04/02/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCity Council Agenda April 2, 1990 2 )I Bolivar Street, City Hall 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag 2. Minutes 3. Disbursements 4. Citizen's Input 5. Consider and Possible Action for Downtown Merchant Representative Requesting Downtown City Park for Spring Fling on May 5th - Terry Jones 6. Consider and Authorize Request For Bid for Water improvements Project - Ground Storage and Water Line 7. Consider arad Passible Action to Award Bid far Protective Clothing for Sanger Fire Department 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Proposals for the Replacement of Existing Central Heat and Air Conditioning Unit for City Hall 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for Bid for llle Bank Depository for City Funds 10. Consider and Possible Action Designating Annual Clean -Up Week 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Records Management Officer 12. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to Serve on the Community Justice Council 13. Consider and Possible Action on Wastewater Plant Pumps 14. Any Other Such Matters 15. City Administration Report 16. Adjournment e Rosalie Garcia City Secretary ouncitint March • ff,i ■ ?RESENT. MayorArmstrong,t Councilmant A CarrollMcDaniel, and Councilman kBSENT. Councilman Jerry Jenkins ■ Vickie?RESENT# City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rose Garcia, Lewis � Sanger Courier, -.- Ann Sparks, Rogers, and Travis Roberts � Hunter Engineering ' r..t .. pledge t. r to ` F.g r t f M � .♦ i - t r, CouncilmanSeconded by t pay disburs ents. ITTiotion carried. i 4. Citizar�'� In�ra.t: Nang ttt t t t t - - ♦ --t i s 300Itl ground storage tank to be located at Acker .and Installingtwo (2) high servicepumps t a water line xtended from that point at AckerStreetNorth tn 455 to connect to the line thattt.. under. t: t t .., tr-shighwayand back to 10thStreet. City Council Minutes March 19, 1990 Page 2 water line on Acker. y iImprovements roject No.. Hunter Associates, Inc. 8140 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 500, Dallas, Bid date: March 13, 1990 Bid time: 2:00 p.m. Page 1 of 1 Lowest Bid: Murray Const, Co., Inc., 515 N. Kealy Ave., Lewisville, Texas 75057 s • '� � 11 1 - r it = • .. • Total Bid: t40,335.00/45 Calendar Days for Completion Third Bid: Dickerson Const. Co., P. 0. Box 181, Celina., Texas 75009 Total Bfd: U1,200.00/60 Calendar Days for Completion Mr. Roberts recommended that City Council reject all bids on 1990March 19, Page 3 NOVIVi » ! - ! : i r "ouncilmstableyDept. can consulted and if necessaryitcan be put back on • i carried.nonth. Motion of April ••0 Week of the Young Child." a t Election Cler,.' • a .. • • .Jt 9. Any Oiher such Matters: Wildlife Dept. in Austin. As a result of .. Division finally• . ithemselvesto developing . site an bringing i marina to the west sideof LakeRay Roberts. Mr. Robinson will be here on Aprilf 1990, Wednesday, City Council Minutes March 19, 1990 Page 4 .! ! s ► infiltration to thesewercollection and dramatically monthlyimproved the '! to Texas WaterCommission. pump problems. Pump #1 & 2, which were both rebuilt by Cole & Smithen last summer are both not working. and/or ompany repair the pumps, (2) bring suit against Cole & replaceand upgrade both pumps at ►If approximately11 -a !(CO MIS U111C LIMITITTise 1.1L IIIIIIIIIJIL11IUb LUIIIIIIP! �• decision, the project i City Council. r they will not honor the bank depository agreement. bank is As advised by Ran Neiman, City Attorney, if the is madif'yin� the agreement, the City will n to rebid the contract. Meeting adjourned. 0 .-IGE_.r'CY E tJND f:Hle-16.l.l0.ta (ENTERPRISE FUND) E w roc ir: {=�` rfdE:r.�d — }`Eti rr._t E w r w �E;n {E_r'.}rh PRISE} C:,E:r'�E. tr=��_ E� r..dd�►z� ..._._..__.. � d== cat d�; �='c:td_ :I c:E'�. c:���� E��,�s a :s w Er{t; w �. ��>4It-i ..r �t•�i• w Ir' "t TY OF vENDOR VENDOR NAME i — ;�'i"aCat"a (�•`.wifit'�(;(-1E•i" }�(��I"�f-1?={ AU r;�-ATT7 1. 1? -! AND L�E-(� }L.I T ai DISTRIBUTION CRIME; CLUE ,� 7�ar:} i�}fJLir�1€�1`.If\( I�U�{•� i n l'.:Li> G/L. taiSTRIEtUTION LOADER WORK ON .3/19 AND 311 7 CjF'E PE f i ;C:C �LJNT So F 1Y(=?f,1._f C.. 7 tU,'I' I NG; NDEDR TOTAL. 01111., DISTRIBUTION AlGn()80 0/L. DIST1- IBUT101\.( 16, 1C)00 G/L i I4S3 RiC�liTiUN 4,1Gn 17(it"a G/C_ DISTRIIBU'T ION 41F,, ti700 ?; i_ i,i'"iR1r,LE'(IClhd I?; twat"ii:a G/L. iJ:(Cl+R1 BUT ION 454n060o G/L_ DISTRIBUTION ` 1,F)n 200() G/i_ DISOT RIP,L1TION 41€sn 1C-CQ,a iJlvUFORM,30 RC(R ALL DE:PARTMIENTS VENDOR TOTAL '". ''{'E..H a GI_r'.f ( RAL. TELEPHONE CO. G/L_ DIS)TRi BUT ION 4131+0t"a; 01"a P1-10NE `w�ERVIGE C_ I'(tRARY E 17i� T' RIE;(J'I lra ;.:•:1_Ca1t"i0 (='Hc)NE S' dRVIc E_ AL.L. iiE F' i n VENDOR TOTAL.. 6_ 500 0 CERTIFIED L..ABORATOR I. E G J r U` 414 DiSTRTk,i_E1'ION 427513n 1G0ii LONG DIM,sal:E 1 1E 17`a ;_;3ia (arai) JENDOR T( JAAL_ Ii�Jt �:It? 1. t_a4 n 8 CIE„ue 50 r,-. 4 n G4,4 = 3 '`+ 818 w!t.an G`�n c I n 77 n t;aCi t"it.a E: I IGn �ii"} I t�,n t"a i• 1.C'in 77 .,.11" T Or v:tA+lt_,_,z 0P{[yJ t=;i;C:C+EJNT=; r'AMB[._C: l_I'_,TI??iC7 F'NtE= AS OF POE`111 _____,L,h,�E�L)I� ?>jEP�ilal�il=t t�iF1f`rak= G/L. DIS T E TYL?TICIN P1—IY SIs CCAi". E ItX AM E[F1Pi_iJY Pt1537 7 u'ENDOR TO All, ff L='RTWrE=r R.TE:,r;C+NS FOR i-+PPL-[_. P-11AGUMR•I TER VENDOR 1 AL.. TOTAL 12' CANS SPRA it L UBE: VENDOR TOTAL 'T t:r-- ixt t�r tit=aCdt=x CLtL}iC�IERC G/L. i DISTRIBUTION t�L_ +� RC:[J l: T r'054 1 i 447¢ iS00 CC.+C='I ;R LEASE AGRE:Rtifr.!'a'! FOR AE R IL, VEsl OR TOTAL.. +-I[FE�Lli11 �. ta„ 00 00 80 ;l`ljU!%IT 1 'I _ i .�,Cat_t[:i +:_ I.L.,,, Ci1-• tE�h�lT! �[yJ� �)s:_:i�¢ !='CIv,.;7t=, :v,t.a: )GIL rwifRHUTTON 447„ 0600 t}„ 00 i�_'--• 1`_;('rt�ai:) �,l::�ITC�C`T G�i:lr i:iJf,�CilIJCiI+�t�TltCr�::� +. ,''[_ ixI`: TRt:[(t_I`Tif�[i f+'1 8„ (,rat:rtr 4iW,(ea„ 0C) RADIO Attili fi-tWENNAS 4`E:NF?L!R i'Q'I"AL. 460u Crir ..tF (:ar t:)t,; {: .L -- �. F„=:�,lJ to I HOT au ! Cpl i-'ta['t rQ • G/L_ D1,T RIBUTION 41'3¢ 0; 01) HOSE, AND CLJA1m1__` VENDOR,T Ll T NL. ("o =, L?t:? t=Ca%iEt=tL�Y CAS{.;i i1C'f-thylY G/L_. E!I IRIBUTION 4:3:1„0500 4:at, C)0 GAS5 11=+1.R PA r!_:I-1ril A N VENDOR !'CurttL. t „ it{:r „ i){i ri•,';„ (;r0 # �f I`(Y OF SCxiSi;l:(=: ilG:tc.YS At'::r:(.-i!_IiS1 G �;'61E+I_..l I.I ;II(�Sf:3 i'Ft�,r ��r ri u `..l u C,..s t=};3 {�f �'; ), wit; 1 u.,._ , c: ,ENDOR VEttSf}i_�R NAME IM,VOIC:(:. HilluLff"1 l;i;=,r,'711~fi r, L. DI�-;TRI B'UT ION ;=sic 05Cx) 17= t�.�, O-('t=.HTH F+:w{R :+tA(P:r;HOE vEtdC+ IR, iilTAi_ 17,: 314 tat? i 7= W�{ , 1F,_ ;_'t;?7Cana TI-ll:� HIC:i1;Of+1IT(-I +:;0=s II�.li__ r i i_ DISTRIBUTION ft' 7;= ?t'te?t? ,t:!, • 4 "TF RTE'.R OHEi_.F AND ADD ON FOR L.IBRARY v _NDOR .? TOTAL. '; ;t?= �34 t;jti T;�ttaa O/t_ OT'_TRIBUITION +1'31 0:300 i7= 50 FUEL. E'UMFD AND rTRAINUIR VEN1)OR 740 T 1L. 77= :_U Cat} �. �}"' i�ri'i�t_? 1 •� �ti (_ }. t,H C � i~.it7 �• J(J1-�t-(,-,.j: _. CV! DISTRIBUTION '+ r_'= 080t_a ;_ti 1 20 I;U(_.3tF,'= r,HC{TO CONTRr+LS AND HPIR P'lLIILL„ VENDOR. Ti1'i•(iC.. 1 r'o '<:? ":;i7=;=:'o =t;t? tJ !_ D : �I iz i!_{I� I Ir'{t'v ff'zt�= J.i=,(_}4_? 7i': rr t::OIRA({ BOARDS AND T RtAESHC;t: N VE('dI)OR '! CiT{+=1C.. 1 Oc 72' t=;�? i _;t ;' THE NEW KII:{(._ER O(=FIU t.:t`c7 cig C E a ?} _a %JR J , i !L r?TOTRI:I [f T T+:iiS :11, 1'�tn:? i`j 7 I UFi= I [ (= cUPf LJ DL VENDOR TO I qL_ 1 c: 57 i t_? i ';n �rii 7 rt. (.R'I' i"inVI':� {�O= i:3iL. OI' TRI:i;I.ITIOd=0800 1r,=}`a:, STIRRUVIS AND CA B VENDOR }(!F; O htL. g ;, "to�u.:4 :=,C?5Ciia L_= MATT! -!Ell; CtD+= n = — --11 ) t�7 � !_.. Imo} T I •:.J (R i. j' LJ (-.I 1 I ON N 4 oil ;D �._a A C) i.„i M I i'•SO az 1A(_IOLO •{- t- c -:• r, •- F�{_.{,.}�=r'tl, r - - r� Y'fi'}= ?tv C=.t�S= _rtt _} _at_} C /!_ D I =;T RI OI_i T s: ON 41 t_? 5oO 11Tw iFIR iCi�{I MY OF SANGER tzplWOf; Vu NI)U1*� NWIP Z 4f. G t`L D I."._i1 R'IBUT e.0N AGEF 61:=..C-V1C4'(-: FOR (ifIP :TL OF1L: r'E:L COh`} Ih•1Ca j;. 17/ L DISTRIBUTION C1PEN ACC:C4j NTs, r=In`'liiBLF LTs. i iN f ., , , , t q a 53 a t, ,.., A � [�jt.. ..3t i:.