02/05/1990-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularFEBRUARY 5, 1990 '? JI OLI A STREET, CITY HALL 7:00 P, M. iIkerso 1 VARIANCE REQUEST BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY LOTS 12, 13, 14 AND 5' OF LOT 11 IN BLOCK 10 ORIGINAL TOWN SANGER, 310 N 3RD STREET ISSUE ELECTION ORDER DEMOCRATIC PARTY Water Supply -- Lots 12, 13, 14, and 5` oI Lot 1 in MOCK 3 U 111 Original `I'owrn of Sanger, 310 N. 3rd J i li ti l n Cite% Council llOetira, J arar.raw 1ti, 1990 'e,1E�l�El� !,RESENT.* Mayor Nel Armstrong, , Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman W ndall Thomas, Coun ilnasn Danny l�.�l DaniFUi, Councilman an Terry Jenkins, ant. Councilman Carroll McNeill �PFgV T C"Itvf mnnn el .�c-hn 14:11miton. City lof r`v Rosalie (���rcfifa. m Fire Chief TIvIervvyra Tucker~, Jimmy Waggoner;, sand Wend from the San er C'urrrier 1. �lyrar �rrr�strran c�.11ecl ttre r�rreetirr� tea f.�r€ler, ��� the irr���catien and led the pledge to the flag. �, 1inrrte ����r'r,�ecl �� �r�iritecle Di�Taarrserraerrt Cca�arrcilrrr�n ,Ienkir�� rra�r�e tl�ie rrre�ticar4 t�� �l�iar�ra���,, disbursements for payment. Seconded by Councilman I norms. _ A�:ler° t'€ir' f ire Iieflar tr aerat. - t ire C"la.i f i;�r°vVyll Iucl V'71 T�Y1�crr��rr:3n. C�c�arrc�ilrr��r� rlr��leill rnacle flap n'rr�tir.�n. tea ��a��rr��ae �[�� ref ir�ir�ira �e�i�arr �trrr� 25�� �.af fire rrzr�� �v� tca be eliitale fear retirerr�erzt rarrd member hip in fire department. �ecranderi bt7 Councilman ,Ienkirs. Motion carried. Viz. C{arrsider €ancl Possible Action Reart�iirr Electric [ utility �r`iutul � i�.T �reerrrerrt Petan�eerr City faf Dentcarr rrr� City caf ��,rrer. Motion -kvas made by Councilman Jenkins ancl sectarrderl by C�caurt��ilna�n �lr��� tc� ���rr��e Electric IJt.ility I�utrr�l �ic� ®� . � r°eernernt between City of Denton and City (af San er. Motion Iinrates January 16, 1990 -a e i, rricl. t=onsiclor ar�.d Possible �4c�tiorr l�oardirr,� the i�atio�al i�ranizatiorr �n Disability. W tvlotior� was r�rade by Councilr��ar�. Shaw t.o join tl�e %ation��l )r ;anization on Disability as a full partner. Motion carried. -t,) ��`itizorr's lnl�r�tb a. �rler�e Tlro���a�: l�rosontl c�:it�,r t�o�:rracil ��itr a f�€�titiorr sirregi ley several residents residing on railroad Ave,, W1110A.v, Kirkland, Georgia, and ..Tons Street. lssu�°s acldr°sc� �� (1 � lnadua.te fire hydrants. 2) Improperly paved roads, (3) Strut lights need to be fired by %4) Weedso (5) Culvert reds to be cleaned out. ,Tosepl7ir�e C7reer�'s louse. ��Irs. Thomas stated that these �roblerxas n to be corrected for the welfar°e and health of all these citizens. Mayor° �r°rnstrcrn� r°et�lied that one fir°e l�ydr°art was alr°oa��� rr� the lrccess of Trein05 irrstalll at the corner of Kirtland Errd Sires bye the Church of Cod and another one would be placed at the corner c>f J� ner and billow: laycar° �r°z�astrpor� aa-l� iced that tl�e ether° ��r•ol-Ierr%s a.df:lr°sy�ec:l R�«,,rc��Llld be taken car°e of and that the Problem ��ith greeds is the rTSponsibility of property owners to mow their property. The City sloes send letters to property owners and at tirrres the City has fond: ire there to mow. A� s�. City Adrrrirristr°atiorr CC WIMUtes larxuar";gt let, 1990 CCtfe''A 1. t'i I ={ic d �u it = aui i like to attend TML Region 8 Quarterly Meeting. C`it�i�:iar�a�er° f�.d�°iet:� Laor�e star° Caps r°a�t.e r°e�fisior� mill rzot. 0.1i7ltIPM ser vide to n r tl trstt pr with erg out4nnfiiti(V lxfl nnrfa t.. before it is takers Bare of. This will prevent customers fr°oiia having service placed in another name of a family member , �3, Cit�F i�lanaer° a'�r2c'1 City Council rliscussec�l impact. of Legislature on Tags Rolls, FDIC — Sect# 15, �. City Iar� per asked Cit�;Council if tl�ey� ��oul like t.o host. Open (louse. City£ Council agreed to host Open House on February 1. 