11/19/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1990 01 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 1 • •' i i. N• RESOLUTION R10-90 VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS 4, Citizen's Input PUBLIC HEARING LANDFILL CLOSING SOLID WASTE COLLECTION RATES Fighters 7. Report by EAS Committee 9, Consider and Passible Action to Award Bid an 1 - 1991 Police Car IsAlla RAM 12. Executive Session Accarding to Article 5252-17, Vernon's Civil Statutes, (f , Ne otiatians far Acquisition of Real Property FREESE DRIVE EXTENSION 15, City Administration R rt D. Any Other Such Matters 17. Adjournment Rosalie Garcia City Secretary l4AIIN LJTES: City Council Work hop November B. 1990 lEl�1PERS PkESEI�T: 1VIa�Tor Nel ��.r°rra�tr°or��;, Cour�cil�vornan �,�lar°s�i�� �}r°a�Lorr, Councilman Wendell Thomas, Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman Carroll McNeill, and Councilman Merry Jenkins C3THER5 PRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton aria, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia 1. Mayor Arriastron called the Workshop Meeting to order. 2. Discussion of Proposed Capital Impr°overnerits, Street., Water aril Wastewater Discussion. It. V�ras the conseristrs cif Council to pr4ioritize the capital improvement projects in the order of importance as folloetvs. a�. ��%illowoo�.i A�l�itiori - C'it�r to relieve the str°airi E�ti tlr�== E�" seWer mains tliMU MUD: Ja.ckilu and Wayne L)rive Dy conSLrUctiori a 12" main from a tie-in on 5th Street at about Wayne Drive, eastward on the utility easement south of Wayne Drive to the railroad tracks and then to our Wastewater Treatment Plea.rit. Consensus of City Council to put this as an agenda item and then to advise Don Sable that the City is planning to do this project. Irnpx°ovement of Holt Road to improve traffic flow to and fr°onl San�,er Hili School. c). Site locat.iori for construction of a ground water star°ia�;'e tank t.o receive Upper Trinity Water. Copnpletion date, suriirnner° of 19934 This capital improvement project was prioritized as last: however, Council agreed to proceed with purchasing the landOK right now. .. November 5. 1990 ■ Mayor♦ng, Councilwoman- Braxtor,. Councilman_ ♦-ll Thomas, Councilman Danny McDaniel,•Carroll Jerry Jenkins Representatives fromCentel Ken Amburn, SchadKropld� President, Brad Denton and Jim Doss, Elaine Denton Record Chronicle,and Jeannie Sanger Courier the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. item q. last paragrapn, last sentence to cteiefe FoDlem a a Fact a zry concern but - to reflect costnot . primary• 3. Disbursements: Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman McNeill to pay disbursements. Madan carried, 4. Citizen's Input: None on the south - Norman Mayan Armstrong asked. if anyone wished to speak for or against the annexatiar�, No one spoke for or against. CC MINUTES PG 2 11/5/00 t3. Centel Representative to Discuss EAS. ?resident of Centel, Jim Kropid, Centel's TX President. Mr. Kropid )ffered 'r comparison of A Plans to the City Council ranging rom a lowdiscount, r middle range! of k n . ♦ r. high range of r Iat rate and the Centel Representative Brad Denton and Jim Kropid •tdvisedthat i 1n't since it would only benefit so few people. ♦ i ♦♦ i i i 1 i i• 1 . �i Discussion. This iterrY was tabled to allow this proposal to be sent back to the EAS Committee for study and to state any objections before considering or rejecting this plan. City Council advised it would be possibly back an the City Council agenda on November I . i . • • - - • et before the next City Council meeting this could be placed on the ,genda. for. )eing s M parcel out of r 3.55 acre tract out of Abstract r 241 D. Tierwester Sheet 4, Tract 12 and that the City make the Y w.. ♦ ♦ for 1 and Mr. ♦ Anderson . ♦ - being responsible II l .ouncilman Jenkins that the bid for Police Car be advertised as so vritten on the agenda, Motion carried. Appointment Review Board • _ ♦ • r 5 This item tabled until the next city Council Meeting. iQ. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointments to the Industrial Development Board Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to appoint Garland Thornton, John Hamilton and Carroll McNeill to the Industrial Development Board. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong also stated that she would like a notice to be sent to the residents of Sanger concerning the Public Hearings. • •with authorizationfromHunterAssociates, • Engineers tobeginClosure Plan for• and • :)ostcard Notices to be mailed notifying citizens of the Public .a • •• by • •man BraxtoMotion carried. 12. Executive Session According to Article 5252-17, Vernon's Civil Statutes, (f), Negotiations for Acquisition of Real Property City Manager advised that he did not have any information to report. in Q �t ■ I , 14. City Adrr�.inistration Report: ♦ i ..w♦, i ..- license. lass "C" water license. Steve Wooley, Wastewater Plant perator has iswastewater license. ... i .. and Branham will . # # icense. State rules require all employees in wastewater ollesUvm trtwatmieit to we licensed. b. The new Animal Control Officer, Rhonda Jackson, will begin work on November 15 and is scheduled to attend the state required school in January. • z • ., • • ,, - that there is another vendor • sell I�i the future telephone bids will be taken for° gasoline. 15. Any Other Such Matters: the city has not done any workon ditch City Manager; however, if the city did it, we will fix the problem. CC MINUTES PG 5 11/5/90 Committee or Committees make any plans that they need to bring it to the City Council first. This would• them ♦ ^• i i • i i' • decisions. need tobe cleaned • down"11 sunk beeninstalled on the. * • . ... -11 .t-fG 0H r440 11 Vk:rt1`LaOR 4�'ENI?OC; N�1r�iE C1CF:N HUCOUNIS PAYABLE L_IuTING AS OF' 11/16/90 13u32uC10 I NVO I CE AMOUNT D 1 SCOUN 1-- i 7'=� r�-1. C�L.N•i'E�L FAO E, t76 G/L DISTRIBUTION 431 .}Ca 1. `I44" SMOOTH DRUM ROLl_.ER AND 1 TRANCC OR'T VENDOR TOTAL. AD�4ic F�•r'ERMINATING CO„ INC„ PO 6573 G/L _ 16DTRIBUTION 4.4k�„ Ca'(:}Ca !='RA Y F'ClR WASPS VENDOR TOTAL. G/L DISTRIBUTION BOOK', AND CARD KITS NHL;ER n; I fa'i`LI=1R 1;1=1ri�HNY [:i/I_. DISTRIBUTION 4F"r.60 C}it.)t„a VEitdDOR TOTAL �- _;•,<<jl=, ��cl_I�`��IR ��'i�cltji_T�f �'Ra�l�,lr_.�':; s: s G/L DISTRIBUTION 419u 0800 G/L DIBTRI BUT ION 4i9.C}500 G/L_ DI(3TRIi,'1_IT I0N 4 19 t, C}700 (:-)iL_ DISTRIBUTION 419„0300 1. CASE 1 Rart(sr1 i I Of'xi F lJ.J ID VENDOR TOTAL_ Flo G/L DISTRIB1IT10N 4474Ca4t:}) LANDFILL WORK PO mill._. D1S RIBUTION 431„ Ca 5t}C) STREF, I Rl`J:lAI R KI RKLAND VENDOR TOIi�()L. DsURR! IS 1UF'L=_Rt71G1Ri;i._T kw a/I._ DT.S"! RIEwI._iTIOtJ 41 41 7s i •.�„ 70 „ 0 „ C7Ca „ Cana CaC} t}tj CICa t�a(a L_�E�rE 1 CaF�EN 'Lit Cif= SJHITIER Ol,:'EN AC`C.OU1\1 f SID PlAYAI:tI_E L..I S'T' I N G 1=?Ai-E AIS OF I.1/1f /9C? 1 13 a € 0 t;E[4I?CiR �aEP.lia�4(=t I�IEiis1E Ifa'JOIC;E t=ifrl.UII%j'T - , PO i='f/I.., D1. 1I RI BUT ION 41.1 1.'t_?a€_?t`'€_?0 35 WASP S!PRAY7 TOItT fIS'aUE, PA! -ER 1t_WE1_.3 AND sCnrl VENDOR TOTAL E,r n 7 ' i:a€; r: FAO b f L,, i,L:L.n {}(} u {_}(_? 25 €_ai_} G/1_ DIS(RIBUTliiN zf31.„Ca300 2n•32,*2o€ 0 FLEX BABE FOR K I RKLAEIII VENDOR TOTAL =:, «','n 00 p{:ic_} E'y 13322„ €ai? '�— G�`�40 CL_ I 1 F' S C��_Ef�I'yKEE� ' I NG 7E.F{�'' I I .0 %'O b r 2, ocla }_?C? „ t_a€_r Der,„ i at.a G/L, D I S} I R1. F,U I i g 1 -' /f 2 a 1100 _I'M M 0, PA(EERS VENDOR 101)1.1 AL. SC, to {;t;a „ .IX, 2F,= t_a�:a :n 10.-,, t,c t? i'i 3A COLA BOTTLING) CO.OF NO TI. G/1._. DISTRIBUTION 4/S 'n 1. GOO Li:)n o 0 NOVEMIDER LEASE w'AYMENT VENDOR TOT FIL. 1 Can (.alo „ i i{.} 10, C)€:? 11, __. 7575 C'ONTINEN T `)L RESEARCH CORR'„ (13/L DI'STRIBUT!ON 419n €)FS0€'a �'e ', G/L DIr-i'l E:iCiLITION 419n;.10 }i; 1�.'n 13 G/L DISTRIBi_;TI:ON 41.9n 0300 Gi'L I:?ISTRIBa,LJT10N 419n 1700 1.13 G/1_ DISd;TRIBUTION / 1.9, C60(4 124 1 G/L I)IS,MIBur ION 419n0G()0 1L?4 13 G/L DID=} T RIBLlT1 10N 41' n Ca,W€;?t? 1 = 1.3 G/L_ DISTRIBUTION 41'j„0700 1�'n1E, F R E IGi;1' �r Fyo �Ut— - q& ' r •—, c'1 L 18n , ri`} G/L. DiS`I RID,�_(T isON 415n 1 00 11Sn 92 G GALL_ON'5; DE(PREASER FOR LIFT STAi ION VENDOR 1"O`I'AL. 11n 01 a C?C? 11„ f?1. 1,:' .,ta DATA BLP INE' ' FORM301 !NC„ it Flu 654 a I G/I._ DISTRIBUTION 41%+_ 1900 384 18 SUSPENSION 1140T I C:ES; VE:.I~1i'OR TOTAL.. r584 Is „ 0C? 5E 18 1. ;- 1.i:? ;.,I DEALERSE!._FG'iRI'tw: SUPPLY I il` C1i CMJ\IUII.mR Vi=::nlDCIR 't��t�IDt':!R nlAttlE t�1 E=n! i C`.r nl►1a'i 1. H T'i?OC_.E i_T:' TINU AEA OF 11 / 16/90 13 a 3i ' h t:?(') I t (VOICE �jt.1i tl_t{� F' D 15 C 0 u kiT C Ff L I1 I E,T R I DLiT I C�nl 4��: a t:? 1 {�?t:? 1 i=:!;•„ � �. P.M. DI-nii'RIE{fJI ION f`t2i la 1cFt:0 1r' v3,13 E, i ` :X. 4 RECCESSED LIGHT E'i XTLIREO VENDOR TOTAL_ 4r;p C,F, •1', 1.3C?C�{"? t�ITY O1= I�C::nITOhd4 r��::Cp PO {=,710 g1E7aC',L G/L i7I;;"FRIBUT ION 448. i?1 C?tI Oy I87a IS UUARTE_RL'Y A141BUL.ANCt4. bl-TVICE: VENDOR TOTAL ;gig 41m 1:�,— i.�}{?t:?i? i�fL•I�ITO��I CO., L�Lf_L;T„ t:C�i—i.1F'a y In1t';P, (' jj T' tj/L D1,STRIBUI:ON 434 in1200 1.31w 38 r /L DIE TRIBUTICIN 4.;4w t:?cCC) �;.1 > *=S� ti/ 1_ D 15 (k t i_{(l I ON [;/L DISTRIBUTION .rtw iiC'Ft?t? =s'1, .""i ELE-UR:I{e tiE.RVIC VENDOR TOTAL 221E`n 2s'*`3 7.1r;.