04/16/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCity Council Agenda April 10, 1990 201 Bolivar Street, City Hall 7.00 p.m. 1. Call to !fir^d. r ., Invc tic n, and: Fxoc-.le to tho Fla . lin Wttes 3, Dist>ur°ser7 er ts . Citizen's input. > Consider and Fossik le Action Reardin tlsa.e of DOWNTOWN PARKAvTr Farib for Youth Rally from 5#00 p.m* - 12#00 a.m., ,tune 1st. - Dana Rent, Youth Director, Sanger Pentecostal Church of God ►. Consider ar d Fossik le Action on BANK Depository Bids 7. Consi{ter anel Possible Action ors 500 GPM PUMP WASTEWATER PLAN FIvi Frzn p for VV`astevvater' Plant ; , City Admirzistratiort Report 1i , Ad, 4 ca.rr rrrerrt 4 ie f arcia, Cit T S _ etar p MINi.)TES: City Council Meeting April 2, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Harvey W. Thomas, Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman Carroll McNeill, and Councilman Jerry Jenkins �iTHERS PRESENT. City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Terry Jones, Burl and Carmen Bourland, and Cram Waggoner s Armstronggave the invocation, Mayor motion was made, to appoint Billye Hollingsworth as Election Judge • Wynema Schertz as - and to appoint election clert. Thomas,Seconded by Councilman Motion �. Citizen} In��ut -- None III on May 5th � Terry Jones. Motion I[+ras made by CouncilM.arI SViaNAr to allow cic_}titofi rsYerchants to use City Park for Springy i"'lin on May 5th. S _ onded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. M ot.ioii was made by C;fttnciliiiaii Thomas and seconded liy Couzicilnian McNeill to authorize staff to print notice and advertise for bids on Water Improvements Project. Motion Carried. IMMURVARM Dept, for Sanger Fire ilman McNeill to accept bid from Neel Associates, Inc. for ouncl 598.00 a set foil Fire Dept. Protective Clothing. Motion carried. ment of Existing Central Heat and Air Conditioning Unit for City Lliscussian, Councilman Nicl�eill made the tr7otian to �i�re City Manager Jahn Hamilton the latitude to make the decision since the bid is under $5,000. Seconded by Councilman Shaw. Motion carried. Councilt�ian Shaw made the rriatfan to authorize tl�e bidding far bairn depository of City Funds, Seconded by Councilman Thomas. lAotion carried. nnual Clean�Up Week. Motion carried, ■ � M Managementecordss Officer. l2. Consider and Po ible fiction on Appointment to Sere an the Can�munity Justice Council. U U CC MINUTES win appointed klexander to be to serve on the Community Justice 'ouncil, Seconded by Councilman Shaw. Motion carried. Motion was rr�ade �3y Council�r�an l�cP�eill to het the corrrpany tfiat represents Groman Pump to make a service call to toll us what's wrong with the humps and to authorize City Manager John Hamilton to secure bids for new pumps for April 16th nneeting with the stipulation treat bids can be refused. Seronded ley Councilman Shaw, Motion carried. City IUlana.er was instructed. to pursue the issue with Cole � Smithen. 14. Any Other Such Matters+ a. C'orancilman I�ricNeill reported on the meetir�� with t�'entel anti. the rest of the EAS Committee. r. cost on biffinat i�iscussion, Adnainistratian Report: c. �onin Case involving Anirnart was appealed to Denton County. leased Santa Fe R. R. property at Bolivar and 1 st. � sintentions with the Old Depot building, No reply as of this closingon ,JC:C1iIDR Vrc_NDICI1 NCVIE AcCj.tOU11tflEi PHirf?B E I_..IS'IM-1 Zt 50 I h.1VO I t :E:: Al*11CN_ih!I D I c,3l :Cl!_lN'V i _ i;�t:? s?IPil�.��Ii�;�I si-l=E��(`t i._il.i.i._l: i•`v' i�i�i;�:':: IRS F RE WHIT C If-11RGE:: ON ISF='C"T F L EDOD C;Hi=IPIGE: _j f't Co tir'L jYi{ ( T.B i i ION F:l. 'n ti,zit_Y i 8 Di-1f..lp1..0 L_i_1E7�... C:}-ITr• L._R lu vE=;kIDAR TOTAL. 1... :`;E;Yt,air tjll:i`i:fits�; f�l_Cnk::l'�f.G F'ili==1(=:'(? iCii�Ir4, J. Bl. I I !_iN PUtJE(; 1=+UilC:l•1;(=ice,%: �.. '!_i w�I11_.a fr (BU l I I.-P.1 PAPER TCDIlEL.�; ROLLS CIND S�%JNGLE' IF0L.1 ( s , F Ct tC , CTILi t;tj..( ('1_. i I.Ii i ,03a OF NIL i !.� i• IaL.�i I.YI i R L•51I ! F. 0 F'.i 4:X R I L. [`."OKL MIACOIH I NE E E�:t`1it' L _ CYt,Y �i r`Jsi_iE:l i:::'ltn E Ll (,`i'n �:t=a-r�i o- iNc t311_. la I : , ; R I J:tU i t: ts1'4 `t •? _ '': t'`."? 0wi4ER T U _, I RIUF-. C_iC,l-il :=; it ( Mi I P F;, Ii I'i_rl_ir,.L_E i i! i?Ei i n t iU'tiI.�:F ji'�{ G / L, i_? E ;=..; ! "I FE 11l_P l I ON N 4,a; 4 n i 17 C) `? 1='0 kt�SIR its 1._ I F I' '.:; i A f 10 N,-3 i 7..... 1 (=: DISCOUNT f-'l l_l ((� (.1 i-�I�i I .`�;� L:. ' n E�YE,i t,Yt_Y CIF-'G:f``1 F NGI;F' 01°F11\11 Clicut:11_Jt1111G 1='i;;''f'FxLP f._J}D 1':CE`G F,P!;t-: v1::0OR, ' EDr%.lD'C4.1 t tdx-iMF (T Y,i;_F LJ it ti(_i'I i. f,}f',l kil_r{I 1i 0NE _.;,_- i E-:�{•°1;� {i�ii='(_� i4r� F�'; (,'r�.i II:lP,li�L rh:f:=Ja (;i�+� MUCH �'i-lY f7l_.{ RE4PaJF'."i a Li I__ IJ `. !�>;`. }�i[ i j j I�f`',it-it_i . ji j C7 111D A °F:iI IN ALL_tr1}-N"i S t,; i_i t_•; j l,? i, (�.f _`i 'G/L vi z :- € }_. 1' ! _f ': ON : . ]. � �'.._ i��..liai � }1lJ (•IiCI i�t�10 :. ii_ 7_)1"}lil. BUT 11it':f C E SllC?F'f-..I. F. F=1Pf.La I t 1E L. I. t,JF.IIilOR TOTAL !!c.NI}FIR TO i AL i lf._ l T:_.0 } 'Ti;l;..I 7:UN, ., j_I-ry {,J l„.. Li "fit :`! f ClE1 1. -CI._t' _F. ` i'=.i F..l: J� C t_::I` J LIF J' � �_J F' i7_aE:r; I j j i �� :i_._ E: ,i t,1 VE.tt;.l-IOR j � E i AL It%f I stia t�l='4ah�l�0 VP.,I'd �?:.if i CIi; F. CsFIFItd ACCi�litj!''t 'i'�a'r'i=1 i_.E:: (._.;:' 'I T.I`�1� all (, ,, i rtaVI) I kill& i";trilJl_!hl'i L7lcitai.iUi�,�i' al IJ la) a C. _ l:`L DIE=lTf 1:i1;1_1'i:EON '}('` 'iall a,) -' j`=1tja :;r} j,l CI 4 — j ,all 4:,, 4., ' •, r'all all "; `, f� � ! C' C' C• h5� � t { S, ;-_,Eyt? 1 ; ,,:_s�; lFl�!a f=;, ,t: 1 _?._)� t=,,._,t. _)._! 4_r__ ;._, i I�`l :1? S'I I {k_tll; twat ta, n l'=1-1 a.74 �i f., 2 [_!:J t_t v 1. [..! iall L. l:? 1. TE•, i F;( JT I ON ? ' : [jEi{:}C? 4D tal?::;tall, .0 ) 1.• .. _ + .. �}!-;[,.}7 � ,_S t_!:.J' all. ,a iJ 4.J�!!.}!,., 1...�ry AND [al}((a l" _ 97 {- :1_ .la lb ) I l . _ f _ 1_ N e;: �t1::ii ;C ; i-Nall�a. 71`l rt 1. l l F;c F. i IL.I_F: Ilk �,r1 G. t'�E;.i 4� I �, J, iT _• !,� j[_}t"!t_! 1.1=riil�r�..., f�•�t r+lf il'=i"'�i f"'1'_.fii ?. r'�f l..::. r (,J c._, i l_ lst l'. T E % l3l_f i' 1:lira li-,a i ;{al 0 ! !— �`all VC�t���}OR TCiTaE_. all all (Ril._ Ik;s_I"i'Ir;r~I lala a. I7 j' l__ ll I I; L 11 f T 2ril t 4.