5 . City Manager aaviseci that he has enclosed some material concerning ERA guidelines will be getting tougher. i�, t�it�� l�rnaer discussed cellaa.lar plxor�e as a bank--r.rl� tr� emergency call out. Council a r LO let staff purchase one. %: t:�it l�fla,r�aa�er' ad��i�d tlaaat t�laarraber Sartrla_aet is sclaeclulert f�3r, Feb, r3r :l if an c?ne w�isl�es tU titter r . a, pag l:. Cor'ra2`a�:ittee a�zcl ff ��pill be prelaarira ra�r°at alaf�licati��r�a fear s%iraarcairr prcl, 'u tTc�r$kslrt€.ap is scl'aedt?leci. for 1~ ebra.zar°y 5th at �;31) pa m. ora C',ityr l�tla�raaerwent ovrer Er�ineer~'s Reporat ors f'al�itall irnpr°o�.�er�lent,, Council asked staff to see if en•ineer° ccsul�l attend workshop. 1��, Adjourr►_rxaerat, t ,. ' 'h.!..,' ... .'.. 1 .. i.... r .. ' Y '<_. . h . 5.. ..•ti i {.. 1.. 1 '`t i,i'.,, ., ', 1 ....! ,,. ..... ,: ,,i t , I... t 1 t. ., .. ,.. ,i '•.€. . !. it itii I E.. V i 4'.-...t tr -.. r. I,- ..... ... :: C:: I M..: f i--; t..:. C.! ! .... i,; t. f... - !:: ! • .' ,. .,. a _ .'. ! li .r J;L_ Lf,;!!, .. •. : .: . .r: -_t ! I_. "t h l.. i'fii.., rt- .p:`. .: ... d it°� PILL I j HILL 14 is t.C., W I,.:: 1191 ILL I. TILL ILL L ..: I I- Lq i-'.E _ l..E%_.,. :'I`i . E I_: :. ! € J. .. r _,4_. ILL _.,ti ., It Ell L, 4.1 ILL ILL LILL It 2-1 `mil(=.Ij I1? Ir - F. (4�{....! i i. !_ ;E. '.. 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J For '..}l��� f.i L i._i f:.% ol OF Im OF i If.:. i i_}: t i 9f _ , .-}f: :7i_ Fro .. i. E.:.: ..,:. t^t I_ i.l s, E _ 'mot i. _ ilOE:EE,,I, E_t;; Er1 _F, :,,s,�,�F',� ;kI`s :.E__� _r=.i�_ -i Or OF i OFF i.. .. _. .._._._ .. _ of F.- . OF • _ 9- t f4. OFF t -- OF f .�. _..... ... ._ Or IF vA t r�l_F,.ICF.,F.F., i�{ .LE_i[x,"6,:f' .._ .. ` E::il�—, ( (:f:'}- fly E`.; ; i ..C''I CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 11iIEI�iORANDUM #441 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Cauncil FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: February 2, 1990 SUBJECT: Mr. George Gilkerson -Brief Cauncil an Denton County Crime Stoppers Mr. George Gilkersan has asked to be on the agenda in order to brief the Council on the Denton County Crime Stoppers effort. JH:es t�'IEI�iORANDU�I #�47 TU: ;ROM: PATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. U. BOX 578 S,4NGER, TEXAS 70266 Honorak�le Mayor & Rlerllbers oft e City Cottilcil John Hamilton, City Manager Cf February 2, 1990 Variance Request from Bolivar Water Supply Corp. Please find attachcr_l material from Bolivar Water Supply c,orporatior� requesting a variance to construct a 60' X 60' Building on Lots 12, 133 14, ind 5' of Lot 11 in Block 19 in Original Town of Sanger, located generally at 310 N. 3rd (corner of Third and Elm Street) to stare equipment and supplies. Property owners within 200 feet of the site have been notified by mail of the request. Stuff is recori�rr�erx�irig approval of this variance request: .JH:es attachments oi� LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING The City of Sanger City Council acting as a Board of Adjustment grill hear a zoning variance request from the Board of Directors of Bolivar Aater Supply Corporation to construct a 60' h 60' Building on Lots 12, 13, 14, and 5' of Lot 11 in Block 10 in Original Town of Sanger, located generally at 310 N. 3rd (corner of Third and Elm Street) in Sanger, in the Council Chambers, 201 Bolivar Street, at 7:00 p.m., Monday, February 5, 1990. Building Use: Storage of Equipment and Supplies. zosalie Garcia Cit}r Secretary PUBLISH: F'ek�ruary 