10/15/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1990 01 BOLIVAR STREET., CITY HALL 3. Disbursements 4. Citizen's Input Electric Pickup Request Billy Jack Hollingsworth + MIKE NORMAN'S ANNEXATION S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Ruland's Request Concerning Property located at Indian Springs Subdivision 4 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Fire Dept. - Interlocal Agreement 11.. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appofntrr,.ent to Denton County % rl 11He Stoppers Board .5. Adjo11ri1Tnerit t Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Meeting October 1, 1990 'Armstrong,Councilwoman WendellCouncilman +mas, Councilman Danny McDaniel, and Councilman Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins +DRESENT. City Manager - +le Burl & Carmen Bourland, Shelly Ruland, and Frank Rodgers 1. Mayor A7Tmstrong called the meeting to order. City Manager John Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. �. Mitnttes stood approv�ccl as printed. 3. Disbursements -Motion made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Thomas to approve disbursements. Motion carried. It was noted the Water Treatment is 30 days behind competition. �. Citizen's Input -None Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to propose Oct. 20-27 as fall clean-up week. The City's participation will be to keep the landfill open all that week and weekend before - Friday to Monday, free dump for anyone who can show proof by utility bill that they live in City limits, there will be no free curb -side pickup. However, they will see to work this problem out with Beautification Committee. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. 0. Conduct Public Hearing on Variance Request for Woodrow Barton, Replat 01 Lot 2, Block LID 01 O. T. of Sanger T 1990 ?age 2 Mr. Woodrow Barton spoke on behalf of his variance request. Mr. Barton was requesting that his 100' X 100' lot at Plum and 6th Street be divided into two 50' X 100' lots facing Plum Street. 4e also was needing a variance on the size the house, the side yard requirements, and a variance to build a carport. 7. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Variance fiegttest. for Woodrow Barton Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton to gq•ant variance request on the size of lot from 60' to 200', 6,000 sq. ft. to 5,000 sq. ft. (50' X 100% size of house be granted a variance from 1,200 sq. ft. to 1,100 sq. ft., size yard variance of 6' to 7' as shown on the plat and that the variance be granted to build a one car carport. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 0. Cansider and Passible Action Regarding the Ruland's Request Concerning Property located at Indian Springs Subdivision. Mt°. 8� Mr°s. �uland addressed the city council cancer°ping a land purchase of Indian Springs Subdivision. The issues they addressed were: (1) for a ruling on Ordinance Number 45 - Agricultural. Type Uses. (2) Specifications concerning the construction of one size family residence plus outbuilding, without the completion of streets, alleys, utilities, etc., but, (I1 without violating the existing plat of the subdivision. (a) Driveway from Duck Creek road to homesite on lots 3, 4, and 5. (b) Availability of water and sewer connections. (c) Inspections of existing water and sewer lines. Discussion followed. Mayor Armstrong advised that she did not know if the City could legally do this. They might require the opinion of the City Attorney to advise whether Council had to legally maintain this City Council tabled this item r.�ntil Cict. t5th to allow Council to contact City Attorney for an opinion as to see if this would actually be legal. Discussion. This item tabled to dive some of the Councilmembers an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the By-laws and if they would then consider serving on the Board. 9.0, Consider° and Possible Action Re�ardin� D. C. A. D.'s 1991 Budt;•et. - Resolution 1?9-90 Councilman McNeill made the motion to table this item until City receives formal budget from Appraisal District for approval. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. AS AMENDED,• `OMMUNICATION , • i3raxton. Votion carried. • k a Adjustment This item tabled until all five members can be appointed. 13. City Adtninistratian Report: City �tIana�er pt•avided the City Cauncil with the fallawin information: dispute between Highland Village 2. Provided Cauncil with Beautification Committee's Recycling Survey Results purchase from Brazos Electric. Accts. Payable is a non- bearin� interest account. If we left the money in the interest. bearing account until it was time to pay the City could earD interest $13.89 per day interest. readyproposals for EAS or 19th. 1 0 Mayor asked if the City Council Minutes October 1, 1990 Page 5 15. Executive Session According to Article 5252-17, Vernon's Civil Statutes, (f), Negotiations for Acquisition of Deal Property Mayor Armstrong convened City Council into executive session. City Council reconvened from executive session at 6:44 p.m. Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton that City Administrator be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of Dr. Joseph Stout's property. According to the terms agreed upon as stated in the Memorandum #634, 9700 sq. ft., this offer also includes stipulation that it would be cash offer, that the City will be willing to pay closing cost and survey; but, City will pay no back taxes or no means any other costs, the property must be clean and that the offer will also be accompanied by the phrase that this offer is made pending necessity of commencing condemnation proceedings in order to acquire right of way for public benefit. If agreement cannot be reached with this stipulation that we allow a time frame of 14 days from dates proceedings begin, Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 17. Ad journrrient. rTY OF' SH INO R VEf�lDClTt VE:14I�OR hiFihlE OE'E N AC;COU%ITS PHAErI..E L i {D I' I NO AS OF to/11/90 I hiVO I C;EE AMOUNT D I SCOUNT OF'Efu 1--._j'78Ea �OL_.IVi=�R SF'EiT:ALiY F'ROIJUCT��; G/I... DISTRIBUTION 4;'4It'12100[a 42 m3Ca AIR GREASE BUN PO 651121 15n 00 n 00 1 u t_a[_a G/L DISTRIBUTION t21It;='000 l5n00 DRUM DEIOSIT — VEHICLES VENDOR TOTAL, 579 t5o „ 0 57, Z.,[Ea K ;_— 4032 i BR:I' SCOE TIRE. PO S�-t.0B u1;�'a 00 t:?ir 1E'� iEa[Ea G/L DTS.TRIBU T ION 41.9e 080ir 31110 iu; TULsE.S & E 900 X 20 TIRES FOR REEL. ON DIGGER TRUCK :lt0[a) 0 L::-!31 VENDOR TO'T'AI_ 3 12a 00 a t_aCa 3121100 n _ 41;= BURRUS SUPERMARKET r; PO 6373 O"r_ 87 It �qu 87 G/L DISfRIBU'I ION 413a 1500 9= 87 SOFT DRINKS 2 CANDY (P.C. REIMB. 35w Ol ) VENDOR TOTAL 594 87 , [Etta 594 87 41-1 4175 CALVERT AUTC41MO'T'I'VEq INCz 4t• PO 5979 419u ^B „ irta 419a 9B G/l_ DI STRIBUw1 ION 419a 01300 392a 00 G/L. DISTRIBUTION 419, oBoO *:'7a 98 ALTEERENATOR' 8%B SPARK PLUGS VENDOR TOTAL. 419e 98 e [Fair 419n 9B � _. C.,:1iur C&H JANITORIAL. SUPPLIES PO 6523 7ln93 It of,) 71 e 93 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442. l600 711193 'KITCHEN ROLL. TOWELS & TO I LET TISSUE VENDOR TOTAL '71 a 93 „ on 71 a 93 B,- 6530 COCA COLA BOT (L.ING CO. OF Nu To PO (41550 1 i a, 00 m iai) l ian lair G/l_ DISTRIBUTION 1122m 1600 10400 LEASE: PAYMENT — OCTM VENDOR TOTAL liars ia( o hair Zia, i;?tEr 7 — 7500 CONSUMER REPORTS :� PO F,v:77 c'cr, [Fria „ ia[Ea c�iaa irCa G/I_ DIS T RIr}UTIOl�I 'r,,t=rn iEa�°ia[, E[?a [<a L.ID SUBSCRIPTION VENDOR TOTAL. on 0c) : Oia [EaG no 8*-• WOO DART PRODUCTS f 1 Y Ur SANGE:R VENI}CIR VENI7CiR Nt-1h1E x G/L_ DISTR%lIBUTION i,HOKE'—CARI) CLEANER CiF}EN t"aCCOUNTS PHARLE. L. I S (' I NG ( AS OF 10/11/90 11431:13 Z (VIVO I CE: AMOUNT D I SCOUNT 42,1 y 2000 44a 10 VEI~di)OR TCi1"At.. G/L DISTRIBUTION 419a 11t_at? CLUTCH PCI C141 1 G/L DISTRIBUTION 4 19a 1lOO PILOT BUSHING &• FUEL. FILTER I'll 6419 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419m 1,100 1 STARTER I MOTOR MOUNT PO 6423 G/L DISTRIBUTION 41` o 0300 BUSHINGS &• HOSE i-'U E!5L.8 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419=0300 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419a 0l?,t: 0 G/L DISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTION419a 1OOO TURN E, DRUMS, CAM FsC1NDCis SPREADER, ROLL WIRE: VENDOR TOTAL iC>-- 1t�•ri�EAGLE i_r7Ct; SHO(='(='E G/L DISTRIBUTION 423at}100 REPAIR LOCI-: CITY HALL. OL_DGa VENDOR TOTAL rN 11=11_n1`ERS NAT T. t7KlAI_ I NSa L;C.10 G/L DISTRIBUTION 438a it::,00 AUTO INS. BAA-4649058 1t�-- i�r14t.} F"I�iC t1ORF'ORATItJN G/L DISTRIBUTION LEASE PAYMENT ON SEWER MACHINE: :t;�;'-' ;�F.:t�at�aCa I-IIL—SNI.C7F'R CHEVa , INCo �t• G/I._ 1aAQtF% tli IkJtd CLUTCH FORK 2 BEARING THROW OUT vENLiOfi: TOTAL. VENTSOR TOTAL, 41`'�a lliaia 31 a t:aS 1. a 0 9 34�?a CiC, S4i?y r.;C y taia t�ai} t�at,a Cat:a y t_at_a y t:at.a t:ai} ` AL 7E. 4Lla i�at1 1 FrC�a E3 q 1 L.. C •'} a JF. 34Cia ;Er 34t1a E, n t:a a Ct:a rz'1 Y OF SACaG14�:R IaCI�I1C1R VEC�IDOC; t�lAh1E; G/L DISTRIBUTION BATTERY RY TRAY G/L DISTRIBUTION 4 L I H BOOKS OI?EIS! AC'COUIXITS PHAOLE L.IS,'IIhIC:, A' OF 1ti/11/90 11r 1u13 PO 6421 41`an 20oo VENDOR TOTAL VE:NDOR TOTAL PO 6375 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434a 0200 GAS USAGE: AT LIBRARY VENDOR TOTAL I61— 317265 (NORTH TEXAS FLEET SERVICE x r4,10 6.,407 i,/I_ DISTRIBUTION 419n 11C?C? SURFACE FLYWHEEL_ #65P9 VENDOR TOTAL, 17— 32400 PAC'TEL PAGING k PO G/L DISTRIBUTION G/L. DIciTRIBt.I-EIoki DIGITAL PAGERS 18- 'i�=�titi t="ADDAi,F;q i�OCtiIAL_1J G/I_ DISTRIBUTION! DOG FOOD FOR POUND 1.';i•- .:;:;;at1C? C'EOPLE 15Tt-l(aA7_IhIE �t- G/L DISTRIBUTION LID SUBSCRIPTSUBSCRIPTION a� i�/L_ DI:-TRIBUTIO(�i 2 i() EMBLEM — CUSTOM MADE t~.w 1c: 1+U a �1ENDOR TOTAL VLNDOR TOTAL.. VENDOR TOTAL. Vf_NDOR TOTAL. 