12/27/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularTl e City Council of Sari er vi11 hold a called n eet.in% oii Tlluu4 dC%YJ December 27, 1900, at 7 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, 201 Bolivar, to consider the following agendas 1). Call to t rder from B-2 to 1-1 with a Specific: Use Permit on 4.002 acres of land located on the west aces road of 1-35, more or leis out. of the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract. A-1241, Denton County, Texas. : . Consider and Possible Action Re ardir the Re .estec.ZONING Change from B-2 TO I-1 with a Specific on 4.062 acres more or less out of the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract A-12414 Denton County, Texas. ? Consider and Poss' le Act s i a rato t c_1 j t 3 e t. = f = jlict waste services requested by Frontier Waste Mana&e_naent. 5). Consider and Passible Ar_.tion on Final Payment hater Treatment Construction Company 0), Ad, ourn Rosalie Garcia City Secretary EICR ®IIDt FROM# DATE: SUBJECT. M TEXASOX 578 ANGERj H�7norak�Ie Mayor � IVle�nk�ers of t17e City Council John Hamilton, City Manager Decerrilher° 21, 1990 Public Hearing and Possible Action on Zoning Change Request. �haror"� Copeland is tl'ie agf�r-it represf�nting a �;lissf�t�ri "l'r��f,l;.ir`�g Ctst-rip�at.��Y that is seeping a zoning change from B_2 to I®1 with a Specific Use Pert--ilt in order to operate a Motor Freight Terminal at the site formerly occupied by Prinsco Pipe and. Roberts Construction. At their hearing on December 13, 199% the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended the change. Letters to property owners have been mailed grid legal notice published. The appropr°iat.e sections of the voning code a.re enclosed for° your° revier. �t.aff recon�rr�ends approval of the ref�uest. :iH:es Enclosures SHARON COPELAND REAL LSTA TE John Hamilton P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Tx. 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton, Dec. 11, 1990 P.O. Box 960 Sanger, Texas 76266 817/458-5408 Please accept this letter as a request for a zoning change on the 4.062 acres located on I-35, and more commonly known as 1305 and 1307 S. Stemmons, Sanger, Tx. We request that the zoning be changed to Industrial 1, with a special use permit to operate a Motor Freight Terminal. To that end, please find enclosed check for $60.00 to cover necessary fees. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at the telephone numbers enclosed . Sincerely Sharon Copeland Encl: 1 Ir N ' 1 I 1 O Y 1 1 I I 1 -�� I .. • w ' • 1�� +, j %J - LLo 'IL Lr' .� ',_ 1 - I � o .Y „ .. ;''' d � � I Y., ,I ;5 .'� :, i.� ,I -1 :I �,• r- � IU 1 • �I 1 I I I I I LIB -��` I r I � , �...,... P, =. � oC4TON — 0 ' '�l�iv r�lArlc[o f � 1 .� J I. r � I '7 V , , 1 -- —• � I I I ' r j ~ I � ' ' I I •' . , I � I I nr � .� n� I I� '�i'I � I I � i yr°,�. ' : v � I .. • �;.': �� I I 1 I �.• 1. ..,� � � • � � � I � � _ - I .y - �_ 1 - _ � �. , � ��l _ __ � + �; _�_� � I +�. M Y • r � � � • � V. � " ' ate+ � u t ... n -_ro a . .� ' +. I •. • ���, r.� k� � �•.. • L I� �� C1! I / ... ti �uo'eo•. ;' I ' r .+ .� . n i IINUTES: Planr7ing & honing Commission December 13, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT# Chairperson Russell Madden, Charles Kossoler~, Term Jones, Kenneth Howard and Andy Garza. M�MfiEliS ABSENT: Tommy Kincaid and Beverly Howard �JTHERS PRESENT. City Manager° John Hamilton and City Secretary Rosalie: Garcia 1. Chairperson Russell Madden called the meeting to or•der, �, ApI.3r�oval t�l IV1rz�ute�, Mai 31, 1990 Motion ��as made b� Kenneth Howard and seconded k��= Terre Jc�nc: t.o approve minutes of May 31, 1990 as Printed and if they were not in conflict with the tape. Motion carried. 3, Co�.:sider and Possible Action Regarding a. cl�iane in zcznira��; from. B-2 to I-1 with a Specific Use Permit on a 4+ acre tract of in located in the west side of I-35 City Manager adcfised Realtor Sharon Copeland, ac.fi.in�;' gas a a.