09/17/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY % CUkiIVC:IL ACr"Avtl SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL FULE RATE ADJUSTMENT FRONTIER WASTE MANAGEMENT GOALS WORKSHOP 1 #00 P, M, 1. tell C} c, lr rz tic rz, aril Plci tt i17 Flab I Iir 7 t for Frontier Waste Management. , Estalr, li l Date fcaz t al Vc t ls ir 90l91 7, City A. r .ir i tratic. r Re rt ii, A y C)th r• ' ucl1 lviatt. r° 9, A j urY7r e t R ali t areia ."ity r ta.ry t Mb�.1. t"blJE d\� PRESENT; Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Wendell Thomas, Councilman Carroll McNeill, and Councilman Jerry Jenkins MEMBERS ABSENT; Councilwoman Margie Braxton and. Councilmana. Lanny McDaniel ?RESENT. City Manager Jahn Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Electric Supt.. Larry Yoast, Cindy Barrow and Lanny Spindle 1. Mayor Arn7stran�c�.11ed tl�e tr�eetint; to ordet, have the I nvocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes Mood approved as printed. :3. Dishursernents -Motion was made lay t�'ouncilman Thcanrias ar�d seconded ay Councilman Jenkins to approve disbursernerIts far payment. Motion carried. �. Citizen's Input; None �. E�ztive Session Pursuant tc� V. A. T. S. Article �252_ 17 �,) Persc�r�nel, Mayor Arn7stran convened council into Executive Session at. `?;tit► p, gin, �. Cansicder and Possible Action I;eardin Executive Session Persaru�el. Mayor Armstran reconvened council from Ex.utive Session. at No action taken fx•cam Executive Session. CC IVIIIN tn3 9f 4f90 Page 2 ?. Discussion for Digger Truck for the Sanger Electric Dept. Discussion. Motior7 �nras made by Councilman Thor�aas and seconded by Councilman. Jenkins that the City accept proposal of Hollingsworth Grain & Trucking of $4,920.00 to repair the Digger Truck and to be paid for out of reserve funds. Motion carried. &. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance #0�-90 Establishing Franchise Fee for the City of Sanger Electric Dept. Motion spas rxrade lay Councilman Jenkins anti seconded by Councilman Thomas to adopt. Ordinance #03-90. a all ♦ * t y ANGER ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT, GRANTINGRIGHT, )RIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE 4 STREETS, %ND PUBLIC WAYS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON �OUNTYJ TEXAS, • THE PURPOSE OF TRANSMITTING, )ISTRIBUTING F • SELLING ELECTRICITY • OTHER4EAT, POWER AND PROVIDING AN A.STABLISHED COMPENSATION THEREFORE AND SPECIFYIN kN EFFECTIVE DATE, I Mcat ion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action to approve Ordinance #OJ-90 Establishing Ad Valorem Tax fiats for Fiscal Year 1990-1991. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman McNeill to adopt Ordinance #00-90. CITY 41I' SANGER,, TEXAS LEVYING TAKES 10/i13(l - 9/30191 ORDINANCE NO. #05-90 CC MINUTES 0//00 Page 3 FISCALEXAS, LEVYING TAXES FOR THE USES AND SUPPORT OF HE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF SANGER, EXAS, FOR PROVIDING NTEREST AND SINKING FUNDS FOR THE YEAR 1991 AND XPPROPRIATING EACH LEVY R THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE. ROVIDING PENALTY AND INTEREST FOR DELINQUENT AXES, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 10. Consider° ai7d Possible Action to Approve Or°�-lir�aance #06-ti�0 TARS - Update Service Credits �ie�tiorY was made by Councilman Jenkins ar�d seconded by Councilman Thomas to adopt Ordinance #00-00. X Xnil i "UPDATED .._. SANGER; SERVICE CREDITS" SAID SYSTEM �01? SERVICE PERFORMED BY QUALIFYING MEMBERS OF .UCH SYSTEM WHO PRESENTLY ARE IN THE EMPLOYMEN )F THE CITY OF �FFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH ACTIONS; AND PROVIDING "OR INCREASED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE �URRENT SERVICE ANNUITY RESERVE AT RETIREMENTO PHE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS. v iot.ion carried. tl., Consider and Passible Action to Approve Ordinance #07-00 Ainendin Sewer Service Rates. Q CC MINUTES 9//90 Page 4 'Iman Thomas to adopt Ordinance #07�90. ouncl CITY t�F StI�GER, TEAS �ODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON SERVICENOUNTY, TEXAS, ENTITLED SEWER "STABLISHING ROVIDING R REPEAL ENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1 Cot�ider and Po��iiale fiction to Ap�a�°eve C�rdin�,nce #C��-9fJ Amending Water Rates$ I�iotion �.�ra made }a� Councilman Thomas and �eeonded k�� Councilman Jenkins to adopt. Ordinance #0U9 4. 1. )ENTON COUNTY, TEXAS., TO PROVIDE FOR A SCHEDULE iVATER UTILITY RATES; R 1 THE REPEAL OF )RDINANCES .. CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY LAUSE PROVIDING r PENALTY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDIN iOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, 13. Con.czider and Po�siiale �.ction to Approve t�rdinance #09-9C� Arnendin Solid ante Collections. M otion was made 1�,y7 Councilman McNeill and seconded by CC MINUTES 9/4/90 Page 5 CLAUSE;EES FOR RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION ERVICES WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, )F THE SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR EPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A EVERABILITY PROVIDING PROVIDING)ATE; AND A PENALTY CLAUSE. %lotion carried. 14. Can�ider and. Po�ihle Action to Ap�ra�e Ordinance # 10-90 Amending Electric Pates. Motion way made %y Councilman Jenkins and seconded ley Councilman vvlcr1ei11 to adopt Ordinance # 10-90. w ARAGRAPH 3, AND PARAGRAPH 4, AND SUBSECTION B., ■ FOR REPEAL )RDINANCES IN CONFLICT+ PROVIDING c SEVERABILITY 'LAUSE; AND, PROVIDING lviatian carried. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Adoption of Ordinance #04-90 for Operation :budget for° Fiscal year - 10/1/90 to 9/ 0/91. 005 CC MINUTES 9f 4A90 Page 6 Iotioti was fxiade by Councilian Tlioni�is acid secoideri by C'outic'Iman McNeill to adopt Ordinance 04-90, CITY OF SAI�dt�ER, TEiAS x EXAS, ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF SANGER., :S THE FISCAL YEABEGINNING R R THE NTRA AND INTER DEPARTMENTx ND DECLARIVIG AN -EFFECTIVE DATE. Ii�14tIOn rrle�l« C x s lulayor Arrr�stron stated this �rvas a non-�aartisari, stateirie crater registration/ H.Juction campaign Lhat is being insu aced tay the Secretary of State. t7. Crarisirler ar�rl Possible Action to A�a�ro�e Prraclarrtatirara efat. 17 - `?3p 1990. I�layor Armstror� Blared a Proclamation fc�r Selat> 17-�3.p as Constitutirar� ��a k. 1�3. City Ar�rnir�istratior� Rofarart: C ity ianaer renorted ors the follo�vin issues: t.). City Crews have finished sidewalk repiacenlent in fro�it of the Cliarnher of Commerce. 2). The latest gasoline Iaurchase made can 6/9/90 wholesale Price Per gallon was sl,069. CC IVl1114 U I n3 j14/90 Pa ge }. V U12� student. Will start working Tuesday, U141ua. 1 gettingCity Manager is This will be presented as an agenda item at a later date. the TML Resolution Committee for the Annual Conference which is scheduled for late October, She will be doin this. 3). Cala�y Cable is raising their rates. 4). Mayor alsr� advised that Corr�inur�ity ServiCt s does have eatherization Program. �, Counc:.ilman Jenkins advised the in�laortance of 911 calls. C��, Councilman Jenkins stated. he had spent sot�e tune driving through the community and he had observed several trailers, beats, recreation vehicles and cars parked on the streets. Some are in bad shape and are hazardous to the community. Sttested possibility of adopting an ordinance and prohibiting 2� hour parking on city streets. a)< Furniture True that is parked can the square and a �rhite Plyrnottth. b). A ditch between Kathryn Drive and thane Drive - Sc�ttth of tloust.on �rhich n . , s to he taken. care of. c}0 Chuck hales need to be taken care of - one can Southland. CC MINUTES 9/4/90 Page 0 c ). Councilman .Ienkins also asked the City ii they had any information on Perpetual garage sales. Is t%ere a lirrait on hc� rr�any �ara,�e sales a person n have? e�. Ther,e are a couple of habitual people that contiriuousiy park their tractors on Willow Street. ��0. Ad journrr�ent. i.