4 n 45 Ci I SGOIIi�'i „ titi „tit? OE"'Eh! 18 11Sa E,8 18 a fit:? TY Ul— Z A)HMJER VENIIOR l'EI`Jlit]R {uAtv1E ;�1— 33t�at'a RITE—t�ELL} SUR'i='l..`( It�ICe G/L DISTRIBUTION RU ILL OXYGEN G/L DISTRIBUTION �':°;-• 3�7�ft�} �Ahd(�ER, CITY a:;�r G/L DISTRIBUTION G/L DISTRIBUTION G/L_ G/L DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION G/L DISTRIBUTION G/L. DISTRIBUTION G/L G/L G/l-. G/L DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRI DISTRIBUTION BUT ION CITY UTILITIES AT C17Y FACILITIES iaPEN ACCOUN I ..:7 f aHYHbl._E L. i �=.'T 1(N(j AS OF10/11/90 11:51u1L, I VOICE AMOUNI4 D I SCOUN T St.42u t_.t,}t" O t�E:hai�OR �'L1Tr�L. r�C! G,3,71f ff7.3e i 20 j t%E�II~,ziR TC1Tr-1L_ 434e t� 100 434e t,}900 34u 064,00 0 434e 07oO 4.34e 18()0 rf34a 11tjt"a 433„ 121c) _)o 434e 0500 434 a 04t, 0 VE ItiDOR T O'TAL i�:e t:at�a �C C. nie �a 18 e 6 1F-t`�e sC, 494 e 80 133. 8G 483e 76 82o 34 ,511 e t_},3 B4e 71 53m 41 7i-:t;e 7t_} 14. 13 `9a �`4— ;:,7777 SAI�IGEI� OF1= ICsE 'w►.JPPL_.Y G/L DISTRIBUTION 411 e t_aT�00 44m 51 G/L DISTRIBUTION 411r 1`�t_at_a 44e51 OFFICE SUPPLIES -I BENS, FILE FOLDERS, PADS, CLIPS, RAPID LETTERS, ETC PO F13`�7 3e ` 0 G/L. DISTRIBUTION 411e C 100 a `�G NOTEBOOK BINDERS 05) of PO G 46 G/l... DISTRIBUTION 411, 01, 0 33„ 13 G/L_ DISTRIBUTION 411u i}�a00 33„ 15 G/L DISTRIBUTION 411e iit_ata 33N IG INDEX DIVIDERS, LEGAL. PADS, ETCe e t�at�a e t:i[a e t�at�a e t:i[a e t�at�a e t�at�a e taia ' �+'�}C-fie •71�: VENDOR TOTAL. 1�f;='e 4G ;�a•- ..;r-�C}t�at_a SAhIGER PAR i'3 CEhiTER G/l_ DISTRIB!_i'T 101�( `fcio;�:t�at�a[a 7e t�4 TIRE REPAIR KIT r'.........,.I i Or t-lHItULK V�rar�OR VEr�c�cn� rIAr�E G/L DISTRIBUTION G/I_ DISTRIBUTION SANDING D I SC`,S UP HOSE. 611_ LIS`iRiL-sA..1ilOra I CAN FIBERGLASS; & HARDERNE 61L_ TllCTRi.FtiJ! IOr! G/L DISTRIBUTION FLASHERS & REFLECTORS G/L DI#3TRIE;U'i"I.Or! 6/1_ DISTRIBUTION BOL_TSY WASHERS, NUTS Ix. „/L DISTRIBUTION I._.I A:t SUBSCRIPTION CiF'Er1 AC,COUtdTS P 31'A"L LE L I S T I1\16 AS OF 10/11/SCa 1.1a5�1°13 I VOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT 49`finCBOO r+192 t_?8i_ 0 f='O L4Ca4 t�. I �j, Ca 500 41 ` 4 11 t_aC? -`}13n tj600 VEr1C�Of=? 1'O'iAL VErII:?ClR i i:aT��L �`_'7—4t�+ICaCa TEAS �'i�iL.ITIt:AL_ SIJBOI:t+'ISIOr15 G. J WORKERS' 6/1_ G/L G/L G/L G/L G/L G/L G/L G/L G/L G/L G/L G/L 6/L C �MrP. DISTRIBUTION DISTRii;i.l'rION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION4{:a DIS1"RI DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION BUT ION 4Ci7u 4Ca7, 407ni} 407e '/u 407, 4Cgm 407u 407a0100 407m 't•t.a7a 07n 407e 407n VENDOR Qt-+C?0 0700 00 1r?00 Ca 00 1000 05C")O 14:00 {:?300 I100 t:a,r00 I1'00 Ca` 00 TOTAL. c8-- 50r,'1 aC a 'J I F; I r!6 ,t OF{= I CE PRODUCTS PO E,3B7 2 CASES G/I_ c " ADDING DISTRIBUTION RIBUTION MACHINE TAr-'E 44_=n 1':i{.at_a 9 itan {?C, ;n 1 ��+v 15 n Cj7 4Ca, c�t:i 2a tita(an �iC1 1a7% oo 94e 1 1 9a 5tf 123= 83 °t:atan 14 t,b3n 00 Go 80 c'7n 4!a 1, 709M 51 �: 7`Jn 41 6n 14 159n C}7 i 70 4G, CaCj Ca{;a o Cana Caia v Cana rSF'E�r�i _TY OF SANGI":F; t?ENi�C1R t1ENi�OF% h1AP�lE Gtl._ DISTRIBUTION LARGE & SMAL.L. PATCHES ��' RE.CORf)S r�'ROCESSET� Gi L. DEPARTMENTS ADMINISTRATIOW- GF LI'SRARY--GF POL.I CE--GF SAN I T A'T' I ON—GF S`T�REE}`IS—GF WASTEWATER--EF ELECTR I C--FF PARKS- GF PUBLIC WORW,._GF F I RE--GF VEHICLE. MA I NT- GF MAYOR & COUNCIL—GF MAYOR & COUNC i L--'EF ADM I N I STRAT I ON--EF PUBLIC WORKS—EF' SULLIVAN CENTER—GF DATA P ROCESS I NGI—E:F VEHICLE NA I NT--EF UPLN ACc:OUN 1= r-IAYAr.L_E 1_ I u;T I No AS (31= 10/ 11 1C)t-; 11 a 1 n 1; I NVCJ I C'E AMOUNT DISCOUNT VEN%OR TOTAL 46a 00 , te;() FIO E,tF 1 F, �i,24n 12()00 VENL�OFd TOTAL 1 ` 40 �162m 25 1 )7a `3G 00499 Jq I t / m 4 G4 E,gin ` / f341 o o9l 140a 5 98 1, 184a 63 I55n 07 Ga SG 39z ~87 1g 7374 1E 4`an 45 :4t }, E38 FADE. 0 1 ra o li.( 19 � 4 t;:; :�• 1�q ft24a 48 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITi' OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Cc_►uncil John Hamilton, City Manager October 12, 1990 Bid Opening - Used Pickup For Electric Dept. The legal notice for this budgeted bid item for the Electric Departrrient rias been published seeking bids on a used 1988 or 1989, 1/2 Ton rated, white pickup. The bid opening is scheduled for 2 p.m., Monday, October 15, 1990. The results will be brought to you for your consideration Monday evening. Budget on this item is $7,500. JHtes CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 7Q26Q MEMORANDUM #648 TO: Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE. October 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Drainage Improvement Request -Billy Jack Hollingsworth Mr. Hollingsworth has requested that the City improve the west to east drainage on Church Street into his lot. The existing drainage easement is located to the north of the current water flow and cannot handle the water during a heavy rain. Mr. Hollingsworth has offered to donate a 10 ft. easement on his property to connect with an existing 15 ft* easement on the east side of First Street as indicated on the enclosed plat. Consulting City Attorney Ron Neiman has told me that this donation of a drainage easement can be handled by a letter format and should not require a replat. If Co�.�ncil approves of the drainage easement donation, it can be accomplished by construction of a 10 it. wide concrete drainage channel, approximately 150 ft. long. The estimated material cost is $ ldso• 10�0— and the estimated construction time would be 2 1/2 days. If t�ouncil approves of this project, work will begin prior to Mid - December, weather permitting. JH:es enclosure 013 OFF- Floodgate u re I tj v y tot T' u G j t'A,foo •r , .�..nr�.c. L .1 Q a am x ~ ° E IJ tell add r, u a � iti _ `r`r{fit 1. ? Is dodial all in p ,u y� .. .,:. R' :v t0 4' 41 tl' _: P Ut;'�, f 't ..,;. Add r. 't ui ',C J N., YO• L Q u >� " •VIA ;F Y u o de .n 4 Z, ec I tJ 04 {q,.r AM 11 u y M i Y l: U u •i+ 7(• r r •. b O u K v. W N ��oQ •� t u {C96 r- r f vYt1 t(�� U O f ry 2. N L N ] t 1 •'r. T l• u O tom; '.'+•) Y tl' �i�tE li rM' M L" O N y I Ft IF all insteadV' 1 'O ♦ INCis ' W 'q' A U 4' Ji Y y ° A , I ���III W it `' ij „1 (lt,J w' 1 t+ yY b V "N I,tt t / f•,•, ut'l+1 44./ r` ,r t III to a r Do u • rn • t " .°. to ,`i ei' ;1 Lp fr IF a t•. 114 u ry C , a"'�' rY ^N" F. y t tFlF f OF so ; x}t/ ,c: r F' A. S. N wc u , • tr .:,' 'IU 1• �r.' V1Ly uI,.GL'. ,0 vell :. w t1a - •rS l y „,lrl I f 1 4 ,y d Y ,, u v tl t, d IF t,f,: 5 0 1 •'J N W N 'b T .Re - • u a F- 7 C �t A •.� m �, `,I OFF _ .+;,77 '# .�,�4i y N�1� . c vro .c c o m A C�•^C ► °t I As .b we C ?11 • o n u v v N c. ^! 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'NM �f{i •1 I OF FIL ora in IF Ali,�$j , W pl - 160 �, 4"Y lot co m i1j o ♦. CIS a a _ e V Awl g m ".iltl L ,:E.� tf at"��, w t • CS'7 d' Gb I£ Q ii j"' v to e Ile . ,r , AA f. ;e �idoldedIIIM 9 � S£ o£ N''� i :` ,ter I p.V. V.�itl) (' 96 ",1 t�io�z '}i `r,• " t r, l tj .+ }�. /``�s ': t1, �� 1 i� f h 1 I V..yrm ¢ ' to •., do's�. t .. ALM 4 doV Og r �' i:tl„ �. p: v J a s a. t . I ym . �. S i i loti ,,i r +� t, n$ �i s { u r I t '^t �� 11} t rr -r�, ,.ty y'�, 1 'Ityhttj' v tjt' eb d Lair' ref - �Y, u.+{j r� .� t,.aa t (J• . r All ♦M g '�L d£ 1��. �' O'df7 '..1�,�y' �,�l ti. II .. IG %.r..t'e r+p��*p, r•'t. ..to A.f 9a ,'M �F �rir�,s, elt1I. lrtly �,, �'11 . • I M y . 1 , 1"''� 4 o t r f' tq,�? 1 H ,,t, • I e . _ °'."': , ,: , :,. • i #` • ;;'! At It t IfA � I. a 1 1— I om 3 I: W n, �.t, , ,fit ,,li•' 'i. '�.ftjwi I I ••�{!•F'� t 1' �µ Xrtl•7�,1.Mot 1• I ..wry1, Ql' Y' `:�i,ltl N ,t A tob ,, S'e ' LN zar �y .f �' 2' {...s r 1 altt`t I i' S�, l� � .t .� O. t) APsi III t ,r ton V) I tte'f I do All III ;J, I IF,`7 i I (I tf -.i •t/f I = e I r N OFLAVF t r O • Q '!�•lays OF I a I ONI i n�, lt dt I V IfF ,05 y.t• V4 smile �Sol .. t of •• Hlot' pb W•--• ---- °'"1 fto 5':`'(�, 'I •< L tl I Alto },1^ark' y ,0£ , Z91. M Its 019£ e£N"" . i , :.'. f tk ,, . , ■o Oo BOX 578 l TEXAS TO: Honorable Mayor Members of the City Council FROM: Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary DATE. October 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Mike Norman's Annexation As ad�rised by TML Attorney he recommended that Cfty Council set. the dates for the Public Hearings on Mike Norman's Annexation on Lot 4, Indian Springs Addition and on section of land known as .6617 acres ad joining Lot 4 on the south. I am also enclosing some reading material re�ardin� legal procedure that needs to be followed on annexation proceedings. RG:es enclosures MIKE NORMAN BUILDING 108 Colonial Heights Sanger, Texas 76266 81.7 458-3902 City of Sanger Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Attn: John Hamilton, City Manager Nel Armstrong, Mayor k �( G !� /''�� i�_ �� fit .�1,��� Sept. 28, 1990 I, Mike Norman, would. like to petition the City of Sanger to in- corporate Lot 4, Indian Springs Addition and a section of land known as .6617 acre adjoining Lot 4 on the south. See enclosed plat. City property adjoins this property on the North and West sides now. Thank you. .�i.` _ % 1 � fir •'FROPERif 1 ..1Ira ell , ,.. NIS low llIm it ►:. yr •... ' . •!EER January dV LOUISIOnO yney, , Texas L`7G'ATlON s�oP swl r,1'•toon• CURVE DATA •..'rf re N�• J i • •rTn re I .: //Den' , . rt. ,• 1 • III Vr a♦D^DP IF . nr to �� 3 s`• 3 7 2 1/. /3 • /V owd7r 37 S 09•.3� , 4�. • `�0• ir . � C ti �3?