�1-3 yt,}talc tttall ; rals 1 raltral} , =seal}; t�}[ali i.T •:.t a t Ia.-5 cr - _ f � ...t _... t „✓�—S [_?[.} i..?..)'v f.':. J I -iR 1•• i+.� 't l I I• I,j IJil_ 171lao :-'r { E;1.�f I0N ti.!., 1.`.f[)ti 1 ,F, `alla[-? `L -'i ?'i II::1t� RY fallN=,;El_.;�Il'[:'=;� f-� 1 F�}if.?i:,I E:I�iVE.1, 0pE' i tC?"i l-I R,Ei= l.il_AF AN,f) �; .` r.c. i= L i)7:a i"F• 11-:1_i i IC:IN 1I :I. all a 1 .t[al}[;} fa['), i.'C?all all rat I all 'Ir a �[al)•— �r:;r��;t:; riCrlal'�fira 1_�Il_. car=ir=;1;r'�L: a (alital} a tal)t:? a ralr tal} l ii1_l 4._ •.J Fri[?a t_'O `lErv1.?[il=i 1'0`I'�fl.. 1 F•fFa i t<j I Y OF =�I�I i���'11:_ F: !'' ii� (-(!_, I ] _I. LC _.111 _ li D `: C.i.,. � _� Iu, CNDI)R VFNI?iiF'; NAME. INVC,!1.CL.=iMC1L1NI I_,I`."F.F1C'h4i n F. 5' '4t_) ! $ r� ale= �� l_)l.} R/! ir:i�;"I TEEi_I• 1f11011 1 Ft-):;_,t.)t) ~a,?„E,'l 1 ,• .— }..i (..E `f cp. P,I :_+ }?LEE 1 ON�,1. 4 t7 r i.,. Ot I r I:.I i=;E_! ; 10iIt'1 ; 1. 131 It 0800 1. D _-;1' :11;i_1 I 1 LICK JE =4It t?. 0 5 C-,_ � :I t l _ ;r `ti I Ii°El..l'E I(iE51 =F14= ! 1.crir C 11_ 01fa,'z;?T81IT14 N 4 i=1e i. ri)t;r 1;;�„ C)4' L E')I TC :[%EI_ITIF1N ;:'t= ()Ci I._3i .i ._.' ! uh_i., !7: I , I = !? r %E.NDC1F' ("C I Psi L. :� _ `i i 'I i;t) - ` 11 = 1 {:! 1' "1 Cr ( I iris-: j'F _I._(.;t_ 1R 'i Ei-i.F'; ;C.)tai : (":':� G/l._ Ifj::_;JI1.1_!E` 'i' _r 1�t_)t_'t l•_;;=t".t i rt It f_;l I_ I.? I E I E; j BLET 1: flE',jii_){) 1, 'x LII' L'41 _1 I Fl �. aC1 fYe .. r} _ f' n •• Iri / L. D ! 'a 1 i I i. BUT e. !_IN !i: C t i_r,'!{"i{'i I:: =iT"iE :' ;=Cif: 11riTC1F= tCii fa FI";I)=o JET DC1F; TOT 1 AL. ), t)tdi f:)i.) 0 t) :. )T;E 1(r!(11 l;F1tr OF tii f 1 t i Ci IP iF'F:F? `,i I._E`I.k.:!t_iR I j '. r1t..} t..i{_) �rf I•i�-l(... _.., ,. a l�IIII = �-!1�7I?f~il�ii� -"ice;=pit (",'I ;",, a.!}C i,,r:'!trt,) 711r, 0 .?]Ss.fRT%i1.JCI %!I L. 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L_ D i c T F° I IF U1 T ON 4 ` t:4 it i_ (_}, },:_} a t ar1. r,.0 Alt'•.iE� I.1k.`r'I,FDN I-iCI- T_.I_ ',.'ENEW) Fr 01.1TAL F1,:4(:} (a(; r 1• 1;ia F:UI€ 0 R' II'dl�iE:si ! I-�{ tl Cntl_ I!T { R?I{(it !.Cli''-f ', ` _ (! ;i(=} i iS:: 0 Bit r' p BUT FIN !; a ? JFtI }i ; t�;r }( } I {. .{ { 1II I`� 1. e 1 t . i� F;1_l { I Ott.] 4�I i-::: (_a 70 (:.} +� i )'• } 5 1r ARN:I1' Il CIiiH T .010 VENDOR I Al 4 , is °?(a'{�h�f` ;-!C1�"=,°ib.i `Fc'E:,� (_ai_�' (.a(_a •yi.-'F<, ii(�a :. , wtl_ CaTI?TEtUCi:%II� 'F='i`,::(r(i =+_'.G::ja(,a ic' WATER C=1RIF_F{!`t4 AND riRY 1-AL_L.. VENDOR ! U C L. ';i Era (�}() '�:a+:'' (:}i_i It � r::r:�3 };Ai':l!_3CF: 4-'FaR i s ;i-1`,I (CI�; .'„scat-n_J l:;ll.,. DI;_=IRT!_;UTION +t'�r,i_?f+._ii_? ! F ijl :1li.Iml.tCll (i_jI' =1raa.Li.l?(t l�Yti{, T 1'� C_(3Ni,1 to Cl � AN:i) ;=;z' ":N T I I ito IRS fly I IJI_akJ!_,I_ ,C1I l l,I i l-1=�J i'llY OF 'ANGER G?L ii15IIINI.Ii'IUI\I G/L 1)1Ih:IEtUT10N G/L :iji,1SIR?'!1IJTIUt,i SIPPL I EFL ='f;I 1TItl� '_<<IP`"&:LIE;. t1ND TURIN ;�c_,f:::t l r=�isGs �I.Jtd i' A UE= 4/1 , i r"4Y'i i 1__C: (_ _ 1 Ill;i!: 10::;0 F', a 57ri.i�j IPdVOfIfIE t-1MtjlINT DI; COUNT 24, 1 i"' Lj G!I_ DI',TRiEtiIl"I[;N rTr ,Ci st'rir G/1. r.r.Ct-1i l-HlI. t r_!tl 47 ti8i_rt_r .._.a !}/I._ D.1(3TIRIEt111 TUt.I ;_4, crirCr (,!_i_Icq tUt.,�!.ryt._E '=WII!_:tlq !_PILL BIIfq tr(!_.I11_ry �• i;ilt_I'.a ZING PUTTY GLAZ C15i''IF' i`rf- G/L 1.ISTRIII_I'fION t�Il_ l).i:ST RN' IENJ`flUhl V tLEL. i �c G/L. D1i7' R1BUIfIE!N Ht`= i I'I-_R I-1l'.!cSE: i=�Nt) CLAMP F t_ IL1)1.SiRIBUT )I ON PLUG W I R'E AND SPARK PLUGS BL.I_ f. Uii,. i: i{_ I E_4' .t ;3/L !Is:;l'RIBU T 10NI ;U'"i UPS t: IL. ANY I,RAKEf'A S :; .=iE:t';I..{:? 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WIRE TERM0 n PI.I lt_i'�a 1, :.-5 uJ !Ji'L DMR1B!.iTION 4 19 n o8tlt;:a Ib. `•:I:`, FUEL !=)I_iM u ! • i F R 101_1'r' 1 ON 421 n t_190t_? _. n '—a—'; ro G/L ID If 0 R 1BIIT10N FLU" LOSE, C;I_i=1MPS' AND `O .ENCI i D G/L F)1!izITI_'FI (I `i• i_)9 'Tt� ry L_•_ e RE L D1 S 'i'1L!� :Cth'J 42` , ?1E;I�iL)CFt i'OTAL =7in'l tiii �:;'1„ 7*1 ; ITE;IF;tI_II I.7t! _'6n;e:t;Cit=i i.r'3• �jifl__ I):1.;=��'FIE',L!'i"1L?? i,i'ntJ=,i_;(::i wrjE: TRI I'll .)1' .i'I ( /L )) r73iF.: EsL1`!'1(Irl �.F�,n :tit?t_? iE.:n _jq I?�3I_{_I1 'fIIN T.iliv SkJ _)L,tat? TI=PE, DOL.T'=;n WH"1F3E; .`ti„ (xATF R Hn-: ;`-'f-1!vl1 i 2 S (`� n }1T1%_T ION 1=�t i" nI_. F-LE;E RDR4, A/C I_jFF1 jI_: _ AL FDU i Fir G/I_ :0i:=,TR'1BU!T10N 4';a'_°ni}�}t:l i 1.n'r''w° !-"_ !tI;T ? IYiit ta/It_i. F''il t'! 4n Lit? ,; %f I� T!z. l j::;!J'( ': ON!+.°,l t_?.;.:._. ,t:_? }._ e n p •a• FI!.I:"I_':Fi=t- ' I. °��i j �., 'f: n »',''t.; In r (_ t• )_:I I-1 MN {•r_' ! t i',1t_);_i 1 !'+n n .'. 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I) r I F I:LUOTOICIN i4,,'a (0)) 00 _it) i.3%(_ J_}l;� (; 1 i(_I f q.I_ihi 4i'ila !.)lift_) 1 a C:9 Cfi'L-. Ifi(3'1•F{1Nl_113Cihd 4�4c::ai)'�:f)i) I i=:OL C. �CKINvll }Jf�XEr.3, EXTENSION i:�:t�RD, i='i3Ct'TEIz EiC1ARD Ahlf) PAIT 3Cia lar`L. .DI)_;T��1BU T 1E=C�� �s:' �a [:i"rQ 2, �.0 i:I EAi� RF:E'L.I=�C:F. ii-F L.EL;F; ih1 ltT�:=�SEF:i�Eq L�t:F)QEt Attu%i ft'JTi`:E C:4=�L.L_ ,,' f, f'� L1I_J h I l.J I i-;Ll P 1 — `-.� t-it-it-i 1•.•�% i .r .. 1-, r :,1 Ci i' I_. 11 `:3 I R I BI. 11 I_ N '-c�•.,t 1 a t_: ,i)C) A Itf'IdC"L T• �tr.i'dT_0R TOtIAL. ,:;'%— ;_�.,; )i iCi L••1i-�`(•:=31..i(`,( f�l_F=:E1 T (�:11; `3I_ii�,r:I_'' I-1t_�u! 108 .- lafi..I TJ1,_,..TF.1BuITIt04 4rc:at�i)100 f t�f3rt,-F 4JIF~F.. TO LIt, 63,'L_ DIST4 :r)ETT iON 4._t?a i.G;r_yt,} 1990 T X i C3C:I'JT GCI`DE F'AM a .)_lC:I-�L_ VENDOR I i_i I AL ..fi;t=i11,. `�.•ETL_t;I'�a(-�,•.`r -I. •..�f•.i. F)a.'�Oft F::1�li.jI!0N I.%4,t_)it-)i) EUTF-iANA, 1A Al ?)OG POUND ',}L.C�%��� i � I AL_ Ti)__ �4i}C)i) G�1If_I_1Ai�1�-TE:�-Tih(C3 I_i=iL�t SEi: iE! E61tNra� `�`i I. n VL-hi!ii_lF� I Li I �i!_. TOTi-}!__ HL)VI1: h).1 j I rM 1 1 Cjh1--Clf-I L.1 i3RARY.-lF. i=}C1L.I C;P.