07/02/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularJULY 2, 1990 ORDINANCE 02-90 ONE WAY STREETS RESOLUTION R2-90 AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE LAND PURCHASE FOR STREET EXPANSION RESOLUTION R3-90 EAS BOARDS AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS 1990 ,. BOLIVAR STREET, HALL 0 0 P.W.. One Way Streetsof Sanger I IN 15. Any Other Such Matters(.Q/OaI Rosa ie Garcia, City Secretary 16. Adjournment CITY OF SANDER P. 0. SOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76288 MEMORANDUM #557 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: June 29, 1990 SUBJECT: Recognition of Former Members of the City Council, Boards and Commissions Plaques for former C©until member Glenn Shaw, P & Z member Fred Yeatts and Park Board member J. W. Bucklew and Kammie Patten have been prepared and these former members have been invited to attend the meeting. JH:es MINUTES: City Council Meeting Juno 18, 1990 e � . CarrollPRESENT. Mayor Nei Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Wendell Thomas, Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman and Councilman Jerry Jenkins I'' z_John Hamilton,City Secretary.i,. Pam Hamilton,z s • i Davis,Brenda McDaniel, Steve fix' Don SableMichael Don Freeman, Ann Barton, Billye Hollingsworth, Peggy Sanford, Zelma Millar, Jim Doss & Brad D& Elaine Schad enton and led the pledge to the flag# l a, Disbursements: Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman McNeill to approve disbursements for Motion carried. ♦ i Municipal 'ii Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Resolution 1Z1-90. VIM M 1' W l • k ISJ Li� AS "APPLICANT"; t■■a DESIGNATING CERTAIN E OFFICIALS a AS RESPONSIBLE O • ACTING FOR, a ON BEHALF HE APPLICANT IN DEALING WITH TEXAS PARKS AND qILDLIFE DEPARTMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF ARTICIPATING IN THE GRANT PROGRAMS; CERTIFYING FHAT THE APPLICANT .■■a RECEIVE JNDER SUCH ■ X ` ► a Don r reeman presented the following i ewnnnendutivjws by the F.Io Committee: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 customers receive f' f i i • from Sanger to Denton. 3i s {.{ lJi w 5 fi, CC MINUTES s 1 ..x Irainage onto Mr. Ashcrafts property,• by Willowood Wdition and under the Santa Fe Railroad. o correct drainage#Santa Fe Railroad. kshcraft and Don Sablewas i continued. Addition. f WillowoodAddition with all the requirementsof Subdivisionf adopted 98specifically Section 4.04. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried with three (.9) yes votes, one voting no, and Councilman McDanielabstaining. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to deny chan e request VAMejt ! r ouncilman McNeill, Motion carried. Consensuspaid In order to avoid late charges. Bills are usually less than $250.00, of f as long as .. wereprovidedwith a list of what's! ordinance making Hughes Street llone�way" on the next City Council Agenda, Discussion. Council agreed to get. this item back on » agenda. constructing accessto Loop 138 forGateway • • residents. • , pi •rt should befinalized by ,22nd for w . Street, South of Bolivar to the Interin late School was rais by City Council recently. City Manager continued by reporti cost if done through property owner's assessment program. Discussion. ti ml lAaA Several residents have inquired about the cost. John contim ii water. gutter program to insure compliance with EPA rules on run off" June 26th. Dwight Wiliford from Texas Parks & Wildlife stated that therl CC MINUTE2 ir4444 acquisition for Acker*Extension. Persoialel . ■. • ! i r' i! n is" ! i ♦ i ' 3 i i the City Physician that the three (3) physicians in Sanger be contacted regarding the position *Slth Officer with the stipulation, to see if we could get any response. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. !. # OUIICIIIIIUII I 1101,11abi I * ♦♦VlIlt AcNjvelel i �Flar ussell Maddento Place 6. Seconded ♦. Councilman Jenkins. Aotion carried. iplague! be awarded to Fred ouncilman McNeill. Motioncarried, Tpoint Garland Thornton to Place 4. Seconded by Councilman Motion ! carried. '* » | I GOA | (^ 111 11 111\7»» vv has been 2 V 2b.® Staff to contact wthat he ould do 2 ,»? ditch. to let them that »°R-a Gibson had called her and stated the City 2: done an excellent � . ,: :. culvert. � »°� -� �-° »2,»! 1»<-� 2 ^� � \ f » \ ■ w <»<. mosquitoes. City Manager stated 2 would be this week. ?°�-^�- »±« «■� ..$<�».2.z. «� w ^ o» ? r» ;<li <.Ifk *y»f\ 10 m: /q� 7.i:, ) f. 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BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 7a266 MEMORANDUM #558 T0: Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: June 29, 1990 SUBJECT: Ordinance #02-90 Establishing One -Way Streets Within the City Limits of Sanger This will be Council's second public hearing on this item specifically to designate Hughes Street as one-way. Legal Notice has been published in the Sanger Courier, Dwight Bird of the Denton Office of the State Highway Dept, was again contacted concerning any traffic control devices at the I-35 NB exit at Hughes Street. Mr. Bird stated at this time the question of a "No Right Turn" sign would be studied. He did state that there will be bold pavement markings to indicate to drivers that they cannot turn right onto Hughes. This will be double white stripes painted on the road surface. Additionally, Mr. Bird stated that the I-35 contractor has informed the state to expect the project to be completed in September. This is a two-part agenda item; first a public hearing and second your discussion of the ordinance. LEGAL NOTICE A public hearing by the City Council of the City of Sanger will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers, 201 Bolivar, Monday, July 2, 1990, at 7 p.m. to consider Ordinance #02-90 establishing One -Way Streets within the City Limits of Sanger, including Hughes Street, Westbound, from Tenth Street to the East Side Access Road of Interstate 35. iZosalie Garcia City Secretary PUBLISH: 6/28/90 POST: 6/25/90 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE N0. #O44-90 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9, SECTION 10, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, DESIGNATING ONE-WAY STREETS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE: BE IT ORDAINED BY the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas: That Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger is amended to read as follows. Section 10: Designation of One -Way Streets Street Extent it : ct ion North Seventh Street From Elm Street to North Peach Street, during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 4 p.m. during school days Hughes Street Frorn Tenth Street to the West East Side Access Road of Interstate 35 Service (frontage] Frorn the southernmost North Road or► the east City limits of the City side of Interstate 35 E of Sanger to the northernmost City limits of the City of Sanger ORD. #02-90 PAGE 2 Service (frontage) Road on the west side of Interstate 35 E From the northernmost City limits of the City of Sanger to the southernmost City limits of the City of Sanger Section II South All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section