•3sr�' �s i 00 40� 1 3e•O oO,lr' ;oD it Soo .y ). � ' ' •�-�. �^'� •' i✓i SoQa 000 '�. Rio a ' • . //j %. GA k Do ��049 ti%•'• eg0 to or I VjW Joyce Porrent :, 4 Valk W, Bennie Porrent �;;.o •* j,,;:; `. � ...•,�- ,. -,�-- -. La Rue Elrod �•~,yr 0'� Bolt 1037 ' �/ �/ • ' o ` Sanger, Texas T6266 •' • a ,M . ltD�N' �� 1• IY • �., M I M wJLL � MM I sc, "NMN►, #00 ff CITY•COUN NEAI[T EP R MENT PHASE ONE. CUURtHOUSE ON THE SQUARE DENTON, TEXAS 76201 I N D l A N SPRINGS ESTATES. 3-7 g % • %J ^r„„•r ,n.i ''•• Tlir r 17v r►F CANGFPI. If Or it' AS � , Q/"" � � C ((ii � � d--5:,`�, �, 39 � �� c. �\.3 o"tim ;,` � Qc�' 'i.,�-' i pry .. •• L/� ,,�i�t"�` oo�o�,• POINT OF BEGINNING --`'�l ��¢ �—rse:ee �. -' �-�--- --rsa. --- --- — S89_13' 04" 2296. 43 ti ram• ram' o' 15'UTI ITY ESM �•� �'�"�- - �' �� nfoh � � 'er ram' � ' � ' � rv' W ro' W ' �,9° 15 � o. � 16 •"•' o c n �b m ♦ep �o a o �o ti*�• � m po 17 0'18 ',`19 ^�20 ~21 �2 n o � '� �1'S6`• �� � 1 m,po N • O • O O s • O : op�23 ' G'�d' �?J'� lu N � • °o i °jam `'•' 530,00 a' ..* n�L16 .34 9 S@9 i3'04' , ' 4'3i'E SiS. 300,00 ' 250.00 00 `, � l00.00 ��' i-1 ' f O• If1 . O. ^ O Off O' � �� t O � b � N �� 12 a 9 :^ !0^11 �12,o13niq �5 �6 �� 17� (t] �Cn 0.574•AC� o N N N N N N � N �~f�•' N � i EOCK C p' 3 ,.� 11 U 11� 120,9. —i '15 UT LITY MT, loo.00 fO ,t ti^ �J 0.574 AC.O i°ii 130.22 500.00 -r "''•— — �— '-"'_ V oti� � H • J �— —e--- — — N �_ •env �,• r4' c,' �• e;• �• l00. 0 554.7@ r r r r r �� 10 N o^f qo ,� �eL �eL � W -77 . ss i O ��' 0.37� AC. N 0 �� n o n d m� : p^I ,� �® � o' 8 n n� °7 � °6 a° 5 iri o' . � f • �i O • :` en1e • ry N •� a q • N • n 2' Q P 1 'u : m ,� � 9 e1 Z N V ''^ N CJ• • p m n O. E Z � O.S74 AC. o c� r �' b � N iN N 3 N@8 �34' 3i'E ., 'o n bpj^� 0n 250.00 Z 25'@L o• o' o � • S@B 56'4g•E ' • 500, 0 130.00 �+;' m L-57.05 0 80@.OS' � ey n � 5' �, 100.00 � • �"` 8ro h� � 2s 6u. ioo.00 j 307 e � � � .@4e A 00 •�' ti Op p o ' ps p . 68 ' S1 � "' o '� •���•�' �� ~ � BLO K B �NO3 5�' S0 ° E o = 2 �` y "'�/ � env n � �° 0"�7 Sr `' 6 " 0 5 4 3 2 o i m s. 6 58 �/I �� 1.43 � .� n' � o' m �; �•• �•. �•• va. �LMS Y�.443 � c� ' � tie �� �0r o � �dr �hr h hr`'. � r�'� �-N23 7 ' E `�� i io9oo � �+ �� o en c n n`O nep n�h � � 99. 49 ' . ' � L-35. 43 0, / °' O' ; N O O' o o � V @•`` BRI GES /� 7,5�� is'O�INA n� �Ol.i7�4i G.A36 � ��oi 1 � h� �-fse-se- —�,�— 15 UTILI ESMT o p � L 753BAo'`�mjj Ne8 56'45"W 836.4p' Q 4 _ y~ � y DAMES CQwART READY VOL.347 PG.212 CENTEAI.SNE CURVE DATA CLFNE • 0 R _ _L_ s' i4'�a'fo' tso.00 ee,ae � s•'�o•oo• xao.00 P]7.ro a7'.o•e.• zQ7.ao 2sa..a ?D0.00 2.'S0 , 80 Yi ao,» u.se f2s.76 iea.n2 f�.�o DUCK CREEK ROAO� LIFT STAT SEE DETAI' 0 a owNER BENNIE E. PARRENT P.O.BOX 266 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 �� - i I'', FIRST STATE BANK OF DENTON VOL.1009 PG.601 �:or— �•Q� o----�re.ee-- :/• •+ � o' 26 ^� b �, =4 e h � ry'h. 25 <' � c hn p p ti ;~,�C I N01�03'15'E .21.15 ' i21.59 �21.73 RALPH� . AMYX VOL.1 76 PG.88 ---r7o-ee------ �' 65 10 ! .091 AC / N85�_N 375.65' <s N� O.B69 AC. � " 6 °c ��° O.SAI AC. ,- 5 � „ !�0.505 AC � 4 °o�515 AC.F ri. _. �.P 60'R.0 7 0.538 ®�. �0 3p3• ss / '' / 8 � Q 730 AC. p9 F, 3 h~� � i�i � M 342�53 f 7 W — � � . � / � f 2 / �r S � 52 ' 10'�W� 629 . � 1 ' i � r ��� � / ''� 9Q�S�GQG 3� �� � . i 54'S9"W n �.,_ �,.. 11�29` 8"W 49.0 VN 22�11'40"E ' 12.90' � 01 100'�06"W 29� 72 P Ste/ 4 ,� } i \ 30'UTILITY ESMT.-��\ N89 59'S4'E 32.64' �� w 15'UTItITY ESMT. � , �n 1 A CI 1, ' • LIFT STATION •, ti+'.{tRi:1S, t, f3ertnie I:, p-arrertt c•t dl a 1()14; and ttte !1. 7'i.er�,c:-5ter �t►rvey, by deal to Iic�L�ie E. l�rrertt et al, ; rtnrn ful 1 y d�c1-i tx�,l zti fol I c� Ir'-�I��,'1V; for t}te rtortJnrst corner of rwrttne.5•t cnrrrr of szid 1'ar-r-el►t trac rc�onled in Volure !�2, ptc;e lfr� oi' tJ '[1{!�q; South r`ic� del;rees I3 minutes (14 feet to a set iron pin fctr the n)rtttr corner of llriinr► Sprints Estates, Ht3 71(1:tiY1? South 4I det,rz�es (JR r:Linutes t 3'+2. �3 feet to r► set iron pin fctr con 7t it:J��; youth +�+ dcy..�-ee;; `�� minutes 1� dist<-utce of 6'Z9.E�I feet to a found in rstaCes; Tti3� •South 3h degrees S:i minutes r►orthent souttt,�st corner of said IrxL' by deed to S. t:. t3otr-rmrt a'td recorded course, a distance of 29��.72 feet to T1fNCF: South ll degrees Zy minutes :38 to a found inxt pin for corner; 'I11E�lc� South 2 degrees 11 rrartutes 40 111.t�C) feet to a fa�td iron pin for u 71i1;rK�: South Ol derr-ees OJ minutes OG fire seut}tc:3st corner of the herein Rah•*rirtn tract, artd aL90 Geir►g in the r 1' ft.'JQ": Vorth 83 de<„rees S� mir a dist�zrtce of 391.47 feet to a set irc right 1�•.�irtg a nriius of 251).Ot"� feet, T•�:dQ', in a rorthea_sterly directicxt, corner; 7'G:•x:►: forth '.3 dehre>?s 47 minutes �n also :>eing the point of c►>n•3turc of t c1e<,rees 4�) mi.rtutes lU secctrxis; 7'C•:J;;l•: in a northeasterly direction, cont�; 'I1D;�"r. \orth 03 de;recce 57 r•:tinutes 7J 71 G�JC►? .Wrttr S� degra?s i6 minutes 4 ; 7?G•:•iCi: South UI dc�;rees U3 rrrit►utes 1`. Irt�irt; in t7,e south line of said Yarrer i:cdrh•, and recorded in `�oltrte 347, Inc �:1;i:J�; `iortit c�C3 de•;recs `�i �rinutes 4= :titicJ i?cs><Jy tract, r► c1is�►:re of 53ri.c r.ri:l•ircxt l,in alp l,cin�; t!tc• souL'r..c r�c't ; :!i!:Y,;!•. ��qrL`, rl ? c!r:_ : � rl:, ;tirtutes ctt� s�iid �bL�ctrt trx.t, a rliSt,irr.e �>f l: :Ltt, 1, !krt:ti� .. i'��rc*tt sic, !rre': :'.►-t_�r_ ;�„�,, of tl►e Irrli;3rt �;x'irts 1:4t ,''orb fix.: park, strc.��t5ii�`�1�2r �'L'�L'tLC{�.� 1�! t,f��c ••c, t!r: tut h�rsi;�>`�I ��>Lin i': 7p/..'.; tU "h tU i,C_' !�d_' ;>t.'fvY.i ..'IU:i*_ l.,f't;AL Q � A Continued From Page 11 applies. TEX. LC+C. GOV'T. CODE ANN. Sec. 43.031(Ver- non Supp. 1990). A. Before a municipality may institute annexation pro- ceedings, the city council must hold two public hear- ings. TEX. LOC. GOV'T. CODEANN. Sec. 43.052 (Vernon 1988). The city council must direct its planning department or other appropriate municipal depart- ment toprepare aservice plan before notice of the first hearing is given.► The service plan must detail the specific services that will be provided to an area afteF it has been annexed. TEX. LOC. GOV'T. CODE AvN. Sec. 43.056 (Vernon Supp. 1990). The service plan will be considered at each public hearing. Notice of each hearing must be published in a newspa- per of genera circulation in the city and in the area to be annexed. Notice of the hearing must be published no sooner than 10 days nor more than 20 days prior to the date set for each hearing. The day the notice was The Texas Municipal Elections Laws Harulbook — Published biannually —Complete guide to all lags concerning municipal elections. —Include~ the current Municipal Elections calendar —Includes current court cases, rules and memoranda. Attome}• General and Secretary of State opinions — Includes off -legislative year update, consisting of calendar. Attorney General opinions and Secretary of State directives. ,• � „ � :�� .. Written b}•Glen G. Shu8ler, an attorney and former Project Director for the Election Code Study Committee. The Texati Municipal Election~ I:tns Nandbcx�k is the comprehensive authoriq• on municipal election Ions. �L &ices i iwo wee e�.a acne zo • wren. r.... �e�s� 512/a3&a900 fAX 51233}3999 publishedand the day of the hearing are not ins .,'.:�d i� calculating the 10 day interval. If more than 20 adult residents of the area proposed to be annexed object to � the annexation, at leastone of tl�e hearings must be held in the area proposed to be annexed. Written notice of the proposed annexation must also be sent by certified mail to the headquarters of any railroad which has a line in the area to be annexed. tI'EX. LOC. GOV'T. CODE A�`. Sec. 43A52 (Vernon 1988). As with any other meetin,. of the city council public notice of the hearing must be posted 72 hours before each hearing. After the two public hearings have been held and'an interval of 20 to 40 days ltas lapsed from each of the public hearings, the city council may meet and adopt an annexation ordinance and approve the service plan. Q. IS federal approval necessarybefore amunicipality may anneac an area? A. Prior to final approyal,of he:attaesation, all materials relating to the proposed annexation must be submitted to the United States Justice Department in Washington, D.C. for approval. Justice Department approval is re- quiredunder Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. Mate- rials describing the annexation must be submitted in duplicate, and must contain the Follo��7ng information; (a) A letter or other written document which in- cludes the name and title of the city official submittingtlte proposedannexation,together with the name and address of the city propos• ing the amnexation. (b) Supportingmaterialswhichdemonstratethat the proposed annexation will not have the effect of abridging the right of any person to vote on accountoFrace, color, or membership in a language minority group. (c) A copy of the ordinance embodying the pro- posed annexation, certified by the mayor or' city secretary as a true copy. (d) The date of Fnal approval of the proposed an- nexation. (e) Adescription of the different parts of the city that would be affected by the proposed an- nexation, and Itow they would be affected. This information must be sufficient to dis- close tothe U.S. Department ofJustice how the proposed annexation would affect the voting strength of minorities in the city. (Continued on page /4) r� rou�n � cuy ■ /2 a �° C � C 4 e ,T J. �•i LECALQ f�A ConliriucJ From /'u��c !Z (j) - Atitatement certifying