �i OF GL.IVES ,U VENDOR TOTAL Gell 4„ ids tit:; Ell It„ *7 :. I �,;.'t�at:):) �i i [_.'.--1::�C•I i L)E'i�' C�F-iEV, i f`ai1, � It It tail F)i3r 1�E;ilT ttr! =1i. 0 IiE.Y'ui i�lhtl"aF F-C)F;1 CITATION IGNITION VENDOR T OTA,E.. 1 L=', ta:'L i Tt;?Etl7TiiJP.i _,;` „t_a800 1I.„ta't 24 NUTS FOR ANCHOR I;C)Mi )rl_:Nl:) 1R t=1i. TOTAL 1 i, t:i4 , 1`).._ I_,_,.t"at,)c? l_t:}1,d E;i�dFt�l;t`�E:i*11:atl'f l=t�EJ CO_ tall_ 17Ia'E 'E 1:t�1E.l ;�•(t✓,, i�a.at�ata .`_;�„ q I itL. 1 COVER F~ ,` E F ( COVER .L-' VENDOR rroy i_' (i_F I. t_) 1_t�����rtpd PRODUCTS i r�a1.:„ �`�.t rj.LE�,;_� E'9:•��-', 1R.) „'..)t_) t:�•..'rC:� l.R_) .: t.7 i L D I. a f p I L's U ( I CLIN `r 1 IJ, (_1.5t_)t_) iaiL DI:Dffl;[�tl_i1'Iir1N 4113„ 1100 1't,CaT is/i._ 1)1ISTR1BUIF10N to%L. DISTR10UI•L40N :+7.'),t=)jt)fi 14+,3 Di'S"10F If T I0N 419m r.i700 1c:E, t) WIRE',, MI T S 1- IND L.t_1).ii`e C?PE.111 t=;C;C:CIUIui'i (-''C;'YHkA..F: L. i jI`d I luvo I Cl:E. CIP10UN II L'? I ;=;C 0lJkH JUVENILE Gi?r ?:=t, r�1:iUL_! C:F;l=ti.a;=: :�ti:?I; _it,sEI t;Ul~ I- ii I i iTC)L. v c_ Y FI C,I i•�'j�1 `"� 6 L %1 41'3, 1`1._I_IE, I E. i ! �:f-iIHEI D AND5t_}tr E.P�t1LwE_..11-'k ? IL�,1 � E:.I'; �.[ 7[,' _a r' clo i C i i._ Ca:[ E311RAf Bst.1(itmlN 41 1 W i Pa(OW1 LE�'t:'ri I %:l E!'�R.%4rL.f�F' i."'.��'—• �_`: P�fI1 P�i�-ti�I-?�i L'I �. L_ I:._:i...ijrf l..�l�-t �4�rt �•';�t..? l�[:jI(i I 1.0 [d 414,tt60t( CAI r L. 1) ! :`mt T F; I ER L-1 I a 10 N -'i 1 { t_? tt'_?t,? 1_� i 1_ D 113T R I i:,l_I'i f'I %3 1} t_?.3t_}i_} .10 x C / L. l)) T 1 t }c;t� 0 = t:� % L Ea I `.:,'( Irilgl l ION �`4 T 1 i+x 1 67 { a{ } t7iL.. L?IC;I RIBUT11 ION 41};. 11t_x„; G 1i D I --) R I ii_I `I 1Oj' i !i 1 't x 1, c_` i s t"} CUM C:HAaE: VENDOR TOTAL, i I? > �tl_! I I I.JItI ., x 0 FI_F';-tI(_. Tij 1)PZIVE I{;l CliNI)Clt,i to-1'T CII..{` CiFFICE: !'E::N[ OR' TC'TAt.. I t�;�x to?{ A t; Cif=tE; 7'E�t_iCCui+i Ihai:x r. t f G/L. �3T�'= I R i L-U I I0N '''it:.i t.?•'`t!i»? � 1x t_tf NE F'L_i"iCE t• OLl_IPr1E: C.-:0N-1 0L.. cSWI T CN 01\1 1-4`10ICI (CAF;:? `_s1 C II'Et T FON y'A#<1C Li. i a`t""_�--• .'t1 !.:_t„! 1"�t l.i l-{ i i'a f �ni'1i.a i_:=. (! NljlJ I"} H(E R :!i_iiV x �i• i•'C6 i:,f7�1f} �i,, x i.:�:J � t_?t.? �i�:�r?x.:�5 G,'`I._ :C?I; (FIf;I._I..i ION4If,3L t_}r tjC} ., sx t=}tea (�; L. L? 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In�'c_Y I_Y I_Y J !. n •._S t..? r, RAL_L_ONc" rC11`,OfF'l- TE: C:LEAkl[ VENDOR1'C+ I AL�:I. a ?_:_; :'t_ 15 UI_Y :. .. •J:.�i ::r t�i(i RIJ{�•1{)t�ti�l•114EIt: i €T F�t"I Ii_ �7l_l i—'`I"'f_�f TI'•�(_.:: TR B l ,'1_. .'10l.`_iI i_iTT€=N },':C:A (Y`iC)o i.':-i�:,„ t_?(-E G/L HIriir rEi l;'Tt,€r'a {m{VIVO '_tic)DO T T R T Eti_i T I ..1l 4 3' n t 5 t_] C? i' `t U`'L I;IE:Ti,It;tl i Ii41r'd ..=,u , tYit?r�Y E:4= 5[Y 1? f �i ='IJ' I��fkJ r}i r' tirtYt^; il;j, f)t_; C, L I.rh G IV, D I GOT F I BUT I ON C?E:0i; , ;„ t_?t; is/L DIGT:1i%II 1:c1r }'i'a t_Y'itit_Y if,/o fOw it) C�`� .F T , k `-• i E _t —y 11_ Co, 0Si� "'I'llit.: S S i `' '—; "i�.? E.TC _ t.Jf=� _ C'U,�'q lI�L.1., _. ;haw,5 R•_�',_•Fs TREe;'f' ;r1� F'sik. t:'EIrfI=tR TO T hai_ E�i��„ ';ltj t;Yti r', .,ll Y ;•l. r.