08/20/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY OF SANGER AGENDA AUGUST 20, 1990 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7;00 P.M. 1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to Flag 2. Minutes 3. Disbursements . Citizen's Input 5. Consider and Possible Actiun On Proposed Land Exchange with John Anderson & Ronnie Jones G. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Resolution Authorizing Participation Participation with the Upper Regional Water District For Municipal Water Supply City Administration Report Any Other Such Matters Executive Session Pursuant to V. A. T. S. Article 6252-17(g)- Personnel 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executative Session - Personnel 11. Adjournment 12. Budget Workshop, FY 90/91 Rosalie Garcia City Secretary 4IINUTE : CITY COUNCIL MEETINU AUGUST B, 1000 MEMBERS PRESENT; Mayor Nei Armstrong, Councilman Margie Braxton, Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman Wendell Thomas, and Councilman McNeill ��lEMI3ER ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenki Ans t�THERS ?RESENT. City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Carcia, John Anderson and Chuck and Liana Renz 1. Mayor Armstrong call meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. Honoring the, Service to the. Community of Dr. Clyde Chapman Nlotiori was made lay Councilman McDaniel and second$ L,y Councilman McNeill to approve Resolution #R5-00 Honoring the Services of Dr. Clyde Chapman to our City. �. Minutes; Approved with one correction -Pale 7(k�) t.o insert the location which was Austin Street. �a Dis��urseiiieiit.s: Mot.ic�n was n7ade lay Councilman McDaniel and see_}�x�sii kay Councilan Thomas t.o approve disks�_�rserrients for payrrrent. Motion carried. Cit.izela's Input: bone 0, Dana & Chuck fieziz Re�ttest t.o Speak to the City Council Reardin t.l�e Mealife Youth Center and Youth Rally at. City Park. Mr. Chuck Renz asked City council for permission to use the City Fark ors August ��th for a Christian Youth Rally. Motion was made Couricilmari Thomas and seconded. by Councilman OcNeill to allow the Me alife Youth Center to hold a Youth Pally at the City Park. Motion Carried. 7. Olohn AnAlersorI Rec hest. to 011eak t.o the City Council Pe ardln the City Property on Acker Street. Mr. John Anderson addressed Council concerning a proposal foil and equal land exchange with the City frontage property on Acker Street at the City Water Storage Facility. Council t.al�lecl this itet� to allow staff time to study the water Line locations on this property. Establishing Fees for w Installation of Drainage Motion was rria�.le by Couneilmar� Mcl�eill to adapt Resolutic�ri #P6-90 establishing fees for the installation of drainage culverts, Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. Council air _ a .l to make this effective as of today and ttzose tllat Have already requested the culvert and are on the list, to be done. at the old price. Consider• and Possible Action Reardin Appointing City Health Officer Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to appoint Dri. Hittle as City Health Officer for the 1J9t1-191, until the City's newt hudet year. Seconded by Councilman McDaniel. Motion rried. City Manager advised Council that Mr. Bird from the Hiliway Departrner�t rid stated that there would oily be nrze yield siri for the access road for the west lane of the northbound aces. City Manager also stated that another question asked frorYa CounC11 was, "Is there a State Law concerning control of vehicles exiting off from and Interstate Highway and turning across a street?" )oth expressed that the state law concerning obeying a traffic lontrol device could and should be enforced and this location to )revent exiting freeway traffic from turning onto H ughes Street Co�tnc�il had also asked t.17e City Nlanaer to inquire as to whether the City Council could put a sign, reminding people of this state law, The:itylaner} stated that t.Yae City �n place a sign on Hugh Str . t with the wording "No Entry from Int. 35". Discussion. Council instructed staff to or°der the sirs and t.o erect them as soon as the access road becomes a one way, Suns to be place a Sanger South - Southside Street and Hughes Street. Council also wanted the Highway Dept. to be contacted to see if they could erect a sign that could read "No U-Turn" off the exits. Police Chief Erwin was asked to instruct police department to conduct. a survey as to how many people disobey the traffic sign once it is erected. i, �it.y Adr��inistration Report City l��ariaerreported orl the following iterr�s: 1. He will be attending TRAIL Policy briefirr� irr Artstirr Aura�st t_ i7 ors Federal Relations to l,etter �xr�derstand fer_leral issues facing local governments. FIF Acker concrete curb and gutter. Acker Street will be monitored foil repairable pot. hales. 