`:)/ `�l_) 1 ti a r, � a ..)C' I NVO I CLI AMOUNT 1) T kBCOUNOT' )C NDOR TOTAL_ 1 4 7a Oil M)OR TOTAL I /L_ f,`3TRIBUI s:ON /+4'a 1i,r.'){) ;i}ai)C) G/1_ DISTRIBUTION 4467 19 0() 95 MA I NTa AGREEMENT hF.EME NT ON COP I E:I; AND ATTHCHMENTS 4 /90 'i'i— IRM 4 / 91 VENDOR TOTAL. 19 0C)t), c)) r j�I STC;IBUT ICIN Ii C:'ieiLll Ti SHEETS. CRIME REPORTS AND Ci= L.L,. nt1C-_i T ; VENDOF, TOTAL. G/i._ i 1'.-P RI 1UT).0N TAPEL F'OR C':[?Ut1C .IC., =',3— •`�.p�.,-!t�? t�� T [i�t':=., f= I E::�T l_ I iJ : L=I.:!I_� I t�'tilC�:(d—,. i)I ! R 101II ON HEAD ;=4LEI_t 1 ICU r: TCI T C1i_ 11i.v:=�4 1 i '_-I!_) c c s Ls f:'t 1�,7a `Tf •� s�s't.r;a Sir; '.:i° {{ .r�„?_�El,;i. �'rF�.t_F.r i'r ! ?i r 1Jli_il N1 (1! ` `•`!t IN T Ia.lt t.' L K'- r _ _1a•. _ :: ,: .,,. ;, ._ _ ... E.',.YI?__ It Iwo l:�'_�s ���i:.,: si_I'.t To To Tl { ,_ low tl I wool ._.,1 If i" I�[ ��+ i.li''�:.?v. ow i,.. wi �:i•G.:.� { (_, L.'�.! I f ,- '»_'i i.... 1J I E', s. 1�i i_ ! IT kii''s L. F1 T _g'�' s ', 1 JoI'd of l"!;q .t..}r.!i'11� t}- fTo _]! C�} ,rI 1} P:IITIf ifs ?_it'I'•,t` _ _.,t_}:�:-'}•�%�('-� t-`?._?Ct1�=' C'!..li�;,-l�-,r!`f jy�ri-a a' ,�?',t,) ?.71 iI,w" !„} �. n �I 1. }U I I f?r•� `i'l=� Jn !_wow ? / L?t_r IwA i_raF' �. 1L_'`' 'q C,� c;Fi =!?� �.i� l� l-iT F'l..f=?r' ,1-?L_i,lE C?t1[i L_E?i:)U 4�[-�N )0R 1IQ I P'sL. IIwo III IL ?, :Ir 1i, 11. To - - ,•. l: TV :}t-; :: :: i— `_J>_J,_,:1 t,} �} �Fv `JwE n E =' 1 �iv `;,�4! •v !:wwI!L. i I:=Fi I IT =,•;";(d)n (IWI)t} 15n9;; ,.,_:I_.I ;.{�t1 Lll_�i tE�l T i_I of ON l_:Il I _ _ _ i:1lj'+1L1OR ? AT{-,!.. r' r c 1._!n 1 , t_}:_) 1. `.inPT v Iwo iT .._. IS Cis y 'r'i I Ew !T! � i._! :j l�.a+}� I' L..•!v t ..) ,�. •..+ Ll' `.�•_l t �lE��t'_ L. ra ;' :_! , a 4--. ..+ _ _ _'t_.:..! n _5 �%I.�� ;�Ei_.LI JOIN i._�AK C:L_t�tit' {'1[_'C� DFitR T01 AL. " o =';s ':}t=) t.;c:•.!n L.,I, ow ,•' •) `?iW•";t.} t :_:•._E )T' toot io'"I,•E r'). I ,wob III YI✓tTtg.�!_!tti ? �! ? I'? t_}t_) i.-I t�? .. ... v.'�ti ,; n t-)t'}�1t;} ,lwRrT.ii~'iR E11�iE`ril.T.i�i=?I._ !rl:?F::�='n C{f' PSI f��.:ta:{ii. NOT'' : Pt"�4't-l;�l._.� � t_ T�'3 i !:t`l?"a Ui=°Et;i L7l L_ I? i c;�' F;.( :EtU'I I C{Etd '; c_{ c'r: }r:} 'h i-•E or. l:�+f/re TE' DU F{.0N 1 •`7,n 0!'0t.1 J 7n "fit_} tiL.T:4? Chl''ltr1L_ ttC:.ta�L}E1( i Cf "f1L. 70 :. _• _ � �,:-}•—,i.�i_i t1 (� T n !; l�E� r-'• I�:'- °�'iI i }f ;1=. _. t�i'f,_. T;iI T '�'EI `y {`'`a {�l Tom{•! f �' 1 =..i,!f_•'t_} i;1. n i L L' I I'( I%i_J'F10t:) A I i.n !'-!t.};i r L..!_f�f�L v'ir( �`f—{Dflq I n-- {ER r Eaf }-•.: 1„E?EX CARUav ! fit__n 'E={i,{{_i'•iin � ta. E.tf n ej—e.tJiii Ik•_E{tl{7[1.11G ,_. I f { I,-�i � �. 5 ,J :.I:.in C��� l_}i,} 3. � • ' ''•?� i=�i„ :�.:.: �{..,�i IjS�i_:E_sj'•;i_}:�, !-'}dl_R_,i=.`j: ��-C:; ff�� bb�� tom%L.. �} A R � i'`I hh{{ N L 4�� t.:t1 ADM Ii%j((TSTRI'l I0{4'd—CliF 1 74 -n a '__ I L�Il{.?1-t i'.' .,„lp 2ei,Ji�rc •'j{„} j (- {-, I52; L•LJUL.TC. Ir!0RKS'..Ci I.c} 't_fF-.in i-,._', 10N ADtri1t}}, ; TE�L�i'� -- -E� C)A {`'I E'R0C*E:E;c5 T NG E:1= MEMORANDUM #488 T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76286 Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager (, March 30, 1990 Spring Fling Terry .Tones, representing the Downtown Merchants Association will by present to request the use of the Downtown Park on May 5th, JH:es CITY OF SANDER P. 0. BOX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #487 TO: Honorable Mayor Members of the City Clauncil FROM: John Hamilton, City Manage )i DATE: March 30, 1990 i SUBJECT: Authorize Bids for Water Improvement Project Travis Roberts has not yet provided the bid document for the Acker Street ground storage and water line improvements. This item is included for your consideration. Funding would be from bond construction reserves which currently total $226,394. If necessary, this item could be tabled until April 16, 1990. Mr. Roberts is unavailable Monday evening; however, he recommends proceeding with the bid authorization in the interest of time. By telephone Travis stated that the bid document should be completed during the week of April 2 - 6th. He further stated that he believes that a savings of $10,000 could be realized by bidding the I-35 waterline in conjunction with the F. M. 455 line and Acker Street 300,000 gallon ground storage tank, JH:es d�� T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable John Hami March 30, Bids on Fi CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 re Mayor &Members of the City Council lton, City Manager ; 1No Department Prot ive Clothing Fire Department members will be present to discuss the two bids re►�eived on the protective clothing. Only two bids were received. The budget allocation for this purchase is $645.00 per set. Copies of the bid sheets and a fire department memot•andum ai•e enclosed for your review. JH:es enclosures CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: %� TMerwyn Tucker, Fire Chief z.�4dCraig Waggoner, Sanger Vol. Fire Dept. DATE: March 30, 1990 SUBJECT: Bids an Eleven (11) PBI Protective Clothing, Bunker Coats & Pants Twa bid proposals were submitted regarding this bid: Neel Associates, Inc. bid $598.00 for each set and Riggs First Line Equipment bid $506.50 for each set. With all the options that are included on Janesville Equipment, with Morning Pride these options are extra cost thus making Morning Pride equipment $638.00 per unit as to opposed to $598.00 for Janesville equipment. Neel's Janesville suit has many advantages - it comes with a stanclar�l package of leather protective pads, velcro instead of buckles which Riggs' Morning Pride does not include in their bid. Riggs did riot contact our office for the specs. Neel's bid is the exact line of fourteen (14) sets that we purchased last year. Staff is recommending Neel's bid at $598.00 for each set. Staff will be available for any questions or concerns that City Council might have regarding this bid, CW:es BID OPENING: Protective Clothing - Fire Dept. )ATE: March 28, 1990 : 2:00 p.m. TII�IE 1, �Jal'ile: Neel Assoc . Inc . Address. P . 0. Box 20126 Waco, Texas 76702-0126 2. Name: Riggs First Line Equipment Address* P . 0. Box 1499 Forney, Texas 75126 3, Name: Address. Address. $598.00 each set bid good for 30 days $506.50 each set bid good for 30 days � 5 . Invitation to Bid The Sanger Fire Department invites interested parties to submit bids on eleven sets of PBI protective clothing, bunker coats and pants. Contact Fire Chief Merwyn Tucker for bid specifications. Bids will be received until 2:00 P.M., Wednesday, March 28, 1990, and then publicly opened and read in the City Hall Conference Room, 201 Bolivar. All bids will be presented to the City Council at their regular meeting at 7:00 P.M., Monday April 2, 1990. The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 90 ��.. R se Garcia City Secretary Run: March 15 March 22 R Un Equipment 309 E. Main • P.O. Drawer 1499 Forney, Texas 75126=1499 BIn %CITY HALL CONFERENCE-ROOM --201_BQljwla -------------- (214) 552-9030 -Metro (214) 226-4717 BUOTATION DATE:_ 3=26_90 __ DELIVERY 12 weeks after Purchase Order ------------------------ and SIZES 9UOTATION VALID 30 Days )TY PART DESCRIPTION EACH TOTAL I I i I 1 i 11 i 1480 MORNING PRIDE PROTECTIVE COAT 1302.501$3327.50 -----------r-----------------------------------------+----------nib i i I i I 1 i I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I lI i 1480 i MORNING PRIDE PROTECTIVE TROUSERS i204.U0I$2244.00 i I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I i I 1 I 1 I 1 I i 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I l I I I 1 I I FOB SANGER FIRE DEPARTMENT SANGER TEXAS i I 1 i I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I i-----5------}----_-_-_-.-----------------.--------1-____J_---------1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 i 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I i I I I I I I i 1 I I I I 1 i I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 1_----{------� ------ -. ---L....