€�er�fi. for tl�e I� UIC and representing a Missouri trucking corpanJT, has requested a change from B2 to I-1 with a Specific:. Use Peri- it on a 4+ acre tract of land where Roberts Construction and Prinsco Pipe used to be located. City SeL�rtetar� ad�rised tl�ere was no negati�,'e r4es�otse fr`o�ri property owners within 200' feet. Motion was made bv Kenneth Howard and seconded by Terre Jones to appro�re the change in zoning from �3-2 to I-1 wit.lz a Specific. %3se Permit on a 4+ acre tract of land located on the west side of I-30. Motion carried. ( C IVLIILU 1 0 12/ 13/90 Page 2 L Any Other Such Matters - None reported. a��a 7_ O F� Q E- Y O L Q x 0 N :t� :cti ::t' itc: �':c t:tt t.': .— :: • � i.:i :iii .�. (.7 � � N ��. L� � •�- � m N •-- N 2 LL N v N :n < � �� �� �i �� Q II r° I C ' F— I rJ .. � L. �' �i ni •` !� cio icl I� ,�i E,� i.E �,� N I i EI �I �, c� �i E��, F-� c� o��l of :J � � N i i IJI C C�1,=IL� �, 101� ! JIJ ��._. I UI I_..JJic 0��; c c I 2' O��;Y �! N� � SECTION 27 "SUP" - SPECIFIC USE PERMIT 27.1 Ge:,eral Provisions: After proper notice and a public hearing, and after recorr,mendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission that a specific land use is in general conformance,.with the comprehensive plan of the city, the City Council may grant a permit for a specific use of perty as authorized by the zoning district in which the pro- perty is situated. An application for Specific Use permit (SUP) shall be accorn?anied by a site plan drawn to scale and showing the general arrangemEnts of the project, together with essential requirements such as off-street parking faci- lities; size, height, construction materials and locations of buildings and the uses to be Permitted; Socation and construction of signs; means of ingress and egress to public streets; visual screening such as k�alls, landscaping and fences; end the relationship of the intended use to all existing properties and land uses in all directions to a minimum distance of two h�,;ndred (200) feet. The Planning Cor.:mission or City Council may require information, operating data and expert evaluation concerning the location and function end characteristics of any building or use pro- pcsed. 27.2 Specific Lse PFrmit Regulations: 1. In recomT.ending that a specific use permit for the pre- mises �r,der consideration be Granted, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall determine that such uses are harT,onious and adoptable to building structures and uses . of adjacent prcperty and other property in the vicinity of the premises ��der consideration, and shall mace reco,:,me:,dations as to requirements for the paving of streets, a]lEys and side�.alks, means of access to public streets, provisions for drainage, adequate off-street Far;cing, protective screening and open space, heights of structures and comratibility of buildings. 73 2. In granting a Specific Use Permit, the City Council may impose conditions which shall be complied with by. the owner or grantee before a certificate of occupancy may be issued by the building inspector for use of the building on such property pursuant to such Specific Use Permit; and such conditions precedent to the granting of the certificate of occupancy. 3. No specific use permit shall be granted unless the applicant, owner, and grantee of the specific use permit shall be willing to accept and agree to be Sound by and comply with the written requirements of the specific use permit, as attached to the site plan drawing (or drawings) and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City council. '�o public hearing is necessary for site plan approval. • 4. The Board of Adjust rent shall not hove jurisdiction to hear, review, reverse or modify any decision, deter- mination or ruling with respect to the granting, exten- sion, re�aocation, modification or any ot';er action taken relating to such specific use per:rit. 5. t�henever regulations or restiictions impcsed by this ordinance are either :Wore or less restrictive than regu- lations i:-,pcsed by any governc•ental authority throug�t legislation, rule or regulation, the regulations, rules � or restrictions w!