01/07/1991-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularJANUARY 7, 1991 AUDIT BUDGET YEAR 1989-1990 RESOLUTION 2-91 SERVICE PLAN ANNEXATION ORDINANCE 02-91 ANNEXATION INDIAN SPRINGS LOT BIDES FREESE DRIVE EXTENSION ORDINANCE 01-91 WRITE IN CANDIDATES CITY ELECTION LIABILITY AND AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE PROCLAMATION P1-91 TEXAS VETERANS LAND BOARD RESOLUTION R1-91 REPRESENTATIVE TO PUC EAS HEARINGS AA II\ U I hot!) : City Council Meeting December 17, 1990 lr ivIL n A 0 PPIST ? ayr llel tr'rit^e_ , C urlc iltt' ci111hs. Councilwoman IN/lar le Braxton, Councilman Danny tV- McDaniel, Councilman Carrell .Neill, and, Councilman Jerry Jenkins :'RESENT. Cite Manager Jahn Hamilton, City Setcreta.r° T R osalie Garcia, Randy Johnson, Benny Johnson, and JeArnlje DeVore — Sanger CouriotN 1. Ivlaye". rR . rrr str er r c lle i. r 'ieetin te` cr9der, ai'e the ir-► T e atie: r' and led the pledge to the flag. . , inutes — ata rc ved as larirxted itli cane c c rrectic r --- r c le l tc Others Present — .Jeanne DeVore — Sanger Courier . Bisb trserrients: ii lc3tiera was made by Cc xr cilrrxarr Tl e r aas .ne ? Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. , t iti erz`s Input --- n ar e Public IJear iri cjri r r e r tie ri, Legit ; Irle._1i4 r"s S r°iri Addition arld a, Sect.i0 of Land now cis 46611 J- Icr•c- jAujijrMiDg. Lot 4 can the South. la, e r :fir°r str°r r decl rec tl e Pztblic liea.r ir . c l eri t tlae" lm ubli.e . i° s cane sl e fear c7r inst. t11e~ Public I-leai`iri . rvla, crir' , r;rarstryc n { cleclar°ed tl e Public:. Hear°ir ;° cle seil. Consider and PeL ssible Act.icn tee ItPrlcacal Arpreeryie-rit. - 1=rerv rite er Ccunt T Street c rl ern l irtkland, 1 �"C' :'lire. 1?/17/0U pa );e, 2 I l%k" tall wan 111acle sy muncilrilara TlamrnaZ3 anti �K7% >W cue l ka,T Councilman Jenkins to approve later=local Agreement with Denton Co. Regarding Street Work on Kirkland. Motion C""car vied. 7 (. i 4�� . An�T C�thef S ucll xail a tter°�: IVla.�rc�r� �rr�ra�tr�c�n aclviecl Clue tc� the it.err� l�ac�in left off tl�t3 a�r.�l4:1'c�. Cit}r Council could include it in the aeiica fir= the °li. ��. �r'i.ce—I'r~e�iclent cif F'r�tantier• �ira�te, Fancy Je����c�n �r�rrye�er�t�={,� their proposals which reflected a 6.7"o' increase in Sanit etitarl Fate for residential and ccarirrarericial. �i�:�~u��:icar-a fvlluwecl. `I`lii� it.er�:a �r��ill lie ara a�;`er�cla iter��. ir�a tl�e �it;�T Cc7urzcil i'�lleetir�a fc.rq tl 27th of Decen),ber . 81 _7,). Consiciea' atraz_I t'fassil^}Ifs Action to Award Bid on 1='umn for Wastewater~ Treatment Plant. ��it� Ivfa.na�,erA I-larrailtf�n a�.viseti ttl��t tani;� fa�ae l�it�i way; r�ecei��efa:> Beath A.ir" 1tlf}riit°a 1�i I��tatiCanCf}aancilrnan Jera�:ira� tca accept Beatt,� ��i.tt c=°tantlitif�nzn� F'r°ta�}t>�aI ff�� i�e�tacf�rr�.ent, instal-la,tif}ra, cl�€�ck.ira�__t,��t� and start up of a new 500 (GPM Gorma. Rupp T6A3 Solid Waste f'uinp for the price of $4283, 00. Seconded by Councilrzaan MeNeffiv Motion carried. �(.t,�. G�n�itler° aricl 1='ca��ilale :�ct,icara tc-a al.;�aaCave Fe�talut.ican +F1�--�� -- Sat�l;�entlin�; C3faers�tican caf �r~c-a�e�al 1���te Scl�ec��alc� falet? l:-a �, Denton Electric Cooperative i=��c:atic�n ��Jd�� rx�a4�le l��x Councilman Jenkins and Seconded t;iy; �cat�r�ciln�ar� t�cr�eill tf� tal}le tl�i� it.ern �_rr�til k� later cla�e. l�>c�ii�-�r Carried, CC Irlin 111f1JC1 page a 1C (9). Consider and PussiDle ActlOn UO apprOVe ResOlUtion �R1J-JCi- Atttllcr•i iil City to Accept Credit Cards for PaaTilrvilt of Fiiees, Taffies, and Utility Bills. Discussic3rl. Cc3uilcililarl �Terlkiiis r�lacle the illcltic�ri tv acic�l�tt Res��lutica�:tl �+R 1 �,-`��` � autllc i ink, City to accept. Credit. Cards for Payment of Fir`l(:s, T axc- s, and Utility Bills. Seconded by Councilman Mcl)� ?.ili€ 1. otion carried. 1 �.1i�}, Crt}resider anc3. P��ssil�ale Actic�il t�� Apprc��re Resc�l��.ti��i`� R 1 i -- �� S- pporting Joint Actions of Municipal Electric Utility ` vsteaI4 Dis: ussiCan. �✓letic�n ��as i�lade by Cc�uncilinarz 1VIcNei11 and �ecatacled t�5 Councilman McDaniel to adopt. Resolution #R11490Supporting Joint Actions of Municipal Electric Utility Systerll, Motion car r r°ied� 12�11�, Consider~ aild Pclssil�le Acticlrl Re�°ar°dire Appc�intnreili clf �clar°c1 Representative to Upper Trinity Regional Water District, i�aloticln was made 1-�y Couilcilnran Jen�.ins to appoint. Jolln lI aia:�ilt�ein oat Representat.i�re t.o the Upper Trinity Regionia,d "`ater District. Seconded by Councilman McDaniel. Motion ca-vried. #��ji�ler aritl Pc:�ss��le ctict'� ("Nrrlir-ta��ce *(:l11-as€.t_ Rej�'ar'c_litlZ4 Rec%'jL laLiv��;eiIJ,% rat. 1 car rarra. ?iAc_}ticiiLLs. eras rz.j{i:cle 1'ay Jenilr.irrs arirl l)# C'r�uncilrrian Tl�ornas to Adopt. C�rdiriazzc�e #Gi.1-3(� Al.r GRDINANC'E OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ��F `BANGER, TEA,, E�TAHLISHINt� AUTHCiRIT� FOR AN ACTIVE AND CONTINUING RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNTy/TENT RECORDS ACT.; PROVIDING FOR A :SEVERABILIT l ND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. c�tican C�rri�. 11t .C'i.t.clraini5t�ticn Rrr�t. 1. Cit�r I`v1�.n��;�r ��ri�.iltcrri in+Iit�t� City �`�',i�iirlc.il tea t.ii� Cit.�' �t4�ff Christmas Dinner on 12-21-90* 2, Ar�zclit i� rz��r cc�rn��l�ti�n �racl �nrill � �?r����nt�ci t tl�a� ra��t City Council rneeting+ :3. Cit�i ��l�trad€�a-� fl�rrailtcara �.�k�cl c�:it;� c�caur�.c•il if tla��% �,vcar�.i�vx be interested in purchasing a "Happy Holidays" a. fiver = isemi:�nt in the Christmas Addition cif the San er� Ce���ar�ier * It 'vva: the concensus of City Council to proceed with the purchascA Of the advertiseme&nt. _ itt_=,__ [_ � _ _ j___�__________ _+_i t }. Ae _ `lille:ti':;,i'= t i, tL 'i,. a t Br <i;_':w'alA ii'_t lliF_:l__l nF _:gi' i..d ^f%;y :,.E_, =+ r31is 18 '=' __SL�g *•'3%3 tiS :gr—F :_e%IIgaS v re ' - -L of ,*-?�- '•Ec- Ls.- _ - '- -t'-- '— _�_,-a— --- _.rs -: _ .1 t_ L i+i:,,s xyi 5_:i _ ii i.:i•�+._ .. __ _ b li-: S_a _ _._ t3-_ _ i_ __ .. ._ _ ._._ —`_ _ _ � _yj:__::_3 F�_ ;�jij P'.. >�3t. .._ ..—+i'�F..�. `_3.{ _L®j_�SJC;Eta— i�{�'e �5�•"•.�•_._�__x:; J'-%3=,e1't`t g;j= -'�_' s.ti'r'1'3°. �-1 .�l=e= _-� r=d�.r=''ice>rii� _€:�� m€ri'�lz?= -a`- ' Tj _T2iv ____.._ : l`'y r- '— _ }-gam :=s i4; i''€ • ,i" i; ! `� i `_`` :i ":{,i _� i i. `-€ .. AA i i7,3 ; i:i_: t`.:®;:_: "•xa ;� .`g 0"e x ? ? E ieri _.i_SILi_sv: _'..:`®L [ m`i_'.gli_ii3i;=1J ?'tli ;7:Siin S''.i+_'€_ .:•Ei r-.._ . x r3._;i _'•^g' _ '? _ _ _ it_`. :Ile . .i .�fe _[.��s. �,. :.?s=;[.F E_ —+;^ie — — _ _ ;�v ,- iS_=_'. ,e_',�._ i ... sFn ;_+.•i• t?,i„i_: `a,ary ._�av _ _ eI ;_.syrt,5_.S ?_.: .' ji .. !_,4•-._._ _;3; _ 11'`.L �. F' __ L ... -_ '�? ;e{L i.�q m __ �. -m L•i __-'�..€._�..: .. is -*:- v _ _ r-at.Yf f._• i``€�=.:i t_i i_: s._.. _>te_;-3 r1 _= i-_t__.x�'.{. �._v_ A_-__' _ _a_...i_--E.xr `t :_:fie._._ ��°.Cs .. .. �j ;�:� �i•m: T?�=E vtf; T,l==i r-i!;�:.F.- t e _ _ ..,. _ ___ e_ _ .._ _ jEp-i 4,;r;�;„E_ _ _ xi=_=_: ;•_*; . f•`ii.ir_a`. `�. b _` _`_ _ •_{ ],n .,.=�; Sia_a'i i_:� zi{a':'�''c��i �' r}-f ?. F?-?;�_ _-�8.1. {_f�:_ �,,i -4�t _a... i_:a ._'v t»-`_'�'•_��__ - 71_}_i .._.r'�� _ _ _•9 - ff•F_" i i SAVINGS & PAYMENTS aANuaRY Z, I991 CITY of SAMGER ST, FD, INOEBTEnNEss (#192211) (GENERAL FUND) GENERAL Fn, FQUTP, REPL, ACCT, (#IZGn91) (GENERAL FUND) UTILITY IMT, & SINKING (#1922A5) \ (ENTERPRISE FUNn) EgUIP, REPL, (#I60002) (ENTERPRISE FUND) S, E, NOTE PAYMENT 10TH To G N B) (ENTERPRISE) FIRE TRK, SAVINGS ACCT, (#I1")673 (GENERAL FUMO) GENERAL FUND s,RK, 26TH IIII PATCHMAN l25,@w 2@,AZa,A@ SSZ,be 1,1#G,9A 1,251,§e ��d OFSANGER r �!=?E:n! ACUINOLIN T ' :, PAYABLE iE:,L.E L_ :E r,.I.. OF I _ ii":1J. _ VENDOR VENDOR Nr= MF INVOICE A11,10U I T 1} I E,C;0L;rli i OPEN (s)t:} 1.Ca G/l._ DI IRIB TIi.N 4 1a06C a 1i;?,= RENTAL ON WATER PUMP VENDOR TCiTAL. ICac., 73 n 0t0a ,�-� it�at;at:} �-if�1�Tf�EiDt�t�l f'i=tll�l'E'ICJia 05 G/L DI'SiTRIBUTION 7 t:} MA:ILIhl;; IA1C1Er._S VENDOR TOTAL 6347u 05 t.?t} - 1`�1 5 i�RP�i rili-alzKr_`I!'�Ja.;q Ihar_:e r'Ci'ftil.:} t_}t} la/L_ 'DI`5"I RIL=iUT r.0 it.'s a :"?;t}C? C;t? rti l CtAD BATT E:RY VENDOR TO ;E:a 0C) oc C?t:} :;.-- �'t;at'at:a f=t��i-i(:���f'✓?� a,�iaP(1t�E (' 1 j�� PCl@q �7fL D 31RIBU1}O4V `f�'1901Lt„}C 'IJa 1F 1 TCJTE: Il�l'�1'EGTION PL! 81t IMAZDA VENDOR TOTAL. 15n 75 n t )o n 7L G/L. D14 S T R'i Eli l. l 10 N 47_3n tac_'C}ta Jn :=:5 LIBRARY BOOK. }; PCi(:. i S)9 ,.'. a 5: a t?t_} I ,.:, G.Ec'r Gill, D lI:)'TRTBUTl:l;N 4"' 3a 0; 24C;t; S is 3 G LID BOOK VENDOR TOTr'iL SlI u oul r-, 4 .3 40 BE ATTY AIR CONDITIONING NDITIONING CO. �r PCiEtC31 i0 :t _= 5 (at;} , (}t } G 11 1 DI' TR:I:f_:tJTlON if;_,n C}7C J.c:S� 11C)LDING COIL? MOTOR '=;`TAIN"TER, LABOR, VENDOR TOTAL. 1 , 4 fit} Lull iriii�i`dCu t1CJl�I't i e 1n .'UG41889 rjjC }n t_)t_a 00 G/L G/L DI'1 TRIBUT ION 4i;7at 'tC}Ca ~,':, C} 00 LOADER WORT-'.. AT THE LANDFILL VENDOR TOTAL. 590n 00 00 — E,.".:it"}t�? CE:E-1 JAhiTi'riRlfl-i... ll:�li!='(='l_1:1=S ,-` T6Y OF EBANGER OPUT4 AC:CCCLJl,1`i';�, F'r=x`Yn .E. L.1 �=J I [.1E. !=;AGE. C. 14 VF:NUUrR VLIIMU rE 04Al`'iC is/L. DISTE 1 B �1_I T TON 444so 0,31C}t) I Clu 4B G/I_. Di:s TR1ItL'T ION 442' :f7�)t_) 1��=+t� /L. I.)1' i R.t B11 f 10k1 4421 1900 Ire 49 1 CASE WHITE 1 DZI DEO EI._I;'=; FLASa HANGEiS ... 65.30 t_I_E AR CREEK E I; 1f�1D r I:'Cfr,gA, %, '1 : 8 , n ,7 it 1 0 G/I_ DIS'TRIBU T ION 4=,13 C)U500 1 r 403 3 0 G/L. DIC.i'TRIBU['ION 4d1 m C;r,C)t:) 57N C;C) E,,'I... DT':3TR1L=tU'TION �79 f'C)Ca +i8 f ) 1E {;a 4 IC1PI5 FLE Ft r;E:j 1 r'!'�Su i=�l�D= 14� 95 TONS [if T llIv V E N 1) n R, 14ta"iFt. 1, 871E) C;ta C}C; G/ L. D I ST R I i_.tU I i ON 442 1 G, t_1 t_j 1. {_)= t_; (_) LEAESE ON COKE MACHINE VENDOR i'OTAL. 1C)o t-o d 00 It:;n i t_; t:}ij DART DKDI.li1T` F-4'0714 41 '' t 00 4 o 3 GI DI:=;'TRIBU"N -t;='1a{);C;Ci 41, L-tRiJCi��iS 1. G/I_ :DI , iR c tl.1'T I ON 441 1`:it}t} i.'7{}a =::3 L� 'ASE ON COPIER VENDOR TOTAL. 170 6, t: t_} 1 0 C,'; , "Ft-, DiA EtiJSIhdR:J;w FORMS, INf_o G/L DI!:,'TRI'BUT ii_hd 41.1=1`:00 Gil. Ii15'TR:[BlITION 411nt:a.tt')C} r,;=, 91 );IL DI TRIBIJ'TiON Al.i.080C) 613 `,1 G/L. Di:= AP,%ITilJTION 4110100 r,; 0"1 i FIT COMP "°E'lYl101.l. C:HECf-tS VENDC)R 1104T Af.. u,`in E,4 { x:) ; „ G 1} 'J.itjt_; DA'y I S UTILITY 3C C) :1 e r'} G/L :D15'T RI'BUl 14GlN y 1.9 0800 9c 30 4 C0UL1NGS t: C:0HNF.C:T0.R(S� FCal R. EiY11) RULr'LIC T00L. S FOR r,i_JC:KE1' 11RUCI; VENDOR f o i U._ 3i , . rl } t_•'t_1 � '„ : ;!.) :. t • I Y L1E. Char*4CER VE�.hIT'tCi(: 'JE:rdL}i~il=t r��tr�3E � ��.._ �.:=lt_1{:)C} fs I •T"i' Of= f1(=ha'! t.lha9 f-il.:1." o €.!PEN t LPL4IULJrl I :-; PH I HbL.E". L. I S I I NO AS (IF i i l} 4 /1 9 1 i. t? o •_i 8 h 9. tti I raVOICE f M0UNT D I CDC?:_ UNT Gill.. 011;iNI BUTTON 456n 060o VENDOR TOTAL AL. 1a, i,40C)1) DENTON C'Ou (-iL_ECT� ,:��-tiF'. q IrfCn G/I._ OI'n,TRI U T Il=1rd 4.3r{., 0s500 SANGER MHP L.,I114E03 E=OL1RIIHND ADD. k AAA VILLA L_I TES f~`C_ Gf"PC G/L. DISTRI Fal_P"ION 4275 4„ i"2C) 01 UCK CREEK LIFT -34Ti,i•i l:ON VENDOR TOTAL. !. /•— i�:�-';•'��,�� (;h1I='E_.��`,'C�F?':� t�fi=!'i"Il=ihfi�l_ Trd':�n !�(�d I.!Cib 1 T ICPl—I'4:L9;u I irlSURCINCE VENDOR TO TAIL, I,t— 1t cit:s:a ErdLE..Rft`F lat1 i (Irj!!°t1t-,IY . PCFE','/F, I O/L DIST RIBIJ0i ICIN 447a 0400 BOTTLE HOSE, REOLJL ATOR FOR GAS* HEATER C16T L_MIDIF I L.L. G/L DI TRIBUITIOhI 4.4 ti5t=x? PROPANE 'O (alril_ r.,R01= nNE VE.NnnR j'C!'}"AL.. z's•-• 1:4C(}r.') 7iaV I:� r'lJhl��Rf=TIC r'•!-,hiF'ra4`,i'/ G /f D T'_1..