- _ ., .l.: A A At E + ... ...._, -.,. ,.,r.. _, . It T ".: + . r : i .. t, .. , _... ftv .. _ i . !. r I; -At "-. i._. . . f_. :: A. E. :., : I .. I. , .. ., , _.. ,. .. .... i i : : .. S �.: .: : .., e -I _ .! _ A : III. _.-, i me _+ is :`t h.iC ` LA t Ale Ir t - . # t S I;. } ,:` { }::' i f ` : ,r'I iA., i,-A ( I t 41-Ar-v i — ,. , `':t .. r v f'. .. , ... . ..� .:.. .' , ; - ::. I '( �.i I :,) i s t 'i :._. i f j. E.. 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Ot BOX 578 ANGER, TEAS 76266 �.11EI��`Ic�RANI�iJ�,4 �62:3 TO: Honorable Mayor (9y, Members of the City Council F ROM# John Hamilton, City Manager )ATE: September 14, 1990 t rB.JEC"T: Request frar Rate Irirrease - Fraritier €haste I��Iariaer��erit Tl'�e e�icic.asecl re�.luest fr}r a rate ir��r�ase frcam Frcinti�r ast� Management is enclosed for ;your review. A copy of the five year contract is also enclosed. I have requested Mr. Benny ,Johnson he present to discuss this itern with you. sir tesirlentia,l cust�.arra.ers, his rxe��,� prc�pcse�l rate ef 6:44 pl,�, the =®its°�: 1.50 would dace the base rate at $7.94 per month. er�cl�.asures I FRONTIER WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. P.O. SOX 758 : 1806 N STEMMONS SANGER, TEXAS 76266 (817)458-3566 John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger, Texas SEP 12 1HU CITY OF SANGER September 11, 1990 Dear Sir, Due to the recent sharp increases in gas prices Frontier Waste Management Inc. must request a fuel adjustment on services rendered within the City of Sanger. The fuel adjustment we propose is a need for an immediate increase, but drops the increased rate will no longer fluctuating fuel adjustment will allow or decrease in price. fluctuating. There is if the price of gas be necessary. Thus, an automatic increase Therefore, the following is our proposed increase and gauge of fluctuation. 1. Frontier Waste Management Inc. request that the City of Sanger, Texas grant a 390 across the board fuel adjustment. 2. After the 3Q1 fuel adjustment increase, a 1°6 increase/decrease is requested for every four and nine tenths cents ($ 0.049) gas increases/ decreases above or below $1.249 a gallon. The four and nine tenths increase/decrease will be of regular unleaded gas a Store on the Corner of I3 the average price of regu theCity f Sanger is cents ($ 0.049) calculated on the price t the Horizon Convenience 5 and 455. However; if lar unleaded gas offered in i y o ang lo orizon, Snap -Shop and Swee wer, using the Citgo, Hney's as price references, the average will be used in the calculations. The following is a price breakdown with the present rates charged the City of Sanger, the proposed 3S6 fuel adjustment increase, and the proposed new rate for each service. 02�� Three Percent (376) Rate Increase New Service Present + 3% = Rate A. Residential Services $ 6.25 + .19 = $ 6.44 (hand pick-up) B. Commercial Customers (hand pick-up) i. Two pick-ups per week 9.50 + .29 = 9.79 ii. Three pick-ups per week 19.00 + .57 = 19.57 Five pick-ups per week 28.50 + .86 - 29.36 C. Container Services i. One and a Half (1 1/2) yd. a. One pick-up per week 15.00 + .45 = 15.45 b. Two pick-ups per week 27.00 + .81 = 27.81 c. Three pick-ups per week 35.00 + 1.05 = 36.05 ii. Three (3) yd. a. One pick-up per week 27.00 + .81 = 27.81 b. Two pick-ups per week 44.50 + 1.34 = 45.84 c. Three pick-ups per week 61.50 + 1.85 = 63.35 iii. Four (4) yd. a. One pick-up per week 32.00 + .96 = 32.96 b. Two pick-ups per week 51.85 + 1.56 = 53.41 c. Three pick-ups per week 71.70 + 2.15 = 73.85 It is Frontier Waste Management's goal to offer the Best Service as inexpensively as possible, thus we hope that the fluctuating fuel adjustment will not be necessary for any extended length of time. Sincerely, Benny Johnson President, Frontier Waste Management Inc. 025 C �t-�y of ----�"''"`- �•• - r.v. vu,� ,ia • SA:�'C;EK, TEXAS 7G266 • 817-458-7930 CONTRACT FOR SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made this by and between FRONTIER Corporation ("Contractor") ("City"). day of Ii�oye-m fje2 ,, 1989 WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC., a Texas and THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS WTTNESSETH WHEREAS, the Contractor is engaged in the business of providing commercial and residential solid waste removal, and WHEREAS, the City desires to have the Contractor perform such solid waste removal services to the residents and businesses within its legal boundaries; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and considerations herein contained, the City and the Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1. Exclusive Right., The City hereby grants to the Contractor the exclusive right and obligation to provide solid waste collection services within the City's legal boundaries as they exist as of the date hereof and as may be extended during the term hereof. 2. Term. A. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years commencing on January 1, 1990 and terminating on December 31, 1995, subject to prior termination as described in Paragraphs 2 (B) or 6 below and subject to annual review as provided in Paragraph 2 (C) below. B. Notwithstanding the provisions in Paragraph 2 (A) above, either party may terminate this Agreement, during the initial term hereof or any renewal term thereafter, after ninety (90) days written notice to the other party; provided, such early termination shall not relieve either party of its obligations hereunder that have accrued prior to the effective date of such termination. C. The provisions of Paragraph 5 below shall be reviewed annually by each party hereto and may be changed upon the mutual agreement of both parties. D. The initial five (5) year term of this Agreement may be extended by the mutual consent of the parties hereto for a similar five (5) year term; provided, however, that the party desiring to extend this Agreement shall provide the other party with its intention to extend the Agreement at least One Hundred and Twenty (120) days prior to the expiration of the initial five (5) year term. 3. Covenants of Contractor The Contractor covenants and agrees to the following: A. pesidential Collection= Residential collection shall be twice weekly on Monday and Thursday of each week except for Christmas Day and other Holidays as Avg-�.