that the proposed an- rtt�r:ttion is not yet final, or an explanation of wiry such a statement cannot be made. (� A statement of the reasons for the proposed annexation. (It) A statement identifying any past or pending lawsuits relative to the proposed annexation; and (i) An indication of population changes or shifts that will occur as a result of the proposed an- nexation. Tlie em•elope and the city's accompanying letter must be addressed as foflo�~s: Voting Section Civil Rights Division U.S. Department of Justice P. 0. I3ox G6128 Washington, D.C. 2003>-6128 Q. What other agencies must be given notice of a municipal annexation? A. Tl�e Secretary of State of the State of Texas must be notified of any annexation so that the Secretary of State may correctly certify the legal validity of the annexation to the United States DeparUnt'rit of Cornnu�rce. The annexing city must submit the G,Iluwing inli,rntation to the Secretary of State: i) acopyoftheordinancearuu�xinglheterritory; and ii) a statement that the annt�xatiorr is not in- volved in any litigation. in order to assure that the city will receive the i,,.tu.fit of any sales taxes generated in the newly -annexed ama, a map which clearly shows the change in municipal bounttarlt.x rtstrlting From the annexation must be sent to the Sales Tar I)ivisiorr of rite State Comptroller's Office. Section 32 I.102,'I'(iX. '1'N(t;U1)l; A;VS, (Ver- non Supp. 1990) requires the city clerk/secretary to forward, by registered or certified mail, a certified copy of tiro ordinance annexing the additional territory, together with a crap of the city which clearly shows the boundaries of the new tt�rritory aged to the city. The map must be one that shows the thttire city and its boundaries, with the annexed portion ch.;rrly distin;iuislicd from the rest of the city. When municipal boundaries are chan;;ed by ;tnnc>;;ttion, the mayor or other presiding officer of the gr,vcrriiug fxxly must send tothecoun �clerkacertiFiedcopyoftlietlrKu►nt•r,ttishowing the change in boundaries. The documents roust fx; 'a;nt to the countyclerkwithin3___O�safterth__ eannexa�i„rrisa, ,a. by the U.S. Department ofJustice. TEX. LOC. COV'T, f;(�i�i,,(�;.�,•. fiction 41i.0015 Vernon Supp. t990), ' � � � The Tetas ,Vfunicipal League has annexatir,r, t�,ckets ou lining statutory requirements for general law and (u,rnr; rote mu- nicipalities. You may contact T,VIL to obtain a frtc�.r;t � SOUTHWEST SECURITIES INCORPORATED Investment Bankers Special/zing /n Providing Financial Advisory Services to Texas Cltles, Counties, Schools and Special Districts Taxpayers expect publicofficialsto plan capital improvement programs that are cost effective as a result of being well financed. In order to accomplish this goal, most municipal officials enlist the assistance and guidance of a professional financial consultant just as they readily employ an architect, engineer and attorney. The financial consultants at Southwest Securities have the extensive municipal securities experience and knowledge necessary to develop and implement a financing plan specifically designed for individual needs. We are dedicated to providing a high level of personal services that continue after the successful completion of your bond program. Corporate Headquarters 120t Elm Street Suite 4300 Longview Dallas, Texas 75270 San Antonio (214) 758-Ot t t (214) 658.9450 (512) 926.3655 MEMBER NEW YORK STOCK ExCNANOE r� rau�rr � crry ■ s•� Institute For .ti}ayc,rs� Councilmernlx•rs and CommLssionr,n Glectcd o(f,r,ials :houW mark theircalrndars nrr,,,r,,l plan to attend the 25th Annua) trot;tute for Mayors, (',r,uncilrnr_rn},rr3 and Commissionrrs June 2'l•JvEf l in Lubbock. A dcKailcd prri{f,;n, rcg- Istrationinformation and hr,.,+ing information +till he to t},r April and May iswes of Torus T�nin 6 c>•ry. �'vrkshops (•,r rrx,)y elected officials and tittrran :.ffice holde�swill he r,(frref yc,,}, � ,,.ar's Institute. In addition y„u.r;.n and workshops for �„sy., ur, ;,r,th wilt be offerr:d. CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76206 MEMORANDUM #652 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: October 12, 1990 SUBJECT; Clarification of Zoning Requirements -Indian Springs Subdivision Consulting Gity Attorney Ron Neiman told me by telephone that it is his opinion that the Rulands can be allowed to operate a small livestock operation on the subdivision. In our conversation, it was my impression that his rational is based on the definition of development. Ron is preparing a written opinion and if it is ready prior to the completion of the agenda packet it will be included. If we do not receive it by Fax Friday afternoon, we will have the opinion sometime Monday. I)ent.on Electric Co-op. has expressed concern over the requested livestock operation since they have already installed underground electric service. At this time I have not received any written material from them. JH:es 0 2.� Tt7: FROM& DATE: '3UBJECT: f TEXASo Os BOX 578 Hon�frable l�iayor � Members of the C_"ity Council. John Hamilton, City Manager IT C ctober 12, 1990 Library - Interlocal Agreement The annual interlacal a�reernent tivith Denton County is preserfted far your consideration. The agreement specifies total payment from the County to the City for library services of $13,883. Jl�:es enclosures October 3, 1990 Ms. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary Post Office Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 VIC BURGESS COUNTYJUDGE Re: Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Library services Dear Ms. Garcia: Enclosed please find REVISED duplicate originals of your Inter - local Cooperation Agreement for Library Services for fiscal year 1990-91 with Denton County. Please designate a liaison on the third page and fill in the blank below your address on the sixth page. Whoever signs the agreement must have his or her signature notarized and then return both originals to this office so we may place it on the next Commissioners Court agenda. Thank you. S'n rely yours, Vic Burgess VB:gb Enclosures '�' _ COUNTY COURT OF DENTON COUNTY • COURTHOUSE -ON -THE -SQUARE 110 W. HICKORY • DENTON, TEXAS 76201 • (817) 383.0298 • 1-B00-346-3189 STATE OF TEXAS, ORIGINAL )ss. COUNTY OF DENTON. ) INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR LIBRARY SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 1990, by and between DENTON COUNTY, a polit- ical subdivision of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "County," and the CITY OF BANGER, a municipality of Denton County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Municipality." WHEREAS, County is a duly organized political subdivision of the State of Texas engaged in the administration of county gov- ernment and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Denton County; and WHEREAS, Municipality is a duly organized municipality of Denton County, Texas engaged in the provision of library service and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Denton County, Texas; and WHEREAS, County and Municipality desire to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of local governments by authorizing the fullest possible range of intergovernmental contracting authority at the local level for all or part of the functions and services of police protection and detention services; fire pro- tection; streets, roads and drainage; public health and welfare; parks; recreation; library services; museum services, waste disposal; planning; engineering; and administrative functions such as tax assessment and collection, personnel services, pur- chasing, data processing, warehousing, equipment repair and printing; and 1 WHEREAS, County and Municipality mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of TEX. REV. CIV. STAT, Art. 4413 (32c) (Vernon Supp.), the Interlocal Cooperation Act; NOW, THEREFORE, County and Municipality, for the mutual consideratioAIL hereinafter stated, agree and understand as fol- lows: I. The effective date of this agreement shall be the 1st day of October, 1990. TI. The initial term of this agreement shall be for the period from October 1, 1990 through September 30, 1991. For the purposes and consideration herein stated and contem- plated, County shall provide the following necessary and appro- priate services for the residents of Municipality to the maximum extent authorized by this agreement without regard to race, religion, color, age and/or national origin; to -wit: Library services and other related services for the benefit and to serve the public conveniences and necessity of the citizens of Denton County, Texas. Inasmuch as the Municipality`s public library is for the use, benefit and enjoyment of all citizens of Denton County, Texas, upon proper proof by individual(s) of residence in Denton County, Texas, such individuals) shall be entitled to be issued, at no cost, a library card to be used in connection with said library services. County shall designate the County Judge to act on behalf of County and serve as liaison officer for County with and between County and Municipality. The County Judge or his designated substitute shall insure the performance of all duties and obliga- tions of County herein stated and shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of County in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agree- ment, and shall provide immediate and direct supervision of County's employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this agreement for the mutual