(. fR11 B l"I I Oha %.a t. e t_i 0, VENIMR 1 CITAL , t"1t,?C? Ha`il__L i ha0 al•EOR'Tti tT1F"fia Ci=1„ ,: 01/I_ 1=11 C..I K Liu TIUN q.Ip"3, J.'i lt:a m(_TttL. f; LA:ROR VENDOR •TLDTAL. MTLrCONFoa OF BLDG. OF"F"ICIAL OS 00 4 { ' t UU 0=0 } p t,u_a a Ca t_1 W t�1t�a t:1Ca d tsia l C1�jCr� rxi t-1 L Cat_) n t } • `` ci -' T C1F r fitar-; Ft CiF`E N r aC:C:itlit�l T : P t V HbL_L. L_ I �i 1- I lu1') GEm. 4 AS OF 1/Ca4/31. I(m)v3 U1.4 t1E.1�1tiCiE� VEtdi:?CCI': tlF�tll. :[tE'y'OIGL: titf1C71_it�li 1)I;f;CtiJf'�T' C�l'l:lu f_ii'L_ DI ;i'F I N� IT:t C€t1 f;.4'=' 1000 y 1 FI= 0() r I CAL_CUL_A"I"OR VENDICIR TOTAL, I 5 a taCi CaC:7 1.= t:ati w,: — r._'4 t_Y1. 1 8v }; I_1YWLi1Itib &I :?UPPL_Y Pc F i t;«•9CY1:'• '_E41 c 0() y t:1':_Y •','41 k 0{Y G/I" DIS RIBU T ION 4:! :, t:a14C)0 441n i TBOAFD FOR 400 1+ HFI Cr-",W I1` FIL-A T 81 24 J tOJCW rlPr-d L_At"IPS, VEI'll L7r R T 014AL. 441, CiCa , t aCmd a `t41 i;t i G/!_ DISTRIBUTION 4i_:1e0600 t.}lsIS ;S c:lid Ii'l'LEsy, 1c:, �,l C:TION HART VENDOR TOTAL, E AL, 44e CFi I+.iiaE!4 t_Yi:} E�, 0i7. :1:t_Y t iJI; (EIF=tI_E T 1:C�C.1 t';i =', CaA{ii:Y 1fv,8d r:D4 .il_ 36 E,—t>.lAY f- NC_:L-lQE,' FOR �;/4 ROD .JM-1L_1il',! —t f iJ I°= I F' I BU•I I ON 4 `-•`' {�7€=r';t; mm lid ,=•I_ 1. L ANE7E, r;vr 11E TF:F; 8b d G VENDOR TO`-! ,;1i ;u 1:; ijtY AB y 1.�; :. ;_'=E•_ ,=,,7tat;at�; L_s-ll-J F:I`iL=E:.7�C..�:r=1L�'1�1•I s �tnlJ C�C�� f /L_ i I' T RIBUTICCN 44C= 030c) 59 4 TARGET I P{-3' i I L RSt 12 GA CL.F-.i={PdI NG KI T VENDOR I O AL- I E,, 59 , t_at_7 1 t,, 9 k.vi, 75 i.CY LAWSON f-'I?C)DUC:TS INC l ?1::3'I L I.i,)_)TI'iitd 4:L'r�, UtBidit,a 1{=; ,il_ (/I_ CYI,=;IL;:iELillnha 4.1r� t.;;c?t; 1t?w 51(; G/!_ i1ISTRmid BUT I'ON 41.9v t)f:;taYt; 1t.Y, 58 G/L. DISTRIBUTION 9,OFI()o 10a F, `:!i= REWG, U'AN S I i_ I CONE W 1 RE TEARM. (31i-11 PP I NG I t1Ea'!F{);CFt TC)!'AL_ 4c'o t?('a -;c'a �;{_i :. .Q =,r._ �'`�? t_;t,a Lz_1NE CTcCP !='RilllTltdEi C� C�'C1t:,7F.,F=, 1. ••=,t�;, ��at�a „ CiCa 1. ;�;t_i, '->'Ca _E TtL-:RHEA1>k ENVE:L_f_iPESU HEAL_TF! PER041ITC VENDOR FFITAL. 13C7, t1tm`.t4flNM 01L.4 COMPANY' C;/L DI. 1 0RIk;UTI0N G/L. DI,`3iRI BUT TON C/L. DI`tIRIBl.11II0N G/I_ D :3,TRI BUT .FIN L/L D:1 'iRI BUT In%j is/I DI::)TRIBIJTION I,/I_ 91:3IR1B11ITION I_ 1JI`",IRIE;IJI I,UCd C-IlGa ME'TL=:R SHEET PRO (;RAM iI["U.N HUL.,LCUlk!'ifC PFa`YHF,LF L.I{41i 1110 A'S 0 F 1./04/91 lf)no ;tlyl.t'; I hdVO I CE ACs OUN 1 1) I E6;COLRIAT 0500 /{14a f)/1_!{} 71 a 110(_} �f14 u 060o 1.4u 0 1200 41 4n0 230() tJE:h1.t�1=�R TL'1�EIL.. VLI'�111LiR I Ci I F,L. L.I (1 W_'! G/L 1)1:0TRIBUT10N 419 11()o C/L D11:JTRIBL1T I n N Ar „08(;0 RAT]C::ABL_L:.,; :D 1 ROLL WIRE., TF;E Rh oDo,'iavhior, BAlTTE RY VENDOR TOTfQL.. e"` PL�CTt�i�E= C'EI=�i-F i� VENDOR TOTAL. C}("}ANlz1=.R 111RROR1N1= G.11,11 DISTRIBUTION 4i_ 1 a {_}6{,}(_1 PL.E C i_.Aw`: 1 / a' CLEARE;E=;C:i; E,17t,1i.}i: W I N B� r7jc[,i-IOL VENDOR TOTAL. 1(_l 30 to .7 /0 a sinA CJ6v lit_! 4n 6 fk`L� F,rta 11 �frai J 4 t '/..r,7..f ;HMI. fk�R OFFICE •a,_,._ •aLll�'�'L_vl f W,'D i RIE,IJ'i i UPAI (1 J. (_?r(j(.? ?:'.,'.1 n a 1B MRIBD0N5 (R.b HUX E:NVE:.,OPIES (L.. BRARY) PO ,rE,'(' ;'=a Air (p)ll 3._�a _T (;} a 6/I.. I_rI !'RIBUTION 41.1.n 0,4,{j(j ;35a 4l} C�IMAR`, asnl`lE E; 1CLJF: TIL=; ��' RI CI-1ARi1) tE'DI_iC;E') '�r�k-1t�IDC1il t.'E�IC�IiR I�Atr1L Ai ,(aUUlN ] ,.._, F!AYHkR-Xw I_ I s,'i I td?::I (r OF 1,'t:r 1 10it 18a1{+ I JO I €,�:E (=€€MOUNT 1 a I'=it`_OUN I G I_ D 13.1TR1BUT i:fihl ';•1%,0 Cai:a NOTARY STAtill FOR CFRF'. C.LiRTIF t'Yx (F'OL.I(:E) t I_. DI',TRIBUT ION 'rI I. 1900 3: W 90 STAMPS FOR OFFICE. (Cis P- -,' 3ANGER FF.,u T O CITY OF OANG R? ;�r C.F INKING Pf 167'_?c C/L I?:rBTRIi€U`i'ION A7:3101900 Rtar=C,tr MACIL-11 NI CONSOLE WITH t GIOR FOR C€Jr iI:rUTi_R ROOM r'OC 7�i4; P, 90 i /I_ DISTRIBUTION `s r;=:1t=,t:rtr t?it €1!AMEr4..fQTF; FOR TERRY JOKES I (Pl'7) 1 Ca'C�t�1IiTt�1A F10h•1 `,0FZTE:R 1-lAIL C;FNTER C:C;IIF�F Ev G/L_ DISTRIBUTION 4I I It 0700 /t• PENCIL_ SI-I(tRPE:NER & Cl...11P 'BOARD21 G/L.. DISTRIBUTI is€ N 411, 1'7+.=r0 &cfIII T 1 COL.I.Iti1a f=rAD ; (!_.E`['tER SFiEE O FOR IA/IBC; & GENERAL. 1.E :�t. ER RE G/I__ r)I TRfBILL TI0N /,1to067(1. '='a2;1 t.L_:LP 113OARD FOR TREATL111E lT Pl._Ar i ri P 7019 1�o`rc I__ D.ISIR1,BUTION C DI'VIDE.RF,,, I PRa vRHEE1' I_.Ii= TERE'ta E::L.LFt=DHI SIVE L_Ar€E:I_. DJ t;i'R I BUT 't (:?n1 -'<' a C:t:rt:ri:r 14n 53 1. I_€ BEL.MAI-;ER 1 1. r= T LABEL_ TAPE W..ACK VENDOR TO'T-AL.. 1 it iC, ;F _ 7..���ri '"t�E)i M`i --'E(l}..ICiI._Iwq II+!€"o E�/I... ai':niRl:F,t_(TI.ON 4 1. 05tjt,r I_.€:jCK I I II* 1='UATE L•i/i wOL.. I D COVER,, SINGLE ROA-D T UD I hdGU PO7t:a 1 ,` Ei,' L. Ir I ;=,T r::L E Lrr I C€N Fr;=:';-„ 0�300 VENDOR i'C't'TAL ;�.._ 'r,-,t:a()t�a t�Il:'i i-I" �= Cfr(_St��'T'f,•`r, �E,TORL=.' (/I_ DITRII:;UTIO1�1 �7.s�`otaF,iit t�`.i`� I T=il`1l7!_.F �. POGS41 18U 11 G/L DD T RIL,U T ION 4 :OG {a'7i:aCr 1a„ 1.1 i�E'ATITEI y TRIL='S E IIi`1�7C t:?fiL..iO, L1Ethai)L_E_:,, NCi E 1_ i'4D,: „ r;l`dt F'NO;;A C:Cid}CRFid SCRE(#DR „ t�ati i:ata r �iiJ� f,t:a C / G C}(`tLIN ra;1 r-UUUP41': i'i`T Fi ryl._L: L i Z3 i ! Ht :j AS OFO 1/04/`�1 its?,c�'Ba1' 'JE•t�IF)Cif�? !,�C�r�IL?i�tFt I��i=1t+11=' (('-Tffh•�/4'FJTGf" G L D I I I 1 il. t i !. (!PT 441 a !_} 100 a ;_ i l/L. DfSTFIBUT iti +:;1a{'? t"rt_r 1i?a "N AIL.R. C:L?Itl) 5 30NAIL.6 (CON) 4 LIU!. NAIL.,, ANC%,HC)RC,e' SCREWSUr G/L. DISTRIBUTION 4;°11a 0 0o ;=:„ ta'} FIN VL c/L DISTRIBUTION Q i' 1_ u I ':-; I[�. 1 }. UJ i E P4 G el L- 1)1"B{RIBLii10 tr1 2411'�E, I I_.c,, 1 Rt CFfE T, 8., 1 !-li=lMMEF' S ON DISTRIBUTION G/L f)I3TRT:OU"OUj MIN EL_ECTRIC HEATER .yy. G/L DDSTf IBUTION CCJClF'LING1rsd3 101 ROPE G/1.1 I) PUR.. T Lill _iT I ON E11U.T FLiR GA'So PUMP :Y B f?i.!UM (1. i 0C)t:r0 f2�)k'ri56 +:7�' 4 a 21 Cm f''—' 1 i Y"�•i�ti a {:}600 � rY F'C1r'ZL,4 r:�FtE, 7r,E-. 111 1 �, Firs 42.1a C?S{;Yi=? r' t='E' riIiTII� r -[tp1 E, 34a 13 rjI-;FCIrii�iTC)I•T 4: 1.a0;00 4i;ra'rYC, PCIIIC:I"FM ali,Flic'mH STEEL. WOOL, a"B iCKET'_;a RAKE a 4BOL.TS, COLF. D SHE:T 1.1ar-i—r r f�Cja r.�p I— 'i'Y [_IF ,aiirIIl1L- R V'I:NI��t:.li"�: '•JENr.]I,R a`IAtr1E •.�i_,-- /i jl_}(}{.! 1 � x,'i� 1�1E 1 E.R ec t�F:l';tEf l._:i�l„ at 1 cwi:}" LOG CHAIN F N HCCI:IL1N I :'D I }P,` HOL_x. L i b i 1 NG f, i `..3 OF 1 / C} fa ; `�_' 1 10 u 3 l n 14 INVOICE AMOL1N14 DI;JC01_),NT VHL.'� E} Sm F'L.C•p PIF'E i-I4iNU R'I; M)TER C-iIETEI Eoq Ti-:n G/L. zJIS*TRIG[ITION mA` IrER METE RS.11 GA;�t�,(-�TS Ems•; 4X12 F/(-:/C tfc'.?„t_}�,t-,i_J 1 IA." F`IPF TOTAL 739_ 1.q' WRENCHVENDOR b Z Al. PO 70 1 !} .t D4 n {}{�} [ir: t_ 4_}T°_;TRi'i^a(11 E[_N �:13n i I.3i_}i} 1.54n �_}t_} 10 E;`.0LLci OF 1 i � T R I PP I NG FOR POL. I CE UN I'T4e; VENDOR 's'G I Nil. i =,..„ tI. . `',:z;r,•.J{-} !•dE:�TGf=I i [� VE T ERIC�IAR�' ETt�1GF'ITs;L G/L. ELi T Eft.II�:Ir-it7l ht"1.)E:. tw: L'{„},� DI•:=TRID1_iTION 1 r}ri{!q {,}{..} [.. ?;4/fu[i {=}t_} {1=.l-I.1 !`!i�-I i' i-`��7h(I �-_. -�.} , 'j C}, lC 1or„�i? T __El l G/L. .DI#3 T RIBUll ION {t 15. t} 00 1rt,}„ Of) 4 ANAL,YGI a !'AGE. 0 OF'I•_C�1 (�•.J aie ..L L�is.n t_}t_a ':�Eh11�'}tiR TCiTFiL I E,(6), t �� 1 F,t�}„ i iit ,;)._ �t+t�}`�`', t•�iJf'!_J FIL..t�if=ihlEat�, E1llJC'i=irlt:�h.I G/I_ 1li'YTRIBUTION jf " }; li{:} ?n'�=i 1. ALMANAC �r'E1�.11"}Ci1=<: TC1Ii�t�tL. ?n'�C1 'r'n �ir� :4 TOTAL 11 ti�`� 11 7'�Ri�.IOC?4�J'�, F'RCiC�Es,�E:tl r,/L. I?EF't=iF.Ti�IE_NTE ADM I N 14 T M 1 I ON—GF i l (.) 1„ R, LIRRAR!y GI Pin 12 POL_ I GE—GF STREET''^:-•i:;F-' `; ;?� A4,,Is W A I I� R —I I- is v !_}' . „ t`, a PUBLIC WOR111%6,43F I Cal VEHICLE klAINT•—IC;F l.c' aE` n { rac�vi }a? r rll Inlr i 1 --1.= r i1? /D\INI/%RAT IO\-EF !G S 90 PUBLIC QORRS-EF 17 l2.48 DATA PROCESSING -Er, I9 El06 32 VEHICLE MAINT�EF Co 14=53 COMM, CENTER -8F }} 7.2g QASTENTR COLL-EF zc G7' Ga q ƒ� CITY Ur 31AN$0 IN P, Q, BOX 570 SANGER, TEXAS /6200 TCIc�norat�le Ivlayor �erxiberof the City Council 'o CyI. John Hamilton, City= lViana�er LATE: January 4, 1991 tJBJECT: Report on Annual Audit of Budget Year 1909-1990 I'�r, Jol3r� ��ra.ve�, C:. I�. ��.., the Cit�'� Auditor will k�e pre�er�.t to re�Fi�,��= hip findings with Council. Following his report a motion to accept the Audit would be in order. Staff also recommends that Mr. Craves be authorized to conduct the 1990- 1991 Budget Year Audit at a cost not to exceed $4,250.00. It is MY understandin -;1 that there are new state requirements which will niake our newt and future audits more complex. Mr. Craves, I'm certain, Could elaborate on these new requirements. Our current audit expe ns is 250. I feel ol�r arar�.it services are rea�r�nable a� d7�.�°iri rr'�y years at ��ar^�vc7r�; 04111tclr operated with a 4,000,000 annual audit, we spent ewer LP-LU,1j0U 4.nnually for audit services. ,JII:es • ._ . ;— _% i } _. •— _. `E i :� • ti ..� 1v . e� ��# #— . �_ � E—! # is .� :— ... i—i T ,. , a ` [_. � S t� }_r -.,.� E_; ��# �.,.. f # — .._ it a —ice i—"- . st` >j."�PF•=� %_%'s_.m, 'EJ*i:i=!'s'_:';—F "q ?3i`s P®�#_i @�'= �?�—Fa}}a.I;i��`-'�`= 1_`ssi _ ,—'s ii�— __ `_{€_ _-}—i 't_''i�s `:—ie_-= _ .n _ E s s o _ � i .� _ _i . _. , s _ � # i �� t %_� a a _ . _ : _ _ _ : • i #_. � . � }.. .� .. F i _ �I E— a =_I zW � °..I '—f : _ ...+ ... v J S si E . ...- : a .,i _ _ . I #" 7 _ — _ _- i ' - �t i_% E"# ` : III I = - `` z ' s"� F-i i — y E _ • #._._ v.. �idl%I E. _3.a i£ L3 '.1`u _ .( %�:., _..i #_a v..Hill Jj:j �.f 9 z _. s_I F ^4 i. `: i i 3 v { { u _.'s f �s "S'::? F F{f 1i ii :T x`il¢. €'i{e I_._. f`_€ �i� — EJ —T•.�i i__ c-3•_.,.- ml t.E I # U if, E lU If°:I !_ . to ,_€ "s Pus I FOX 9 e i iyv �.1 iv i e� i_ `s= _ [ '.�2.c E i � '_ _• {_': i � i��j i S..s � .` i (� +`_`� `� �`i'�'i� [ i 1 : _ i i i `.e: !_ r. : � F_i i�a `W S_ � i `� .. _ _ IH rt c�S [ :. _ } .. E f i_i *M t ; s o s','3 E €..i ' 2..: g d ,..? i_F t j g �i - E_i §J '-} i i_i 6 6 `m`�f imi f? i L':.iaLii_iEE se E s : m' s:�,{ � [ `s= } : ,•'` � ' `_: t [': is` 3J }_ � a m �s � o ` f f... _ _ : ' r_` g_ ' � "3 fef E� _P �[ {_ � i_' i � :'� : t !.1 -_ a _ _ t_ ' s. � _ � € i 01 i `y' � } } V f � Ii E � �a� ice.iw v ` ... _ : e ''� 'ixv P 33 i 'OP i :� <� 3N 3 .i Cl i U : _ _ _. f_i f �i . W: __ � 3_, '_ � f� ; � ?_i E i {� :_ _ _. '..� fm { s a'_ � : ° ' v : ,...= i_ [ v `_: _ Po i i -� 3_ 3� � , s E' { 3V ' i { ` • _ - - . i�: _v ; �...t E �4f G� E._ { Lf iv } f E � d •'.� t1 Er S_' � i ie: } { _ 4_,j i_. f_ '� }_i { i E { { _ €e� f a p_f �_; 3� {': E j � � i _ E_ i_ E _ a ..� E i S1 '_} '» . _ t P iEE= }--•s {€t °iigE!fi€ 1 ice.. _f } : '': E C eY 3 . [ _ v v +...• Fat £� .. 'rj y I aE � €_{ i _? Y€ €_,I e= ::a £ i µ!_3 € v C : ?�£.I t_€ i_F I VI € i *� a' :..,, _ [ €_' I F �,.i �.. ... i � _ , z .., .... S � � ` : [_ i � { a � ` I a { w. .� ' � •: i a €—} ®. _ _ .`, ®• ._ m ®a �F az : _ - ?v7 2r? F x�1 €J 1 i ? F 3 }�. (( W" F F.a '!v t x' i :�: � 3 , i I -_ i a_d i € { € i €'t :_ E . j i F }3 }_• Fe �_€ : }.�_�'- °1 t S :� � � I . e ® ' _ a _ _ _ : - _ _.. • "_ —'. a `? a. � _ f. ems# i ii _ai ;_;._ .'"_.� _, L.l:4 L?'�' jam'—if•_¢kde a.?;� ?F_;:=z a _ } _ !_€ _t ' }_} : : ` i i i S >= a , }� a ? '_? i . ; [ E u ?_ '_ !_a . F _ 14 Ill It ✓, U i e e I '� v 3_ t,1 : i �_d ?..i '.a -> i„`. e� �_ (} ! ' j ._+,. j ':,.`' i" � i B f E j �f1EMGR�.I'�I�t�\tI #71� T �) i� i L Cir 32AINkJnlx Po Ot BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76 206 I��r�.c�r4z�l�ale Ma�.��r� �� Men�l�erj� caf tl�e t�itt�r C�z_zr�F�il Jahn Ha�rx�ilturz, J�.r�u�ry 4, 1991 ityF Manager \j SLTB�IECT; Clrctir��nce #�2-91 — Arine�atic�n I�ec:�uc��t t�a�f ���i.e ��jer$r�zan can an Indian Springs Lot �� �yraax �.rze� the r"ec���iret�. Pz.zlalic �Ie�rin� cart tlti� �nne��tican re��a�.e=ct have been held with no one appearing either tirrane to speak for or a plainst this request. Ordinance #02-91 is presented for your consiclerad.011, Enclosure o top It so ,�ftOPCRT1 9 to;k 1 l ,ells eAt �. IF 4L ! -`` am sit to coo it +GiNEER �tv�n Jonuorr 3 Mr Louisiana tKinneq , Texos L7GAT!oN NeP ata�tef•t000' S 8 9'.3 q' 30' f� I Mow we o �• /II ,ttta •, 4p of Coot •• l I d 1 o s it 00• °°aw N ``Stoo f ®At °° ' it �� • Nr•s°•a w aO° .\ �• �' 1 s� N ?' /r of �( •"IL t to 41000 so 3 to •Dolt . 'I,Nf M. / Yr y • ..• �r � tie) • �/��,?