01/22/1991-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY C%juNCIL AGENDA TUESDAY_, ,JANUARY 22, 1991 201 BOLIVAR STREET., CITY HALL 7t00 P. M+ 1. Caii tra t�rrJer, Irivrlr�tir3ri a:rirJ Plec��e to tiie Fiat; 2, ?��Iirn�tes 3, Disburseri�er�ts �i, Citizen's Input 5. Discussion of Fire Ant Beds on Public. R. 0. W. - J. P. Harnl>toli E1, Discussion c}f Solid iN��st.e h{�te RevellLles 7 . Colisicter alid Possible Act.iori Re�,ar•dili� Autiiorizatiori fe)r Let.t.iri� of Bids to Paint & Repair 200,000 Gallon Ground Storage Tank E�. Colisider and Possible Action Regardili� Replacelnelit. of Fire Hydrants 9. CoIisider` and Possible Action fie�;ardill� Appoillt.I7leilt of RepI'e- Gelita.tive t.o Locai Boal•d of VolunteerFire r I Iiters Pension Plan i0. City Ar_trr�inistr4atir}r� kr:�3vrt 11, E�ecutfve Sessir�n Ar�c�r�r•rJiri� to Artit_ir: 5252-17, Verrir�ri's Civil Statutes_, (f), NegatiatiarLs far Acquisition of Real Praperty 12. Corrsider arld Possible Actiriri Re�ar•ciin� Ev.ecutive Session 1 ArLy Other Sur_ti Matters 14. ArJ journrnent 1 Rr�saiie t;rarcia City Secretary Jti ilnry 7, l.C-#illW. t s 1k`at zl F=.f_1 l E El ryT Ma.voi' Nel Al`mstron'y CiLli1C. .111L- i J4 :i r Jer%kirlsy Cou id1wian Wendell T hol-fins 'l k °v"l:d`iir =illy} John Hainilton, Aum. _r``s4s City seer, etL r, I Otto togs lill, i1llf g' x {'oull`l :lor _ rl -indN" Barrow. tiTean ie DeVore - Sa.€tci(-C' ( ;outt"lcr' ,_iC_ih i Haril.%lt-ongl.nve the 11"iV . ctlom iv <, } rxi t s t cl tl: z , , 1m tni.if. `; for sc ,'( Terriberx 1 / ; l.9f O incil l_✓11 Vl t itsol;&3 %,ai l'+€ avleweivecl as priri. ed. :it ll tlr' ;t Izlw' i,t ,.• l lt l s t" tit = I"i:l t € 1 l `c'.i€d?.iFie ll i"i.e " 'i€ l,l i'l 1. f'Corided by r ;ouncil.man I lioMaS LO approve tare Clls'b rserflel-ILS. 4'tciLt€'ll ci x si f.. w _ e t^iirl o. L V k—,A ' cAll kJt F £ :s} E llasRi arriedkv yil 4is F}L f ... ! ` t3. ..... s i '. i ,<e -._._ f . 'i i—`. t Li ''. i l • p-r' ;•..' -} } E F `i V ' .1 4 %' f } y i s PLAN 1p OA r,' C,"r" REApTO l , ,A z9NEQED INTO THE _is N Px,h,: t 4 l L; L l il`•i ITS i d L' L ` 4.J -'ER, TEXAS. t'X....4 . 1d P'o; sible Ar$ion l.o "AP; Ts ()Ve fS iwl vjux Thomas to d'�t_�(.3lpt ����`t_lfli �ti�� .-'"_����? Lv`'z�.Cr"I.� '� !c _i.: t}t1 i_,f's_ ITY OF SANGER N N D ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF SANGER. DENTONCOUN J ' T_ 'ASi A' L THAT CE T��IN LOT 'FOUR. I€�?I�I N ICI\[_��4�� ADDITION AND A SECTION OF LAND KNOWN .6017 ACRES _<�Lra_TC:IIIIC LC F'CL� I C THE SC[._)II fI_.L,il I'd.C_.I DIDA' PRI ING ESTATES, PLACE ONE. BLOCK A. A RECORDEDN C`�� BII` ET , P' C 3 i O I I E 'Cz;� RDE (:�L,'AND DECLARING AN EFFEC I TIVF DATE. � {{ Iy�_, t j -q .Fc e �.l`..:�vr$<tv�e �lc�f€.€rtI is tip Ilt ID lI. ':- 1`=ll. k'=l:II C. C"a�wlc,El-lt_.�° nv�wI 'rtQcII�,If� .At�1lcl��z c)-ri Birk fcit; :vY�AE' k��Y r`,citz11*71���. T11()�ic�.;9, f.t3 s"it°<:� iLlt=:'Pi tl ESSS itie%s,, iAtltlF t 40, e� k 1 ag b t_ .1� �> tir�'Cw€3':It%t t i)4 ` }ias"1{,',41c1?c:'s l i i .e, x . Q tllc i :t:7I �ik.,IAk7it c)V' -, iti't_[_lc$ A t aPocil � V A1 v, _ In Ctanc`I dates in City- Election - m c fit:-t'Lri£{: d bv _'ri_I1t"l't!eIl Tboraas. Motion f ,3'I'€F c_. ITY OF SANGER', TEXAS .:� • i! �'e J . f •� � ° �`� '"� `,�'' 'y {{ ilT df'" '�" � {J '1 � 3 `$ "+' (( i � F 1 � � � I'I NA' , REQUIRING A WRITE —ICI C NDID.MPE IN CIa;.,Y 4LECTIONS TO DECLARE C. NDIII C :' THIRTY C301 DAYS ,! ti"vi NCE OF THE DATE OF ELECTION `tt3s 1�J:tl .. � c? pc31 t`t il���i .Ii v1€"a`�effl t 3i4x o €_7 `t_� tw b' IL CC7i.iAit.il Jt'€t "ilriii Braxt,on cutl4i1 13€ tGeneral'1iis tIiarit €. trei 1_,"°42,!Yfli 4t 7 Ii:isill'Cnce Pitrcl—�itse. Mc7tiotl ca r.ed. I xw o U It cIec Cc77.itlt�°IIZ�l��i1 t.Istl�T1��'� 1.C7 '€�I;713i't3`t�Ery t'c7C$i11��.t1t�72:i +�t7i- � i.ii �ti.�7l`3+15`!, fs. h'�_ € t� ¢ y as L: av_'g4_a {.'t.'!d-` .. ,�.. a.1 t _i .1 T � 1 � a, A2 L. i >� i �.a ..r'�� ��'•: iW i� i�' i. L _ t\'p€:.dt.ii,%n -�v.'ra;v'' "ia.Csi' lw Cimn£'7v_€?lrcai_ � t7onits :.%�.s`.d secc7ndet� s4"i dlories as Representative to PUC; in the EAS Hearings. - ot,1011 r 1 ec. a "A I /Its, I/ I/U1 a (� -At F C I-,;,.j I IC.)zv -" i CITY OF SANGER i .[ R6;:'Y �aO�''aERSA. �0P � AS € ME CITY S �tE��R ;�� 'NT,� � �{�.c'. 3t� R �i P REGARDING �k�I ,� yT-,``f`:`"� ?t;^�`t `OAR ONE £� WAY S" .� �. _....6�:.5� � � i § �F a i _ JOINT 2 : Ei � .F '.+ V ;. �f `-� ��. � J Ls 1'�Y' G i Y. cA�SERVICE rCh IISANGER tE3 t1�II '-vchr� dule,4" C`lt,v Council Meefing will on � � v1g I '1 � i ct�al 4t Glitz II4 t cl ,* Jl r tin ���fl-,ter provicung t.l"ie C;43uncii wim a,il. eject. orn 47a.jendar IoA rBa �tcsi_lt..Eci't' ICsT° tli� F"Ft I_3'1 EsI.4°ltaia Iw ii4iI4,�i4; the tclosirig costs was rl total of '163.10 and that the d1osirlcrequesto ;3..-ti IfF��i Ii iCffi€..'4_$. L.I-jC. tIl$:' L�ONj;? �.?4u"sI�4�%? y'`;s I'. Mi;. ttarnili4e;n rneriti4LL>ned also in thc; pac.ot. �.Aras a letter t'roi' .a t��2Xlc�gk3_.zx�.i .n },�',(`t.�...�w✓d i SdS�-.�.%.,Y+,_J�.i4n�. C jz- ��.1 .