4. City Nlaria.er also smat.ed that, at the neAt, City Council meet.in he will present. a Resolution of participation and contract for approval with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District, wee&eaters depending on the cost, Consensus of City Council for City Manager to proceed with �. City l�rlanaer aiso informed City Council on the memorandum Fire Chief Tucker regarding the fire department's request to use Grumman Fire Truck in rural areas. Short discussion �!�i d 15.��4�urrlldlent t1-i l hud et Vrkshap t�v" inued4 _. r ,l , isIT IT TV ,_ IT l i i IT ! li-.€i 3r. t['j#+3 f # i i _i.-_ e",�I_..! ,._•+.. �t n ; ....., I IT TT 1 IT T _ IT. TT 14 f IT --.11,T— .— TTF I.,... 1 r _' .�E... .— Ei, _ ... ... IT yy.,..ITT .�.: m TnT.. f I�l,f! # E L{ F #, , �E_. t_-. _srif-_.-i' (_.#!��'IFn if i;f `_ •� _, .. I it t.too t rl.. r-J : I Iy .i i. ....i + �i _ :. f �j r�'If +to L ..I I I , � (A„ of to of E fowl I t to Fl . at -.. a ! 1 to •._ �r_!t_!�i i 7 t � � Ij { 1.: '. �v t L � t.✓�_f _€ i,.l._ �a'f is , ., .._..E_ i_ .r .I. .. ��. .. o. , .:. . .,..: tt '.!.E:t1L. t.. :il to r...., . ._'' .,. or .... . LJt1 ro. i:.." toot `! _go- .. t Ifus 000 ;Io ..__. fools i_) { i ({ .. 'i..j < .,,£�',} IV to 04 It i_: rat: t:.'v .zoo., • '.i F'11 tt? ' f to ... kr..: ::i"�`..>>.�•.J •_•�•.E ;.. .._-. :.ie ?._. E: E:�,i is Sk. '...i�l �_I `s'� s t_i'•.:F a�f E iL _ It _._..'!.';� , i jI- t .3 _!f'F' 2 It tI It i lk':-,.L :(t-j11 . 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E ,,; c,. - t f { t t it.441 , ... _. tl •� " it I La ft} CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #592 T0: Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manage DATE: August 17, 1990 SUBJECT: Proposed Land Exchange with John Anderson and Ronnie Jones - Acker Street As you know, the water service line from the Acker Street Well has been located. If the land exchange is made, the service line would be located within a 32 ft. road easement at the north end of the property. Mr. John Anderson has been contacted and is planning to be present Monday evening. t1onsulting Gity Attorney Ron Neiman has been contacted concerning this proposal. If the City Attorney concludes that there is no legal reason to preclude the exchange, it would seem that the items for negotiation with the property owners would be any costs involved in the exchange, i. e., survey, title, filing fees. The material from Mr. Anderson's initial request an August 6th is eAclosed for your review. JH:es enclosure Po Oo BOX 578 T�: Honor°a�a1e ��ayc�r � �rleY��k�e�s of t.Y�e City Coun��il F fiCi : joni1 Hamilton, City Ivianage DATE: August 17, 1990 Upperthe TrinityRegional Water District participationof Sanger's Beginning in mid�year 1993, we can 11 1 A gallons daily gallonsin increments of 1,000 - from 'r - ■ . This, combined with our current 750,000 gallon per y Roberts. adequateshould ensure If ya�.i l,aue any c�uest.ior�s or eoneerns, Tease let me know. JH.es ��t.tachtnents CITY OF NANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION N0. R7-9� A Resolution of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, Authorizing Participation with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District For a Municipal Water Supply. WHEREAS, a constant, safe and adequate supply of water is essential to the life, growth and health of every community and its citizens; and WHEREAS, the completion of Lake Ray Roberts has presented the City of Sanger with an opportunity to ensure an adequate water supply for its citizens for years to come; and WHEREAS, the Texas State Legislature has created by law the Upper Trinity Regional Water District in order to provide Denton County with adequate water for generations; THEREFORE BE IT NOW RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas: That the City of Sanger will contract with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District to provide up to