05/21/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularMAY 21, 1990 MAY "911 1000 ?01 BOLIVAR, CITY HALL 7:00 P. M. Ivlit ut ORDINANCE 02-90 ESTABLISHING ONE WAY STREETS ORDINANCE 01-90 WARRANT FEES VOTING REPRESENTATIVE NCTOCOG RESOLUTION R1-90 GRANT PROGRAMS LEGAL COUNSEL 3. I i I ur o aotat. . Condtact. Pulalio I-Iriti to Cotasidor rdittat oo 02-- 10 tahli hita One -Way Streets Within the City Limits of Sanger 0. Cotaidor tat d Po iblo Aot.ion I oardit rditaat7o 0 -- l0 7p Cc ta idor $Brad Po ihlo Ac tiota fio` arciiti' rclita .t o Oi- 10 - warrant Fees 0. Consider and Possible Action Designating Statagor`s Voting Representative to the N C T C OG 0. Con idor atad Pc sit Io Actiot: AI rovin Iz' . olutiota # -OCR - Gratlt PI ugim uz 10, Ioc:.uti r S . icat, A 9 orclita to Artiolo Ei 52-17, 'ot°tzotl' City iI Statt o , (e)3 Le UI C outa ol 1 10 Any Cthor Such Matters 12. City Administration Report 136 Adjournment Rosalie Garcia City rotaryf I !l1 IAN, i I nE:5 City Council X/feetin,g May 7, 1990 t�E��1BE�S ?RESENT. Mayor Pro -Tern ,.ferry Jenkins, Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Mayor Nel Armstrong (newly elected Mayor), Councilwoman Margie Braxton (newly elected. Councilwoman) and Harvey W. Thomas (newly elected Councilman} c:�THEPS "RESENT. City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Pose Garcia, Craig Waggoner, Burl Bourland, David J. Strittinatter, J. P, Haskins, Chuck Tucker, Larry Yoast, Ed & Cindy Barrow 1. lays�r Pro -Tern Jerakir�s called the r�eetin to order°. City ?�lana.�er° gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the fhigi �. C;an�ass �Tot.es F�e�ardin City Elution held on �,�ay , l.�t1t MAYOR del Ar°rizstr°on 1.:� 11=lickey IMouse l Jirn Conley 1 Harvey t.�. Thomas 1�� CCi%MC1LAAA ��, PLACE alai°die Cole Br°a�ton Glenn A. Slaa E�J ��otior� was madeCouncilraari iv'1cMe111 t.o accept c��rit�ass of the ballets. Suonded by Councilman i�✓icDaniel. �lot.ion car°tied. a). Swear in Newly Elutes Officials. City= Secretary proce_ll with s�ar•ir� in l�layor° l�el Q �, Aro-r�rsti°ons�, Cotancilr��.an Har°vey . Thc�ra�as, ararl CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY J` s 1990 PAGE 2 C'ourlcilvxornar.°orieraton. �. L)i�bui°ernei�t - IVlotior� way made ���Cour�cilinan Tl�oiraa to approve disburseinents foil payment. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. ��, econi�e J, P, fla�ki�z� for 20 ear �rnloyrner�t. Council I�r anted J> I�. tlakinfith plague and citiei �riit. watch for his 20 years of service with the City. 0. Citi�eri}� Input - �iorie. '�, Consider ar�d F'o�ible .diction 1�eardin Sidewalk a.t Cl�an�ber of Commerce Building. �ur$1 13c�urlancl repre�entin Char��ber° of Cornnlerce ask Coun�il if they would be willing to volunteer the labor of the City employees to help renovate the sidewalk in front of the Chamber of Commerce Building. The Chamber would be responsible for pro- riding the material. lotissri way made ley Councilman ,Senkir� that. the City �re�'m'"�°� vill rovicle the labor in coopeJ. Ct vJn VN�ith the Chamber of Con rs erce purclaa iri material for renovat.' n of the sidewalk. Seconded by C.ouncilman Thomas. notion carried. r�. C:or��,ider and po��rble �ct.ror� on water* In�pi°o�Ten�ent� �i�_l. Bid Tabulation Bidder Total Amount Bid Security Ida SE cMurray Const. # 1 ---- Yes 00 #2 a :ITS k.SU IN U I L WIII1tUTE3 iVIAY 7, 1990 ACE 3 C OIASt,. # 1 135, 090 2 70► 573 �hcrd� Cc�ras't. °. �. �a�idscn #1 147,210 #2 37,805 trittrilatter #1 $124,1915 Irryri ation #2 #2 90,970o 40 Yes 100 #2 ��at�r Ling ivivuic�r� vas rrrade k�� Cc�uncilrnan Ivlcl��ili ar�d s�cc�rr+4�c1 u,�r COUnc111han Jenkins tcf aWard hid LO Suriuumauucr011 Pr°VjML #1 f01 124,915 and to award bid to Water Treatment Construction, tin Project #2 for $70,573. Motion carried with one no vote - Councilrnan McDaniel. 9. D,��cttti�e � .�sic�r� Accc�rdin tc� ArAticleVerr�c�r�'s C;iil tauues, (f�, I�eauiauic�r�s fcrr Ac�uisitic�n cif deal F'r°eerty NI 'iayur° Arir�rsurony conVened Council into Executive �essic�n. 7;39 Arnnsurcvn r ;awreni Council froryr Executive �essic�n. I�louiorz was made bv Councilman Jenkins to proceecI with rre�•4.