-' #,�,{_?i_i{"? I?C�'t�ITC3nl C:17al�(Jt�it��i_{i•.IIt�FI�t%.It�It=F /k_. DIOTE?IDIiTI{lPd 41.3,{:?,w,t?.? i="r"'`=,ao ! MAXON RADIO FOR r-NIMAL CONTROL SERIAL_ *2S3C* 01c.38 VENDOR TUTAL C?t:? .L 7- Ir-:F�{-�,� rat=ir-L_ci,''ER nlraTlot`,i�L Ir•�';��a ir��: 6/1_ DISTRIBUTICIN 4:_;8 1.G0C? 7100 i'OVROLi__ REPORT ESTINIPiIE t.3/I_ DISTRIBUTION IL380{-?1{:0 t_?{) f LI.a IkISURsAINCE Oil EC?LiIPME_NI TRAC:TORE.=, BACKH[JE AND PATC.:E-IMAN C.;/L- DIOiRIF,1.1TIOn1 4,3Fw 1r 0() 1y781w21.3 CAR AND TRUCK INSURANCE VENDOR ;1 �'- 1 (�cii?i:? (�t�ID�R!_{�'' I�f=S•`.�, I_.IJ�r�{E'('�nlii G/i_ ril;=;TRIE,i_ii'IOtI Mtn FOR r- fiJCHr`1AN t /L_ DI 1'TRI'E{i_rTYON FOR tuATMA'FIN TCi l-AL.. 7%•.'r1, �?;'it„?t:� wrap jt�? a i7? i_'y 1E;7pCFC' 7ir:E:w i?C? ly r87.p�.:F •1', 1.3C?C�{"? t�ITY O1= I�C::nITOhd4 r��::Cp PO {=,710 g1E7aC',L G/L i7I;;"FRIBUT ION 448. i?1 C?tI Oy I87a IS UUARTE_RL'Y A141BUL.ANCt4. bl-TVICE: VENDOR TOTAL ;gig 41m 1:�,— i.�}{?t:?i? i�fL•I�ITO��I CO., L�Lf_L;T„ t:C�i—i.1F'a y In1t';P, (' jj T' tj/L D1,STRIBUI:ON 434 in1200 1.31w 38 r /L DIE TRIBUTICIN 4.;4w t:?cCC) �;.1 > *=S� ti/ 1_ D 15 (k t i_{(l I ON [;/L DISTRIBUTION .rtw iiC'Ft?t? =s'1, .""i ELE-UR:I{e tiE.RVIC VENDOR TOTAL 221E`n 2s'*`3 7.1r;.-' #,�,{_?i_i{"? I?C�'t�ITC3nl C:17al�(Jt�it��i_{i•.IIt�FI�t%.It�It=F /k_. DIOTE?IDIiTI{lPd 41.3,{:?,w,t?.? i="r"'`=,ao ! MAXON RADIO FOR r-NIMAL CONTROL SERIAL_ *2S3C* 01c.38 VENDOR TUTAL C?t:? .L 7- Ir-:F�{-�,� rat=ir-L_ci,''ER nlraTlot`,i�L Ir•�';��a ir��: 6/1_ DISTRIBUTICIN 4:_;8 1.G0C? 7100 i'OVROLi__ REPORT ESTINIPiIE t.3/I_ DISTRIBUTION IL380{-?1{:0 t_?{) f LI.a IkISURsAINCE Oil EC?LiIPME_NI TRAC:TORE.=, BACKH[JE AND PATC.:E-IMAN C.;/L- DIOiRIF,1.1TIOn1 4,3Fw 1r 0() 1y781w21.3 CAR AND TRUCK INSURANCE VENDOR ;1 �'- 1 (�cii?i:? (�t�ID�R!_{�'' I�f=S•`.�, I_.IJ�r�{E'('�nlii G/i_ ril;=;TRIE,i_ii'IOtI Mtn FOR r- fiJCHr`1AN t /L_ DI 1'TRI'E{i_rTYON FOR tuATMA'FIN TCi l-AL.. 7%•.'r1, �?;'it„?t:� wrap jt�? a i7? i_'y 1E;7pCFC' 7ir:E:w i?C? ly r87.p�.:F 7.1r;.-' #,�,{_?i_i{"? I?C�'t�ITC3nl C:17al�(Jt�it��i_{i•.IIt�FI�t%.It�It=F /k_. DIOTE?IDIiTI{lPd 41.3,{:?,w,t?.? i="r"'`=,ao ! MAXON RADIO FOR r-NIMAL CONTROL SERIAL_ *2S3C* 01c.38 VENDOR TUTAL C?t:? .L 7- Ir-:F�{-�,� rat=ir-L_ci,''ER nlraTlot`,i�L Ir•�';��a ir��: 6/1_ DISTRIBUTICIN 4:_;8 1.G0C? 7100 i'OVROLi__ REPORT ESTINIPiIE t.3/I_ DISTRIBUTION IL380{-?1{:0 t_?{) f LI.a IkISURsAINCE Oil EC?LiIPME_NI TRAC:TORE.=, BACKH[JE AND PATC.:E-IMAN C.;/L- DIOiRIF,1.1TIOn1 4,3Fw 1r 0() 1y781w21.3 CAR AND TRUCK INSURANCE VENDOR ;1 �'- 1 (�cii?i:? (�t�ID�R!_{�'' I�f=S•`.�, I_.IJ�r�{E'('�nlii G/i_ ril;=;TRIE,i_ii'IOtI Mtn FOR r- fiJCHr`1AN t /L_ DI 1'TRI'E{i_rTYON FOR tuATMA'FIN TCi l-AL.. 7%•.'r1, �?;'it„?t:� wrap jt�? a i7? i_'y 1E;7pCFC' 7ir:E:w i?C? ly r87.p�.:F .L 7- Ir-:F�{-�,� rat=ir-L_ci,''ER nlraTlot`,i�L Ir•�';��a ir��: 6/1_ DISTRIBUTICIN 4:_;8 1.G0C? 7100 i'OVROLi__ REPORT ESTINIPiIE t.3/I_ DISTRIBUTION IL380{-?1{:0 t_?{) f LI.a IkISURsAINCE Oil EC?LiIPME_NI TRAC:TORE.=, BACKH[JE AND PATC.:E-IMAN C.;/L- DIOiRIF,1.1TIOn1 4,3Fw 1r 0() 1y781w21.3 CAR AND TRUCK INSURANCE VENDOR ;1 �'- 1 (�cii?i:? (�t�ID�R!_{�'' I�f=S•`.�, I_.IJ�r�{E'('�nlii G/i_ ril;=;TRIE,i_ii'IOtI Mtn FOR r- fiJCHr`1AN t /L_ DI 1'TRI'E{i_rTYON FOR tuATMA'FIN TCi l-AL.. 7%•.'r1, �?;'it„?t:� wrap jt�? a i7? i_'y 1E;7pCFC' 7ir:E:w i?C? ly r87.p�.:F TCi l-AL.. 7%•.'r1, �?;'it„?t:� wrap jt�? a i7? i_'y 1E;7pCFC' 7ir:E:w i?C? ly r87.p�.:F i_'y 1E;7pCFC' 7ir:E:w i?C? ly r87.p�.:F G{ri_,,. It I.IJ";ijn;l- M51f_.I_i('..EI i.lI`.sl.:l., F r .. ,.., _...� i C " i_• : 1, i, —r �., ,,. fi I fl tiiI It i_(_Il1i I i�l-!!_; ([..t t't`l-ll._ ;:?f•�i-)1; j i ��� L'E'.NY)CfR I.i^(..iPitI _'!.I.t)n E,; nt_}I} _1 "'•vt ;G :. i.r _ t.a" t_).'_;`1t_a iI fi:!.:f`?Os 1_:E-liml`'?.1.f Ai_.. t_ar`i4ni?!a p !. [_. ! ! .I L} 131 t:)t.? ! �I Ia•I ;' R41Bl.I T .1 ON sit .in t)7t)t? V .ivl.0R I OIwAl.. 1; t?4. ;.n t:) i €) 1 � t).r-,.n No ri¢ tle( '.:, �, 71 l)„ CA �. It H/l._ UISTRI IOl'i TON 47i_'n I rc_u_; .C)It 91 LJ i E l E= > OlIt 'il) r l_.1R h1 , r`q,R TCil1!`:F: VENDOR T Old AL 14 0() KRI7 DlaV Is C'On i-'{ f 624,4t_) 5141 n 75 i„?t? `.situ I It 7 5 G/1_ DISIR.l:Eli_1iION 47c:nt)t1t)Ca 341.73 4-1t i Nl f; ,q hf1E. T C.F( i f tE:Er, t,TE�ttF'O� C:ONl'uFL:.T'OE,G Ni�f�, Oi�'tl it7i N;lil_r :. rill t�,?4•`_i 1. It 26 n i)t_I :t It 6 [-,;'t._ DISTI RIBUTION 472n 0800 1n F, J. 314 PVC LB. VENDOR TOTAL. "543n 01 n 0() 5; 0 1�. �•.:; _ �-7:� l._AW'(_IN PRODUCTS INC 1:)tj G/L. 1)1STRIBUT ICN 44t'n 500 5 , 1. G/I._ DISTR BUT ION 4+gin 1 '0 01 53n 15 G/L DISlI IBUTION 44'_n 170() `i?, 15 DISTRIBI IT IOt'l 44c:n 0600 4r];: n 1 i /L DISTRJBUT ION 442m 0700 53 15 8/L .0 3 T R I D U T 1011 441a'n 0r�u)t_a 5. n 1C,Doi S AND CABINET ::44-- ;=42500 LOl`dl: 61i=1R GAS it:ln 6/1_ DISTRIBUTIOt! 4;j4n0; i)t) 1.;„;? %/L 1)I SITRI sU T I0N 4C.4n t)lt)ia 1�:n �t:) G/1_ l�I."_ITRISU`i ION 4..:4. C 1.00 11=�n 75 C/L. 111SIT RID{UTION 4.6;4n t)�Cit) rn t?S ()/I._ DISTRID{UT10N 4 4, ()800 12a 75 G/L DISTRIBUTION UTION 435n 0900 1 %Jn ! L, GAS SERVICE C1i~ SANLICI.:R VENDOR VENDOR NAME Cif=rC N ACf :nL P41 b PH at Ht,LI= L_ .I C i I NG AS OF 11 / 16/`3t_} 1'3la,��2 a C)o I [vIVn I Cf~ AMOUNT U i �=;C:C�i thi i� NDOR) TOTAL 94„ 09 „ c}() PO Er �s6 G/L .401:3TRIBUTIC�N it1 i . 1.9oc) 10 BOOKS OF CONNECT AND D I `SL:ni��r� ECT NO I I CFu:, VENDOR TOTAL. i i }t�tr rriE'T'RCIC( i_. CELI._ULraR TELEPI i(lhd ' CO PO 671 G/L DISTRIBUTION f+33 iEs0 ) PHONE GERVICE VENDOR TOTAL ;3!{_ Sri{ i•RIBU*l ION INSL.IRANCE F-'Ai'MENT G/l_ DISTRIBUTION CONS I GkIMENT F='F'sr�'i"rL r='Ai�Ihl1� G/L- DISTRIBLI'i ION L/L DISTRIBUTION PAi?I�K:� I•=rt?-'. .�i::;Jt_?4„r PAOCtACl;4 L7Cah�l>Yal_.O •t G/I._ DISTRIBUTION MOB FOOD FOR DOG POUND •Yr r/L. DISTRI}_UTI:ON CAL_!._ SHEET %Lhd'C?OR TOTAL. 4rE:NDOR TOTAL, 40f ,In i,}�{t,`0 t?E.N?_}OR TOTAL. AL.. v :NDOR TOTAL. vcNDOR TOTAL. 05, ' .05 „ t1C1 „ tit�a lt:r „ trt_1 i;at�r I='f i E D 1�PL.hI 9 I'I �' i jt= VRt'tt�i)R lt,r'NuC1IN hlfitil C;/L IiIE:,'I'RInUI"InN Ptt.G. BA i [ R I E , REPAIR FOR Mnn I LE PHONE. CHARGE FIT '`3'1'f:'IFtU`II(7hd C/L G.iL G/L_ UNIFORMS FOR ALL DISTRIBLITInt,( DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENTS RIBUTION r/t_ DISTRIBUTION UNIFCiiRti1S JIHUr%L.I rUr( POLICE DEPI nt'E t�i HUUUUN1 S 1= H Y HE'(i_E L. I S AS OF 11/1r,i`=O 1�6" oc')ta 418 e i�, �;UV .� Pi.E 7t'at-yF, to/L IlIS',Ttrll.iLi T ION SETS STRIPS. FOR GROVES AND MOOREHEAD VENDOR TOTAL a a--' .?,S�Cx�a (-;t71-ft�lil %ntTiF'Nt�l'Y .yc G /L DISTRIFi[JT1'nN ?+ t1E� r�:RC Fnr TRt�IL�'R 1=�'r7i�F; C�/L Ea/L_ U/L FiISI"D:[ DI•a'i DI STR.IPUI'ION RJ:CEt_Ii Ell Tlnpd .ltJtd i /L DISTRIBUTION tG/t._ G/!_ C/L i3L. DISTRIBUTION D1-31 DIS14RIBUT:[0N DIS,TRIB RIBUT10N II ION !W),'L G/L DISTRIBUTION DISTRIF'ci_ITION CITY OF SANGER UTILIT;'' VEI�IDCJR TCi T I`iL. 4u @� o 'iit_) 434= 04.00 434 n (600 4u4u i( C){„) 4-34 r t i700 34 0800 !+34n O9(:)i:) ).;4 1100 c,r o 18(y) VC::I`fDOR TOTftL. 5d04 00 S x 0 Eso 09 124 a (:)3, _j2 0 70 1 g ?�GCiG (��•, 4JOR 44 4 :tin i�a 7uv 15 1OF,d _E, 56v 10 �!a 8tJ7a 4�ai�a i-11: k F, C7t='EN r k� Lte J... �- •` —`C' iatl ,<?�i4tl 4t_i I v z (;r v,Ar41l'o.1tK VEPI I OF La Pal ACL: UL1P1 1 L14 PICA Yt=tBLc_ L I }I I NG A OF I1,'itn./` C2 1:°;d: (e'af:aC} I VU I CE AMOUNT u, I ,r:0i_lNT "� ``11 �Li,/rL( )�}IC;oat RIIC�jL"'1' f (I}Ul'�7'1 (� =; 1 rf„ 1`�{af;a"; ,.:� RIBBONS E-UR f�i`�I-'�Lt_'. It�lt'7�J(,. til�tl IE�. F� VENDOR TU) CIL. i` J„ 90 ip}f:2 i='7„ 90 00 all. q r /L DISTRIBUTION 1.'v„t 800 ;w',5 la 1 1.)RIL.I_ B,I1 VENDOR ! L2 I AL �e Cira ',all !=-'-a — .:i'�-1 -- rq��-'f_a(�}! } t�tr1 I 1 �� .—� f,"•i iUtt� I ��' ,, ! ! !��. /I_. DISTRIBUTION 472m08)O 4 LUCK %S Cif"t iw,it;t=s „ r/I._ DISTRItNJIION ra_:1„t}`,raf2 �„ 1 _. L I r,_AK._L.OPK CAN AND i — 1 GALLON CAN le G/L_ DISTRIBUTION 424„ C2=C)O 'D_ 9.1 ad 1 13/ r'r HOLE SAW }f r al 0 Fri (f_} 2 91 f_}f-a .:J1 L IrDIE; I R' I BU 1 ION 4�'1.: f.a r,f_i t:} ^._ 29 1 HANDLE t' /E_ DI . fRIE'si_11I.0N 11 7„(:0)70o 3a !1 ITEMS FUR SE:14E:R PLANT TEXAS METER & SRt<lE'R CU„ G/L. DISTRI1711UTION 41:7„ 0600 51+50 81 all 1 cr RESE T T ERS AND 1 F 1.11...L.. CIRCLE CLAMP VEfVL}iOR TOTAL. 545a 81 „ t}i:; _ei}L;„ ri.1_.. -'.i_,if:}t} TEXAS F'UL_.I'I'IGAt_ ',tIRDIl1I,�It:lhlK?3 G/L DI:e, I RI1_U I ION �=f_ar'„ f_}: f}Ca Mon f t_} G/L DIST�RIBUTTON ;l„ 0700 18c,„ 7;a; G/L I�ISTRIC:�UTIUtz! r;07„ f_arii}fw} 294, faa(:a G/L. DI��aTR'IBUT ION 4f:2T„ ICK)o 119. 0/1_ DP31TR.IBUT ION 4o „i24C}fj 1G'U„8?, G/L DIST'RIBUT ION 40 „ 1000 Rf?fE2„ 14 G/L. DITRYBUT ION 407„ Off, 2f:2'6r8„ f ;2 Imo;/L DISTRIBUTION 407„ 14o() LIM 80 G/I._ D 191R IT DU T 1.60N 4o7„ Q100 7. 4 G/L. DI ST RIB i•i ION 407„ o300 14 709n 51 G/L DIIDTRIBUT IOtj 40740200 (`a„ 1.4 (,rL. I)I`T f II?Ll'i IOn1 rPt2'l„ 11+2i_} !i:'r-2„ 41 G/L D1`3TRIBUT14{21'r""„ 1200 ` 4 ()47 � � 0N G/L DIGl RIfBUTION 407„ 090." C,, fi} JOINT INSURANCEFUND vrv�}G t�Err,r�r (�tar�sL. AS Grp' II I(:J:/iQC) 1.. I NVG I C;E AMOU11T t# I SCGUNT G/L DIsTRIBUTION 44c:¢ 0%41,00 DOOR DANIELS AND BACKMOUND OUND E :HFiNGE 140 BLUE VENDOR TOTAL. i AL. G/L_ DISTRIBUTION LONG. DISTANCE SERVICE G/I_ DISTRIBUTION 1E WICK DEODORANT FOR PLANT 4 . ,: I G 0 0 Vl ,NDOF't TO"PIL 420700 VENDOR TOTAL ¢�4 a 4'4 G/L DISTRIL-4M ION 41Itt 1900 *13 13 „43 10 PERSONNAL FOLDERS,, CLASP ENVEL.OPES4 BINDERS AND CAL.ENDER j ¢+t''"` aJ •J1�'{#t..# i'RANi'iL.IIV t-AT'r b, ItdG¢ •#b G/L DISTRIC{i_i'rICIN BOOKS AND CARD KI T'S G/L DISTRIBUTION SEWER ANALYSIS 4•Es_ �=.�=+i to �` i:f'T1f�'IERER F,' IOGTt"i GF' T�ENTGh�1 H/L DISTRIBUTION rIRF:S; FOR TRACTOR VENDOR TOTAL. IENDOR TOTAL_ VENDOR TOTAL_ TOTAL t=Ei„ 14 t:1r�'Ehi ¢ c:4 in:ii.