-0C3F. SAh1I f4A 0I01\1-1 F STPEET -_i7F W A 0 EFd"f WAS I EW1A I 'R6--EF- 17L_ECTF IC...E 4t:} }cr, En7C} 1 F:tf Ufa r:1 _ ire; t) a�. •1'. cjc�) a a tits) Gil='F�:f�i r,n (i•'i a, r� _ Ili, .u. 1. r IDV!1rNl-=TFFAT:1rfr'=1 1:C FRC^ M* )ATE* UB J CT: Konoral�le Mayor � �ieml7ers of the City C"r�uncil Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary �G Aril, 1990 Agenda Item #5 �rirsY l�ar��. Reny, Yoi.rth �irtor frorr� aver Perrtecc1stal Church �,� C�o�.l, =iil tie pr� Pr►t Monday evening in r der'et�ce to agenda Rem #5 - uxsa e of the downtown park for a Youth Rally on June 1st, 19901, 5400 p. m. 12.00 a, rrl. RC�.es Tt� "I OM# DATE: SUBJECT. Bot�ora�ie Mayor � Meiners of the City Cott�xeil John Hamilton, City Mana ei Aril 12, 1990 Bid Opening on the Bark Depository Bich Sanger Bank regarding the bank depository bid, It appears that the bid rom Sanger Bank would be the most favorable to the C1 y. However, I will not have a formal recommendation for Council unto Monday, as I ieed several days to completely evaluate Jl�:e� Request For Bid The City of Sanger will accept sealed bids for a Bank Depository for City Funds until 2 p.m., Thursday, April 12, 1990, at which time all bids will be opened and publicly read in the Conference Room of City Hall, 201 Bolivar, Sanger, Texas. Interested parties can obtain bid forms from the office of the City Secretary during normal business hours, Monday - Friday. The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary GnB SANGER 100 Exchange Blvd., P.O. Box 128 Sanger, Texas 76206 817.458.7404 or 817-387.4022 Member F.D.I.C. All Deposits Insured Up To $100)000400 SUMMARY OF SERVICE CHARGES Effective May 24, 1990 Individual Checking Accounts Minimum Daily Balance Maintenance Charges $800.00 and Above No Charge $700.00 to $799.99 $4•91 $600.00 to $699.99 $6.26 $ 0.00 to $599.99 $7.78 Customers Over 60 Years of Age No Charge NOW Accounts Minimum Balance Maintenance Charges $1,500.00 and Above No Charge $ 0.00 to $1,499.99 $9.96 Earns market rate interest, paid monthly. No interest is paid 9 the balance falls below $1,500.00. Unlimited checking activity on account. i Super NOW Accounts Minimum Balance Maintenance Charges $2,000.00 and Above No Charge $ 0.00 to $1,999.99 $12.93 Pays interest at current money market checking rates. Tf the balance falls below $2,000.00, the rate paid will be the statement savings market rate for the period. U the balance falls below $1,500.00, no interest is earned for the month. Unlimited checking activity on account. D{RECTORS Edwin Alexander Chairman of the Board and Trust Officer Jimmy Jack 61111e Oil and Ranching Jesse S. Cason President: B.J. Company Contractors, Inc. President: Camac Steel Works, Inc. John P. Davie President: Ed F. Davis, Inc. Robert A. Davis, Jr. Real Esfate and investmenis Rey Nichols Executive Vice President Riley C. Peveto President and Chief Executive Officer Omie F. Sherrill Senior Vice President and Trust Officer Charles M. Wilson Welding Supplies and Investments P.O. Box D Gainesville, Texas 76240 (817) 668.6531 Member F.D.I.C. Money Market Accounts Minimum Balance Maintenance Charges $2,500.00 and Above No Charge $ 0.00 to $2,499.99 $12.93 Pays interest at current money market savings rates. If the balance falls below $2,500.00, the rate paid will be the statement savings market rate for the period. The limited number of withdrawals is six per month. No more than three may be by check. A $10.00 service charge will be assessed for each transaction over the allowed limit. A minimum withdrawal of $500.00 is required. Savings Account Quarterly Minimum Balance Maintenance Charge $100.00 and Above No Charge $ 0.00 to $99.99 $5.92 Sams interest daily at market rate and pays quarterly* Withdrawals in excess of three per quarter: Average Balance $1,500.00 and Above No Charge $ 0.00 to $1,499.99 $1.00 each additional withdrawal Dormant Accounts A Dormant Account is an account of any type from which there has been no withdrawal during the last 12 months. Monthly Minimum Balance Maintenance Charges $100.00 and Above No Charge $ 0.00 to $99.99 $2.00 Safe Deposit Boxes 3x5 $10.00 per year 4x5 $14.00 per year 3x 10 $18.00 per year Sx10 $26.00 per year 1 0x10 $50.00 per year Additional Services Wire Transfers Outgoing $15.00 Incoming or non•Customers) $15.00 Collections (Plus charges of outside banks) $12.00 Cashier's Checks $ 2.00 Money Orders $ 1.00 Traveler's Checks 1 % of purchase Overdraft $15.00 NSF Returned Checks $15.00 Stop Payment $15.00 Bookkee ing Research (1 hr. minimum) $15.00 per hour Plus $1.00 per copy Bookkeeping Photocopies $ 1.00 Snapshot Statements $ 1.00 A.T.M. Fee • Other Locations $ 1.00 Small Zipper Bags $ 3.00 Large Lock Bags $10.00 l � � GAINESVILLE NATIONAL BANK "An Independent Bank" STATEMENT OF GONDITfON DECEMBER 31, i989 FOURTH QUARTER �,. rr .` � � April 12, 1990 Mr. John Hamilton, City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear John: We are pleased to submit our application to become the depository for the City of Sanger funds for the period beginning May 1, 1990 and ending on September 30, 1992. The completed bid form is enclosed. Posted consumer rates on the following types of accounts are: Money Market 5.50� Super Now 5.35g Now 5.25� Savings 5.50� Please call me at 458-7404 if you have any questions. Sincerely, W. Garland Thornton, Jr. Executive Officer and Senior Vice President WGT/vj Enclosure 100 Exchange Blvd. "An Independent Bank" Sanger, Texas 76266 CITY OF SANGER BANK DEPOSITORY BID The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any or all bids deemed to not be in the best interest of the City. Proposal Submitted By: Gainesville National Bank This bid is submitted as a proposal to serve as the depository for City of Sanger funds and to provide banking services from May 1, 1990 until September 30, 1992. The City of Sanger's funds may be invested with any banking facility in Texas in accordance with City Investment Policy in compliance with State Statutes. This bank agrees; 1). We (will oQxixt��j agree to pledge U.S. Securities or other mutually agreeable securities to cover all City of Sanger Deposits in excess of $100,000. Monthly statements will be submitted concern- ing the type and amount of pledged securities. These securities will be payable to the City of Sanger in case of default or closure of the bank by a government agency, 2). To pay interest on funds of the City of Sanger designated as � 2 �� ntime deposits' or certificates of deposit of not less than: Base * less (a) Interest at a5 by per annum - 7 to 89 days *Base rate will be simple interest at the weekly Base * less published auction rate (b) Interest at 15 by per annum - 90 to 179 days of 91 day u.s. Treasury bills for all amounts and (c) Interest at Base *per annum — 180 to 289 day�aturities. (d) Interest at Base *per annum - 270 to 359 days BANK BID PROPOSAL PAGE 2 (e) Interest at Base * per annum - 360+ days B). To enable the bidder as much flexibility as possible, and in the interest of the City, bids will be received for any specific time, amount and/or interest proposals on deposits that care to be proposed. These specific terms should be detailed on a separate sheet and attached to this document. 