-..--..J----------.1 i I I I I I 1 I i I I I Federal, State, and Local taxes not included. es Respectfully submitted, By-----_- T i t leSales Representative EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST NEEL ASSOC., INC. P.O. Box 20126 WACO, TX 76702 1 800433-3402 817-799-9176 TO "Fire, Police &Safety Equipment" CITY OF BANGER P.o. Box 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76 Cr � PLEASE INDICATE THE ABOVE NUMBER WHEN ORDERING DATE 11 set #PAGC/PAGP WITH GOR-TEX BARRIER LAMINATED TO NOA'IF'X SEWEN TO NOMEX QUILTED LINER COAT STANDARD PLUS RADIO POCKET' SP02 VELCRO CLOSURE TFF'T' SIDE, NAME PATCH ON BACK VELCRO NO LE`PT'ERS SET BID. GOOD FOR 30 DAYS BID OPENING MARCH 28, 1990 AT 2:0o P.M. SALESPERSON KORGER ' TERMS PRICE $ 598(OOea AMOUNT �"" 4RE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE ABOVE QUOTATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SHOULD YOU PL CE AN ORDER, BE ASSURED IT WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. THIS ATION IS SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE, AND IS VALID FOR � DAYS. THEREAFTER IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. =17 WILLIAM KORGER , ACCEPTED DATE SIGN AND RETURN YELLOW ACCEPTANCE COPY WHEN ORDERING. I CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #485 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager + DATE. March 30, 1990 SUBJECT: Heating/AC Replacement Unit far Business Office of City Hall Proposals for this item were received from four local companies. If Council decides to proceed, funding would be from reserves. The bids as received are enclosed for your review. Acceptance of the low bid would be recommended by staff. All Bids were for 7.5 Ton A/C with electric furnace. JH:es enclosures O1J ■_ SA"#.*# BID OPENING: Central xeating & A/C 1. Name; March 28, 1990 2:00 p.m. Simmons A/C Address: Sanger, Texas 2. Name: N . Texas Prof. Services Address: P. O. Box 450 Sanger, Texas 76266 ------------------------------------- 3. Name: Tuttle Electric P. O. Box 831 Sanger, Texas 76266 �, j�ame; S & S Engineering Bid 1 $4,729.00 Bid 2 $4,679.00 $4,800.00 ------------------ $4,468.50 --------------------- $4,317.70 optional- +$160.00 electronic programable S: Rt. 2, Box 270 thermostat Sanger, Texas 76266 -------------------------------------- 5. Name: Address: Ea. NatTle: Address: The City of Sanger will receive proposals for the replacement of an existing central heating and air conditioning unit for City Hall until 2 p.m., Wednesday, March 28, 1990. For additional information contact Larry Yoast, Electric Department Superintendent, 458-7930. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary 1 ��rn,�tn��I Pege No. 1 01 2 Paget S & S �gineering ,i Kt. 2 Box 270 Sanger, Tx. 76266 Phone (817) 458-4121 Mt4r'OSAI SUBMiTTCD TO __ PHONE DATC ', STTeLET !08 NAM[ City Hall (I�Jest� CITY. STATC AMD 21P COD[ JOB IOCAIION AJSCsitTECT i DATC Of PLANS JOC PHONE ttlrtre Fxrcby submit specifications and cstimatcs tor: �eSl�ri Build Propasal hte are pleased to quote a price of �4997• split system to 7.5 tons. to change out existing 5 ton 1. equipment to be installed; A. Trane mod.-,���- TTA090A300A condensing omit (8.6 S��{ B. Trane mod.,' T'�'090A300 120,000 btu/h gas furnace with coil. 2. Above quote includes all labor and materials for installation and fabrication of equipment, piping, sheet metal, controls, control wiring and start-up. 3. �.lternate� Sane as above but equipment to be installed will be: _' A. Janitrol mods Czo9o-3/4 condensing unit (8.6 S�ER� ' B. Janitrol mod.--`; A900-00 air unit and coil -�; ,� C. Janitrol mod. ;�,�.28-3 28kw electric heat �- i --� Frice of alternate will be �4317.70. _ `--` j �t' �fA�DBP hereby to furnish material and Labor —complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum ot: made of /4r mrterial h {uarrnlerd to b• rt .p►c ILe4. All wort to be completed in r workmanlike rep -err accord in{ to tt►ndrrd prrdicel Arty rtlr�rtion or 6rvirbon from •trove spec itiu� f: fn.dvin{ ate• coot wlil De ♦�ecuird only upon r.rkten ordrrr, and wiu become rr, a =her{• pyre rnd rbore tM rN�mrle All ►{rremrnb contra{ent upon Nrdet, •cudentf or 6�tryt b+yond our control. O.r»r to terry fee, lornrdo rnd other necaury In►u�anu. O.rr rorken •rr lolly Cowrrd by WoAmen'e Comprnytgn Inrurrntr. dollars (S Avthoriied Signature Nole: This proposal may De withdrawn by us it not accepted within day:. ,l�rtP�lantc Af �rA�ABgI -The ►hove prices, specnc�atrons asd cond�t�ons are sat�stactory and are hcrcby ►cccpled. You arc authorised S'gnalurt fe do fht work as specified. Payment will be made as outbned above $�gnaturt I E►St O( AcceDtanct' TOPS FORM NO. 3750 JHIVUtr•f --• • -• 458-3866 382.8835 458-7020 PROPOSAL TUTTLE ,.� Proposal Nol� HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SERVICING ALL MAKES AND MODELS l Sheet NO 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE I d Ip I L I I x COMMERCIAL — RESIDENTIALIT L Da e DONALD D. TUTTLE, SR. P.o sox eat RADIOIT, %-1 .' C{ C IT SANGER, TEXAS 76266 DISPATCHED J Proposal Submitted To Work To Be Performed At Name .te r iL Street " Street INC T City State CityjL-(=�� Date of Plans State b `z VA-e� Architect Telephone Number IT We hereby propose to furnish the materials and perform the labor necessary for the completion of 1 j C(,N �,,//Tu A tFZ l...ci.)(J►� 14N5 I,;,C,F_v i�c=—� �,�, J r ,� 2� L_ l z. r. 3 t� Ccr. 1. u56 t F�±r l r 1ivL•- 4��ci Z C J`N-i? ` (. A Rj�,=w (:F Qj 5 STto rot 3kE i��ts6 .Z c rq)r►.� Im p (ZkF at�: �> 7q1vt tillowb I ti, CT, t .1� U 't 14t— CC `2� Tool 4,� c"/% �UA t::- t IFQ�T Any alteration ordeviation from above specifications involving Respectfully Submitted „'��F--�7i i'1'' /rl '�/. C���; extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond Per our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance upon above work.- Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance on above work to be taken out by (/ � Note —This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within days ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conons are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You arejauthorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. r Signature Date Signature LITHO IN U.S.A., SlMMONS AIR CONDtTtONING CO. Authorized Fedders, Payne &Whirlpool Sales &Service P.O. Box 826 Sanger, Texas 76266 458-3986 Denton 383-31 12 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO CITY OF BANGER PHONE DATE 26 MAR 1990 STREET JOB NAME CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION CITY HALL ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby ubrnit spe i tca ns nd estimates tor: l�nsta��. �.Sa ton condensor, coil and electric furnace to match. Tie in to existing duct work and add ducts as needed to provide proper airflow. Install all necessary piping, low voltage wiring acid grills. High voltage to be provided by others. One model 569090 condensor (BDP - a division of Carrier Corp.) One model 507C090 coil Two 1600 cfm electric furnaces System EER - 8.3 �P �rII�t1SP hereby to Four thousand six Payment to be made as follows: Upon completion furnish material and labor —complete hundred sevent in accordance with nine above specifications, for the sum of: dollars($ 4679.00 �, All material is guaranteed to be os specified. All work to be completed in o workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifio- otions involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become �n extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, cidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to sorry fire, tornado and other necessary ,suronce. Our workers ore fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. We reserve the right Io enter premises and remove all equipment until all monies due us ore paid in full. AUthOrlZed , $ignatUre �� �� � S Note: This proposal may be Withdrawn by us if not accepted within �� days. ,�rr�e�p�ttnr�e of and conditions are satisf to do the work as specifie Date of Acceptance: _ it ��A,SI� —The above prices, specifications actory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature d. Payment will be made as outlined above. Signature SIMMONS AIR CONDITIONING CO. Authorized Fedders, Payne & Whirlpool Sales & Service P.O. Box 826 Sanger, Texas 76266 458-3986 Denton 383-31 12 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO CITY OF SANGER PHONE DATE 26 MAR 1990 STREET JOB NAME CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION CITY HALL . ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Install a total of 7.5 tons of air conditioning using two units. Complete with all necessary ductwork for proper airflow, low voltage, thermostats and refrigerant lines. One model 593AO42 condensor One model 517EN042 airhandler System SEER - 10.0 One model 593AO48 condensor One model NU X34-48 coil One 1600 cfm electric furnace System SEER - 11.0 High voltage to be provided by others. Payne equipment- a division of Carrier Corp. Or Vropose hereby to furnish material and labor — Four thousand seven hundred twenty Payment to be made as follows: Upon completion complete in accordance with nine above specifications, for the sum of: dollars($ 4729sOO All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specific, ations involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary ,suronce. Our workers ore fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. We -:,eserve the right to enter premises and remove all equipment until all monies due us ore paid in full. t Authorized 0 2 0Signature Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within days, .C'timpLCinIr of �iA�1n�Fil The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature North Texas Professional Services P.O. Box 450 • Sanger, Texas 76266 817-458-4337 To: City of Sanger FRom: Jerry Upchurch Sub30 Bid on HV/AC unit Date: March 27, 1990 This bid is for a Carrier 7 1/2 ton air -conditioner unit and matching electrical furnace. This unit has a one year warranty on parts and labor, and a five year warranty on the compressor. Also offered, with option, is an extend- ed warranty on parts and labor for $525.00. This bid includes setting units, and tying into existing duck work and thermo- stat, and the wiring of thermostat. This bid does not include carpenter work or electrical work. This bid is $4800.00 not including the $525.00 extended warranty. Thank You, &er;Upchurch • - •- t��__---.--- __ � SIMMONS AIR CONDITIONING CO. Authorized Fedders, Payne 8 Whirlpool Sales &Service P.O. Box 826 Sanger, Texas 76266 458-3986 Denton 383-3112 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO CITY OF BANGER STREET PHONE DATE 26 MAR JOB NAME 1990 CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION CITY HALL ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates tor: Install a total of 7.5 tons of hi h efficient heat um s with two units. Com lete with all necessar ductwork for ro er airflow low volta e, refri Brant lines rills and themostats. One model 693A042 heat um One model 517EN042 airhandler S stem SEER - 10.0 One model 6 3A048 heat um One model 51 D048 coil One 1600 cfm electric furnace S stem SEER - 10.0 Heat um s are total electric devices =^ will cut the ener use for heatin b 30% - 50% High voltage to be provided by others. �p �iQ�pDSP hereby to furnish material and labor —complete Five thousand three hundred twenty Payment to be made as follows: U on cam letion in accordance with above specifications, two dollars($ 5322.00 for the sum of: � All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in o workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any aHeration or deviation }ram above specific• otions involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become on extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, 'dents or delays beyond our control. Owner to Corry fire, tornado and other necessary 'race. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. We �rve the right to enter premises and remove all equipment until all monies due us are paid in full AuthorlZed � , SlgnatUfe � ��� Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within �� � 2 (ry days, ,c�IrF�tttritP p� �X.Q�p��l —The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature TC�9 OM: IA** E** y k Pe 04 w OX 578 flen��rak�le :[�iayc�r� �,�e�rrl.�ers cif the City Council Tohn Hamilton, City Manage Ir t 4arch 30, 1990 dank Depository Bid ��:���-�����er h��� re�u�ed to hc�nc�r the Current. bank, dep:��itc�r.�T a r een)ent. The enclosed material is the bid (10Cunrelit ADD proposes-] c7oritt°a.c*i, i 3` t.Ilo bailk depos*witory. With CounCll's z��i���*o al, the bids will i)e opened at, ? p, m., Thursday, April 12, 1990 and presented to (Council tsrr` ccn!-sj, erEjflon. at the regular meeting of Monday, April 16tht I� e are aldsle tcj f'ellc��r the prc�pc�sed schedule, the Centr°ac:t vac�uld 13�?Ct�l�e 0edive may 1, MOO and run through September 30, 149Z. SANDER March 28, 1990 Mr. John Hamilton, City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Depository Contract Dear John: D11 "' 6LLROILIL n fm1VR 2 Q 1990 This letter is to confirm our conversation a few days ago. As you know, First National Bank of Sanger, the City depository, was declared insolvent by the F.D.I.C. and was officially closed on March 1, 1990. Gainesville National Bank purchased that bank's deposits on that date and established what we now know as GNB Sanger, or officially, "Gainesville National Bank, Sanger Office". All contracts with First National Bank of Sanger, including depository contracts, became null and void as of the date of the bank's closing. This letter is to officially notify you that we cannot honor the depository contract between the City and First National Bank of Sanger. I suggest that the City rebid the depository contract at its earliest convenience. We will continue existing rates on your accounts until the new contract is let, or until June 1, whichever occurs the earliest. Thank you for your kind attention. You may be sure that GNB Sanger will be a bidder for the new contract. Sincerely, W W. Garland Thornton, Jr. Executive Officer and Senior Vice President WGT/vj 100 Exchange Blvd. "An Independent Bank" Sanger, Texas 76266 Request For Bid The City of Sanger will accept sealed bids for a Banl: Depository far• City Funds until 2 p.m., Thursday, April 12, 1990, at which time all bids will be opened and publicly read in the Conference Room of City Hall, 201 Bolivar, Sanger, Texas. lnterested parties can obtain bid forms from the office of the City Secretary during normal business hours, Monday - Friday. The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary ui O 0„3 >O uu > u Rf a, yN 44 8 UU �W EtE b ,to o n .ti Sol ° or,ml � w v w .o .q �SOMA 'Co u Some �.� �'� a. a von aab o' ° ~ SOONsommut v � Sao a Cd A cc E-+ v o 114 O w S N O w ova ryp 'p p '� ^ p0 ' q p Q ro Spot am a p, u CJ PU q u A04 04 ~ oo ro ° 'd eo n�ir. y .0 o w u O O rn .� uSO'� 61 a •r W q '" w "" N G a "C a 7 p ^O Q r .. a wu .. u Oyu O o u o ., w SO 0o u�?'$ Orma 0Ln 0 Vi o SmAl '°' `° a. too'° a �' p o w .y d of ° `° u rom. Samoa a O wa o 04 vpmt ;a �' o 8 Cy .fig. o M goy o .. p° �'' o � w aolmok ° E aX So qu at 4u 4a, 14 U Woofvi .: p,'o 'd mo c� ^' w A 'o Po fto Sat" Cow 045 4 E U LM u, °� a a w d cL v o o 0 '~ to u � by °AS O U v N" o U c� °� tl O U 'OpS%a gyp' i+ v O ¢ H v� ,Q '!7 i. O t. Q :, .O '+ ,� p b4 q O u y "' t� u d w A u a .. u x 'C ° U 04 C p °mall O O w 'O c,., to 4u � u y cd bt y '•u^ w e .O O u N u u u. 0 O �' 0 O a� uvi to r. h .. ob �'' °'° u .� oyu E�%� :�' M � �Simobu'[ A oo ° •��' a o 'o F.y N ►may d. '1r '� U ►-1 VJ o,, y y N i Oi U N „��. 7 Q FiSava %V .0 'w O .t'" .G O U .-� � 00 Q pc; .4+ ti '�"'+ cC := .`�.. tw4IS u a (u 3 u .