III It is declared to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Sanger that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph oI• section. Section IV Whenever in this Ordinance an act is prohibited ar is made or declared to be unlawful, or an offense or a misdemeanor, or wherever in such Ordinance, the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, the violation of any such provision shall be punished by a fine not to exceed Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars; provided however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State of Texas. Each and every violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. Section V This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such uses provides. ORD. #02-flQ PAGE 3 PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , iflfl0, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. Approved: Nel Armstrong Mayor ATTEST: Fosalie Garcia City Secretary CITY OF DANGER P. 0. BOX 578 DANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #552 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City ManagerIt DATE: June 29, 1990 SUBJECT: Ditch/Culvert Installation Currently our City Crews will install culverts for citizens upon request for the cost of the culvert. This policy predates both Chuck Tucker and myself. As you know, we are not always timely in these projects and the question has arisen as to the propriety of this work. The current policy as I understand it, does enable the City to somewhat control the type and size of drainage culvert being used. Many times the price charged for the culvert does not cover the cost to the City of the work performed. Staff would appreciate any clarification or instructions concerning this matter. JH:es CITY OF SANUER P. 0. BOX 578 SANUER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #555 T00 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City ManagerIf DATE: June 29, 1990 SUBJECT: Resolution #R2-90 - Land Acquisition Consulting City Attorney Ron Neiman has advised the following steps to acquire property for the extension of Acker Street. 1). Adopt a Resolution of the Council expressing the City's intent to acquire Street Right of Way. 2). Send a certified letter to property owner with the City's offer with a two (2) week response deadline. 3). Immediately contact a Title Company to conduct a title search on the desired property. (Stewart Title in Denton initiated this project on Thursday 6/21/90). 4). 1f the property owner does not respond within the t.wa (2) week period, send a second letter restating the City's offer and set a ten (10) day response deadline. 5). If the property owner does not accept the offer, have an appraisal done on the desired property. This involves at least two separate and independent appraisals and would require 30-45 days. 6). File an Eminent Domain case in Denton County to begin the condemnation proceedings. On Monday, 6/25/90, Mr. Ray Todd, the property owner in question an the Acker Street project, telephoned City Hall and requested a formal offer on the 5889 sq. feet of his lot so he could forward it to his bank for their review. I have not responded to him pending your review of Resolution #R2-90. JH:es CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION #R2-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY TO EXTEND STREET RIGHT OF WAY. WHEREAS, the completion of the Interstate 35 renovation will bring one way traffic to both the east and west access roads to I-35; and WHEREAS, the need exists to extend Acker Street south to Bolivar Street to afford anorth-south access to Sanger High School, � businesses and residences located west of Interstate 35; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger does not have any street right of way to extend Acker Street south from its present location; THEREFORE BE IT NOW RESOLVED THAT; The City Manager is authorized to negotiate a street right of way on approximately 0.1352 acres of property on a certain tractor parcel of land lying in the H. Tierwester survey, Abstract Number 1241, City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and being part of a (called) 1.211 acre tract shown by deed from Prentice R. Preston Etal to Raymond L. Todd Etux, recorded in volume 172i, page 666, real property records of Denton County, Texas. Duly Resolved this 2nd of July, 1990. Signed: Nel Armstrong Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia City Secretary a CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76260 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: June 29, 1990 SUBJECT: Resolution #R3-90 -Authorize negotiations for Street Right of Way - Freese, David & Kathryn During the Council Workshop held this past winter, the possibility of constructing the Freese Drive extension south to Loop 138 and connecting David Drive and Kathryn Drive to Freese was discussed. As the I-35 renovation and consequent one way access roads near completion, the need to move forward with this project is evident to insure adequate ingress and egress to the Gateway Subdivision for residents, visitors and emergency vehicles. During conversations with Hunter and Associates this month, they still estimate a $65 per linear foot cost for a 27 i't. asphalt street with concrete curb and gutter. The plats of record indicate a Street right of way for all of Freese Drive to Loop 138. Seven residences on David have constructed fences and storage buildings on the right of way and utility easement at the east side of their property. A plat is enclosed far your review covering Block A, lots 18-24 of Gateway Addition, Section II. In order to connect Kathryn and Freese, an additional 25 ft. X 375 ft. right of way will have to be acquired from the FDIC or Hillcrest Church of Christ as Volume 2099, page 142 as indicated in the enclosed material, grants a 25 ft. road easement to be known as Bucklew Street from Kathryn to Freese. The City will require a total of 50 ft. of right of way. To secure the right of way north of the property controlled by the FDIC would involve the Church of Christ, To connect David and Freese will require a 50 ft. X 194 ft, right of way along the north boundary of a parcel owned by Joseph Stout of Sherman. The project would involve approximately 1065 feet on Freese, 194 ft. from David to Freese and 375 ft. from Katluyn to Freese far a total of ,� A.Iso engineering costs of 6% to 8% and any land acquisition costs woul ie added. Using 8% for engineering would be $8,500 and $.50 per sq. if we had to purchase the right of way would be $4,850 to extend DAVI and $4,690 to extend Kathryn for a total project estimate of $124,250 )ur bank depository, GNB�Sanger, and was told that a note of up to ". 