-OVO`•.,ii c; €� ',; rit'lCJ'F!Ttj�ZF .;_L.i j rt) l 5•J. I .. t — tj•OV _:ti{? 1 DOCJ1'" G L IBI?AR`•Tr /L Di' OfR' I:j1J'I 1:t1N �Vr e ti�i?tY r r :: t.?i_j ...vr'.?:: r r .. _ tU. Tfr"(sE{!_ I: i``iE:, T NC.„ l r`'I._ 1:?i:'ITft i E;IJT::€,jfsl !,•7;:a i;Rt;it;Y ;, E::+. ,, t0., '�1L _i`�liC1R VE:t�4I)Ci1=t I�(r l�tE�: C11'�:.t+( FtCC:CitltlT°= F'A`r'i= OLE L.It=:T.1N33 INVOICE" i t1rtCi(.1t f T I I E f`,0t1t4'f (!N 4-2'1,i�3':(_u:3 CL.At1P ;4 CF'E'T'E t.,'i1LVI,4 AND E:TCa i �' 0 t_; E, 7 f' ION 424;1, ia6j:0Q Fa*0CUP1 TN"�tt AND CLAMPS Flo 16 G/I_ Di I`} I R1BU T ON 4 ti';=,n i}V7C) } F; I I; �'ALVty 3: l_ 7IST`TFRUTION 4clot1a (;3f C'0 =. Fj IRE: F,'�d(D R;=fNP•I i, F.l_APIPS AND VALVE L=tOX 7z2'=1 E:;iL II I;,}'iRiL.EIiTICii'(:}700 G/L_ DI51 RIBUT I(_(N 4;=z,I i3G,0C) C:E CE 7 C! r7It=6TRIE;u 10kI ='::;_1n faE10Ca C:1 tlF'L11tsGE� CLAiTiF;i AND cTCn VIENT CM, TOTAL F „I % L t i 1 �'�i E R k i�i i. f' 101 '`I 14 i•„; (,.! �1C1v1D0R i'�1TAL. �%�'— :i hy(V}(,>(.; i• `�.II�i t!IL3i%�1I i_. ! }—'Al_ (_L-.(-il;i!.1(, •F: (,/€... DI TRI.i_Ei,'T'IEJt1 tv1Fi(iAE.1:N !E',U_ C* IF'T 1CirIC; i='T I t_ K[i R'Ett AND VALL:I'�.(T I �` E i='.L(' ..Clul t;?I t�l1:30R I O T AL.. V 'L DOR' TUTtAL_. -r n d('''( vi (a i�aCa C3(`t E'i=1i;E= h C 1 !1F'--)(aF%i+;LwiX �.tF;r�alJi:iR VE�i�(Cii-iR n1fJrSIE A:� CIF' 11 1 / 9 1 17 ==`{'ite4Ci I f .1VCa I CE: AMOUNT E} i GC;OUNT i y_'et_iNrij_i VENDOR T++T�,L 4 00 1 F=-sn - , •ir I-'O iw:�`4r1("•! 1.C,!_? (_}t? (?i_) ,!"?, 00 li:'L 1}1r+IRIL�IJI t�r� ti!_rr !_? !.�t_� j.i-,t_?a{?!, _t II `a T RE:.E;'1 c_j.;F- ! E :ra Fi i.iTFWI i t E El"L..l 18 30 I 'tJI!L' C ; G1(_+Lit: —CiF � !_? I pin w:if t r'il tYOIR +_,•OUNC I L_-GF* AI}MJ N1STRI i I011%4-_! F r'tJ} I_IC LJi�F:k', —E;F i7 F'E�6n r5 i?(IT i=i !='R+.Jt I '_,:=s I r`dtj —k-F'n t VE HICIL_F: r=1AINT.... FF -`,? ql n 5 ? BOX _} ANGER,TEXAS64 IYtEMORAIVDUM 7.3J TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hatnilton, City Manager DATE: February 1, 1991 SUI�JECT: Consider and Possible Action on Reapplying; for Municipal Swimming Pool Grant The enclosed letter from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department outlines the steps for reapplying for the Municipal Swimming Pool Construction Grant.. If Council would like for us to resubmit our application, a motion would be in order. JH:es Enclosures COMMISSIONERS CHUCK NASH Chairman, San Marcos GEORGE C. "TIM" HIXON Vice -Chairman San Antonio BOB ARMSTRONG Austin LEE M. BASS Ft, Worth HENRY C. BECK, III Dallas DELO H. CASPARY Rockport JOHN WILSON KELSEY Houston BEATRICE CARR PICKENS Dallas A.R. (TONY) SANCHEZ, JR. Laredo TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT 4200 Smith School Road • Austin, Texas 78744 * 5124894800 January 25, 1991 Mr. John Hamilton City Manager P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Grant Application - Sanger Municipal Swimming Pool Dear Mr. Hamilton: ANDREW SANSOM Executive Director The Parks and Wildlife Commission, in its public hearing on January 24, 1991, considered your application