one million gallons of treated water daily beginning in 1993. to ensure the health, safety and continued growth of our community. RESOLVED and PASSED this Day of August, 1990. Nel Armstrong Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia City Secretary ,G\ONq� UPPER TRINITY Regional Water District July 12, 1990 Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: Over the last several months, the City of Sanger and the District have been developing plans for a regional water supply system. On May 4, 1990, I forwarded you a draft contract for review and comment. Several comments and recommendations were received, and the contract has been revised. On July 5, 1990, the Board of Directors of the District accepted the revised form of contract and authorized me to forward it to the City of Sanger for final approval and execution. Enclosed is a copy of the proposed contract signed by the District's legal counsel approving it as to form and legality. Also enclosed are ten original signature pages for execution by the City of Sanger. Please execute all ten pages and return all signature pages to the District (no need to return the whole contract). After determining that sufficient parties have executed the contract to assure project feasibility, the District will execute the contract. We will then assemble all signature pages and return an original signed copy to you for your files. Also, I am enclosing two copies of the recently completed (June 1990) Supplement to the November 1989 Engineering Feasibility Report. Some of the entities requested a synopsis of the contract, so I developed the enclosed 2-page summary. In addition, I am enclosing a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors on July 5. The resolution reflects the policy of the Board to implement the project when sufficient parties have executed the contract to assure project feasibility. Also, the Board requests that the governing body of the City of Sanger notify the District within 2 months of its approval or non approval of the contract. P.O. Drawer 305 •Lewisville, Texas 75067 • 214-219-1228 UPPER TRINITY Regional Water District If the District can provide further information or assistance, please let us know. The Board Members and I will be pleased to meet with you and assist the governing body in considering this very strategic proposal. Please advise us by September 15 as to approval of the contract and return the 10 original signature pages together with a copy of the resolution of the governing body concerning its action on the contract. Si cer ly, Xomas?7, Taylor General Manager Enclosures: (1) Proposed Contract (2) Ten Original Signature (3) June 1990 Supplement to Engineering Feasibility (4) Summary of contract (5) Resolution a Pges the November 1989 Report (2 copies) UPPER TRINITY Regional Water District SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CONTRACT FOR REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Contract provides for construction and operation of a regional surface water supply system and for treatment and delivery of drinking water on a wholesale basis to each entity by the summer of 1993. The key elements of the contract are: * 30-year term * Water treatment plant to be constructed jointly with City of Denton and located near Ray Roberts Lake. * Transmission system to be constructed or contracted for to enable the District to deliver water to contracting entities. * Cost of the system to be shared by all customers on a pro rata basis. Service will be provided "at cost". * Cost will be collected in two parts: (1) Debt service and other fixed costs according to peak day capacity requested and (2) variable costs according to actual gallons delivered each month. * Cost of the system to be financed by contract revenue bonds, secured by contracts with each customer. * Negotiations are underway for the state of Texas to participate in approximately $10 million of the cost of the project with repayment deferred for up to 10 years. * Each governmental agency to appoint a representative to the Board of Directors. * Right of review, comment, and objection concerning the budgets of the District. * Collectively, all contracting parties pledge to cover all costs of the water system. No commitment to pay costs of other projects of the District. * Facilities to be expanded as required over life of contract to meet each entity's