100,000 would be no problem. Their paperwork w•about one week to organize. With this in mind,we couldaccomplishproject would allow us to carry the debt into F.Y. with a combination cash/note project of same ratio, perhaps 50/50 which Dudgeted and satisfied, done by Stewart Title in Denton. If youadopt t 4' t 90, staff can proceed � >•: . I r- � 1��-'� � � � Ia �3'fl ,SI �JNIISIX3 —•-} pw LL O'bbl 3„07,B£ o681S �i � •d O'bbl i � 691 3„OZ,B£o68 S .:'611 �� �/ I �� ilk J �� O'61I <', B£ o6g � —'� 0 J Yl mI � I u'! � N O'611 � ,8£ 068 S I v M o� g �I v � N O � / rn I 3D 18 0'SZ I _ _ ,�---_ o_o s 1� — 3,0Z,8£o68S ---oss--�3-n0'SZ 3 ' o o ,� ---- -_`�'_ .I N z $ W 0 � N W QM W O � J � �_ O } ml J '� � - .N I S8'6 ^�- --�� a L -' �Y f „68 N I / a it 3„Ob,IZo00N" N .N 0 8 O z � �� a 0 O tD a �L 0 lD F- 2 I° O bbl 3„OZ,B£o68S O 0' bbl „ z,e� � ose s JoC° N _� �, � o'bbl 3 „OZ ,8£ 068 S IN 0 bbl 3„OZ,B£ ob6 S N _ ,�� o b v l al I w � I � I � J � I �I N I F I I O'bDl 'b6t M „OZ , £ 0 68 N I " I I I I I . �nj J N 0 0 N �D w a w c � � 2 � H N X W 0 N W ,SZ 0 u: s a_ N �� '.. ;+ ��O �E/�3 I �/ �� N J. DAB 232 rv� �,Q� O � � �J J� Q� 8�311 Z3 �� N °� 3• o z�� A� n r 449.11 � \ 3 JZ�4' 235 N � � � � 3 � Z Co �} c Z957� B��ao 0 w �� �� ( ., ( � Q� � � ( � �� �� ( ,,y �+� � � 193 � Z4D J� �i J ri '� _ ���^+ �, s �— vo,2G99,���dv �EAI FRIM Rumm STATE OF TEXAS NOTICE OF COUNTY OF DENTON LIS PENDES r ti c i r KNOW ALL MEH THAT THERL' IS CURRENTLY PENDING IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT, NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, , Dallas Division, 1ltiagation concerning,title to the following described property, to wit; All that certain lot# tract or parcel of land Tienestsr Survey, Abet, No, 124out of the Henry 1, Denton County, Texaa, being • portion of • 96.6 acre Second Tract conveyed to J•[, Iroess, •t ux, and J, W, buckler, at ux, by C.R. Wood an recorded 1n Voluse 456, Page 459, dated Nay 160 1960, Deed Records of Denton County. Toxae, and being more particularly described a■ follovat DECINNINC at • point at the Southwest corner of Lot 5, block I, of the buckler -Freese Addition to the City of Sanger, Taxas{ THENCE South 49' 20' West along the North line of Section Two of the Hillcrut Addition to the City of Sanger, Texas a distance of 252.1 feet to an iron stake for corner; THENCE South 40' 40' East along the West line of said Hillcrest Addition, passing at 302.6 feet the Northwest corner of block D of the First Section of said Hillcrest Addition and continuing along said course a total distance of 472.6 feet to an Iron stake for cornarl THENCE South 49' 20' West a distance of 340.0 foot to an iron acske for cornorl THENCE South 40' 40' East • distance of 104.7 feet to an iron •take on the North line of the business Route of U.S. Highway 771 THENCE South 85' 50, West along the curve on the North line of saId U.B. Highway 77 a distance of 148.0 feet to a highway marker •t the and of said curve; THENCE South 88' 38' Went along the North line of said Highway 77 a distance of 145.1 feet to an iron pin for a corner 1n the center of a road known as Freese Drive, THENCE North 0' 37' West along the conterlins of said Freese Drive • distance of 901.8 feet to the contsrline intersection of a road known as bucklow Strestl THENCE North 69' 09' East along the conterlins of raid Bucklw Btrest a distance of 375.0 feet to the lost line of KAthryn Lana end the West line of Lot 5, Block 8, of the said buckle" Frooee Addtttonl THENCE South 0' 13' lest slonR the West line of said Lot 3 lane• of 76.3 foot to the placl of beginning and eontainin�6.7SS acrof of land, said •croAge subject to a 15 foot soeoment on�hs Ws■t side of said land to be used for • public road known on /roue Drive end a 25 foot euowint on the North line to be used for an a public road known as buckle w Street. Said causec'being entitled, In Ro Twin Leo Corporation, Witness my hand this day of March, 1 87. Weer - Sworn to an subscribed before the undersigned authority, Chia q'{b�f,,. roh, 1987, i 0 . ' *, 00 f 4 , 4 %,Lim _ L . c-� • 9r.. 3�r.. � - lI t �: VDi 2vO,;P!GE�tJ8 THE STATE OF TEXAS ! COUNTY OF DE`1TUN � _..� ._..�.._._.,,...-.r °►�I PRAPfP,tY RFCf9R� WARRANTY DEED Ot� KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PKESENTS: That SAIJGEK JOINT VENTUKE of the County of Uallas anu State of Texas, Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ($10,00) DOLLARS and other valuable consideration to the undersigned paid by the Grantees herein named, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has GRANTED, SOLO AND COh.EYEU, and by these presents does GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto JOSEPH HF19RY STUUT and wife, PATKICIA FOSTEK STOUT, Grantees herein, of the County of Grayson and State of Texas, whose mailing address is ► LI 1.; �� � nt j �, �*.,.� i•� 2n/ all of the following described real property in Denton County, Texas, to -wit: BEING all that certaln lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the H. Tierwester Su-vey, Abstract Number 1241, City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being a part of that certaln (called) 27.987 acre tract of land con- veged by deed from John W. Porter to Jesse A. Coffey, recorded in Volume 603, Yage 544, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and beinK more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod found for corner in the North line of Business Koute 77, being the Southeast corner of said Coffey Tract; THENCE N 88' 02' 35" W, pass at 25.01 feet the Nest line of a 25 foot roadway easement recorded in Volume 591, Page 478, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, a total distance of 2U3.44 feet with said North line of eaid Business Route 17, and the South line of said Coffey Tract to an iron rod set for corner; THENCE N 00' 18' 43" E, 613.98 feet to an iron rod set for corner; THENCE S 89' 38' S3" E, 9.25 feet to an iron rod found for cornec; THENCE. S 00' 15' il" W, 11,23 feet to an iron rod found for corner; THENCE S 89' 43' S6" E, pass at 16q.09 feet the Weat line of said 25 foot roadway easement, a total distance of 194,09 feet to an iron rod fou:id for corner in the Eeat line of said Coffey Tract; THENCE S 00' 18' 43" W, 608.73 feet with eaid Eaet line to the Place of Beginning and containing 123,284.0 square feet or 2.8302 acres of land, of which 15,209,0 square feet or 0.3492 acres lie within said roadway easement, leaving a net area of 108,075.0 square feet or 2.4811 acres. WARRANTY DEED, Page One i ��.�:a � �) fd u 4 .���_."L._��.a� .....�.., ref--..tdG_ ,4�' ?�_ ?+�r, .. _ .... _.- .. ._-- -- =_-- , _..s_._-_........,,..,......r..r_,........r..,.�....�...�...._...... _-- YOl �'0;,�E3�Q THIS CONVEYANCE IS SUBJECT TO 'fHE FULLOWINC. 1. Easement executed by C. R. Wood and wife, Mary Wood, to Denton County Electric Cooperative, Inc., recorded In Volume S1U, Page 242, of the Ueed Records of Uenton County, Texas, 2., Roadway easement of 25 Eeet fr^m J. W. Aucklew and wife, Mary K. Hucklew, and Gladys Nell Freese to T. J. Fouts, .7:., dated August 28, 1969, recorded in Volume 591, Page 478, of the Ueed Records of Denton County, Texas, ae shown on survey prepared by W. Steven Gilbreath dated April 9, 1985. 