�F�C-'���,.:�_� by the Sanger City Council. Hours of collection shall commence not earlier than 7:30 am and conclude not later than 3:30 pm on each collection day. Contractor shall be required to pick-up only solid waste that is in plastic bags (not to exceed 30 gallons), metal or plastic garbage cans (not to exceed 30 gallons) or other acceptable containers or bundles (not to exceed 40 pounds and 3 feet in length each). B. Commercial Collection. Commercial collection including multiple dwellings of four (4) or more units and all businesses (commercial and/or industrial establishments) are to be serviced on an "As -Needed" basis. The type of solid waste receptacle used by any commercial customer shall be used at the sole expense of such commercial customer. Hand pick-up customers shall use a 30 gallon container. The hours of collection for commercial services shall commence not prior to 6:00 am and conclude not later than 9:00 pm on each Monday and Thursday, except for Christmas Day and other Holidays as authorized by the �� Sanger City Council. Apartments and/or multi -family residences will be collected between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm on each collection day. The Contractor will place in the Cit the Cit 10 Y► at no cost to y, gallon receptacles for trash collection at all parks within the City and in the downtown area. In addition, the Contractor will provide temporary placement of trash containers for special events sponsored by the City and located within the City upon the request of the Sanger City Council. C. Compliance with Laws. All solid waste collected by the Contractor will be disposed of in a landfill other than that owned and/or operated by the City. The Contractor will comply with all applicable State and Federal laws regarding collection and transportation of solid waste material. D. Due Care. The Contractor shall exercise due care and caution to protect and preserve public and private property including City streets and parking areas while performing its obligations hereunder. Vehicles used by the Contractor in performing its residential services hereunder shall only drive down the middle of all residential streets and roads and shall not zigzag from one side of the street to the other. 2 { E. Franchise Fee. The Contractor will pay monthly to the City a Franchise Fee of Seven Percent (7%) of its monthly gross receipts for its residential and commercial collections. This Franchise Fee represents a charge for use of the City's streets. F. Liability Insurance The Contractor shall maintain general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate; provided, however, that the amount may be raised if the City is required to raise its liability coverage above amounts presently required by Federal or State laws. The City shall be named as an additional insured on such policy and such policy will contain a provision that the insurer will not cancel the policy without giving the City thirty (30) days' written notice. G. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents against any claims relating to injury to persons, property, employees or anyone else under the control of the Contractor whose performance or failure to perform causes a claim to be made against the City. H. General Conditions. The Contractor shall not deny employment to any person for reasons of race, creed, national origin or religion. Each employee of the Contractor shall at all times carrI a valid Texas Operators Drivers's License applicable to the type of vehicle that he is operating. Wages of all employees of the Contractor will equal or exceed the minimum wage requirements as established by local, state and federal agencies. In addition, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Acts, The Contractor shall not litter any residential or commercial dwelling in the process of performing its services hereunder; provided, however, that the Contractor shall not be required to collect any solid waste material that has not been placed in plastic trash bads, approved containers, or is bundled. (as described above). In the event of spillage by the Contractor, the Contractor shall properly clean up any and all litter. Hazardous waste, body waste, dead animals, abandoned vehicles, vehicle parked, large equipment and parts thereto will not be required to be collected by the Contractor, unless the Contractor agrees to collect such items. 3 The Contractor small have on hand at all times in good working order, such equipment that shall permit the Contractor, to adequately and efficiently perform its duties hereunder. Such equipment shall be purchased from nationally known and recognized manufacturers of solid waste collection and disposal equipment. Solid waste collection equipment shall be of the enclosed load packer type and all equipment shall be kept in good repair and appearance and in a sanitary, clean and run ready condition at all times. The Contractor shall have available to it at all times reserve equipment which can be put into service and operation in case of any breakdown of its equipment. The Contractor shall have vested title to all solid waste materials generated within the Municipal Area of the City. 4. Covenants of the Citv. The City covenants and agrees as follows: A. To remit all amounts due to the Contractor by the tenth (loth) day of each month commencing in the month of February, 1990, H. Provide the contractor with confirmation of the residential and commercial customers on a monthly basis. C. To collect all state and local taxes due on the services provided by the Contractor hereunder and to remit all such amounts due to the appropriate authorities. D. To grant to the Contractor the right to pursue any cause of action the Contractor may have against any third party for interfering with the Contractor's exclusive right and obligation to provide solid waste collection services hereunder. In granting such rights, the Contractor shall be entitled to pursue its remedies without notice to the City. 5. Payment for Services Rendered. The City shall pay to the Contractor for its services rendered pursuant to Paragraph 3 above, an amount based upon the following structure: A. Residential services (hand pick-up) B. Commercial Customers (hand pick-up, 3 containers $6.25 per month - per individual residence maximum)' i. Two pick-ups per week - $9.50/month i1. Three pick-ups per week - $19.00/month iii. Five pick-ups per week - $28.50/month 0 C. Container Services i. One and a Half (1 1/2) yd. containers a. One pick-up per week - $15.00/month b. Two pick-ups per week - $27.00/month c• Three pick-ups per week - $35.00/month ii. Three (3) yd. containers a. One pick-up per week - $27.00/month b. Two pick-ups per week - $44.50/month c. Three pick-ups per week - $61.50/month iii. Four (4) yd. containers a. One pick-up per week - $32.00/month b• Two pick-ups per week - $51.85/month c. Three pick-ups per week - $71.70/month D. Payment of Taxes. The amounts represented in Paragraph 5 (A) through (C) above do not include state and local taxes. The amounts of any local or state taxes shall be added to the amounts described in Paragraphs 5 (A) through (C) above and collected by the City; provided, however, that the fifty cent ($.50) per ton solid waste disposal fee charged by the state is included in the amount shown in Paragraph 5(A) through (C) above and shall be paid by the Contractor. 6. Payment. For services rendered pursuant to Paragraph 3 above and pursuant to the fee schedules (A) through (D) above, the City shall p y otheeContractorrwithin ten (10) days after the end of each calendar month. In the event the City does not remit any payment to the Contractor within twenty-five (25) days after the end of any calendar month, the Contractor shall have no further obligation to provide any services hereunder. �� r 7. General Provisions A. Modification. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and shall not be considered modified, altered, changed or amended in any respect unless in writing and signed by both parties hereto. H. Governi"a Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws Texas. of the State of CO Binding Effect This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties assigns. successors and D. Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned by the Contractor without the written consent of the City; provided, however, that the assignment by the Contractor to an affiliated or related entity or party shall not require the consent of the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, executed this Agreement written. THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS Nel Armstrong Its: Mayor FRONTIER WASTE MANAGEMENT, Hy. B1 ny h son Its: President the City and the Contractor have as of the day and year first above INC. ATTEST: �— Its: C t Secretary ATTEST: Hy. Its: city Secretary City of c�omeplace cSPeCIOL September 12, 1990 Mr. Benny Johnson Frontier Waste Management P. O. Box 758 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Benny: Your request for a review of Frontier's rate structure has been scheduled for initial Council discussion on Monday, September 17th at 7 p.m. Please plan to attend. Sincerely, John Hamilton City Manager 201 BOLIVAR ST. • F.O. BOX 578 • BANGER, TEXAS 7b2bb • 817-458-7930 _ CITY OF SANUER P. 0. BOX 578 SANUEk, TEXAS 76266 N•iEA4takANDUM #624 T0: Honorable Mayor Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: September 14, 1990 �J SUBJECT: Establish Date For Goals Workshop 90/91 Prior to a regularly scheduled Council meeting, I t��ould like the opportunity to discuss future goals with the Council for the coming fiscal ,year and beyond. This would generally involve discussions on projected street, water, wastewater, electric system and park improvements. Once a date is established, staff will provide Council with a list of identified improvements for review and comment. The workshop will be a forum for discussion, suggestion and priority setting. Either 5►:�iCl p, m., C_)ctober 15th or 5;�iCi p, m., November 5th is suggested by staff, After the initial workshop, Council may require follow-ups fot staff reports. .JH:es 03� CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 7f,26E3 14EMORANDt1M #825 'I'O: He?r�orable Mayor � Members of the City Council FfiON1: John Hamilton, City Manager C�( DATE: September 14, 1990 U SUBJECT: City Administrator's Report 1). Elc�.tric. Superintendent. Larry Yoast has initiated a meter maintenance program as budgeted in an effort to ensure that our meter readings are as accurate as possible. Approximately eighty (80) older residential meters will be replaced this month at a cost of about $25.00 each ($2,000). The electric department is also reviewing demand meters on our larger customers and has corrected several problems that will be reflected on the November 1, 1990, Billing. These errors generally involve a history of under -billing. Three customers that will be impacted are S. I. S.D. (Intermediate School), First Baptist Church and Bolivar, Baptist Church. 2). Two reprints of the August, 1990, Newsletter of the Bureau of Solid Waste Management, Texas Department of Health, regarding the new, proposed EPA rules, and landfill closing procedures are enclosed. s). The Police Department, by use of existing funds in the 89/90 and 9Ci/91 budgets is changing to navy blue uniforms. The per piece cost of the uniform is slightly lower than our current costs and with the personnel changes, Chief Erwin felt this would be the appropriate time to change. During the past, several years, there has been an effort statewide to standardize municipal agencies into blue uniforms. 4). Tim Dwelle, of the Woodwr•ight Shop, will be moving his business to the Wilson Lumberyard Building, Znd and Bolivar, on October 1, 1990. He intends to slowly develop a. building supply business at. that. location. JH:es 0 3 5 a go 411, a2ml MUNICIPAL WASTE MATTERS ruto✓rrtr Newsletter of the Bureau of Solid Waste Management Volume 1, No. 1 Texas Department of Health August 1990 The Hiatus is Over .. . Some of you ma}• remember when the last newsletter from the Bureau of Solid Vdaste Management was published, but you are probably few in number. With the passage of Senate Bill 1519 (SB1519) by the 71st Legislature, Regular Session, the Bureau was reborn (or reconceived, for it took right at nine -months to become a reality). It was officially recognized within the Texas Department of Health on April 1, 1990. We've included a new organizational chart elsewhere in this issue to help IOU get to know us in our latest incarnation. One of the mandates given in SB1519 was the conduct of a public awareness program concerning solid waste management. A newsletter is not an innovative communi- cation device, but it has its place in the overall scheme of things. We hope that you will find the articles in this and future editions to be helpful and of interest. If you desire more information or if your concern is not addressed, give us a call. V✓e'll try to get you into a dialogue with a knowledgeable person in the Bureau on the subject that concerns you. A primary contact person is listed following each article, to assist you in your quest for more details on the subjects briefly covered here. T. A. Outlaw, Jr., P.E., Chief Bureau of Solid bi'aste Management Subtitle D Landfill Criteria...When? Everyone is asking when the Environ- mental Protection Agency (EPA) will issue the Subtitle D rules on landfills. Getting an answer can be difficult, since no one seems to want to be pinned down on the subject. But, as of July 12, 1990, the EPA was fore- casting that the proposed Subtitle D rules on landfill criteria would complete the internal review process and be sent to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) by August 1. Mr. Bruce Weddle, Director of EPA's Municipal Solid Waste Program, believes that OMB should be able to complete its review of the regulations within 60 days. Mr. Weddle previously indicated that the final rules will contain many changes to the original proposal. Any versions that may have been published in the past should not be considered as the last word. And, of course, more changes may be made as a result of OMB review. The EPA is expected to adopt the Subtitle D rules sometime in September. State adoption would come about 18 months later. Contact: Hector Mendieta, P.E. Conference Annornrcement .............. Page 2 Comments 1�'anted by Task For•ce..... Page 2 Planning for Subtitle D Changes ..... Page 2 Bureau Activities and Rule Changes Follomoing the 71st Legislative Session.............................................Page 3 Regional Planning Progress Report.............................................Page 4 Interagency Coordination: TDH & RRC Page 4 4th Annual Conference Solid Waste Management Options for Texas November 14-169 1990 Austin, Texas Watch your mailbox for details Task Force Seeks Comments A legislative task force studied solid waste management in Texas during 1988 and produced a report called "Finding the Answers." That report was the basis for development and passage in 1989 of much -needed legislation to improve solid waste management in the state. The task force was re-established after the 1989 Regular Session of the Texas Legislature. The new focus of the task force is on recycling and waste minimization. The 1990 Joint Task Force on Waste Management Policy has had several public hearings around the state and now will consider com- ments and recommendations received during those hearings. However, the task force is still soliciting written input from those who were unable to participate in the hearings. Comments may pertain to any aspect of waste management. A schedule for future work sessions has not been established, but anyone wishing to submit comments