•b • ` � ppp •� Y �� Z tell JOyC! PDr rl�i • 'I e • � � Bennie Parrent �o i•it Lo Rue Elrod t rye Q Solt 1037 ° Sanger, Texas 76266 b1�. Wto Ott ItOft v =�= . Nee• 10%34w Sys 7 A• 1 10(o CITY•COUN HEAItTEP R MENT ,OURTHOUSE ON THE SQUARE DENTON, TEXAS 76201 CURVE DATA • • N• N �D i , t•O t0' �_ a moo, • .lot q e0 • : ►tom' ' ♦ • eN ,t nt to • • N'e• en • 4 t•t It* 1 ''•loot !' '<It ' to ... • N/ M t O A N PHASE O I NDIAN SPRINGS ESTATES AN Ann1T mN Tn TNF C 1TY nF S6NGFA_ T►VAC (JC'C1i t41t1tuP C i ty of Sanger C��C1i€�•�r��I�i(�:E �'r�rwiE;�I�,I 7 N, �R�.0 T CIF L_%�k,i�s1�1 CCr1`�1 � lC�I_.ft ��`$�; �� ;;, A `E s i 9DENT() a t[ r rf T i X C C..t �.( {_!`� t THE E4.1 f 'i {.i! SANGER, S, ! i 'i ?I`! f�.(_%UN? E i ! rik•;/.._z. f �<� _ THAT �d r f V � i t.. �.� 4 (' �} ' D A IN! `� P P ! 1`Sl G , j�,, �D ; T t.: A, N € t RIMON t`. N OF LAND �,y(vr� INI �,S 766 i , 1,CIk.� � I I �, j(.I:z i f F "1. 0 U R I a THE 5(... TH ALL BEING IINIcW!_UDFD Ik,j I1\1F;I A,�`.; _ E D IN _ C;F THE RECORDS OF DENTi (�i�-�.! r.V.t��kJfi�T`Y TEXAS t t_. , `? ? I I I E THE IC ! . ? iI AND DECt AI 11Et�.7 �;,i,`f I � (_ I � ,`' :M ti=tA I rr'eet.1ng of rho. C ity FounciI of the City of Sanger,, Texas on pet iton n`" t`�Y{ `�? � `� E i �. �? , i� tRf f i {,J �.� � i ~ � . 4A r ! � f,. �� �>r'J t� `L�.. r� {`' t Cz.`i r~ t d f (�i i,� 1 u �) is i,J � r �..., b t F' .� ( ?^I {,. E r'?':%' ; _ _. t ^, r-• „i tfi, i�`poc.ie E)Ci 11e t f i r'd oI t erClr)er 0490 i,.i f11 ir) c C, cat` rl'; r` € e x a s fib' all interested Persons to Mate their- grow,_ rit rN t Vj(,4er1r�e �,e he �rlr�("I �r}t�rF t`.nnexation `•'jrc�iIdet ��y €sad, t r"r_ n€ 1II1 -t. f (_rr't�ta n ( I t-h `> V rtt.2 r`Iti"'f rfc`�` D t.t C(i i !' `� ) 1n t1 p t (._1n :i } er; ted persons€ ", r" C eif ''ief�v rll i7r.eis ?rf� evId nce he i ir'�q upon the annnxaitloll Pr'OV&` .ter!! 1-.. ,'~i o r iJ!n+&:ir�i + ' i r`�.�t ��,r�kJ�j` ��arlr i�;�'�C� t.�7 t.h�' (� i t�/ �,� Sc�n���'r-, [�JPrlt.�n CC���r�ty, T�,,\, �y�,�,, •v�sn{� the ` ��,�,�; made hereby) a part. ro f sa i d C i t.y nd ti-`fer I , nd paS we 1 i as t.he r 2 s er i . ..ir"';t~x w. i_j .r!€"e 1rIhabitcan `} t�iE�r�(a� S%ti�l� IJ� �'ntitiE�t� t� :�Ii r"i .t� j.� a, i ijr l� �r; (tT l;=r' i 6?n 11tefi?t E4 ty cr'l(ilt�iI?i{Jl_!rAl{ Y t(1C 1f `., ;.'rf_, �`rry- t� .: 1 `< ty now i effect o '�V��iCh rl'7 aJf I ereafte be enar`ed al to<:J t.,e U f.rlere l rl 51 1a l 1 uEE' E, uDJ Ej Ct .0 aC1C1 hall r ieaC its o�C ra; - � of the taxes levied by the City of SanrYier, C�;dCt. air fe C? r%t- n ounty, Texa`a. and, being al 1 of iot i oul Bork B'rid jaIF i t at.a Section 1 tti : tt?i �1t1 it) Denton%jCounty,¢ yT E�x{? �} C_c;tJt`Cili r; to t-hCn eC(`jrded in Cabinet B page 3/, PlaI,. 1: e5...:.ird`T of L-=en(.,�_..�t1 C0Ut!E., 'r,Vet ', Deb s t r ac It itlurniber 12 41 Denton C. ounty Texas, and being Part o f a E acIC=;I"'iown Cif` deed t,J Bennie E. Parrent, et al, recorded in Vr1iuC'ie893 [. J)age _ = i, !.)eeG Records JC` of said County, an(' be u<:�rr "rig de=:Crl )eQ as f�J itJtitl ; =y 1t C . ,%�, �iT t.l"pE..�� Ind an `?pr,nE"`_� C`,itate'`.J, saII :�; ee, pin ti nq ';}`1 ti'i; 1ort1Jwest right-of-1may of Rising Star ane. r H Ej I�i 4 k7 + 1 CJ �-i i e t� f 1= f� t i C e C t'� i t t �_ v e, t'r E �,' ? C I+. ,o feean chord fJ i JEJutrl )!' E_1 C;ree Cz�l (', I 1 t 11 l f f `, i(r Vj _ _s.f} 1 feet, and an ar C distance df 66P 1 Q feet to a steel [Jin lie ortlrt';ea =t. r4cJC t)(er of a tract- Syron, by deers to Sylvester Boh;rf,a r r=cord ' tt r:)1,}._!C"neI 14` 2) [ .aqe 150, Deetd Records • d �)f L! !t af'`�,c I� f;tl�srry % Cr,rrier oT said 6o, man UFFact, �?1(� -tee1 I in bein 1ti G)r'iE f III, �1E<r;t ��� r"Cl'C���t.eS 5`.� `:�t�`�,tinCis �%�S1 kt,,E ii�`� `� u�? 0 :lCE-"1 1..o �` Cif said IC"iti1an 5 p r i n g s Estates �F%,� (,a i;,,/ �iC� t.t Paid Lotcat 1 i, Cl :_'!'v), i '? .o MP 'gird- !� %Cf`the ofit+:1:ail zoninq Cfip of the rity CJT Sanger,Denton C` 3.''r''. 4 CITE' CIF SAilCEP Pa 04 BOX 576 SANGER, TEXAS 76206 FROMVJola s Hamilton, City Manager DATE? Jal�ivary 4.$ 1991 SI.:B�ECT: Cc�r��i�ler eta Po�sil:>le Action on Bitl� for �`ree�e I�ri� 1= Extension Tlie ��ri�l on t.l�e Freese Drive e�ten�io�i ire �cliec�ule�l to tie ope�zecl i Io icla.y, 01-7-91, �t 2#00 p.m. A. summary of received b1celb=, �:�.�ill lie Submitted for your consideration at your regular meeting. Tl�e orii�ial engineer°� e�tin7.ate for tl�e project way �1�'S,C10t1 to be p��id from reserve funds. aa `:'£ ._.. _ .E.`x5£; 's � �• � � #_ i E; E� i l `_ t 6y : 19 [... f_.: 3�: '-.� i �..}'�.. __ ....:_...,.,. »_ _� .�: _ _� _ • _ .... ... ®: _ j'i' 3 { !�i#rV�'f a, i Ejjt i3e et :3E .:.. . v .w.ff } .i . ('` e.F i� E� : . #..i : i i fv? � � e x� � ?._3 :d' � i e a � £_% _ _ E'£ _i i S �_ 3.� ' � f �� #r _• [�[ €_£ f—i [ '- i t= i_� _ v '_9 i i .. £_# � ._ _ x � ;- _� _. rt—v.£._=:t;�•.'Ig;�3i-?,�'s=� e—�=-2-�. ®��i,�i—£ _ }'.— iYyi��ifg'}4Pti _ i i_ T. _'IE' �- —_ S_ i_aaly1 i is E_i t-Fri, m : i`i = _ i U t r ( uU� __ . Ronald .1, N�im�m Merc�c�r�t F. f3c�rn�s N�imc�n � I�c�rn�s tt professional rvr�oralion nttc�rne�5 fit l�u�i 3�6 U.l. Mciin / F'. C�. f3ox 1'17 lc�,�uisvi4le, Texas 74�067 January 3, 1990 �I�. John Hamilton, City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar street Sanger, Texas 76�66 �tE: write-�in candidate oxdfnanae pear John: f�l�.: Q 1 �4/43b-155a Fix: 21 �I/�:3b-13�9 I have reviewed the proposed write�in candidate ordinance and related letter, and they are satisfactory. � apologize for my delay in responding. Sine rely, Ronald J. Neiman R�7N; den Un INANCE ftoi-91 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AN �RLINANCE GF TIE CITY QF SANC�ERy �ENTUN CC�t���T�, TEXAS, REQUIRING A WRITE-IN CANDIDATE IN CITY ELECTIONS TO DECLARE CANDIDACY THIRTY (30) DAYS I ! AZA'ANCE OF THE LATE OF ELECTION. V'V t� �li.�:,�. S, �lYe ��a�a�e, �r'orYYtll`aZ.rC�rY cYr"�Ci erY�or`'C;�'�YY€�ri� c31 clYe -)rovisions herein contained are deterni.ined necessary and advisable foi the promotion of the general welfare of the community to carry out the ov .rnmental po��rers dele at.ed to and possessed by the City of Sail�cel°, L3erYton Count y, Teas; Now Therefore, �,e It t��rdairaed Icy TIYe C".ittT Cc3��racil of Tl'ae C'itV.r �:�f Sarl�-z'�'r; 'fe�_as� 3���t�c��a �: Al"!y c=���alifiec_l eiec�tc_ar c>f tLic (='it�r, ��IYe� is catl-r�r�,�,i�e qu.allfled, in order to be entitled to stand for election as a. write- in candidate, must file with the. Mayor a declaration of write--IJ. II candidacy not later~ than the thirtieth (' 0th) day prior to the election elate. The declaration of write-in candidacy mi i st meet the same requirel-rients as an application for a place on the ballot. SectiorY � TlYi ordir�ance slZall take effect and. l�e irl force frtc3rrr Arid after the passage and approval by tlYe City t"011rrc11 of the City c}f Sanver , Denton County, Teas, as required by law. gassed arad Al�prc�ved this day �>f l;� _..� Nel ArrzY:str��rY�{. �`Iavcar Attests Rosalie Marcia �"ity Secretary of �larivary 83 Chief, Voting Section civil Rights Division Department of .Justice 320 First Street Washington, D.C. 20534 RE: Submission under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act Sirs: Pursuant to Section Five (5) of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, the undersigned submits the following in accordance &k.Tith 28 C. F. R., Section 51: 1), The change effecting voting that. is regtested b�T this submission to request pre -clearance of an ordinance requiring a write-in candidate in city elections to declare candidacy thirty (30) days in advance of the date of election. 2). The change is requested so that the City of Sanger will be t.rea.ted as an equal to the State, the County and the School District in that in a general election for state officers, county officers, and school district officers, votes may not be counted for• a write-in candidate unless the candidate has filed a declaration of candidacy with the appropriate authority not. later than the 60th day before an election. 3). Enclosed are copies of the following documents pertaining to the request.: (a). A certified copy ofOrdinance#01-01, adopted by the Sanger City Council on (b). Excerpt from Texas School Law Bttlletiri -Election Code, Chapter 146. ChIPA, Voting Section 1/8/91 Pcci e (e E cerptfrom vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, DeChOli Code, Chapter 146. cl�. CoPy ref Iet.ter fY'or1 Teas Se$�retary of State,'Cirre S. Bayoud, Jr. to the City of Sanger, stating; that a general later city may Maass an ordinance to require that. write-in candidates declare their candidac o I'he CitySander, `leias, res�ectfuily rexazests aaroYai {ai tt� sz brrdssion reflecting the requested pre¢ clearance. Sincerely3 City Manager :1 I -I i es �:��►clos�7res F.XECUI'IVE DIVISION I'A. Dox 12697 Austin, Texas 78711-2697 (512) 463-5701 I:LisCT10NS DiVTS10N 1'.O. Dox 12060 Austin, Texas 78711.20b0 (512) 4b3-5650 Disclosure Pilings P.O. Dox 12070 Austin, 'texas 78711-2070 (512) 4b3-5704 DATA SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Dox 12887 Austin, 'texas 78711-2887 (512) 463.5609 J .ORT SERVICES DIVISION Financial Management P.O. Dox 12887 Austin, Texas 78711-288? (512) 463-5600 Staff Services 1'.O. Dox 12887 Austin, Texas 78711.2887 (512) 4b3-5600 STATUTORY FILINGS DfViS10N Corporations. 1'.O. Dox 13b97 Austin, Texas 78711-3697 (512) 463-5555 Sututory Documents P.O. Dox 12887 Austin, Texas 78711-2887 (SI2) 4b3-5654 'Texas Register P.O. Dox 13g24 Austin, 'I'cxas 78711.3824 (512) 4b3-5561 Uniform Commercial Code 1'.O. Dox 13193 Austin, 'foxes 78711-3193 (S�2) q75-2705 Office of the SECRETARY OF STATE George S. Bayoud, Jr. SECRETARY OF STATE September 24, 1990 ti';;l Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: Thank you for your letter to me of September 12, 1990, in which you asked whether a general law city may adopt, by ordinance, a requirement that write-in candidates file a declaration of write-in candidacy with the city in order for write-in votes to be counted. Currently, such a requirement exists only for state and county offices (Sections 146.021-146.032, Texas Election Code) and trustees of utdependent school districts (Section 23.081, Texas Education Code). Section 146.001 of the Election Code provides as follows: Excevt as otherwise provided by law, if the name of the person for whom a voter desires to vote does not appear on the ballot, the voter may write in the name of that person. (Emphasis added.) Section 146.001 thus applies to all elections in Texas unless another law expressly provides otherwise. . Secfiion 1.005(10) of the Election Code defines the term "law" as follows: "'Law' means a constitution, statute, city charter, or ci ordinance." (Emphasis added.) �a �� An F.qual Oppnrtunity t:mpinycr Mr. John Hamilton Page 2 Based on the foregoing, you are advised that a general law city may, by ordinance, require a write-in candidate to file a declaration of write-in candidacy in order for votes cast for the candidate to be counted. Please feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance. Sincerely, or a S.401 ecret ry of Sta EXECLTIVE D1VISION P.O. Dox 12697 Awun, Texu 78711.2697 (312) ab7•5701 EI.ECTIons Dms1oN P.O. Dox 12060 rusun, Texu 78711.2060 (512) 467.3630 Ditcloture Filin�t P,O. 8ox 12070 .