3. Utility easement of 7.5 fear, executed by Jesse Coffey to the City of Sanger dated July 24, 1979, recorded in Volume 964, Page 98'l, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and as shown on survey prepared by W. Steven Gilbreath dated April 9, 1985. Grantor is the owner of an 8.763 acre tract described in deed from JESSE A. COFFEY to BANGER JOINT VENTURE dated May 20, 1985, recorded in Volume 1639, Page 543, of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, of which the hereinbefore described 2.A302 secs tract is a part. The South Line of the 8.703 acre tract is a common line with the northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 77. Any curb cut permitted by the State Highway Department or the City of Sanger may be required to serve all of the 8.763 acre tract. The Grantor retains an easement for ingress and egress 30 feet in width along the entire South boun- dary line of the 8.763 acre tract Eor ingress and egress to the 2.A3O2 acre tract herein described end ills residue of tl�e 8.763 acre tract retained by the Grantors which easement shall be for access for ingress and egress from the curb cut to any portion of the original 8.763 acre tract ad�olni�ig the 3U foot eaeemenr„ The easement shall he Eor the benefit of any person owning any portion of the drlainal 8.763 acre tract which is contiguous to the 30 foot easement area. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever; and !t dose hereby bind itself and its euc- ceseore to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the said WARRANTY DEED, Page Two 1 ;r Y � � 1 `� � CITY DF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION #R3-90 A RESOLUTION DF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY TO EXTEND STREET RIGHT OF WAYS. WHEREAS, the completion of the Interstate 35 renovation will bring one way traffic to both the east side and west side access roads to I-35; and WHEREAS, the need exists to extend and connect Freese Drive, David Drive and Kathryn Drive to afford adequate north -south access to businesses and residences and increase access for emergency vehicles; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger does not have street right of way to extend either David Drive or Kathryn Drive to Freese Drive; THEREFORE, BE IT NOW RESOLVED THAT: The City Manager is authorized to negotiate a street right of way of approximately 9700 sq. ft. to extend David Drive to Freese Drive along the north boundary of a 2.4811 acre tract belonging to Joseph Stout of Sherman, Texas, a part of a tract or parcel of land situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241, City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being a part of a certain 27.987 acre tract conveyed by deed from John W. Porter to Jesse A. Coffey, recorded in Volume 603, page 544, Deeds and Records of Denton County. Additionally to negotiate a street right of way of approximately 9375 sq. ft. to extend Kathryn Drive to Freese Drive along the north boundary of a tract or parcel of land currently in the possession of the F. D. I. C. described as that certain lot, tract or parcel of land out of the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241, Denton County, Texas being a portion of a 96.6 acre Second Tract conveyed to J. K. Freese, et ux, and J. W. Bucklew, et ux, by Co R. Wood as recorded in Volume 456, Page 459, dated May 16, 1960, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas. 03 Resolution #R9-90 Page 2 Duly Resolved this 2nd day of July, 19904 signed: Nel Armstrong Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia City Secretary CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #553 TC�: Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: June 29, 1990 SUBJECT: Instructions for Staff Concerning EAS For clarification, what instructions does Council have concerning the EAS petition? We have received no communication from Centel. My only suggestion at this point is to contact the Public Utility Commission directly for any input their staff might offer. It is my opinion that Centel has not negotiated in good faith. I believe that Council and staff made it completely clear to Centel that a flat rate based on growth was in the best interest of both Sanger and Centel. JH:es CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #55� TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: June 29, 1990 SUBJECT: City Administrator's Report 1). Chief Erwin has made arrangements to have much of the area east of the Santa Fe tracks mowed at no cost to the City. The lots are being mowed and bailed. This should save the City $900 + in mowing expenses. 2). I will be attending the Texas Public Power Association Annual Meeting, July 15-17, and will not be present for the meeting Monday, July 16th. 3). Crews have sprayed for mosquitoes on 6/21 and 6/29. We will continue as conditions warrant. 4). City personnel have begin testing and servicing all fire hydrants in the system. This will be completed by the end of summer. Among the first 20, one significant leak and two closed valves have been discovered and corrected. This program will also identify any hydrants that need replacement. Depending on trip number to be replaced, a multi -year replacement schedule will be established. Current material costs for standard fire hydrant is about $1,200,00. This program is now a routine maintenance item with appropriate record keeping. Each hydrant will be examined every six (6) months. 5). Four (4) full-time City employees are now members of our volunteer fire department: Craig Waggoner, Chuck Tucker, Larry Yoast and Bobby Swan. This enhances the FD's ability to respond to calls during normal working hours. 6). The $.25 sales tax increase the legislature recently passed for school funding will be reflected on the utility bills mailed July 1st. .JH:es 03 CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #559 T0: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: June 29, 1990 SUBJECT: Action Regarding Appointments to Boards & Commissions Since our last meeting, staff sent letters to all board and commission members eligible to continue service. Two replies have been received both resignations from the Library Board, John Springer and Sandra Moore. Mr. Glenn Shaw has again verbally told me of his interest to serve as City Judge if that position is available. Mr. Allen Sweeney has also expressed an interest in serving on any board except the Library Board. Drs. Bittle and Chapman have both expressed interest in serving as our Health Officer. As of 9 a. m., Friday, 6/29/90, these are the Board appointments you will need to consider: City Judge - City Health Officer - Place 4 - (replacing Fred Yeatts who served 6 years) Place 2 - (6/88) Charles Kesseler Place 6 - (6/88) Russell Madden 03� IVIEMO #559 6/29/90 PAGE iJtflft 13ic��rd replacingVinson) replacing J. W. Bucklew who served 6 years) n. • ■ 1. replacing Kammie Patten who served 6 year ,' LfbY°ary Bo�.rd Place 2 - Nancy Smith ilace6 replacing Sandra a � a Chair -Hazel Martin 2 yr. terra Sec. /Tree. - I11�ar�ie He 1 yr. term Board Member - Dave Fellers 2 yr. term Board Member - Leslie Browning 1 yr, term Alternates - Erma Fellers Rose Rehm JH:es P ! BOX 206 SANGER, TEXAS 66 t Box 578 anger, Texas ►.i legretfully decline the opportunity to serve my community capacity. Sincerely, Sandra K, Moore 7/ Country Squire Real Estate, Inc. P.O. BOX 8 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 JOHN D. SPRINGER RICHARD MUIR -Jolir1 Hamilton, Cit`t' Muanager the on of Sanger Tex as t6266 %ie�r-� .Jrahin lJoh is IM OF 907 CHAPMAIII 817-458-7330 7..ILLE' t'C:l GLtr~ C:LtP'Y'-E?r'1'C: ti.fitE�� �:}tal i�]�-�C:i.