1, 1990 AFFIDAVIT REQUESTED O l BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION P. O. Box J006 — 310 North 3rd Street Sanger, Texas 76266 (817) 458-3931 January 22, 1990 City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Council, The Directors of Bolivar Water Supply Corporation would like to request a variance (to comply with Section 20, Lot Coverage) to construct a 60 X 60 Building on lots 12, 13, 14 & 5' of Lot 11 Block 10 O.T. at 310 N. 3rd located at the corner of Third and Elm Street in Sanger, Texas. This building would be used to store equipment and supplies used for field operations. Sincerely, Board of Directors Bolivar Water Supply Corporation ent "Serving Rural Cusrome�s for 20 Years" 1969 — 1989 Qty B �s m S < rn D n v m z ° 00 0 cofe m m m r3 Do O m m D r m m m Z 0 J _�. COO y r z r� . c- �a ' r 0240 Ij R omC FE: S'l.j JECT< R 04 BOX 5 s t cue Garcia, City Secretat y � C ebruary ?, 1990 kyor to Issue Eleclion Order Order for the May Municipal Elections. ��e 17-4116 Ordcr of Election (1861 HART GRAPHICS, Austin Prescribed by Secretary of Slate Sections 3.006. 83.010. 85.004. 85.007. V.T.C.A., Election Code ORDER OF ELECTION An election is hereby ordered to be held on May 5, 1990 for the purpose of: (date) Mayor and Two (2) Councilpersons Absentee voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at 201 Bolivar Street (location) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p,m. beginning on April 16, 1990 and ending on May 1, 1990 (date) (date) Additional absentee voting will be held as follows: Location Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Rosalie Garcia (Name of Absentee Voting Clerk) P. O. Box 578 (Address) Sanger, Texas 76266 (City) (Zip Code) Date Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on ril 27, 1990 (date) Hours Issued this the 5th day of May , 19 90 Signature of Presiding Officer a2 ORI DEN DE ELECCION For la presente se ordena que se llevara a cabo una election el 5 de May 1990 con el proposito de. (fechu) Alcalde & 2 (Dos) Concejales La votacion en ausencia en persona se llevara a cabo de lures a viernes en 201 Bolivar Street (sitio) entre las $ : 0 0 amde la mairana y /as 5 : o o pm de la tarde empezando el y terminando el 1 de Mayo 1990 , (fecha) La votacion en ausencia ademks se llevara a cabo de tal manes: Sitio Fecha (fecha) Horas Las solicitudes Para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberkn enviarse a: Rosalie Garcia (Nombre del Secretario de la Notation En Ausencia) P. O. Box 578 (Direction) Sanger. Texas 76266 (Ciudad) (Zona Postal) Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan recibirse para el fin de las hor•as de negocio el �7 aP Mayo 1990 . (fecha) Ernitida este dia 5 de May° , 19 90 Firma del Official Que Preside 02 174140 Notice of Election (186) Prescribed by Secretary of State Sections 4.004, 83,010, 85.004, 85,007, V.T.C,A., Election Code NOTICE OF ELECTION (AVISO DE ELECCION ) To the Registered Voters of Sander Texas: (A las vntantec registradar del Texas.) Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open From 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., on HART GRAPHICS, Austin May 5 19 90 , for voting in a general election, to elect Mayor & two Councilpersons . (Notifiquese, par las presente. que las casillac electorales sitados abajo se abriran decde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el 5 de Mayo de19 90 parano[arenlaElecciorrparaelectar un Alcalde, 2 Concejales. LOCATION(S) OF POLLING PLACES (DIRECCION(ES) DE LAS CASILLAS ELECTORALES) 201 Bolivar Street Absentee voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at (La votacion en ausencia en persona se llevara a cabo de lines a viernes en) 201 Bolivar Street (location) (sitio) between the hours of 8 � 00 a.m. and 5 � 00 p,m. beginning on April 16 (date) (en[re las 8 ! 