�t.i�rtic�r�s uc� ur a�' t.c� c�htain right-cif-a� frc�n� e�t.er�sic�r� c�af' Acker Street. Seconded I yp Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried With �0 CITY kitU vWlL MIA I ES Y 7, t99t1 ?AGE 4 one abstaining vote -Councilman icL�aniel0 t��. f�r�y i�ttier Si.�ch Ivlatterst �. Cottnciln�a�� Jenkins stated he has had several con��laints on 10th Street. Councilman Jenkins asked if City could do something about that street - concerning the drainage, p ossibly idening the street. �.�iayor asked tl°�at she �nToulclr�'t object to the staff doirpg study of what it would cost to c_io curl: & gutter and maybe how much it would cast each home owner if the city slid are assessment. l�r. Councilman Je��kins also stated that corning down I-35 Service Road and right there by Hughes Street, by intermediate school, people coming clown that Service Road do turn into that street. Maybe the City needs to think about making that, street a cane -way street instead of just during morning school hours and evening school hours. Council�r�an instructed staff to draft an ordinance can making it a one way sir , .t., c. I+�Iayor stated sloe felt. that there would be son7e residents at. Council roasting tonight to contain concerning surer �sb�z,_ tip" on Jackilu. If any Councilman gets a call, they might take some time to explain that this is not the CitVs fault. Mn yor Arnastrong stated Mrs. Millar had called com.c:er111119 the l:�uilding where �ayne's �uton7otive is, Ctrs. t�tillar statl when they bought the building it gas with the consideration that the zoning be changed to Industrial and it was changed to Industrial. When the city did the rezoning, on the new map it was changed to 13-3. At. that time, she was not aware of the change and failed to come to Council. 0 04 When they talked to City Manager, he advised that the}l had tkill ' Cct i Cll� Mli TES VlAY 7, 1990 ?SCE tlxe 14. Twice to o t0o and clan e onin or to Cou ncil and ask for a variance. �. t�ity l`s lead try lay riff street patcl�.in due try tt�e en�.}xlc�yee ��rl^�r.� operates the machine was involved in an automobile accident and he has riot been working and will probably be out for another eight weeks. Office with Denton County contacted her concerning if the City had severe damage to the streets and maybe the City could got some emergency money to repair them. 11. City Adn�inistratio�x :�e�urt� ��> City Manager re�orf.ed on tl�e infiltration. ihey are still having pump problems at sewer plant. "l`l�e City slid elaerier�ce clrainae rok�len�s due t« tlxe �����r�!�nt of rainfall. The damage to the streets was also tremend{ uc4. Tlie hP vy rains did cause electrical problems at water system ciownto n. Many wire deficiencies were revealed and are being corrected. Clean-u week was extended to May 11, 1rJ�10 dtte to tl7e fall. %. Library teas set Sat�xrclay., ,tune 9, as Lilxrary t�7�er� 1-lo��.se. Staff was i tr�xcted tc� finish u� irn.prc�ve�r�ents and flo�vr�r° beds. Wednesday Study Club has expressed that they want to help with planting of flower beds. d. City Manager did advise City is exempt from. "surer Mackin ,��" into people's �ro�erties. e. City Manager advised that there are still some volunteers CITY uuk,) CIL WHIN UTE AY 7, 1990 DACE 6 frMIMIthe F'ir° I epar°trnent_ that have neat signed fret tl e Per�sican Plan. As it stands now they will be sending in what they have. f. City ivlanaer discussed the reulaticar�s �endin fczr eperati�ans of Solid Waste (Landfill). City lancer advised that. if City cliec�ses tc� kee�a I��r�zlfill �,1ser� it could become extrenrely expensive for customers. Cc�urrr_.il n _. _ � tCa r�`za�.e � c�lecisi�.�n cr�nr_.ernin cic�s��re �arrr catl�.€�r�° alternatives for the landffill. Wildlife contacted him concerning an alternate site for rn rina, construction. The alternate site will be FM 1190 brut ramp. City Manager advised he had no objections since marina is at anger Access site: lz. Tyre last iterrz Sias a fcarrrzal cr�rrz�alair�t frc�t`rz arz ur�nanreci citizen regarding a travel trailer° Icacated at Jones Street. Area I is zoned SF-3. Mr. Alexander owns the property and at C ity's request °t has fenced the property to shield neighborhood from the wrecking yard business being generated at the site. Dczes Cczuricil t��arzt staff tra erzfcarce 2�riirz and rather ccd v irz the nei tzborizrc�d`? If City started an erzf�arcer ent fir+ ran�I they need to be consistent with everything in town. It has been suesterl Council hold a raei,lzbc'arizo,tad rzeeti.n to receive irz��a�at fr�rrrr r�esiderzts. City I�larzaer srxest� ear-ly 3une as tentative date. ��leetirz� ado}urrred, y � :.. I... F�f}.1 F.