�.}r� -Fc�r• c:}th�f:?r t.hir��:1�=� L...i.,� ;arid Z du not have tl-fe time to devote to the ] ibrar-y board that T feel that should be givyeri. FtecjaLrc.w*e Of this, T a=_k that this: l etter be con- :icic:_r•~e d as my resignation •from the i ilt. 1kr y t;OCI d . "I"h��nl•;� fc}r-• t.h•i�::- c:}�?r1c}rtur�i.t:y tca h�}�:tv�? �>E:•?r••ver.I a.ra t.h���i.=� pta=_37.t�.C:}n. Yi.x_rr�� :�inc_er el y, 03" CITY COUNCIL & OTHER IMPORT. NUMBERS 6/15/90 NEL ARMSTRONG (H) 458-7739 216 DIANE DR. MAYOR, CITY OF BANGER (W) 458-3843 SANGER, TX 5/90 - 92 DANNY McDANIEL (H) 458-3910 211 HILICREST PLACE 1 (W) 565-2129/ SANGER, TX COUNCILMAN1 565- 2751 89 - 91 JERRYJENKINS (H) 458-3934 219 DIANE DR. PLACE 3 (W) 458-3339 SANGER, TX COUNCILMAN (MAYOR PRO-TEM) 89 - 91 CARROLL McNEILL (H) 458-3973 P. 0. BOX 358 PLACE 5 (W) 458-3663 SANOER, TX COUNCILMAN 89-91 HARVEY W. THQMAS (H) 458-3250 P. 0, BOX 1096 PLACE 2 703 CHERRY COUNCILMAN SANGER, TX 5/90 - 92 MARGIE BRAXTON (H) 458-3194 403 5.2ND ST. PLACE 4 (W) 458-7473 P. Q. BOX 564 COUNCILWOMAN SANGER, TX 5/90 - 92 DANNY SPINDLE (H) 458-3619 208 DIANE UR. CITY JUDGE SANGER,TX J. C. LANDERS (H) 458-7887 800 N. 4TH ST. FiRE MARSHALL SANGER,TX MERWYN TUCKER (H) 458-3361 P. 0. BOX 126 FIRE CHIEF SANGER,TX J. CLYDE CHAPMAN (H) 458-3321 P. 0. BOX 619 CITY PHYSICIAN (W) 458-3131 BANGER, TX 10 YEARS P L U RON NEIMAN (W) 214-436-1558 386 W. MAIN CITY ATTORNEY P. 0. BOX 777 LEWISVILLE, TX 75967 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSIaN 6/15/90 �$j� j�,LEPHONE �.DDRESS IERM EXPIRATION DATE OF ORIGINAL APPT, BEVERIY HUWARD (W) 458-7404 604 S. STH ST, PLACE 3 NEW MEMBEf? BANGER, TX 7!3/89 - 6/30/91 ANDY GARZA 709 HOUSTON ST. PLACE t NEW MEt-16ER BANGER, TX 7/3/89 - 6/30i91 K.EN HOWARD (H) 458-7608 P.O. BOX 42t PLACE 7 7/20/87 TO 6/30l89 BANGER, TX 7/3/89 - 6/30/9 t P,EAPPOINTED CHARLES KE55ElER (H)458-3217 200 KATHRYN PLACE2 6/16/86 TO 7/1/�8 BANGER, TX 6/20/88 - 6/30/90 REAPPOINTED FRED YEATTS (H) 458-3510 312 CHERRY PLACE 4 6/16/84 TO 6/16/86 BANGER, TX 6/20/88 - 6/30i90 6/16/86 TO 7ii/88 P..USSELL MADDEN (H) 458-3600 t 12 KATHRYN PLACE 6 8/4/86 TO 7/ t /88 BOX 8 6/20/88 - 6/30190 BANGER, TX TOMMY KINCAID (H)45$-3304 603 HOUSTON PLACE 5 6116/8h TO 7l20/87 (CHAIRPEP.SON) (W)458-3381 BOX 421 7i3/89 - 6/30/91 7/20/87 TO 7/t/89 BANGER, TX r� � ORDINANCE NO._.n*7-RR AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 36.2.1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 08- 88E THE 'ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O F SANGER, BY LIMITING THE NUMBER OF SUCCESSIVE TERMS WHICH MAY BE SERVED BY MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING AND 'ZONING COMMISSION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: y SECTION 1. Section 36.2.1 of Ordinance No. 0848, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: 36.2 Membership The Commission shall be composed of seven (7) members who shall be resident citizens and qualified voters of the City. Appointments to the Commission shall be made by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council. Members shall serve from July 1 of the year of appointment for staggered terms of two (2) years and may be reappointed to serve no more than three (3) successive terms of office for a total of six (6) years, subject to approval by the City Council. The members of the Commission shall be identified by place- numbers one (1) through seven (7). The even numbered places shall expire in even numbered years; the odd numbered places shall expire in odd numbered years. Newly appointed members shall be installed at the first regular Commission meeting after their appointment. Vacancies by death, resignation, disqualification or otherwise shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council. All expired terms shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments. ' SECTION 2. If any section, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional, the same shall be severed from and shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so determined to be invalid or unconstitutional. To the extent any provision of this ordinance conflicts with other ordinances of the City of Sanger the terms of this ordinance shall control. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 6 day of June, 1988. ATTEST e 1l'1� / � •.�i SIGNED: Mayor �� �- ,��. UTILITY BnARD 6/15/90 FREDDY INMAN (W) 458-7401 217 DIANE DR. SANGER,TX TERM EXPIRATION DATE OF ORIGINAL APPT. PLACE 1 NEW MEMBER 7/3/89 - 7/3/91 FRANCILE SULLIVAN (H) 458-3268 P. 0. BOX 975 PLACE 3 SANGER,TX 7/3/89 - 7/3/91 CHUCK TRICE (H) 458-4369 113 STEVEN DR. PLACE 5 SANGER,TX 7/3/89 - 7/3/91 VACANCY PLACE2 MIKE VIIdSON (H) 458-7959 219 DAVID DR. PLACE 4 SANGER,TX 6/20/88 - 7/1/90 5i19i86T0 7/1I89 7/1/88 TO 7/1/89 REPL. JEFF r10RRiS • f� CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 09-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS TO .AMEND SEGTION 15,� CHAPTER 10, ENTITLED UTILITIES BOARD, PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT: PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE:,AND PRO- VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF�THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT CHAPTER 10'OF THE CODE OF. ORDINANCES OF TEXAS IS HEREBY AMENDED BY AMENDING SECTION 9 BOARD, APPOINTMENT OF BOARD, WHICH SHALL READ SECTION 15: A. UTILITIES BOARD APPOINTMENT OF BOARD THE CITY OF�SANGER, ENTITLED UTILITIES AS FOLLOWS: There is Hereby created. a utilities board to be composed of five (5) members who shal�.�be resident citizens and qualified voters of the City: Appointments to the board shall be made by the City Council��and shall serve from July 1 of the year of appointment for staggered terms of two (2) years, and may be •re-appointed.to three (3) successive terms. of off ice for a total of six (6) years subject'to approval by the City Council.. The members of the Commission.shall be identified by place numbers one (1) through seven (7). the even numbered places shall expire in the even numbered years; the odd numbered. places shall expire in the odd numbered years. Newly appointed members shall be installed at .the first regular board meeting after their appointment. Vacancies shall be filled for any unexpired term in the same manner as provided for regular appointments. . SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances are, to the extent of such conflict, SECTION III in conflict herewith hereby repealed. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council ,that the sections, paragraphs,. sentences, clauses, and phrases of .this Ordinance are.�severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of.this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutionaliby the valid•judgment or decree of any court of competent. jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of'the remaining Ordinance #09-88 �- � Utilities Doard ' . �a,ge 2 phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional.phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. � , SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and�the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this �/� %� day of ,,c/n,� , 1988, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Tex APPROVED: ATTEST: t City Secretary �, SANGER PARKSBnARD 0/15/90 NAME TELEPHONE ADDRESS TERM EXPIRATION DATE OF ORIGINAL APPT. J. W. BUCKLEW (H) 45$-3233 201 KATHRYN pR. PLACE 2 11 / 19/84 TO 612t86 SANGER,TX 6/30/89 - 6/30/90 6/2/86 TO 7/1/88 6/20/88 TO 6/30/90 PEGGY SANFORD P. 0, BOX 430 PLACE 4 NEW MEMBER, SANGER,TX 7/3/89- 7/3/91 KAMMIE PATTEN (H) 458-3454 P. 0. BOX 51 PLACE 6 7/ 1 /84 TO 7/ 1 /86 SANGER,TX 6/30/88 - 7/3/90 6/2/86 TO 7/1/88 BURL BOURLAND (W) 458-4588 817 KEATON RD. PLACE 3 NEW MEMBER SANGER,TX 7/3/89 - 7/3/91 BILL MCCLELLAN 101 N. 4TH ST. PLACE 1 NEW MEMBER SANGER,TX 7/3/89- 7/3/91 DEBBIE SPINDLE 208 DIANE DR. PLACE 5 NEW MEMBER SANGER,TX 7/3/89 -7/3/91 RUTH MCGUFFIN 211 DIANE DR, PLACE 7 NEW MEMBER SANGER,TX 7/3/89 - 7/3/91 ANN BARTON P. 0. BOX 361 4/ 17/90 PRESIDENT SANGER,TX WED.STUDY CLUB REV. ED CHERRYHOLMES 1 ST METH, CHURCH 1 /3/90 MINISTERIAL BOX 367 ALLIANCE SANGER,TX w CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 08-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS TO AMEND SECTION 9, CHAPPTER 7, ENTITLED PARK BOARD, PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT: PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I ' THAT CHAPTER 7 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS IS HEREBY AMENDED BY AMENDING SECTION 4 ENTITLED PARK BOARD, APPOINTMENT OF.BOARD, WHICH SHALL READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 4: PARK BOARD A. APPOINTMENT OF BOARD There is hereby created a park board to be composed of seven (7).members, appointed by the.City Council. Members shall serve from July 1 of the year of appointment for ' staggered terms'of,two (2) years and may be appointed to .• three (3) successive terms of office. The members of the park board shall be.identified by place numbers one (1) through (7). 'The even -numbered places shall expire in the odd -numbered places shall expire in the odd - numbered years. Newly, appointed members shall be installed at •the first regular park board meeting after their appointment. Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term in the manner.�in which. original appointments are required to be made. Continued absence of any member from regular meetings of�the commission shall, at the discretion of the city council, render any such member liable to immediate removal from office. �• SECTION II All Ordinances or parts oL- Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City �"�� Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of .this Ordinance are. severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section 'of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of�,competent jurisdiction,. ,such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sect�.ons of this Ordinance, since the same would have been Ordinance #OS-88 _ park Board ' '~ Page 2 ' enacted by the City.Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or .section. SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and•after its passage and•the�publication of the caption as the law • in such cases provides. ' � PASSED AND APPROVED this �� day of �� , 198g, by the City Council of the City of'Sanger, exas. APPROVED: __ ATTEST: �- ._ � f NAM E ESTA LOU MORGAN �'�;I�:�:i'/[ilia JOHN D. SPRINGER HELEN BOUNDS NANCY SMITH VACANCY SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY MEMBER B/15/90 �D.2 F 21 S HILLCREST P. 0. BO X258 SANGER, TX P. 0. BOX 8 SANGER, TX P. 0. BOX 8 SANGER, TX 7O2 PEACH P. 0. BOX 52 SANGER, TX RT. 2, BOX 1990 SANGER, TX P. 0. BOX 208 SANGER, TX ;. PLACE S 7/3/89 - 7/3/91 PLACE 7 7/3l89 - 7/3/91 PLACE 3 7/3189 - 7/3/91 PLACE 2 7/ 1 /88 - 7/ 1 /90 PLACE 4 PLACE 6 7/ 1 /88 - 7/ 1 /90 DATE OF ORIGINAL APPT. NEW MEMBER NEW MEMBER NEW MEMBER 7/ 1 /88 TO 7/1 /89 v CITY OF BANGER ORDINANCE 010-88 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A LIBRARY BOARD, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT, TERM OF OFFICE, QUALIFICATION: AND DEFINING THE POWER AND DUTIES OF�SAID BOARD, .PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. $E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I A. Creation and Appointment of Board, Qualifications and Terms of Office There is hereby created a Library Board to be composed of a Chairperson and six (6) members, appointed�by the City Council and they shall serve from July 1 of the year of appointment for staggered terms of two (2) years, and may be re -appointed to three (3) successive terms of office for a total of six (6) years, subject to approval by the City Council. The members of the board shall be identified by place numbers one (1) through seven (7). The even numbered places shall expire in the even numbered years; the odd numbered places shall expire in the odd numbered years. Said determination of respective places shall be deter-. mined by lottery at the initial�meet�ing of.:board following adoption of this ordinance and appointment of the members. Newly appointed members shall be installed at the first regular board meeting after their appointment. Vacancies shall be filled for any unexpired term in the same manner as provided far regular appointments. Each member of the Board shall be entitled to one vote. The City Librarian shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Board. B. Qualifications of Board Members. Members of .the Library Board shall have the same qualifi- cations as are required for membership on the Sanger Indepen- d;�nt School District Board.. C. Selection of Officers At its organizational meeting, and annually thereafter when new members are appointed to the Library Board by the City Council, the Board shall elect from its own membership a vice -chairperson and a secretary. Any four (4) of the regu- larly appointed members shall constitute a quorum. The Board shall determine its own rules and order of business. The Board shall meet at least once a quarter and at other times as called by the Chairperson or four (4) members of the Board; all meetings shall be open to the public; and shall be posted as according to the Texas State Open Meetings Act; and a permanent record of proceedings shall be maintained. D. Powers and Duties of the Library Board 1. The Board shall serve the City of Sanger as a consulting, advisory, supervisory body to study and recommend policies relating to the operation, promotion, enlargement, future planning, and such other matters involving the city -owned Library as may be referred to it by the City Council. 2. The annual budget for the Library shall be prepared by the Board and submitted to the City Administrator for review and submittal to the City Council for final adoption. Proposed expenditures during the year that are not included in the budget adopted by the City Council shall be referred to the City Administrator for review and submittal to the City Council for budget admendment. 