#¢ is#ti I,F Z)HNL 1::.K VENDOR VENDt_jr NAIME t��L DEI=�t-��:rriEnIT�O HMINISTRATION—K L.IF;RARY—GF. r-IOLICE_GIF Tt=iT' I C1�1--CIF f, f REETS'113F Gx�ATER, ET WASTEWATER:'--EF ELECTP I C--EF r'ARKS—SF FI EE--rF VEHICLE MA I NT•—ELF AYOE & COUNCIL. —SF CriAYOR & COUNCIL- EF ADM I N I S T RAmr I rile►--EF SULi__ I VAN CENTEF. IGFI DATA PROCE;=;Sl:NGS EF VDUC;LE MAUirr*--I.F' ASTEW"M COL_-•EF =1I' LIN 1='HYHbLr: L.I EST I N a;y !.fa27 Elp 42aLr 1 59 281. 64 7 trip 886a 34 13 4u �:4 1i� �1a 57 lcac22 1 E,1 a 84 1�i 'rq 12;6a BJ 1t5 1 6a35 1`3 It 64 Gain c"13 P FROM* DATE: SUBJECT: ■ BOX 578 ANGER, TEXAS 76260 ohn Hamilton, City Manager ovember i 1 ■ esolutio90Recognizing rightersperform forof s and the surroundingarea. JH:e� enclasure CITY u SANGER, TEXAS AR%xvi ftMWW1WMR - • .PPP it 1 10 1 1 .., IT Recognizing .Service to the Community Fire Fighters. WHEREAS, public safety is a fundamental obligation of any community to its citizens, and WHEREAS, the protection of property both public and private is basic to public safety, and WHEREAS, the fire service is a tirr�e honored and noble �allin� within the community; Volunteer ire Department an • countless hours of training, preparation and actual fire fighting, have earned these unselfish • s • respect• gratitude of all of s g11117 - REStJLVED this 19th Day of November, 1990. ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary T C�: ROM0 ATEo UBJECT, P11 U fir! u o 0* BOX 578 ANGER, TEXAS 76266 Horior=able I�rlayor c� l�leriibers of the Cit.�c�:o��ricii John Hamilton, City Manager l�lovember 16, 1990 � irst.Public Hearing can Proposed l sari{if'ill Ckj�i.�i Tliis is the f ir�t. ���lie�ule� ��ul�lic lie�rin� cis the �ici��il�le el���_zr¢� c�i c����~ landfill. The second public hearing is scheduled fora Decer:iiber 33 19906 A total of 1600 post. cards were railed to postal patrons in Sanger to info rrxi them of the public hearing scheduled, also a newspaper public ric t.ice was pul lislied, o ��.�:tion is rec�uirec� on this iterri at this meetir��. JH:es NIEMORANDTJM #67� TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGEk P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager, � November 16, 1990 Report by EAS Committee The Council appointed EAS Committee inlet on Monday, November 12th, to discuss the EAS plans proposed by Centel. A representative from the Committee as well as Ken Amburn, V. P. of Centel, will be present to discuss the committee's recommendations. JH:es enclosure W to �n rn o W >4 to oo � t` C7 a C7 Q1 N M c7 a c7 d' Ol LO �xz 0 a xz W z> v � v w zEMI � v vim (Ar o 4 v v v 0> v v 4H Fy ^HV En CA O O UEA UfA W >+ in m N W> 00 N In Lha rn W Rzr ua � H O xP40 0 6 xa . oA u v} > o A V)w V)o v � z a 4 :4 z°> N a x H o z° > W M N 0a�W am ONr` 0aw� �W on 0 • In M cn ad' N c�a4(n VEm4Hr c�a4wW tEm,Nir 4E°-+UM 4HUPQ P� H E4 (L, U u� tX4 U W O a o\o o\o o\o O a o\o o\o o\o W 0\0 a o W co 0\0 a O 00 rn O H C1 d' d' O H (n (n M z O z 1) O 0W 0 cooCQ o x a U W• M co M O W r� (A H cr HCI 0000 0000 U 00 H rmi W -I rmi xaxx z u m z u m w o w rn o ono � • N 0o co �0 v q;p W r-1 to WE V} 0G tno V)w V)o O O O U U U � •rN-1 •vi •rN-I A A A E z 0\0 w o 0 Ln A tt1 d� M to O O 0 W O O to a M N H V)i i!i V>k 4J 4J 4J O O O U U U Ul N N I •ri •ri •rl 0\0 0\0 0\0 I O Ln to I In d' M I O O O 0 0 O l0 'd' M Vi Mo t/} Pt i ANGER, TEXAS :. MEMC7RANDUM #B09 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM; John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: November 16, 1990 �t�13,�ECT: Request By Frontier Waste Mana�en�.ent to Adjust Their solid Waste Collection Rates Mr. Denny .7ahnson, awner of Frontier Waste Mana�ernent, Yeas requested to discuss rate adjustments for his services with Council. A cagy of our current contract and a revenue summary an the past sip 0) months billings is included for your review. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made this _o?d f day of / 10 t)en? der , 1989 by and between FRONTIER WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC., a Texas Corporation ("Contractor") and THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ("City") WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Contractor is engaged in the business of providing commercial and residential solid waste removal, and WHEREAS, the City desires to have the Contractor perform such solid waste removal services to the residents and businesses within its legal boundaries; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and considerations herein contained, the City and the Contractor hereby agree as follows. 1. Exclusive Right. The City hereby grants to the Contractor the exclusive right and obligation to provide solid waste collection services within the City's legal boundaries as they exist as of the date hereof and as may be extended during the term hereof. 2. Term. A. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years commencing on January 1, 1990 and terminating on December 31, 1995, subject to prior termination as described in Paragraphs 2 (B) or 6 below and subject to annual review as provided in Paragraph 2 (C) below. Be Notwithstanding the provisions in Paragraph 2 (A) above, either party may terminate this Agreement, during the initial term hereof or any renewal term thereafter, after ninety (90) days written notice to the other party, provided, such early termination shall not relieve either party of its obligations hereunder that have accrued prior to the effective date of such termination. C. The provisions of Paragraph 5 below shall be reviewed annually by each party hereto and may be changed upon the mutual agreement of both parties. D. The initial five (5) year term of this Agreement may be extended by the mutual consent of the parties hereto for a similar five (5) year term; provided, however, that the party desiring to extend this Agreement shall provide the other party with its intention to extend the Agreement at least One Hundred and Twenty (120) days prior to the expiration of the initial five (5) year term. 3. Covenants of Contractor. The Contractor covenants and agrees to the following. A. Residential Collection. Residential collection shall be twice weekly on Monday and Thursday of each week except for Christmas Day and other Holidays as AUTHOR= by the Sanger City Council. Hours of collection shall commence not earlier than 7:30 am and conclude not later than 3:30 pm on each collection day. Contractor shall be required to pick-up only solid waste that is in plastic bags (not to exceed 30 gallons), metal or plastic garbage cans (not to exceed 30 gallons) or other acceptable containers or bundles (not to exceed 40 pounds and 3 feet in length each). B. Commercial Collection. Commercial collection including multiple dwellings of four (4) or more units and all businesses (commercial and/or industrial establishments) are to be serviced on an "As -Needed" basis. The type of solid waste receptacle used by any commercial customer shall be used at the sole expense of such commercial customer. Hand pick-up customers shall use a 30 gallon container. The hours of collection for commercial services shall commence not prior to 6:00 am and conclude not later than 9:00 pm on each Monday and Thursday, except for Christmas Day and other Holidays as authorized by the Sanger City Council. Apartments and/or multi -family residences will be collected between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm on each collection day. The Contractor will place in the City, at no cost to the City, 10 gallon receptacles for trash collection at all parks within the City and in the downtown area. In addition, the Contractor will provide temporary placement of trash containers for special events sponsored by the City and located within the City upon the request of the Sanger City Council. Co Compliance with Laws. A11 solid waste collected by the Contractor will be disposed of in a landfill other than that owned and/or operated by the City. The Contractor will comply with all applicable State and Federal laws regarding collection and transportation of solid waste material. D. Due Care. The Contractor shall exercise due care and caution to protect and preserve public and private property including City streets and parking areas while performing its obligations hereunder. Vehicles used by the Contractor in performing its residential services hereunder shall only drive down the middle of all residential streets and roads and shall not zigzag from one side of the street to the other. 2 E. Franchise Fee, The Contractor will pay monthly to the City a Franchise Fee of Seven Percent (7%) of its monthly gross receipts for its residential and commercial collections. This Franchise Fee represents a charge for use of the City's streets. F. Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall maintain general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate, provided, however, that the amount may be raised if the City is required to raise its liability coverage above amounts presently required by Federal or State laws. The City shall be named as an additional insured on such policy and such policy will contain a provision that the insurer will not cancel the policy without giving the City thirty (30) days' written notice. G. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents against any claims relating to injury to persons, property, employees or anyone else under the control of the Contractor whose performance or failure to perform causes a claim to be made against the City. H. General Conditions. The Contractor shall not deny employment to any person for reasons of race, creed, national origin or religion. Each employee of the Contractor shall at all times carry a valid Texas Operator's Drivers's License applicable to the type of vehicle that he is operating. Wages of all employees of the Contractor will equal or exceed the minimum wage requirements as established by local, state and federal agencies. In addition, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Acts. The Contractor shall not litter any residential or commercial dwelling in the process of performing its services hereunder; provided, however, that the Contractor shall not be required to collect any solid waste material that has not been placed in plastic trash bags, approved containers, or is bundled. (as described above). In the event of spillage by the Contractor, the Contractor shall properly clean up any and all Litter. Hazardous waste, body waste, dead animals, abandoned vehicles, vehicle parked, large equipment and parts thereto will not be required to be collected by the Contractor, unless the Contractor agrees to collect such items. K� The Contractor shall have on hand at all times in good working order, such equipment that shall permit the Contractor, to adequately and efficiently perform its duties hereunder. Such equipment shall be purchased from nationally known and recognized manufacturers of solid waste collection and disposal equipment. Solid waste collection equipment shall be of the enclosed load packer type and all equipment shall be kept in good repair and appearance and in a sanitary, clean and run ready condition at all times. The Contractor shall have available to it at all times reserve equipment which can be put into service and operation in case of any breakdown of its equipment. The Contractor shall have vested title to all solid waste materials generated within the Municipal Area of the City. 4. Covenants of the City. The City covenants and agrees as follows: A. To remit all amounts due to the Contractor by the tenth (loth) day of each month commencing in the month of February, 1990, B. Provide the contractor with confirmation of the residential and commercial customers on a monthly basis. C. To collect all state and local taxes due on the services provided by the Contractor hereunder and to remit all such amounts due to the appropriate authorities. D. To grant to the Contractor the right to pursue any cause of action the Contractor may have against any third party for interfering with the Contractor's exclusive right and obligation to provide solid waste collection services hereunder. In granting such rights, the Contractor shall be entitled to pursue its remedies without notice to the City. 5. Payment for Services Rendered. The City shall pay to the Contractor for its services rendered pursuant to Paragraph 3 above, an amount based upon the following structure: A. Residential Services - $6.25 per month (hand pick-up) per individual residence B. Commercial Customers (hand pick-up, 3 containers maximum) i. Two pick-ups per week - $9.50/month ii. Three pick-ups per week - $19.00/month iii. Five pick-ups per week - $28.50/month C. Container Services i. One and a Half (1 1/2) yd. containers a. One pick-up per week - $15.00/month b. Two pick-ups per week - $27.00/month c. Three pick-ups per week - $35.00/month ii. Three (3) yd. containers a. One pick-up per week - $27.00/month b. Two pick-ups per week - $44.50/month c. Three pick-ups per week - $61.50/month iii. Four (4) yd. containers a. One pick-up per week - $32.00/month b. Two pick-ups per week - $51.85/month c. Three pick-ups per week - $71.70/month D. Payment of Taxes. The amounts represented in Paragraph 5 (A) through (C) above do not include state and local taxes. The amounts of any local or state taxes shall be added to the amounts described in Paragraphs 5 (A) through (C) above and collected by the City; provided, however, that the fifty cent ($.50) per ton solid waste disposal fee charged by the state is included in the amount shown in Paragraph 5(A) through (C) above and shall be paid by the Contractor. 6. Payment. For services rendered pursuant to Paragraph 3 above and pursuant to the fee schedules provided in Paragraphs 5 (A) through (D) above, the City shall pay the Contractor within ten (10) days after the end of each calendar month. In the event the City does not remit any payment to the Contractor within twenty-five (25) days after the end of any calendar month, the Contractor shall have no further obligation to provide any services hereunder. 5 7. General Provisions, A. Modification, This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and shall not be considered modified, altered, changed or amended in any respect unless in writing and signed by both parties hereto. B. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. C. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties successors and assigns. D. Assianment. This Agreement shall not be assigned by the Contractor without the written consent of the City; provided, however, that the assignment by the Contractor to an affiliated or related entity or party shall not require the consent of the City. IN executed written. WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS Nel Armstrong Its: Mayor FRONTIER WASTE MANAGEMENT, By. Its the City as of the and the Contractor have day and year first above ATTEST: Its: Cit Secretary ATTEST: D By: Its: City Secretary DATE$ November 8, 1990 Frontier Waste Management P, 0. Box 758 Sanger, Texas 76268 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a City of Sanger check in the amount of $ 10 , 8 28.18 representing payment to Frontier Waste Management for the contract agreement provided for in the City of Sanger/Frontier Waste Management Agreement. This payment covers the month of computed as follows: October Total Residential Customers Billed 1210 at $7.75 rate per customer Less $1.50 per customer billed as per Contract Total Other Customer Classes Less 7X Franchise Fee Approved for payment Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary 9,381.25 1,815.00 4,076.95 11,643.20 $10,828.18 DATE: October 8, 1990 Frontier Waste Management A. 0. Box 758 Sanger, Texas 78268 Gentlemen: Enclosed i,s a City of Sanger check in the amount of $ l o , 6 4 7.5 2 representing payment to Frontier Waste Management for the contract agreement provided for in the City of Sanger/Frontier Waste Management Agreement. This payment covers the month of September and is computed as follows: Total Residential Customers Billed 1185 at $ 7.25.rate per customer Less $i,.00per customer billed as per Contract Total Other Customer Classes i Less 7X Franchise Fee 8,593.50 1,185.00 4,040.45 11,448.95 801.43 ,1�IET CONTRA,�T pAYM'NT $10,647.52 Approved for payment Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary 4 DATE: September 7, 1990 Frontier Waste Management P. 0. Box 758 Sanger, Texas 76260 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a City of Sanger check in the amount of $ l o , 618.9 3 representing payment to Frontier Waste Management for the contract agreement provided for in the City of Sanger/Frontier Waste Management Agreement. This payment covers the month of August and is computed as follows: Total Residential Customers Hilled 1174 at $7.25 rate per customer Less $1.00 per customer billed as per Contract Total Other Customer Classes I Approved for payment Rosalle Garcia, City Secretary 8516.75 4075.45 11,418.20 799.27 10,618.93 DATE: Auqusr 11 1990 Frontier Waste Management P. 0. Box 758 Sanger, Texas 76266 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a City of Sanger check in the amount of representing payment to Frontier Waste Management for the contract agreement provided for in the City of Sanger/Frontier Waste Management Agreement. This payment covers the month of Ju 1v 15 ,19 9 0 and is computed as follows; Total Residential Customers Billed 118 2 at $7.25 rate per customer Less $1.00 per customer billed as per Contract Total Other Customer Classes Less 7X Franchise Fee Approved for payment 0 lie Garcia, City Secretary 8,570.50 1,182.00 4,111.95 11,500.45 805.03 $10,695.42 DATEt July 2, 1990 Frontier Waste Management P. 0. Box 758 Sanger, Texas 76266 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a City of Sanger check in the amount of $ l o , 7 0 2 . s 5 representing payment to Frontier Waste Management for the contract agreement provided for in the City of Sanger/Frontier Waste Management Agreement. This payment covers the month of June and is computed as follows, Total Residential Customers Billed A $7.25 rate per customer Less $1.00 per customer billed as per Contract Total Other Customer Classes Less 7� Franchise Fee $ 8,596.75 $ 1,17s.00 $ 4,139.69 $11,508.44 $10,702.85 Approved for payment � n I Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary ®fin T'[l''ii(�� p 'FROM# DATE. SUBJECT: A Y P _ 578 i ER,TEXAS/,...