benefit of County and Municipality. VI. Municipality shall designate to act on behalf of Municipality and to serve as liaison officer of Municipality with and between Municipality and County to insure the performance of all duties and obligations of Munici- pality as herein stated and shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of Municipal- ity in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, and, shall provide immediate and direct supervision of Municipality's employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this agreement for the mutual benefit of a2 3 Municipality and County. VII. The Municipality shall be solely responsible for all tecn- niques, sequences, procedures, and means and for the coordination of all work performed under the terms and conditions of this agreementI shall insure, dedicate and devote the full time and attention of those employees necessary for the proper execution and completion of the duties and obligations of the Municipality stated in this agreement and give all attention necessary for such proper supervision and direction. County agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence and/or omissions of all County's employees, agents, sub -contractors, and/or contract laborers and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with the County. IX. The Municipality agrees and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all the Municipality's employees, agents, sub -contracts, and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with said Municipality. K1 li This agreement is not intended to extend the liability of the parties beyond that provided by law. Neither Municipality nor County waives any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims by third parties. r�� XI. Municipality understands and agrees that the Municipality, its employees, servants, agents and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of County. XII. County understands and agrees that County, its employees, servants, agents and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents, and/or representa- fives of Municipality. XIII. The address of County is: County Judge Denton County Courthouse -on -the -Square Denton, Texas 76201 Telephone: 817-383-0298 The address of Municipality is: City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Attention: Telephone: 817-458-7930 For the services hereinabove stated, County agrees to pay Municipality for the full performance of this agreement, per capita of 5,228 or the sum of SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR DOLLARS ($6,274) to be paid in equal quarterly installments of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT AND 50/100 DOLLARS ($1,568.50) commencing October 1, 1990. In addition, County agrees to pay Municipality SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINE DOLLARS ($7,609) in matching funds upon the Denton County Audi- tor's receipt of proof from the Municipality that revenue from sources other than Denton County has been received and that this information shall be provided each quarter to County and will be matched in full each quarter until such time that the $7609 has been paid. County understands and agrees that payment by County to Municipality shall be made in accordance with the normal and customary processes and business procedures of County. XV. This agreement may be terminated at any time, by either party giving sixty (60) days' advance written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination by either party, Munici- pality shall be compensated pro rata for all services performed to termination date, together with reimbursable expenses then due and as authorized by this agreement. In the event of such termi- nation, should Municipality be overcompensated on a pro rata basis for all services performed to termination date or be over- compensated for reimbursable expenses as authorized by this C� agreement, then County shall be reimbursed pro rata for all such overcompensation. Acceptance of such reimbursement shall not constitute a waiver of any claim that may otherwise arise out of this agreement. XVI. This agreement represents the entire and integrated agree- ment between Municipality and County and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either written or oral. This agreement may be amended only by written instru- ment signed by both Municipality and County. The validity of this agreement and any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Further, this agreement shall be performable and all compensation payable in Denton County, Texas. In the event that any portion of this agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. XIX. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the parties hereto and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly 7 passed and are now in full force and effect. Executed in duplicate originals in Denton County, Texas, the day and year hereinabove written. By COUNTY JUDGE Acting on behalf of and by the authority of the Commissioners Court of Denton County, Texas ATTEST: By Denton County Clerk Attorney for Denton County MUNICIPALITY By Name: Title: Acting on behalf of and by the authority of the Municipality �3 STATE OF TEXAS, ) COUNTY OF DENTON, )ss. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared Honorable Denton County Judge, known to me to be the ' p subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledgednato me that he executed the foregoing Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity stated, and as the act and deed of said County. GIVEN under my and and seal of office this Of 19 day Notary Public for Texas Commission expires: STATE OF TEXAS, ) COUNTY OF DENTON, )ss. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that (he) (she) executed the foregoing Inter - local Cooperation Agreement for the therein expressed and in the capacityutherein statedrposes and act and deed of said the GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this . 19 Notary Public for Texas Commission expires: day CITY P. Tt�. Honorable Ntayor � Members of trte City Cr,unci] FRONT. John Hamilton, City Manager DATE. October 12, 1990 SUBJECT. Fire Service Interlocal Agreement The attached. Fire Service Interlocal Agreement is presented. far yc�ear consideration. Fire Chief Merwyn Tucker recommends approval. .JH.e attachanent Q September 277 1990 Ms. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary City of Sanger Post Office Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 VIC BURGESS COUNTY JUDGE Re: Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Protection Dear Ms. Garcia: Enclosed please find two originals of your agency's Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Protection with Denton County for fiscal year 1990-91. Please obtain the appropriate signature, have it notarized, and return both originals to this office so we may place it on the next Commissioners Court agenda. Thank you. 59vrcere1y yours, r rvw� Vic BurgeS VB:gb Enclosures COUNTY COURT OF DENTON COUNTY • COURTHOUSE -ON -THE -SQUARE 110 W. HICKORY • DENTON, TEXAS 76201 • (817) 383-0298 • 1-800-346-3189 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES This agreement is made and entered by and between Denton County, a political subdivon of the State of Texas, hereinaf- ter referred to as "County," and the 3ANGER VOLUNTEER FIRE DE- PARTMENT, a municipal corporation or incorporated volunteer fire department located in Denton County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Agency." WHEREAS, COUNTY is a duly organized political subdivision of the State of Texas engaged in the administration of County Gov- ernment and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Denton County; and WHEREAS, AGENCY is a municipal corporation or incorporated volunteer fire department, duly organized and operating under the laws of the State of Texas and is engaged in the provision of fire protection service and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Denton County; and WHEREAS, AGENCY is the owner and operator of certain fire protection vehicles and other equipment designed for the extin- guishing of fire and prevention of damage to property and injury to persons from fire and has in its employ trained personnel whose duties are related to the use of such vehicles and equip- ment; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and AGENCY mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of TEX. REV. CTV. STAT. Art (32c), the Interlocal 1 Cooperation Act and Sections 352.001 and 352,004 Local Government Code and contract pursuant thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, COUNTY AND AGENCY, for the mutual consideration hereinafter stated, agree as follows: I. The effective date of this agreement shall be the 1st day of October, 1990. II. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for the period of October 1, 1990 to and through September 30, 1991. Thereaf- ter, this agreement shall be renewed for successive additional one year terms commencing on October 1 of each year if the COUNTY and AGENCY agree in writing on or before the first day of 5ep4Wem- ber, to the amount of consideration to be paid hereunder for each successive term; provided, however, that each party may terminate this agreement by giving the other party written notice of intent to terminate sixty (60) days after such notice. Services to be referred hereunder by AGENCY are fire protec- tion services normally rendered within the AGENCY Fire Depart- ment, as hereinafter defined, to citizens of COUNTY, to wit: A. Availability and provision of emergency fire prevention, extinguishment, safety and rescue services within the agreed or specified territory or jurisdiction of the AGENCY Fire Depart- ment; said services to be rendered as described herein by said Department in all unincorporated areas within the above refer- enced operating territory or jurisdiction of such Department, the 2 referenced services as set out herein are rendered by said De- partment in consideration of the basic funding referenced else- where herein and the per -call fee set out elsewhere herein, for the common good and benefit and to serve the public convenience and necessity of the citizens of Denton County who are not other- wise protected with respect to fire prevention, extinguishment, safety, and rescue services. B. The AGENCY Fire Department shall respond to requests for fire protection services made within the rural areas of COUNTY for the enumerated fire protection services. C. The COUNTY agrees that in the event a fire in the desig- nated area of the AGENCY is considered to be of incendiary nature by the AGENCY and upon request by the AGENCY, the County Sheriff will dispatch investigation personnel to the fire scene within a response time sufficient to legally maintain and protect all evidence of said fire and will conduct all appropriate investiga- tion and persecution of arsonists. D. It is further agreed that the AGENCY shall not be re- sponsible for investigations of suspected incendiary fires in rural area, but shall be expected to cooperate with the County Sheriff in immediately relating all pertinent information possi- ble to the investigator(s). E. It is recognized that the officers and employees of AGENCY'S Fire Department have duties and responsibilities which include the rendition of fire protection services, and it shall be the responsibility and within the sole discretion of the officers and employees of said Fire Department to determine priorities in the dispatching and use of such equipment and personnel, and the judgment of any such officer or employee as to any such matter shall be the final determination. IV. The COUNTY shall designate the County Judge to act on behalf of COUNTY, and to serve as "Liaison Officer" between COUNTY and AGENCY. The County Judge or his designated substitute shall insure the performance of all duties and obligations of COUNTY herein stated; and, shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of COUNTY in full compli- ance with the terms and conditions of this agreement; and, shall provide immediate and direct supervision of COUNTY'S employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors, and/or laborers, if any; in the furtherance of the purposes, terms, and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of COUNTY and AGENCY. V. AGENCY shall insure the performance of all duties and obli- gations of AGENCY as herein stated; and, shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of AGENCY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement; and, shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the AGENCY employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms, and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of AGENCY and COUNTY. VI. For the services hereinabove stated, COUNTY agrees to pay to AGENCY for the full performance of this agreement, the sum of FIVE THOUSAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS upon execution of this agree- ment and the sum of EIGHTY FIVE DOLLARS ($85.00) per fire call in the designated unincorporated areas of Denton County, Texas. AGENCY understands and agrees that payment by COUNTY to the AGENCY shall be made in accordance with the normal and customary processes and business procedures of COUNTY, and in conformance with applicable state law. County agrees to provide to Agency an STX 800 MhZ radio for the use of Agency in carrying out the terms of this contract. This radio will remain the property of the County and will be returned on termination of this agreement. County will bear the ris)c of loss or destruction and make necessary repairs so long as Agency uses the property in a reasonable manner for the purposes of this contract. County reserves the right to reclaim the property at any time for any reason. VII. COUNTY agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all COUNTY'S officers, employees, and agents while within its city limits. VIII. COUNTY and AGENCY understand and agree that liability under this contract is governed by Article 4413 (32c) Sec. 4g and Section 352.004 Local Government Code. This agreement is made in contemplation of the applicability of these laws to the agree- ment. Insofar as legally possible COUNTY and AGENCY agree to be bound by the above mentioned statutes as they exist as of the 5 " date of this agreement. IX. In the event of any default in any of the covenants herein contained, this agreement may be forfeited and terminated at either party's discretion if such default continues for a period of ten (10) days after notice to the other party in writing of such default and intention to declare this agreement terminated. Unless the default is cured aforesaid, this agreement shall terminate and come to an end as if that were the day originally fixed herein for the expiration of the agreement. This agreement may be terminated at any time, by either giving sixty (60) days advance written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination by either party, AGENCY shall be compensated pro rata for all services performed to termination date, together with reimbursable expenses as authorized by this agreement, then COUNTY shall be reimbursed pro rata for all such over compensation. Acceptance of such reimbursement shall not constitute a waiver of any claim that may otherwise arise out of this agreement. XI. The fact that COUNTY and AGENCY accept certain responsibili- ties to the rendition of fire protection servi :Relating ces under this agreement as a part of their responsibility for providing protection for the. public health makes it imperative that the performance of these vital services be recognized as a governmen- tal function and that the doctrine of governmental immunity shall be, and it is hereby invoked to the extent possible under the law. Neither AGENCY nor COUNTY waives or shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be avail- able to it against claims arising from the exercise of governmen- tal powers and functions. XIT. This agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between AGENCY and COUNTY and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either written or oral. This agreement may be amended only by written instru- ment signed by both AGENCY or COUNTY. XIII. This agreement and any of its terms and provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. XIV. In the event that any portion of this agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. XV. The undersigned officer and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. Executed in duplicate originals this, the 1990. COUNTY OF DENTON BY: County Judge ATTEST: BY: Deputy, County Clerk "AGENCY: BY• Fire Chief BY: Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: Attorney for Denton County STATE OF TEXAS, ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DENTON. ) BY: ATTEST: Date Date BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared Honorable ______________________, Denton County Judge, known to me to be the person whose name is sub- scribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the foregoing Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity stated, and as the act and deed of said County. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this day of , 19 Notary Public for Texas Commission expires: �3 STATE OF TEXAS, ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DENTON. ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that (he) (she) executed the foregoing Inter - local Cooperation Agreement for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this day of 19 Notary Public for Texas Commission expires: TVi li'ROM: DATE: SUBJECT; Pe 04 BOX 578 �k ohn Hamilton, City ManageT ••0 ppointment to DentonCounty• As the enclosed letter indicates, our nominee to serve on the Crime Stoppers Board of Directors, Edgar Barrow, is ineligible to serve. Please consider another nominee for this important board position. .iH:es enclosure DENTON COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS 127 N. WOODROW LANE SUITE 300 • DENTON, TEXAS 76205-6301 1MM8&TIPS (8477) • LOCAL 898.5777 September 25, 1990 Mayor Nel Armstrong City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: TA�.11 L,! ©C i 0 2 1990 C! j Y nF OM11 Your nomination of Edgar Burrows to the Denton County Crime Stoppers Board of Directors is appreciated. However, Texas Crime Stoppers Advisory Council Guideline #2 states, The Board of Directors of a local Crime Stoppers program must not have any voting members who are peace officers, as defined by Article 2.12, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure." Of course, since Mr. Burrows is Chief of Police Reserves for Sanger he is prohibited from serving on the Board. If you have any question regarding the rules governing eligibility for membership on the Board of Directors, Board Member George Gilkeson will be happy to meet with you. If someone from your office will contact me at (817) 898-5777 we can coordinate an appointment time that is convenient for both of you. It is important that the City of Sanger be represented on the board of Directors. Please continue to nominate your citizens. Sincerely,. Patricia Strickland Denton County Crime Stoppers DENTON COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINEE INFORMATION FORM DATE: NOMINATING SPONSOR: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: DATE OF BIRTH. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: PLEASE STATE YOUR INTEREST AND OBJECTIVES IN SERVING AS A CRIME STOPPERS DIRECTOR: 1. DO YOU PRESENTLY SERVE IN ANY CITY, COUNTY OR STATE ELECTED OFFICE? 2. ARE YOU INVOLVED IN ANY CURRENT OR PENDING LEGAL ACTION TO WHICH A CITY, COUNTY OR STATE AGENCY IS A PARTY? 3. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN CONVICTED OF A FELONY? 4. PLEASE LIST ANY PARTICULAR SKILL, KNOWLEDGE, OR EXPERIENCE THAT YOU BELIEVE WOULD BE BENEFICIAL TO THE CRIME STOPPERS PROGRAM: THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO BECOME 0 C AN ACTIVE PART OF DENTON COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: �Po 0* BOX 578 Honorable I�[ayor � Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager t?ctober 12, 1990 Appointment to 9-1-1 Board of Managers TY�e enclosed. letter from the Executive Director of the 9-1-1 district requests Council consider an appointment to their Board of Managers. JH:es enclosure DENCO AREA 9=14 DISTRICT 1660 S. Stemmons Freeway Suite 295 Lewisville, Texas 75067 (214) 221=0911 (214) 420=0709 Fax September 27, 1990 Ms. Nel A_rmstrorg, T�ayor City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Nel: 1 0 CT P 4 1990 Cl Ty OF SANDER David Purifoy, who was appointed by the Cities of Denton County to the Denco Area 9.1.1 District Board of Managers has served a term which expired September 1. Please be advised it is necessary now for the cities of Denton County to either re -appoint David or another person for this position. Sincerely, Bil Munn Executive Director t Tt); FRC. M# DATE: SUBJECT: A Po 04 BOX 578 NGER, Honcara%;le Mayor I�lernbers of the City Co��ncil John Hamilton, City Manager October 12, 1999 City Administrator's Report 1). The �;�ednesday Study Club spent several hours and much labor completely cleaning the Community Center and should be commended for their service. 2). Chief Erwin has promoted Officer Richard Yarbrough to Supervisor• (St.) and Officer Curtis Amyx (Corporal). 3). laurin� the rain Sunday, 1a-7-9a, we had one power outage east on McReynolds Road, caused when a lightning strike severed a power line. 4). The Police Department has made the change -over to dark blue uniforms. They have received many favorable comments on their uniforms. �� � MEMORANDUM T0; FROM; DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 John Hamilton, City Manager Rase Garcia, City Secretary October 3, 1990 Billing for 9-15-90 Billings far 9-15-90; 1227 ELECTRIC �E.TERS 1796 Total Water Gallons Total Sewer Consumption Total KWH Total Sanitation Billing Total Sewer Billing Total Water Billing Total Electric 14,619,100 14,618,400 3,023,200 12,633.95 21,236.98 32,289.90 197,136.50 • • � • 1957 1283 1293 121 135 RG:es MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY SEPTEMBER 1990 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The fiber seats of the chairs in the childrens' area were replaced with vinyl by volunteers Millard and Nancy Smith. ADMINISTRATION: Meetings attended: NTLS Enlargement Task Group, 9/5, White Settlement Denton County Library Advisory Board, 9/20, Roanoke NTLS System Meeting, 9/27, Lewisville Overdues Management Workshop, 9/27, Lewisville COLLECTION: The library had a book sale booth at the Sanger Sellabration, PUBLIC RELATIONS: Gave a library tour to the Sanger School District Life Skills class. PROGRAMS: Poetry for children was the Time. A concentration game was played SPECIAL: An answering machine that had been donated earlier was put into operation with the new phone jack. SEPTEMBER STATISTICS Sep 89 Sep 90 BORROWER CARDS: Last month 1,288 16*506 New cards 23 26 TOTAL 1,311 11532 CIRCULATION: Adult nonfiction 131 153 Adult fiction 64 124 Junior fiction 55 45 Child's nonfiction 54 75 Child's fiction 216 182 Paperback fiction 137 111 Magazines 3 2 Crystal 1 0 Videos 108 90 Cassette players 2 3 Games,cards,audio 0 13 TOTAL 771 798 PATRON VISITS: 294 316 (getting books) 229 239 PROGRAMS: Number of programs 3 4 Total attendance 40 29 VOLUNTEERS: Number of adults 3 2 Total hours 12 4 COLLECTION: Last month 10,672 10,426 Books added 50 15 Books withdrawn 81 44 TOTAL 10,641 10,397 REVENUE: Overdue fines $47.10 $90.72 Stationery sale 1.00 Book sale 59.75 55.50 Donations 0.30 TOTAL $107.85 $96.52 .5c��. rz"J� t,C19v Help needed to tote that book, lift that volume Volunteers are being recruited to assist with taking inventory at Sanger Public Library Monday evening, October 1. Librarian Vickie Elieson says she welcomes the efforts of teens as well as adults since there will be a certain amount of physical work involved. Volunteers just need to show up at the library at 7 p,m; Monday.Ao.-491 ¢;out. For more information, call',;• Vickie at the library, 458- '' 32570 4. • FROM* DATE: SUBJECT. a . • OX 578 Honorable IVTayor � Iviembers of the City Council Jahn Hamilton, City Manager Qctober 12, 1990 Firefighters Memorial Service The Annual Denton County Firefighters Memorial Service will be hel�a Sunday, October 14, 1990 at 3:00 p, m. at the First United Methodist t ;March of Denton, located on Locust Street, south of the square. Fire Chief Tucker has invited any Councilmember who is able to attend. JH:es L. iVl. 4 PBOX 57B ANGER,TEXAS 76266 TO: Hor�arable Mayor � Members of the City Counr_il FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: October 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Municipal Swimming Pool Grant After receiving tl'ie enclosed correspondence from the Grants Division of the Texas Parks Dept., I contacted. their Austin Office and briefly discussed the project with them. The State's concern, which I appreciate, is that if funded there are adequate funds for the project. I rave asked Hunter Associates to review the project and see if they are satisfied with the cost estimates. At this time I appreciate the State's concern with the project funding; however, it has been my experience that most local government projects can be completed at less expense than similar state and/or federal projects. If cast estimates da need to be adjusted, there is the option of scaling down the proposed pool size from 45 X 90 to Olympic size 45 X 75. I will keep you informed of any Engineer's recommendations ar adjustments to the grant application. JH:es enclosures L. M. COMMISSIONERS CHUCK NASH Chairman, San Marcos GEORGE C. "TIM" HIXON Vice -Chairman San Antonio BOB ARMSTRONG Austin LEE M.BASS Ft. Worth HENRY C. BECK, III Dallas DELO H.CASPARY Rockport JOHN WILSON KELSEY Houston BEATRICE CARR PICKENS Dallas A.R. (TONY) SANCHEZ, JR. Laredo TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT 4200 Smith School Road • Austin, Texas 78744 • 512-389=4800 October 4, 1990 Mr. John Hamilton City Manager P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Grant Application - Sanger Municipal Swimming Pool Dear Mr. Hamilton: ANDREW SANSOM Executive Director This is to officially acknowledge receipt of the referenced application. A preliminary review of the application indicates that some items were not submitted or require further documentation. The enclosed Preliminary Application Review Checklist identifies these items. With the exception of the item noted (*), the information requested on the enclosed Review Checklist must be received by October 25, I990 in order for the application to be complete and included in our current review. The item noted must be received prior to presentation to the Parks and Wildlife Commission. Please submit TWO COPIES of all required information. We will be contacting you to schedule a site visit. Please call me at 512/389-4943 if you have any questions. Sincerely; Roxane Eley Projects Se Grants -In -Aid RE:js Enclosure Branch PRELI/M�INARY PARK GRANT APPLICATION REVIEW CHECKLIST PROJECT NAME ner 1" 1 un I C i ��c t1' C � SW Imm► L ecol REVIEWER Listed below is the information required for a complete gran application. Items which are highlighted either have not been received or require additional documentation. Please refer to the "Procedural Guide" or assistance, or contact the Grants -In -Aid Branch. 1. FORMS Application Form - PART I Budget Information - PART II 2. PROGRAM NARRATIVE Objectives & Need for Assistance Relationship to Other Federal7State Funds Results or Benefits Expected Maintenance & Operation Agreements Approach Required Relocation Geographic Location Existing Overhead Lines/Easements Acknowledge Floodplain/Wetland Areas 3. ACQUISITION PROJECTS Acquisition Schedule Boundary Map Preliminary Valuation Letter Donor Verification Letter 5 Year F�istory of Property Conveyance 4. LOCATION MAP: 5. TABULAR SUMMARY OF DEVELOPMENT COSTS: 11%CL+ iS etnclmWfI .