3. Reports to or items requiring action by the City Council shall be submitted to the City Administrator for review and submittal to the City Council. E. Library rules and regulations The general rules and regulations for the operation and use of the library shall be promulgated by the Library Board and approved by the City Council. The books, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, manuscripts, or other property of the city public Library shall be the property of :the city; any person injuring or defacing any such property shall be liable to account therefor to the librarian. The Library Board shall have authority to establish fines for any person retaining any such book, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, manuscript or other property beyond the expiration of the time which by the rules of the library such property may be kept. F. Illegalremoval of materials; fine. - Every person, parent or guardian of a child: who is under the age of seventeen (17) years, who shall take or borrow from tre Sanger Public Library any book, pamphlet, periodical, paper or%other property except in accordance with the rules of such library, shall be deemed guilty of'a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each offense. , :1; G. Return of borrowed materials; fine. Every person, parent or guardian of a child under the age of seventeen (17) years who shall take or borrow from the Sanger Public Library any book, pamphlet, periodical, paper or other property and neglect, refuse or fail to return the same within two (2) weeks after the date of mailing a notice by certified mail with return receipt requested to his or her address noted on the current library card shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense, plus all fines normally assessed by the library for each day's violation of its rules. H. Defacing of library materials, fine. Every person, parent or guardian of a child under the age of seventeen (17) years who shall willfully or wantonly cut, mutilate, mark, tear, write upon, deface or otherwise destroy or injure in whole or in part, any boolc, pamphlet, periodical, map or document-, picture, or written or engraved or printed paper or any other library property belonging to the city of The Sanger Public Library, or shall.suffer any such injury to be inflicted while such property is in his custody, or shall willfully or wantonly injure any of the :furniture or property in.the building of The Sanger Public Library, or shall will- fully or wantonly marls or deface or in any way injure The Sanger Public Library or any part thereof, or any fixtures therein or appurtenances thereto, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense. I. Penalties That any person, parent or guardian of a child under the age of seventeen (17) years who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the penalties as provided for herein, and where the amount of the penalty is not speci- fically provided for herein, any person guilty of violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense. SECTTON�.II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith arIn, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of the Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this,Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconsti- tutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordi- nance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase► clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after• • its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides* a v PASSED AND APPROVED this day of '0►�,��o by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. APPROVED: Mayor / ATTEST: City Secretary SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD 3/24/89 NAM E ED MILLER CHAIRPERSON 4/6/89 MARGEHENRY 458-7529 SECRETARY/TREASURER 4/6/89 700 N. 2ND SANGER,TX 200 N. CAROLYN DR. SANGER,TX 2 YEARS LESLIE BROWNING 458-3040 S 13 PEACH 2 YEARS VICE -CHAIRPERSON SANGER,TX 4/6/89 RUTH MARSHALL 458-7535 RT.2,BOX 20 ALTERNATE SANGER,TX FLOYD GIDEON 458-3813 RT, 2 1 YEAR SANGER,TX DAVE FELLERS 458-3393 P. O. BOX 54 1 YEAR SANGER,TX ROSE REHM 458-5376 1100 AUSTIN, APT, 3 ALTERNATE SANGER,TX CITY OF SANC;E(iI 'TEXAS ORD I NAlVCE NO. �kC►6-E3'�3 AN OR17I NANCE ESTAi:tL I SH I N(� A SULL I VAN SENIOR CENTS R DOARD, FROVIDING FOR MEMBERS APPOINTMENT, TERM OF OFFICE, QUALIFICATIONS FOR AND REMOVAL OF MEMBERS, DEFINING THE ROWERS AND DUTIES OF SAID BOARD, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ANY ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, A SEVERAII I L I T Y CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NE I T ORUA I NEI) NY "THE C T'('Y COUNCIL C)F '('HE C I T'Y OF SANGE R, '(EXAS : c�"ECTIC)N I A. CREAT I UN AND Ak='FAO I NTMENT OF E+OARll, GlUAL I F I CAT I ONS OF h1EML-"+ERS AND TERMS OF C)FFICE i1> There is hereby created � SU1livan Senior Cer►ter Hoard tCo be cornpcsed c:�f a Chairperson, four (mil) regular members and two (2) alternate rnernbers, nominated by participating members at the Sullivan Senior Center and confirmed by majority vote cof the City Council. t2> Membership of the Sullivan Senior Center Hoard shalI be limited tCo participants at the Sullivan Senior Center. Board members shall be norn i rtat ed by secret ballot at a time and place most convenient to the majority of Senior Center participants. Due notice of 72 hours prior to the actual norninations should normally be given. (3) Upon confirmation by majority vote of the City Council, the Sullivan Senior Center Board shall select frorn it's regular members, a Chairperson. Each regular board member shill have Cone vote, alternates may vote only in the absence of a req U 1 ar board member. (4) Initial terms of office for Members of the Sullivan Senior Center Board shall be determined by lottery with two members serving two (2) ,year terms and three members serving cane (1) year terms. Every term thereafter shall be one year for all members. Alternates will serve Cone year t errns. (5) Any member of the Bc►ard may be removed by rnajority vote of the City Cour►c11 upor► recommendation for just cause by a majority vote of the Sullivan Senior Center Board. (6) Replacements to the Sullivan Senior Center Board will be selected by the same procedures as established in Section 1, (2) & (3). Rep Iacernent board members shall serve the remainder of the term to which they were confirmed. B. Powers and Duties of the Sullivan Senior Center Board (1) The Sullivan Senior Center Board shall serve the City of Sanger as both a consulting and advisory and a supervisory body making rectommendation for the operation, promotion, planning, fund-raising and ether such appropriate and reasonable activities as may be referred to it by the City Council or promulgated from its own members. (B) i'he annual budget for the operation of the Sullivan Senior Center shall be prepared by the City Manager and revised and approved by the City Council. This will not include funds raised by private donation or fund-raising efforts directly undertaken by members of the Sullivan Senior Center. SECT I ON I I All Ordir►ar►ces•�r parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent c►f such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION IIT :[t i 5 the ir►i:er►•t of the