� L'� S. 1.E 5 i Cwt G_i �. _, �. . ,.. ..r the it`d' d�nvS< t�• A. 4•ts�: j'µE 3�� � g1�A.L£�)�. �if4.i1If� .Lt�_.t 9.tS ..z .�14,�!_� ��4.i�$�a,Y �SCtg4��1�25� :%.R � tv Ley[ �. the resejIW, V OF SANGER VEf�t)C1R '�;'Et�(L?(liF;: I�aAt�1E: t 1PL N H€ ;'(;C€U114 1 c; F'€=�1T H L.E. L I';'I IN1 AS CIF I I VOICE (=1[dO NT D i SC:C3UNT 'I — :J7,5 ECtl._ I Vi=3R 5F'EC I AL1-"� F'Ri 1L!IJC�"(`� C/L i I';IR:[f€UTI.1 ir3eCi7i:yr.'_i 4it:i G / I_. DISTRIBUTION =� 3,94 0 cs 00 4 4 10 1 fRd,E " RY MAN ANDG GREASEUE_il,l FIC L.DEFZ,S—_Y 1.��—�S VENDOR TOTAL AL ,";F? 3*0 �_'-- �'�(?tl; i't@Cii�'iiTll~.he � I IE �;• '�; I F.EL Ci/L 7I::3TJR! BI_:Tj.€7N 41` t:rJ(ri:r 12 i;tr jrtr t JOINT PIPE VENDOR TOTAL. 120,, I::}t_} ..�— �;Crt';t.; a;(-�;=€'�U•+ i_I I(:"(F?T.0 l=t��1�.�-� !;t €_i-� tilt_ i=il ;T R I i-:,l_!TI€:)i'.( =+!+i., t?; tlt:} :52n 88 POWER PURCHASE VENDOR TOTAL PO Ft,7r,i=, 71 o 6 G ii L D1.r'i13 1 BtJl1€_1 41 i_J:800 11496 COFF EE SUPPLIES 1-'ll c i'44 ityn E,t 1 CAN ANT 8: ROACH FitLL.ER Ut G/I... DI€_16R"iEi.Ii1ON •'i. F _''i.t_?f:} (,a�19 C'ARF'E.T. C: LEANER A141D E;Fii SH ._ €.3/I_ i f T RIBUTION GLj'.JVI rs 9 (34,'L i_?T'_T R. l Bt of i�0 N IT149, 1. 1o0 4m 1"9 1 CAN Al`%'MORflt_L FICI 6Li71 1 t_!1_} (:,/L_ DIIFRI)3E_E•TION xt.�,1.0c}!;0ii 1nt-9 1 BAG ROCK e09AL.'T I=1i:J 64 Sil y7 ; i m c) !1/L D1 TRIBUTI€�€t� ti ;='o :iEt(j F.ty G/L. Ii [ TFi.t€f_1TTi ON 44E': 1900 Fe t,tr urL. DI STIR IBUT ION ',f`c'_a i 1i�rt1 C3/L. IlI 'T'F:I��UT' FIN �' � ' i}8C0 I�IAF''K 11`%7So F'i._A i'E'S3 G''(_iC'Sq "i'AE€L.EC!__U"1'I-I, flt�{D F'LAST i:; i. JTC::N�} T I_s=; x I•.ii.� :, trig I CJF'E�I Y OF S(WINGER VEhaT?t:1F� Vr:i�fLICiR h�a`-lhir: C� t I__ T) I Et T • F? I Fi I_i ! I CI C�a i{ l +F'C t%a HUUILtuI q D v,1-11 HDL_F L_, It � I L rq AS OF bl / 174 i`31. i i d {=} i' �,,3. IC=1VriIC:E i'ICFUOUNT 1_xI;�11COLINT Cp 55 t_} A C) C} %13u 1,3C)0 VENDOR TOTAL �_�— F;•J.'`'{,a (.E._F'.t-?!i I_'F'!'iwfi ':'r;•-1t'`sfJ GiL_. i` 'iRTLaIJiTt hJ rrr+;r, it .trtr 25 G!L DISTRIBUTION 4U3It, vQi_i 671=25 1: = t; .1.+ P1 FL_L=: E{H,DE AND lnn 5 TONS MANUFACTURED ;_)Af''D VENDOR TCITFIL.. 1 ,) 4it6�:= l=;i=iLF tn (3r L L}I!=;..tBUT .[+tih =rc:. _ [}ii r"_',= 35 ,t!lIT= Al-Lil? 1=a-�_t F? �t'OS JH.{1[I�I= Vk:CdLroC: TClTAL 1 , 8 5 v`i tail_ I ISTRlBUI l.ON 43 =2, 2001 136M 1_ 3 POWER FOR LIFT STATION, GL-WER' VENDOR TOTAL 1 ;C,v F'a tom-- 1f_'-':,i3 s.;, T:�f_:itl_Ihl�i fdi i 1 FI h`il1=? Ct 'r I 0 rr 1 10, 1 C)_ 9G = t.}t_r �%i<i GIL DIt> T RT.GE_!'I "Y%l 419 0 133 Cai_i 1 F'I— {} OIL F IL 1 ER4 1 I:al.y. FILTER ANI) ,: +_+IL.. t' IL_.1 ER , GI/L 'Ia1R11wU IC+i! itt ),caC.E{_}s.r .. l9 Fail_ 1JIs'! RIBU T ION 419= to 80(m) 1. BATTER`( AND 1 DIE,TEA'11AWTI.JR CAP Gill_ D f D 1 E=:1. I:U I I CIN `'r 1. _ 08 C-b, C) t_''= 1 WI'A IFI LT ER G/L ��T.`.:1'IRII:IJT T+�ha POINT.1= ND c:r_aiuF )Edra4—:) ®U Ll. .II OF E;ANGEIR :L AI(' CC)NDI•Tl:LNEIR BELT AND its? BULL;:,j nl:sE.,.l rlctv:ciUru r .i L_, E IUG AS. OF 1./1,r /91 1�.`�'?�` o a'-F hlVl I I'DE AMAUI�.IT I? i E,c0U1�I j' '1„ :;t7310 n G/I_ DISTRYBUTlirN 419a C)°;01,) 1 (-�IJI:{--. I='Ur=•I',--='g CL(�rPlPS9 �'t I-ICI:SES. 1 '�E=`( (si{E. �`;=D R. 1 {='U L i=':CL."I EH • c: Ct 71 L;') 1 i a p 171 G/L l}I:=,i'r:IE!(J'i t!(�� 1=F;p;_t.a!�C i!ap ;f:1 I AN16IFRE:.EZE TESTER F0 714^; 1Etp25 G/L DI: TRIBUT If* ON 41.`a'p;='i7t_}fez }p'?1 • G/L I.[S nI wLTIta All i r p -r-_uo u, 8r ? Gr'I._ i:lITRiitf_(i 10r! t,i'pt?scat? 4p4 10 WIPER REFILLs!;4 I '14 E:,, 1 THERIkil STi T--y{ AND 1 Gllc*WET PO 71, 'Jp G/L. DI S1 ?HRLY ION 419 n 1(10;t7 19 G/L I;}IS RIBUTION 4 Igo i Ii;i) Ia09 G r'I.•.. i71`_ I R1'i;! iTIOE1 0A(6)o 1p 11 GIL_ 1)1`'SilT (I,I_ilI(r;r1 41`-_sp0800 G,�I._ i�I TR (._irr:c;r.l +1` 0 c?�•t fip/I_. DIGi•{ IBUTION 41'9,: 1000 is III 131ATTEI"Y (]LEANER, FUEL FILTER, INNER TUBE t'IND I C(`JIL.. G/L DIRITRIBU C�a1[�1Tt�;�=11.'T�Ui'�L t�E�l•z:adl(�.'E Cati CL71 �'lL.. ��• F'C1 •!'t:ac:1 1 s i I i;�'p ,c' G/L l�iae� (Ra.E{(., 1 STROBE /HAL_CGE.N BARI LAD PRs_1 :W;PE::AKEI./DRIVER Anil:} 1 C;VID f, w.I REN VENDOR Tf;ITA{_ 1., 1�?Rp F,i" p f�afj p t_•' i_? E:a 1.1•- -,t:?t_? E-i[�11':�,'�t�,;1=:R (;�7 Tt�1C;'o ;:� 1-'[f ��,�1`•�`i <i7 jp C7t;7 p':,1t,a :'1/yip (3!�7 iR1BUTION 41 1 it:ai=; LB .B E. Fn G/L i,i':il�l;iiJii:f�Pd 41':=gyp;=';=`taa %apt.?t? 10o t_r31 . :Ej .:F VENDOR TOTAL ?St.ap 00 p i;i; 750 Cu) tt:}t;?!? E-II(_7._—f:NI(?ER C:}-EV. INC. 0« L..'E OF SANGEl 01=-'E,N ACC Cm1_1LJNTS FDf_i•'r`(If),L_E L.IS;TIlitlG i• GIT DT',=iTRIE,UTION 1. f-"Eh� CLUTCH f. G!'i_ i IS-41A ti4BUTl.ON 1 Ti �Rru LEW"; 6/1. 1}lSTR! i`fl l`i lON i dMRt:UIRE: T (OR KIT AND 1 FLCIAT 1:= — IiUI_1... 1, 1t�i�•`_;��11_dR l:—I ('��'(.i, s.s i,ir _�::i(JC}i�Y n r 4 19 t 1. t_a 41. 9 1000 a w _l ( 155 _�1 41.'