03/19/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularMARCH 19, 1990 1. Call to rr .er, Invocation and Pled.r e tc} the Fla, I Iinutes 3. I ishurserr erits l. Citt°'.t r1 5InpLY.t WATER SYSTEM Improvements Travis Roberts "t►. Consider nd Possible .Action Reardin Bids of I-35 WATER LINE Projec:t i. Presentation of a Proclamation "Week of the Young Child" the week of April 2 - 9, 1990 t , Cor sicler and Passible Artic n on Appointrr►ent of Eltiott J zclr e and Election Clerks 9. A.ny tither Such I iatters 1t). City Adrr iriistration Deport 11. A rl jourr rrter t Rosalie Garcia City Secretary March 5, 1990 i ?RESENT.Mayor Armstrong, Councilman Carroll Jenkins,Councilman Jerry oberts � Hunter Associates, Inc., Dave Denison, and huck Tucker invocation. John Hamilton gave the i Armstrong pledge to the flag. seconaea Dy Councilmanapprove carried.Motion 4. Citizen's Input; None X o present to them a bid document at the next meeting on the roject as * ♦carried. s r rotective clothing for fire fighters. Motion carried, IV. - 4ARCH 5, 1990 ?AGE 2 Regarding p1pointed to serve on ". committee. nentioned she had talked with them and they are willing to serve: Steve Day, 5�3 N. 10th Galinda Powell, Diane Dr. Don Freeman on 455 Gayland Howell Terry Jones, Sanger Drug Store Debbie Spindle, Bolivar Water Supply Larry Yoast (City Staff) Carroll McNeill (Councilman) Ilk s . . • �. .. Y could select the members where they would have e power of making appointments for that program. regarding task force t F`t • ,. trying to incorporateoutside of the Cityof ,. the lake; #couldthis be done? ML regarding he Texas Parks & Wildlife regarding the marina Friday t 1 papert he need for specialequipment. They hope this article will ring in donations tr special equipment epartment. needs especially since Denton has the equipmen nd has to be called accident etc. for reference toour sweekends since "lakehas opened and even beforesummer.g notifyor once a or ,.. be removed, not to let them pile up like theyrightnow. 4ARCH 5, 1990 ?AGE 4 rescheduled the jury trial on the zoning case at Animart has been i r . F Equipment Replacement for«purchase purchase of a Brush/Dump Truck. The has been ! t •totalthithe City secured. compressorir and v. { 1 for work in drainage ditches. ! « ! !! « « « IN ANNE CLUVI s URPACAA • a vrI :.. { fault of ours, with personnel changes, our nspection department has not gotten off the ground too well,4 ut, we hope with our new Inspector, Joe Tims, it will get ff the ground. WE '" had talked problem «„ City for the first year to go to a twice program.year at .,first of the year, permits be aftera fled out inspection !then six months later wouldvould be inspected which be x nominal fee. ve have complaints against them during that six months,# hey would go back and be reinspected. We would then notify «..... by letter«. i. a validagainst "` and this waswere being inspected ,�� atter out and ,w.within theStateLaws and Iso check with our inspector. packet regarding unsafe buildings especially the house located on 2nd and Church. regarding in the packet "r Council consensus from the r fax machineapproximate amount not to exceed 00 ! is Mpment and 1/2 from Utility Fund Equipment. it way tha canen�us of tha City Council to purch�e thc: fix rnachinc. a t 8% to 8, 5%. } t E N110F �:''Ei�!?:?O" NAME M. �— ,°,7`:I':�i ��t71-!I'�Fai�it`i C+�[•a`-;�i n �:'C.7n TION W�,:; OF 3 / Lit4'7 I t�lV I I CE CIL [il C., L I 1`4T I11 Jk_0uki01 rrT,a(ir.?.(i?i �lEMOR TOTEM_. �"-'._ r,lfi,l („7 f�I'[i�!Y i.�,�� {.=�..{wi_�`�1iI�• �-'�.;l��l.�l� I,,:??1_lry -�: - ?_l._t a •_, .a 4 4 POWER G=UE:C11'c.�� VFNI)L)R 1131 iE1.. DI'3I RII'DU 11.ON tuf � .A.I R TOTAL uoIC. 41 1a L_7,'L.. DI::~TRisE,I.. IOil N 0 T ! =F300I; FlC IC;i 19 o[ UfL hil,a!r;1I?Uili�l'.I +f�:`rat_1,."�Ci(-) D 11L-L E:1i LATER i`NOf Al'4dON1A ? I_ j;I`;IRi0UT10N 13at�i,tjti GOR"F'-IR I.jP PL. I ES G'E.NDC.,R 1 FIT At ' - j.`.=i?i (;?:.-j4,i=� i_Cil_(� Ni71 lL..IY�J Ci�a Ol i�.fa!' l.rL DI4='I RIBUT i.ilN 4=t7'.n'::ili-r?_i rlARi=:L-I 90 REN T t`1L VENDOR 'TTITAL.. it jaI )oii j)i=:NTI_N l: F,.*NI-Rt?I_. A— -Ill='RAP AL_ =)IMIn ? /L_ DP I: RIS,IIfIC.)l':! 4'y'r::0liii.i NIi C;ELiARTE:R TAX f--1LLE)CPO A 10N a''Eh•IDOR' TOTAL. Ii+l?`�n 1a r� t' is 51 f'a« 5t'1 i n C,i_i n Ci( i C11 ? r :Iti v rr, ci P' . lit._t ; t �_af A_.{' •. AtI (:ITPF N r: C IECILI:{T:E; PAYABLE L.T'::;'J 1:NU %o-ejj—:-;liiEI_INj" L'!T ;f::C �' 1 T L f`d is}E_I ;F; (;t'.1 1 F. E._. s i= i ` 'F(=� i i.ON if hin ; iP'i)? F=.E s, L-�fI,_,L -I ,+9 - L, L_ _I;x;J.1,1i.�i�.(_II'`( J:{._',r'}n(?`;i(.?t!? .(N1 F+FiI_iF;i._(=tND AD ft AND t1'11-IF' [_. T •J Fc; A E_7/t_ !_? 