�1 � i'.i ii ;1..,i i1 i ?�!: $�:. _ _ r i__f!_`f: k!� ? `t-i't �. i E- 1 U(, F:i v. t.,{_??`1 _ � i� _ _ .; � if�:�..' f_i �5.�.. f'ii E{^i�_�, i f. i, �'t •i i'.?I. L ,�,. �i 1��E.; �.�)`1. �:f-i : _ E`. F ... : E . e �:_.:E:. ti `I _. r,. tt!_,i::i �, , .t �.r :....:._:_:, t_' ,} -r'- =1s?€��PF1;�� ���i'i�a;.i'.h`�'f C;i'i� t�; :i:i�'.?E.= .�,li";,, _ __`�,t'} _. I �_,:f�l i I P_ ?.E._i�; , ! ! `��1`'v L..:.Fu I ! i�ik:.r�-a �.P=: ._-'U �_ i�ii:7i�:{�� '-...., / I, v..l ,�i ii ..t i I-T F.,Jtl!..,e } t r_t)tli) r:�.._:i'li.:l'.3.: I :.:�¢"(�.ra��t._ .. 11 i t; __ _ _ _ . _ ._-I`i {�iL..:[i"=i�`1 � F..'.1�(i:? :j,.- ICE--i+'`� is �i- ! i'-: 1.'':I`a{_f:: r�: '(V � Ih ��;-�r.�'' —IE ty ��"{ : _I i� i I _! n , I `,��4.Y ..„ �JI�.�1 .. _ , `;t '"tt is } -� (itj ` � 'F j'S (,) :: .. S�}i.i a "r,::} e 4,.if_} c F.1 t_t e E'}I_; ;`}i Y ,;"} a t, 5 t"f i}F;--' ._i:5f.'�t.. E � ' (_ }`a 4' .' ,. i �. n 4��}�} �._(1) c �� I.I .. `�;.1., i . tom._ +..;'t.i ,., I:-: _.. �_J` t __ _ „ !_!''r i'`y i�—i!_:iu�.li..!i`.� (`q- i=' f°� .j{-�_� . �.. _( 1;-:! j, '�,?n i�'iril.-�_'. �-� ,t ' "'� I11 � f F';E'f �.=�_� U �F !i: 'E;a��.i[�iQ� ,Ishii:: 1. 'd�. C! I f.. [� fli�[11i_i(;�i �_i i � ,s_.i ?:'.; �� , - rr .—, r' I_:tE__ f_iT:a'�;,=4rEiitZl.)i�?-,.,,,'J'�;•!,.tf_t _�!-.:.f�'�7'...i i f_.i fJ t i i ���' L �.� �,' l h i '''F, k,l s i. i _._ !., _ ...._ r-,.r �..� i '-, i'7 t' ,, t' ,T,.r" ILi (li.i � r_F i'i '[ P:"fi :l Cs i..i;., t:"I� "' t-3{ I$�( :�t,r .L f.) (— 5.�.!3 _. (-•"ii4.� i.i `.! �;/ _': {_: _. __. i'iik � ir. 2..1\ L� li; Li�3 it V'i . �ah�5;�.ii.�rf ail I I`11-. i n h.,:i l: `"t{_i n .. _7 a k-.�._� F n _ . �' �',ia�,74�r F, j-;rfii•`=� �.f c�.i_.f �,E!_� i-I�!':l':.!-? =..�E1tf-` �.., _ .. i-J�"l'ft`i7-' '"�u til��it=��'���'. �:.){1 i;,,`—i��t'��iC..n':�,'� F.., 7_. _;.._r; I��i l l i`.i tj�it�i=:! �,�r<� �ii:�r �_�.'! 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IF t "t `' r t-. .t f t^ �I {..I }, {yE! ! c`.'-, -f';, _(t..1 i,J 1, {_, t_?,; i ii,_i J It IF 1F 1!'1 L iFft.}rt:?"? at?i?IF ft:?. tII i I' -t 1 i a 4 i o f 'f i`i i1 i,_ ': F .L r.., _ - _ _IFII `FFLF IF INI It ? _._. _ .. a%li'r11h'31: '1 E,A i {-`N i;{ � i_'':+'_}_ C'ia IFFY t-.illI.4i-II .. t..J _'jt_} IFFIFF IF 3 ,_, .._._,.._.1 i "1.._ -ri... ._f_ _ r ` ' {-.1 e i�nl_IIJE.74 :f_.- E:;E r 1 ' P,I'ht 7 `."? i i 'It If, 0NIF-! s-FRI �/�® IFFLIF L. 3.I ;df...fi%fi,:.i _.-%i" 1. / I r1f., -1G �J �.l�Cl.( _ _!LI�~=i}t.} _.. _ _. 1,... ,_ .. , _. _ _ 0 CITY OF SANUER P. 0. BOX 578 SANUER, TEXAS 78266 MEMORANDUM #519 T0: HoIlUI•able Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: May 18, 1990 SUBJECT: Ordinance #02-90 Establishing Hughes Street One -Way Westbound This item is two (2) part, a public hearing to receive any comments and after the hearing is closed, consideration of the proposed ordinance. This ordinance reflects current Ordinance #83-10 with the only addition being Hughes Street. Notice of the Public Hearing was posted on the City Hall Bulletin Boat•d on Thursday, May 10th, and published in the Sanger Courier, Thursday, May 17th. JH:es at.tachtnent (Ord, LEtiAL I14OTIi�CA laukalic l�earir� day the City Council caf the City of Sarzer mill he held irg the City Hall Council Chambers, 201 Bolivar, Monday, May 21, 1990, at 7 p. rnv to consider Ordinance 02-90 establishing One %Tay Streets within the City Limits of Sanger, including Hughes Street, Westbound, from Tenth Street to the East Side Access Road of Interstate 35. 