-, io � mom � v�o 4)U v°'a u�,oSO u a. roo o y oB � o o ;. °q � o � SSt mt%z o ff `= 4� 'c o �00 u� o rn cd 0 rn � w rn vi (�q� u u � b o �•��•rtl,b � y �-o�. °�:� � a•?, �w'w o a��'a tl'r" �'� tl o�.r tl4.� tl O tl „O VISAU ON& tj .r •O O A . `� .. •�, O� �! ... .b .'�. ��y O INSh � � ,� _h° y tj vy tl .. T' tpt +fit. w. �.N O Sant Mori kn 0.b o op tl `� 01 �.b tl b coo p tl -. •.r+ ... 01 `� r .,w`•� �" p� •? ,� .T�.' •� •�tl A ..� ZN N U L4. tl '� tl U .tl ."�„vs O O b ^ N Q r, 'r ° p •SaSSS y .p .`" Ll tl b '•�•. 4i b y � vftc o � � SSt3 tl � b � °' o US, K v tl 4ri 'tl O tl O� Oh h h~ ° r,0 O � o 3 O O p tl~ bo " � r .r ,, 0. �� r U y h p tl p� IS. t is R tl tl tl p• 0) '� tl tl y U w w t1. U '� .� * O r ¢�i 0. O c) O b b w EQ •d A. 0. O'„ np C tea tl cf O± a tl r O h O o) t3 O •� . 'r O U ti tl r` ••• b s •ts : m 'ZI SO$.�'� tl.y �SOSO�,v o ctl, .o W V w SO. +r "� v '� ' � o� o~o poi • rj Z B O O `UU C� zi A O z O C O �, `� �i q ac� •�"Stj SS It N0S m�"�o't.a' o��m eobr?,. �p b b St.a It Data Cal rl at,ti U �'�o„r a o o xSO`"� a .Sitz Or, :•��y'c�`� tl o tz z Q crop, tl' Z o ti F •� a �. o .tlo o a, 0 0.`°. 'n '� b •o 'b '� q� �o h c�NL� b rn U 00 u v u .G 0 Q� CITY OF SANGER BANK DEPOSITORY BID The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any or all bids deemed to not be in the best interest of the City. Proposal Submitted By: This bid is submitted as a proposal to serve as the depository for City of Sanger funds and to provide banking services from January 2, 1990 until September 30, 1992. The City of Sanger�'s funds may be invested with any banking facility in Texas in accordance with City Investment Policy in compliance with State Statutes. This bank agrees: 1). We (will or will not) agree to pledge U.S. Securities or other mutually agreeable securities to cover all City of Sanger Deposits in excess of $100,000. Monthly statements will be submitted concern- ing the type and amount of pledged securities. These securities will be payable to the City of Sanger in case of default or closure of the bank by a government agency. 2). To pay interest on funds of the City of Sanger designated as "time deposits' or certificates of deposit of not less than: (a) Interest at per annum - 7 to 89 days (1i) Int.erest. at. per annum - 90 to 179 days (c) Interest at per annum - 180 to 269 days (dj Interest at per annum - 270 to 359 days BANG BID PROPOSAL PAGE 2 (e) Interest at per annum - 3M0+ days B). To enable the bidder as much flexibility as possible, and in the Interest of the City, bids will be received for any specific time, amount and/or interest proposals on deposits that care to be proposed. These specific terms should be detailed on a separate sheet and attached to this document. 3). We (will or will not) provide the following services without charge to the City of Sanger: A. Deposit Slips and Withdrawal Slips. B. Monthly Statements of Accounts G. The ttse of a night depository and the necessary materials for Its use. D. Purchase of U.S. Treasury Securities at value except for an3T charge by a broker or the Federal Reserve Bank. 4). We (will or will not) pay all accumulated interest at the date of maturity and continue to pledge securities for these funds until interest matures after the termination of the depository agreement. 5). We (will or will not) pay interest on checking accounts that meet minimum deposit requirements. 6). Short term loans extended to the City of Sanger will be charged at an interest rate of The bidder must enclose the barWs last available statement of condition. Exceptions, Special Conditions: Please attach or note any exceptions or special conditions that the bank would care to propose in this space. HANk HID PROPOSAL PAGE 3 I am properly authorized to submit this bid on behalf of and I certify by my signature that I have read and understand all parts of this bid form, the attached bid notice and the proposed contract. Signature Typed or Printed Name Title �� Depositary Agreement The State of Texas § County of Denton § City of Sanger � KN4W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: The City of Sanger's investments are invested in accordance with City Investment Policy as required by State Statutes. That, upon authorization of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, an this the day of , 1989, the City of Sanger did designate the as the official depository for City funds for• a period beginning January 2, 1990, and ending on September• 30, 1992, with the following provisions: ' The City of Sanger, Texas, shall hereafter be referred to as the City. The to as the bank, hereafter will be referred The bank hereby agrees to place in the hands of the ar any other mutually approved bank depository, far the use and benefit of the City of Sanger, securities for the purpose of guaranteeing the City's funds deposited with said bank as City depository from the 2nd day of January, 1990 to the 30th day of September, 1992, shall be United States Treasury Bills or insured and/or guaranteed Certificates of Deposit and/or municipal bonds with a rating of not less than Baa or the current rating assigned to the City of Sanger's outstanding revenue bonds ar any combination of the three; and in this connection, the bank hereby agrees to provide the City with the proper joint safe -keeping agreement in the name of the City and the bank. These securities should be in an amount within $1,000 of the secttrit.ies and the bank will then pledge additional securities to satisfactorily cover the City deposits. The bank may also reduce the pledge security to within $1,000 of the t.atal of City deposits when the City's funds decrease. The F. D. I, C. limit of $100,000 may be used to reduce the amount of securities pledged. The bank shall receive all earnings from the pledged securities and shall be allowed to exchange �� Depository Agreement Page 2 securities with approval. Further•, the bank does hereby agree that in case it shall fail to faithfully perform all duties and obligations devolving by Law or Ordinance upon it as City Depository or if it shall fail to pay upon presentation of any and all checks drawn upon said depository by the City, when properly signed and countersigned, whenever any bank shall fail to faithfully keep all funds of said City an account therefore according to Law, or if said bank shall at any time become insolvent, or if the same should, for any reason be taken over by the State Banking Commissioner or by any other duly qualified, legally appointed Liquidating Agents and the affidavit of every member of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, asserting that any one or all of the above contingencies, shall be sufficient to authorize the , or any other mutually approved bank depository, to act hereunder, then and in that event, upon the happening of any of the above contained contingencies, the said shall be authorized, empowered and is hereby directed by the bank to immediately deliver to the City of Sanger or its duly authorized representatives, upon demand by them in writing, the said securities pledged, and be authorized and empowered to immediately advertise the said securities by giving 21 days notice of such sale in three public places in Denton County, Texas, and to apply the proceeds, first to the expenses of said sale; second, to pay into the City Treasury an amount equal to the amount on deposit to the City in the bank, at the time of the happening of such contingencies, the remainder, if any to go to the bank. The City shall determine AA 4 te from time to time the character of the City funds which will be deposited by it that shall be demanded deposits, or to purchase from the bank certificates of deposits as an invest.inent in the amounts they desire, The interest paid by the bank shall be no less than the following on certificates of deposit: "To be in conformity with the accepted bid." The bank further agrees to comply with all the provisions and Laws of the State of Texas relating to City Depositories now in effect or that. may hereafter be passed, consistent with banking laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. Depository Agreement Page 3 ATTEST: NAME P� TITLE DATE: ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia City Secretary DATE: NAME OF BANK NAME & TITLE DATE: The City of Sanger, Texas BY: Nel Armstrong Mayor DATE; FROT/I. )A` TPk CI T I OF 31AINC,nR p,O.BOX 58 kNGE% TEXAS 762 c�rr��ral�le l�la�r^ �lerr���ers ca' tyre City t=`€������e�i1 Sohn Hainilton, City Manager Jarch 30,1 1990 nnual Clean -Up Week At t�aeir- Zz�Aar rar�tin rare � �are�la 2l�tli after r�i�c��.