for grant funding. Due to funding limitations, a number of projects could not be supported in this review. Your application was among those which were not approved. Please notify the Department in writin prior to March 1, 1991 iI this application is to be reconsidered; also, recertify on the enclosed form that your 50 percent matching share for this application is still available. Any deletions, additions, or changes in the application must be received by the above deadline. In the event the Department does not receive written communication by this deadline, we will assume that you do not want the application to be reconsidered. Please contact the Grants -In -Aid Branch at 512/389-4948 if you have any questions. Chief Grants -In -Aid Branch TH:SAB:js Enclosure PLEASE NOTE: All applications which are resubmitted for Department consideration by the March 1st deadline will be assessed and re - scored utilizing. the 1990 Local Go_v_ernment Pr90 t Review Procedures and the 1990 Tel Outdoor Recreation Plan TORP which have been revised. This may mean applications with receive the same review. that resubmitted no changes may not score in the next • APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT FOR THE DESCRIBED PROJECT ENTITLED THE (Project Name HAS COMPLIED (Applicant/Sponsor) WITH ALL THE PERTINENT PROVISIONS OF LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL LAWS REQUIRING: 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS; AND 2. THAT THE REQUIRED PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE AND SUFFICIENT FOR THIS PROJECT AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 13.309 OF THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE CODE; AND, 3. THAT AREAS ACQUIRED AND/OR DEVELOPED THROUGH THE ENTITLED PROJECT WILL BE MAINTAINED AND OPERATED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE APPLICANT AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 13.309 OF THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE CODE, AND, 4. THAT THE PROJECT AREA WILL BE PERMANENTLY DEDICATED FOR FOR PUBLIC OUTDOOR RECREATION USE AS REQUIRED BY SECTIONS 13.302, 13.303 AND 24.008 OF THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE CODE.I igna ure o 0 icia u or�ze in a Reso u ion (Revised 1/87 $ Maintenance Type Name & Tit e replaces Public Certifications) Hearing, Available Funds, and Operation PRIORITY LISTING LOCAL REQUESTS FOR PARK FUNDS (DESCENDING ORDER OF PRIORITY) NO. SCORE APPLICANT AND PROJECT TYPE REQUESTED RECOMMENDED CUMULAT{VE 1 107 ARLINGTON VILLAGE CREEK PARK ABED $500,000.00 5500,000.00 $500,000.00 2 97 SAN PATRICIO CO N. D. RECREATION PARK A8�D $432,616.00 $432,616.00 $932,616.00 3 96 ELGIN MORRIS PARK A8�D $347,248.00 $345,848.00 $1,278,464.00 4 92 CHILDRESS FAIR PARK D $77,598.00 $77,598.00 $1,356,062.00 5 84 BRAZORIA COUNTY RESOFT PARK A&.D $500,000.00 $SOQ,000.00 $1,856,062.00 6 84 S{NTON WELDER PARK D $500,000.00 $445,913.00 $2,301,975.00 7 83 PORT ARTHUR PLEASURE (BLAND PARK D $250,000.00 5250,000.00 $2,551,975.00 8 82 VENUS CITY PARK ADD $65,000.00 $65,000.00 $2,616,975.00 9 81 TYLER SOUTH TYLER GREENBELT PARK A8�D $385,000.00 $385,000.00 $3,OOi,975.00 10 80 PFLUGERVILLE WELLS POINT PARK A8�D $424,575.00 S424,575.00 $3,426,550.00 11 79 CAMERON COUNTY BOWlE PARK D $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $3,926,550.00 12 79 MCKINNEY ELDORADO PARK ABED $164,OOO.OQ $164,000.00 $4,090,550.00 13 78 ABILENE SEARS PARK D $138,200.00 $138,200.00 $4,228,750.00 14 78 FREEPORT MUNICIPAL PARK A8�D $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $4,728,750.00 15 78 GRAPEVINE SIG BEAR CREEK PARK A8.D $396,157.00 $396,157.00 $5,124,907.00 16 76 HOUSTON CULLINAN PARK A&D $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,624,907.00 17 76 KILGORE PENTECOST PARK A&D $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $5,639,907.00 18 76 MINERAL WELLS SOUTHEAST PARK ABED $43,700.00 $43,700.00 $5,683,607.00 19 75 BRAZOS RV HARBOR N D SURFSIDE BEACH D $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $6,183,607.00 20 7S TEXAS CITY BAY STREET PARK A&D $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $6,683,607.00 21 74 HARRIS COUNTY KLEB WOODS PRESERVE A$D $374,200.00 $374,200.00 ' $7,057,807.00 ' Contingency award based on the receipt of Federal LWCF Fiscal Year 1991 apportionment NO. SCORE APPLICANT AND PROJECT TYPE REQUESTED RECOMMENDED 22 73 PLAINVIEW FRISCO PARK D $24,329.00 -0- 23 73 SAN ANTONIO MILAM PARK D $195,272400 -0- 24 71 BEAUMONT LEFLER PARK A&D $190,000,00 -0- 25 71 DENTON NORTH LAKES PARK III D $500,000000 -0- 26 71 LUFKIN AZALEA TRAIURICHARDSON PARK A&D $5008000400 -0- 27 70 WEIMAR CITY PARK A&D $1020000.00 -0- 28 69 CEDAR HILL COMMUNITY PARK A&D $500,000.00 -0- 29 69 SHEPHERD CITY PARK A&D $186,742.00 -0- 30 69 WELLINGTON BASEBALL PARK D $96,380.00 -0- 31 63 SULPHUR SPRINGS PACIFIC PARK D $1199839.00 -0- 32 62 ALVIN LION'S CLUB PARK A&D $146,865.00 -0- 33 62 AUSTIN DICK NICHOLS PARK D $2894400.00 -0- 34 62 CLUTE MUNICIPAL PARK II A&D $121,885000 -0- 35 62 DALLAS COUNTY LEMMON LAKE A $190,000000 -0- 36 59 VICTORIA RIVERSIDE PARK II D $86,225.00 -0- 37 58 SANGER SWITZER PARK MUNICIPAL POOL D $107,625.00 -0- 38 57 HOOKS CITY PARK 11 D $125,000.00 -0- 39 56 ANGLETON SOCCER COMPLEX D $125,000.00 -0- 40 47 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL PARK A&D $5009000.00 -0- 41 45 HENDERSON LAKE FOREST PARK II D $800000600 -0- 42 39 WAKE VILLAGE KING PARK II D $150,000.00 -0- 43 25 LA GRANGE HERITAGE PARK D $70,290,00 -0- TOTAL A =Acquisition D =Development $11,520,146.00 CUMULATIVE $7,057,807.00 f O X 7 ANGER) TEXAS 76266 TC�; Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Cor�ncil FROM# John Hamilton, City Manager DA T Ei F Gur ilaa y 1, 1u� 1 SUBJECT: City Administrators Report 1 j. Two employees have resigned; Linda Estes, a clerk ire the front office and Scott Caster, police officer. 2). 