3). We (will or will not) provide the following services without charge to the City of Sanger: A. Deposit slips and withdrawal slips. Provided at customary charges. B. Monthly Statements of Accounts -See attached service charge schedule C. The use of a night depository and the necessary materials fur its use. See attached service charge schedule D. Purchase of U.S. Treasury Securities at value except for any charge by a broker or the Federal Reserve Bank. No charge other than that charged by brokers or other banks. 1). We (will onmddHmoic} pay all accumulated interest at the date of maturity and continue to pledge securities for these fundSAMW as long as necessary jntamxAxwakw= after the termination of the depository agreement. 5). We (will oaxlxfttoir) pay interest on checking accounts that meet minimum deposit requirementS. Rates will be posted consumer rates. See attached service charge schedule. 6). Short term loans extended to the City of Sanger will be charged at an interest rate of Pry : u G .1 % The bidder must enclose the bank's last available statement of condition. Exceptions, Special Conditions: Please attach or note any exceptions or special conditions that the bank would care to propose in this space. Note: No charge for safe deposit boxes. Note: Three stop payments per month will be provided at no charge. BANK BID PROPOSAL PAGE 3 I am properly authorized to submit this bid on behalf of Gainesville National Bank and I certify by my signature that I have read and understand all parts of this bid form, the attached bid notice and the proposed contract. W. Garland Thornton, Jr. Typed or Printed Name Sr. Vice President & Executive Officer Title April 11, 1990 Date 0`� Depository Agreement The State of Texas § County of Denton § City of Sanger § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: The City of Banger's investments are invested in accordance with City Investment Policy as required by State Statutes. " That, upon authorization of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this the � a day of April , 1990, the City of Sanger did designate the Gainesville Nat�Qa,�l ��,r,K. aS the official depository for City funds for a period beginning May 1, 1990, and ending on September 30, 1992, with the following provisions: The City of Sanger, Texas, shall hereafter be referred to as the City. The Gainesville National sank hereafter will be referred to as the bank. The bank hereby agrees to place in the hands of the Bank One , Dallas , or any other mutually approved bank depository, for the use and benefit of the City of Sanger, securities for the purpose of guaranteeing the City's funds deposited with said bank as City depository from theist day of May, 1990 to the 30th day of September, 1992, shall be United States Treasury Bills or insured and/or guaranteed Certificates of Deposit and/or municipal bonds with a rating of not less than Baa or the current rating assigned to the City of Banger's outstanding revenue bonds or any combination of the three; and in this connection, the bank hereby agrees to provide the City with the proper joint safe -keeping agreement in the name of the City and the bank. These securities should be in an amount within $1,000 of the securities and the bank will then pledge additional securities to satisfactorily Dover the City deposits. The bank may also reduce the pledge security to within $1,000 of the total of City deposits when the City's funds decrease. 'fhe F. D. I. C. limit of $100,000 may be used to reduce the amount of securities pledged. The bank shall receive all earnings from the pledged securities and shall be allowed to exchange o� Depository Agreement Page 2 securities with approval. Further, the bank does hereby agree that in case it shall fail to faithfully perform all duties and obligations devolving by Law or Ordinance upon it as City Depository or if it shall fail to pay upon presentation of any and all checks drawn upon said depository by the City, when properly signed and countersigned, whenever any bank shall fail to faithfully keep all funds of said City an account therefore according to Law, or if said bank shall at any time become insolvent, or if the same should, for any reason be taken over by the State Banking Commissioner or by any�other duly qualified, legally appointed Liquidating Agent; and the affidavit of every member of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, asserting that any one or all of the above contingencies, shall be sufficient to authorize the Bank one , Dallas , or any other mutually approved bank depository, to act hereunder, then and in that event, upon the happening of any of the above contained contingencies, the said Bank One, Dallas shall be authorized, empowered and is hereby directed by the bank to immediately deliver to the City of Sanger or its duly authorized representatives, upon demand by them in writing, the said securities pledged, and be authorized and empowered to immediately advertise the said securities by giving 21 days notice of such sale in three public places in Denton County, Texas, and to apply the proceeds, first to the expenses of said sale; second, to pay into the City Treasury an amount equal to the amount on deposit to the City in the bank, at the time of the happening of such contingencies, the remainder, if any to go to the bank. The City shall determine and designate from time to time the character of the City funds which will be deposited by it that shall be demanded deposits, or to purchase from the bank certificates of deposits as an Investment in the amounts they desire, The interest paid by the bank shall be no less than the following on certificates of deposit, "To be in conformity with the accepted bid." The bank further agrees to comply with all the provisions and Laws of the State of Texas relating to City Depositories now in effect or that. may hereafter be passed, consistent with banking laws of the State of Texas 0 and the United States of America, 1•�� � � �. '•� ATTEST; tvtilvl� oc 111 L.G DATE; April 1 1 , 1990 Gainesville National Bank NAME OF BANK $Y: W ,Sr. Vice President NAME 8t TITLE &Executive officer DATE:.. April i 1 . 