1 • T R I B' UT 0t'••I t•.5=i {.? rJ'•-?(..! .L n Fey>;IF:=r I ItF= _f PI._.I lr,;._t. `-�__ 1 `ii iS�}t } I�!t�.k�,l"!'17i'�1. I_�C1, t�'•Clt��t+�l,ih� T (.(' + 1' 4�7P�J'•-3 ,. F'I157; G/L. DI rI fi;:t�,Li'I i01\1 4 i fir—!(_ 1.(4= t""(J!`. i.`.I_i.l_:n t-i t'�!� �I, !'(_I i-% }:,. 1. C".i=. .1. i"` r' n •r c+n J!..! C- l�tJ'J W.J A n ,be A A ~r7 (: IB'IUT 0N 'f ti-i-'n a. •`.-EL-?t-? 'al.: n •-'`-,•! . 1 C} }. (_t F'1..f iD' JF"_ i-lt,lD E. 41.4{7Fii�{!.:! T N 1_=ir 1?J.l.!t.jt�i _i; E'alll l : t 1. :.7�i;�: r:I.,-, iJ!I._. ]!i.`.:sII;`I;I,i( i1_Iljt}i!_}(! I=L.)EI F 1 L '1 1 EP:: I-'s_IR F:F_ECMTRIf; 1 F:L1CF; F CIF:; P EDL.I L c. L"(—Ir••'. VE.N1JClF T(1i'Fi1_ LtA. L �. .'. -• 1't:i �i•`�i':=i iFIF'f._�:i`v'I, F�.:� 1`=S i�•lT (1_ittjy!-... 1i tan (.,1._n ;.71:'.I�TE11IJIi(�N Fr°it'_::i.?1(it} [-At I. _t ii_? E,r_= r n F ! � 1:f11_.I_. REPI.. I__ D I }J `R J.?01I_i ( T(_�I`A 4*F3 01,(..?{_} ''n sr, (7(i i F?;:i1 (Zl t'?Fit.. F'F;F:4+`iv N IE (:) ;;(_)TI:E F'1'1F_Il:``iJ i-tl_DIT F IJ t',t i'c;` D Ell AT F T F4L11F I fj 4.�48n +_i.i r1lif�!IT10NL=11_. F'?F;M TA J=jti D141 8:19/190 i=}liTO LIW1BI!_I 6Y iAA- RRAAA •;, L i, (.!(} 1 e f _,, 7 =..J•' • ,; 1n I i p I_}{ Ii fii,i O!!i i._. i T•.Eli fF it f0 tit_tItT)CIR WN!"Fetii. Ih,jVOIf:E Ahif.:iUNT �i"ii',ia`i! NT PE11u It It (:ji+j,_ !�� E :: 1 R.1 i��l.i { ). E.:i���l (i'i C�� '.}'ti't..!t_i x. � ;�,E_} Ili L-ANCIE C i`.' J GA(_„ Ei1_11 T i_IF_ 1EN1.}F_1R i Li TlAl[I, ,:i.f`}_ C-:- S}1 } LitjIt ,; t'Jlet ._ J tMA .:=' 1 _ F%t �� C...� , .II , 'EWE _ � — _ r E,. , r t ' It! 1_!C{r 1(.{ i A{. ;1,_}:: t.-ib 1-. 60 El:`?t,. t t:i.�i I [} - c ;i; l S{_i 1i 0 l Ql }("i 419 I fc-1 0 (IJGt°;E.T VE ND0R I ff F CIL. 'vi0 (.}t_} t},_i t `=+Ci� t_io :. :kF%IC k At!"10111iT 1 <(.. f-F,l0 DI_1C:i•_ C:q it {-..1 i1 ,BUT I 1 i'=' '`r'}C}t i is' :.3t:} 7i1._ i.>IIS14RIxi_1IT' 10 t=.1 lf' I i'_I BUINIIII R ,.iAl V =)ENDFIIR T OTA11.. _€ Q . ; )[}t }t.}It It '1 __ ' t"}.;tit) �,_. .. ,.-.I I IRODI 11`' C1. iI IjI:3-FRt'1u;t_ rTiot\.j sIf'd'c}i.l I'kiv �tl'1C1'G'`t=. S Fit E) k%AC1': VENDOR TOT U., IC1t?n iti ;.}C) I.`1ti:, it_i Items :. ' �-:.-. -.. mac- ]r: .._ , r 1-}- _ --• r- m:i � r -�r• - li'"- ii7 I = 'I F.A IT TClN z,%-'n 1 1-MR r_a_F r,n,,_.i:. :,LIL. t�l_1...te3't �l .I. ''1. i'.I,1 0R 1`0TAC A 4. t 1 -Y i_ttJN f F_R 1S;?I. C% I f � i CJ}+-;o Cl,llj _S.,C,._1_ •_p -, r•1 } ;c- a c_F_. r.... .� i t :,7 tt)C. I".r,i�'. t[�! h•ls.rt t-liiil:f? L.I;`dE I ._a r, �3,_tr. '.r,li: UNE_;F4°IC[I I1='!_C,t1l``.,lsi4,,.t i E t_}tort 1-3 at,) tat_} y t..} .i1) t„)1_2 F! T F11_!T'ION !�I'::;I RI EtttiT10N ii.t ;+A 1_.l..Cit{�CEwiii ADD i I T :t C?I'i, 1t'!A'I E':R ti i Et T Cif;'CIL1N `>T U; .f iCTE.,, tt.i[ L iLL!4?[ 1'%1 (�CC;!71iC''1T' (}1=iY'�al }_ i_. t:' '1 }: IN I1 lf'0 l !•w: r (fit=iT}hi T 1,17.:,!�' 1.Lsr�iT 4 (af'E.C�I a r, `��E'Ct•li.'ti�1F; !'C!�T6iL. �'�q `t r',_ „ _._ Al ';C; Ii lT!_a i:tw!C'll=a (::!1= .� LI}(1a 01 =F TCOO1ial_' r;l:}31_i l itJi'� t•. ' a J.t0.111 0 E1'<1D0R i C}14AL. f`..;_ {ii:i i}{:} t c? r. i... i., I_ } i `_ I (t I FE'l 111. ( If:� Li lE t f'1 a •L' kti-I I 11. Ca' k. r It 4,.6 ii.a!_�!-. , t. '.. i., v t:!_. �!!.•!:q y.: r'; t F E._F, t rfl , Tern L. , �:: __ C i '':�L:I'dl;+[:ir "CLi'("t::l} ><m;a 1 �� a ..! l3ll_ DI I 11CHI tt.•':;{ra 1'`!i1i7 iti,{_it.; 101\i?.I` G Erl�'}`.v:E i_ :' 1 y ;zI F i'`iT.i = i I `I :1C-Iti'tl.l; "CiTIiL. =1t} ilt:} „{iii00 ;{i,:ii0, r m '.; fit..?i_; I-hJ i I_!1 :.;. •.',`„ i_ii ,J,a t.t i.. �11:'iT•1 I JIT I t_IN 41.4;5 i..?''ii.:?{„! rra. at •, .f . +_1 r. _..! D E u; j R:T 1;(_} (I ON; i_ T(ijl /�•;q (_ic;':_?{.? 1t_9 4 D i ri:1t-:. It.1k' �'—! ;+a f}1t�;iwi 1�t?;a j t F;As i AI_I_ U 1; LD I (dr;: "'�!;'.}(iji (_!.�i��t=. �! (`r��l�. i-'i. 11��( 1. I''•til7 i`::'.�'— t +:• vac: - •-tc }_; ri T R I IJ 11. !_ NIt t_! :E a ! {.? If _? C�11iR Lai"(iJ'I"CAL. c.'`.�'!y li.? i�?t? :-'��a'7�i •-t,L _.CIO l;=ftr? I"(lo:Tlkli-}t"IPd uTi� t=,0MP(1N�';' 1� TIC41N :t%+a {i ' Cit_ iil:';1I F?ITHUl1 T ON, 4 1E,.a i;) 5 ;t(; !.AIL 01SOr Rl;kslai }:GiN 41','1-. 1(4)i"it:r tit:, 1 I' '"'1 Y411.1 a l I 1 f Of 14 ='iiti 4 ,a 90 f3; T R, I L-1 i..1 1 1. !._11\1 =i 14 t_; 5 3 6, C?i'I_ 1}1 ;I. ITOO! JIFI �N 'P1!,a ti�t;t:i 1 71 :1'�a `-ib -.1 1 Tl=t1 ;1_wl ION (fir L I. 'l R I E'jl_} T .! i.,!M 4 j A i_?Ri+_; i,! :(! `� OF `:;AIV! Gl-` l: C)F F ! lr_:C:i tt�rt i t E'f Yt1> i_E L. T a;1 I NR T P�i�'tai;: [:1 i�f 10i_li.� (' 1 i ITG ;rl(JY4 :tYJi7f=IR; i iJ f f L.. •-,�-.' ;�;i.t::}f�,�i I'li�'i ftl�ll��c�L i1�:L_i._iJl._Fi� 'i �_'L..iwl='! �OidE� t:!(=7 iJ/)_ Dfo,4 TIRlBUT 1t_)N t_}1.t.•!t_a f7if-IND-1 L.F_E'2Es AI RT I vIE C:f Li I n VLIN 1) C I FZ TOTAL i AL_ G/L )_ili IRT)3lJTlfON Lill1,ij30C NEC' c�Y)F i' ' f?i.1'f RF jf 1 VENDOR TO'fAlL. ;_`r. �,. Jt_I,i�_ FI�.u{�Ri��3. , ,,1t��.