>unitt, Texu 18711.2070 (512) 467.3704 D�T� SERYICES DIVISION P.o. Dox 12887 �►� _Texu 78711.2887 r 67•s609 5UPPORT SERVICES DIVISION fin+ncul H+nx�emetlt P.O. Dox 1:887 Austin, Taxis 78711.2bbT (512) ah7.3600 Sttit Services ' P.o. Dox 12887 Awitn, Taxis 78711.2887 rsl2) 467•s600 STATLTORY FILINGS DIV1510N Co�nnt:cn+ P.O. Dox 19697 Awttn, Tttxu 78711.7697 (S12) 467•SS33 Suwtory Documantt P.O. Dox 12887 Austu,, Taxis 78711.21f7 (sl2) 467•s634 Texu Re�itter P.O. Dox 19624 auatn, Taxis 78711•7821 (s12) �67•ss61 l;rulomt Commetcid Cody P.O. Dox 1�197 � `n, Texu 78711.7147 473.2703 Office of tho r � a r i a George S. Bayoud, Jr. SECRETARY OF STATE May 30, 1990 Ms. Atha Stokes Lufkin City Secretary P.p. Drawer :^U Catkin, Texas 75902.0190 , Dear Ms. Stokes: � Z.C,1�, �� --- L-J r ,�'cA 1 '� S E P t n 199�J �11�Y OF S�►NGER Thank you for your recent letter concerning procedural filing requirements for write-in candidates in a city election You asked if the City of Lufkin could adopt by ordinance a requirement that write-in candidates must file a declaration of write-in candidacy with the city thirty days prior to election day in order for votes for that candidate to be counted. Presently, such a requirement exists for state and county offices, and also for the office of school boazd trustee, but not for city offices. Cities are currently governed by Section 146.001 of the Election Code, which provides: Ex�,���,y �erwisg provl�ed �,X j�,w, if the name of the person for whom a voter desires to vote does not appear on the ballot, the voter may write-in the name of that person (Emphasis added.) Section 146.001 applies, :o ail electuna in the stare of Texas unle3s :.nott•,�r law provides otherwise. No general law requiring city write-in candidates �. to declare their candidacy currently exists. However, the Election Code y; dafinee "law" ae "constitution, statute, city charter, or city ordinance." ,. Accordingly, the Clty of Lufkin could pass an ordinance or amend is charter �- . to require that write-in candidates declare their candidacy... I hope you find this information helpful. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sin erely, eo a '. Bayo d, J Secre of S to GSB:TH:am:isn , g �i er {-' �' � 1 �.' 1 n � � k�I � t � T. � `v, {_i {�I ?vi S c� l , I r� r"t 1 c�'m, �. ! n � �.. (j ; � �i I✓t r ; t �,� �' .��t i � 1 tK( `� E. _ � _� t . -- r. i� t f t r t J1) f a ;E o ?_C 1Irl i l i r r{l ern k t r� k 7 F Cl'I p l ow w e r _; i t rf. (` ie t C' t r r`. tt ier ? at 1 ? ? ter ! C1S?wlr.n(� and' h%`�1 keErl work,, i r�?r_1 i r�(�: 1 Q ;{"; i 0 cecure this coverage, Till[ Inst_JrancNP tl a`% u0°;e r� �7riiC r?''r�';ri1 it?t s fiind uc� �OVPrage �t,'ii? r?t��., II�. (e=�_r ii tic rfj. RP'lie` ing the lnteres 0 the i 1tv F!"q 3E_I,C! be L,P �t ,r d k`'v having c`rl3te Insurance cover; e on jan+,_,ar f 'n€� I infer ,'i 11L. by `r=PderaI Express letter that we would accept the 1 r ener`�� � i ar,? l i :`/ r acl in the amo�rrlt � > �,t�U C? C��� with 2S0 d(:C]uct,k,le � fi t r a!, tir?t, tl roni-r! ;utlon (karemitaml of �,15,471, (Note that prior tr, the E e rye r,r,} fi slJt��_ :fit r,4_k. ! ifr' rill I?l t��de� le�S th�?Ci .` =� 0Utz). TE~1I_ .also rPr'I_Orp !a`, TC) r , rr\ r)u A,Irtri ir}:;t_!rt r (re �i�ilt.kl theC11 t.�� �e(_:?ire t.1t1 rC��1er Arta; theta r"e ka�;Il! f (),tlt)(1 lirilit def-Itjr:fable �ar�,;i 1r" _ r!I_t��` {rtr{�Cn�1?t_trf1 0 `�; 15, i 51 was cancelled .end TI``1i_ .A,�l�o ins?!r It r 4 i"'Ir I_ Jro' ;,j (ltv)f) f)€_){.) l;? C){) ti C!I.aC/jt k31F' arl 'cart atlrita l (a: rl(€ i`;� F i r: O I ` / r .�: , .u� `_F . % 4S�t t., tt k �� : III-,�:..i ..7 t.i e i believe the increase in coverage to ,CtOO OC ) jC Vill c?.trier Ft l (W;k,r✓ r to on � n annual lartdf et of 3. rr? i l l i on. E n l i clht OT Of ;r electri , distrik}Ivition operation, on the q 1 /92 bu(Jget we might want t-r increa(tz:e our general liability coverage to OiCIC)O, J e:�v, l._ir`t I 7 �i�iliiy and Autom«blie Lial�ilii�� withT�1L ir�s�arar,cp Pool ��Jt,��,�+ %i rij1.leytCeSSIjS" our to award bids over c (wi00, i;:lili_, totalferrrn,u� fi�}r these two poiitcieis .�97,7179 Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool 211 East Seventh Street, Suite 500, Austin, Texas 78101 I LIABILITY/PROPERTY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT This Contract and Interlocal Agreement is entered into by and between political subdivisions of this state (hereinafter referred to as "Pool Members") to form a joint self-insurance pool to be named the Texas Municipal League Joint Self -Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund") for the purpose of providing coverages against risks which are inherent in operating a political subdivision. WITNESSETH0 The undersigned Pool Member, in accordance with the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Article 4413 (32c),T.R.C.S. and the interpretation thereof by the Attorney General of the State of Texas (Opinion #MW-347, May 29, 1981), and in consideration of other political subdivisions executing like agreements, does hereby agree to become one of the Pool Members of this self -insured pool. The conditions of membership agreed upon by and between the parties are as follows: 1. Definitions of terms used in this Interlocal Agreement. a. Board. Refers to the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal League Joint Self -Insurance Fund. b. Fund Year. 12:01 a.m. October 1 through 12:01 a.m. the following October 1. c. Manual Rates. The basic rates applicable to each liability classification promulgated by the Insurance Service Office or the Board of Trustees. d. TML Municipal Liability Self -Insurance Plan. The liability coverage document that sets forth inexact detail the coverages provided as part of the overall plan. e. Adjustments. Refers to any offsets to manual premium that may result from the Pool Member's election of deductibles, loss experience or Fund Modifier which reflects the savings to the Pool Member by entering into this Agreement. f. TML Municipal Property Self -Insurance Plan. The property coverage document that sets forth in exact detail the coverages provided as part of the overall plan. g. Premium and Contribution. Used interchangeably in some parts of this Interlocal Agreement. Any reference at any time in this Interlocal Agreement to an insurance term not ordinarily a part of self-insurance shall be deemed for convenience only and is not construed as being contrary to the self-insurance concept except where the context clearly indicates no other possible interpretation such as but not limited to the reference to "reinsurance." h. Reimbursable Deductible. The amount that was chosen by this Pool Member to be applicable to the first monies paid by the Fund to effect judgment or settlement of any claim or suit. The Pool Member, upon notification of the action taken, shall promptly reimburse the Fund for all or such part of the deductible amount as has been paid by the Fund. Further, however, the Fund's obligation to pay damages shall be subject to the Limits of Liability stated in the Declarations of Coverage or Endorsements to this Interlocal Agreement less the stated deductible amount. i. Fund Modifier. A percentage figure that is applied to the manual rates by the Fund*to reflect the savings to the Pool Member by entering into the Interlocal Agreement. j. Agreement Period. The continuous period since the Pool Member first became a member of this Fund excluding, however, any period or periods of time therein that the member did not participate as a member of the Pool. k. Declarations of Coverage. The specific indication of the coverages, limits, deductibles, contributions and special provisions elected by each individual Pool Member. The Declarations of Coverages may be modified by Endorsement. 2. The Board of Trustees, acting through its agents and Fund staff, is responsible for the administration of all Fund business on behalf of the Pool Members. � � � t Revised 10/90 r 3. Inconsideration of the execution of this Agreement by and between the Pool Member and the Fund and of the contributions � of the Pool Member, the coverage elected by the Pool Member is afforded according to the terms of the TML Liability Self - Insurance Plan and the TML Property Self -Insurance Plan. The affirmative declaration of contributions and limits of liability in the Declarations of Coverage and Endorsements determines the applicability of the Self -Insurance Plans. Each Pool Member agrees to adopt and accept the coverages, provis ions, terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations as further provided for in the TML Self -Insurance Plans or as specifically modified by the Pool Member's Declarations of Coverage. This interlocal Agreement shall be construed to incorporate the TML L.i:rbility Self-insurance Plan and/or theTML Property Seif- insurance Plan, Declarations of Coverage, and Endorsements ari�..►ddenda whether or not physically attached hereto. 4. It is understood that by participating in this risk sharing mechanism to cover ►lability exposures, the Pool Member does not intend to waive any of the immunities that its officers or its employees now possess. The Pool Member recognizes the Texas Tort Claims Act and its limitations to certain governmental functions as well as its monetary tunitations and that by executing this Agreement does not agree to expand those limitations. The Pool Member, upon the execution of this Agreement, shall supply the Fund with a current copy of its charter provisions or ordinance that sets outfits requirement as to the number of days in which a third party liability claim must be made against it. If the Pool Member does not have such an ordinance provision that establishes a set number of days or if it has an ordinance provision which provides for less than sixty (60) days notice and for good cause shown up to six (6) months notice the Poot Member agrees to adopt an ordinance providing for such notice reasonably describing the damage or injury claimed and the time, manner and place of the incident from which it arose. The notice requirement shall not be changed by the Pool Member without first giving the Fund thirty (30) days written notice. Violation of this provision may, at the Fund's discretion, void this Interlocal Agreement. 5. The term of this Agreement and the self-insurance provided to the Pool Member shall be continuous commencing 12:01 �.m. on the date designated in this Agreement until terminated as provided below. Although the self-insurance provided for in this Agreement shall be continuous until terminated, the limit of liability of the Fund under the coverages that the Pool Member elects shall be limited during any Fund Yeaz to the amount stated in the Declarations of Coverage for that Fund Year. This Agreement may be terminated by either party giving to the other sixty (60) days prior written notice of intent to terminate except the Poot Member may terminate this Agreement and its coverages thereunder without giving the sixty (60) days notice if the reason is because of a change by the Fund in the Pool Member's contribution, coverage, or other change in the limits of - liability, terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations provided for in the Texas Municipal League Self-insurance Plans provided that no termination by the•Member shall be effective prior to the date that written notice of termination is actually received in the offices of the Texas Municipal League Joint Self -Insurance Fund and provided that the Pool Member agrees to and shall pay the applicable premium and contribution for those coverages it is terminating until the date the notice of termination is actually received by the Fund. - The Fund shall provide the Pool Memberwith Declarations of Coverage and any Endorsements that determine the applicability of the Texas Municipal League Self -Insurance Plans annually by December 1. Such Declazations of Coverage shall include, but not be limited to, the coverage period which shall be the applicable Fund Year, limits, deductibles, contributions, special provisions and limitations. Changes