City Cour►ci 1 that the sect ions, paragraphs, sentences, Clauses and phrases of •the Ordir►ar►ce are severable arid, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of the Ordinance shall be declared unconst i t Lit i cona I by t he valid j ud grner►t or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, Clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION IV This Drdirpance will take effect irnrnediately F-Ulm and after its passage. F�ASSED AND APPROVED this _�U day of ^! , 1'38S, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. AFFF20VEll: Nel Arrnstrany, ht�yc�r Al'TES'T Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary Syr �,�- rL Vol. 61 No. 3 Commercial Drivers Face New Laws Srate legislators recently revised commercial driver license laws in order to comply with the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986. For the first time, operators of certain municipally -owned vehicles will be required to have a commercial driver license, and local governments must monitor their driving records. The act covers all urban transit, over -the -road and school bus opera- tors as well as truck and utility vehicles. Under these new revisions, drivers of trucks and other heavy equipment weighing 26,001 pounds or more must obtain a com- mercial driver license. After April 1, 1992, it will be illegal for commercial motor vehi- e operators to have a driver licence from more than one state. Officials will set up a clearinghouse in New York to aid states in implementing the one -license requirement. The clearinghouse will also help record the issuance of commercial driver licenses. Traffic Violations Commercial drivers in Texas will also face tougher rules regarding traffic viola- tions and DXXII convictions. Among other requirements, House Bill 1935 gives local government officials the authority to use traffic convictions from other states to sus- pend the license of a commercial driver. It also adopts federal criteria for disqualifica- tion of commercial motor vehicle operators as follows: 1. Those operating a commercial motor vehicle with any measurable or detectable amount of alcohol in their system face a 24-hour disqualification (suspension of license). Rural Technical Assistance Program Z. Those with two convictions of serious traffic violations in a three-year period may be disqualified from driving for 60 days. 3. Those with three convictions of serious traffic violations in a three-year period may be disqualified for 120 days. 4. Those who drive while intoxicated, refuse to submit to blood alcohol content test- ing, leave the scene of an accident, drive while on drugs, or use a commercial vehicle to commit a felony can be disqualified for one year. 5. Those convicted of a violation listed in number four while transporting hazard- ous materials may be disqualified for three years. 6. Those committing subsequent violations listed in number four may face a lifetime disqualification. 7. Those who use a commercial vehicle dur- ing a felony involving a controlled sub- stance may also be disqualified for life. License Requirements The bill requires that all commercial drivers pass tests and obtain a commercial driver license prior to April 1, 1992. Testing began this year on April 1. All commercial drivers must take a )written test, but you do not have to take a road test if you are currently licensed and can certify that during the two-year period immediately prior to apply- ing for a commercial driver license you: 1. Have not had more than one license. 2. Nave not had any license suspended, revoked or canceled. 3. Have not had any convictions for any type of motor vehicle for the following offenses: driving while intoxicated; driv- ing while under the influence of drugs; failure to stop and render aid; a felony Summer 1990 involving the use of a commercial motor vehicle; a felony involving use of a com- mercial motor vehicle involving manufac- turing, distributing or dispensing drugs; any serious traffic violations; or a viola- tion of state or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control arising in connec- tion with any traffic accident in which you are at fault. 4. Are regularly employed in a job requiring the operation of a commercial vehicle and have previously taken and passed the test in another state, or have oper- ated a similar commercial motor vehicle for the last two years. Impact According to a synopsis of the new commer- cial driver license program issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas has about 1.4 million Class A and B driver license holders. (Those driving commercial vehicles weighing 26,001 pounds or more.) About 17 percent of these do not have a commercial driver license, but will have to obtain one under the new law. The Department of Public Safety is planning to license 962,000 commercial drivers before the April deadline. The commercial driver license fee is $40. John Cowan, head of the DPS commer- cial driver license program, says the Texas Legislature adopted the minimum standards of the federal law. Some have contended that the commercial driver license test is long and difficult and will require con- siderable study, especially for those who do not already have a commercial license. If drivers fail the written test, however, they can retake it. The Department of Public Safety provides a free handbook to help with the test. TEES' Federal Highway Administration *Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Technology Resource Center * Texas Engineering Extension Service * The Texas A&M University System ����T��� June 20, 199u � � �`� 2 7 1990 Real Estate Division SUBJECT: Pro osed Marina site, C! � Y OF SANGER P Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, Ray Roberts Lake, Texas Ajr. ail ke kierri ng Texas Parks � Wildlife Department 4200 Smith School Road Austin, Texas 78744 Dear t+lr. Herring: We have learned through a newspaper article that the Texas Parks � Wildlife Department {TPWD) has issued a proposal for construction of a marina at the Pond Creek Access site at Ray Roberts Lake. To date, we have not issued a lease nor discussed a specific site with your department concerning this endeavor. Also, we have not consummated the lease agreement with the cities of Daiias and Denton. nor has TPWD executed a contract with the cities to manage their recreation areas. We have also not reviewed or approved the concept and proposal you have issued for the marina. in addition, we also plan an being involved in the review process and final selection of the ultimate marina operator. Although the marina Tease cannot be awarded at this time, we can continue forward in the review and selection process. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Larry Huli at�817-334-4U43, as he will coordinate the review and selection process with your office.. Copy Furnished: i�r. Michael E. Tubbs Director of Dallas Water City Nall Dallas, Texas 75201 Mr. R. E. Me] son Director of Utilities City of Denton 215 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas 76201 CESWF-OD CESWF-UD-LE .. _ . ,. , Utilities Sincerely, James P. Cain Chief, Real Estate Division �� .we► . ..