=� ,lf�rl�r•.)f� I ON 0 fi 7:if=1TTl N ", TO ; UUR F'TE BfIG'KWAR } AND UINGER RICK VE_L�it.}O T O T IAL. IR%Nt:''Y F"E E_f;,N mTC:L',n VENDOR TC) T 0i.. C. t' / 1._1 D 11`s R I BU" 10 Fd f 1 1 E. L. O r � L`._ i �. f i F:141 Rl t , im:l t—i I. FIR VENDOR TOTAL .4=,4=!t�aE1.a DI!.� F IFEIU T ).ON Li. 1.}!}t tl.11 vjE}t_i DfIG F:001;i F_f it PHUND VENDOR.Tt:_)TyL. 1171 VEINDOR TC) AL. L} I <_} I % 1 Fta._i i I IJN '�•:itm',,, E,} 't }t; fG ! L. L} I: C'; Ti T BUT T I ON 411 wIRi=: D C2n Wi:lC;D E LMrA-li;, HANGER MID E-:E:I°�!ie:F' i'LAITF:tii 1aL_}t`JnF�D 17n t�}Ca tiC} f�f'Eau —•LT /:fin .__n. :J GF�n i_i{nt I::Jr:. : i(=11l�:iL h i P[E'''.I A ,O N j i iI's'•f N1=,i_.C= d._ i:'-3T l: NG F'; AG OF A3f 15 f9AN,C) 'sa ,, : AN AN di'J'i31 l�i_(Cii if' i 11 itrif_ t i'?''1�:3 T d frtt �d_Ep•"I' f T `.;t:=:Cji_!`,i',' Ci'c:r`h ,. :ifl_ C):Cf;i4'iE:tl'I:i:i)I`'.! +7'oii,-iCi{:;i AAA ,.Ci I.3t>A'..'f+;LAN ts11. n i.?, i t_ i=j T; (; :1:1= IJ i T Cri'd `f; n t:i;-tE:}{_i 1. Fs" ._ CIA UL_.KI1%NJIi _„ •i� 1-fl �ff,1'�1 Cyr:,n •_.i—r i..? C: I_)Tr3I L�T.>':I_� I TCIN 424 I a 05 ()t,} _Gtt `"�} [_lit L1[-;F?HEatai!r.t-: Osl'AN, fAN, ')! Y;,`f iti ; 'in `)'+ AN CANN f) T AAA I f 1:1ti,Ll (' 10 t`'i '° 1 L' n {NA)!3(:)(_) C!I 1`)i:=ir'(Vflll ll(;� �t°'t; t;i;:{:)t_) ::in`1; _.. -- — .- .. _ ,_r _. I.r, _ _.. ... .... I_rfi_ D1S1A ii):Iif,_jf?I_N .%+r 'n{_A(NA){) }.r:f4,_.;': E tl 'S t_!n ,`7ilj t)t) .'.1)n 0AD t AN 4�:.. 1 _ r _. _ .. _ W .. t'ANA?/t.. AA t IfT'i IR N(_I { .T�.�N '+• Ei� t_) ,4, AN )0 t,}It t I__: I t;}_.?_1 f 1,1`?F•tih.F_.AI tt• , :iC,Ftt:.:'.•J fad`iaA l-:Ci__L n r: I�!.d'')i'. in=f1 n .)lMAN ) 14 }�T1;•I H'.I��UTINNANd_.N '�;•t=';;n t�} A..It , i•�l i'.!;`` :l I CdC,. ,CPSG :. t_;t:� t::�i,"_`z I�,(=, NN A of f R. pk, / i_1i I_tt 1 -.'I C T F)!_t i !. I_i!'+! xft'':',,, _){") .NI _, _ = 33 , AIN ( fi_. T`aTr' )®td_IT TtON .T12n i'"Al NANA I= C)i i F�44 CiE:: i51E:TF � Fs�:)I=: ls., i Cr TrIr:°I_! 7%r I %'rat; tr%L._tt{_i I_)Il i. i.l..i.. t.-I t.. i" f n L.., 1 t„!{_) �i'trn i�Gl it. .._t.e[t_iANN. {:j I.?iTi:1.l';I_II T��t`1 =f1`+n tii_,t_;t_) {_AN j ''ftAM i I--'� Aj RN _CC A-; Ft:Ui_L. OF W ! FT"A FOR I I'.d_ih:r: fdi=�C? HIS r, i.?;"_',c:` 6 i 1 t"), r+f fMANY 1. t:):: wt d3%'t_. D A; t:T tdTi 1:E�it'.i A. 1A.Ot_;C; 1.(AN)n �{ r!t•,�l,�I r. r _(Ad i _, �. _. _ .. _ ._ ANN 1,3%rLT .3 (r T'Ffi 1"I '.I�!`'1 +. 1 i'...yi;tNAN) {_'ANN+a .:`; C:AN,I.II. L.!1F C;ItLiddt::.Td. Firi`dd.l'i"C'E vf :h'1?CiF 1 F; i Fs!.. 1 1 :i n I.t..} .b �'" _. _ (i .1 I .. �1'. k:.d_i_ S3Uf='r•'d_Y Tr'+1 �� .�_E[-�•% r :gin �-.-, ;-•,C�i -•� c.�� IIII`I-�' OF `::ri=xt,lt�i_:� t.il Loci AC:CO lt�lT� ! A;'t�lt-:L t_t:'.71ItJi* �'t�i�t , 1�4- c A fir II,_,�' iCa a; ,z uf;III ' h!iJt'^fF; VF4NT)0 1'\1AtorlE INVOI.(=E AMOUNT CAI";,(�{�Ii..it\l ( i.lr°E to ;I. 1_?.t',1rr1.1,(_1(i.f_fhl 41 °{}rtx:i 84 (�It_ t)I:;i[ :II:sl-li'Itftd 4Idin[}_;{:}{'? ij 8Lr .7 RFT%ITAL. OX`GI__N ACmCin `!AtKI .t AN' F?Ei IL..t.. VENDOR TOTAL. n TO "NTER 1)I 1tIJ If :i:;+t'.I ')7.'a: ItE_L_Ts= c €11•'s'i :l:i=f�EE%:F r+ f�0t�} a �'i.l i1,11_ 1?I:S.III rR, IUTICIilaI III. =f1.'Jni;3iiii !,rs {} IL. ;1�I'_31 f Illi l.��t'FI {n 11W. .i.n t'`+ E'EN �w1I l_. Al'-d!) F 1 1: E.'i1 1::F' i7/i._, I!j:�j I4' ,rilJ•I Ii�i''1 r'.}i. '::}a j. i�i )[„} �� •..'.'rii Ob i l 1 I ClT B I€jN it i_) jC)0 ` _ _ C:: ; 1_1L 1^ii ,..l 1: 1a(l� l 1. !_)t'I 4 ).9 ).1t_!t? i F i!ti {{ 1 _ 3. c d{. it :".:a n '`''i iJ I i... 1J I (ti l t.;l i i 1. f 1t''1 � l ' [„a8(:)v }a or PA C}14* R:1 U'1'.liltd t;;='C {art:rCk i,t _ .E_, <> 1 I _ ! t=ii Nth. fli.;T III )IQ I f 3f L. n i:::3'1'F� 1: E-,i_I'I 1: FIN 41'ry 1 ( )t:a[") o)C) j,j rot ! tt . i •.� I R�. i NotLIS i rI r, (/IG/L 01: C .'l:tlI +tJP! Fi AI`'.3 ilri�ihL' t:Y l::L C l tl�Eh Gilt_ S If R,1:1R,IJ 3 :i:€ q'-11 1 il... 14 :fil'.:;I(�IBIJI1:i.N 1.'�,ia�fC)ta l.(:iGE't} 1�I`a'I iLslJl cl.n t?r}7t} I ti.? Clt'EN P'iC6C0LJNI F'A'> ARL.E L. I So .1 Ni F°ttc;l t= t:NDOR WNDC'F; NAME I[,p'%GIC:E. C L A 11 I ,1,, 0 W01-1 [;;'E_ I:)I: TJtIEtI.JTICJ!1{)Cr 17!L D 1 IlYIBU4 F 1.0 N 4VD,(0'r`Ut..) 1 rMINTING S;L11-4L.IE'Ii L JAI Tfjlf3iJTlt=N 419.05()0 GrL 1)IE1'IR LL41 T T 0 N 41'Jn0F:0A0 i.:i''1._ I1�I': 'I R PI %+1.'in {_r'`trt) .1T10N DAll"N"I AND SLJPPL.IE?alb F{1Ft NEW rJUJ�3H l*F'MCV% 5 �. 1 E_rl :111 'T♦' t''L.t wi4.�CIS 1; i 1._ D I': I IR I GI_iT I ON L; 'I.'a 1 i Cl C) t VENDOR i'TFtL. i`tNF-1ER J.3 GIt:!E? 1�fL DI S T RITE,UrI1_)N `F.,A Z 0 R I}LA1)r: T L_t L•L..EAN WINI)11`=:1t; :?Gh1DOR TOTHL SiM :a I_ D 1 G_r T Imo° i I ,I_I T i. t_ PA J.1. z 1.90c_) I INKING L-'2-tI1.} AND DATED S i Attlir, (C i Ty Or .'