422� �� 0i Rosalie Garcia City Se�$retary PUBLISH: 5/17/90 POST: 5/10/90 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE N0. #OZ-oo AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9, SECTION 10, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, DESIGNATING ONE-WAY STREETS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE: BE IT ORDAINED BY the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas: That Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger is amended to read as follows: Section 10: Designation of One -Way Streets Street North Seventh Street Hughes Street Service (frontage) Road on the east side of Interstate 35 E From Elm Street to Peach Street, during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p. m. to 4 p. m. during school days From Tenth Street to the East Side Access Road of Interstate 35 From the southernmost City limits of the City of Sanger to the northernmost City limits of the City of Sanger North West North i01,� ORD. #02-90 PAGE 2 Service (frontage) Road on the west side of Interstate 35 E From the northernmost City limits of the City of Sanger to the southernmost City limits of the City of Sanger South All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section III It is declared to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Sanger that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid Judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Whenever in this Ordinance an act is prohibited or is made ar declared to be unlawful, or an offense or a misdemeanor, or wherever in such Ordinance, the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, the violation of any such provision shall be punished by a fine not to exceed Two Hundred ($200.00). Dollars$ provided however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State of Texas. Each and every violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage Q � a� and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. oRD. #oz-tja PAGE 3 PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1fl�10, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. Approved: Nel Armstrong Mayor ATTEST: Fosalie Garcia City Secretary CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #51�3 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members State Law currently requires a $35.00 warrant fee far all rr�unicipal court warrants issued. Chapter 1, Section 16, K (2) of the City Code currently reads; "A warrant fee of $25.00 as provided by State Law is hereby established and to be collected for each warrant issued by the Municipal Court for the City of Sanger, Texas." Ordinance #01-90 provides for the repeal of our current ordinance and implements the new warrant fee. JH:es attachment (Ord. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE N0. #01-90 AN ORDINANCE QF THE CITY QF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 1, SECTION 16, K (2) OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF SANGER ESTABLISHING WARRANT FEES CONSISTENT WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCE #86-6 AND ANY AND ALL OTHER SECTIONS IN CONFLICT AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the CityT of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. Tk�at Chapter 1, Section 16, K (2) of the Sanger Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) A warrant fee of $35.00 as provided by the Laws of the State of Texas is established and shall be collected for each and every warrant issued by the Municipal Court for the City of Sanger. ection I All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that. the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and plu•ases of the Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance. Ordinance #a1-90 Page 2 Section IV This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 199�, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, Nel Armstrong Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary MEMORANDUM #520 T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the Cit;y Council John Hamilton, City Manager May 18, 1990 Voting Representative to NCTCOG Each year following local elections, the Cowlcil is allowed to designate Sanger's voting representative to the North Central Texas Council of Governments. A motion anci vote would be appropriate far this item. .JH:c�s attachment 022 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Member Government Designation of Voting