_:tr () 60C) V _N DC,1R TOTAL t};Cad} �aENDOR T01AL. 11t-`- i`.'t=,47f�}t_1 iit�•�I/_ ��t-i�;`I;� t�i_ir t;t}_ Di'3"TRIBUTICIN 472,0 BC;ta Gf�EiE:Fit_.TC; 1 ;tal! ,iEAD E_Jhl1_`t' AND :5 ; BL."C;;tldl_lRN 1:1=.I�fP114 VU \1 D 0 IR T 0 T tAL %:a i t:.i ILlld i w t;)Ci Cat 1 I'_;TR I E;i_[ T ION ��-;', }.,Cat,} zl5r ,-,� aL:NL7C(R TC1'i Eal.. ._,._+r a._, n t:ad=} ,._,w 'a,., 00 l..;�_ ,-'+Flc (tit (:r,'I_ %!I' TR1.iil_iTltli'd i'.JtJn 14 C}(} ).'i'.m{n d:a0 G/L. DIISTRIB2116TION 43E,w 1`1(aC} j-t''Lit rCaC) toDVE,RFi'._;I.N VENDOR TOTAL-. !."q()n C}(:1 t:u:Y "3d,, Cw 6 1._ DI`tmTRIE;U IM-4 411r 113C:+0 jC}'fin'_jd-} ._ C(_I i}dad} ��•` -+= ,t}+t 1�.` E! I;rI_ 1�Ir'IF'sEtl�l �.d7r.1 t1.w l.i.-;t}t_a ,.w:.,-, =• L Ia:[ ,TF;II L1TICdi�1 411 w (:a 1;00 41.;n 21ti 611. DItnTRIBUT ION 41.1w 1 r()0 4: r�'Ca 8:`L._ DISTRIBUTION tall n 0010d:} 421 EC} ,JE.!'d!?ilh TrE if;L.. c E r 7: = (:)t '. c'r '!; ; r (_, _ . ,y OF SANGER fz OPEN AtC"COI IN Ill ..i AS OF I /91 15n071tt*.i4 VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOICE t;iriC�IJE�I"E'l'=i(�iJi',1'! 0'E L{ L8 ; 1Etc rt) tA1L1ir: Airk.haCY3 INC PO F.5954 ? 1 ,: i )t i 6/t.._ 01 Ie3 T E2 OlJT1Oi1 4.":;fit„tilt=ata 71 iit:a NOTARY PUBLIC BOND AND FI L.I hIG FE:L VENDOR TOTAL t 1 n :rCr 00 t 1„ t a() a. 9: ,°r 1 At 1. NECO of 1:tC7,'ji''j i'R� (�,i.) i „ta(1 }'r1 :„Ijf O/L_ D1a'T Es:E )sl_I I I:Chi +i'c„ C)F1Cata i.`.� 412'„ tjtr VEhfOC:)rt TOTAL i=11 E::, f31 :„ tata i;it=a t $ -,1.t:„ 00 is PO MEAir 5 5() _ (jt) „ ()(_) 5' 1„ G/E... DISTRIBUTION 4*:4„ 1100 Fil)„ C)t:) Eii�..E.TERIFE. FOR hLEPE:E,`=; VENDOR i'OT;iL. �Itj„t;)tr Cx=a 5t:;,tati All. :2t^,t_a OLLIS E400K. CORPORATION d be co 3 4 131 5 t_i0Oi iS —z:i:tt.a t.� LtOFihl :3 )_JI L. aJ P•._.S t it I BUT ION "t'i_. �i'v L t,�40 t_a t_) 4 G a 550 ME's*TRIBUTION 44:4„ c:Cii`)i`) „ a 1 h1 I OHL_ I FT JACK AND I REEL HOIST. VENDOR TOTAL r?i=„ 45 4 =1'ac)() PACFTEL_ Pt=i0Ih.10 G/I._ 4?PSTRIBU`I ION 4559 1 l00 45.1 45 f/L. O1 I E? I ct(_I'T 1 Cih.1 4 ii!„ f)r;i:)t a 451z !; Fi f'! i E R; VENDOR TOTAL ')i i„ '140 „ 0 i `=ii i„ u .. :ti t =t 3(40 R 1 TI_.:•_!:TEL.D SUPPLY INC 1.:4 {—'�) ( i �'t Li 11...a rai_A v t.}�� 1 L.c t_ 0 O/L F U30TRIOIJII IOki 424c 2ta)()C) IE'„ 0 'TIE=' 4'E NF.)0R TO I AL 1 r 3ct+;i_)Q SANGER PARTS. CEN t Eo �` iaF" �=if 31�It�C•r�: V�hlr�iJf: V�tdr�iir� lt�f�P�1L�� +: /L_ r?Iu,l�RlrsIJI�ICit� :L >-t(�f`1:,?r; i� v l.�r:[l�'s[, i=iL�al; i �i�,f=t}�;E i_l:i~iL�: :5 CiF'E:lu f�1t:Gi�iiJL��7''� f=��; gar 1='t�Yi�t�(_E� f...l:�, � f� i f / ��� � a � t�? �� � (Fi�lf�3 �•�t T Lt�tfC1 i i� L" L;i�1t�i.!h!T !?; :=it�i�iJit;"(. if i t� n t i� C?t:? 'Ci 71;�: r F'C_k 7 � �_ cS t�/I_. r'�I:� i RI�;I � i i'i=si`�1 �,t-�14 ��t.?i?t�? J L�f`;L..L_.Cii`( 'i'�Iit�•JJ`lEF; ��L�4I? :t C=f=1t_L.C�C�i 1=tEE:�UCE_L� '� I•'�i (� j)� 1=;!I._. lJ1.`� i f— i Jitl1 f 1.fJi`d 1'3a t�?._;t�lt:? t� / I__ i j I ..=1 i r-� I hU i I nr� -', Af � e �:t:;t:?�; ;�; L_l_Ji51�!!. �`r;� F=iidC� i U' JE'L_'� '��E:L�Ji.:?riC E�Ct i ��L.. i:� : - �`j�..� t t�? �. �L�fal�il_ I I`i1v4 I�`�JC�a t; F'f_i tr'�%w'C� i� A' i_ L) .0 ` I R I f�f 1J E 3: fJ I'd + ' u t�? � i j t:? �(.1�;F�L;R:�t,, `',f�i��`)'F)fi;;i•JP� C;C!F'F'E:F;y Ri���1 i�:CiC�Ji�It:t:.:TEtr;�� 't?E�[�!Fi��F{ 7�Ct i jai ;�:7-- =,-t; i. t_?t:? !'�':%�;:� F'i�iLe. T'i'; t�.i='L_ ��;; I�Ci E �' I:�, i C1Lti: t.=r/E ��/L_ r�/I_. G!'L_ I�iT;'��i 1'?Is_�i7'rilFti_I'i'Is�iid J�i:��� r)I���i!-.Ii=�C.IE�IC1i��l k��.;:L�l_!"i �I��ttGi ��i7P� ]:r�L�J =+t?r �;t:?�^t�?Et:?t:? �+i.:?'?A t:?r_:L��;t?t:? � t_?t1t�?C? Ci�t,?i? l7/I._. �}1:�"i S;'IJ�fi_I (I(v�{.I %�t�? , i:?�{t:?i:? CtL_ (.11:?ih?:LE;IlTIC1t�J 'ft:?`rc s.{it?C? C I L 1J T S `r r-� I i:,l� E� tJlel '+t'? r e t;?5t:? t:? �/L.. / I_ C?I:�;1�1=tI�i[_ili0{�3 1) ! `; j }:j i Et( I`i i i_f4`d �t=?`1�,1�t:?t:? 'f t:? �r :, t i j, t"? t-? L�/L. t3I v;T l:I �l!'i� I�ih�l Aft:? � �. t�?�;t:1i.? i.i/i._ fil:��7"rdi�:ti.�TJ.i�!ha 1;t�?'t%%,;i�-_'telt-} [�/i. I�1i:'TF�::ih!_J�T�ICiLd Aft:?7n 1It?; i,/I_. f?I'�'iR.Ii�,I_!ili��i�! ',�C?"l, 'lc:t?ii (�/G� talL,�r(?:L�IiTIC1C�J .t�? � t?rr.'it;? I L�;L_Il�far�iCi, I r��:�F�i r�i._I_L�1E:L�IT ! , r}C� i`:,� a Ei S ;'--° �:I t�, r ��,, t?i:? ��•78, is?t:? Af7�i� t:?i? -: l;i�?t,?r �,t:? �:'�tt�, ijti � �._� �, n �,", 5 F�� _ �. Af 1 z" � a `f � �J- �_?._iota `�fi n t;i? n tit:) r t::? � ? �;,.._-'fr��7.�s i I��"aJ~,E. tit=?ILA t7i �F'Hi�fs:�; i,;'I_ I,; i �_;"�;?'I E,I_rJ_ ): Cip�! rf. ,' �' t�?�:,C,i:? I ��+� t�?�:�? a :�;'i f<Ir'F'T.P�I� r'i�1L? t�iE��J t1E:l-{ICL_E.:`� v�_��r;Clr� 1 C1TC"-�iL. 1 =fAf, t)S? „ t�?t? L!.� ! f'iI_. '_�.,'y '_�iJi�v S { f = t.?�? F'�-lt'::y� i~� iJF'L�€'�i E: n � �y ;`` � 1 `�._� r �i _. r F C?i;.��o '��' 1 Ei �=f a i�? t�? 1 E;'� n t:it;i :. OF :.-JANGER vi:rllriUR `oar—_'rai�!�,i r�r�f�,m i�i'r'ttl H(.'i7UN I �) r't-iY'ilI !_C i._ I C'1 1 r.1i; (GCS. OF 1/17/91 15ri�� �G�+ G/L DF.PARCME1111TS C_CTBR(-thl''r—G 2 'd It ( WA I E'R*.. Fk Cal1. irk;'I n 'r't (f1�1:S T EWA T E:ly--(:• . 7 7 'J, i ii t PUBLIC WORVISI.AGF VI Ii1'GL_E tiAltd i —i,F 12 1`9u Ci7 M(4) Y t 1R R. C.! U1441C It L.—OF 14 151 c 90 MAYOR �: G!7!_!1�1C I L -E�1= 1 1-E c n Est C:CI1�1Mv Ct_.r� FIER l--r,E- E 1 rr,a 60 r r_if:�Er� P. Ot BOX 578 rM z --. (��roz.�$,y€p�ws !'