���ir�r�, ti"�� �r;a=it �.>w�r',� unanirrrrausly recornmendecl that the Annual "lean -Up Week e set -)eginning on Friday, April 2 th and extending through Mon(a , April :3€ th, In the past, the landfill has been open all designated clean- up days and all fees waived. Also, Cite crews have rnade curb sire A k� up of trash for the entire period. Bemuse of the expenditure of f uncts, a rnotion from Council approvin the clean up period would be appropriate. 03�' CITY OF SANDER P. 0. BOX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #476 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager Cr DATE: March 30, 1990 ;UBJECT: Appointment. of Records Management Officer The Texas Loc3.1 Govet•ntYient Records Act t•egttires the designation of a records management officer to coordinate our records management activities prior to June 1, 1990. In compliance with law, I recommend Council confirm the designation of City Secretary Rose Garcia as the RMo. This fall an ordinance will be presented to Council for your consideration. JH:es attachment 030 TEXAS STATE LIBRARY N LORENZO DE ZAVALA STATE ARCHIVES AND LIBRARI ;4s.' '•� BOX 12927, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 Texas State Library and Archives Commission October 13, 1989 Dear Local Government Official: We are pleased to send you the enclosed booklet containing the text of the Texas Local Government Records Act. Enacted by the 71st Legislature, the Act governs the destruction, preservation, microfilming, electronic storage, and other disposition of the records of all local governments. We suggest you bring the contents of the new legislation to the attention of your governing body because the Act does require the governing body or officers designated by the governing body to fulfill certain requirements. We draw your attention particularly to two of these. By June 1, 1990 to designate a records management officer (RMO) to coordinate records management activities in the government. The RMO need not be a new or full-time employee, but may be a current employee serving as RMO as an additional duty of his or her office. By January 1, 1991 to adopt by ordinance or order, as appropriate, a records management program, the extent of which to be determined by each local government. The Local Records Division of the Texas State Library is preparing guidelines and policy models that local governments may use in meeting these and other requirements and is ready to assist local officials and records management officers in fulfilling their obligations under the new Act. Please call or write for additional information or if we can be of a silt " ce. �N 04 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Administration (512) 463-5460 Information Services (512) 463-5455 Administrative Services (512) 463-5474 Library Development (512) 463-5465 Archives (512) 463-5480 Local Records (512) 463-5478 Data Processing (512) 463-5481 Records Management (512) 454-2705 Blind and Physically Handicapped (512) 463-5458 CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #480 TU: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FRU 9 John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: March 30, 1990 SUBJECT: Ballot. for Community Justice Council The enclosed riiater•ial fr•orii 158t1i District Court Judge Pliillip Viol: explains Council's need to vote for a member of the Community Justice Council. State law requires that a City Council member from the Courity's most. populous city be .ippointec A Ballot is enclosed for your review. JH:es ellcloSUi'e 04� DISTRICT COURTS OF DENTON COUNTY PHILLIP VICK 158th District Court JOHN NARSUTIS 16th District Court SRM HOUSTON 211th District Court March 13, 1990 Honorable Mayor Nel Armstrong P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong; DAVID WHITE 362nd District Court LEE GABRIEL 367th District Court As a result of the passage of HB 2335 by the recently com- pleted session of the Legislature, massive changes in our criminal justice system commenced on September 1, 1989. One of the major changes will involve the increased use of com- munity -based corrections for certain offenders. The Legislature has required that each judicial district have a Criminal Justice Plan in order to receive State aid, which plan shall include: 1) a summary of services; Z) a description of proposed new facilities or programs or significant expansion of existing facilities or programs; 3) a description of services needed for offenders; 4) a copy or description of proposed contracts required to achieve proposed facilities or programs, 5) a statement of commitment to achieve a targeted level of alternative sanctions; 6) descriptions of implementation processes; 7) descriptions of existing programs; 8) any other information required by the Division. The Criminal Justice Plan is proposed by a Community Justice Council in any jurisdiction desiring to receive funds for any community corrections facility. The Community Justice Council is to consist of a city council member of the most populous c0ty in the area to be served. Enclosed you will find a ballot which you are to cast your vote. Please return the ballot to me at Carroll Courts Building, 401 W. Hickory, Denton, Texas 76201 by April 6, 1990% Thank you for your interest in this excng new era in community corrections. BALLOT FOR THE COMMUNITY JUSTICE COUNCIL VOTE FOR ONE ( ) MAYORp RAY STEPHENS ( ) JANE HOPKINS ( ) JIM ALEXANDER ( ) RANDALL BOYD ( ) LINNIE MCADAMS ( ) ROBERT GORTON 1. �4 Che 785, § 3*02 71st LEGISLATURE —REGULAR SESSION Sec. 3. COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS FACILITIES; COMMUNITY . JUSTICE COUNCIL. (a) Subject to Subsection (b) of this section, a department, county, munici• pality, or any combination involving more than one of those entities may establish community corrections facilities of the types described by Section 5, Article 42.13, of this code. A department, 'county, municipality, or combination involving more than one of those entities is speciffiically encouraged to purchase or enter into contracts for the use of abandoned or underutilized public facilities, such as rural hospitals, for the purpose of providing treatment facilities. The division may make grants to depart* rnents that use abandoned or underutilized facilities described by this subsection. (b) As a prerequisite to establishing a community corrections facility under this section or a county correctional center under Subchapter H, Chapter 351, Local Government Code, a community justice council must be established by the district judge or judges, unless a board or council exists in the community on the effective date of this section that performs duties substantially similar to those imposed on a community justice council under this section. The council shall provide continuing policy guidance and direction for the development of criminal justice plans and community corrections facilities and programs. A council should consort of the following persons or their designees: (1) a sheriff of a county to be served by the facility, chosen by the sheriff of the counties to be served by the facility; (2) a county commissioner or a county judge from a county to be served by the facility, chosen by the county commissioners and county judges of the counties to be served by the facility; (3) a