// Hamilton,ohn Manager ovember16, 1990 +.. ... ■ -w. Vehicle The Bid Opening is scheduled for � p.m., Mond�.y, 11/19/9Q. A clompilation of )aids received will be presented for your consideration. A copy of the bid specifications are enclosed. Budget on this item is $15,QQQ. JH:es Request for Bids The City of Sanger is seeking bids on one (1) 1991 four door sedan to be used as a police patrol vehicle. A copy of the specifications can be secured from the City Secretary during normal business hours at City Hall, 201 Bolivar. Bids must be on the official bid sheet and be returned to the City Secretary in a sealed envelope marked "Police Car Bid" prior to 2 p.m., Monday, November 19, 1990 at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Hall Conference Room, 201 Bolivar, Sanger, Texas, The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary The City of Sanger will accept bids on the following vehicle until 2 p.m., Monday, November 19, 1990. Please note any exceptions or explanations to the specifications in the space provided. One [ 1 ] 1991 Model Car for the use of the Sanger Police Department as follows: [Use the pace at the left to note exceptions. ] One [ 1 ] 1991 Model Four Door Sedan, White in Color Wheel Base 103.5 to 107.5, Overall Length, 181.0 to 196.3 Automatic Transmission, Three Speed, Column Shift Power Disc Brakes - Anti -Lock Heater and Rear Defroster Factory Install Integral Air Conditioning Heavy Duty Cooling System, Battery, 100 AMP Alternator Split Front Seats - Blue In Color Black Rubber Floor Mats, Front and Rear Intermittent Wipers Left Hand and Right Hand Outside Mirrors W6 Engine with EFI or MFI Port Injection V/6 Engine 3.0 Liter or Larger All Standard Safety Features Ignition - Electronic - Radio Noise Suppressor Full Gauge Instrument Panel -Oil, Temperature, Amp, Fuel AM -FM Radio Specifications for Police Car Page 2 (11/90) Tires -All Season Steel Belted Radial Tire, [P205/70R-14] Tires - Black Wall, Solid Wheel Coverings Factory Warranty Tilt Steering Wheel Spare Tire - Full Size Driver's Side Air Bag Standard Restraint System Minimum Fuel Tank Capacity - 16 Gallons The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and bids and in all causes, award the bid most favorable to the City of Sanger. Name, Brand, Vehicle Bid Price $ Type Signature of Authorized Agent Representing Address City, State, Zip Code Date NIEMORANDUM #656 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER F. O. BOX 576 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Council 1ohn Hamilton, City Manager t November 16, 1990 Appointment of a Hoard of Adjustment During the October 1st meeting appointments to the Bc>ard of Adjustment as provided in the Zoning Code were discussed and deferred. Three names were mentioned as possible members: Burl Bourland, Gene Hughes and Herb Arledge, This will be a five (5) member board. JH:es attachment. C3�� 36.5 Powers and Duties: The Commision shall have the power and the duty to make and recommend for adoption a master plan, as a whole or in parts, for the future development and redevelopment of the City and all land under its control, and it shall further be its duty to prepare a comprehensive plan and ordinance for zoning the City in accordance with the - law. The Commission shall further perform such other duties as may be prescribed by state law. SECTION 37 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The word "Board" when used in this ordinance shall be construed to mean the Zoning Board of Adjustment. 37.1 Organization and Procedure: 1. Establishment: A Board of Adjustment is hereby established in accordance with the provisions of Article 1011g, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, regarding the zoning of cities and with the powers and duties as pro- vided in said statutes. 2. Membership: The Board shall consist of five citizens each to be appointed or re -appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City council, for staggered terms of .__ two years respectively, with terms to begin on July 1 of the year of appointment. Each member of the Board shall be removable for just cause by City Council upon written charges and after public hearings. Vacancies shall be filled by the City Council for the unexpired term of any member whose term becomes vacant. The Board shall elect its own chairman, who shall serve for a period of two (2) years or until his successor is elected. The City Council may appoint four (4) alternate members of the Board who shall serve in the absence of one or more regular members when requested to do so by the Mayor or City Secretary. Alternate members, when appointed, shall serve for the same period as regular members and any vacancies shall be filled and alternate members removed in the same manner as regular members. The members of the Board shall be identified by place numbers one (1) through five (5). The even -numbered places shall expire in the even -numbered years; the odd - numbered places shall expire in the odd -numbered years. The alternate members of the Board shall be identified by place numbers one (1) through four (4). The even - numbered places shall expire in the even -numbered years; the odd -numbered places shall expire in the odd -numbered years. Q 97 All regular and all alternate members are to be appointed to place numbers as specified by the City Council upon adoption of this ordinance. 3. Rules and Regulations: The Board shall adopt rules and regulations and keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member. The board shall adopt from time to time such additional rules and regulations as it may deem necessary to carry into effect the provisions - of the ordinance and shall furnish a copy of the same to the building Inspector, all of which rules and regula- tions shall operate uniformly in all cases. All of its resolutions and orders shall be in accordance therewith. All proceedings of the Board shall be a public record, and all meetings shall be open to the public, except as specified by state law. 4. Meeting: Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the chairman, upon written petition of three (3) regular members of the Board; and at such other times as the Board may determine. The chairman or acting chair- man may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings, hearings or proceedings shall be heard by at least four (4) members or alternate mem- bers of the Board. 37.2 Appeals• 1. Procedure: Appeals may be taken to and before the Board of Adjustment by any person aggrieved, or by any officer, department, board, or bureau of the city. Such appeal shall be made and specifying the grounds thereof. The office or department from which the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board of Adjustment all of the minutes constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. 2. Stay of Proceedings: An appeal shall stay all pro- ceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from unless the Building Inspector shall certify to the Board of Adjustment that by reason of facts in the certificate a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property, in which case proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order which may be granted by the Board of Adjustment or by a court of equity, after notice to the office from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. 3. Notice of Hearing on Appeal; The Board shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal or other matter referred to it, and shall mail notices of such hearing to the petitioner and to the owners of property lying within two hundred (200) feet of any point of the lot or portion thereof on which a variation is desired, and to all other persons deemed by the Board to be _- affected thereby. Such owners and persons shall be affected thereby. Such owners and persons shall be determined according to the current tax rolls of the city. Depositing of such written notice in the mail shall be deemed sufficient compliance therewith. 4. Decision by Board: The Board shall decide the appeal within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or attorney. The Board may reverse or affirm wholly or partly or may modify the order, requirements, decisions or determination as in its opinion ought to be made in the premises and to that end shall have all powers of the officer or department from whom the appeal is taken. 5. The concurring vote of four (4) members of the board shall be necessary to revise any order, requirement, decision or determination of any such administrative official or to decide in favor of the application on any matter upon which it is required to pass under this ordinance or to affect any variance in said ordinance. 37.3 Powers and Duties of Board: 1. Subpoena Witnesses, Etc.: The Board shall have the power to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and punish for contempt, and may require the production of docu- ments, under such regulations as it may establish. 