.ICOTTIS with control of Fire Ai ods on pul l. e «OUI :,y., zz®`22G j7 ... \<r \§GGC \ m3G 2C\C \)20\UCS{0\ {\i5 jOdS\j]\9m. \0\» \\0 CGClC22\ SU m m 22\ 59\ OE\ SG@9{S 2F@ @y§ldOl10E\, RC Ss 1e-si`'i.3i's; C.'-utsff_?me`_r Lxst15 �.Pd E 1 �ji_�_itas ar �_i � � ��.:��°.. t €, �- �.�.� E,E }I.3: c i Eai. � e_7 ar�s:'�:y _ �.L;`_? ,� ..-�:.a� ..`•.. 64r8l �f= 5 , ���''� s ate;- e �. rr y - Con rrqqflo�y 0- $10M r'q ([ra€'sa.i"11.liHr tit zr i.. l Y.i� i+' k is S j. LNi l T [� .L r1. ION 1 .1 e G E_f 0 �.� 1 ,ark f %i n_) f_# a 5 C_j !`5 i _ S roll I OP i.v ry _ - 41 c_,iC 7' i"_: t.t a .# i trczit.i'ua. tllx_'. , d _< s Est€" ii€ !I. '(' el"Wl = w0uK1 decS'¢ tx. (}f") per mo t.L W1t i shi; fiscal year, toti1I roventle, loss of S `t9 1 i'S; projededo waste customers throm-rh a reduction in the I:E'anc hire. Te , Lho ' 1c. 2'eE trevenue would v) ' 7 Cs ' ?`#y i l 3 for the i 141 . € ric, ` t :1 i iti3 i r E %a "I`tii-sy€ To uld 3¢e acp. .c F. }. -{dishedl r e ,,e i t = . y F =IEAC J d.. .`{- t. _3 ( ri. 3 S.J' icy 4* lc i 54 .L rl k 4 i i.A ..i .Et.[ -3 "' ♦ e£ Giese r-j., e 6 - ld. _}. '' .a i a§. . _ t` c'E_ ' a) SSA - .x`NS..v✓ I , \.` ' . F,_ i:s n"t ct ta y ii` f E 4i a g i ` '`$'a g a..r G . .; j _S }- :-3''s #. -`, 1P} SiS.{td tI l. i_ 15-. .. it ,:_. Total Revemiue Due Frontier Waste r'u t *s` U 'i3s 'ra = # : irmt to C t ' 2 gl_$20 f } veragre d'EF_1yve9fEuje t,l/ GePdRro£.tl 1 f_iX10 4 ioij —a e 41 tj 3 0 .. t€ t3 i3 13 t_t 31, 'SSf 1 s"'U t.I S' .t.s. €Cyi SIiI.r3 a .:wenue for Frontier -nercial Revenue -10 /% Franchise Fee BIDS TO PAINT 200,000 GROUND WATER STORAGE TANK 9(_l f WTI i :-,1 ; t { ,! , t ;-`j 4 3 it's W i r ,. _ (,.. ,1 i._ € ryi ^ . =i'.'ut l.. ' Y , , '; ..a ., ' i `'` .' k ' ,; t— a.,(„ , • a t _. _ r t ! I.tllit 1i fl€ lfC"tE,! (uf-_kC'(1i, (;r l lipI?.It_I ~Iilee( P y _ r aT Fi •`M1' ! ! t (t i (tr"; t '( t ryt"1j€ ({ cr{-' € U''rC.i k+- (^!C € ! t' r'•.. rEr .. t _ r _• , r r 11 i for t ,:f _d -1 .I .4' P .-., r f r-5 a € ,. - t t i`t i i `! Gs i- i € ' t Y T' c. r`• f f'.. - r-• k'. -y z Y . r. ;" n i k^ r - r i !- t 'r. r' +- k} ( f t t _r.i - i{ (a t`.ik1 f'€•fit G I 5 4 } C T h l s w U =_i J U It (.-4 k \ft E l i._f #. s r ; i . I : r ka ,'` i t, i ;a r : _. I , . (l i t , p } 1} I Y t { ..`i„ ,4 .. .I . i {C { It,1. i l €y '.:jk~iQ k Jt 114~ I I l °. S: f) 4-i i c €., tff _t e i ) r / e (_. w o u I i., REPLACEMENT OF FIRE HYDRANTS {If,{ I `;ii _,! .f=t E ✓'—: {, !-i?I tt tom. f FW !?.3t 'sf Et' .%, In Te Ii e_nI cC j 1, 'l ,. ! i F `.i 7C61 ) € Yt f ` 9t, t! r4vr ,! I i ..1s,1£ v roa ea' !? 1i i[.k Fri \gt+ t !_ i! } i i j ? 0. ' f ,( L_i T i I` iep •s F F ` i i't 1 r " rr [WILY OT san( der .O . Boy: 578 ganger, TA (QZQQ . ChuCK ILICKer., FUDIIqorKSI '• t, j i ! r a €dfd` ,.` i i t j d- f d= .1 1 '•.r' d ICI "•. ! I ..i I i .r f t i .i {t t I i ' • B .d r 6 f v r i,A t.,d J ed out. Thev are the ones with iust two outlets. If there was a chance we. could purchase all l these at one we would be able to save between 100 to $125 per hydrant. 'rs. Also would increase our flow tothe truc t firs. r-hc coed out, i & ' oc w+ 4 nth & 455 5th Peach t h E I 5th Marshall I iIuy U1 ' Iwjkvi O. Box 578 anger j IX 76266 r 5th & Houston 1 7t h (24 Church l l ° th Bolivar 1 ' - l Oth & Bolivar l l l th & Bolivar 14 - l :moth ey. Bolivar FkLThters, Pension Plea ." uncll to serve a two (2) year term m on the o and of Trustees of our Tooth Pension soar d. `this is 1 0,qum d by the State VolunU; v Fire s Po 04 BOX 578 ANGER, TEXAS 70906 iml i i _tv % f k t`v 1 L . z '. _; III ohn 11arnilton, City NJanagei i. ca.Y`rk_cIra•r + n y } k' Report c `.._,3E? # 1.SWI ➢t .1.E1 p.€`ovef_€1.cn € f J.Aan..3 1,01 'C{ F tii dc AatK?1_A 011 Iti eF L t ai.. .=k'. ai S4. Ty i_ 1 —224-91 § he 1. l.z Sxa,vv 1 ai- k c all( F i C, 5. _ 1 t%t 'I fIJ`Ij sa{steel, i*{_ flt ,€} I{it{Wfi } €elfa.f=? f3I1ISC _'..3 € _€ ,gt; .,t mnit ,i Da., 7 111i Austin on € etv}rl_ na 10th and 19ttui as ,s tl"W x }ar1asecvict on Fetwuary 1 41h. Plc{ ass 1e1 riml{= knct vl 1f you wtn, u1d4I Ilkc, to attend any or> a-11 of these, f u i{ tions. JEI;x O ,:r O a A n m o n `A'°' ° it fz n ffzi 0 m m Zee sl O f( O m O ^+ m p n D • S\ A O ZS O Q 0 n (C A 4` A 00 = "O'Aa •A m Sm Q A Sm4T O`OC7 m G0 3'zz 1 p3 (Ctim(o., "I 3 H 3 a Ato fp s A tmLO WN- • m(Qo oZr m aa c 3 Lq 0 eeeeo m m 3 o Lei ON po}"o c o o s D w 3 w< =r(D 0 ^ c w O r' O f3• < immmem o c m fn1 o n m w n io c CL0 a s nro 0 m 1 v, ro o rfi on 3. a S O ro c n o,3 c 3 a a p, (0 ro s n = ?; ?; , n ro Z -n w n m S 3 cr m Q. , ro o =r =r e a D <'o ., o an -INpa 3 m n a1° -'w p•o Jr a ro m a- ,te n -•i -1 ro =r 0 D o c 0 'Dow n 3 3 -n S(A a fv 0 Z 0 my c p m n3 ro a o -1 < w 3 C %<.0 O n -nm 0 ov-<, a oto m 0 fD Z x w ?; =r 0 n 0 3•a 3 rD w g w O rD m a n o -"M ' wa< w ^3Za won a c Z awa= (w•amwoCL rof a° K m 3? ro%rou ^ n a'< :3 fen N w''p `" Z ID 3 '3 a o m o ru ten CIO ;'r um (D <ap 0 nno w30(D Ro v(tas" n •=3<0 nlD a wo ro 3nro 3a ++-i No so r*0me su p.