city council member of the most populous municipality in a county to be served by the facility, chosen by the members of the city councils of cities to be served by the facility; (4) not more than two state legislators elected from a county to be served by the facility, chosen by the state legislators elected from the counties to be served by the facility; (5) the presiding judge from a judicial district to be served by the facility, chosen by the district judges from the judicial districts to be served by the facility, (6) a judge of a statutory county court exercising criminal jurisdiction in a county to be served by the facility, to be chosen by the judges of statutory county courts with criminal jurisdiction in the counties to be served by the facility; (7) a county attorney with criminal jurisdiction from a county to be served by the facility, chosen by the county attorneys with criminal jurisdiction from the coun- ties to be served by the facility; (8) a district attorney or criminal district attorney from a judicial district to be served by the facility, chosen by the district attorneys or criminal district attorneys from the judicial districts to be served by the facility; and (9) an elected member of the board of trustees of an independent school district in a county to be served by the facility, chosen by the members of the boards of trustees of independent school districts located in counties to be served by the facility. Obi, CITY OF BANGER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #489 T0: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: March 30, 1990 SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant's Pumps The attached invoice details the charges by Cole &Smithen Construction Company for the rebuilding of #1 and #2 pumps at the ,wastewater plant during June/July, 1989. In January, 1990, they rebuilt a Davis brand pump for our lift station st a cost of $2,800 and we have had no problems. The Wastewater Plant has older pumps than does the lift station. Mr. John Smithen Game to the plant Friday morning, 3/30/90, to examine the pumps, Our options are to have the pumps rebuilt again or to purchase, from reserves, one new pump at this time and budget for another pump after October 1, 1990. It is becoming imperative that we correct these pumping problems. The estimated cost for one new 500 GPM pump, installed is $5,800.00. JH;es attachment COLE and SMITHEN CONSTRUCTION CO., Inc. 510 NORTH YORK : P.O. BOX 622 TEL. 214/465- 0141 DENISON, TEXAS 75020-0130 August 31, 1989 Invoice #4520 City of Sanger Sanger, texas 76266 Repair two ( 2 ) 800 G.P.M.Gorman- -Rupp Pumps for Wastewater Treatment Plant. 1. New equipment and parts for pumps. 2 ea. Rot. Assy. 2 ea. Wear plate Assy. 2 ea. Flap valves Assy. 2 ea. Cover plates W/O rings 2 ea. Gasket and seal sets COST $ 3,914.00 Overhead and Freight 391.40 $ 4,305.40 2. LAlior, materials and equipment 6/30/89 Remove and disassemble pumps a. Labor $ 564.34 b. Steam cleand pumps 56.66 $ 621.00 3. Machine shop workr.on pumps (Cole Machine Shop, repairing pump housing. ) $ 131.65 4. Reassemble and install new parts in pump case U12-7/13/89 a. Labor $ 425.26 5. Install pumps in pump station 7/14/89 a. Labor $ 923.97 b. Bolts and gasket set 3 @ 10.74 32.22 c. Truck Expenses for hauling pumps 95.41 $ 1,051.60 $ 1, 051.60 6. 7/18/89 Service call to check pumps (sludge was so heavy in Wet Well pumps could not pump this material; they were not made to pump this type of material ) ordered by Chuck Tuekcr. $ 275.00 7. 7/29/89 Service call to check pumps ( Ordered by Chuck Tucker ) $ 275.00 TOTAL COST $ 7,084.91 INV[ pit 'tNVOICE.NUMeER I�'p 4�,7Fi INVOICE DATE �J �."J a:3�3 INVOICE AMOUNT �"l, �}F3[F. �)1 DISCOUNT . Uta AMOUNT PAID �, C�Fi�. rfi. CITY OF BANGER, BANGER, TEXAS ., �!} • � �• �I AY r.,u�_l� ct <.;M11"I-il��hl rranl�a�rK�.�crz�1N TO THE �1�7 IwCl�fa�i YC1F2K ORDER �-'. �� 1<:s(aX �ai"?i OF � � C)L.I�! I :`aL:IIV, .1.C:XFI�'i "l`'-i�c.'C.�--U 1:�1:1 DETACH BEFORE CASHING First National Bank of Sanger O � c � O BANGER, TEXAS 76266 J PAY THIS AMOUNT DOLLARS CENTS � ' AMOUNT OF CHECK •�• •�••x •�• 7 ��F.s 4 , c) i. •� ,(jiTY OF BANGER, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE /1�/�. CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #490 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of he City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager PATE: March 30, 1990 SUBJECT: City Administrator's Report 1). The Annual Easter Egg hunt has been scheduled by the Park Baard for Saturday, April 14th, at 10 a.m. in the Community Center rk. 2). Governmental Service Agency has inquired if the City is interested in seeking a Texas Community Development Program Grant. for 1990. Their fee would be $1500,00 for the initial application. If you are interested we would need to identify a project. 3). The zoning case involving the Animart Store has been appealed to Denton County by Animart's owner. 4). City Crews have been working to clean and repair our leased Santa Fe R.R. property at Bolivar and 1st. We still need to do some work on the building and fence; however, the clean-up has already improved the area. 5). Mr. Richard Wilk has been sent a letter concerning We Package It's intentions with the Old Depot building. At this date no reply has been received. 6). A letter has been sent to the Health Department concerning the final closing papers at the old landfill on south Railroad Avenue. No reply has been received at this date. 7). The Police Dept. is currently working on junk vehicles. A list. is enclosed for your review. 8). As required by federal law, representatives of the Sanus HMO program will be present. in the Council Chambers Tuesday morning to discuss their HMO with any interested employee. JH:es/enclosures MEMORANDUM T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 John Hamilton, City Manager Benny Erwin, Chief of Police March 30, 1990 Junk Vehicles Letter have been mailed to the following regarding junk vehicles: 146 Prairie 143 Prairie 152 Prairie 141 Shady Grove 134 Shady Grove 122 Preston 106 Preston 108 Preston 114 Preston 153 Prairie 140 Prairie 512 Marshall 913 Bolivar 921 N. 8th 401 Hughes BE:es 116 Parma 118 Parma 212 Railroad Ave. 126 Southside 100 Sims 209 Railroad Ave. 209 Railroad Ave. 209 Railroad Ave. 209 Railroad Ave. 302 East Willow 227 Jones Street 217 Jones Street �J JOE D. ROGERS1 CTA/RPA/RTA Chief Appraiser JOHN D. BROWN, RPA Deputy Chief Appraiser JOE A. FORSYTHE Deputy Chief Appraiser -Administration DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT n911 MORSE STREET P.O. BOX 2816 ENTON, TEXAS 76202-2816 817-566-0904 MEMO BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JON BECK, Chairman CIARENCE MYERS, Vice -Chairman RICHARD SMITH, Secretary TROY WHITE HORACE BROCK T0: A11 Presiding Officers Of All Governing Bodies FROM: Joe D. Rogers, Chief Appraiser DATE: March 19, 1990 SUBJECT: 1989 DCAD Financial Report Enclosed is a copy of the District's 1989 Audited Financial Statements. The Statements are being submitted to your office in accordance with legal requirements. D. Ro rs, Chie: appraiser DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1989 MEMBERS TEXAS SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS HANKINS, POWERS; EASTUP, DEATON A Professional Corporation CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 902 NORTH LOCUST • P.O. BOX 977 DENTON, TEXAS 76202.0977 817-387.8563 ACCOUNTANTS' OPINION Board of Directors Denton Central Appraisal District Gentlemen: MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & TONN We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of the Denton Central Appraisal District as of December 31, 1989, and the related statements of revenues and expendi- tures compared to budget, changes in fund balance and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Denton Central Appraisal District as of December 31, 1989, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Hankins, Powers, Eastup, Deaton & Tonn A Professional Corporation Certified Public Accountants February 21, 1990 DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT Current Assets: Cash on hand Cash on hand - collections Cash in bank Cash in bank - collections Accounts receivable Other receivables Prepaid insurance Other prepaid expense Total Current Assets BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1989 account account Fixed Assets: (at cost) (Note 1) Land (Note 2) Building (Note 2) Computer system Furniture and fixtures Total Fixed Assets Total Assets ASSETS $ 150.00 600.00 914,182.16 5,233.55 304.16 319.44 39953.00 114069.98 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities: Note payable (current portion) (Note 2) Capitalized leases payable (current portion) (Note Accounts payable Accrued interest payable 1990 budget revenue received in 1989 Total Current Liabilities Long -Term Liabilities: Note Payable -Long term portion (Note 2) Fund Balance: Fund balance Fund balance Total Fund unreserved reserved (Note Bal ance . 