should do so by September 1. Send com- ments to The 1990 Joint Task Force on Waste Management Policy, P.O. Box 12068, Austin, Texas 78711- 2068. Questions may be directed to its staff members Mark Smith, (512) 463-0776, or Linda Christofrlis, (512) 463-0360. Disposal of Llquid Waste The proposed EPA rules in Subtitle D contain a provision that will prohibit disposal of liquid waste in a landfill. The EPA defines quid waste" as any waste material that is determined to contain "free liquids." Free liquids are defined by Method 9095 (Paint Filter Liquids Test), described in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Meth- ods." It is most likel}' that this provi- sion will be in the final rules when they are adopted by the EPA. If so, it will affect vacuum truck wastes and certain sludges currently being sent to sanitary landfills. The effective date of this provision cannot be determined, since it is based on publication of the final EPA rules. But now is the time to begin the search for altemative disposal methods. Bear in mind that the prohibition is only against the free liquid portion of this waste. The solid portion can continue to go into a landfill. Contact: Michael D. Graeber, P.E. Closing a Landfill With the impending adoption of the EPA's Subtitle D rules, many of the state's smaller landfills are closing. The state has minimum requirements that must be. met for proper closure of these landfills, briefly described in this article. The complete requirements can be found in the "Municipal Solid Waste Man. agenient Regulations" (MSWMR), Section 325.152. First, establish a date that the gates of the landfill are to be closed to the acceptance of waste. Also, determine the length of time required to apply and grade the final cover, construct the necessary drainage features and apply the seed for the vegetative cover. Then you must submit to the Bureau a closure schedule, giving the actual dates by which the closure activi- ties are to be accomplished. This submittal must be done at least one year prior to the closure date. How- ever, the closure schedule should be submitted as soon as meaningful dates have been established. If the site has an approved clo- sure/completion plan (mandatory for sites serving a population of 5,000 or more), then closure proce- dures must follow that approved plan. Changes to an approved plan must be submitted for Bureau approval at least 60 days before closure. Sites without an approved closure plan must follow proce- dures described in the MSWMR, Section 325.150(c). an After the landfill is closed, "Affidavit to the Public" (MSWMR, Section 325.152(c)) must be prepared and filed in the deed records at the county clerk's office, to indicate that the site had been used for the disposal of solid waste. A certified copy of the recorded affidavit must be submit- ted to the Bureau. Once all closure requirements have been met, you must request a closure inspection from the Texas Department of Health's regional office. If the inspection confirms that all closure requirements have been met and the "Affidavit to the Public" has been received, then the Bureau will acknowledge closure of the site and begin the five-year post -closure maintenance period. Post -closure maintenance and use must meet requirements in MSVdMR, Sections 325.153 and 325.154a Contact: Hans J. Mueller, P.E. page COMMISSION ROBERT H. DEDMAN, CHAIRMAN RAY STOKER, JR. WAYNE B. DUDDLESTEN Control: 0195-02 Highway: I.H. 35 County: Denton Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 STATh DI:PARTMF,NT OT HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION P.O. DOX 31M7 DALLAS, TEXAS 75221.3067 (214) 320-6100 2524 W. Prairie, Denton, Texas 76201 September 12, 1990 in Sanger Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: C!'1 �' 01 SANGER ENGINEER -DIRECTOR ARNOLD W. OLIVER, P.E. CONTACT: The following comments are being furnished in response to your letter dated August 301 19909 1. A mowing contract is let by the Department annually which includes mowing along I.H. 35. This contract requires the right of way of I.H. 35 to be mowed five times during the growing season. 2. Planting of shrubs, trees and/or wildflowers can be permitted along highway right a way. Mr. Pat Haigh (1-214-320-6205) at our District Office in Dallas may be contacted in regard to beautification projects. 3. A sign indicating "Sanger -Next 3 Exits" will be placed on the southbound and northbound lanes of I.H. 35. 4. Additional signs for the State Park will be placed when the Park is opened. 5. I will forward a copy of your letter to our District signing section for consideration of the remaining signing requests. Please contact me at 1-817-387-1414 if additional information is required. Sincerely, Dwight S. Bird, P.E. Resident Engineer itj 038 cc: John H. Miller Pat 0aigh City of August 30, 1990 Mr. Dwight Bird Texas Department of Highways M24 W. Prairie Denton, Texas 76201 Dear Dwight: Two issues have been raised by individuals and brought to our City Council. One involved the beautification of Sanger's portion of I-35. Our local Keep Texas Beautiful Committee would like to know: 1). Once construction is completed, how often will the interstate right of way be mowed? 2). Would the committee be permitted to plant shrubs, trees and/or wildflowers along the I-35 right of way? 3). 1n order to accomplish regular mowing of the right of way, could the State contract with the City for that service? The other issue involves the signs to be placed along I-35 by the State. We have discussed this in the past; however, a few specific requests have been received. 1). Could or will the State remove the "3 miles to Sanger" sign located in the N B lane at Clear Creek? 201 BOLIYAR ST. • P.O. BOX 578 • BANGER, TEXAS 76266 • 817-458-7930 Mr. Dwight Bird 3/30/90 Page 2 2). Could a sign recognizing Sanger at three exits be erected? - Loop 138 - FM 455 ("Sanger," Pilot Point, Bolivar) - Belz Road 3). Will additional signs for Lake Ray Roberts and the State Parks on the Lake be erected or tagged on to other signs? 4). Could the Loop 138 exit also indicate "Business District0 I appreciate your time in reviewing these concerns. Sincerely, milton ��ty Manager JH:es Kixl Denton Cc September 7, 1990 The Mayor City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Sir: Department I� `.1( I L SEP � � 1990 CITY OF SANGER Please find enclosed attachments regarding Class C Art estees. We appreciate your past and continued cooperation. We sincerely wish to provide all the support and assistance possible in helping you fulfill your responsibilities in the Criminal Justice System in Denton County. Yott are invited to a meeting scheduled on Thursday, September 13, at 7:00 p.m. at the Sheriff's Department, 127 N. Woodrow Lane, Denton. The purpose of the meeting is to allow municipal court judges, police chiefs, and other interested municipal officials the opportunity to discuss the issue of Class C arrestees. The County Attorney, Rob Morris; Sheriff Kirby Robinson; and I will be present and available to answer any questions you may have. Res/pectfully, Paul Drewry Jail Admini PD/dm encl. ator 1271Vorth Woodrow Lane • Denton, Texas 76205.6301 • (817) 898-5614 • 434-1551 (Metro) I. DENTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DETENTION DIVISION POLICIES of CHAPTER: PROCEDURES ADMISSIONS AUTHORITY: DEPT. POL. & PRO. NO. PAGES 9.3 3 RELATED T0: TCJS 217.09 ACA 2-5343 thru 2-5346 SUBJECT: Based on the final judgment in Texas and Mike Lawrence Sheri District, July 1990: CLASS C ARRESTS John Doe v. AngeliIIIna County, f, US District Court, Eastern 1. A criminal defendant may not be incarcerated arising from his failure to pay a fine and/or costs solely because he is indigent and unable to pay the full amount of the fine assessed against him, 2. The defendant MUST be provided with a hearing to ascertain his financial ability to pay the fine. If the court concludes, after the hearing, that the defendant is indigent and presently unable to pay the full amount assessed against him, it MUST give him the opportunity to discharge the fine through "Alternative Means. 