�ich are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requ�ire;r•ents shall govern. Regardless of any ot!;er prevision of thi s ordinance, :,o land shall be used end no structure erected or ;r,ai;�- tai::ed in violation of any State or :'Ederal pollution control or environr..ental protection i�w or regulation. 6. '.+hen the City Council aut`,orizes granting of a Specific t'se Permit, the Zoning ;�!ap shall :,e a:r�e-,ded according to i is legend to indicate t!-:at t'�e a: fected area has con- ditional and limited uses, and said ame-,dment is to indicate the a�,prc�,riate zoning district for the approved use and suffixed by t';e designation "SUP." SEC?IGN 28 CFF-STREETrARKI'vG h':D LOADING RE�U7RE!�ENTS Purpose: To secure safety from fire, panic and other•dangers; to lessen congestion in the strEets; to facilitate t.`,e adequate pro- v� si ons of trar,spor :at i on; to ccr.ser•.�e the •.�a 1 ue of bui ldi ncs; ar,d to encourage the T�cst ap; ropriate ;:se of land, rninir,�um off- street parking and leading =!;all 5e provided as set forth in the follcwing sc';Edules ar,d provisions. �Q ;4 separated by an alley or not in which case a mini- mum back yard of ten (10) feet shall be provided. 2. Size of Lots a. Minimum Lot Size: None. b• Mimimum Lot Width: None. c. N,imimum Lot Depth: None, 3. Lot Coverage: The r;aximum lot cover shall be sixty 60) percent of the lot area ae by buildings 20.9 Parking Requirements:` Off-street parking and loading shall be provided as set forth in Section 28, SECTION 21 "I-1"-INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Purpose and Description: The I-1 District is established to acco„��odate those uses which are of a non -nuisance type located in relative proximity to residential areas, and to serve and protect lands dipre- esgnated on the comprehensive plan for industrial development and use from the intrusion of certain i;,ccmpatible uses which might impede the development. and use of lands for industrial purpose. Gevelopment in the I-1 District is limited primarily to certain wholesale and jobbing commercial uses and certain industrial uses, such as the fabrication of a erials, and specialized Manufacturing a,nd research institu- ti ons, all of a non-r.ui c cianoe type. No use or types of uses spe- fically limited to the I-2 District Igay be per,itted in the I-1 District. 21.1 t'se Regulations: Cses pEr;nitted in the I-1 District subject to the following conditions: are (a) All busi-ess, sErvicing, or processi-, street parking, offs -street :calling, 3rsPEayeof rrzrchan- dise for sale to t„e %J ic, and establish,;;ents of t,; "drive - in" type, shall be condqjcted within completely Enclosed areas. (b) All storage within one hundred feet (100') of a resi- dence district, except for motor vehicles in operable condition, shall be within completely enclosed buildings or effectively screened with screening not less than six feet (61) nor more than eight feet (9') in height, pro- vided no storage located within fifty screenfeet (501) of such ing shall exceed the r.axim;.M height of such screening. 32 te) ?ermitted uses in the I-1 District shall not disseminate dust, fumes, gas, noxious odor, smoke, glare, or other atmospheric influence. (d) Permitted uses in the I-1 District shall produce no noise exceeding in intensity, at the boundary of the property, the average intensity of noise of street traf- fic. (e) Permitted uses in the I-1 District shall not create fire hazards on surrounding property. Permitted uses in the I-1 District include the following; 1. Advertising products, such as signs and billboards (manufacturing of). 