Representative As a member of the North Central Texas Council of Governments, the (Local Goverriment) Name: Mailing Address Telephone Title: hereby designates to serve as its voting representative to NCTCOG's General Assembly. Signed: Title: Date: Under the Bylaws of the North Central Texas Council of Governments, each member government is entitled to one voting representative on the General Assembly. The representative must be an elected official selected from the governing body of the member government. The voting representative serves as liaison between the local government and the Council of Governments; receives special publications and announcements from NCTCOG; and is eligible to vote on proposed Bylaws amendments and for candidates to serve on the Executive Board. A city or county official must be a designated voting representative in order to be considered for service on the Executive Board. Since some voting representative may have retired from office — or some member governments may wish to select a different representative from the one now serving — it has been NG'T�OG's practice to attempt to re- certify voting representatives from member governments on an annual basis. •This has usually been done immediately following the municipal elections (pending any necessary runoffs). Therefore, we are requesting the designation of your official voting representative to NCTCOG for 1990-91. The option is available to list your existing representative — without formal reappointment — unless he or she is no longer In office. Please return form to: NCTCOG P. O. Drawer COG Arlington, TX 76005-5888 CITY OF 3A114DER P. O. BOX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #522 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City ManagerIf DATE: May 18, 1990 SUBJECT: Resolution #R1-90 For Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant Application - Municipal Swimming Pool As part of the grant process with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Council will need to adopt the enclosed resolution ill support of the project. The estimated wst of the project is Tllis is a 50/50 grant program. At this time, it is the intention to fund this project through reserves. Tl�e grant application deadline is July 31, 1990. The next grant. -cycle deadline is January 31, 19916 JH:es enrlosure ENGIIJEER5 HAVE NUT COMPLETED THE ESTIMATES, ESTIMATES SHOULD BE AVAILABLE BY MUNDAY EVENIP�G, WE ALREADY HAVE AN ESTIMATE ON 9,000 SQ. FT. OF DECKJNG. THE SWlIMMING POOL, WADING POOL, EQUIPI.1ENT ANU EQUIPMENT HOUSE FUR $115,000; THERE ONLY REMAINS TU ESTIMATE THE BATH-HOUSE/CONCESSIONS, FENCING AND MISCELLANEOUS FURNISHINGS AND GRANT REQUIREMENTS, AS THIS IS A PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT IN EXCESS OF $10,000, STATE LAW REQUIRES ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SEALS. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION #R1-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITI' OF SANGER,DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, HEREAFTER REFERRED TO AS "APPLICANT", DESIGNATING CERTAIN OFFICIALS AS BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTING FOR, AND ON BEHALF OF THE APPLICANT IN DEALING WITH TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PARTICIPATING IN THE GRANT PROGRAMS; CERTIFYING THAT THE APPLICANT IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE ASSISTANCE UNDER SUCH PROGRAMS. tti�HEREAS, the Congress of tY�e [Jnited States has passed the Land ar►d Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (Public Law 88-578), authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to provide financial assistance to states and political subdivision thereof, for outdoor recreation purposes; and WHEREAS, the Texas Legislative has approved the Parks and tib'ildlife Code, Section 13.039 for the purpose of allowing the State of Texas, and its political subdivisions to participate in the Federal program established under said Public Law 88-578 or such other programs as are hereinafter established by the Federal Government; and WHEREAS, the Texas Legislative has approved the Parks and Wildlife Code, Section 24.005 for the purpose