made during the Fund Year, whether requested by the Pool Member or required by the Fund, will be handled by Endorsement. It is the intention of the parties that the Pool Member's coverages under this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from Fund Year to Fund Yeaz, subject to the limits of liability that the Fund can provide each Fund Year and the terms, conditions, limitations that the Fund may require to protect its solvency and to comply with reinsurance requirements, until notice of termination is given as herein provided. Realizing that the Pool Member needs the earliest possible information concerning the Fund coverages, limits, and exclusions and the Pool Member's contribution that will be required for any new Fund Year, the Fund will endeavor to provide this information as soon as possible before the beginning of each Fund Year. The parties recognize, however, that conditions in the reinsurance industry are such that the Fund may not be able to provide this information to the Poot Member before the beginning of a Fund Year for various reasons including the failure of the Pool Member to timely submit the appropriate exposure summary or delays on the part of reinsurers in getting information to the Fund, and so, to protect the Pool Member from gaps in its coverage and to protect the solvency of the Fund, the parties agree � �} as follows: � `� `� If, for any reason other than the Pool Mernber's failure to provide the information requested in the exposure summary, the Fund has not been able to provide the Pool Member with information concerning available coverages for a new Fund Yea►• or ad �•ise Revised 10/90 the Pool Member of the amount of its contribution for the new Fund Year by the beginning of the Fund Year, the Fund shall nevertheless continue the Pool Member's coverages at the same limits of liahility (if still available and if not, then at the highest limit of liability available for the new Fund Year) so that the Pool Member shall at all times remain covered as herein provided and the Pool Member's initial contributions for the new Fund Year shall be determined by a "tentative contribution" as determined by the Board with the Pool Member's actrlal annual contribution to be credited by the amount paid in accordance with the tentative contribution and adjusted during tlre Fund Year. in the event the Pool Member does not wish to have its coverages extended or renewed at the end of any Fund Year, the burden shall be upon the Pool Member to give written notice to the Fund as provided hereinabove and the Pool Member agrees to pay as hereinabove stated all contributions or pro rasa contributions until the date such written notice is received in the offices ofthe Fund or the date of termination of thisAgreement, Whichever is later. 6. Commensurate with the execution of this Agreement and annually thereafter, the Pool Member shall complete the appropriate exposure summary and deliver it or cause it to be delivered to the Fund, or, if so instructed, to a designated contractor, no later than September 1. of each year and new annual contributions shall be calculated using manual rates times exposure, less any adjustments. Intentional or reckless misstatements on the exposure summary shall be grounds for cancellation. In the event that the Pool Member fails or refuses to submit the appropriate exposure summary, the Fund reserves the right to terminate such Pool Member by giving thirty (30) days written notice and to collect any and all contributions that are earned pro rata for the period preceding contract termination. The Pool Member agrees to pay the annual contribution to the Fund in four (4) equal quarterly installments, in advance, commencing at the beginning of this Agreement with subsequent installments due the first quarter thereafter. Pool Members who elect a deductible in excess of $25,000 shall comply with the monthly payment schedule outlined to them in advance of assuming such a large deductible. In the event this Agreement is terminated as herein provided, the Fund shall promptly repay to the Pool Member any such unearned annual contribution prorated as of the date of termination and the Pool Member agrees during the term of this Agreement to promptly pay all reimbursable deductibles upon receipt of statement. rr At the end of each and every Fund Year, the Fund may require the Pool Member to submit the actual data reque3ted on the exposure summary as reflected by the books and records of the Pool Member. The Fund reserves the right to audit the records of any Pool Member and adjust contributions accordingly. In the event that the Pool Member fails or refuses to make the payments, including accrued interest, as herein provided, the Fund reserves the right to terminate such Pool Member by giving them ten (10) days written notice and to collect any and all amounts that are earned pro rats for the period preceding contract termination. If the amounts owed, including reimbursable deductibles, have to be collected by suit, the Pool Member agrees to pay attorneys' fees and costs incurred in such suit. 7. The Fund shall maintain adequate protection from catastrophic losses to protect its financial integrity. Aggregate protection shall also be maintained. The Member's contributions shall be limited to that amount as calculated under this Agreement. 8. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing paragraph, it is agreed the Board shall have the right to adjust the financial protection outlined above and/or amend coverages as it finds available or deems necessary to maintain the fiscal soundness of the Fund at the beginning of or during any Fund Year. 9. The Fund will make available loss control services to the Pool Members to assist them in following a plan of loss control that may result in reduced losses. The Pool Member agrees that it will cooperate in instituting any and all reasonable loss control recommendations. In the event that the recommendations submitted seem unreasonable, the Pool Member has a right to appeal to the Board of Trustees. The Board shall hear the objections of the Pool Member at its next regularly scheduled meeting and its decisions will be final and binding on all parties. Any Pool Member who does not agree to follow the decision of the Board shall be withdrawn from the Fund immediately. 10. The Pool Member agrees that it will appoint a contact of department head rank, and the Fund shall not be required to contact any other individual except this one person. Any notice to or any agreements with the contact shall be binding upon the Pool Member. The Pool Member reserves the right to change the contact from time to time by giving written notice to the Fund. 039 11. The Fund agrees to handle all liability and property claims, and provide a defense for any and all liability claims covered under this Agreement after prompt notice has been given. The Pool Member hereby appoints the Fund staff and Contractors er its agents to act in all matters pertaining to processing and handling of claims covered under this Agreement and shall cooperate fully in supplying any information needed or helpful in settlement or defense of such claims. As respects liability claims, the Fund staff and Contractors shall carry ono all negotiations with the claimant and his attorney and negotiate within authority previously granted by the Fund. If a personal appearance by the Pool Member or an employee is necessary, the expense of this appearance will not be the responsibility of the Fund. With the advice and consent of the Fund, the Fund staffisd the Contractors will retain and supervise legal counsel for the prosecution and defense of any litigation. All decisions on individual cases shall be made by the Fund through the Fund staff and the Contractors, which includes the decision to appeal or not to appeal. However, any Pool Member shall have the right in any case to consult with the Fund on any decision made by the Fund staff or Contractors. The Board shall hear the objections of the Pool Member at its next regularly scheduled meeting and its decision will be final and binding on all parties. Any suit brought or defended by the Fund shall be brought or defended only in the name of the Pool Member and/or its officers or emploees. There shall be supplied periodically to each Pool Member a computer printout involving a statement of claims. As respects the TML Municipal Liability Self-insurance Plan, the Fund shall have priority in enforcing its subrogation claims against the claims of Pool Member except as to claims of the Texas Municipal League Workers' Compensation Joint Insurance Fund, which shall take preference. 12. The Pool Member acknowledges that it has received a copy of the Bylaws of the Fund and agrees to abide by the Bylaws and any amendments thereto. 13. The Fund agrees that all Fund transactions will be annually audited by a nationally recognized certified public accounting firm. 14. If legally required, the Fund shall cause to be filed the necessary tax forms with the Internal Revenue Service. 15. As the administrators of the Fund, the Board shall primarily and consistently keep foremost in their deliberations and decisions in operating the Fund that each of the participating Pool Members is a "self -insured." At least annually, the Board shall carefully review, study and consider the actual claims or loss experience (including reserves for future claims payments) of each of the Pool Members, the pro rata savings to the Fund resulting from overall loss experience attributed to each Pool Member, and the . pro rats portion of the cost of all catastrophic loss protection and aggregate stop loss protection allocated to each Pool Member as well as the pro rats allocation, as determined by the Board of the other and necessary administrative expenses of the Pool, in order to reasonably determine the actual pro rata cost, expense and loss experience of each Pool Member in order to maintain as nearly as possible an equitable and reasonable self-insurance administration of the Fund as applied to each Pool Member. The Fund shall maintain case reserves and supplemental reserves computed in accordance with standard actuarial principles, taking into account historical and other data, designed to measure claims development and claims incurred but not yet reported, so that funds will be available to meet these claims as they become due. The Fund shall also establish and maintain a reserve forReturn of Contributions to furtherensure the fiscal integrity of the Fund 'in the event of a potential adverse loss development. Only current Pool Members may receive return of contribution. 16. The Pool Member may elect to participate in the Fund only to the extent of obtaining administrative services, and, if desired and available, reinsurance. In that event, the Pool Member shall not make contributions as provided in Paragraph 5 nor receive the coverages provided for in the TML Self -Insurance Plan, nor shall the TML Joint Self -Insurance Fund be liable for the payment of claims against the Pool Member. The Fund shall only handle and service claims for the Pool Member and pay same out of funds to be deposited by the Pool Member in a separate account administered by the Fund for the payment of claims and judgments only against that Pool Member as hereinafter provided. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other section of this Interlocal Agreement, a Pool Member who elects to receive Administrative Services Only as specified in the attached Declarations (hereinafter referred to as the "ASO Pool Member") shall be subject to the following requirements and conditions. A. Although the ASO Pool Member will receive coverage documents setting forth the coverages, provisions, terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations provided for in the TML Self -Insurance Plans, these documents are not intended to and shall not create an msure&msurer relationship between the Fund or any of its other Pool Members and the ASO Pool Member, but rather are provided solely for the purposes of: (1) defming the scope of claims the Fund will handle on behalf of the ASO Pool Member, and (2) defining the nature and scope of claims and conditions applicable thereto that will be covered by reinsurance, if available and obtained by the ASO Pool Member, beyond the ASO Pool Member's self - insured retention. The Fund shall not itself be liable for the payment of claims or judgments against the electing ASO Pool Member, nor to provide the electing ASO Pool Member with a defense of any such claims or suits at the expense of the Fund. The Fund will only make payments on behalf of the ASO Pool Member out of the ASO Pool Member's claims account. The ASO Pool Membershall comply with all requirements of any reinsurer including but not limited to furnishing timely claims reports, proposed settlements that would impact the reinsurer as well as progress reports involving litigation. The ASO Pool Member further agrees to hold the Fund harmless from any and all claims (including attorney fees) that may be asserted against the Fund for the non-payment of any claims due to the failure of the ASO Pool Member to maintain adequate reserves for the payment of claims as well as claims based upon breach of a duty of good faith and fair dealing because of the ASO Pool Member's or their agents' conduct toward the claimant. B. In connection with claims within the scope of the coverage documents, the Fund shall provide the following services or Revised 10/90 on behalf of the ASO Pool Member as confirmed specifically in the attached Declarations: 1. Overall contract and claims administration; i 2. Loss control services to the ASO Pool Memr to assist it in developing a plan of loss control to atte►pt to control or reduce the frequency and severity of claims against it; 3. Claims servicing including investigation and recommendation by the Funds contractors; periodic meetings with the ASO Pool Member's claims official or claims committee attended by representatives of Contractors; 4. Claims administration including coordination and recommendation of defense; reserve recommendations; claims handling and defense recommendations by the Fund claims manager and assistants, as well as review of all files to monitor the ASO Pool Member's self-insurance exposure; participation by Fund staff member(s) in the periodic meetings to review claims with the ASO Pool Member's claims official or claims committee. 5. Storage and retention of claims records; periodic MIS reports detailing claims and loss information and history. The Fund shall charge the ASO Pool Member its usual and customary charges for the aforesaid services based on actual services provided. Allocated claim expenses, including defense attorneys fees, discovery fees, expert and witness fees and court costs shall be paid by the Fund on behalf of the ASO Pool Member out of the ASO Pool Member's claims account as part of the administrative services provided by the Pool, but shall never be an expense or liability of the Fund but rather is solely that of the ASO Pool Member. The Fund shall handle all liability and automobile physical damage claims and oversee, coordinate and make recommendations in connection with the defense of any and all liability lawsuits covered under this Agreement after prompt notice has been liven. The ASO Pool Member hereby appoints Fund staff and Contractors as its agents to actin all matters pertaining to processing and handling of claims covered under this Agreement and shall cooperate fully in supplying any information needed or helpful in settlement or defense of such claims. As respects liability claims, the Fund staff and Contractors shall carry on all negotiations with the claimant or his attorney, but no settlement shall be made without express prior approval of the ASO Pool Member. All claims will be discussed with the ASO Pool Member's claims official or claims committee on a periodic basis. As information on each claim develops, the Fund staff and Contractors shall make recommendations concerning claim reserves, settlement and whether or not a case should be tried or settled or a judgment should be appealed, but all decisions on individual cases shall be made by the ASO Pool Member. In the event of litigation, the Fund staff and Contractors will retain on behalf of the ASO Pool Member legal counsel approved by the ASO Pool Member to represent it and will supervise the defense of the litigation, including any appeals. The ASO Pool Member shall establish in its name a "claims account" at a bank designated by the Fund, out of which the Fund, through its agents, shall pay on behalf of the ASO Pool Member qualified claims or losses and allocated claims expense including court costs, fees and expenses of attorneys, independent investigators, experts and witnesses and all other costs, charges or expense property chargeable to a qualified claim or loss. Funds shall be provided at the inception of the ASO Member's self-insurance program and promptly from time to time under the following formula based on estimates furnished by the Fund of the anticipated or actual level and volume of qualified claims or losses and allocated expenses; The ASO Pool Member shall deposit into the account initially an amount equal to one-fourth (1/4) of the estimated volume of qualified claims or losses and allocated claim expenses during the first twelve (12) months of its self-insurance program and each month thereafter, or sooner if necessary, shall deposit into the account an amount sufficient to restore, maintain or increase the account balance to an amount equal to one-fourth (1/4) of the estimated volume of qualified claims or losses and allocated claim expenses during the next twelve (12) months. The Fund shall account to the ASO Pool Member monthly for all expenditures from the claims account. If at any time the claims account balance drops to below fifty percent (5096) of the balance currently called for under the above formula, the ASO Pool Member shall promptly deposit additional funds to restorelhe full balance. During any period of time that the claims account balance is fifty percent (50%) or less of that currently called from under the formula, only allocated claim expenses shall be paid out and the ASO Pool Member shall directly pay qualified claims or losses out of other funds until it deposits into the claims account the amount necessary to restore the account to its full balance. In the event payment of a qualified claim or loss would reduce the claims account balance to'less than fifty percent (50%) of that called for under the formula, the ASO Pool Member shall be promptly notified and shall either pay the qualified claim or loss directly out of other funds or deposit into the claims account sufficient funds for its payment. - It is expressly understood that the Fund shall not be required to advance its own funds or those of the Joint Self -Insurance Fund to pay claims or tosses or allocated expenses hereunder, or continue to perform any services hereunder if the ASO Pool Member fails to provide necessary and adequate funds as herein set forth. 0 4 It shall be the sole responsibility of the ASO Pool Member to establish and maintain adequate reserves in addition to the limited Curds in the claims account for payment of all claims, including catastrophic claims. The Fund will provide reserve recommendations and Revised l0/90 estimates of liability exposures, but both parties realize that judges and juries have wide discretion in assessing damage awards and the award in any particular case may be greatly in excess of or greatly less than a recommended reserve. Either party to this agreement may at any time terminate it upon sixty (60) days written notice for any reason as to either all pending ' and future claims, or alternatively, only as to future claims. Iu the e�ient cancellation is with respect to both pending and future claims, the Fund will no longer be obligated to perform the services outlin�d in this Agreement and shall promptly and in an orderly manner forward to the ASO Pool Member or its designee all pending claim files. In the event termination is only as to future claims, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect with respect to all pending claims and claims occurring but not reported prior to cancellation until concluded. In either event, the ASO Pool Member shall be entitled, if it so requests and at its own expense, to have the closed claim filed retrieved from storage and delivered to it. In the event the ASO Pool Member does not request closed Ciles in the notice of cancellation, however, they will be retained or destroyed at the Fund's option and the ASO Pool Member shall have no recourse against the Fund for failure to retain them. TO BE COMPLETED BY MEMBER: EMPLOYER MEMBERS' FUND CONTACT (Sec Section 10): MemberName C-1 ty of Sanger Name of Contact John ��amilton Title City Manager Mailing Address P.O. Box 57S Street Address (if different from above) 2 41 Bo 1 ivar City Sanger E OF AUTHORIZED MEMBER OFFICIAL City rianager Title Zip 76266 Phone (817) 45E-793 January 2, 1991 Date Member s Federal Tax I.D. Number 7 S 6 0 � 0 6 6 1 This Information is MANDATORY TO BE COMPLETED BY FUND: (OFFICE USE ONLY) Effective Date of This�Agt+eement Member Name Contract Number SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED FUND OFFICIAL . � ; -t L�. wa Title Date Revised 10�>n i , TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE JcjINT SELF-INSURANCE FUND PROPOSAL ACC$PTANCE FORM LIABILITY DIRECTIONS: This form must be signed at:d returned to the TML service contractor's office. If you do not already have a signed Interlocal Agreement to participate in the Joint Self -Insurance Fund, then the signed Interlocal Agreement must also accompany this farm. Your insurance coverage cannot become effective until we have received these documents in our office. Legally, the Interlocal Agreement is the instrument through which a political subdivision is enabled to participate in the Joint Self -Insurance Fund. A return envelope is enclosed for your convenience. If time is of the essence, you may wish to use an Express Mail service or a facsimile copier. In the event you submit these documents by facsimile copier, the originals must still be sent by regular mail. PLEASE RETURN T0: Governmental Pool Resources Johnson & Higgins�of Texas, Inc. 333 Clay Street, Suite 1550 Houston, Texas 77002-4093 _ Phone: (S00)284-4746 or (713) 759-2010 Fax: (713) 651-�9901 LIABILITY COVERAGES ACCEPTED Coverage Limits Deductible Contribution ,;X�General Liability* $ nn „inn $ $ 15 471 X�Automobile Liability* S �,..Sl.