�`.'i i-� l`E:N VE4N1)0 R T C IT AL IT t`I� t,;11U N I IY Gill_ I_)I''IP,IG1.1T1AfIN I.TTING FOR =+IFE MUe F Lt E, !" l < trt:r _ v I I ..I. r. ): i!= '3(�fdt�F-;R OPEN i C ':�71._Ih} T' 3 f't Y�'�:?�I._.E: I_ I ST Tt41i:+ Vf `N1=)i.: R tt IAME INVOICE DICE All C.1UN 6 T• D j. SCOUNT i i!ri'EN C ,' !_ 1_} .[ .:;T �i 1.F IJ ; .! ON �. „ t.} r't i ? 4 r t t I —'VC F' AND F= 3:..t..l 1:1"�1l'�`•= !:7I F.. D I t I R `. ).:t1.1'I I t_)N 42 o f„a5ot_i U/!__ i?I l"l Tr;tl't'TCit.l 4L�4g 12(w) EY2'AND1' POF (`ilI_ 1_+I'TRI:fUFI.ClpT :'isi?;'Jt"rtarJ D R I L. L. Bl 174 R r If ; G 0IS mall 4 'jA i_. 1;�I.�;TR1:�,UT,.C)rd ?.3 _j._ � i. ax _ G/L DISTRIBUTION 48 a (1)840 CA 1L.F,:I:NG ;. ... _ t-i r: r r t'S0 G/I_ Dis"rRIUUTTAtd 41ic'ri7E:CK) �:, KE4'°73 AND jNA[I`" it DUCT APE 4 is !:i;`I_. i:}Is_a`Tf;IE,I_!EIi_itJ 41'oCt:}e'J`J At_I_I3%l WREi CHI GE I (;,`(_ D I T T i i (_i'f ! )Jt1 `; 1XIAi'}V:+ , ts r. r.. .. t. i: ,._. r z � t, , ,;;.ri_• i_tI..TRIr_'�1_)I 11._)Ci iC�x :ar .ir F,LJt G / i.,_ j) I. `3T R I 1311.11T ON -4 �-.` :�::: t:?':j t�?t�r i. 4 : •: 7 _ ..._ ):/L. i=}1:; fRii,IJit:tltJ=,'_.:a'C?i:+ _.'I._ _ I Tt;IE _ I ION 4t...Jn it jt_rt_r UT:FL.ITY' F;�II1='r-:, tTI(='F'L.E AND HOSE G/ t_ ? I ;_ T R I I4IJ T' I iJtd 9 4511 i•J(=t� tiF_.:�: C::IAIN, r_;[tREC-II)F<'IVE'F?; E:T71 C' Ip at it ! /I_ DI3 T RIPJIF ON 41. (0)�j00 lie ` 9 4/I... Dl1;-I TRIBU IUt`T ,JdT'I'� OF;)` r l(7E_E i i(=`EL.r� ii_;i:c{l_irJ i =`mot ` ; sL_ : r._ i -i' 1:1':t7 I.I`(:iG 41)t1C 4'L;rllik..:{i r,.lE:,4'T]E. >i t=rlr_ 'i)I 31 F 1i)LIT ION 1-1.onp Vf-ILVEv. it [� l l_ .D is `i R i::i .i_J i 10 N of. rt 1 i_ I [ ; flrtl CC rrfE f`] Cy CLEANER, PIPE ;.,..— :;•:�t_}�i_} w ��� {nr L..ai4:Jr�r�r•��I�IEi��=� till._ ]sI! iht.Ii_=si_iil.firf] h•.(_ui}t)Cod ') Cyr'! S, (Filil_.ITIC1rfI do ;;=;f,n i)Citi(} J000; `I._ ]_} i r_-; R J_ Ir] ( 'f :? n (_)EW1i"1(_) . oU_{N t— CdN i K I LLE.Ejq Uhl t r �,E. tl ] } {r,l], E PE,),Y old�,E VENDOR TOT$ IL �_ilt l t�il _ll_{]'t ie'•.:r I E_. l i 1 'ff i' Ei ]: i lj i '{' ( _i N LI �{._-�.._ `h�';c,�:?;�� I f-t{�fr=:! �'[_r`�Tf-il._. th�r•� f ��i tdo '<)EN)""CiR TOTAL AL.. t E,MOP! I`C{TAL, VENDOR TG T i=+L. rh�h_.W rto— h{?r°i=a X. i�)EPTm 0' ("U Ll:Cr `=ifaFETY 0,00 n c°1s, Cl �,F r=!CI;F f::{I=°E::h� �t1Gt_1i.lr;fl t'� 'Yt�I L1 I i_. E' i":ih�C F'i i±7f_ ;. AS :haDC1R �jL:idi;i={i;. r�i�!'ji-. I t�{11C:r: i=�riCii_1!�'T" i:.}:itfC;t—ii_Jra"( i�.! P05t-:',_i,'i f 0, i.}t_} G!L. I?I'n,*T"E IFit I_I ( IQP:i 143 ,°a U; ()(t ,ia [,it:} Cna LR 1!='("It L.sti!;, ;{'ar''?ii AND 1(!�IMII (1!_4 i_fttI! F-43JI VENDOR. I U I i;L. C�i_}, i_:'"_i i)ij C,iia i�i ,I%i�{.�aIitCv :) .i'_ttr'=„ q .�._ ir. : , :'' ., („it_7 a i_}Ci z:F-t s; '';• 7; '„ 0 fitCii; 1. „ VENDOR TOTAL I AL.. L,Ell I it it xtI. 1{e,:�l!_ `. f1i'llill- ll�t t7!#_. iu}i:3"i {�1rtl_i i Ii=iN 4Ci'7a ("};.00 11,a ` 1C*1 t ,1!.... ?J. (F:.t}ii_IT11_Jilf 4i_! a t_} at_}t} 1I ra 3a L I IGTR1EDUT10N ;i:i'7a C;4()ij 1 57z 8 U:ri_. D1'"'i I i T B,(_i! 101!1 r':i r a L If 0( 1 }1f4! RIl;,U"I !.I"{i'.! r,ti7a t:i�;i:;t:;i : 1+a (?` G L. 1)1' ;11R i BU"1" .10N 1 /!... I)I'" TR:IE:U € IF N All01 a 07t:ii) D .I: ;.`14RIElLiT,1 ClN `+i. U' 6C. h} i::. .l •-.` IS...' I R 1 F U IFtl,fd =-{'i_h 11_{,}�} 1i3, ;i"R:LFst)TIf41 r;07.,C}`_"st�iC} Ci 1, D TRIBUT ION 4Ci"7a 1`3 C} (_r!L DIwTR:i!Pt U"'i 10N ri=>'7„ ltiiii} lla a,jl t?/L D11(--IRIliUF1[4Ud 4l;r'a1400 _,i.i L=1t1RLtEL—;' i3 GC:{MP V EN PF,R T U 1"111, ',, 5; 9 a L_ D I:_,"j R 110l_.I..I 10 [-\I it 1 a C} 5i::iCi 5k +rsea G`', (=itRF'L,AL_ ti ��}c�iLiliR i c.{ I � 1L. �+r!�,�a �:�t;• 7L_ DISTRIBUTION rirTi`„Ci=/i}ii ;tE,lJ r1r} ('o'I t=iL_. LCi:�t„ ADM Irya1R11=:Ai"1 v 9 + '::,lir l ITAT 1 f I El! !- (;: / : r 71 , rtij pill i-JAC, 14 E: W? { T l'.ff rf;"t+ SS11`M)a }9 PUBL.11C !.-ORL; —f;(= 1C) 1 JCia F":j i= I RF—_{µ;i—. L 1 43C}a ; ) t 1Ct.! T i"i Mt t T 1%11i .._.l:'-(- f�ATC� CFI-iIl_:i._E_ MA IN I --FE-. 20 4 too El CITY OF SANUER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76260 MEMORANDUM #469 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: March 10, 1990 SUBJECT: Water System Improvements Staff is requesting Council approval to invite bids on a 300,000 gallon ground storage tank at the Acker Street Well, and a 12" water line north on Acker and east on 455 under I-35, The engineer's estimate on this project is $190,000 to be funded from reserves. Travis Roberts will be present to discuss the project. At this time Hunter Engineering is still preparing the bid docuir�ent. Travis Roberts will have the specifications available for your review Monday evening. JH:es oi� CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORAAJDtJM #470 