•., c ., a •-h < ro 0 o w o _ o Cam LA 0- m a a o wz to m C p rn N ° N (D' W teeq ° 7° 0 < rb elo d (' 3 vro LA -, (n rp to Q' ^ ^. Nro n= N d;; ?c dam• To m (0oc?;w 0 a3°pv Oo`^nL c (D rD a aPi w< 0 as n wn 0ro n. ro 0"'•2Z °im wo f"r oX nao°(ten = D Z = n w D r m n -1 a o D oo (O •o n '* •* o o• w n a •o •„ r moto m kA< ,,03n todr. ma ,3LA o Fen , o 081011 to Almoll C1 w 1 o m n `0 -r u'^ o `° Z o 3'•w 0 D ;' .no w a 3 S = m s o3 C1 Q= r grow _ a3fo .i m ' " 0 c ;0 ro p i (an ID (D a: O a" 0 X O (o Q +,'O (D a '^ D ov '1 O 3 Z m (A <sromro m y,(Oow, <_ < v c_ -< a c 0 0 0 f^ (o -na f1 0 (.( n m ,,, °,w m C ro O LA a'" s—o c m 3 a ru C' <(a m 3 v, a w .rD i (%D r. a e 70 ru c w cr ro p—' On N ImashoZ ro ,.rot a w a Pr- ro 77 u C1 rro f1 0 So = a• p: O(o p < D o ro 0 O °' on m u O Z 0w wm to c -o p >aaun _ _ 6 O gy00MM0cn p . nrij CA (n =10 0 O m o v am ro m W °v C1-i o=tN ,, Noa o N3 n- N m m Cr a m 0 ro a O ro 'a^ .ar ' N 3 w o N 0 o r m lem v^ a• (ro Ow wen cD m< o p o 3 a e _. m a fu Oo m (n 2 D n m 3 a a, < n w w n M •t o r Z m 0 a cnNC `a °' 0 C: °i N m as m m m N o ( a m f1 a ro ro c -< c n cr D .+ Z w a v, a- (D to ? Nn C° in° o eeeet y w' m m n'ca mm 1 :< < o m n ten- O Sn MINE " v, a cna = O na ° ro .ta D V 3 p _ 'N. o O r s _V io a z (TN N(D A a f- 3 W O a CO NA w<' oeu#A o.wo a fn'f m c O wm (ntn 'Mmoa'fl- (n O O ._ru D STI=ar rogmm rop Z z^ate°mCL to 000 wn3 na ^ < .(n pa 00—i .0 "' frro a O O n0 ooeeem f (D < o=ro D m 0=r n r- ° 3 m •o T v a; •a a a•3 ro m =o na o 3 c- e. as 3 g ro m (u a '< m a -, 3 p i nPizo C1 ,, w CL X n o 3'=r moro'^ 3Ncr m rel m ' roc a nWe" C1 o n 0 v; a tc o 3' ° r; v; •c rr'o L90SL X.L'all!ns!Ma ZOZ9L X.L'uo ua4 9tb xoa 'p•d d JaM Jp 3J213WWOJ . O u3WF HJ 3'1'IIASIM3l 3J2!3WWOJ 30 2!3Wb'HJ NO.LN3a :o y g ,(Jenaga3 (q uaw,ted ya!nn uanaaJ pue yreaap aseald a Jawwo o auawaJeda sexa •Jag10 D Q .L ❑ UOIjBjJodSUL{L ❑ uop anp3 O uo!aesuadwoJ sJa JoM asaJa u! an!le!s!8a! ,(Jew!Jd mop( alea!pul q :pasopu3lunowb :auoydala3, ;!J .ssaJppy u!I!eW : u! uasaJdab :aweK : upuasaJdaa :aweN v, ry r-• co v y oo -- w o o w u C d o f •o 'o o w no, . j r<o aov t7 G „wy R*' o °: a w a' ; G r° D y" M a C7 o ,,; A:.' w p w o O H w N n o ` [yam 5,-.o yvw "!moo Via' ." rD . .r ry O bU i'1' ,G ' oon bu o w o 'cJ w a' n. ., _ v G• w_ C ' O m OQ X H y C w a c i °7a5 a o -a •ob . ww y ° ' , w o p w , , :v w a'. rao H i„ G• ro o n .. a N o N 'a o X wO N ro G 'C7 Naa w '?. ; - rn o rn w H •-• N ro n G -r b t? ro n E N O m o rn •.... o n M ' ;'! o rowwro o o w 'd .-: o < rn O. O, ro w \ J A V r (D a O L. ` , cn C3'' X ego x o ram' •, ram/ .Y L .... y, ..,.. Cif ... ...„,... R§' a' a ; ; €:p ttl .ranmr...Cpil _:l. v =v;lan'er" y 181 1991 _ g y A_Iol v ar S1.re#_i. Is [_JI `€ `"si I hrr.ii€ € ff i€w lr gic,l . cl€r l° €rt, '. dill, I'r`€_ €)c:t than . t pr_ip. c i:iii € € t 5,880 %i P right lrt. 4p t` r t r N r1 .Fi r.€_{ .';'r€ . ptlp1 1 lrj 'r "t T €?€`€Inc)- " is value Of 3[ h" 3x 3 .i . 2. 1. _ i.— i. i ..x. . _ ._.. s £:3 _ _t• E_ .. the City purchase the entire 2. 11 t acre- tract for a Price of nkbout Oldr initial offer"or the street r Ight of way to € xtend Acker was ,) he $ f Igure would represent presE?t t a sq. I°to price of approximn.tely $1.6,20 zT i:i'p l- ? t m P. n L RZ 1. gotl€€'°c v l'lr£,pt"1, I al I I oa s 101 rp€_. 3t _Sa s s; : o # , :T ffl r Et .c..-i D) Af ffil' r t i i. .l_ it:lr pce ` piGrrz .r" w= 1.a. '— Wl ,:', .ilav _, experienced 1et"iced a desli gn change ,vhlt'.h has slo : e(l the pi i cez cl; biAt vv l? s e r1 :1 p. illy 1` T T .'`s i s + 9 " 3s 4w, srlf s r FA` t t l %r i purc` l-1.ns i Esc= ;r , „ ac::: i _>1 i. * somitulyleast (a rnee1'¢ {t:%¢I this tract. I1 yo—i.1 di( authorize ize the j)ur f %p,a.,F (A tie Todd .-Y L r ",G'i. t 4.hi`-' Yii} t`l l allow s 7 -.y .t r t- . t c. i_E _3 wpl_, *_ ', _ . C r" t €"1't '€ r' y of ,f iri ' tal Ixt-. " tll`c::'ha_e e pr* CEE (l00 _'? a z3s' g .... t _ -"{ l'i.€ €_ _.'}..:r", . tit .l {el r r a e, r' r c 1_ . a.. t.fi€-. l.0 swpr L.l"z., : pt €.p p -.i.'ty - .irrs it"?1 ?€"° , , ,4 ;e" I A I (. pi tP� €'t?2l.`3.1: 7.1 CA.l�iill(All il 1il�II U_''- If"2.°3> i pi-i)it 'l z a '€ !"'°f "s_a@ tferF DFSI Y._M.. ,-...,,., "..,,'..,�f31 • (did) 6$4 Sif)$i FAX (21a) 68C�•�S4fi versified Financial 5 slams Inc.,nc. ?.31 N, Plano Fi�ad, Mich;�►d�:rut, 1 r p11. 1; ► ......•...._...._.�.......„ �^ W r)unr.y 17, 19r;; 1. John Hamilton City Manager Sanger, I'X Legal Description: l04�,04/ h�ir,.,c Dear Mr. Hamilton Diversified Financial, Syst.rwmx �t;r� c,;; i q s ►►r rr nrlc�r its i ntc rest In the above-refercnccd re 11 estcttc fOr tncc su►►l of $305000.00. Upon submitting this offer t0c, tho sApp► opri.,,1Lo r�� Ci.c.iz�..l.s, please contact me regardiiftg their rlr,c i s i tin . Sincercl.q, f; Hill Smith a. y MCI CC Ce I.rt. � l lh -� 4 I`� � 7 try r! r- r_ r , Hijlj 7;' tI�P`a�rt.aty .I3]ii iiI'_ 11`_> ;rtijr _ f ' t y r rt t✓1 _} [e. ( 3 _ i e !, i _, s i \' vi f " ` t t{!Lt= ("'¢ ✓' f,. ii MC ;! iP. �.'l.