4n Thursday, 01-31-91, I met with Benny Johnson of Frontier Waste Management. Mr. Johnson stated that the approximate cost of a 30 cubic yard roll -off dumpster would be $1.50 per cubic yard per month rent, $40 per month, and $200.00 charge per load disposed. Along these same lines, Hunter and Associates anticipates having the draft of the landfill closure plan available for the meeting of February 18th. 3}. Hunter Associates anticipates amid -week preconstruction conference with Calvert Construction on the Freese Drive extensiaY't project. 4). In an effort to improve Council/Staff Communication, I have requested all department heads to attend Council meetings. 5). The twenty fire hydrants have been ordered at a total cost. of $12,085 or $fiO4.25 each. You will recall that $12,500 was authorized for this purchase. .1H:es F7c�f�..:�t= d --yyf_jLL f�'t it p.L �e.1 =91 e 1°` .`xrlot '? Sim 1:L Lt. `J :g k # Y � .ry 'J.'�Fsy t")j f. _7 '.`E(�i ° .C.. 'r�#: is _ : �a .a � � ?.` i €_.o z. l L=1 I € t J I I-Ils WOU 1t. T'CJ fs(i fho ricr"4 rJNY '`j e�rten(-.I A c 4.{, • • ,� � �� � •. i.. a � �� e Attached you'll find the activity sheet showing the summary for the Animal Control Officer during the Months of December, January. As of January 25, 1991 the Animal Control Officer has taken Ltle 17aSlC G�L'L.LLJ.i.:ciLJ..oLl t.:olArsC 1L11 ArlZtlytv�l ulauea. vibc .e.orsaw Department of Health.. Total course hours were sixteen. Q ANIMAL CONTROL ACIZVZTY REPORT TAEtAwLLfw'9l-AU!nm � ! A e. CONTROLSANGER ANIMAL OFFICER AND POLICE OFFICERS DURING DECEMBER 1990, w JANUARY MUNIMI&MM r ANIMAL CONTROL "ANGER PD ANIMAL COMPLAINT CALLS TOTAL 32 7 CITATIONS ISSUED 5 0 7 0 North Central Tezas Council of Governments �/.��'�j P. O. Drawer COG Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 FROM: Bob O'Neal DATE: January 29, 1991 Director, Regional Data Center T0: City and County Officials in North Central Texas SUBJECT: Final 1990 Census Population Enclosed for your information is a city and county level summary of the final 1990 Census of population. As a local affiliate of the U. S. Census Bureau, NCTCOG's Regional Data Center is your clearinghouse for census products and other information about the region. We know that many of you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the detailed information which is used in federal, state and local redistricting efforts. The Census Bureau reported that this information will be made available sometime in February. As a member of NCTCOG, you will automatically receive regional and county level summaries of this information for the North Central Texas region. In addition, we will send you this detailed information by census tract for your jurisdiction. We will also have available, upon request, census block level information for your area. The Regional Data Center is offering as afee-for-service, custom tabulations of this information as a service to our members and others. We can also provide customized maps detailing census characteristics of your community. These are of tremendous benefit when planning service delivery areas or for redistricting purposes. We have also enclosed for your information a 1990 Census Product schedule which gives a general indication of release dates and