11/05/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-Work SessionM • r The City Gauracil of Sander will conduct a planning warksha at 5t30 p.m., Monday, November 5, 1990, in the City Hall Conference Roorn, 01 Bolivar to consider the following agenda: 1 . Call to t rder s09 KTAIVRIO& A e CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS STREET, WATER WASTEWATER ). .t djournment Rosalie Garcia City Secretary T a: �F-gROM# DATE# SUBJECT: • ■ BOX . • TEXAS i Hamilton,ohn Manager. !•' • • to receive Upper Trinity Water.Completion 1993. Discussions •centered 500,000 gallon tank to be constructed in the area of Willow and Railroad. This will allow a tie�in to an 8 water line, t largest we have on acquireof approximately construct• .. storagethe cost of ground tankconstruction gallon. ! Cln Tuesday, 4ctob�r 3Clth, I visited with Tam Taylor, General Ivl6r. of the Water District and he told me that there is the possibility that the District would construct a tank for us. This would be critical in our site selection as the pipeline from the tank location to our system would be crucial. stimated at $174,000 in 1988. amni street that must now accommodate i• buses traffic load due to the one way access roads. The attached map indicates street widths and •lengths in thisarea. 4 y .. • • a g a.a r or extensive. Asphalt $31 per linear ft. Asphalt 1 a linear the City will need to do something to relieve the strain on th sewer amains through the . Wayne Drive . area. Staff would propose •a. I..new 12"I. • a constructed tie�in on 5th Street at about Wayne Drive, eastward on the utility easement south of Wayne Drive to the railroad track ♦nd then . to our Wastewater . ♦. a. Treatment ♦ a Plant. . a from 5th east to t • • track is 1550 ft. and from the r al •. • A. to the . sewer plant is ♦ • proximately 2,000 feet. I Hunter Associates has provided * estimate$15 per linear ft. for a 12" sewer main less permitting and engineering. This would provide a base cost of $23,250 fro 5th to the RR r • $30,000 fromto the sewer plant for •project,._. • and permits of $53,250.0 I mightThis project g to oversiz a interceptorathrough • • Addition • constructed. This would be a question for our engineers. projects • have identified. :)f both water and sewer lines. Also Fred Inman .North/SouthFeeder �lailroad track. Mr. Inman pointed out that if the 455 RR crossing were