3. If the defendant is not provided with a hearing prior to incarceration arising from his failure to pay the fine and/or costs, it violates his right to procedural due process guaranteed under the Fourteenth Amendment, 4. In addition, if any of the defendant's rights are violated in the above way, both the Sheriff and the County may be held jointly and severally liable for damages, attorney's fees, and court costs under 42 L'SC 1983 and 1988 arising from the defendant's illegal incarceration. The US Court of Appeals, 5th circuit, Feb 8, 1989 ruled: "Legality of initial arrest did not provide municipal defendants with defense to state law false imprisonmen� claim based upon unreasonable detention of arrestee beyond 24 hours; officers were not acting within the scope of �h ;r discretionary authority in detaining arraignment for more than 24 yours." F.2d 1197 (5th Cir. 1989). arrestee withcu� Gladden v. ,each _,__ Texas Local Government Code, Article 351.041 states: ...The sheriff of each county is the keeper of the County Jail. The sheriff shall safely keep all prisoners committed to the jail by a lawful authority, subject to an order of the proper court. Chapter 43. Execution of Judgment, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. II. PURPOSE• It is the intent of the Denton County Sheriff's Depart::lent to extend all assistance possible to law enforcement agencies within Denton County regarding the housing of arrestees. Denton County Sheriff's Department will continue to assist other agencies by accepting Class C arrestees as set forth in this document. III. APPLICABILITY: 1. Jurisdictions that do not have holding facilities. 2. Jurisdictions transferring prisoners to the Denton County Jail. 3. Municipal Judges and Justices of the Peace. 4. Detention Personnel. IV. DEFINITIONS: Class C Offenses: Offenses punishable by a fine not to exceed $200. Commitment Pagers: Legal documents stating the terms cf confinement. As used in this policy, the judgment, sentence, and court order stating the terms of the confinement. V. POLICY: 1. Denton County Sheriff's Department gill accept and :ci� Class C arrestees, from jurisdictions that do nct :-:a:e holding facilities, for a maximum period of 24 hours prior to arraignment. 2. It is the responsibility of the agency arresting Ine individual to assure the arraignment of the arrest_ within 24 hours of the time of arrest. .. The Denton County Sheriff's Department •Ni�.�. :c� :c�er_- c an arrestee in need of medical attention. 4. The Originating Agency assumes financial responsibility for any medical attention which becomes necessary within the 24-hour holding period. 5. Any and all transportation of the arrestee to and from the Denton County Jail for any purpose is the responsi- bility of the arresting agency. 6. Should it become necessary for additional guards to be assigned to the arrestee while outside the Denton County Jail, it will be the responsibility of the arresting agency to provide the guards (ie. Arrestee needing to be treated for a medical condition and kept in the hospital). 7. An arrestee will not be able to remain in the Denton County Jail to lay out a fine unless court ordered. Commitment papers must accompany the prisoner before he/she will be accepted and held beyond the 24-hour holding period (72 hours for weekends). The Commitment papers must include a statement by the Judge that a hearing has been conducted to ascertain the arrestee's economic circumstances and financial ability, and that the judge orders the arrestee to serve out the fine in jail. VI. PROCEDURES: 1. During the receiving process, the Book -in Officer will remind the arresting agency of the above Policies. 2. If the arrestee has multiple charges, he is to be arraigned for each charge and this is to be noted on the arraignment sheet. 3. If the arresting officer is with the Department of Public Safety or Denton County Sheriff's Department, the originating agency of the warrant will be notified of the policies at the time of confirmation of the warrant. 4. The class C arrestees will be kept in one of the holding tanks until he/she is arraigned. The time the prisoner is held pending arraignment shall not exceed 24 hours. 5. In the event the arrestee has not been arraigned within 24 hours, Denton County Sheriff's department r�ii-. notify the originating agency that t;le arrestee being released from this facility and they must make arrangements to pick up the arrestee immediately. 6. A time -served sheet will be completed for showing the number of hours he has served while waiting for arraignment. This will before releasing the prisoner and a copy Classification. each prisoner in holding be completed forwarded to 117 CIl`Y OF SANGER P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 REVENUE SUMMARY FOR CURRENT PERIOD FROM 08 01 90 TO 08 30 90 FISCAL h10NTHLY APPROPRIATION AMOUNT GENERflL FUND REVENUES 91.7 OF YEAR C TO DATE � Ah1OUNT OF BUDGE AD VALOREtQ TAXES 337,502 6,277.61 338,757.89 100.4 PENALTY & INTEREST TAXES 14,250 3,375.98 10,646.13 7A.7 SALES TAX 102,250 11,690.42 85,786.18 83.9 FRANCHISE FEES 25,250 1,096w77 21,791.71 86.3 FIRE SERVICE — DENTON COUNTY 189430 19049.75 14,843.75 80.5 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 145,250 12,696.95 137,349.37 94.6 LANDFILL PERMITS 80500 2,122.00 85536600 100.4 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 8,000 291.50 4,823.11 60.3 MUNICIPAL COURT 180500 2,226.00 13,281.85 71.8 LIBRARY — DENTON COUNTY 9,950 .00 6,117.00 61.5 OTHER INCOME 14,250 78loCIO 12,683.73 89.0 INTEREST INCOME .30500 53.76 89094683 231.3 SUBTOTAL (REVENUES) 705,632 41,661.74 662,711.55 TRANSFERS 91,711 15,285.16 84,068.38 TOTAL FItNDS AVAIL.. TO G.F. 797,343 56,946.90 746,779.93 ENTERPRISE FUh1D WATER SALES 305,31.0 27,411.18 267,779.62 WASTEWATER 5ERVICES 202,500 20,149.62 211,162.48 PENALTIES BILLED — WA (584.67) (311.43) PENALTIES UTILITIES 30,000 2,960.66 28,158.65 WATER/SEWER TAPS 90800 .00 10850000 CONNECT/TRANSFER FEES 50000 10160600 8,240.00 ELECTRIC SERVICE J.,620,000 193,878.61 195315832.21 OTHER INCOME 8,350 151.56 7,897.26 INTEREST INCOME 11,000 5,960.27 80,004.04 3 UB—TOTAL 2,191,960 251,671.90 2,136,924.26 TRANSFERS .00 .00 TOTAL FUNDS AVAIL, TO E.F. 2,191,960 251,671.90 2,136,924.26 TOTAL REVENUES 2,989,303 30o,618.80 2,883,704.19 CITY OF BANGER P.O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 762.66 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FOR CURRENT PERIOD FROM 08 01 90 TO 08 30 90 91.7 OF YEAR C, FISCAL MONTHLY TO DATE APPROPRIATION AMOUNT AMOUNT OF BUDGE GENERAL FUND MAYOR & COUNCIL 7,660 385.10 95873.38 128.9 ADMINISTRATION 69,885 1,256.93 769236.76 109.1 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 16,471 392.96 14,558.52 88.4 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 15,572 666.51 16,008.60 102.8 LIBRARY 15,892 1,743.19 19,261.21 121.2 POLICE 181058A 22,017.30 185,849.51 102.3 SANITATION 167,052 13,051.58 