{ I-t i 1 `-} v _t r n 66 , ,-. i s,- i I d F- F t ram, . -. +- _ Y� ...3._ �p�_ I �rli e �;C � I' d�!!i: '_ ti W'.1t�fl a � � � i �_;i7t€� _� ," i�' f iil '{r,( C-l(i',`.;!Y '."i€� i(_.l;`i, i iW Y 9,)1 0ri 9 fwVr� P.0, Box 7 anger , T X 76266 s $ nd R ig, r e s o ow s: 1�1�j r. , has f�_�ir coun�° truck av 1.16 1 � �� .J0 258 tons flex base (..00 ton total 2 8 14 ,F3 t ir,`rjn J pob 6000 *7. gas 7605 TOT AL eL48,1 TI I .Q lw Cl I l�V HfjU H V I N 11 F, 1 Cl H U L, HCl VV0 U Q H V 1 s3 CJIJ 10Hk aHul `` i . � 1 . f L at, COS Of ' .5 De . r s foot, s t4�tt /' t=� W .'a ' 4 f =.�U ii °%U sH� U {IJ[I•.r i 'U3 ` i 's, I11177 HIJTI. 6U itr" Y V U T0: FROM: DATE: DENTON COUNTY , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DENNIS M. BURN, P.E., DIRECTOR (817) 383�1166 COURTHOUSE ON THE SQUARE 710 W. HICKORY DENTON, TEXAS 76201 �. y�i41�1,MM Nel Armstrong City of Sanger Jack Wagner ��� Denton County Department of Public Works January 7, 1991 Materials used by Denton County Interlocal Cooperation Agreement follows: GRADE 4 CRUSHED ROCK 21 TONS @ $ 8.26 PER TON KOCH ASPHALT 500 GALLONS @ .580 PER GALLON GASOLINE FOR COUNTY TRUCKS & EQUIP 25 GALLONS @ $1.16 TOTAL: .n�, _�.. .. ....... h'r •} ��r S �; for Kirkland Street per our dated November 28, 1990 are as _ $173.46 _ $290.00 _ $ 29.00 $492.46 All billing payable to Denton County Department of Public Works, Centralized Road and Bridge Fund. cc: Commissioners Court James Wells, County Auditor .. t `' �1 r�F_°_i EYf"�r" - w _ jCt 1E _ a t_!1f t,17, ref `E r jr i f i "ti t p T p `E'"t 7' IT T ^!itiE__(E fEi3r) neri �``I 1 r f - �� � � 1ha %1 l_; E t ; i t E-a � i�. E� �, F i I ,%� f �a k"� `j� I �� E., - ,� I ��, } i l l � t j � !? ( E � _� �_! 1 f , r i d`,•.' E � � C�? r' =:7 A 09RROLTON City Manager January 14, 1991 Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: The cities involved in the Denton County Electric Cooperative join holding a meeting on Monday, January 21, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Center Council Conference room, located at 1197 West Main Street. will discuss the possibility of having Denco host a workshop to position concerning the proposed rate increase. We will also n selection of Boyle and Freeman and Reed & Stowe as the law firm represent the cities. need t rate review will be Lewisville Municipal At this meeting, we better explain their to confirm the and financial firm to If your community has already passed a resolution supporting the need for the rate review and the suspension in the rates for a ninety day period please bring it to the meeting. This is information that the firms will need as they prepare documents. Please call if you need additional information. We are looking forward to seeing you and discussing the current situation with you. Sincerely, Linda Chiles Assistant to the LC/be City Manager ��v 1945 Jackson Road P.O. Box 110535 Carrollton, Tezas 75011-0535 214/466-3001 Fax: 214/466-3535 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 i I t 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 i 1 I I I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N . N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N . N N N N N N N tJ N N N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ql 01 O Qt tT 6) (n (T1 lP N tJt A A A W W W W W W W W N O (D lA N OD A l0 W tP W O W N W OD w N Un N A - W N W D > Z _ W W Ut w Ul A N A Ut Ut v O D tJ Ut Co -� W A W O N O Ql t4 (D V N V U1 UO N N N tD -� W W OD CD N A m A N 07 A - N N (J1 W Ol W CTI A N A V7 N V O N N CTt W + t t + t + t t t + t + \ t + + t t t t t t t O O O O O O O O O O O n O O O O O O O O al O A v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r H H LT1 d 21 p< H A F-4 z Z H H c� n c) cy z cn cn cn cn Ul H m cn Cn (n W d Ln xd d d d d ra rc» o z z 3 'JU H H [17 H t' H H � � U) w tz) H H tT1 L A H :C � '�i IT1 ��T1 L�T1 � d d to z PO x x W N 00 ON C N I Ian .• II .. 1 co Z O N O D C m —i � D ^�z rrn I -� -t -A A X •� < Don O n I V O 03 1 n rn NOUI D 1 n C z I N O m I I n n 1 ^ O O I � V I rn I (n I � A C 1 --1 I rn I n I rn 1 zn I cn c N N i m rn I I I O I I C I Z = I 1 O C I K) I C m Z c!n cD I ^ D -1 (N M 1 '1 tD m me 0 Zzo I n -t c n O m cn m O x z z z 1 rnrn z mr- z I In -A0� ^ D D D n D 1 �-tz r nDr 1 ..- •-• < x t- 1 D D n D n 1 Z(n m ZArn I cn U) z n m z t vl m < cn c c cn r- m U) I " :E I Ln 1 H z 0 c 0 m O � C D m --t D crn ort n O rnn rn O n, rn zm cn N m r>E e N N N N N N N N N N N * O O O O O O O o o O m N N N N N K) N N N N z o 0 o O o o 0 0 O O U p p } N U 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O T m rn rn m rn m m m rn rn rn T O m m w m A W W W W O A O (Jt A W W (� v W --1 r w W A O O O A A Q1 A O N O V (O V V (J7 W Ut V O O O Q O W O O O O T v T v v O O O O O 0 cn - o C -( 1 03 1 Z O to \z rm , D �-�-i Ph �... •< N D (D D 1 W (n O mAl 1 c cn v m co -u cD D m crn Z O -i T O T -1 T D S O rn A rn O Cn m� zm c N (n m rn o�°c 3��Z 3�: (D Q-°m 3O C O owlOn 0m � h � Offt+ 0 QQ"mhO� CU� �m � an Wm n(D U) m0O O 3 nro m0 �. m mCr v _� (o C (A ::r m O (o n =3 �' m (DO- �� O O(o O(fl O 0 m m 0.O 'D p CC1" ? C n N m c � CL �Cm mmci l 0r O (O r(O Oo c(Dm r cr _ (D =(D o �0a ewe ��� 30 a(p O (D 87 m C)5 m O C m m j. T. a o 3 m�(A O (O xa-n om9 WO ct°u3Q o �1 a- (D m m n Z (D p Q. o a° �. mo< v + m 0 2' o n o((W�QoDC) xm - m — -« (D -o m0)sv m tmn�m :3=3 .o < m o. m cn CL -U � c mRl mm gym° WO (n y :- �. D a (o o Z o� Z c O C o m 0 �C <(DC c: (n �o.rZ D O a m Z o° a ], r+ �, o 0 MOZ .