167,851.50 5519158.91 399,153922 1434606.33 $ 24,370.97 3) 1,431.99 75717.97 29930.30 3515731.23 5) 1,327,977.34 86,358.44 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. $ 935,812.29 1,261,769.96 $2,197,582.25 $ 388,182.46 395,064.01 1,414,335.78 $2,197,582.25 DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1989 Fund balance January 1, 1989 Excess revenues over expenditures Fixed assets purchased and capitalized Fund balance December 31, 1989 See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. $1,104,630a12 215,674.31 34,025.35 $1,414,335.78 DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED TO BUDGET FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1989 Over Actual Budget (Under) Revenues: Local support $156599939.12 $1565943939.00 $ .12 Other services 489187.03 489187.03 Interest income 465558.01 249974.00 215584.01 Tax collection fees 305513075 309513.75 Miscellaneous Income 21225905 2,225.05 Total revenues 19787,422.96 1,6845913.00 102,509.96 Expenditures. Salaries 8595201.97 8855021.00 (259819.03) Longevity pay 6,588.00 69432.00. 156.00 Professional services - valuations 229650.01 209650.00 25000.01 Deed and sales information 18,917.12 515706.00 (325788.88) Auto allowances 88,793040 795632.00 99161040 Retirement 429954.34 445573.00 (19618.66) General insurance 59317000 109150.00 (4,833.00) Payroll taxes 56,335.27 589683.00 (29347.73) Travel, conference and training 25,656.12 149280.00 119376.12 Hospitalization insurance 65,774.64 489424.00 175350.64 Telephone and utilities 375008.17 41,272.00 (4,263.83) Supplies and materials 435768*43 543210900 (105441.57) Postage 20,304.08 35,540.00 (15,235.92) Accounting and auditing 35300.00 43575.00 (15275.00) Insurance consultant 19920.86 19920.86. Board of review 109635.00 155055.00 (4,420.00) Interest expense 379104.91 37,104.91 Computer maintenance 495484.13 72,780.00 (239295987) Attorney fees and court costs 775758.25 405000.00 375758.25 Board of Directors expense 21000.00 (29000.00) Assets purchased 34,025.35 37,031.00 (39005.65) Miscellaneous expense 39238.66 39238.66 Workmens compensation insurance 4,492.68 105277.00 (5,784.32) Equipment maintenance 49221.03 7,400.00 (39178.97) Contingent expenses 205000.00 (209000.0O) Legal notices and advertising 25739.23 29500*00 239.23 Janitorial and building maintenance 259418.48 209938.00 4,480.48 Registration and dues 49973.12 39370.00 19603.12 Miscellaneous 3,590.00 (35590.00) Printing services 199168.40 359736.00 (169567.60) Principal - building note 215983.09 (219983.09) Total expenditures 19571,748.65 196845913.00 1134)164.35) Excess revenues over expenditures $ 2155674.31 $ 40 $2159674.31 See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. � J DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1989 Cash flows from operating activities: Excess revenues over expenditures Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Decrease in accounts receivable Increase in other receivables Increase in prepaid expenses Decrease in accounts payable Decrease in accrued interest payable Increase in deferred revenues Total Adjustments Net cash provided by operating' activities Cash flows from financing activities: Principal payments on notes Principal payments under capital lease obligations Net cash used by financing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information: Cash paid during the year for: Interest $ 799.71 (201.51) (8,584.17) (11895.28) (147.97) 414427.27 (22,387.13) (3,754.50) $ 37,104.91 $ 215,674.31 31,398.05 247,072.36 26,141.63) 220,930.73 699.234.98 $ 920,165.71 See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements: DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31. 1989 1. Method of Accounting Assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses are recognized on the accrual basis of accounting. $34, 025.35 of fi xed assets are recorded in expense and are also recorded at cost on the balance sheet as an asset. Since the District is a non-profit government agency, there is no provision for depreciation of fixed assets. 2. Notes Payable Notes payable consist of the following note: Note payable First State Bank, Denton due monthly. Principal and interest payable 4,924.88 monthly at 8 1/2%5 secured by building and land. 3. Commitments Under Capitalized Leases Capitalized Leases consist of the following: Lease payable Aloha Leasing due 250.98 monthly, secured by a copying machine 4. Federal Income Tax Current Long-term $ 24,370.97 $395,064.01 Current $1,431.99 Long-term The Denton County Appraisal District is a state agency created by the State of Texas, and is not subject to Federal income taxation, therefore no provision for Federal income taxes is made. 5. Fund Balance Reserved The fund balance reserved at December 31, 1989 consists of the following: Fund balance reserved for fixed assets $1,261,769.96 For decreases in 1990 amounts billed to taxing jurisdictions 669207.38 $153275977.34 6. Commitments On October 19, 1989 the District accepted a contract with Capital Appraisal Group, Inc. for appraisal services, which provides for industrial and utilities valuation services. The contract provides for payments of $21,750 per year for 1990, and 1991. ®J� a e� I� CITY of DENTVIM , TEXAS CITY HALL, 215 E. McKINNEY St., DENTON, TEXAS 76201 Office of the Mayor, Ray Stephens (817) 566-8417 March 27, 1990 Mayor Nel Armstrong City of Sanger P.O. Drawer 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: Recently you received a letter from District Judge Phillip Vick regarding a Criminal Justice Plan and a Community Justice Council to be established in this judicial district. Judge Vick enclosed a ballot with a request to your City to vote for one of the listed City of Denton Council Members who would serve on the Criminal Justice Council. I have polled the membership of the Denton City Council and we would like to suggest for your City Council's consideration the name of Council Member Jim Alexander. Jim has an academic interest in this subject as Professor of Government at Texas woman's University and also has practical experience as a member of Charlie Cole's Denton County Adult Probation Advisory Board. Jim is willing to serve if elected and will do a great job with whatever endeavor he undertakes. I would appreciate your sharing this information with your Council. If you desire further information, please contact me at 817-566-8417 (City Hall) or 817-565-3340 (UNT). with kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, Ray Stephens Mayor 3242C/3243C MEMORANDUM #494 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager April 2, 1990 Current Bank Balances As of 10:00 a, m., Monday, April 2, 1990, the City of Sanger fund balances are: GNB-Sanger Checking Accounts 130,847 Savings Accounts 861.557 $992,404 $74,621 Total All Funds/Ac�unts �,1,304,8� JH:es