1429712.80 85.4 STREET 919501 7,120.94 809297.53 87.8 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - TAXES 4,900 .00 3,434.39 70.1 AMBULANCE 11,595 2,784.37 119137.48 96.1 SENIOR CENTER 50000 342.46 29255.08 45.1 FIRE DEPT. 42,425 8,703.65 34,699.37 81.8 PARKS 11,500 960.49 8,698.12 75.6 SUB -TOTAL 641,037 59,425.48 605,022.75 94.4 REQUIRED SAVINGS 5,100 425.00 7,922.23 155.3 DEBT SERVICE 151,205 26.00 53,187.60 35.2 TOTAL G.F. EXPENDITURES 797,342 59,876.48 6669132.58_ 83.5 ENTERPRISE FUND WATER 1299435 13,708.94 128,275.05 99.1 WASTEWATER 78,977 9,350.36 719696.43 90.8 ELECTRIC 1,432,177 146,477.66 lo307o324.01 91.3 UTILITY BILLING 71,690 5,300.22 68,052.58 94.9 MAYOR & COUNCIL 7,660 562.53 89653696 113.0 ADMINISTRATION 69,885 11,248.46 719960.89 103.0 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 155572 15857.75 12,560.48 80.7 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 16,471 2,368.16 13,710.46 83.2 j CONTINGENCY FUND 15,652 .00 65,955.48 421.4 f�f 1 REQUIRED SAVINGS 59484 457.00 290570.18 539.2 DEBT SERVICE 2575246 172.83 152,090.57 59.1 ! TOTAL E.F. EXPENDITURES 2,100,249 191,503.91 19929,850.08 91.9 TOTAL E.XPENDI:TURES 2,897,592 251,:;80.39 2,595,982.66 89.6 AUGUST 1990 SANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY POLICE CALLS ANSWERED OFFENSE REPORTS MADE 231 (Dispatched & Officer generated) 65 (New reports & follow-ups to existing) MAX RESPONSE TIME 40.00 (in minutes/ measuring all calls) MIN RESPONSE TIME 0.00 (in minutes/ measuring all calls) AVG RESPONSE TIME 2.16 (in minutes/ measuring all calls) OVERALL MAX CALL DURATION 210.00 (in minutes/ arrest & non -arrest) OVERALL MIN CALL DURATION 1.00 (in minutes/ arrest & non -arrest) OVERALL AVG CALL DURATION 25.84 (in minutes/ arrest & non -arrest) NON -ARREST MAX CALL DURATION 145.00 (in minutes/ all calls except arrests) NON -ARREST MIN CALL DURATION 1.00 (in minutes/ all calls except arrests) NON -ARREST AVG CALL DURATION 18.90 (in minutes/ all calls except arrests) AUGUST 1990 CALL DISTRIBUTION AND ARREST SUMMARY CALL DISTRIBUTION BY OFFICER ------------------------------------ EARHEART 74 YARBROUGH / CASTER 27 RILEY 9 AMYX 66 PARISH 55 ------------------------------------ TOTAL 231 AUGUST 1990 ARREST SUMMARY TRAFFIC WARNINGS 17 TRAFFIC CITATIONS 24 TRAFFIC FELONIES 0 CLASS C MISDEMEANORS 7 CLASS B MISDEMEANORS 1 CLASS A MISDEMEANORS 2 3RD DEGREE FELONIES 4 2ND DEGREE FELONIES 0 1ST DEGREE FELONIES 6 CAPITAL ------------------------------------ FELONIES 0 TOTAL ARRESTS 61 HOURLY CALL DISTRIBUTION FROM TO CALLS &00 AM AM 01:00 AM 18 01:00 AM 02:00 AM 12 02:00 AM 03*00 AM 8 03*00 AM 04:00 AM 8 04:00 AM 05:00 AM 2 05:00 AM 06:00 AM 2 06:00 AM 07*00 AM 0 07:00 AM 08:00 AM 1 08:00 AM 09*00 AM 1 09:00 AM 10*00 AM 6 10*00 AM 11:00 AM 4 11:00 AM 12*00 PM 3 12000 PM 01:00 PM 2 01000 PM 02:00 PM 2 02*00 PM 03*00 PM 9 03:00 PM 04:00 PM 11 04:00 PM 05000 PM 14 05:00 PM 06:00 PM 9 06:00 PM 07*00 PM 18 07:00 PM 08:00 PM 14 08000 PM 09:00 PM 23 09*00 PM 10*00 PM 31 10000 PM 11000 PM 17 11*00 PM 12:00 AM 16 TOTAL CALLS 231 Lx;ou5T Ti vi T ( Soe:Trc/J CALL Tclp E) CALL DATE 11—Aug-90 18—Aug-90 21—Aug-90 21—Aug-90 21—Aug-90 02—Aug-90 06—Aug-90 08—Aug-90 11—Aug-90 18—Aug-90 21—Aug-90 27—Aug-90 06—Aug-90 03—Aug-90 09—Aug-90 06—Aug-90 07—Aug-90 11—Aug-90 12—Aug-90 15—Aug-90 19—Aug-90 21—Aug-90 23—Aug-90 04—Aug-90 07—Aug-90 08—Aug-90 10—Aug-90 11—Aug-90 14—Aug-90 15—Aug-90 15—Aug-90 24—Aug-90 29—Aug-90 31—Aug-90 31—Aug-90 05—Aug-90 O8—Aug-90 12—Aug-90 13—Aug-90 15—Aug-90 30—Aug-90 31—Aug-90 05—Aug-90 06—Aug-90 18—Aug-90 19—Aug-90 19—Aug-90 23—Aug-90 24—Aug-90 26—Aug-90 26—Aug-90 27—Aug-90 08—Aug-90 10-Aug-90 12—Aug-90 TIME RECD 09:05 PM 12:36 AM 03:45 PM 04:47 AM 03:45 PM 05:30 PM 09:28 PM 11019 PM 09:00 PM 12*36 AM 11:50 AM 12:09 AM 10*44 PM 10:35 AM 09:50 PM 09*12 PM 12*56 AM 08*39 PM 05*27 AM 03:55 AM 06:34 PM 12:11 AM 12*15 AM 12*58 AM 01:18 AM 11*15 PM 02:55 AM 01:57 AM 12*51 AM 10*13 PM 09:44 PM 01:10 AM 11:48 PM 12:28 AM 09:31 PM 03:13 AM 08:09 PM 02*46 AM 09:28 PM 03:03 AM 10*15 PM 04*30 PM 08*34 PM 01:08 AM 09:45 PM 03:15 AM 01*33 AM 02:38 PM 10:38 PM 04@13 PM 07a45 PM 07:10 PM 11:19 PM 12:51 AM 04:32 PM OFFICERS 775 771 772 772 772 774 775 771 771 771 774 771 775 772 771 771 775 771 775 771 771 771 771 775 775 771 771 775 775 771 771 771 771 771 774 775 775 775 775 771 774 774 774 775 774 774 774 772 772 774 774 774 771 771 771 CALL ADDRESS CALL TYPE COD E 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 12-Aug-90 04:32 PM 772 117 SOUTHSIDE DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 12-Aug-90 02w59 AM 775 104 KATHRYN DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 °' 18-Aug-90 10*56 AM 772 810 KEATON DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 18-Aug-90 10:20 AM 772 103 PARKER DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 18-Aug-90 09*44 AM 772 1201 ELM DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 20-Aug-90 02:38 AM 774 109 SOUTHSIDE DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 22-Aug-90 12:13 AM 771 809 N 5TH DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 27-Aug-90 05:53 AM 771 105 TAMMY DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE 13 01-Aug-90 01:06 AM 775 1100 AUSTIN # 9 MEET COMPLAINANT 14 03-Aug-90 07:11 PM 774 SNAP SHOP MEET COMPLAINANT 14 05-Aug-90 05:01 PM 774 COMMUNITY CENTER MEET COMPLAINANT 14 05-Aug-90 11:30 PM 774 HORIZON MEET COMPLAINANT 14 07-Aug-90 03*51 PM 775 915 N. 7TH MEET COMPLAINANT 14 07-Aug-90 09*02 PM 775 118 CHERRY MEET COMPLAINANT 14 09-Aug-90 10:46 PM 775 118 CHERRY MEET COMPLAINANT 14 09-Aug-90 12:08 AM 775 135 & CHAPMAN MEET COMPLAINANT 14 11-Aug-90 07:15 PM 775 5TH & WAYNE MEET COMPLAINANT 14 14-Aug-90 07*48 PM 775 SANGER PD MEET COMPLAINANT 14 14-Aug-90 06:26 PM 775 SANGER HIGH SCHOOL MEET COMPLAINANT 14 15-Aug-90 09*15 PM 771 1103 N STEMMONS MEET COMPLAINANT 14 15-Aug-90 04:20 PM 775 SANGER PD MEET COMPLAINANT 14 19-Aug-90 08:40 PM 771 1204 12TH MEET COMPLAINANT 14 21-Aug-90 08:20 AM 774 SANGER PD MEET COMPLAINANT 14 23-Aug-90 06:55 PM 772 SANGER PD MEET COMPLAINANT 14 23-Aug-90 10*29 PM 772 SANGER PD MEET COMPLAINANT 14 25-Aug-90 06:36 PM 774 513 S 3RD MEET COMPLAINANT 14 26-Aug-90 07:30 PM 774 122 PRESTON MEET COMPLAINANT 14 28-Aug-90 01:54 AM 771 HORIZON MEET COMPLAINANT 14 29-Aug-90 06:40 PM 772 1012 AUSTIN MEET COMPLAINANT 14 31-Aug-90 11:33 PM 771 10TH & WILLOW MEET COMPLAINANT 14 04-Aug-90 06:55 PM 774 PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 05-Aug-90 10*05 PM 775 PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 08-Aug-90 08:54 PM 775 201 BOLIVAR PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 14-Aug-90 06:18 PM 775 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 15-Aug-90 07:32 PM 775 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 15-Aug-90 04:30 PM 775 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 18-Aug-90 11:59 AM 772 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 20-Aug-90 09*15 PM 771 204 SOUTHSIDE PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 20-Aug-90 09:30 PM 771 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 21-Aug-90 06:10 PM 771 114 TAMMY PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 23-Aug-90 06*55 PM 772 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 26-Aug-90 06:20 PM 774 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 29-Aug-90 06*40 PM 772 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 30-Aug-90 05:40 PM 774 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 31-Aug-90 07*20 PM 774 