needs. * Each entity to keep its master plans up to date and to keep District informed as to water supply needs. * Payments to District for water are an 0&M expense of the customer entity. * Capacity requested (minimum amount) can be adjusted in future years with approval of District and customer. * Can not sell water to other entities for resale without prior approval of District. * Not exclusive. Customer can buy water from others or use its existing supplies as it sees fit. * Each entity to provide tank to receive the water. * Cooperation on Water Conservation and Drought Contingency. * Policy to minimize installation of new septic tanks and to improve function of existing ones. * Cooperative program to prevent pollution and to encourage programs for wastewater control. U PPE R TRINITY Regional Water District * A pledge to maintain local water levels to assure ability to meet contract. * Policy to encourage joint use obl and igations under sewer rates at of customer compensate any entity who agrees to such facilities. * The contract may be approved parties do not participate in determination that sufficient assure feasibility. sufficient this oint use of facilities and to j by the District even if all the project --after a specific parties are participating to UPPER TRINITY Regional Water District June 20, 1990 Ms. Nel Armstrong, Mayor City of Sanger 216 Diane Drive Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: NOTICE CONCERNING RIGHTS OF YOUR CITY UNDER H.B.3112 ADOPTED BY TEXAS LEGISLATURE JUNE 1989. You have a one-time opportunity to participate with neighboring communities as a Charter Member of a new regional utility agency. The Upper Trinity Regional Water District was created in 1989 by Act of the Legislature. The District will provide wholesale water, wastewater and solid waste services to member entities, whose incorporated limits are wholly or partially in Denton County. H. Be 3112 established the District and provided for a 2-year period, during which each eligible entity can decide whether to join the District. That 2-year period ends on June 16, 1991. H. B. 3112 includes some favorable provisions that membership in the District very attractive and effective. * Cost for Contract Membership is limited to 50 cents per capita per year. * Provides membership options. * The District is a subdivision of the State but has no tax powers. * Can create subdistricts for retail service. * Provides wholesale service only; retail service remains a local responsibility. * Enables the District to obtain water supplies, treat and deliver drinking water, treat wastewater, manage cooperative solid waste programs, and assist with drainage control. * Participation in the District is voluntary. make P.O. Drawer 305 •Lewisville, Texas 75067 • 214-219-1228 UPPER TRINITY Regional Water District * Members retain the right to obtain service from others. * Each member can appoint its own representative to the Board of Directors. A critically important feature of the legislation is the provision for Contract Membership at nominal cost, securing a 10- year option on services of the District. Six cities have already entered into membership contracts with the District. Several others have contracts under negotiation. By June 1991, when the organizational period ends, the District is expected to have 15 to 20 member cities. Enclosed is an overview of the regional program and its current status. Please review this material carefully. Assuring adequate and reliable utility services for your city is a critical and strategic issue for the future. The decision to Join or not to Join the District needs to be made soon. To assure that a contract can be approved and executed prior to June 1991, discussions need to start immediately. Please contact me if I can provide further information. Sincerely. Au tin D. Board of AA/Jw Adams, President Directors Enclosure: Overview of the Regional Program c: City Manager/City Secretary Council Members �; UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION N0. 