2. Appeals Based on Error: The Board shall have the power to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error of law in any order, requirements, decision or determination made by the Building Inspector in the enforcement of this ordinance. Except as otherwise pro- vided herein, the Board shall have, in addition, the following specific powers: a. To permit the erection and use of a building or the use of premises for railroads if such uses are in general conformance with the Master Plan and pre- sent no conflict or nuisance to adjacent properties. b. To permit a public utility or public service or structure in any district, or a public utility of public service building of a ground area and of a height at variance with those provided for in the district in which such public utility or public service building is permitted to be located, when found reasonably necessary for the public health, convenience, safety, or general welfare. c. To grant a permit for the extension of a use, height or area regulation into an adjoining district, where the boundary line of the district divides a lot in a single ownership on the effec- tive date of this ordinance. d. To permit the reconstruction of a non -conforming building which has been damaged by explosion, fire, act of God, or the public enemy, to the extent of more than ninety (90) percent of its fair market value, where the Board finds some compelling necessity requiring a continuance of the non- conforming use. e. To waive or reduce the parking and loading require- ments in any of the districts, when (1) the character of use of the building is such as to make unnecessary the full provision of parking or loading facilities, or (ii) when such regulations would impose an unreasonable hardship upon the use of the lot. The Board shall not waive or reduce such requirements merely to the purpose of granting an advantage or a convenience. 3. Variances: An application or request for a variance shall not be heard or granted with regard to any parcel of property or portion thereof upon which a concept plan, detail site plan or development plan, preliminary plat or final plat required by this ordinance has not been finally acted upon by both the Planning and Zoning commission and the City Council. All administrative procedures and requirements of this ordinance, regarding both Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council consideration and action, applicable to concept plans, detail site plans, preliminary plats and final plats must be exhausted prior to requesting a variance from the terms of this ordinance. a. The Board shall have the power to authorize. upon appeal in specific cases such variance from the terms of this ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special con- ditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship and so that the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. In exe- cuting its power to grant such variances, the Board may: (i ) permit a variance in the yard requirements of any district where there are unusual and prac- tical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the carrying out of these provisions due to an irregular shape of the lot, topographical or 100 other conditions, provided such variance will not seriously affect any adjoining property or the general welfare; and authorize upon appeal, whenever a property owner can show that a strict application of the terms of this ordinance relating to the construction or alterations of buildings or structures will impose upon him unusual and practical difficulties or particular hardship, such variances from the strict application of the terms of this ordinance as are in harmony with its general purpose and intent, but only when the Board is satisfied that a granting of such variation will not merely serve as a con- venience to the applicant, but will alleviate some demonstrable and unusual hardship or dif- ficulty so great as to warrant a variance from the standards or regulations established by this ordinance and at the same time, the surrounding property will be properly pro- tected. Financial hardship shall not be con- sidered grounds for the issuance of a variance. b. A written application for variance shall be sub- mitted together with the required fee, accompanied by an accurate legal description, maps, site plans, drawings and any necessary data, demonstrating: (i) that special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, struc- ture or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same district; (ii) that literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of this ordinance, (iii) that the special do not result applicant, conditions and circumstances from the actions of the (iv) that granting the variance requested confer on the applicant any special that is denied by this ordinance lands, structures or buildings in district; and will not privilege to other the same 101 (v) no non -conforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same district and no permitted use of lands, structures, or buildings in other districts shall be con- sidered grounds for the issuance of a variance. 4. Changes: The Board shall have no authority to change any provisions of this ordinance and its jurisdiction is limited to time. The Board may not change the district designation of any land either to a more restrictive or less restrictive zone. SECTION 38 RULES OF CONSTRUCTION AND SPECIAL DEFINITIONS 38.1 General Rules of Construction: The following rules of construction shall apply to the interpretation of words used in this ordinance: 1. words used in the present tense include the future ten- se; 2. words used in the singular number include the plural number, 3* words in the plural number include the singular number, 4. the words "building" and "structure" are synonomous; 5. the words "lot", "plot" and "tract" are synonomous; and 6. the word "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary. 38.2 Special Definitions: Except to the extent a particular pro- vision specifies otherwise, the following definitions shall apply throughout this ordinance: 1. Accessory Use or Building - A use or building subor- dinate to and detached from the main building and used for purposes customarily incidental to the primary use of the premises. - 2. Airport or Landing Field - An area improved for the landing or take -off of aircraft approved by the City of Sanger for operation as an aircraft landing facility. 3. Alley - A public space or thoroughfare which affords only secondary means of access to property abutting thereon. 102 T V; FROM; DATE: SUBJECT; I4 ANGER, TEXAS • • Secretaryosalie Garcia, City .. ppraisal Review Board This item was tabled ft`otY�► the last City Council Meeting. I did call the Sanger Administration Office and talked to Mr. Jim Coulston and he advised that they have not nominated anyone yet. He also stated that they would be willing to nominate the same candidate that City Council nominated. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: a 1� Po Oo BOX ANGER, TEXAS 76261F ohn Hamilton,Manager ovember ##1 xecutive • quisition of The document submitted to Dr. and Mrs. Stout far the purchase of 9700 sq. ft. of R. O. W. to extend David Drive to the Freese Drive extension is enclosed for your review, Randy Stout is in possession of the document and will notify staff prior to the scheduled Council Meeting if his father agrees to the purchase price. The executive session will be for the purpose of authorizing payment. to Dr, and Mrs. Stout for the purchase of the right of way at an amount of $4,074.00. Any motion to purchase should include the description: Ituat.•Abstract• ocatedin the Cityof Denton County,i and being )art of a 2.48 acre tract of land conveyed to Dr. Joseph Henry 3tout, as recorded in Volume 2308, page 308, of the Deed of Zecords of Denton County, Texas, needed in order to extend )avid Drive to the proposed Freese Drive extension." JH:es enclosure Right of Way DEED THE 8TATE OF TEXAS § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON § That, Joseph Henry Stout, et ux, Patricia Foster Stout, of the County of Denton, State of Texas, hereinafter reffered to as Grantors, whether one or more, for and in consideration of the sum of Four Thousand Soventy-four and no/100 ($4,074.00) Dollars to Grantors in hand paid by the City of Sanger, Texas, receipt of Which is hereby acknowledged, and for which no lien is retained, either expressed or implied, have this day Sold and by these presents do Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto the City of Sanger, Texas, all that certain tract or parcel of land in Denton County, Texas, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as if set forth at length verbatim. SAVE and EXCEPT, HOWEVER, it is expressly understood and agreed that Grantors rae retaining title to the following improvements located on the above -described property, to -wit: NONE Grantors covenant and agree to remove the above -described improvements from said land by NfA , 1990, subject, however, to such extensions of time as may be granted by the City in writing; and if, for any reason, Grantors fail or refuse to remove same within said period of time prescribed, then, without any further consideration, the title to all or any part of such improvements not so removed shall pass to and vest in the City of ;anger, Texas, forever. Grantors reserve all of the oil, gas and sulphur in and under the land herein conveyed but waiver all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling for same; however, nothing in this reservation shall affect the title and rights of the City of Sanger, Texas, to take and use all other minerals and materials thereon, therein and thereunder. RIGHT OF WAY DEED -- Page 1 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above -described premises herein conveyed together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging unto the City of Sanger, Texas, and its assigns forever; and Grantors do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to Warrant and Forever Defend all and singular the said premises herein conveyed unto the City of Sanger, Texas, and its assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed on this. day of , 1990. Joseph Henry Stout Patricia Foster Stout ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, , on this day personally appeared Joseph Henry Stout, et ux, Patricia Foster Stout, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. of RETURN TOs GIVEN UNDER MY HAND 1990. City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this day Notary Public State of Texas RIGHT OF WAY DEED -- Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" Sanger, Texas Proposed Street R.O.W. Being a 0.22 area parcel of land, more or less, situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, located in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and being part of a 2.48 acre tract of land conveyed to Dr. Joseph Henry Stout, as recorded in Volume 2308, Page 308, of the Deed of Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the southeast corner of Lot 241.Block A in the Gateway Addition Section II, an addition of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 00021040" West, 50.00 feet; THENCE North 89°38'20" West, 194.00 feet; THENCE North 00°21'40" East, 50.00 feet; THENCE South 89°38'20" East, 194.00 feet, to the PLACE BEGINNING, and containing 0.22 acres of land more or less. OF Pt Ot BOX 578 ANGER, TEXAS 76206 Tt��. Hc_�tioral�le 1�Iayor �: lvierr�l�ers of tine City �'o�aracil "ROM: John Hamilton, City Managerjl DATE: Noverriber 16, 1990 �iv�D,.TE��T; �.utlzorization to Rrel�are a.rid Lot Dicl:� i=�r the Construction of a Freese Drive Extension, B cklew, Street to join Freese Drive to Kathryn ar` d an .as yet unnamed street to join David Drive to Freese Drive If Dr. �tc�ut accepts o�a.r offer of 4,07� to p�xrchase 9709 sc_l. ft. of R. O. , , it would he appropriate to authorize the C"ity's Consulting Engineer, Hunter associates of Dallas to prepare and let bids on this project. When the bids are received, they will be brought to Council for awarding. Tl�e pro ject.ecl cost of this project is � 125,OOCi t.o he paid f"roz�� I� eserve F unds. TO: FROM: DATE. susJECT9 Honorable Mayor �. Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager,. November 16, 1990 fj City Administrator's Report J Pilgrim's Way Baptist, to be their representative on the Park Board. Property will be December 3rd rather than the 11/19 meeting in order to comply with State lawx • due to the Sanger omitting a required legal notice. 4). A letter frorra GSA is enclosed for your review concerrairi� the possible amending of two sections of the Zoning Code. JH:es enclosure I Ol/Qi'/L/32Bl2fCC/ SPi'l/[CCU !%P/7C 1l, AlC. MUNICIPAL IvItAINIAL.Irlivir.P41 CONSULTANTS November 9, 1990 Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear John, )z4e / /// C, LUBBOCK OFFICE: 5225 SOUTH LOOP 289, SUITE 101 LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79424 806/794-9524 YF.4NGEl� Before I prepare an ordinance for the city to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested, I would like to take this opportunity to review the request with you to be sure that I understand what is desired, and that the city council understands the various rami- fications of the proposed changes. The requested changes and my preliminary review comments are provided as follows for your con- sideration: 1. Request to delete livestock from definition of Farm, Ranch, Garden or Orchard (Section 38.2, definition number 45). Deletion of livestock from the definition would prohibit livestock within the city since this definition is what per- mits livestock on large tracts within the city. It would also create inconsistencies without considering other changes such as the agricultural uses permitted in Section 8.1.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. If additional livestock restrictions are desired they could be included in Chapter 2, Section 3, which further restricts livestock. 2. Request to delete provision in definition of Home Occupation allowing small home occupation advertising sign (Section 38.2, definition number 54). Deletion of this provision would prohibit any business advertising sign in residential areas since they are other- wise prohibited in residential areas in Section 31.C. Dallas Office: 10935 Estate Lane, Suite 475 • Dallas, Texas 75238 • 214/553-7070 3. Request to definition number 54). -2- delete temporary outdoor display provision from of Home Occupation (Section 38.2, definition It appears that deletion of this provision would have the opposite effect of that intended. Temporary outdoor display is currently exempted from regulation. Deletion of this pro- vision would prohibit temporary outdoor display. Attached is an invoice in the amount of $25.00 for preliminary review of this request. If I did not understand the request, or if I need to proceed further with the proposed ordinance, please provide me with the necessary city desires. I would like to also take this opportunity to remind you that the City Code of Ordinances needs to be updated. A new edition as opposed to a revised code could meet your needs and significantly reduce the cost to the city. If you would like a proposal, please advise. s truly, ack D. Russell JDR/mr Attachment CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor 8� Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager t PATE; November 16, 1990 Residence ..a 412 South Tenth Under other rr�atters, Mayor Arrr�strong 1'ias requested Council consider �, complaint by Mr. Harvey Anthony concerning the lack of drainage at his residence. Mr. Anthony contends that rain water does not have adequate access to drainage in order to flow from his property either north along Tenth Street or east along Church Street. The drainage improvements requested by Mr. Anthony have the potential to disturb his neighbors on his north and east. Staff does not seek a formal vote but rather a discussion and consensus by Council on what if any action is to be taken. JH:es MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of th ,�e'ity Council Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary 6 November 10, 1990 Annexation for Lot 4, Indian Springs Addition Our local newspaper failed to publish our 2nd Public Hearing as instructed. According to the requirements, we will have to start from the very beginning on the Public Hearings. I also milled TML Legal Department and talked with Karen to be absolutely correct, she advised it would be best for the City Council to set the Public Hearing dates again. She stated that by doing so, there should be no problem when we forward this annexation to the Justice Dept. for their approval. RG:es 05 TC�t FROM. SATE: .SUBJECT: CITY Ur 3Y IkA ER SANGER, TEXAS 76206 Honorable Mayor & Men7bers of the City Council Jahn Hamilton, City Manager November 16, 1990 Proposed Seer Line - Willowood Addition ton Sa.k>le .Jr. az�c�l ����� Sable Sr. net. with Mayor Ar�r�str°one, and one at iEyx Hall on Wednesday afternoon, 11/14/00. The Sables stated tbat they are willing to construct their sewer intercepter line in conjunction with the City oversizing the line at this time. This offer would prevent us from having; to construct a lino along the utility easement south of Mayne t)rive and out to the treatment plant and then having to extend this lisle to service the Willowood Addition when it is constructed. Travis Roberts 11as beeecontacted cocernin° this offer and will coffer with the Sables` engineer, Michael Cummings to work out costs and a. construction plan to be presented for Council approval. The budget allocation foil this project is $110,0004 JH.es P.O. Box 2910 Austin, Texas 78769 512 463.0478 Urn Campbrit trite Aepregentatibe November 5, 1990 City of Sanger John Hamilton ._P..O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear John, P.O. Box 292366 Lewisville, Texas 75067 214.724.0217 IJ�IM0r a I have talked with Mr. Dolman at the Texas Parks Department in Austin. He has assured me that Wildlife Department cannot go further in letting the park on the west side of the lake until the and Dallas have signed off on the contract. They their feet on the park. and Wildlife the Parks and the contract for cities of Denton are not dragging They are also studying and considering a park for the east side of the lake also but will not proceed with the plans until the above mentioned contract has been signed. If I can assist any further, do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, t AAA Ben C mpbell BC/mat i Mr. John Hamilton City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: BKAZOS ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE, INC. 2404 LaSalle Avenue • P.O. Box 2585 Waco, Texas 76702-2585 (817)750-6500 November 6, 1990 A ! C6TY OFF SANGER Brazos Electric's Board of Directors authorized a change in meter reading dates at the October 24, 1990 board meeting. Effective with the November 1990 billing, readings at all points of delivery will be changed to a common time and date of 12 o'clock midnight of the 20th of each month. This change is necessary to provide consistent usage periods to properly administer Brazos Electric's wholesale rate with coincident peak billing. Supporting schedules detailing the proration of metered coincident and non -coincident peak demand units, demand ratchets applicable to November's billing, and prorated facility charges will accompany the November power bill. Very truly yours, David Reinke Manager -Accounting Department kc 1 QF SANGER 1�y A-d nr t n cs bra,/—�✓ Nav, CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 579 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 T0: � John Hamilton, City Mana��r FROM# Etta Stogsdill, Adm. Assistant DATE. November7,1990 SUBJECT: City of Sanger Work Orders , October,for the month of August, September, AU�Tt1ST DATE CITIZEN REQUEST STATUS 0/1/90 207 S. Side Dr. - tree limbs completed 0/1/90 104 S. Side - meter box completed 812/90 Janes and Willow -tall brass completed 8/2/90 222 Hillcrest - tree lirnbs corr�pleted �3/3/90 206 N. 10th -tree limbs completed H/3190 455 -bush by fire plug blocking view of stop siKn completed 19/6/90 206 Hillcrest - tree limbs completed i3/6/90 412 S. 2nd -tree lirnbs ctampletc-wl. 0I6/90 213 Willow -tree limbs completed 8 /6/90 917 7th St. -tree limbs complete(. 