of allowing the political subdivisions of the State of Texas to participate in the Texas Local Parks, Recreation and Open Space Fund; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is fully eligible to receive assist.anre under these programs; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is desirous of authorizing its administrative staff to represent anti act for the Applicant in dealing• with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department concerning these Programs; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF SANGER: zSectionl.: That the Applicant hereby certifies that they are Eligible To - Receive Assistance Under These Programs. Resolution #R1-90 Section 2: That the Applicant hereby authorizes and directs its city Manager to represent and act for the Applicant in dealing v�Tith the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the purpose of these programs. The City Manager Is Hereby Designated As The fiepresentative In This Regard. e, i�,��: The Applicant hereby designates its City Sec�•etary as the Official authorized to save as the Applicant's Fisc��l Officer• to Receive Grant Funds For The Purposes of These Programs. Section 4: The Applicant hereby specifically authorizes the official to make application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department concerning the site to be known as the Sanger Municipal Swimming Pool in the City of Sanger for use in the Community Center Park. That the Sanger Municipal Swimming Pool Is Hereby Dedicated (or Will Be Dedicated Upon Completion) For Public Outdoor Recreation Purposes In Perpetuity. Introduced, Read and Passed by the affirmative vote of the applicant on this day of ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia City Secretary City of Sanger 19 Nel Armstrong Mayor City of Sanger MEMORAND[TM #524 T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF BANGER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER., TEXAS 76266 HUIlOI•able Mayor & Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manago"Or May 18, 1990 (fJ Executive Session - Pending Litigation On Friday tnot•ning, 5-18-90, the City was served with papers on a $1CI,0f10,000 suit resulting from a fatal fire at 607 South Tenth Street on October 11, 1989. Staff has contacted our Insurance Carrier, Employers and the City Attorney, Ron Neiman. The purpose of this executive session is to brief Council on the suit. JH:es 0 2'�' CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #523 170: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FRONI: John Hamilton, City Manage DATE: May 18, 1990 SUBJECT: City Administrators Report. 1). The leak in the 200,000 gallon �Nater storage tank has been located. City crews should be able to repair the leak. Inspection of the tank revealed the need to have the tank sandblasted and repainted. This cost could be as high as $30,000. Upon advice of our consulting engineers, it has been decided to repair the leak and put the tank back in service for the summer. The much needed maintenance will be included on FY 90191's budget. 2). By Mondays meeting time, hopefully, we will have taught up on our Clean -Up Week pick-ups. 3). Currently Public Works is down from six (6) to a crew of four (4) as two employees are out at least through the end of May. One was injured in an off -duty traffic accident, one is on worker's comp. 4). Hunter Associates is working to have the contracts signed on our water improvement project. JH:es 02� blic Ui.rli ty Commission of Texas 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard • Suite 40ON Austin, Texas 78757 • 512/45&0100 The Honorable Nel Armstrong The City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Cie 4 s ASoz.,;, li L.1 i 1 LIJ 'o 'i �' i_1 'Lj Jo Campbell Commissioner Marta Greytok Commissioner Paul D. Meek Chairman Subject: Resolution No. R4-89, for Extended Area ~Service (EAS) from Sanger to Denton Dear Mayor Armstrong: The Public Utility Commission of Texas recently received the long distance traffic studies related to your Resolution No. R4-89, for EAS between Sanger and Denton. 