0 4/e la maftana y !as 5 : O Ode la [arde empezmrdo el 16 de Abr i 1 1990 ) (/echo) and ending on May 1, 19 9 0 (date) (y tenninando el 1 de May 1990 ) (fecha) Additional absentee voting will be held at the same location as follows:' (La romcion en ansertcia ademas .re 1levara a cabo en e/ mismo silo de tat manera:) Date (Feclra) Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (Lar solicitudes pars holeras yue se voraran en ausencia por carreo deberan enviarse a:) Rosalie Garcia (Name of Absentee Voting Clerk) (Nomare act 5'ecretarm de la Votacion En Ausencia) P. 0. Box 578 (Address) (Direccirin) (City) (Lip Code) (7_ona PastaQ Recommended but not reytdred Hours pforas) Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on (Las .rolicinrder porn holetas que se votarbn en mcsencia por correo deberan recibirre pars el frn de las horns de negocio e!) April 27, 1990 (date) (feels) 27 de Abril 1990 Issued this the 5 day of February lq 90 , (Eml[ada este din 5 de Febrer0 /g 9 0 ) Signature of Presiding OlTicer (Firma del Ofrcial que Preside) *!(abcen[ee voting i.r uor going ro be conducted on either Saturday or [/te last Sunday during the period ojabsentee voting, delete this par(. o2s 1 YIL(M.l'ANT DATES � REIyIQ?VIBER FROM ELECTION CALENDAR 1990 Feb. 19 First day for filing appli�tion for place on ballot. :��ar. 6 First day to apply- for absentee mail ballots. ?�1ar. 1Z-?3 Recommended period for appointing elec.tio7� judges. �,�ar. 1:1 Recommended last day to post notice of drawing for order on names on ballot. �Iar. 21 Last. day for filing apl?li<<�.tion for place on ballot.. �Iar. 26-27 Recommended period to conduct. dra�aring for order of names on ballot, make up ballot format and send to the printer. itlar, ��0 La��t day for candidate to withdra�tiT (�,-ithdraw-al request must be received by 5:00 p.m.) Apr. 5 Due date far filing first report of campaign contributions. Apr. 5-25 Period for publishing Notice of Election. Apr. 16 First day of absentee voting by personal appearance. :Apr. 27 Last day to apply far absentee mail ballot (application must. Lye received before close of business.) A�.�r. ?i Due date for filing ser_ond report of c_�rnr�aigri cemtribi�.tions and e:�pendit��res. l�Iav 1 Last. day of regular votina by personal appearance. 'lav 9 ?notice of Council meeting to canvass the returns must posted at least 7? hours before time of meeting. v IaN' Eler_tiori Day. Polls are open from:00 Receiving precinct records, voted ballots, etc. (Chief of Polir_e �f receives keys to ballot bogies containing voted ballots. ) ELEC`TI��iv page GALE?vUAR - 199U May ?-11 Feriod far official canvass. Mayor sets exact. dad- ar�d haur•. Secretary records results in election register as soon as practicable after canvass• Nlayor issues certificates of elections as soon as practicable. Mayor orders runoff election, if necessary-, not later than 5th day after canvass. ,Tu1�- 16 Last day for timely filing of semi-aiuival report of contributions and expenditures. Q� CITY OF SANDER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 762E6 MEMORAND[1M #442 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: February 2, 1990 SUBJECT: Ilse of tsouncil Chambers far Democratic Party Primary Election - March 13, 1990 Nis. Mary .Jo Yarbrough with the Denton County Democratic Party has requested use of the Council Chambers on Tuesday, March 13, 1990, as the election site for the primary elections. This request was made January 19th and I tentatively gave Ms. Yarbrough approval in order to meet their scheduling and printing deadlines. Council did authorize use of our facilities for elections in December, 1989. If Council so desires a motion of approval could be made. Ms. Yarbrough can be reached at 387-6948. �2� CITY OF BANGER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDiJNI #446 T0: HolloI•able Mayor &Members of the Cit.,y C:ouIlcil FROM: Jahn Hamilton, City Manager DATE: February 2, 1999 SUBJECT; Youth Program for• Sanger ;several citizens have clisc�.