��.,..0111L—_- S �'� g __ _ _ _ * General Liability and Automobile+Liability must be elected together If both are elected, then the following options may also b• elected. ----------------- ---------------------------•------- S S [ )Law Enforcement Liability S _... ___--- $ $ [ jErrors � omissions Liability S s _„________ ------------------------------------------------------------------- I, the undersigned, as an authorized representative o!: City of Sanger (Naae o! political subdivision) do hereby accept °ion�iho!lthe proposaleasaindicatediabove.bdivision the port Desired Effective Date o! Coverage: (Subject to approvnl by TML service outlined above.) Immediately contractor accordinq�to provisions _ _ _ � �� Signature o! Authorized Otlicial: � `�` � v anav er Title: y g Date: anuary , THE STORM IFNNOT ALREADYRONMFILE WITHATHEMFUND�THI9 W�1)get �3 �—•� a r � : C '7 t'� Sankler, TX 76266 imb l e C Ea rand ` ien�ders of the i tI Cc�un�;w 7ri E. John Kann 11 ton, C 1 t,v llanager _)an11ar% �, 19``i; v I �"`�� �wit.t���'hed �rGCiarnatiCiri ar'tCl 1�tt�'r Pk:�1a1nS ti � Pj'�:�rr�, «� ;-�� �. V�t-ran Land Beard and support an inforrn,ati`>na? A;ni�i�_ c .ed ii J Mem in Denton can jantiar 175 190 1 . F'ROCLAMATIC)N #F'1-91 CITY OF BANGER WHEREAS, many of the young men and women of the State of Texas have entered the service of the United States Armed Forces; WHEREAS, their self sacrifice and rieroism has brought to the realization of all Texans of their great worth; WHEREAS, the Veterans Land Board ��as established tta provide a means for the State of Texas to show it's appreciation and gratitude far the service and sacrifice and these fine young men and women; anti WHEREAS, many of the young men and women for tiTlzain the Veterans Land Board was created to benefit have not availec_1 themselves of its benefits, and may not be aware of their benefits as Texas Veterans; and WHEREAS, The Veterans Land Baard, under the leadership of Garry Mauro, has established a nw.iiber of programs to uzform all eligible veterans fo their rights and benefits as Texas Veterans, one of which programs is a veterans avtijareness seminar; NC1W THEREFORE, in recognition of the '1 ex��s Veterans Land boards efforts to inform all Texas Veterans Land Boards' eff'arts to inform all Texas Veterans fo their rights and benefits, the City of Sanger, Texas hereby proclaims the week of January 13 -January 19, 19�1, to be Texas Veterans Land Board Awareness Weel~. Executed this day of _ , 1991. Nel Armstrong, Mayor City of Sanger ATTEST: Rase Garcia City Secretary ��� Texas Veterans all Board Felix Arambula, Jr. Assistant Land Commissioner December 19, 1990 The Honorable Nel Armstrong Mayor of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 Dear Mayor Armstrong: Garry Mauro Chairman Please join the Texas Veterans Land Board in our efforts to promote the Regional information Seminar being held, in Denton, on January 171 1991. You can be a tremendous asset to our program by declaring your support and urging the veterans, and all interested citizens, in your area to attend. Enclosed, for your consideration, is a sample City Proclamation_ promoting this beneficial and informative event. The Veterans Land Board. offers iow interest loans to Texas veterans . Our benefits include loar�5 of $201 00.00 for the purchase of land, $20, 000.00 for the purchase of a new or existing home, and up to $17,500.00 for a home improvements. Any assistance you can provide to further publicize our Veteran programs will be greatly appreciated. If you should have any questions o-r neecz further information, please feel frees to call on m�. Enclosure Stephen F. Austin Building 1700 N. Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701-1496 (512) 463-5115 1-800-252NETS �.. av vi'['. :'<�tii6if_;yft, k'{�� . .'k ...; ._ _T .•Ifni: _i a � i' :s ''a � . , .. al #_ . f: f 'r_: 0 �... ' i_i � i i s� ? k ij i s_! S� L. aft- as i k�l i.A' ' s . ._ ?_10 i i Ci Cernttel Telephone Company of Texas A. O, Box t t 50 K111eAn, TX 7654001150 January 21 1991 The Honorable Neil Mayor of Sanger 101 Bolivar Street P. O.'Box.578 Armstrong Sanger, Texas 7626g ENZEL As we discussed Cha Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) Substantive Rules on EAS regarding joint filings require; The parties to each joint filings shall include the Hama of each Local Exchange Company (LEC) which provides service in the affected exchanges and pne duly pointed rejareae t ive ��c-7ag-al:-w�!!i!='t[-�-[1!ftl�� �r a �� • � _ _ _ � � _ _ ! Rl�a' Therefore, the City of Sanger and the Cornmiasioners court of Denton County need to adopt resolutions appointing the same parson for representing and executing a joint petition, I have attached draft resolutions for both the City and County, Please feel free (817) SZ6.OlOb. Sincerely, to call me to discuss the resolutions at Irad Denton usiness Affairs Manager SED;rly Attachment 01-03-91 10029 AM FROM CENTEL-TX EXEC, OEC, Resolution A resoluti of t e city Of Z&ntWl-, Texas designating ��'"�S as the Cityfs representative in Proceedings regard ng a joint petition for one way EAS Telephone Service for the Sanger exchange to the Denton exchange, stow, therePore�I be it resolved,r,that the DIty of Sanger does hereby designate _.I )J� PIN to represent the City in proceedings regarding a joint petit on to the Public Utility commission of the state of Texas, for one way EAS telephone service from the Sanger exchange to the Denton exchange, providing for the establishment of EAS as an optional service at the following rates, and to execute such a joint petition as the City's designated representative, Class o�Syy,CA Monthly �` percent Ar Residential 1 party Racupria" D" o Plan A 3900 5Q� Plan B 1.50 35$ Business 1 party Plan A 6.00 $ Plan B 3900 5050% Key Trunks 9000 501% PBX Trunks 10050 50% *Percent discount applicable to rates Charged for placed Prom Sanger a toll call to Denton. Pyso� i �t G� 01-03-91 10.29 AM FROM CENTEL-TX EXEC, CFC, F02 A resolution of the County of Denton, Texas designating as the Countyre representative proceedings regarding a joint petition for one way EAS Service for the Sanger exchange to the Denton exchange. in Tel Now, therefore, be it resolved, that Commissioneraf Court of Denton County, Texas does hereby designate to represent the County in proceedings regarding a Joint to the public utility Commission of the State of Texas, fortonean way EAS telephone service from the Sanger exchange to the Denton exchange, providing for the establishment of EAS as an optional service at the f011awing rates, and to execute such a joint petition as the County's designated representative, Resiaential 1 party Plan A Plan B 2 party Key Trunks PSX Tru»ks �Percent discount placed Pram ranger 6.00 50� 3.00 35% 9.00 5o% 10.50 50$ applicable to rates charged for a to11 call to Denton. i4i1i'=Ws1- ! if's `� " — - 'F e_—'f ��'-—'f} - �4 �i !� -f' — "' }y tI`__�} ��_ a._i __`r "e F_• . i� } - - " - _ - ?�i 8 3 __ {£ _ a • j [ } } �} ie t 1-' = _ = a r } !'_i L j i r i�} f� ' i'_} i _ .... _ }pF '-.a _ � ._ . _ } !'® } 2 a� !� .. } 1 i u _•i :. a _ -t . i_ . _ _ _ ._ a } . } i _ . _ e -.. . _ _ _ _ _ _ ;_- E i'= `_ _-• ' ' !'� !LLe !_ 3 . ! !_} : i +_ s ' �e; , . � }� ! <_! I�. es i_ i_ !_ !_ ° � °_! `a` _ I I }_} e 'a``a` I m i _ _+ { l � — Texas Department of Health Robert Bernstein, M.D., F.A.C.P. Commissioner December 20, 1990 Honorable Nel Armstrong, City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 SUBJECT: PUBLIC DRINKING City of Sanger Denton County, Dear Mayor Armstrong: 1100 West 49th Street Austin, Texas 78756-3199 (512) 458-7111 Mayor WATER SUPPLY (ID #0610006) Texas Robert A. MacLean, M.D. Deputy Commissioner Professional Services Hermas L. Miller Deputy Commissioner Management and Administration ,... � .._ �:., ��(; On November 7, 1990, our representative, Mr. Billy G. Barton, P.E., in company with Mr. Charles Tucker, conducted a sanitary survey of the subject water system. As a result of this survey, your attention is directed to the following items of noncompli- ance with State Statutes and this Department's regulations: 1. State Statutes require that public water supply systems such as yours be at all times under the supervision of a compe- tent water works operator holding a valid certificate of competency issued under the direction of the Texas Depart- ment of Health. To assist you in complying with this statu- tory requirement, we are enclosing the following material: (a) application for water works operator's certificate, and (b) certification information. Please have your operator complete and return the application so that arrangements can be made for the examination. 2. Your water system fails to meet this Department's "Minimum Water System Capacity Requirements." These requirements include a well capacity of 0.6 gallon per minute per connec- tion. 3. A suitable positive -pressure airflow gas mask or self-con- tained breathing apparatus which is approved Lor use in hazardous environments must be provided and accessibly located outside the chlorinator room. m �� Mayor Nei Armstrong City of Sanger (ID 90610006) Denton County, Texas December 20, 1990 Page Two 4. Well No. 1 and well No. ?. must be sealed F the use of gaskets or a pliable crack --resistant caulking compound. 5. Well No. 2 must be provided with a screened casing vent, which is faced downward and located and elevated so as to minimize the drawing of contaminants into the well. The screening must be 16-mesh or finer corrosion -resistant screen. 6. Well No. 1 must be provided with a concrete sealing block extending at least 3 feet from the well in all directions, with a minimum thickness of 6 inches, sloped to drain away at not less than 0.25 inches per foot from the well head. 7. A suitable sampling tap must be provided on each well charge to facilitate the collection of samples for chemical and bacteriological analysis directly from the well. In conclusion, we wish to express our thanks and appreciation for the courtesies extended during the survey. Should clarification of this letter be desired or if we may be of other assistance, please contact us at our regional office in Arlington, AC 817/792-7282. Sinrerel A"t000 I vin J. Turner, P.E. Regional Engineer Environmental & Consumer Health Protection IJT:BGB:jt Enclosures ccs: Denton County Health Department Denton County .judge Public Health Region 5 �V44 I/Veil City of Sanger P,O, Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 TC): Electric Suet, Larry Yoast Honorable Mayor Armstrong City Council Members City Manager, John Hamilton City Secretary, Rose Garcia please acceC.�t. my letter of resignation as of Jan�.