1990 ident & Cashier The City of Sanger, Texas BY: Nel Armstrong Mayor DATE: ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia City Secretary DATE; Q Charles Fenoglio President/CEO Margaret Long V.PJCashier April 11, 1990 City Secretary Rosalie Garcia City of Sanger, Texas Re: Bid Invitat::on on City Deposits Dear Mrs. Garcia: Please find enclosed bid sheets for this coming year's City of Sanger, Texas deposits. I respectfully request that you present same for the City Council's review and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity of serving the City of Sanger. If you have any questions concerning this bid please call at your convenience. Our telephone number during business hours is 458-4600, and after business hours, 458-4602. I can also be reached at home at 458-4253. Respectfully, ����� Charles Fenoglio CHF/cp cc:file enclosures 501 N. STEMMONS/P.O. BOX 1108/BANGER, TX 76266/PHONE (817) 458-4600 -METRO 430-3580 CITY OF BANGER BANK DEPOSITORY HID The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any or all bids deemed to not be in the best interest of the City. Proposal Submitted By: BANGER BANK '� :� 1: BANGER, TX 76266 This bid is submitted as a proposal to serve as the depository for City of Sanger funds and to provide banking services from May 1, 1990 until September 30, 1992. The City of Sanger's funds may be invested with any banking facility in Texas in accordance with City Investment Policy in compliance with State Statutes. This bank agrees: 1). We (will or xn�i�uxa�: agree to pledge U.S. Securities or other mutually agreeable securities to cover all City of Sanger Deposits in excess of $100,000. Monthly statements will be submitted concern- ing the type and amount of pledged securities. These securities will be payable to the City of Sanger in case of default or closure of the bank by a government agency. 2). To pay interest on funds of the City of Sanger designated as "time deposits" or certificates of deposit of not less than: Variable Rate * Less than $100,000.00 * Over $100,000.00 '� 7 . o o � (a) Interest at 6 . 7 5 per annum - 7 to 89 days 7 . o o • 2 0 � (b) Interest at 6.9 0 � per annum - 90 to 179 days 7 • � s � �_ ®�� 7 .4 5 � (C) Interest at 7.2 s � per annum - 180 to 289 days 7 .4 0 7 . 6 5 % (d) Interest at 7 • s o � per annum - 270 to 359 days 7 •6 0 � - i[_ Varible date will be F d Discount rate as of date requested. Will be adjus�ced. ---a-�—F'-e-d--D_������rtr�-r--,--a-r-.s—f�-�1 � i n_a t:� r ___ _ BANK DID PROPOSAL PAGE Z Variable Rate Less than $100,000.00 More than $100,000.00 7.7 5 % (e) Interest at 7 .6 5 %per annum - 360+ days 7 .7 0 % B). To enable the bidder as much flexty as possible, and in the interest of the City, bids will be received for any specific time, amount and/or interest proposals on deposits that care to be proposed. These specific terms should be detailed on a separate sheet and attached to this document. "See Exhibit "A" A � � Attached" 3). We (will or v#i1Ki�t4t) provide the following services without charge to the City of Sanger: A. Deposit Slips and Withdrawal 511ps. B. Monthly Statements of Accounts C. The use of a night depository and the necessary materials for its use. 4). We (will or�tx>�t) pay all accumulated interest at the date of maturity and continue to pledge securities for these funds until interest matures after the termination of the depository agreement. 5). We (will or SI#id) pay interest on checking accounts that meet minimum deposit requirements. 6). Short term loans extended to the City of Sanger will be charged at an interest rate of Q .25 • as long as bank has City Deposits. The bidder must enclose the bank's last available statement of condition. Exceptions, Special Conditions: Please attach or note any exceptions or special conditions that the bank would care to propose in this space. Exhibit "A" Sanger Bank's money market account has a.minimum required to open of $2,500.00 with no service charge as long as that amount is maintained. Sanger Bank will pay 6.25� for the City of Sanger's money market account which maintains the minimum required balance. . v . . �� i . �! BANK BID PROPOSAL PAGE 3 I am properly authorized to submit this bid on behalf of Sanger Bank and I certify by my signature that I have read and understand all parts of this bid form, the attached bid notice and the proposed contract. Signature Charles Fenoglio Typed or Printed Name President/CEO Title 4-11-90 Date Assets Cash and Due from Banks... ..... .. $5,432,000 .+ .... ...... 571,000 Bonds `and Securities. •• ,,,, g,010,000 Loans and Discounts ............... ... ...... '. ... ....: .... Federal Funds Sold....... ,. ....... .......... :...... ..................:. .'..... 1,152,000 Furniture 'and Fixtures ........::' .........:................. .......:: ..... 322,000 Other Assets................ { ., .........: ..... ............ ............. 153,000 TOTAL .:......... .........: ......... :......... .... . ....... " 15,640,000 Liabilities , `Capital Stbck............... ...........` ...... .:........ .......:................ .'..... 600,000 ........i ......... ....... ' .........`.... 1,400,000 Surplus ,,. ....... ; (382,000) Undivided Profits.' •°' '' 113,000 Other.....: .. DEPOSIT5. ..:...�...,•• � , 13,909,000 ,, ' w.:TOTAL;,. � ..: .... .� �...... , a ,. a .a, � .: r ,.. ., ..., , 15,640,000 . ". , . , .. _. - a - — -•_--�-.