+C m0(Dc � (uroOn nQ nl <• rm+ M 0 C.+ fn O N C m o O < ,-r m Z iU r+ 00 cp o� c� ��q o.�< �=- m = � ° 3 m DO 0 UC:=r ins --p� Q (p (n n n mT o�Z °oa- �� 0tea cn o���x <o m %) •mil 0) Ut 4 co N -i S 8 I m Warn 1' z m� ?c < Q = p m8 c( > (Dm (Dm ro �N oG � to 7� � m �pO to a n wi o ro N° m '+ G x ro `nt.�i o = 2C can 0 I c°o CD 3m mvsrry ?-1 (aOwi 0 oW N z N p N� -, �. O N -ro l m I-i O ro aci � 0 M `� ? ro '' C 0 7 -oN R� c N < (r� n� O �p O QN n Ui O CT C A W W ro c ° -p �.7 ro N 2� EMEND N n Cl r 80 m<` roroO c° �-,�o wigalmook—' roc- v; CD m o CIO 0 _' rommi � d o <(D 77 `Z CL (D m va 'n G motto CD o ° p3 � r% Q ? to °. z � a � ° `D �i co o ro (D m cc Ro=� m%ot� co o a g ;(D mao o c°c� �,.. y,3 coMotto m �° `-° 'C3 to r' � r« 0 o <o m CD CD c0 w �.N roro ° c tomato .0 stoolv C (DZ mc� 0 om o �' (D o ro 0)o 43 N ° (D c CL y o Cl. a 08 r. c .0 ..I � ro A c � O N .m ro``� a v c c mfamik ? .n ° � o :3wwwwo n0 0 o `<` cron awlso < =. 3 C v m cn n SL famme En° cvi °c c co sv _ tool� 'n °Xv O (D n g 2n U1 � 3 N c aci ° am 5 �$ c m cc 'r cu --I towns.« c (Do v, c F c mm� n w o v 3 MN 0o (� xm 0� o � ca roaa Z °c 0 ro c ro y fro• a= n c c w O (Q Z O Q' m B S ro 00 t Cn �, :30 z Mot to (ag (D (D ro n p O, tool p� (D o ?c' �R 2 0tcn ZN m <_. inn g 3 O 'i :3 c-fir. O CL N Uj (D D ' Stoolro CD2 0 PalmsO n o (D(D((DD .-+ O O c 0 N =1ro <v ](D C (D (0 CLFw* makabo.� O (Q womms DO 0 � m M ro 3 ro o ampas o� 3 m(�D = m w ° w `a m -* c6� m JANUARY 7, 1991 MR. JOHN HAMILTON CITY MANAGER CITY OF BANGER CITY HALL BANGER, TX 76266 DEAR MR. HAMTLTON: WE ARE WRITING THIS LETTER TO DISSATISFACTION WITH FRONTIER BEEN CONTRACTED BY THE CITY OF ���, ��'9 a�� �1 � Zfit=sl YOU TO VOICE OUR TOTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC, WHICH HAS BANGER FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL. WE HAVE 2 CONTAINERS SCHEDULED FOR PICK UP TWICE A WEEK ON MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. HOWEVER, THIS FALL, WE HAD TO INCUR EXTRA EXPENSES TO HAVE A THIRD DAY SCHEDULED FOR PICK UP SINCE FRONTIER WASTE MANAGEMENT NEVER HONORED OUR MONDAY AND THURSDAY PICK UP DAYS. EVEN THIS EXTRA DAY IS A PROBLEM, SINCE THEY STILL CONTINUE TO BE INCONSISTENT WITH THEIR PICK UPS. IT IS VERY FRUSTRATING FOR OUR COMPANY AND OUR EMPLOYEES TO HAVE TO CONSTANTLY CALL FRONTIER WASTE TO HAVE THEM PICK UP. GARBAGE DISPOSAL SHOULD HAVE TO BE THE LEAST OF OUR WORRIES BUT IT IS TURNING INTO A MAJOR CONCERN. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT WE WOULD VOTE TO HAVE A NEW CONTRACTOR FOR THIS CITY SERVICE. ANY HELP YOU COULD PROVIDE IN THIS MATTER IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. RED-FCTFULLY , //// LIZ�W�OL WE PACKAGE IT cc: Frontier Was Management, Inc. P.O. Box 498 .. Sanger, TX 76266 National Watts 800-535-7153 *Texas Watts 800-633-8534 Local 817-458-3310 * Metro 430-0829 C on n --I 0 z rn m m r � C co r. 0 '`i R\ Z °�' orz O p '� pfD`AC GwCJcw�D°° C7'-'`D oaC�roro+o rFM4NP, �p''fD�' o Co d � A W 00 O Vp CD C�C`(n� �w 1w� A Q�ocD ce C� (� CD CD o aCD ° � p w o r+ C' C �• rw . Qq ti Cr CD CD CD C cD C f , , cD ' wM r* IbTl ° O O4 i_? ►y SD 0Q �p r+ fD C O Vwl N n .7 ~ a � Q. ~ ►i '•7 A � � CaD n r+►� w o p cn w w cn r+p rp ccCDD ~�Ir�n Rw�O"�04) C CD 0,CD w� r+bO r+ Oo CD U) CD° R � CCD D w3j CD N CD CD C�n CC C Co CD �n A�G'C ba O r+ O V1 0 (�5wq �C Ln t9 C CD w COCCD vy CD O� cnQC �� C ter* co r* C CDO °O CCDD �pw C ~� �w�Vi .o p ,Y p O v, ,., (14 M0R 0 w0C O � ". CY O .�. r+ +y ,�+ O7{' +r+ w-+(D CD A) pp 8' Or+ rp��w� pa0 A. CD cCD V�i- ` a w `C � rt .0 � rr+ N � �� � 'd CD O ° CD ~ O C .H'o C, �G =� y r'�' `C Efl a Cr+ CDD ° H � r+r ra , ,ten cD � O (D N � CD ' ci rFL wr (FD o Oo. �C w p ��° C n C7 b r+ CD o x C' n 0 t3d CD CD r* x R w ID to pj� A b dd G o O- �, r+In C� rCDn CD CA C'(D 0 °p b cDA�wO�r+IMM4oCD co fDwin w�, C7 �CC°C�' oo CDo~COD CD D{�p.� oo P) ID oo�.cD >D0pa �r+ (n CDC0te o ,oa a tCwn 0 CD C� cnCn �fDoav�, ww ��'opvawfAc�D Cd O pi C C Oa O C O 0 w0�O CCb to � w r. `. cv � � w O p r~ va w va P? o r. In R, C cD C p C art ° En " "w�I-(n`a��' CD CD �ry+ C C CD y� cD CD CCDCC. CD CD1rO COO r~rt A A rt rw+ Oro '-' i w r ia, w '� . 'Ly b C C. w CD ►.. r R. 0 �O•t ~ �r�-I� Cy Gr* O. "• CT � '�•l r�•r n V' `'G•� a '.