descriptions for upcoming census products. We are pleased to be of service to our member governments. If you would like additional information on census information or other services available, please call us at 817/640- 3300. Bob O'Neal /dls enclosures Centerpoint Two 616 Six Flags Drive Dallas/Fort Worth Metro 817/640-3300 FAX 640-7806 �r •A 1990 CENSUS POPULATION NCTCOG Regional Data Center January 1991 North Central Texas Council of Governments 616 Six Flags Drive P.O. Drawer COG Arlington, TX 76005-5888 817/640-3300 , North Central Texas Council of Governments Regional Data Center North Central Texas Council of Governments Regional Data Center `�' (METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREAS � North Central Texas Council of Governments Regional Data Center (includes only cities listed in NCTCOG's population estimates) "NI =Not incorporated Source: U.S. Census Bureau 1990 CENSUS PRODUCT SCHEDULE Publication Scheduled Release Date Description PL 94-171 Redistricting Tape February, 1991 Redistricting tables to include total population, race/ethnicity, age (18 and over), and housing unit counts for the region, CMSA, PMSAs, counties, cities, census tracts, and block level General Population Winter 1991-92 Characteristics Population tables to include population, race/ethnicity, age/sex and percent change for the region, CMSA, PMSAs, counties, and cities Housing Characteristics 1991-92 Housing unit tables to include housing units by type, occupancy rates by type, median value of structure, total persons per household, and tenure for the region, CMSA, PMSAs, counties, and Census Tract Population and 1992-93 cities Housing Census tract tables to include total population, age, race, Hispanic origin, housing unit counts, value or rent of structure, vacancy rates for PMSAs, counties, and places Congressional Districts 1993 over 10,000 at census tract level Congressional District tables to include total population, age, race, Hispanic origin, housing unit counts for Congressional Special Report: Census/Equal 1993 districts, counties, and places Employment Opportunity over 101000 Equal employment tabulations showing detailed occupations and educational attainment data by age, crosstabs by sex, Hispanic origin, and race for Special Report: Mobility - 1993 MSAs, counties, and places County to County Migration, over 50,000 Intra and Interstate Migration tables showing intrastate county to county migration streams and interstate county to county migration streams. Will include area of origin, area of destination, and selected characteristics of the persons migrating. State and county level data. NCTCOG Regional Date Center Publication Scheduled Release Date Description Special Report: Characteristics 1993 Rural and farm tables showing of Rural and Farm Population characteristics of predominantly rural and farm land counties for the state and counties. Socio-Economic Characteristics 1993 Socio-economic tables showing level of education for persons 18 years or older, percent enrolled in school by age