�---------_ Officers Advisors Directors Charles Fenoglio,'Presidcnt/Chairman of the Board John Coker Charles Fenoglio, Chairman of the Hoard Margaret Long; Vice President/Cashier Dick Kelsey dim Kirkpatrick .Harold Easley, Vice President/Marketing Webb Goiston ' .Harold Easley Hetty Kincaid, Vice President Bobbye Robison Nelta Scarbrough, Vice President W, E. Hilz Margaret Long ��� CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 70206 MEMORANDUM #499 TO: Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: April 12, 1990 SUBJECT: 500 GPM Pump For Wastewater Plant Only one proposal �,r,�as received on this item. Chuck Tucker `vill be present to answer any questions. At this tune, staff recommends the replacement of #2 pump, and to Y�ave the area distributor examine #1 pump and give us a cost estimate to bring it back to its rated capacity of 800 GPM rather than its current rate of approximately 300 GPM. The purchase of one new pump would be insurance against pump failure anti possible permit violations. JH:es 03 Per Minute Pump for the Wastewater sealedFrEpatment Plant. Proposals will be received in publicly envelopes marked. �Pump" until Thursday, April 12, 1,990, 1:30 p.m., at which time they aill be opened and t` Rosalie Garcia a SMITH RUMP COMPANY Inc. 3605 Raider Drive Hurst, Texas 76053 (817) 267-9276 FAX (817) 354.6792 6 April 1990 City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 CONDITIONS: 500 GPM @ 38' TDH ITIil1lt (1) 1 - Hydromatic Self Priming Pump, Motor &Base: 1 - M/N 60MP Pump 950 RPM 1 - Base 1 - V-Drive Assy. 1 - Motor, 1800 RPM, 230/460v/3ph ODP TOTAL $4, 975.71 1 -Item of installation of the above unit: TOTAL $1,879.00 NOTE: We will accept Item (1) without Item (2), but not Item (2) without Item (1) A C C E P T A N C E Above Qudtatirfn is Accepted and Attached Terms Agreed To By: Title: Date: Vary truiv v�UCS, COMPANY, INC. � :he r /;O� 03� 301 M & B Industrial 7208 McNeil Road —Suite 204 Waco, Texas 76712 Austin, Texas 78729 (617)776.0377 (512)258-8402 FAX (817) 776-0023 FAX (512) 258-2108 CITY OF SANGEft P. 0. SOX 570 SANGER, TEXAS 78286 MEMORANDUM #49? TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: April 12, 1990 .;UBJECT: Manager's Report 1j. There has been some discussion concerning the ait• conditioning replacement. For clarification purposes, does Council want to proceed with the replacement using the lowest proposal by S & S Engineering, or do you have further Instructions? 2}, On Monday, 4/9/90, Bab Ha��ser of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, telephoned and stated that the Marina Proposal Packet has been completed and would be mailed this week. All potential vendors Y�ave been rnailed notification of the process and a legal notice ran this weekend in newspapers in Dallas, Ft. Worth, Tyler, Abilene, Waco and Denison, 3), On 4/5/90, Craig Waggoner conducted a fire drill for the Sullivan Senior Center. Craig considers the drill a success as the building was evacuated in 45 seconds. 4). I talked with Dwight Bird of the Highway Department and verbally requested another traffic count. at. 5t.h (Loop 138) and FM 455 in order to justify improved traffic control devices at the intersection. Additionally, Mr. Bird stated that the proposed pedestrian cross- over should not interfere with an extension of Acker Street to Bolivar. You may recall during our workshop several weeks ago, Hunter Associates estimated that a 20 ft. wide, 2 inch asphalt with a 6 inch lime treated subgrade, would be $30 - $40 per linear foot. The extension would be appt•oximately 150 feet. (150 X $35 = $5,250 plus engineering and right of way acquisit.ion). Currently the Street Dept. budget has $8,500 available for Street Improvements, Acct. #473.05. In examining Acker Street, it appears that the current 1/2 block of paving, south of Elm needs to be redone also. Another construction option would be to extend Acker with a 27 ft. wide, 2 inch asphalt with 6 inch lime subgrade and a 24 inch concrete curb and gutter at between $8Q and $70 per linear foot. (150 X $85 = $9,750). 030 JH:es �'. ,. . � ... Burl et Ta I}te �c� �,1�1c-�t°ens Tees ���,5a. as 2��,85i. as E� CB Pe�.�.It.�Y "� I�lter . t 14,5a. as �,�51. as 2a, as ales Tam 2a2,25a.aa 47,5��.aa �6.5a Fr��acl�ise F .. �5,25a. as 8,4�a. as �+ �a Fire Service - �entc�r� 2�,430.Oa 2a,645.aa 57.tta Sc�lic� Waste Cc�llectic�� 245,25a.aa �,aa�.aa 5a.aa Lnclf'ill Perzuits a,5aa. as �,5J2. as =22.2a Cunstruc�t.ion Permits a,aaa. as 2,6�2, as � 2. aCE I�iu�ici��I Court 28,5aa.aa 5,7a2.aa 3a.IIa Li�r�.r� - I)et�tun Cc�. 9,950. as �,a5s. as �a. ?a atl��r I���me 2�,�5a.oa e,a�2.aa ��.aa Interest I�zccame �,5aa, as 2,5a6. as 43. oa Sut�tc�t.I �a5,53?. as 464,saa. aC1 65. as Tr�t��fe�°s 92,72 2, as 5�,7€��. as � 5. Cla Tct�i G.F. w 97,343. oa 5�3,3€��. as 56. ICI Pale i Er��r°is� F�xnc� t 11 �� E .:_ t Page 2 �u�. �t TU D�i� °� G�r��r��l Fur��.1 �/l��c��~ � Gc�uricil 7,680. as 6,554. as 85. Qa ��ir���t�����r� asysa5. as sg,aa�. as aa, as F'ul�lic� �'dc�t°kk� Ac�r�s. 16,471. a0 12,841. as 7�. as �1�l�icl� I��int������c;e 15,572, as 13,a9, as 84. f a Lil��~�r°y� 15,892.Oa g,277. ao 5�3.4a �'�li�� 181,5�4. as 94,527. oa 52.1a �r�ittica�� 167,a52. ao 77,15�. as ��. 2a t�� i 91,5a 1. as 42,982, as �7. as �:c���i.�'��fi.u�l — T�� 4,9aa. a0 a, as a. as .�t�7%ular��.� 11,595. as 5,58J, as �a. as ic��~ �t��� 5,aoa. as 1,2a9. as 2�. 2a Fi�� �t�t. 42,425.aa 1a,aaa.oa 25.7a P��� 11,5ao. ao 2,522. as 21. as uk�l,c�t�l a� 1,a�7, as 345,72a, as 53. as ���ai�4 .�iY�,� 5,1aa. as 2,550. as 5a. as ii�l�1. �t��iL� 151,2a5. as 25,24a. as 17, as T`c�t�l G. F. 797,342.00 373,51a. as 4E�. as P�i��: 1 �Tater V�aste�vat�:r �Iectric� 19,436. as '� 1,54a. Cia �5.3a Utility 13illin� 3Q,Q77. ao �5,65?. as 4�.1a I�layor �:our�eil 1,4�2,17", as ?aa,�4a. oa 49. �a Admir�i�tration i1,69a. as 35,767r oa 49, as �ehirle Iviainter�anee 7,6Qa, as 5,672. as 74. as Pttblio �'�orl A 69,QQ5.aa 1Q,914.aa 7.1a 1�,�7�.aa 1,�4a.aa a.aa �'o�t.i�en�y 16,471. as 942. as 5.7a l���ul�'e�3 �a� 1���� 15,652. as 65,Q55. as 4� 1.4a yet ���'� ire ,484. as a,�4z. oa �a. as Total �. F. z��,�4s. as �6,247. as �a.6a Total E��Senditur �,1aa,249. as 1,a21,4�2. as 4Ct. sa 7,aaa,aa�, as 1,�i8,a�C#, as �' 4Cyr a � TI�e Cc�ntin�ency Fund, �Ithcauh rr'ied �� �n e��er�diture for aecountin� �ur�o� is aetually �. �a�rin�s aceount. If the continency is subtracted from .the total ependitur , then sere mould be �2,Q81,94a bud,�eted, �1,332,aQ3 e:�pended for 46.2� e�enditure rate. ® Z p� Page � MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 John