�.ary 4, 1 c�c� 1. I have accepted a position with the City of Denton Electric. Department. I have appreciated my employment. with the City of Sanger and for working with a very capable electric department. I appreciate the /aluahle experience I have gained through my employment. Sincerely, Glen W. Stoisdili �i� MEMORANDUM TO: FROI�r1: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF BANGER P. 0. BOX 57C1 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Jahn Harr�iltor�, City Manager Rose Garcia, City Secretary January 2, 1991 Billing far 12-15-90 Billings for 11-15-90: WATER I�,'[ETERS 1'�34 ELECTRIC METERS 1717 Total Water Gallons Total Sewer Gallons Total KWH Total Sanitation Billing Total Sewer Billing Total Water Billing Total Electric 9,826,8U0 9,a25,7C10 1,727,1J9 13,342,315 19,913.5Ci 26,395.52 115,076. Ei0 Wholesale Electric Costs 79,452. Ct8 NO. OF METERS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL IN SERVICE SEWER SANIT. SE��'ER SA:�TIT. 1459 1288 1296 11G 129 FUEL ADJiJSTMENT .009484 RG:rs ay�� �%�7 DATE: January 10, 1991 Frontier Waste Management P. 0. Box 759 Sanger, Texas 7H2H6 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a City of Sanger check in the amount of $ i o , 7 2 8 . s 1 representing payment to Frontier Waste Management for the contract agreement provided for in the City of SangerOFrontier Waste Management Agreement. This payment covers the month of computed as follows: Total Residential Customers Billed at $7.75 rate per customer December 1204 Less $1.50 per customer billed as per Contract Total Other Customer Classes Less 7� Franchise Fee Approved for payment I��'��L� Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary and is 9,334.75 1,806.00 4,001.60 11,536.35 807.54 $10,728.81 R ANIMAL CONTROL ACTIVITY REPORT THE FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF THE ANIMAL COMPLAINT CALLS ANSWERED BY THE SANGER ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER DURING THE TIME PERIOD 11-15-90 THRU THE PRESENT DATE. CALL DATE COMP COMP ADD OFFICERS TIME RECD 10-23 10-24 RESP DUR 19-Nov-90 776 N/A 776 07:30 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM 0 15 19-Nov-90 776 N/A 776 08:05 AM 08:05 AM 08:10 AM 0 5 20-Nov-90 776 N/A 776 07:15 AM 07:15 AM 07:40 AM 0 25 20-Nov-90 776 N/A 776 05:30 PM 05:30 PM 05:40 PM 0 10 21-Nov-90 775 N/A 776 05*15 AM 05*30 AM 05w50 AM 15 20 26-Nov-90 776 N/A 776 08:10 AM 08:10 AM 08:15 AM 0 5 26-Nov-90 776 N/A 776 04:30 PM 04:30 PM 04:40 PM 0 10 27-Nov-90 McNEILL SANGER MHP 776 02:30 PM 02:40 PM 03:15 PM 10 35 29-Nov-90 TURNER 105 ALLEN 776 08:30 AM 08:30 AM 08:45 AM 0 15 29-Nov-90 776 N/A 776 06:30 PM 06:45 PM 06:47 PM 15 2 30-Nov-90 COLE 306 S 2ND 776 06:30 PM 06:30 PM 06*40 PM 0 10 03-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 04:00 PM 04:00 PM 04:05 PM 0 5 03-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 06w30 PM 06:35 PM 06:40 PM 5 5 06-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 11:30 AM 11:30 AM 11:50 AM 0 20 06-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 03:00 PM 03:05 PM 03:15 PM 5 10 07-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 11:10 AM 11:10 AM 11:30 AM 0 20 07-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 04:15 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 0 15 07-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 05:40 PM 05:40 PM 05*50 PM 0 10 13-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 08:10 AM 08:10 AM 08:15 AM 0 5 13-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 02*00 PM 02:05 PM 02:10 PM 5 5 13-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 02:15 PM 02:19 PM 02:30 PM 4 11 13-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 02:35 PM 02:35 PM 02:45 PM 0 10 14-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 0 90 17-Dec-90 UNK UNK 776 07:30 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM 0 15 17-Dec-90 SMITH UNK 776 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 05*15 PM 0 15 ** DURING THIS SAME TIME FRAME, 23 DOGS AND 4 CATS WERE TAKEN TO THE POUND. ** 2 CITATIONS WERE ISSUED ** 2 WRITTEN WARNINGS WERE ISSUED ** 17 VERBAL WARNINGS WERE ISSUED ** THIS REPORT DOES NOT CONTAIN DATA ON ANIMAL COMPLAINTS ANSWERED BY OTHER BANGER P DEC � 7 1�90 ©5+ .. cablemion December 28, 1990 Hon. Nel Armstrong, Mayor City Hall P. O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: 1990 has brought a significant number of changes to cable television. Not only to the industry as a whole, but to individual companies such as ours. We think it is important that you know what Galaxy Cablevision is doing to meet the needs of your citizens -- our customers. 1. Our continuing rapid customer growth has allowed us to open a second customer service office. In addition to our office in Fairview, we now have an office located in the Seay Realty Building in Quinlan. 2. We have increased our customer service phone lines by 750/ . 3. We have created new jobs by adding new technical and customer service representatives. 4. We now have a full-time Customer Service Manager. 5. A new computer and billing system is in place that allows us to provide more accurate billing and faster response to customer inquiries and service requests. As you can see, customer service is now the "watchword" of the 90's. If there are things we need to be doing, or areas in which we can improve) we need to know. If it is within our capabilities, we will do it. If it is not within our capabilities, we will at least attempt it. Enclosed is a list of addresses and telephone contact us if we may be of hard to be the best we something if people do not encouraging you to call improve our cable service. good news. 1220 North Main Street Sikeston, Miss��ttiri 63801 (314) 471-5022 Galaxy personnel, together with their numbers. You should not hesitate to service. After all, we are trying can be. It is difficult though to fix I you know it is broken. So we are if there is something we can do to Naturally, we also enjoy hearing Hon. Nel Armstrong, Mayor Page 2 December 28, 1990 Thank you for your consideration in this matter and, once again, please call if Galaxy Cablevision may assist you in any way. Sincerely, Tom Morris Regional Manager Fairview, Texas RV:jhl Enclosure FAIRVIEW CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE Serving the Communities of: Gordonville Pottsboro Gunter Tioga Celina Prosper Krum Sanger Pilot Point Aubrey Little Elm Fairview Office: Address: Telephone Numbers: Payment Address: Anna Melissa Lowry Crossing Fairview Lucas Ector Ladonia Wolfe City Leonard Celeste Cumby 990 S. Highway 5, Suite A McKinney, Texas 75069 1-800-876-3080 (214) 548-?017 P. 0. Eox 1369 Sikeston, Missouri 63801 QUINLAN CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE Serving the Communities of: Quinlan Heath Happy Country Homes Cash Quinlan Office: Address: Telephone Numbers: Payment Address: West Tawakoni South Tawakoni Lone Oak East Tawakoni Highway 34, Seay Realty Building Quinlan, Texas 75474 1-800-955-4708 (214) 356-4708 P. 0. Box 1369 Sikeston, Missouri 63801 Regional Manager: Technical Manager: Office Manager:. Tom Morris 990 S. Highway 5, Suite A McKinney, TX 75069 1-800-876-3080 Rick Files 9)0 S. Highway 51 Suite A McKinney, TX 75069 1-800-876-3080 Maryam Beyer 990 S. Highway 5, Suite A McKinney, TX 75069 1-800-876-3080 Customer Service Manager: Anna Cartwright 990 S. Highway 5, Suite A McKinney, TX 75069 1-800-876-3080 ee," OF OOM e R o�9m UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Of: COMMERCE �r Bureau of the Census Regional Census Center STATES of �Dallas, TX 75235- 2 DEC 2 7 199(1n Rose Shuffield' Sanger City P.O. Box 578 Pt Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Ms. Shuffield: A `IsJ F We have reviewed your response to the Census Bureau's Postcensus Local Review counts. We accepted your documentation and inves- tigated the discrepancies you identified based on our criteria. We compared your estimates for census blocks to our most recent census counts to determine if the discrepancy had been resolved by recent census operations. After this initial comparison, we con- ducted office or field reviews to resolve outstanding discrepan- cies. We have sent to the highest elected official in your juris- diction listings showing information about all challenged census blocks, regardless of whether or not the census count changed as a result of Postcensus Local Review or other census operations. The Form D-80A shows the net change for housing units and the Form D-80B shows the net change for group quarters population. The net changes shown on the listings for your jurisdiction are only for those blocks challenged during the Postcensus Local Review Program. The total net change for all challenged blocks does not necessarily represent the amount of change in housing units or group quarters population that you may expect in the final counts for your jurisdiction. Some of these changes might have been the result of correcting geographic assignment errors, that is, the changes for some census blocks shown on the listing may reflect the reassignment of housing units or group quarters from adjacent unchallenged census blocks, which are not shown on the listing. Additionally, continuing census operations may change counts within your jurisdiction for blocks whether they were challenged or not. Therefore, these results should be considered partial and prelim- inary in nature and likely to change upon completion of census enumeration and coverage improvement activities. This completes the Postcensus Local Review appreciate your support and cooperation. Sin erely, JOHN E. BELL Regional Director Program. We greatly TO: Cities in Denton County RE: Denton County Day DATE: December 11, 1990 Dear Mayor and -Councils Ill E Z I I�JJU C!"IY 0r aAiV Eft Plans are underway far "Denton County Day", a joint project of all Chambers of Commerce in the area, for the 1991 Legislative Session in Austin. February 18 and 19, 1991 are the days planned for visits in Austin with state representatives, senators and various other state officials to increase awareness of the assets of our county. A special evening to "meet your Denton County neighbors" will be a barbecue on Thursday, February 14 at Circle R Ranch in Flower Mound. Events planned in Austin will start with registration and an orientation session on Monday evening. Tuesday will begin with a breakfast to meet our local legislators and their Austin staffs; legislative calls by teams; recognition in the Senate and House of Representatives; briefings with agencies; and a private reception in the Lt. Governor's Great Hall for Sponsors of the event. Ticket packages will be available for Sponsors($20U}, Dele6ates($40), and additional barbecue tickets($l5) at the Lewisville and Denton Chambers of Commerce. Those Sponsors purchasing tickets before February 1 will receive a personalized memento of the event, so make your plans early. A Steering Committee has been formed and you may contact any of them with any questions you may have. DENTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 817-382-9693 Chuck Carpenter A.E. Wyatt Barbara Russell OTHER DENTON COUNTY CHAMBfiRS 817-497-2288 James Loveday LEWISVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 214-436-9571 t Marshall Pa Al Judkiewicz Joyce Pike 233 W. Main • P.O. Box 416 •Lewisville, Texas 75067-0416 • 214-436-9571 •Fax 436-5949 James Loveday LEWISVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 214-436-9571 t Marshall Pa Al Judkiewicz Joyce Pike 233 W. Main • P.O. Box 416 •Lewisville, Texas 75067-0416 • 214-436-9571 •Fax 436-5949 North Central Tezas Council of Governments �-7--�r P. O. Drawer COG Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 John Hamilton, City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: December 20, 199�b l �' '� � ° +' � .i�; ;� � �� ��-1 r_. � f�.��'�. RE: Construction of Municipal Swimming Pool SAI# TX-90-09-i 7-0008-04 This is to inform you that the North Central Texas Council of Governments has completed review and comment on the above referenced application as required by the Texas Review and Comment System (TRACS). Individuals and organizations listed below have been copied; however, you may also use this memo to inform appropriate agencies of our action and to document your compliance with areawide procedures as required by TRACS. Your application was reviewed for appropriate areawide concerns. This normally includes consideration by one of NCTCOG's technical review committees as well as review by the Government Applications Review Committee and by the Executive Board. On the basis of this review process, the Executive Board, at its December 20, 1990 meeting adopted the following areawide position: The NCTCOG regional review process has determined that this project meets the review criteria specified in the rules of the Texas Review and Comment System. Favorable consideration of the�roject is recommended. We sincerely thank you far your cooperation in this matter. If we can be of further service or assistance, please feel free to call Karen Daly, Assistant to the Executive Director, at 817/640-3300 (metro). - . i x t • ..c _i. William J. Plitttick Executive Director WJP:mah cc: Tim Hogsett, Chief, Grants -in -Aid Branch, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Centerpoint Two 616 Six Flags Drive Dallas/Fort Worth Metro 817/640-3300 FAX 640-7806