90-6 WHEREAS the Board of Directors on March 1, 1990, determined the proposed regional water system to be "both needed and feasible"; and WHEREAS the Board instructed the manager to negotiate contracts with entities desiring to participate in the system; and WHEREAS the Board is now prepared to offer contracts to those entities desiring to participate in the system; and WHEREA5 the proposed form of contract provides for joint execution by multiple parties: and WHEREAS the Board intends to proceed with the project upon approval of the contract by a sufficient number of entities to maintain feasibility: and WHEREAS requirements of the parties indicate the project needs to be started soon to assure deliverability of treated water by summer of 1993. NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT: SECTION 1. That the Board hereby expresses its intention to proceed with the regional water supply system on a timely basis and requests that each party considering participation in the project notify the District within 2 months from the drovalhof contracts are tendered as to their approval or non app the contract. SECTION 2. That the Board reserves the right to exicutsystem contracts and to proceed with the regional water supp y whether or not all proposed participants approve the contract after making a determination that a sufficient number of entities are participating to ensure feasibility. SECTION 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED this the 5th day of July, 1990. President ATTEST: s M► Administrator'sJohn Hamilton, City Manager )ATE* August 17, 1990 3UBJECT,+ City 1« Z'he Beat�tifie�tior! ��`i�Trli'Yl�tt'-� lYl i�il. �'ff�rt t.�# C��?t.�'i"�liitlP �:f�1'�1�Ylttilit�' interest, will be sending a survey form regarding recycling to all 2,71.R of our customers. controls replaced at a cost of $3,008.00. We have also recently replaced all controls in the upper lift station on Old 77 at the church for a cost of $650.00. Hopefully this will mean that our lift stations are now in good operating order, � x stalled EAS process, He ac. emphasized his opinion that Centel had made a good offer to Sanger, I told him we needed to continue discussion and work on the EAS. He stated he would have to think about any options and that I could recontact �. if l�ouncil ��elie�ges tY�at the proposed bt�d�et for F� 90/91 Utility BL ILL8 mill retain funds for participation in the V Un program, staff could contact the school for a student worker beginning in September as there are funds available in Temporary Salaries for the program for the remainder of FY 89/90's budget+ T0: JOHN HAMILTON CITY FROM: BENNY ERWIN CHIEF DATE: 8-8-90 SUBJECT: SIGN CONTROL C�I �Y MANAGER [ SANGER EXIT ] The State Engineering Department advised they will take control of the exit after the construction has been completed, he said the State will mark the Service Rd. and if anyone makes a right hand turn off the exit they will violate the law, Wrong Way On One Way. I asked the Engineering Depai be marked after the construction w� inside lane going north would have bound traffic to the outside lane would have the inside lane clear. out the State. � $�"Wp +� Doi .� •tment how the exit ramp would is completed and he advised the yellow markings to move north so the traffic taking the exit This will be standard through - it A. 11 M • rOX 578 TC): Honorable �Iayc�r & Ivle�nbers of the City Council FEOM4 John Hamilton, City Manager DATE. August 17, 1990 tf13JECTt E�.ecutive �:ssion Pursuant to �,A+T.. Article 9?5-17(� Personnel This executive session. is to discuss the proposed 3�. m.erit increase anci to set the salar ,y for the City Manager. No action will have to be announced unless you so desire. It can be covered at the budget adoption process on September 4, 1990. JH: ► #� ;. 78 kNGER,TEXAS ��i.�'1t�RA�3DC.7I�,`l #594 FO# Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FR0M John Hamilton, City Mana e )ATE: Attg rest. 19, 1999 5t1BJECT: 2nd Budget workshop The departments to be discussed Monday evening are: Fire Sullivan Senior Center Library Vehicle Maintenance Public Works Administration Parks 19, anitation Vater wastewater Collection astewater• Treatment if Council has any changes to make in the draft budget this would be the appropriate time to discuss them. Anticipating no tax increase, or none: in excess of 2.9%, a public hearing will be held on September 4, 1990, to consider the budget and all appropriate ordinances covering the budget would be placed as individual agenda items for your consideration. At this time, the ordinances would be to adopt the FY 90/91 Budget, wastewater rates, water rates, electric rates, TARS retirement and sanitation rates. ELECTRIC M FJ ACC.T4 # NAME 89/90 90f91 Personnel 401 o 08 Regular Salaries 131,136 1353595 402408 Overtime 35500 2,500 404, CIO Social Security 103076 10,565 405.08 Retirement 45328 5,995 406.08 Health Insurance 7,812 %125 407.08 Worker's Compensation 2,400 31400 408. 