T0; Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE$ March 16, 1990 SUBJECT: Bids of I-35 Water Line Project Attached is a summary of three bids received an this pi•a jest. The original engineer's estimate for the project was $24,000, to be funded from reserves. Travis Roberts of Hunter Associates will be present to discuss the bids Monday evening. At this time, staff recommends rejecting all bids and combining this part with the total water system improvement project. JH:es attachment. OlO CITY OF SANGER WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 35-CROSSING F.M. 455 --- BID DATE: MARCH 13, 1990 BID TIME: 2:00 P.M. BID LOCATION: CITY HALL BIDDER BID BOND AND NUMBER TOTAL SIGNATURE OF DAYS AMOUNT BID REMARKS Cullum Construction Dallas TX Dic-kerson Construction Celina TX YES 60 $41, 200 Murray Construction Lewisville TX YES 30 $38,372 Tex -Con Construction Garland. TX J.D. Zapata & Assoc., Inc. Richardson. TX floss Construction Plano, TX YES 45 40,335 I�4ENI0RANDtJM #473 T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. SOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Hanarable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager Mardi 16, 1990 Week of the Young Child This item deals with the national `Week of the Young Child.' Enclosed are copies of the material for your review. JH:es enclosures 0 2 CITY OF SANGER PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Each day in our community (or state) hundreds/ thousands of parents place their infants and young children -- our nation's most precious resource -- in the hands of child care providers in ever increasing numbers; and, WHEREAS, An increased participation of women in the workforce will continue to heighten the demand for child care during the working hours. (By 1990, 80% of mothers with preschool age children will be in the workforce); and, WHEREAS, All children deserve quality child care, and, WHEREAS, Child care services and providers are the major deterrr�inants of child care quality and as such responsible for our childreWs futures. Nevertheless, they represent one of the most poorly understood and least rewarded for all professions; and, WHEREAS, As part of the "CHILD CARE AMERICA's outreach project, Denton Association for the Education of Young Children is planning special activities to honor child care providers and call attention to the importance of quality child care during the observance of the WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD, April 2-9." NOW, THEREFORE, I, Nel Armstrong, Mayor of Sanger, do hereby proclaim April 2-9, 1990, as "WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD" in Sanger, Texas and urge all citizens to join with me in expressing our appreciation to child care providers for their commitment to the care/education of today's young children, and join with me in honoring these professionals. ATTEST; Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary Nel Armstrong, Mayor _.0 r r ,.r : r Cittl of �5ornPpl ace Spacial January 18, 1990 A'is . Lynn M. Rogers Chairperson Week of the Young Child L03 Southside Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Ms. Rogers: Thank you for your letter regarding the Denton Association for the Education of Young Children and promotion of "Week of the Young Child." I shall be happy to proclaim the week of April 2-9, "Week of the Young Child" in Sanger. If you would like to have your representatives at the regular Council Meeting on Monday night, March 19th, we can sign the proclamation, get pictures made and have it ready for the paper the week of March 26th. If that is not convenient, please contact me at 458-7739 or 458-3843, or call Mr. John Hamilton at 458-7930 and we will set up another time to do this. Sincerely, Nel Armstrong Mayor I1A:es 201 BOLIVAtt ST. • Y.O. 13OX 578 SANGt;N, ThXAS 7(i2GG • 817-458-7930 T C�. R 0N/if j,ATE: ti3UBJECT: Po Oo BOX 578 Honor°aEalo t�i�.yor � City Counoil �liorrii��r Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary arch 10, 1990 Election Judge ���ur'acail r� ���� �:�' ala��:tirtt tt,oir �ltion j�rclo� �olccrtiot� ju����� arici v�.r� mernotp.) for the upcoming Ploction to be hold May 54 I strc�r'�.ly fc�l that t�itti ono clerk. and the two jucl tt�i� olori:iora t�arz iao f ond-tict d without a problern. RU,.es CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 78288 MEMORANDUM #474 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: March 16, 1990 SUBJECT: Other Such Matters - Lake Ray Roberts Marina On Friday, March 9th, Mayor Armstrong and I met with Wilson E. I)oleman, Director of the Parks Division