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 31-Aug-90 08:38 PM 774 SANGER PD PHONE COMPLAINANT 15 05-Aug-90 08:00 PM 774 KIRBY'S BAR-B-Q ALARM CALL 16 07-Aug-90 06:07 PM 775 10TH & MARSHALL ALARM CALL 16 11-Aug-90 12*24 AM 775 VIDEO & SUBS ALARM CALL 16 12-Aug-90 06:58 PM 771 BEARDS MOTORS ALARM CALL 16 14-Aug-90 10*31 PM 771 HILZ SNIDER ALARM CALL 16 17-Aug-90 12:30 AM 771 HILZ SNIDER CHEV ALARM CALL 16 18-Aug-90 12*02 PM 772 GNB SANGER ALARM CALL 16 -- 20-Aug-90 03:50 AM 774 KIRBY'S BBQ ALARM CALL 16 24-Aug-90 08:17 PM 772 SANGER BANK ALARM CALL 16 30-Aug-90 08*58 PM 774 HILZ SNIDER CHEV ALARM CALL 16 0 )0 11-Aug-90 08*05 PM 774 1000 N STEMMONS OPEN BUILDING 17 11-Aug-90 01:34 AM 775 STEPHEN BAKER FIELD OPEN BUILDING 17 25-Aug-90 07:40 PM 774 SANGER TRAIN DEPOT OPEN BUILDING 17 28-Aug-90 09:50 PM 774 CITY BARN OPEN BUILDING 17 31-Aug-90 09@15 PM 774 SANGER HIGH SCHOOL OPEN BUILDING 17 21-Aug-90 08:40 PM 771 120S 10TH MESSAGE DELIVERY 19 02-Aug-90 03:35 PM 774 BURRUS MOTORIST ASSIST 20 03-Aug-90 11:50 PM 774 CITGO MOTORIST ASSIST 20 03-Aug-90 09:58 PM 775 N/B I-35 MOTORIST ASSIST 20 04-Aug-90 03:18 PM 774 705 8TH. MOTORIST ASSIST 20 05-Aug-90 01:32 PM 773 S/B I-35 @ BOLIVAR MOTORIST ASSIST 20 05-Aug-90 12:10 PM 773 S/B ACCESS & CHAPMANMOTORIST ASSIST 20 06-Aug-90 08:52 PM 771 ELM & 5TH MOTORIST ASSIST 20 10-Aug-90 10*13 PM 771 I35 & CHAPMAN MOTORIST ASSIST 20 12-Aug-90 09:45 PM 771 I-35 & CHAPMAN MOTORIST ASSIST 20 17-Aug-90 09:20 PM 771 OLD OUTA SITE VIDEO MOTORIST ASSIST 20 19-Aug-90 10*00 PM 774 OLD CONOCO SB I35 MOTORIST ASSIST 20 20-Aug-90 06:55 PM 771 902 HILLCREST #5 MOTORIST ASSIST 20 21-Aug-90 08:38 PM 771 BOLIVAR ST MOTORIST ASSIST 20 26-Aug-90 03:20 AM 771 400 CHAPMAN MOTORIST ASSIST 20 28-Aug-90 05:05 PM 774 CARE INN MOTORIST ASSIST 20 30-Aug-90 02:19 AM 771 I-35 @ AUSTIN MOTORIST ASSIST 20 02-Aug-90 10:15 PM 775 HORIZON AGENCY ASSIST 21 02-Aug-90 11:03 PM 775 1603 FAIRFIELD AGENCY ASSIST 21 04-Aug-90 01:21 AM 775 ACKER & PECAN AGENCY ASSIST 21 05-Aug-90 09:07 PM 775 ENLOW'S GARAGE AGENCY ASSIST 21 05-Aug-90 11:30 PM 775 HORIZON AGENCY ASSIST 21 10-Aug-90 03:45 AM 771 I35 NB FROM DENTON AGENCY ASSIST 21 12-Aug-90 08:19 PM 771 MILAM ROAD AGENCY ASSIST 21 18-Aug-90 02:15 PM 771 NB I-35 @ LOIS RD AGENCY ASSIST 21 25-Aug-90 05*10 PM 774 12TH & BOLIVAR AGENCY ASSIST 21 30-Aug-90 01:55 PM 772 FM 455 & MARION AGENCY ASSIST 21 04-Aug-90 07:40 PM 774 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHFUNERAL ESCORT 22 13-Aug-90 02:30 PM 771 COKER FUNERAL HOME FUNERAL ESCORT 22 02-Aug-90 11*03 PM 774 1603 FAIRFIELD CIVIL STANDBY 24 03-Aug-90 04:30 PM 774 210 SOUTHSIDE ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 03-Aug-90 09:15 PM 774 317 CHURCH ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 05-Aug-90 09:30 AM 773 1804 MELINDA MYRL ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 05-Aug-90 12:49 AM 775 PD ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 08-Aug-90 09:35 PM 771 CHAPMAN & STEMMONS ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 09-Aug-90 09:45 PM 775 SANGER PD ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 12-Aug-90 03:22 PM 771 301 S 1ST ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 13-Aug-90 04:56 PM 771 301 S 1ST ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 22-Aug-90 07:00 PM 772 301 S 1ST ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 25-Aug-90 05:50 PM 774 12TH & BOLIVAR ANIMAL COMPLAINT 25 01-Aug-90 03:00 PM 773 CITY HALL CITY BUSINESS 26 01-Aug-90 03:00 PM 773 CITY HALL CITY BUSINESS 26 02-Aug-90 03:40 PM 774 CITY HALL CITY BUSINESS 26 03-Aug-90 05:30 PM 774 COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY BUSINESS 26 03-Aug-90 05:00 PM 774 CITY HALL CITY BUSINESS 26 05-Aug-90 07:35 PM 774 MAYOR'S RESIDENCE CITY BUSINESS 26 04-Aug-90 04042 PM 774 MELINDA MYRLE MISC TRAFFIC CALL 27 18-Aug-90 08:23 PM 771 107 CAROLYN MISC TRAFFIC CALL 27 28-Aug-90 03:30 PM 774 SANGER MIDDLE SCHOOLMISC TRAFFIC CALL 27 05-Aug-90 11:58 AM 773 COMMUNITY CENTER MISC OTHER CALLS 28 05-Aug-90 09:07 PM 774 ENLOW'S GARAGE MISC OTHER CALLS 28 05 06—Aug-90 09:12 PM 775 06—Aug-90 04:54 AM 775 O6—Aug-90 11:38 PM 775 07—Aug-90 12:56 AM 771 07—Aug-90 03:56 AM 775 08—Au9-90 11:19 PM 775 09—Aug-90 09:19 PM 775 09—Aug-90 07:00 PM 775 10—Aug-90 08*24 PM 771 10—Aug-90 08:15 PM 771 12—Aug-90 08:51 PM 771 12—Aug-90 08:41 PM 771 12—Aug-90 09*43 AM 772 12—Aug-90 10:28 PM 775 14—Aug-90 10*52 PM 771 14—Aug-90 10:30 PM 775 15—Aug-90 10:13 PM 775 18—Aug-90 09a45 PM 771 18—Aug-90 09:05 PM 774 19—Aug-90 03:00 PM 771 21—Aug-90 01:20 AM 771 21—Aug-90 07:20 AM 774 22—Aug-90 05:15 PM 772 23—Aug-90 07:00 PM 772 25—Aug-90 10:20 PM 774 28—Aug-90 08*30 PM 774 28—Aug-90 04:15 PM 774 30—Aug-90 07:15 PM 774 12—Aug-90 09:38 AM 772 13—Aug-90 06:45 PM 775 28—Aug-90 04:00 PM 774 05—Aug-90 09*09 AM 773 26—Aug-90 07:13 PM 774 04—Aug-90 08:50 PM 774 27—Aug-90 08*02 PM 771 22—Aug-90 11:32 PM 771 18—Aug-90 04:52 PM 771 30—Aug-90 09:39 AM 772 02—Aug-90 01:26 AM 775 12—Aug-90 02@15 PM 771 01—Aug-90 09:40 PM 773 03—Aug-90 03:20 PM 774 03—Aug-90 11859 PM 775 03—Aug-90 02:28 AM 775 04—Aug-90 09:10 PM 774 07—Aug-90 01:10 AM 771 08—Aug-90 12:47 AM 771 13—Aug-90 10*40 PM 775 15—Aug-90 09:40 PM 771 15—Aug-90 12:47 AM 771 15—Aug-90 11:30 PM 771 17—Aug-90 02:10 AM 771 17—Aug-90 10*30 AM 772 19—Aug-90 05:37 PM 771 20—Aug-90 11:35 PM 771 21—Aug-90 02:38 PM 774 HILL SNIDER MISC OTHER CALLS 28 1802 MELINDA MYRL MISC OTHER CALLS 28 201 BOLIVAR MISC OTHER CALLS 28 I35 & CHAPMAN MISC OTHER CALLS 28 1802 MELINDA MYRL MISC OTHER CALLS 28 109 JACKILU MISC OTHER CALLS 28 COMMUNITY CENTER MISC OTHER CALLS 28 COMMUNITY CENTER MISC OTHER CALLS 28 906 CHURCH MISC OTHER CALLS 28 211 HILLCREST MISC OTHER CALLS 28 211 HILLCREST MISC OTHER CALLS 28 906 CHURCH MISC OTHER CALLS 28 COMMUNITY CENTER MISC OTHER CALLS 28 CITY PARK MISC OTHER CALLS 28 NB I-35 FROM DENTON MISC OTHER CALLS 28 HILZ SNIDER CHEV MISC OTHER CALLS 28 212 S 4TH MISC OTHER CALLS 28 1000 WOOD MISC OTHER CALLS 28 125 PARAMOUNT MISC OTHER CALLS 28 316 AUSTIN MISC OTHER CALLS 28 BANGER PD MISC OTHER CALLS 28 BANGER PD MISC OTHER CALLS 28 BANGER PD MISC OTHER CALLS 28 COMMUNITY CENTER MISC OTHER CALLS 28 BANGER HIGH SCHOOL MISC OTHER CALLS 28 102 HILLCREST MISC OTHER CALLS 28 10TH & FM 455 MISC OTHER CALLS 28 110 HILLCREST BURGLARY OF HABITATION 29 BANGER PD BURGLARY OF VEHICLE 31 1005 MARSHALL BURGLARY OF VEHICLE 31 BANGER COURIER BURGLARY OF VEHICLE 31 1100 AUSTIN/OFFICE BURGLARY OF MACHINE 32 116 PRESTON ASSAULT 33 HORIZON THEFT U/ 20 37 808 N 8TH THEFT U/ 20 37 211 S 4TH THEFT 0/ 20 U/ 750 38 603 N 4TH THEFT 0/ 750 39 408 S 7TH THEFT 0/ 750 39 DAVIS CONCRETE CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 43 612 ELM CRIM MIS 0/20 U/750 43 205 COLONIAL HEIGHTSHARRASSMENT 45 PD HARRASSMENT 45 PD HARRASSMENT 45 705 N. 2ND. HARRASSMENT 45 112 TAMMY HARRASSMENT 45 117 ELM HARRASSMENT 45 119 WILLOW HARRASSMENT 45 BANGER PD HARRASSMENT 45 503 TURTLE CREEK HARRASSMENT 45 I-35 & CHAPMAN HARRASSMENT 45 503 TURTLE CREEK HARRASSMENT 45 I-35 &CHAPMAN HARRASSMENT 45 BANGER PD HARRASSMENT 45 138 TAMMY HARRASSMENT 45 BURRUS HARRASSMENT 45 705 HOUSTON 911 HANG UP 47 ®5 24-Aug-90 04015 PM 772 31-Au9-90 04:45 PM 774 20-Aug-90 02*52 AM 774 25-Aug-90 08:50 PM 774 28-Aug-90 03920 PM 774 16-Aug-90 10000 PM 771 02-Aug-90 10:15 PM 774 05-Aug-90 02*18 PM 773 606 N 5TH 121 SOUTHSIDE TARRANT OIL (CITGO) 200 SOUTHSIDE SNAP SHOP BANGER HIGH SCHOOL HORIZON 807 UTILITY RD. 911 HANG UP 911 HANG UP ROBBERY KIDNAPPING FORGERY/ FRAUD RUNAWAYS MISC OFFENSE REPORT MISC OFFENSE REPORT 47 47 48 50 53 55 56 56