2. F-m,bulance, Sus, train, and taxi stations, truck yards. 3. hwnings, ��enetian blinds, and windewshades (manufacturing of). 4. Bakery, candy, dairy and other food products, but not including fish and :-.gat products, sauerkraut, vinegar, yeast, alcohol or alcoholic beverages. 5. Building r.aterials }yard, contractor's ;yard, lumberyard. ' 6. Cameras and other photographic eouipment (manufacturing of ). 7. Ceramic products, such as pottery, figurines, and small glazed tiles. 8. Ice plants, cold sto:ace plants. 9. Je»elry. 10. Machine stops (fabri;ation of :,etal not more than ten (10) Gauge in thickness). 11. Metal star.�pi:,g and extrusion of s�all products, such as ccstLme �e»elry, pi-;s and :eedles, : azor b?ades, bottle caps, buttons, and )citc!;en utensils. 12. Milk and ice cream processing. 13. N.obile ho,;,e� sales. 14. Musical instrur,.:ents. 15. Orthopedic and medial appliances, such as artificial lir,bs, braces, supports, and stretc5ers. J E�� �. J 33 16. Repair of farm, household, office machir.er equipment. y or 17. Scientifie and precision instruments tmanufacturin of , 18. Sheet metal shops. g ) 19. Public utility and public service uses as fol . lows; ta) Bus stations, bus terminals, toff -street), bus garages, and bus ots; turnaround tb) Electric substations; tc) Radio and television towers; td) Railroad passenger stations; • te) Telephone exc - telephone transmission equip �nt�. buildin s angers, vice }�ards; 9 d ser- tf ) Pri��ately cw.;ed water purr,ping stations and k�ater reservoirs; ?0. ?adar instal?ations a;,d towers, ?1, Radio aid television studios and stations, � r 22. Schools, trade, ?3. Storage and �are5ousi�g establisST.ents. 29 • StoraSe yar�?s, but not including j;;n{yards. 25 . Swi:-:rni ng pool t,;,anu fact uri ng of) . 26. Trailer sales and rental, for use with private passen er ,�:otor vehicles, g 27' ''Ei}'ing stations, 28. hholesaling es:o5lis'::r,ents. 29 • Accessory �.:ses, i ncl udi ng but not l i mi ted to te:,,porar buildincs :or cor.strt;ction pur�cse for a period no to exceed the daration of such construction. 30. Cther "ho:esase, light ;,,anufacturin service Ls�s ::Lich 9. construction or ore similar in character to t!�ese enu- mFrated in this s,;b:rction da'�gerous or of herxi se and •.;hi ch wi 11 :,ot be , or :,� � dFtrimEntal to persons residing or,c,ng in the •✓icinity tt;ereof, or to the ,public �•e]fare, a-,d will not irr•rair t!;e use, enjo}�;r�ent or value of any property. �4 31. Factory outlet retail or wholesale store for the sales and servicing of goods or materials on the same premises as the manufacturing company to which they are related, including sales and service in a separate building or buildings. 32. Other uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. The following specific uses shall be permitted in the I-1 District when granted in accordance with Section 27: 1. Railroad freight ter;ninals, railroad switching and classification yards, repair shops, and roundhouses. 2• Stadiums, auditoriums, and arenas. 3. Other uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. 21.2 "eight Regulations: N,axim;;m height one hundred t100) feet, 21.3 Area Regulations: 1. Size of Yards: a . Front Yard: �2i ni:r�um required, twenty ( 20 ) feet . ' b. Side Yard: ��`'f1;I1TTJm side yard of ten (10) feet except a corner lot adjacent to a street shall be t�•enty t20) feet. when the industrial district is adjacent to any residential district, a minimu,�n side }•ard of twenty (2p) feet s';all be observed and a six (6) foot solid r.,asonry or �,•ood wa]1 shall be constructed ad�ac2nt to the residential district's property line.y c• Rear Yards: There shall be a rear yard of depth of twenty (20) feet, r,nl2ss adjacent to a residential district, in which case a fifty tb0) foot rear set- bsck shall be obser•�ed. 2. Size of L•ot: a • '�i ni m.;m Lot Area : tione • b• Mi nim�m Lot �'i oth: ':one. c. Minimum Lot Depth: 'v'one. 3. Lot Covera;,e:� �•In no case shall more than fifty t50� ) percent of the lot area be covered by the aggrecate area of all buildings constructed on the lot, �1.4 Farking Reoulations: Required off-street par;cing shall be ' provl?ed in accordance with the specific uses set forth in Section 28. �5 18.3 Area Regulations: r 1. Size of Yards: a. T'ront Yard: The minimum required setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet measured from the front pro- perty line. Accessory buildings shall have a mini- mum sixty (60) foot front yard. b. Side Yard: Adjacent to a street -twenty (20) feet; adjacent to a residential district property line - twenty (20) feet; other conditions -ten (10) feet. c. Rear Yard: The minimum rear yard setback shall be twenty •(20) feet for any building or structure. When an alley is not required, a masonry or wood wall of a minimum height of six (6) feet shall be constructed adjacent to the rear property line to provide a barrier between the adjoining uses. d. L2.2cial Side or Rear Yard a2 uircinont: When a non- residential zoned lot or tract abuts upon a zoning district boundary line dividing the lot or tract from a residentially zoned lot or tract, a minimum side yard of twenty (20) feet shell be provided on the non-residential property. A masonry or wood wall havin7 a minimum height• of six (6) feet above the ,average grade of the residential property shall be constructed on the non-residential property adjacent to the common side (or rear) property line. 2. Size of Lot: A . Minimum Lot Are� ; None b. Minimum Lot Width; None c. Minimum Lot Depth; None 3. 1.ot Covera3e; No more than lot area shall be covered by fo rty percent buildings. (908) of the 8.4 Parkin-c1_Rerlulations* Off-street parking and loading shall be provided as set forth in Section 28, SECTION 19 "B-2"-BUSINESS G_enera_l_ pu_ rpose and Descri tion; �nt nded to provide a zoning "Strict, except that additional 29 -2 DISTRICT The "B-2" Business district is category similar to the "B-l�� uses are permitted which are not generally carried on completely within a building or structure, and an expanded range of service and repair uses is permitted. 19.1 Use Re1ulations: A building or premise shall be used only for the fallowing purposes: 1. Any use permitted in the "B-1" Business District, 2. Building materials sales (no outside storage of lumber, materials or equipment). 3. Lithographic or print shop, retail only. 9. Newspaper or commercial printing. 5. Other uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. The following specific uses shall be District, when granted in accordance with Section 276 a a-2 1. Uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. 19.2 tleight _Rerimlations: No building shall exceed one hundred (100) Eeet in height, except cooling towers, vent stacks or mechanical equipment rooms may project not more than twelve (12) feet beyond maximum building height. 19.3 Area Regulations: 1. Size of Yard: a. I T'ront Y�-►rd: Minimum required setback shall be twenty (20> feet. Accessory uses must be set back a minimum of sixty (60) feet. b. Side Yard; Adjacent to a streettwenty(20) feet* minimum required --ten (10) feet. c. Rear_ Yard; The minimum rear yard setback shall be twenty (2�) feet for any building or structure. When an alley is not required, a solid masonry or wood wall of a minimum height of six (6) feet shall be constructed adjacent to the rear property line to provide a barrier between the adjoining.use. d. S «2cial Side or Rear Yard Requirement; when a non - residential.ly zoned lot or tract abuts upon a zoning district boundary line dividing the lot or tract from a residentially zoned lot or tract, a minimum side yard of twenty (20) feet shall be pro- vided for on the non-residential property. A solid masonry or wood wall having a minimum height of six (6) feet above the average grade of the residential property shall be constructed adjacent to the com- mon side (or rear) property line. 30 2. Size of Lot** a. Minimum Lot Area: None b. Minimum Lot Width: None c. Minimum Lot Depth: None 3. T.ot Coverage: In no case shall more than fifty percent (50%) of the lot area be covered by buildings. 