of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in his Austin office, Members of Mr. Doleman's staff attending were Dale Robinson, Chief of Planning and Development and Bob Hauser, Director of Parks Operations. As a result of this meeting, the Parks Division committed to developing a site and bringing a marina to the West Side of Lake Ray Roberts. Mr•. Robinson will be here during the first week of April to formalize their site selection and Mr. Hauser requested our list of interested marina developers. This list has been furnished to the Parks Department. I believe that. Parks will now proceed with this project. They verbally authorized the City to announce that Texas Parks and Wildlife would be developing a marina. JH:es 02� CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #471 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of hP �ity Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: March 16, 1990 SUBJECT: Administrator's Report 1). The Upper Trinity Regional Water District., by vote of the Board of Directors, adopted a resolution on March 1st, moving the water projectinto the implementation phase. To date ten (10) entities have adopted resolutions of intent to participate in the project (drinking water from Lake Ray Roberts). The district's next steps are: a). Prepare a supplemental engineering report on the final project configuration cost and strategy. b). Negotiate an agreement with the City of Denton for joint development of the water treatment plant at Lake Ray Roberts. c). Negotiate a contract. with each participating entity with the next 45 days. d). Apply to the Texas Water Development Board for $10 million participation ire the project. e). Evaluate feasibility and advisability of including terminal storage far each entity in tYie project facilities. f). Initiate design. g). Develop a budget for next year to cover cost of engineering, legal and administration. 2). The Park Board is meeting Tuesday, March 20th, at 7 p.m. in the Col�i'erence ROOIn. 1 1. R ! ■ 'AGE 2 817) 458�4180Staff Is developing a fax # directory for all our vendors and support services. the sewer collection system have dramatically improved our monthly report to the Texas Water Commission. Our permitted daily flow is I maximum81 submitted 3/15/90, ,000 gallons, On the report reported an average daily flow of 191,000 Regarding w. I Monday _.. 3o 25" rain as shown on the k gauge wastewater r. .. plant, our daily flow was 00within the permitted flow, is operating at an efficient level. Pumps 477 anct TF2, Me main pump Were DOM re[)UIIL Dy Uole mithen, this past summer, and currently neither is working, unip .JH:c�s - - J W Q U W m N r+ W z C9 N d W Q 0 W Z ,. 0 �! o �. o , u i s' z �' iW f � a W �' O s ! ¢ O � u �, � t C: N q Z 3 � � °u � F u 7 n G � '.. F f H q Z x _ U Y O J ' s u a � f '. i 3 j SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE REDISTRICTING HOUSE REDISTRICTING COMMITTEE State Senators Gonzalo Barrientos Vice -Chairman 'het Brooks Temple Dickson O.H. "Ike" Harris Don Henderson Eddie Bernice Johnson Cyndi Taylor Krier Ted Lyon Bill Ratliff Tat! Santiesteban Frank Tejeda Hector Uribe �•c a 04P: 6 1 e 4 u*s: a Chairmen Senator Bob Glasgow Representative D.R. "Tom" Uher March 9, 1990 State Representatives Delwin Jones Vice -Chairman Hugo Berlanga Kent Grusendorf Patricia Hill Juan Hinojosa David Hudson Sam Russell Senfronia Thompson The legislature is required to redistrict in 1991 after the 1990 United States census population data is published. The primary purpose of redistricting is to equalize population i districts in order to protect the principle of "one person, one vote"; in the process, the legislature must protect the voting rights of members of minority groups. Districts drawn in 1991 are to be in effect for the next 10 years. Redistricting in the past two decades has resulted in significant increases in legislative and congressional seats held by blacks, Hispanics, and Republicans. The 1990 census is expected to reveal the continuation of population trends that have shown increases in the percentage of the state population that is black or Hispanic, as well as a shift in population away from rural East and West Texas and the metropolitan central city areas toward suburban communities. The Texas Legislature's committees on redistricting will conduct public hearings throughout the state in the•coming months to take testimony from interested persons concerning the drawing of new district lines *for seats in congress, in the legislature, and on the State Board of Education. Because a special set of factors is involved, other committees currently have the task of