Hamilton, City Manager Cindy Barrow, Court Clerk April 9, 1990 2nd Quarter Court Report Number of citations issued Total amount of revenue collected Total number citation dismissed Total number citation found guilty Total number citation found not guilty Total number of defensive driving Total number FMFR Proof Total number of Appeals Tv Appear In Court 4/9/9n 114 a3,975. nn (this includes collections of two warrants) 3 13 3 7 6 3 (plus Alan Watt's case) 10 .fudge Spindle plans t.o set. a time t.o look over unpaid citations on iss�_�ing warrants. •J B1es North Central Tezas Council of Governments P. O. Drawer COG Arlington, Texas 76005-58�� :-t r t nn q � I t'ii'fi � 7 t��0 FROM: Marti VanRavenswaay, Chairman DATE: April 6, 1990 NCTCOG Air Quality Advisory Committee TO: Local Government Representatives Members of Air Quality Advisory Committee SUBJECT: Resolution Endorsing State and Local Government Control of Stratospheric Ozone Depleting Compounds NCTCOG's Executive Board on March 22, 1990, unanimously approved the enclosed resolution endorsing local government actions to control stratospheric ozone depleting compounds. The world scientific community has established that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other compounds are destroying the Earth's protective stratospheric ozone layer. The resultant increase in ultraviolet rays can be harmful to vegetative, animal, and human life in several catastrophic ways, Urban areas have been identified as the major contributors to this problem. Local governments will play a key role in solutions. AQAC is aware of international and national efforts to control the production and use of stratospheric -ozone depleting compounds and the need for expediting current efforts through state and private sector initiatives. This resolution was developed out of AQAC's concern for this issue and encourages our local government members to take an active stand to control stratospheric ozone depleting compounds. During the 1989 Legislature, Governor Clements approved a joint Task Force on Air Toxics and Greenhouse Effect which may develop state level policy positions on this topic. The U.S. EPA has expressed intent to address the issue, but a proactive stance has been adopted by state and local governments who are anxious to stay ahead of the curve. This resolution was developed by the AQAC's Air Toxics Subcommittee, after a great deal of research and discussion among local government, industry, environmental, and citizen group members. Information was gathered from industry representatives regarding their significant current efforts to control CFCs. In the spirit of the Earth Day theme, "Think Globally, Act Locally," the Executive Board's endorsement of this resolution serves to reinforce the sentiments behind these activities and encourages member local governments in their current efforts. Please contact Saadia Mai, Manager of Resource Conservation, Department of Environmental Resources at (817)640-3300. cc: Steve Spaw, Executive Director, Texas Air Control Board Robert Layton, Regional Administrator, USEPA Region VI f� �� J Texas Congressional Delegation State Joint Committee on Toxic Air Emissions and Greenhouse Effect Centerpoint Two 616 Six Flags Drive Dallas/Fort Worth Metro 817/640-3300 FAX 640-7806 Air Quality Status Report North Central Texas Council of Governments April 1990 NEW CAR INSPECTION PROGRAMS BEGIN IN ELEVEN COUNTIES ON APRIL 1, 1990 A new idle emissions inspection and maintenance program will be implemented for all vehicles registered in Dallas and Tarrant Counties, beginning April 1, 1990. The program will require computerized analysis of tailpipe exhaust gases from cars during the annual checkup. Cars which fail the standardized test are required to conduct repairs in order to renew their inspection sticker. The program will be administered by the Texas Department of Public Safety, under the guidance of the Texas Air Control Board. Also beginning April 1, 1990, cars in the seven counties surrounding Dallas and Tarrant Counties will be subjected to the anti -tampering inspection program. These programs are vital to our efforts to lower air pollution levels in our area and depend on local cooperation and commitment for success. For more information on these programs, call Sgt Wilkinson, Dept. Public Safety, 214- 226-5272. TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Another program commitment for clean air is the travel demand management effort to reduce car travel at peak times. NCTCOG is working with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Authority and the Fort Worth Transportation Authority (FWTA) to develop an effective and innovative public awareness campaign for travel demand management. Media announcements will encourage travel alternatives such as carpooling, vanpooling, bicycle commuting, bus transit, flextime information, telecommuting and corporate pass sales. For information, call Bette Webster at (817)640-3300. NEW 1988 INVENTORY DATA ON MOBILE EMISSIONS NCTCOG has completed 1988 mobile source inventories for our region. The methodology accounts for daily variation in summer temperatures and in trips within the area. Mapped display data, using the Regional Geographic Information System, is available for non -methane hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide by 5-km grid cells over the entire region. This new information will help the Texas Air Control Board to better plan for control of air pollution. For information, contact Bette Webster, NCTCOG, 817-640-3300 NCTCOG ENDORSES RESOLUTION TO CONTROL CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS At its March meeting, NCTCOG's Executive Board endorsed a resolution (attached) which supports State and local government efforts to control chemicals which deplete stratospheric ozone. These chemicals include mostly chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and are found in aerosols, foam insulation, solvents, air conditioning fluids and refrigerants. NCTCOG publishes the Air Quality Status Report at periodic intervals. For information contact Saadia Mai, NCTCOG, (817)640-3300. �Av Resolution Endorsing Local Government Actions To Control