08 T. & C, 725 275 Sub -total 1593977 167,455 Services & Supplies 411*08 Off ice Supplies 300 300 412.08 Minor Tools 2,100 21100 413.08 Food 200 300 414.08 Motor Vehicle Fuel 3,250 33910 416, 08 Wearing Apparel 900 900 417.08 Postage 200 200 418.08 Safety Equipment 2,250 15250 419408 R & M Vehicle 3,250 3,150 427408 Transformers 10,000 9,C100 428.08 Substation Breakers 4,000 15C100 430.08 Maps & Subscriptions 800 C1 432608 Meter Maintenance 3,100 3,100 434.08 Electric Utility 2,500 13900 437.08 Equipment Rental 1,250 500 439.08 Dues & Registration 13500 2,100 440408 Travel Expense 11200 1,500 441 o 08 Power Purchase 1)150,000 1,221,000 44108 Other Operating Supplies 500 500 447, 08 Contractual Services 2,000 21800 453408 Economic Development. 31000 31250 454.08 Hazardous Waste Disposal 0 4,000 455.08 Pagers 655 460.08 Franchise Fee 0 57,900 Sub4otal 1,192,300 11321,315 COi 471 * 08 Motor Vehicles %900 7,500 472.0€1 Other Improvements 75,000 88,000 Subtotal 79,900 95,500 Total 134323177 1,5843270 Interest Payments 90/91 11/15 to 1973 $ 2,203,13 1976 5,306, 25 1977 51122* 50 1982 19,456.25 1985 38,280.00 $70,368.13 5/15 Interest a ices 1973 $ 2,203.13 $ 35,QQQ 976 5,306.25 10,000 1977 5,122.50 203000 1992 19,456.25 25,000 1985 38,290, 00 154000 $70,368,13 $105,000 $175,368 Available Fund 11/15 - $175,000 Available Funds 5/15 - $235,954 Balance 5/ 16 - A�e&� F/)� 0 e e n 8A/Denton Record-Chronicle/Sunday, August 12, 1990 Alvord closes city landfill; contracts with private ,�rm By Elaine Schad Correspondent Alvord—The city of Alvord is getting out of the garbage business by Sept.1, deciding to close its landfill and contract for services with a private company. The City Council this week awarded a contract to Texas Waste Management of Lewisville to provide garbage collection service for the city beginning Sept.1. City of- ficials hope to discontinue use of the city's landfill by Sept. 15, said city officials. Alvord has decided to close its landfill, which also has been used by Wise County, use of more stringent statewide environmental regulations due to take effect soon, officials said. Included in those regulations is the requirement that any landfill closed after the new restric- tions take affect must be monitored for 30 years instead of five years, a restriction that could prove costly to most small citiesofficials said. Alvord residents will pay a monthly fee of $5.40 for gar- bage collection once a week, a 90-centincrease• MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY JULY 1990 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: Although the library has been very busy, operations have one very smoothly because of the extra staff. New books are processed, old ones discarded, and cataloging of Junior Fiction is progressing, in spite of the extra activity because of the Summer Reading Club and the Summer programs. ADMINISTRATION: Meetings attended: Denton County Library Advisory Board, 7/19, Denton Trained new staff members to use the Quick Card program. COLLECTION: A collection of audio cassette tapes was begun with the donation of one self-improvement tape and five fiction tapes, including titles by Steven King and Tom Clancy. PROGRAMS: The Preschool Story Time theme for July was Fairy Tales. Piq and wolf masks were made, gingerbread cookies were decorated, and a puppet show Rapunzel was presented. The Texas Summer Readinq Club theme, "The Secret Code Is R.E.A.D", is being used for story time for older kids. Observation and quessinq games were played, invisible ink created secret messages, other messages were decoded, and treasures were hunted. JULY STATISTICS Jul 89 Jul 90 BORROWER CARDS: Last month 1,222 1,432 New cards 44 33 Cards withdrawn 0 4 TOTAL 11266 11461 CIRCULATION: Adult nonfiction 169 181 Adult fiction 92 115 Junior fiction 101 107 Child's nonfiction 162 216 Child's fiction 524 382 Paperback fiction 246 353 Magazines 9 35 Crystal 1 2 Videos 161 158 Cassette players 7 6 TOTAL 11472 1,555 PATRON VISITS: 554 539 (getting books) 418 445 PROGRAMS: Number of proqrams 8 7 Total attendance 172 78 VOLUNTEERS: Number of adults 4 0 Number of juniors 3 2 Total hours 18 6 COLLECTION: Last