considering changes in judicial districts and these hearings will not address that issue. The public hearings will be conducted jointly by the House Redistricting Committee, chaired by Representative D. R. "Tom" Uher (D-mBay City) and the Senate Select Committee on Legislative Redistricting, chaired by Senator Bob Glasgow •(D--Stephenville). Representative Delwin Jones (R--Lubbock) is vice -chair of the house committee and Senator Gonzalo Barrientos (D--Austin) is vice -chair of the senate committee. A schedule giving dates and locations of currently planned hearings is attached. Changes to this schedule could be made because of unforeseen conflicts. You have been or will be notified about the specific dates and times for the.hearings in your area separately. If you have questions regarding the hearings, please contact Gay Curry, administrative assistant for Senator Glasgow, at (512) 463-0122, or Brian Jammer, chief clerk, House Redistricting Committee, at (512) 463-9948. 031 P.O. Box 12128, Austin, Texas 78711 512/463-1143 SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE REDISTRICTING HOUSE REDISTRICTING COMMITTEE State Senators Gonzalo Barrientos Vice-chairman Chet Brooks Temple Dickson O.H. "Ike" Harris Don Henderson Eddie Bernice Johnson Cyndi Taylor Krier Ted Lyon Bill Ratliff Tati Santiesteban Frank Tejeda Hector Uribe '�"�,.•` Chairmen Senator Bob Glasgow Representative D.R. "Tom" Uher SCHEDULE OF JOINT REGIONAL HEARINGS March 16 anc� 17 Lubbock Amarillo April 6 Corpus Christi May 18 and 19 El Paso Midland/Odessa June 1 and 2 Houston June 22 and 23 Beaumont Tyler State Representatives Delwin Jones Vice-chairman Hugo Berlanga Kent Grusendorf Patricia Hill Juan Hinojosa David Hudson Sam Russell Senfronia Thompson Ju 1 y 13 axtd 14 Dallas Fort Worth July 27 and 28 Laredo Edinburg/Harlingen August 24 and 25 San Antonio September Austin P.O. Box 12128, Austin, Texas 78711 512/463-1143 A�EMORANDUM #488 T0: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76288 Honorable Mayor &Members of John Hamilton, City Manager March 16, 1990 Work Orders for January and F City Council Enclosed for your review is a summary of work orders for January and February of this year. JH:es enclosure (l.m.) CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER) TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM T0; John Hamilton, City Manager FROM; Etta Stogsdill, Adm. Assistant DATE; ebruary 28, 1990 SUBJECT; City of Sanger Work Orders Listed below are the work orders that have been given to me for the month of January and February; 1/22/90 803 3rd-Corner of 3rd 8c Austin - P/U Box Springs, trailer load of furniture WORKED ORDER ON 1/25/90 1/23/9Q 1Q3 South Park/Mrs. Gray - tree limbs WORKED ORDER ON 1/25/90 Ztei and nooKeu the reading? WORKED 0 R ON 1123/00 readiniz #8143 NO DEMAND 1/23/90 153 Prairie - Polioe to Contact Valeria Wynn - to phone Lone Meadow Care Center -her boy is very sick. MESSAGE DELIVERED 1/23/90 i/24/90 1108 W. Austin -American Transcoach Electric -Street light out $EPI A�.�F•D�'L50 W FIXTURE LIGHT 1/24/90 r 1/24/90 S. Light behind Buckhorn 1/24/90 Care Inn - S, Light Out 1/24/90 205 Jones (South) St, S. Light Out 1/24/90 803 Keaton Road -tree limbs ETA � � �_ �>_ • . �� i/25/90 9th 8� Peach -Street light out 1/25/90 Horizon (455) -Street light out REPLACED EYE 1/25/90 i/Z5/90 5th St. Cherry's Beauty Shop -St. light out REPLACED EYE 1/25/90 i/25/90 111 Diane -tree limbs WORKED ON 1/25/90 � � -� • �� • •• � • • • �:� ��,� � i/25/90 Keaton Rd., George Woodard needs to know where water cut-off is located. TAI{EN CARE OF PER CT i/25 '1 � � 1 s ► � 1 � *� i i/29/90 303 S. Znd-Mrs. Marvin Smith Sewer Problem TAKEN CARE OF CT 1/29/90 1/28/90 West on Willow at 5th -Curtis Amyx Stop Sign TAKEN CARE OF PER CT 1/29 1/28/90 Willow an East Side of N, 5th - Stop Sign Down, Church & 5th, Austin 8� 5th, Houston & 5th TAKEN CARE OF CT 1/29 •i :• • � • . ; • •1 11 • •• •• • • • • 1/29/90 1002 Bolivar -Mrs. Howard - Corne by & laok (� meter &advise where it can be moved or not. TALKED TO LADY 1/29 1/31/90 208 Willow an East Side -tree limbs TAKEN CARE OF CT 2/1/90 •1 1 •1 � • • • • C� • * i • 1 !1 •1 1 ••• • • • • •_ G + ► * 1 2/2/90 Alley behind Napa & H&H Tomato - Lone Star Gas dug up on both sides - trucks are having almost to hit the Z/5/9Q. bldg. to get by IiAULED BUCKF,� OF GRAVEL• 2/8/90 803 Elm (Corner Lots) Clean out ditch (Frank Millar request to be present) NOT COMPLETED 3/2/90 2/8/90 114 South 4th -Sewer Problem 2/7/90 Church of God -behind Sweeney's on Old . Hwy- Security light pole put up is leaning badly, would like it secured �i�En PER J.K. 2/7/00 2/7/90 Mary Burrows - 203 S. 2nd - tree limbs -brush is stacked by fire Hydrant TAKEN CARE OF CT 2/12/90 2/7/90 2/12/90 2/12/90 Bob Johns -corner of Plum & 8th - sewer problem 1'AI�EN Morales-202 N. 8th -Sewer Problem Reynolds-205 N. 4th -Old dead tree 2/12/90 1108 Bolivar -Water Meter is filled w/water & the tap is floating S`S��TO_IYiFJi NEEDS PLUMBER PER CT 2/12/90 2/9/90 122 & 124 Freese -Water leak T.AKF�S�P�.BE OF PER CT 2/9/90 Z/ 12/90 Church of Christ -dead animal KEN BARE OF PER JIMMY THORNTON 2/12/90 2/ 12/90 105 S. 3rd-Harvey - securitylight $�P.