__ rai li na overa t l Cm*5 seers loco* 6. SITE PLAN. 7, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Description of Proposed Action Floodplain/Wetland Documentation Description of Environment Alternatives to Project (Include Environmental Impacts No -Action Alternative) Mitigating Measures List Public/Private Agencies or Unavoidable Adverse Effects Organizations Consulted 8. CERTIFICATIONS Program Assurances Resolution Authorizing Application USDI Lower Tier Title VI Assurance of7ompliance Applicant's Certification 9. QUESTIONNAIRES Applicant's Questi onnai re prOV & �nomgDry bN >1 Location Map of all schools and public ps wfth a legend Itemized Inventory of all outdoor recreation facilities by park and school Title VI Questionnaire SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 10. �' Council of Governments Review &Comments (TRACS) 11. Proof of Ownership: Recorded Deed Lease Agreement (draft) 12. Joint Use Agreement i applicable) 13. Contact with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (if applicable) 14. Proof that sponsor can prohibit drilling/mining at project site 15. Donor Commitment Letter (for cash, labor, materials) 16. __ Contact with other agencies CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #642 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Harniltan, City Manager; ;°� DATE: October 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Reprint of TWC publication on Underground Storage Tanks TY�e attached copy is a goad summary of r�ew regulations facing businesses and the City concerning their petroleum products storage tanks. JH:es attachments CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 7fi2GE3 1\ZEMORANDUM #650 Tf=): Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Cc.►uncil FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager( DATE: October 12, 1990 v� SUBJECT: Proposed R.O. W. Purchase on David Drive On Monday, October 8, 1990, I spoke by telephone with Attorney Randy Stout concerning the City's offer on the 9,700 sq. ft. of R.O.W. to extend David Drive to the new Freese Drive extension. We originally offered $.34 per sq. ft. ($3,317). Mr. Stout by telephone asked for $.50 per square ft. and we agreed upon a counter offer of $.42 per sq. f t. ($4,074) which he will present to his father, Dr. Stout in Sherman. At the Council Meeting of Qctober 1st, you authorized ttp t.o $.456 per square ft. As of this date, I have not received a reply from Dr. Stout. From a construction standpoint, Travis Roberts and John Miers with Hunter are planning to do an on-sit.e inspection of the location the week of October 15th - 19th to review any drainage problems that need to be addressed in their construction plans. I do feel confident that we will be able to secure the R. Q. iti'. from Dr. Stout within our allowed funds. JH:es L.M. I will keep you informed. Sheet 1 of 2 PAY ESTIMATE NO. CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Two DATE: October 8, 1990 PERIOD; September 1, 1990 TO: October 2, 1990 PROJECT: Ground Storage and Pump Station ENGINEER: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. D88022 Dallas, Texas OWNER:. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 BIDS RECEIVED CONTRACT DATE CONTRACT AMOUNT $124,915.00 5-7-90 CALENDAR DAYS 120 TJJUSTMENTS DAYS USED REVISED AMOUNT: SUMMARY OF JOB STATUS Total Work Completed Material Stored on Site Contract Amount to Date Less 5% Retained SUBTOTAL Less Previous Payments AMOUNT DUE THIS PERIOD $116.939.20 . $ O.OD CONTRACTOR: Strittmatter Irrigation & Suppiy Co. 800 N. Hwy. 377 Pilot Point, TX 76258 NOTICE TO PROCEED 6-11-90 START CONSTRUCTION DATE 6-21-90 COMPLETION DATE SUBMITTED BY: B y: For Contractor Date: $116.939.20 APPROVED: C�,�•� M-ric•,,., For Engineer $ 5.846.96 Date: i o / i o /moo $111.092.24 APPROVED: For Owner $ 88.465.80 Date: $ 22.626.44 % Time Used: Work Completed .;t2of2 CONTRACTOR'S ESTIMATE OWNER: City of Sanger PROJECT NAME AND NUMBER: Ground Storage and Pump Station - D88022 CONTRACTOR: Strittmatter Irrigation &Supply Co. ESTIMATE NO.: Two FOR PERIOD ENDING: October 8, 1990 Item Unit of Amount Work Unit Value of No. Description Measure Bid Comp. Price Work Comp. W.1.1 High Service Pump Station L.S. 1 0.80 $31,504.00 $25,203.20 W.1.2 300,000 Gallon Ground Storage Tank L.S. 1 1.00 76,661.00 $76,661.00 W.1.3 Yard Piping L.S. 1 0.90 16,750.00 $15,075.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED FOR PROJECT 1: _— recommended for Approval: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 B y: u. Approved: Date: 116,939.20 TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK COMPLETED $116.939.20 Material Stored on Site $ 0.00 Contract Amount to Date $ 116.939.20 Less 5% Retained $ 5.846.96 Subtotal $ 111,092.24 Less Previous Payments $ 88.465.00 Balance Due This Period $ 22.626.44 STATE BOARD OF INSURANCE 1110 SAN JACINTO AUSTIN, TEXAS 787014998 (512) 463-6169 JA!1IES E. SAXTON, JRy Chalrmaft RICHARD F. REYNOLDS, Member -' JO ANN HOWARD, Member �-- t` 1 �L October 3, 1990 A, N'0 POGt E, Commissioner F.R\EST A. EMERSON, Fire Marshal NICHOLAS MURPHY, Chief Clerk SUBJECT: Possible loss of 3a Property Insurance Key Rate Credit Dear Community Official: The State Board of Insurance has established the key rate as a factor in determining property insurance rates for qualified risks. The key rate of a community is a figure which represents a standard evaluation of the public fire protection facilities within the community. Your area has been receiving a 3 o key rate credit for teaching fire prevention in all public schools that serve your community. To retain this credit, the public school superintendent is required to provide annual reports indicating that fire prevention activities were properly performed during the previous school term. Our records indicate that reports of fire prevention activities in public schools have not been received. If these activities have been performed, we recommend that community officials encourage the appropriate public school districts to forward these reports as soon as possible. Reports should be received by October 24, 1990 to retain this 3% key rate credit. If reports have already been sent, we apologize for any inconvenience and ask that you check with us to insure that reports have been received. If there are any questions, please contact Deborah Cowan at (512) 322-2246. Very truly yours, Ike Williams, Director Town Rating Unit Engineering Section/MC 011-3 Property Division IW/dc r DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT 3911 MORSE STREET P.O. BOX 2816 ENTON, TEXAS 76202-2816 817-56&0904 JOE D. ROGERSI CTA/RPA/RTA Chief Appraiser JOHN D. BROWN, RPA Deputy Chief Appraiser JOE A. FORSYTHE Deputy Chief Appraiser -Administration letter/wp/taxpay3 October 2, 1990 Mr. Elbert Hughes P.O. Box 3027 Denton, Texas 76202 Dear Mr. Hughes: BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JON BECK, Chairman CLARENCE MYERS, Vice -Chairman RICHARD SMITH, Secretary TROY WHITE HORACE BROCK We feel compelled to respond to the inaccuracies contained in your letter of September 27th. Our letter to the Denton County Taxpayer's Association was addressed to Mr. Bill Berka because Mr. Berka is listed in the Articles of Incorporation on file with the Secretary of State as the registered agent for the corporation. We find it a little ironic that your group failed to pay its franchise tax and has had its right to do business and its charter forfeited, which has affected your receiving nail. Your claim that we were invited to the Commissioners Court is not true. We showed up to defend ourselves on our own initiative against attacks which were extremely personal and attacked not only our competence but (in some cases) our character and ethics. We did not say that our classification of property "didn't matter". What we said was that our goal was reaching market value, and that sometimes property did not fit neatly into any particular classification. Your claim concerning flood zones indicates a lack of knowledge of property values in such areas. The market value of a particular tract of property may or may not be affected by having some part of the property in a flood area, and the amount by which value is affected can vary depending on the individual circumstances. You state that as a taxpayer, you can get an immediate response on appraisal questions. You give this as a reason for not giving the Appraisal District staff an opportunity to review your alleged "Mistakes" before responding. This is a strange argument for you to make. On several occasions while you have been in our office reviewing appraisals, we have asked if we could help or answer any questions. You have never allowed us the opportunity on the spot to discuss any of these "errors." Combining this with your current refusal to allow us to review 10-15 of what you would consider the worst "errors" we can only assume that you know these "errors" will not hold up under close examination. We have given you an opportunity to prove your case. Your refusal to accept the opportunity tells us that you do not want to hear a factual explanation. Your "counter proposal" is unworkable, and you should know it. You want the Appraisal District (read: the taxpayers) to pay an outside appraiser (approved by you, naturally) to conduct 500 appraisals. You fail to point out that this could take well over a year to do properly, and could cost as much as six figures. We doubt that the taxing entities (and taxpayers) would be very happy to fund this adventure. Mr. Hughes, the Appraisal District must return to its normal work schedule. We can not continue this distraction. If you choose not to present your evidence on the 10-15 accounts, the Appraisal District will consider the matter closed. Sincerely, i Jon Beck, Chairman Clarence Myers, Vice Horace Brock, Member hairman Richard Smith, Secretary Troy White, Member