'Those studies indicate that the telephone traffic from Sanger to Denton does meet the community of interest standards established in the Commission's Substantive Rules. Substantive Rule 23.49 states that a community of interest exists when: (1) there is an average of no less than ten calls per subscriber account per month from one exchange and the other, and (2) no less than two-thirds of the subscriber accounts place at least five calls per month from one exchange to the other. Specifically, the results of your traffic studies are as follows: (1) the average number of calls per subscriber account (2) the percent of subscriber accounts placing five or more calls per month Requirement Actual 66.66% 70.34% Currently, the City of Sanger is in a queue of exchanges awa�ting a Commission hearing on EAS. As your position in the queue improves, we will keep you informed. Should you require additional information or need assistance, please contact Mike Rinehart at (512) 458-0161. Sincerely, &&JY 11�4 Rowland L. Curry, P. . Director Telephone Utility Analysis RC/mr Attachment Robert Bernstein, M.D., F.A.C.P. Commissioner MAY 1 1 199Q Honorable Nel Armstrong Mayor of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 1100 West 49th Street Austin, Texas 78756 (512) 458-7111 Subject: Solid Waste - Denton County City of Sanger - Permit Application No. 643 1.1 Miles S of Sanger City Hall on RR Avenue Dear Mayor Armstrong: Robert A. MacLean, M.D. Deputy Commissioner Professional Services Hermes L. Miller Deputy Commissioner Management and Administration On April 12, 1990, Mr. Gale L. Baker, Geologist, from our regional office, inspected the subject municipal solid waste disposal site for post -closure maintenance. During this inspection, our representative was accompanied by Mr. Chuck Tucker, Supervisor of Public Works. During this inspection, no post -closure subsidence or erosion problems requiring maintenance were noted. The file for this permit has now been marked closed. Your cooperation in maintaining this closed site is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions concerning this letter or if we may be of any assistance to you regarding solid waste management, you may contact Mr. Michael D. Graeber, P.E., of my staff here in Austin at telephone number (512) 458-7271 or you may prefer to contact Mr. Irvin Turner, P.E., Regional Director of Environmental and Consumer Health Protection at 2561 Matlock Road, Arlington, Texas 76015, telephone number (817) 460-3032. Sincerely, /� ens J. Mueller, P.E., Director Surveillance and Enforcement Division Bureau of Solid Waste Management MDG/mr cc: Region 5, TDH, Arlington Denton City -County Health District Texas Department of Health Robert Bernstein, M.D., F.A.C.P. Commissioner MAY p g 1990 Honorable Nel Armstrong Mayor of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger,_Texas__76266 Subject: Solid Waste - City of Sanger 1.1 Miles NE o Dear Mayor Armstrong: 1100 West 49th Street Austin, Texas 78766 (612) 468-7111 Robert A. MacLean, M.D. Deputy Commissioner Professional Services Hermas L. Miller Deputy Commissioner Management and Administration Denton County Permit No. 1424 f IS-35 & FM-455 Int. and 0.4 Mile E of IH-35 On April 12, 1990, Mr. Gale L. Baker, Geologist, from our regional office, inspected the subject Type II municipal solid waste disposal site. During this inspection, our representative was accompanied by Mr. Chuck Tucker, Supervisor of Public Works. At the time of the inspection, the site was being operated in general compliance with the Texas Department of Health's "Municipal Solid Waste Management Regulations". If you have any questions concerning this letter or if we may be of any assistance to you regarding solid waste management, you may contact Mr. Michael D. Graeber, P.E., of my staff here in Austin at telephone number (512) 458-7271 or you may prefer to contact Mr. Irvin Turner, P.E., Regional Directorrof Environmental and Consumer Health Protection at 2561 Matlock Road, Arlington, Texas 76015; telephone number (817) 460-3032. Sincerely, Hans J. Mueller, P.E., Director Surveillance and Enforcement Division Bureau of Solid Waste Management MDG/mr cc: Region 5, TDH, Arlington Denton City -County Health District a 3 -