month 10,697 10,408 Books added 25 110 Books withdrawn 52 91 TOTAL 10,670 10,427 REVENUE: Overdue fines $48.05 $45.90 ILL postage 0.89 0.80 Book sale 115.00 Lost materials 7.20 Donations 0.80 Miscellaneous 0.20 TOTAL $56.34 $162.50 Trickle down theory helps Sanger library Trickle down economics has hit Sanger. Last yveek when the Sanger Police Department was able to purchase two computers and two printers with funds seized in illegal - drugs cases, they developed a surplus of typewriters. Bright and early Friday morning, July 6, Sanger city librarian Vickie Elieson was knocking on Chief Benny Erwin's door. She didn't have room for both' of the typewriters but was more than happy to find a home at he library for one of them. She plans to make the machine available to library patrons as well as for library stair' use. Ms. Elleson has been overseeing a number of summer programs at the library aimed primarily at young readers. Every Tuesday morning the library has summer activities for the preschoolers and on Wednesdays the activities are for the six to ten year -old kids. Activity on both days begins. at 10 a.m. Also ongoing is the Reading club for school age youngsters as well as preschoolers. Participants can sign up for reading as well as for weekly drawings for McDonald's coupons. The preschoolers are in the "read to me" portion of the Reading Club. Vickie, who is working towards her masters degree in library science, is enthusiastic about recent improvements at the library and about the pending arrival of, ;iew ��i+.�acu�l�,i�„kia��t>�►..�uuWraxtl�:,��s:f,t,J�iraryp :4r. System. Sanger's library should soon be receiving a combination video tape player/television. Other equipment at the library through the MILS includes a computer and printer, a projector and a VCR. It is through the system that the local library can provide Inter -Library Loans, searching for and providing books located elsewhere in the system. During a recent tour of the library, she displayed some of the periodicals an reference material now set up in a quiet area for research and study purposes. She said that currently the library has only .about six subscriptions to popular magazines but would welcome donated subscriptions. A few library visitors bring their fairly new periodicals to donate to the library and, she said, more would be welcome. One of the library volunteers has recently sorted and labeled back Issues of the Sanger Courier and culled duplicate copies which are available for a new home. AMOOON1 August 77 1990 John Hamilton City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear John: DENCO AREA 9=1-1 DISTRICT 1660 STEMMONS FREEWAY SUITE 295 LEWISVILLE, TEXAS 75067 (214) 221-0911 199� S A�y�,ER On Saturday, August 18, 1990, the Denco Area 9-1-1 District will celebrate the inauguration of Enhanced 9-14 service to the 265 thousand people living within the boundaries of the District. The Board of Managers and Staff of the 9-1-1 District are honored to invite you to join is in this special event. Planned activities include a morning reception beginning at 9:30 a.m., a brief opening ceremony at 10*00 a.m., and a ceremonial application of the 9-14 logo to various communities' emergency vehicles. An agenda is enclosed. Your RSVP response for the opening ceremony will be appreciated. Sincerely, 00 Bill Munn Executive Director Enclosure Austin, Texas 7II701 Garry tJfauro, Texas Land Comrni::sioner August 6, 1990- The Honorable Nel Armstrong Mayor City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266-0578 Dear Mayor Armstrong: On August 23 the Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB) is hosting an nformational semi inar in Gainesville for Texas veterans. I am writing to request your help in spreading the word to veterans in your area. The seminar will take place at the Gainesville Civic Center, at 6:00 p.m. I have taken the liberty of enclosing flyers advertising this event and would appreciate your assistance. If you should require further information please contact Felix Arambula, VLB Assistant Land Commissioner for Governmental Affairs, at (512) 463-5062. Thank you for your help and I look forward to seeing you in Gainesville. Sincere y, Garry Mauro Chai an Texas Veterans Land Board GM:TR:slc Enclosures $ot *Luu AVaiiaale i Q, c.ni i Texas Veterans ProgramTexas Veterans Loan Programs Texas Veterans Land 1 0 at 8.75% Texas Veterans