19.4 Parkiny�Rc� uirements: Off street parking requirements shall be provided in accordance with Section 28, SECTION 20 "B-3"-CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT• General I'ur�ose and Description: The "B-3" district is intended to provide a zoning category to meet the special needs and interests of the historically central commercial area of the com- munity. A variety of commercial uses are permitted although all permitted activities are conducted within a building or structure. 20.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes: 1. Uses permitted in the B-1 district. 2. Single family residential attached and multi -family. 3. Other uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. 20.2 (Iei�ht Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height, except cooling towers, vent stacks or mechanical equipment rooms may project not more than twelve (12) feet beyond maximum building height. 20.3 Area Regulations: 1. Size of Yard: a. Front Yard: None required. b. Side Yard: None required, except where a B-3 district abuts a residential district in which case a minimum .side yard of ten (10) feet shall be pro- vided. The side yard setback from a side street shall be fifteen (15) feet c. Rear_ Yard_: None required, except where a B-3 district abuts a residential district (whether 31 ' stv �- M* a D �T1��. EC��TjjE P (("11 3T, ■ P6 Ot BOX 578 L TEXAS Honorable 1vlayor° & lr/Iembers of the City Council fohn Hamilton, City l�Lana `er~ , December° 21, 1000 Pate Increase Request By Frontier Waste Management As you know, Fr°or�.tier waste ��ana�emer�t is seekir� a rFate increase which you have had to review since the December 3rd meeting. At this tune, staff is inclined to recommend no rate increase. I-Iowever8 if Council feels that one is justified, staff would recommend no more than $.15 Per month across the hoard. This would make our base residential rate 7.00 Per month before sales tax (6.40 Frontier Waste charge 7 1, 50 City = $7, 60). The $.15 increase would off -set Frontier's cost increase on fuel tax and landfill charges. Their 6.7% CPI increase is I -lot reasonable at this time in my opinion. As an example, our City employees averaged a 2% COLA this budget year. Fr���losures FRO=LER WAST. MANAGEMENT INC . ?.0. BOX: 15a 1806 N STEMMONS SANGER, TEV.AS 7626e (817)458-3566 4 i�r . � o_�n riatr.i l ton Gity Manager City Of Sanger, Teas Dear Sir. In aCCOrC.anCe j7its`'_ paragraph % (G) Of file i" r07?t er t�taste Management contract for services, an adjustment to of set Ia_ndfI' I rate increases; federal $.05 per gallon gas ta., a.nd the CPI-0 (Dallas) annual average cost of living increases is requested. Tile CPI-li (Dal laS ) Increase for 1990 as of November 1a, 1990 - 6.7% (Department of labor CPI- 2. sandf:ili Rate Increases rrontier Waste t.�iiSpOSa1 Cost = a.. .,anaf i l l Rate I 990 was b. Landfill Rate 1991 iS c. Tnere`ore. 12% of revenue 2.15 Increase 7.5% OR i`�EVenl:�v') t 1meS (LanC�fili % .increase) = Gi�iy DSpOSal increase times 7.5% 3 . .FEderal $ . 05 per gc.11on gas ta:� T = 1% Increase rontier Waste '.;�uEl Cost = 34%6 of rever_ue (li7ji °o R.r,..'Ven"t7.e)timES(,:•'lZ.E'i Tax inCreaSE)= City F'l:E'1 GOSt Increase tilrie5 3% _ "1 .02% il^_GreaSe { used only 1°S in calculations) An uai Rate Increase CPI-L' LAND- GAS NEW Service PRESENT DALL•AS + FILL + TAX = RATE A. Residential Services Y 6.25 42 + .06 .06 = 6.79 (hand pick-up) B. Commercial Customers (nand pick-up'} Two pick-ups per week 9.50 + b63 409 + 409 = 10.3i ii . Three pick-vps per week 19 .00 + i . 27 WL19 + . 19 = 20. 