Stratospheric Ozone Depleting Compounds WHEREAS, NCTCOG's Air Quality Advisory Committee provides technical support and policy advice to the Executive Board on air quality issues in North Central Texas; and WHEREAS, maCOG serves as a facilitator of local government involvement in air quality and other regional environmental issues; and WHEREAS, the world scientific community has established that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons, and other chlorinated solvents are destroying the Earth's stratospheric ozone layer; and WHEREAS, increases in ultraviolet light as a result of stratospheric ozone depletion would dramatically increase the incidence of skin cancer and cataracts, and could cause a global environmental catastrophe by disrupting the world food chain, reducing worldwide production of oxygen, and dramatically reducing world food production, as well as triggering immune system disfunctions in both humans and animals, and WHEREAS, urban areas, both as major population centers and as centers of industry, have been identified as the major emitters of CFCs and other ozone -depleting compounds, and WHEREAS, local governments will be called upon to play a role in the administration of any successful state, national or international efforts to stop the emission of ozone -depleting substances; and WHEREAS, local governments, through their powers to protect the public health, and through their technical and institutional resources can serve as centers for innovation and action in eliminating emissions of CFCs and stratospheric ozone -depleting compounds, WHEREAS, NCTCOG's Air Quality Advisory Committee has unanimously recommended that the Executive Board endorse local government actions to control stratospheric ozone - depleting compounds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: SECTION 1 That local governments in the North Central Texas region support state legislation in the 1991 session which will accomplish the results listed below: (a) ban, effective no later than January 1, 1995, the use of any stratospheric ozone -depleting compound in the manufacture, production, cleansing, degreasing or sterilizing of any substance or product, except in cases where no technically feasible, economically sound, and environmentally safe substitute or alternative is available; and (b) ban, effective no later than January 1, 1995, the manufacture, storage, distribution, or sale of any plastic packaging or insulation material that is produced using CFCs or other stratospheric ozone depleting compounds, except in cases where no technically feasible, economically sound, and environmentally safe substitute or alternative is available, and (c) require the recycling, recovery, of ozone -depleting compounds in all including, but not limited to, insulation, and refrigerators, and proper disposal of stratospheric products which contain them - fire extinguishers, air conditioners, (d) require all establishments which repair, service, or maintain refrigerators or air conditioning systems to recapture and recycle CFCs. SECTION 2 That local governments prepare and establish policies that will accomplish the above results without waiting for state legislation or in the event that the state fails to develop such legislation. SECTION 3 That NCTCOG will work with local governments and industry representatives to develop a model ordinance detailing specific measures in handling, recycling and disposal of CFCs and other stratospheric ozone -depleting compounds. SECTION 4 That this resolution shalt be transmitted to the Texas Air Control Board, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Texas Congressional delegation, local governments, and other interested persons and agencies. SECTION 5 That this resolution shall be in effect immediately upon its adoption. John EWans, President North Central Texas Council of Governments Mayor Pro Tem, City of Dallas I hereby certify that this resolution was adopted by the Executive Board of the North Central Texas Council of Governments on March 220 1990. verett B. Gladding, Past President North. Central Texas Council of Governments Former Mayor Pro Tem of Greenville ��t k WQs So lrrsfi�, a S 6 r '� I 9 �e Th 1t /s , y �k� rtti e ✓e v - W r v a Sr f ;oo 9 bawr6 Y,a O,vil t/i e yr rF" 203 S. Second Sanger, Texas 7 266 Y 0 QJ1 Our hi�hti:ay�s -what can be done? '�Jhen Congress passed a bill allowing trucks on the Public (truck lobby passing out bribes?) ,-the trucks were large, six or seven years trucks are four or five times as large - tons larger. Laws now permit a trucker to put more air in his. tires and increase the load he carries. Police patrols around here can't stop over -loading, as the habit is tioo rampant. When these patrols do try to talk reasons ��e�� ruin of highways and bridges, unsafe highways for people who drive for business, pleasure or emeru,encies - unsafe for them because of the monstruous 'Uruck size, the answer is (with a bribe?) "we save people's money." Do they? Trucks probably don't pay their wayowith their taxes. When road - construction people try to repair the roads, truck traffic is almost prohibitive at the sites where meniare'working. Here in Saner half of the 'people can't get to the bank, schools, or stores since road construction is handicgVped by scores of trucks and the highway cuts the town in two. If the hip,hway were for people who pay automobilecounty tax and road tax (whh now, in Texas has to give �1.00 out *10.00 off gasoliicne road tax to schools) many lives would be saved of every, and highways would be better. ., The questions: Do truck lobbyists bribe our Congressmen? Can truck traffic be controlled as to number, weight and t0 pressure? What rights do little miiddd,_le class eotile have to their roads? TfrX � � Vo2 - � �v g�v �.e�/ , j Finl � � nr�, % o 1,PiYtnj,y1 -P,i✓ f r ' America the Beautttui Cd oritA; a r/42�L tiful USA 0 i s Chvoz ifv 14/v c4eal Y✓I n2 vN�s�7%z�1�--e��n�c-F 1 ohn Hamilton, City Manag andfill Inspection By Texas Department Are e��,�ineer frc�rn the Te s I�e�.�rtrr�ent e�f He�1tYa. ir�.s�ecte� the c�lci lan(Ifill and passed it for final closure. The closure documents will be mailed to the City by the State. .JH.es