Housing Program - $20,000 at 8.5% Texas Veterans Home Improvement Program - $17,500 at 10.5% (plus .5% for PHA insurance) The Texas Veterans Land Board Sponsors a Free Texas Veterans Seminar &Exhibit Thursday, August 23,1990 6:00 p.m. Gainesville Civic Center —Activity Room 311 South Weaver (South Weaver and Fair Park Blvd.) Gainesville, Texas For more information, please call toll free 1-800-252-VETS n Warren E. Burger Chairman Frederick K. Biebel Lindy Boggs Herbert Brownell Lynne V. Cheney Philip M. Crane Dennis DeConcini William 1. Green Mark O. Hatfield Edward Victor Hill Cornelia G. Kennedy Edward M. Kennedy Harry McKinley Lightsey, Jr. Betty Southard Murphy Thomas H. O'Connor Phyllis Schlafly Bernard H. Siegan Obert C. Tanner Strom Thurmond :Iris. i'rlI7�Ir`.ul al, 10,0;lF Ir'�, II�.u�ii�,(ihi�I 808 17th Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20006-3999 (202) USA4787 / FAX (202) 653-5219 TDD (202) 653-7471 July, 1990 Dear Colleague: The Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution announces the fall deadline for the 1990-91 College -Community Forums Grant Program. Applications must be postmarked no later than October 31, 1990. Funding decisions will be announced in February, 1991. Thus, proposals submitted must be for programs that begin after March 1, 1991. Grants may now be made to institutions of higher learning or to private non-profit organizations and state and local public agencies. To be eligible for funding, community organizations and colleges or universities must work together in the planning and presentation of the program. The goal of the College -Community Forums Program is to engage college faculty, community leaders and citizens in public discussion of constitutional issues. The Commission especially encourages programs that focus on the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments during 1991. The particular topics of local forums should reflect the interests of the communities. Ronald H. Walker Charles E. Wiggins To receive the guidelines, instructions and necessary application forms, please call the Education Division Charles Alan Wright at (202) 653-7469, or write to the College -Community Herbert M. Atherton Forums Program at the Commission at the address above. Staff Director The Commission staff is able to give technical assistance in writing the proposals and completing the forms, though your grants/development office should be able to help also. If you have questions or require additional information, please feel free to phone me or Nola Kotter, Forums Program Officer, at the above number. Sincerely, Jack Barlow Associate Director for Higher Education Programs e��fNTENN���' Warren E. Burger Chairman Frederick K. Biebel Lindy Boggs Herbert Brownell Lynne V. Cheney Philip M. Crane Dennis DeConcini William J. Green Mark O. Hatfield Edward Victor Hill Cornelia G. Kennedy Edward M. Kennedy Harry McKinley Lightsey, Jr, Betty Southard Murphy Thomas H. O'Connor Phyllis Schlafly Bernard H. Siegan Obert C. Tanner Strom Thurmond Ronald H. Walker Charles E. Wiggins Charles Alan Wright Herbert M. Atherton Staff Director %? 0 ammissinn on the ivnnnfnnnial of qhn ni��d States Cansfftuflan 808 17th Street, N.W. ® Washington, D.C. 20006-3999 (202) USA4787 / FAX (202) 653-5219 TDD (202) 653-7471 Dear Mayor: With the final year of the Bicentennial of the Constitution and Bill of Rights fast approaching, we are encouraging broad debate of our constitutional heritage of ordered liberties, The rights secured by the Constitution are preciou& and call forth our best efforts to preserve them. But, a concern for preserving our own rights cannot be separated from a respect for the rights of others. To preserve our rights and respect those of others, we must understand what our rights are. The Commission's College -Community Forums program can help you present a spirited and informative debate of contemporary constitutional issues in a setting that brings together elected officials, academics and experts, and:the general public. It is a competitive grant program that provides funds to organize and conduct a community event. The attached letter describes the program and the grant process in greater detail. We urge you to consider this unique opportunity to increase the understanding of rights and responsibilities in your community. Sincerely, Jerr Browning J Director of Government Affairs