65 iii. Five picK ups per week 28.50 1.90 + .28 .28 = 30.96 C . Contaire:. Ser vices One and a r_a; (_ 1 2 ) yd. a. One pick-up per week 15.00 1900 + 15 + 15 = 16.30 b. Two pick-ups per week 27.00 1.80 - 27 27 = 29.34 C. Three pick-ups per week 35.00 - 2.34 + 35 + a 35 = 38.04 ii. Three (3) yd. a. One pick-up per iieek 27.00 �680 .27 7 .27 = 29.34 b. Two plc... -ups per week 44.50 + 2.98 44 44 = 48.36 C. Three pick-ups per week 61.50 + 4.12 + .61 . .6i = 66.84 Four (4) yd. a. One pick-u-a per week 32.00 2.14 + .32 .32 - 34.78 b. Two pick-ups per weeE. 51.85 + 3.45 + .51 + .51 = 56.32 c. hree pick-ups per week 71.70 - 4.80 + .71 + 71 = 77.92 Wiil be present at your December 3 meeting it you or arty of the city council members have guest ions about these increases. r,anay � o�:nson Vice ?resident, Frontier Waste I�anagetr�ent Inc. 2 GARBAGE TABLES RESIDENTAL CUSTOMERS CODE 1 AND 3 1210 $ 7.75 COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS CODE 2 77 $ 9.50 CODE 4 4 $15.00 CODE 5 412 -0- CODE 6 29 $27.00 CODE 7 2 $ 7.50 CODE 8 3 $44950 CODE 9 2 $22.25 CODE 10 2 $123*00 CODE 11 0 -0- CODE 12 3 $32.00 CODE 13 0 -0- CODE 14 2 $64.00 CODE 15 3 $89.00 CODE 16 1 $71.70 CODE 17 6 $51.85 CODE 18 3 $103.70 CODE 19 0 -0- CODE 20 6 $155*55 CODE 21 0 -0' CODE 22 1 $207*40 CODE 23 0 40 CODE 24 0 $17928 CODE 25 0 -0- CODE 26 5 $10937 CODE 27 0 -0- CODE 28 0 -0- CODE 29 0 -0- CODE 30 0 40 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS 1210 $ 7.75 TOTAL COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS 561 $1005.60 TOTAL 1771 $1013.35 These figures are for the month of November l;'90 d T CT. I ROM. DATE: UBJECT: ■ ANGER, TEXAS #700 Honorable IIavo�• Members of the City Council d .. John Hamilton, City Manager December° 21, 1990 final Payment to 'Water Treatment. Construction ;staff is reccarnrnendin �aayrr�er�t. 1'ae made t.ca Water Treatn-�ent in the amount of $76,500 which would impose a penalty of $1421.98 on the contractor. Even though, I believe we have the legal right to impose a ,pore severe penalty on Water Treatment. I am concerned if: 1) this could negatively impact bids on future projects and, 2) would Water Treatment be willing to take us to the Courthouse if a severe penalty were imposed, The $5,100 recommended by Hunter would be P < 5 % of the Natal project and the $1421.98 recommended by staff would be 1.8'% of the ,aro ject. .JI-ltes Ericicasu�'e ■ 11UNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. ® ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONEGLENLAKES SUITE500 DALLAS, TX75231-4350 2141369-9171 1106 CLAYTON LANE SUITE 410E AUSTIN, TEXAS 78723-1033 512/454.8716 December 11, 1990 i+ - Mr. John Hamilton �r� � .t� �4e� City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street l y OF SANGER Sanger, Texas 76226 Re: Water System Improvements, Sanger, Texas Job No. D88022 Dear Mr. Hamilton: RICHARD G.FAGIN, P.E. J. TRAVIS ROBERTS, JR., P.E. PAUL S. BOEDEKER, P.E. HAL B. JONES, P.E. SAM C. MCKENZIE, JR,, P.E, JOHN D. FRIEBELE, P.E. OAVID J. PREWETT, P.E. CHARLES W. SCHELER, P.E. RICHARD I(, ST. JOHN, P.E. CHARLES A. DAVIS, P.E. JOHN L. MEARS, P.E. Attached are copies of the final Contractor Estimate No. 5 for the above referenced project constructed by Water Treatment Construction Company. The project has been completed and a final inspection made by City staff, the contractor, and Hunter Associates, Inc. All "punch list" items have been performed. According to our calculations, construction was completed sixty-nine ( 69 ) days over the allotted contract time. In a letter dated November 27, 1990, Water Treatment Construction, Inc. requested additional calendar days due to weather and utility adjustments in highway right- of-way. As per our previous conversations, a penalty period of thirty-four (34) days might be appropriate, meaning liquidated damages would amount to 34 days x $150/day = $5,100. The final Contractor