3/6/90 904 Pecan � tree limbs completed i3/7/90 109 Diane -tree limbs completed 8/7/90 214 Diane - tree limbs Completed i3/7IOU S/St�D aler�� 612 9th St. - Pat hale Railroad �Villativ- street repair CS S.:3rd -see reCorci Senior Citizen Ctr. -street repair carripleted Corr�pleted Completed Completed 3rd &Austin - � special pick-ups Completed �05 5th St. - piece of Carpet 118 S. 10tri ®tree limbs �r�/�o Cawlin� Rd. - brass rnawed along road �r�/�t� 5D4 3rd St. -Clean out ditch �3r9r�� Cherry � Bolivar an sth - tree limbs �r�r�ra �/torso q �1 BalivarR -tree limbs carrapleted Completed completed Completed Carnpleted completed Carnpleted Carr�pleted 8th S� Bolivar - rnosquitae problem Corr�pleted Mffrffln y o/t:�r o Deritan � XVilla� -fire r�ydrant leak �3/14/9t7 705 t3th -tree limbs Completed completed Completed. completed 6/15/9q 8q7 N, Ord -tree limbs completed q/15/qq Laney � Dr�ck `reek -street light out completed q/16/9q 18g8 MelirLda Nlyrl -street light out completed �3/2q/;3q 2q3 t�dayne -tree limbs com�.aleted gflq/9q �qq S. 3rd -street light out cornplet. t3/17/9q 1q1 Colin Rr�. - r�rass cut in ditches completed t31q/9q l.gtl'i � FeacY� -tree lfrr�bs cr}rripletecl #3/2q/9q 1q9 9th -tree limbs completed g121190 11g9 Elrn -pot hole completed q/21/3q 1q7 Dime Dr, - brass in bads completed q/?1/9q grid � �,rillow -tree lirribs covering step si6n corr�pleted 8/22/�q 115 S. 3rd -clean out ditch completed 8/2/3q 1qA Hillcrest -tree limbs crrrlpleter]. 105 S. Ord - watert leak completed �3/23/90 5th & Marshall -street light completed 3 /23/90 7th & Church -street light completed 9/10/90 512 Plum - tree limbs completed 9/10/90 603 N. 10th - meter box completed 9/11/90 1109 Elm - pat hole completed 9/11/90 7th & Wood _ tree limbs completed 9/ 12/90 202 Diane - tree limbs completed 9/12/90 Marshall between 2nd & 3rd- pick-up refrigerator, etc. completed 9/13/90 000 S. 5th - dead animal completed 9/17/90 315 N. 9th -tree limbs completed 9/17/90 705 0th -tree limbs completed 9/17/90 611 Plum - tree limbs completed 9/10/90 1204 Elm -tree limbs completed 9/19/90 108 Hillcrest -tree lirr�bs corr�pleted 9/20/90 706 N. 2nd -mewed lot completed 9/20/90 Behind Git�a - mowed completed. 9/25/90 509 N. 10th -tree limbs carnpleted 9l26/90 Road by Post Office - sign dawn. completed 9/26/90 Elrn & 12t1i -holes iri road completed 9/27/90 705 Oth -tree limbs completed tXJt7$ER 10/l/90 4th & Locust - clean out Glitch completed 10/1/90 Sanger Little Church - street light completed 10/3/90 608 E1rr� - shoe ho�v to turn water off completed 10/3/90 503 N. 3rd -dead anirr�al corriplet�i 20/�/90 307 I�irklar�d -tree liml}s corr�pleted i0/3/90 403 S. 5th -tree Limbs co�iipleted 10/3/90 7tYi &Plum -street light out completed 10/4/90 211 S. 7th - 4' X 12 in" horn completed (to be billed) 10/4/90 11th & Bolivar - pot hole completed 10/4/90 Community Center - pot hole completed 10/5/90 3rd & Willow - tree limbs completed. 10/5/90 404 S. 3rd - sewer problem completed 10/5/90 110 Diane - tree limbs completed IM/90 103 S. 9th - check voltage at meter box completed 10/9/90 Oth & Peac+l -tree limbs rofrlpleted 10/9/90 117 S. Side Dr. -tree lirohs corrzpleted 10/10/90 004 N. 7th - Black top by mailbox completed. 10/11/90 1014 Austin - trasYi completed 10/11/90 109 S. Manor - hole in road completed 10l11/90 907 N. 6th - tree limbs completed 10/ 15/90 903 N. StemmorIs - sewer problem completed 10/15/90 802 Cherry -tree lirr�bs completed 10116l90 2r�d � Wood -tree lirr�bs carr�pleted 10/16l90 102 Hillcrest -tree lirribs completed 10l16/90 213 Diane -tree limbs corrzpleted 10/17/90 Cross strut from 401 Oak - tree limbs completed 10/18/90 Willow at 6th - shrubs blocking view completed 10/18/90 302 N. 7th - water leak completed 10!'18/90 600 I�eator� -water cover corr�pleted 10l19l90 303 I�irklarld -tree lirr�bs c��.arnpletec_l 10/22l90 502 �. 2nd -tree limbs cUrr��letc-+� 10/22/90 313 Marshall �. 3rd -tree limbs corr�pleted 10/22/90 1007 Church -tree Iambs completed 10/22/90 1106 N. Sterrirnons -tree lirribs completed 10l22/90 2rId A� Bolivar � Cherry -spray brass completed 10l22/90 Church & 5th - cut tree limbs completed 10/22/90 8th & Bolivar - vot holes completed 10/25/90 104 Hillcrest - tree limbs completed 10/27/90 105 oth ® tree limbs completed 10/29/90 Oth and Chapman - sign down completed 10/29/90 102 N. 2nd - street light out completed 10/30/90 502 S. 3rd - tree limbs completed i'+it�G�EiBER 11/1/90 nth &Locust - se�nrerproblem completed 003 Bolivar - tree limbs completed 106 Kathern Lane - street light out completed i�/27r90 8r20/90 9r20r90 �/3Dr9D �r3�r90 Duck Creek Rd Keaton- tree limbs Wrripleted 60 Bolivar - especial pick-ups 1�0�1 Elrri -tree limbs � trasY� Bolivar & Cherry -tree limbs i05 Park -street li,�ht out 10� Allen -tree limbs �/32r90 Duck creek � Laney nr, - street light SEPTEMBER 9/4I90 110 Bolivar' - liun� new transformers 9i4/90 217 N. 7th - t.ree limbs �/4/90 I-35 Service Rd. - matured 9/�/90 503 S, 3rd -tree lirr�bs 9r5/90 4th � Locust -tree limbs � clean out ditch 9/6/90 9/6/90 9/6/90 9r6/90 �04 N. 3rti -clean out ditch completed completed corr�pleted corr�plete<l completed corr�plet�d corr�pleted completed completed completed completed completed completed corripleted 1000 Keaton -pick-up rr�attres,completed 3rd & Bolivar -pick-up couch, etc. completed completed MEMORANDUM T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 7a266 John Hamilton, City Manager Rose Garcia, City Secretary November 1, 1990 Billing Y'or 10-15-90 Billings for 10-15-90: 1230 ELECTRIC ���� 1053 Total Water Gallons Total Sewer Consumption Total KWH Total Sanitation Billing Total Sewer Billing Total Water Billing Total Electric 10,395,900 10,396,300 2,165,824 13,458.20 21,570.07 26,986.72 148,083.80 Wholesale Electric Costs 100,070.06 N0. OF METERS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL � SEIftV'L�F. SEWER ��'� �� SANIT• 1443 1285 1298 118 130 RG:es ±o: John Hamilton, City Manager ERnM: Cindy Garro9, Court Clerk nATE: November 1G, 199e SUDaLCT: Court Report of nctober, 1998 Number o? citation issued ±oral amount o£ revenue collect MOLD/GUILTY GUILTY/GUILTY Nn± GUfL±Y/GUILTY NoEo/NOT GUILTY APPEALS nlsMTssAL of LMLR PRuOL DISMISSAL of nL PROOF nDr RLgUEST NUMBER of CT±ATIOH 2ENnING NLx± COURT DATE uR QARRANTS NUMBER of %RRRANTS AMn � A ISSUED HUMRFR OF LTA ANn @ARRAN+S nTSMIssLD IH CnUR± }2,97S,go CERTIFIED LETTERS SERF SFN+ oU± oN aLL 9ARRAN±S AMn LTA Z 23 4G 4 J C''•iUflli�?r' t�l" C;.:i.l,. l,,(7i'I {�rl f.C?l.fr`i" I)�.�Gi4(3i'; �`J h 1 1 x I..fl >U r',�P'Ii `i'� ��?r'{1Oh (}I r1 �,/r_�i.�. . {.I tihJ.., Y.>i il0 •,ILl.. iIdI -, rl i. ii(Il➢ . ioT G;UTL:E" /Ciwfll_41 1IMr1< G)DC 101" T; F P O i`�I � U h•! 1:[:1_ I'd F..: ( COURT 0,A] r f0, i)tlCIFI) O I,..JI;RMING; hIJ,`ai'ilT-` 10 ii(7W (11Jl(5i ilhiN l AND F I ('I i-11A i�l.f.� I�IEI�IORANUIJ1V1 '*h73 TO: FROM# DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 576 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Horioral►le Mayor Merr�laers of the City Co��rzcil John Hamilton, City Manager November 16, 1990 Frontier Waste Management As you are aware t�iere have lr�een repeated corr�plaitits ctr�certiing the service provided by Frontier Waste Management, Most of the complaints received at City Hall have regarded to their violation of the 3:30 p.m. deadline for residential route collection, you slitauld also know treat oti Tuesday., Novernl�er 13, 1996, at 3:55 p.r1:1., Randy Johnson of Frontier Waste telephoned City Hall and informed Etta that Frontier would not pick-up trash on Thanksgiving Day. They also have run an advertisement in the Sanger Courier stating they would not have Thanksgiving Day route collection. Section 3(A) of our contract specifically states, "Residential collection shall be twice. weekly on Monday and Thursday of each week except for Christmas Day and other Holidays as authorized by the Sanger City Council. In are effort to document. violations of the contract. City Hall has recorded twenty one (21) separate complaints concerning late or failure to pick up trash. JH:es I rn.)