®,IRED SE.�.URITY LIGHT PER L.. Y. 2/ � 2/90 2/18/90 905 N. 8th -Paul Blackwell Paid $15.00 TAKEN CARE OF CT Z/16/90 SPECIAL PICKUP 2/15/90 110 S. 2nd -Thomas Tipton Sewer Problem TAKEN CARE OF CT 2/15/90 Z/ 15/90 Corner of 8th 8� Elm Apts. Requested 3 mos. ago. Clean out Ditch. NOT COMPLETED 3/2/90 2/16/90 506 S. 3rd-Holcomb - .. � :•:: i �, ►: � i • ►I � � : M � � ► l :, • � ! \I 2/16/90 120 S. lOth -Fred Hellums 4 poles in yard- one is falling & wants them moved or fixed. 2/ 16/90 Library - to unload 2 boxes from car to Library TAKEN CARE OF CT 2/16/90 2/19/90 215 Southside -Rose Garcia - Police Dept., unknown dogs) .getting into the trash every Mon. & Thurs. - see if you can take care of this matter 2/20/90 5th &Locust (S. W. Corner) stop sign Ioose in ground was turned completely around. TAKEN CARS QF' PER EDDIE & MIKE 2/20/90 2/19/90 213 S. 5th -Steve Remedes - Sewer problem stopped up &neighbors north of him is too. TAKEN CARE OF CT 2/19/90 2/21/90 508 S. 3rd - Mr. Holcomb- tree limbs & trunks (will require front end loader to pick up) TAKEN CARE QF PER JUAN & JIMMY 2/23/90 2/22/90 703 N. 5th -Sewer Problem TAKEN CARE OF CT 2/22 Iwo :NN:� • !1 2/22/90 806 (N) 3rd-Rec#65307 Pd. $15.00 , Special Pick-up -sofa & 2 Chairs TAKEN CARE OF 2/23/90 2/22/90 212 Diane -tree limbs T:AKFN CAR QF PER JUAN & JIMMY 2/23/90 2/23/90 106 Allen Dr. - Sign Down 2/21/90 703 N. 5th--Sewer Problem TAKEN CARE OF CT 2/21/90 2/23/90 106 Allen Dr. -Sign Down Corner of Allen & Carolyn/Sign is by Garage TAKEN CARE OF 2/20/90 2/23/90 501 Wood -Sewer Problem next to Enlow's Garage TAKEN CARE OF 2/23/90 2/26/90 7011 &Wood St. - 2" hole where stop sign is TAKEN CARE OF 2/27/90 2/26/90 413 7th St. (Pecan & 7t1h) Clean out ditch -water stands out when it rains TAKEN CARE OF 3/1/90 2/26/90 507 Denton - tree limbs TAKEN CARE OF 311190 1/26/90 106 Diane - tree limbs TAKEN CARE OF 2/23/90 2/26/90 913 N. 8th - tree limbs TAKEN CARE OF 3/1/90 2/27/90 1002 Bolivar - Special Pickup - Pd $15400 Carpet & Lumber TAKEN CARE OF CT 2/27/90 2/27/90 603 Houston - tree limbs Mr. Bridges 2/27/90 601 Houston -tree limbs Mr. Bridges 2/28/90 803 Cherry - Mrs. Stover Electric Meter pulled from house north side of house TAI KED T4 MRS. STOVER & HE WI .. C'FT THIS FIXED WEATHER HEAD PULLED LOOSE, NEEDS ELECTRICIAN. 2/28/90 707 S. 5th -Sewer Problem �OMPL TED 2/28/90 2/28/90 Gorner Cupboard -Sewer Problem TAKEN CARE OF CT 2/28/90 2/28/90 105 S. 3rd - Harvey's Residence If in the right of way, at the driveway where the pavement ends, they need some gravel to soften the bump. COMPLETED 3/1/90 CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 70200 MEMORANDUM #477 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: March 19, 1990 SUBJECT: Heating/AC Unit at City Hall The City Hall building is served by two separate heating and air conditioning units, one on the police/Council Chamber side, and one on the business office side. Both units are aging and inefficient; however, the business office side is to the point of constant repair to keep in operating condition. This unit is also undersized which adds to the stress during operation. Staff is seeking authorization to seek Request Far Proposal (RFP) from all Sanger area mechanical contractors to replace/upgrade the business office �init. Currently we use gas heat and we would change this to an all electric heat and air unit with a programmable thermostat to help control costs. The estimated cost for this project would be $4,750.00, funded from reserves. If authorized, a notice would be advertised one time in the Sanger Courier and an announcement would be mailed to each contractor. Any RFF received would be brought back to Council for farrr�al autrsorization at one of the April meetings. Any additional electrical wiring would be performed by our staff licensed electrician, Willie Foster. JH:es attachment 1) North Texas Professional Services 2) Tuttle Heating and AC 3) Diversified Mechanical 4) McMakin AC &Heating 5) Simmons AC Source: July, 1989 Centel Yellow Pages MARCH 13, 1990 458-4337 G���I:.: 458-3025 458-7420 458-3986