Estimate with approved quantities totalled $77,921.98. In the event of the liquidated damages mentioned above, the total would be adjusted; to $77,921.98 - $5,100 = $72,821.98. Upon Council approval of the final totals, we recommend the City accept this project, pay the retainage, and place the project in the period for the one year maintenance bond to commence. If there are any questions, please call us. Very truly yours, HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. . Travis Roberts, Jr., P.E., R.P.L.S, President JTR:pc Attachments Sheet I of 2 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT •Five ; Final AYz PERIOD, October 1, 1990 PROJECT: Water System Improvements D88022 OWNER: City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 BIDS RECEIVED CONTRACT DATE 5-3-90 5-7-90 L CONTRACT AMOUNT CALENDAR DAYS $70,573.00 60 $6,500*00 REVISED • SUMMARY • JOB STATUS DATE: November 30, 1990 TO: November 30, 1990 ENGINEER: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Dallas, Texas CONTRACTOR: Water Treatment Const. Co. P.O. Box 4584 Bryan, TX 77805 NOTICE TO PROCEED START CONSTRUCTION DATE COMPLETION DATE SUBMITTED BY: Total Work Completed S 921 9 By; For Contractor Material Stored on Site $ 0,00 Date: Contract Amount to Date $-77t921098 APPROVED: Less 5% Retained S 0.00 Date: For Engineer SUBTOTAL $77,921.98 APPROVED: For Owner Less Previous Payments $61488.50 Date: AMOUNT DUE THIS PERIOD $14A33.48 % Time Used: %Work Completed Sheet 2 of 2 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT OWNER: City of Sanger PROJECT NAME AND NUMBER: Water System Improvements - D88022 CONTRACTOR: Water Treatment Construction Co. ESTIMATE NO: Five & Final FOR PERIOD ENDING: November 30, 1990 Item Unit of Amount Work Unit Value of No. Description Measure Bid Comp. &Price Work Comp. W.2.1 12" SDR 18 PVC Pipe L.F. 1,600 1400 $ 25.71 $ 35,994.00 W.2.2 6" SDR 14 PVC Pipe L.F. P 50 57 16e00 912.00 W.2.3 12" FLFG-MJ Gate Valve EA 3 3 900.00 2/700000 W.2.4 6" FLFG-MJ Gate Valve EA 3 3 368.00 1,104.00 W.2.5 Fittings Tons 2 3.118 2,860.00 8,917.48 W.2.6 8"x8" T.S. and 8" G.V. EA 1 2 1,600.00 3,200.00 W.2.7 6"x6" T.S. and G.V. EA 2 1 1,278.00 1,278.00 W.2.8 Fire Hydrants EA 3 3 1,194.00 3,582.00 W.2.9 Bore and Steel Encase L.F. 150 189 60.50 119434050 W.2.10 Trench Safety L.S. 1 1 2,300.00 2,300.00 W.2.11 COA Change Order No. 1 L.S. 1 1 6,500.00 6,500.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED FOR PROJECT 2. S779921.98 Recommended for Approval: TO TAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED $77t921098 HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Material Stored on Site S' 0600 CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE Contract Amount to Date $77.921.98 ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 Less 0% Retained $0.00 By' Subtotal $77ML98 t Date: Less Previous Payments $63,488o5O 1 Approved: mate: Balance Due This Period $1, 4 433.48 i Witter Treatment Construction Co. 3400 S0110111 TEXAS AVE, N.O. BOX 4584, HKYAN, TIn. XAS 77505 NO) 646-�309 November 7,7, 1990 hSr. John Mears, P.F. Hunter Assoolates, 7ric:. £s140 Walnut Hill Lane One Glen Lakes, Suite 500 Qallas, Texas 75?31w4350 Re� Wtat�>r Systeih Improventie.nts City of Sanger' LtearMr . Mears On the following dates, we Were unable to perform a full. days work due to bad weather conditions on referenced project. July 9, 23, 30, 31 Ar.rguZ:i 1, G, 7, I.3, September 10, 11, 12, 17 Ootober Q, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16 November 5, 6, 79 £3, 9 Wcwere also preventecl from wot'king weekends by the Texas Oepartmerrt of Highway and tJublic Trernspartata.on, whicl5 amounted to 3�3 days. Bart of the tame lor,t t)etweerr AugUeKA, 22nd to August 31.>t was due to riot having plans i.hat met the approval, of TQHPT. Therefore, we request 70 additional calendar days for- the above dates. Si.nr•er-ely � 4TJaO Ed Wilkerson E.W/mkl