°y w r`7 Oq CAD (�D `G :y N CD U)r+- 0 '�A:f p, City of Ganger P.U. Box 578 Sander, TX 76266 f"IE(���RAhIDUM �`7 �2 To: Honorable 1�layor and Members or' the City Counci l Benny Erwin, City of Police Rose Garcia, City Secretary Danny Spindle, City Judge FROM; John Ham 11 ton, C 1 ty Manager cf DATE: January 22, 1991 SUBJECT: Draft ordinance Regulation, A draft ordinance regulating vehicle size and parking dj�ration is presented for your review. Any comments questions or possible changes would be appreciated. At this time in order for ample revieUr, I would ar�tici(_}ate consideration of the ordinance on the February 18w agenda. An additonal section with wording to prohibit the parking nr recreational vehicles and trai lers on pub is property wi l I need to be added to this ordinance, I would remind you that this is a rough draft prepared for your review. A final draft ordinance will be prepared for your review prior to consideration. �_1H:cg �:�RG I r�IANCE � G3-�a } I TY rJF BANi�ER .-- s �:. �� �� f �\ �, .� � �ti. }`t Z AN �)RGINANCE t)F THE CITY OF BANGER, GENTUN CC�I_►NTY, TEYAB, REGIJLATINc� PARKING WITHIN THE CITY LIf 1ITB, PRUVIGIN� A PENALTY CLAi.�BE, PRC.�rVIDINt, SERVEA�ILITY C'LA,I,�SE AND PRr)VIDING Ft;�R .�,r�l EFFECTIVE GATE. Section V�teighr. Limitati�2� A, HEREINAFTER it shall be �_rnlawful for any person, driver or owner to leave, park or stand any truck -tractor, road tractor, semi -trailer, bus, truck trailer, with a rated capacity in excess of t.hree�- fourti�s (3/�l) ton, �_rpon property either public or private within �t�(y area not specifically designated zoned as either single family or multi -family according to the zoning ordinances of the City, E�, This section shall not. prevent parking or standing of the agave described vehicles in such zoned areas for the purposes of expeditiansly loading and unloading passengers, r'rieght or rnerchar-�dise or fc�r par�i`:ing of trucks with a rated capacity in excess of three -fourths (3/�) Con, provided the vehicle shall be on private property and pravicyed an inspection of the designated parking area has been made to insure sufficient clearance and drainage in streets and alleys; but not otherwise, Section II Hours A. HEREAFTER it shall be unlawful for a person, driver or owner to stand park or allow to stand an automobile, truck or any other rnatar vehicle or any trailer on any property, public or private, for a p�-r-iod ire excess of ninety -six (9�) hours when such vehicle or trailer i�= without one or more wheels or is apparently inoperative for any reason. For this purpose, any vehicle without 1 icense orb inspection i or current. registrati�an or inspection year may be deemed inap�rative. Sectiotl III Nr.risance a �"� � -� C. a�� c,,\��. � Vehicles or trailers found to be situated so as to violate any part of this Ordinance are hereby declared nuisances and shall be towed into the City pound and such shall not be allowed to be re-claimed except upon proof of ownership and payrY�ent of the .towing fee and costs of storage. section 11� Violation}F�enalty Any person, driver or owner violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction steal 1 be t fined not less than on dollar ($1.00) nor snore then two h�_rndred dollars ($`�00.00), Each day that. such violation continues shall constitute a seperate offense. section V Serveabi 1 i ty/Conf 1 i ct A, If any section, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance is found to be unconstitutional it sha11 not effect the remaining se��tions, clauses, phrases or words of the ordinance, B. It is not. the intention of this ordinance to negate, cancel or supercede any relative existing ordinance within the Cityj of Sar�c;er, Section VI Effecti��e Date This ordinance shall become upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Sanger and the meeting of any publications requirements that might be applicable, Duly Passed and Adopted this day �t Attest; Rosalie Garcia City Secretary 1991, Niel Arrnst:rong Mayor CCICNNf DENTON IS HERE 01 IF YOU FALL IN THE MARKED AREA, THIS IS YOUR L��ST CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNITY AND NOT PAY DENTON CITY TAXES ! ! ! EMERGENCY MEETING THLJRSDAY, JAN . 24T1-1 BANGER COMMUNITY .CENTER O �V t�56' %III/9p ON l3�Ck "� ��� STEVE SEESE Urban Planner i Denton Office 817.566-8350 Metro 434.2520 I CITY of DENTON, TEXAS MUNICIPAL Ilea,. 110 E. YCKINNEY • fIENTON, TA 71101 i .� Shar !! Hwy 455 (Dam) Like nay Roberts (817) 458-3334 ( Convenience Tackle 13d1t :ys . lylll% Howell Scott GdW,lyds CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: John Hamilton, City Manager FROM: Chuck Tucker, Supt. of Public Work DATE: January 22, 1991 SUBJECT: 'Fire Ant Control I spoke with the City of Denton, County Agriculture Office. They reported that they don't take care of their ditch line; that, it's the responsibility of the homeoWner to take care of them. They do have a program set up to where the homeowner can contact their County Precinct and purchase ant control chemical at a reduced price of $3/85/gal. If you have any questions, please let me know. CT:es