groups, income, household income, family, poverty level for the state and counties. Occupation, Industry labor 1993 Force Characteristics Occupation industry tables showing occupation, industry, labor force status by sex, class of worker, travel to work, means of transportation, travel time to work for counties and cities. NCTCOG Regional Data Center 616 Six Flags Drive [� �� P.O. Drawer COG �-? t Arlington, TX 76005-5888 817/640-3300 % %1 T E X A S MUNICIPAL LEAGUE January 22, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: Affected City Officials FROM: Frank J. Sturzl, Executive Director,�"���'t� SUBJECT: PUC Review of Telephone Rates The Public Utility Commission has decided to review the rates of the telephone company servicing your area. The following docket numbers have been assigned concerning these companies: . Company Alltel Texas Big Bend Telephone Company Cap Rock Telephone Company Central Telephone Company of Texas (Centel) Livingston Telephone Company Southwest Texas Telephone Company United Telephone Company of Texas Docket Number 9985 9984 9982 9981 9980 9983 9979 A hearing date has not yet been set. The purpose of this memorandum is to notify you of this development and to ascertain If you are interested in discussing Intervention in these cases. Please fill out the attached questionnaire and return it to TML by January 29th if you are interested in attending such a meeting, 211 East Seventh, Suite 1020 • Austin, Texas 78701-3283 • (512) 478-6601 � 02141il Texas Department of Healthy : Robert Bernstein, Commissioner Robert A. MacLean, M.D. Deputy Commissioner January 29, 1991 Honorable Nel Armstrong Mayor of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Public Nealth Region 5 2561 Matlock Road Arlington, Texas 76015-1621 (817) 460-3032 D/FW Metro 261-2911 Allen, )r., M.D., M.P.N. Regional Director Subject: Solid Waste - Denton County City of Sanger - Permit No. 1424 1.1 miles NE of I-35 and FM-455 Int, and 0.4 mile E of I-35 Dear Mayor Armstrong: On January 23, 1991, Mr. Boyd M. Cole, P.E., from our regional office, inspected the subject Type II municipal solid waste disposal site. During this inspection, our representative was accompanied by Mr. Chuck Tucker, Supervisor of Public Works. At the time of the inspection, the site was being operated in general compliance with the Texas Department of Health's "Municipal Solid Waste Management Regulations". If you have any questions concerning this letter, or if we may be of any assistance to you regarding solid waste management, you may contact Mr. Cole in our Arlington office at (817)792-7203, or you may prefer to contact Mr. Phil Spry, P.E., in Austin at telephone number (512)458-7271. IJT/BMC/bb cc: Bureau of Solid Waste Management, Austin PHR5 C ty o;� Set Y-fZ*oe 1, ea,r S ( rf eas Gay �� c ����. T4 OA 6 n let r t '. I i c vde oef, sw) rej e 4vtz� y ll•k e-Y 2 ile hales i� she owl coo y 441 If j I &, V, t, v '7 eo� t VoSS Irm pr1 F A & Ve Aar or rlrw 4t ty 4 p i 'v vY� y �t/ H, s'Try �/ h Ok r�t000j et s%n c���y GL 0 w�` wc� , 1,0 7kv y ,o,a