�ssed with staff and Council rr�err�bei°s the need. to formulate some type of youth program for Sanger's young people. This item is intended as a general discussion of this concern and possible procedures to seek a solution. JH;es MEMORANDiJM #4�5 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Hor]Or•able Mrayar � Menlber•s of t le City Council John Hamilton, City Manager February 2, 1990 Administrat.or's Report. 1). County Commissioner Don Hill reports that. the bids to repair the bridges on Old Highway 77 should be advertised in February, 1990. This $500,000 project will take about twelve months to complete. When the large bridge is repaired, Commissioner Hill anticipates the road will be closed for about sixty days. The repair of the smaller bridges should not require the closing of the road as culverts will be placed for vehicles to cross. Additiallally, Commissioner Hill stated that. the Keaton Road drainage concern could be a joint. City/County project. Consulting City Engineer Tom Stang will be on site Monday, February 5th to examine the location for any comments or recommendations. �). The Contract. Health Inspector far the City, Jay Pinkston, when contacted by staff, stated that. lle was resigllillg alld would formally notify us by letter. Mr. Pinkston is over a quarter behind in performing, health inspections. 3j. The flaw meter at the wastewater treatment plant, the source of data far formulating our monthly reports to the Texas tVater• Commission, ill spite of being reworked twice in the last eight months, is still notperforming to the desired accuracy standards. If Council concurs, a new technology, mid -priced, flow meter with a. reading head installed inside the lab would be purchased and installed foil $4,950. This would be the wholesale for the meter, $4,6'00 and $350 installation. Westco of Bedford would do the work. City crews would assist to keep installation cost. down. Funding is from reserves. 03�. fit`€€ ( € tj =i .. The encloscid letter from. the Texas Department of Health gives our> engpirleering firm approval of their cl sign to construct sa water Ilne for future use under, 1-35) at 45154 �3� Texas uepartment oT Heaith Robert Bernstein, M.D., F.A.C.P. Commissioner January 26, 1990 1100 West 49th Street Austin, Texas 78756 (512) 458-7111 _ t ` Mr. Thomas W. Stang, P.E. Hunter Associates, Inc. 1106 Clayton Lane, Suite 410E Austin, Texas 78723-1033 SUBJECT: Water Distribution System Extension City of Sanger - I.D. No. #0160006 TDH Log No. 001/56 Denton County, Texas Dear Mr. Stang: Robert A. MacLean, M.D. Deputy Commissioner Professional Services Hermes L. Miller Deputy Commissioner Management and Administration We have completed review of a single"drawing and a volume of specifications and contract documents submitted with your January 23, 1990 letter. These engineering materials describe the installation of 450 linear feet of Class 50 ductile iron pipe, two 12 inch gate valves and various fittings and appurtenances across the Interstate Highway 35 right- of -way at the FM 455 overpass in Sanger, Texas. This new segment of line will not be connected to the existing distribution system at this time but will be used in a future extension of the existing system. Our review has indicated that these facilities were designed in accordance with our current standards and they are, therefore, approved £or construction. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, .G.(Jer y) Hidalgo,.E. Plan Rev 'ew Branch Division of Water Hygiene FGH:bh ccs: City of Sanger Denton City County Health Department Public Health Region 5 033 CITY OF DANGER P. 4, BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 1�fiEI��InRANDUIv1 #444 T0: Honorable Mayror' & l�lembers of the City Council FRAM: Jolni Hamilton, City Manager )ATE: February 2, 1990 SUBJECT: IVlur►icipal Court Report for FY'1988 - 1989 and First Quarter FY'89-'99 Tl�e attache�l sunlmar•y of Municipal Court was requested by Council, Cur Court Clerk will prepare a quarterly report in order to keep Council informed. ,11-1: es �� t.t acl�tnent 03 Po 0* BOX 578 ANGER, TEXAS 76206 Rase Garcia, City Secisetarly Chic y Barrow, , Court Clear k Fool rii_ nfifiell of citations Issued - fi 3 .} �"r�tai r��anrt.��r' r�itatirrt fr���rtrt ui_1ty -- �, t�.4`i� raf tr�tal c�itatic}r� �,,} 'fatal tlutrrf��r� c�itat.ir�r�a fr�urci rrc�t uilt� Citatio "1'. � �'c�tal rittrral��r° t�f L%fr��ic�� 00V cif t.c�tal CitaTit321 '3..� "i`otetl number (if outstanrlinr warrants -- 281y incluclin or icar 4A/Denton Record -Chronicle/ weanesday, January 24, 1990 to cost city Bp Sharon Simonsoa Staff Writer Expected federal regulations on storm water gathering and purification will create a major expense for the city of Denton in the next two to five years, city staff told the Public Utilities Board early this week. 'We think this is one of the real big issues coming down the pike," City Manager Lloyd Harrell said. "The costs are going to be very substantial." The regulations, which are being pushed by the Environmental Protec- tion Agency, will require that all of the rainwater that falls on a city must be cleaned before it enters a city's res- ervoir to protect the drinking water supply, said David Ham, city director of water and wastewater utilities. "Every time it rains, millions and millions of gallons of water fall," Ham said. "This is an enormous amount of water." As the water flows over streets and lawns and through gullies, Ham said, it picks up oil, chemicals, even dead animals. Under the new regulations, Ham said, the city will have to build a substantial infrastructure to catch the storm water and then treat it. Other U.S. cities have created new utilities to collect fees to pay for the improvements needed to comply with the anticipated EPA regulations, Harrell said, and the Texas Legislature in its last session created laws that allow Texas cities to do the same. Storm water drainage utilities charge people monthly fees based on the number of square feet of property they have that will not absorb water, Harrell said. For example, the owner of a large parking lot will pay more than the owner of a large field — water soaks into soil but runs off asphalt, Harrell said. 03v Central Telephone Company of Texas P. O. Box 1150 Killeen, TX 76540 Telephone 817 526 3021 K. W. Amburn Vice President • Operations January 22, Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear John: 1990 CENZEL In reference to your phone conversation January 22 with my Assistant, Brenda, I would I to confirm that conversation by written correspondence. My representative and I plan on attending the February 19th City Council meeting. We will be prepared to brief the City Council on the EAS study and thank you for placing us first on the agenda. See you on the 19th. Sincerely, an Amburn KWA:bsr cc: Dianne Ursick Brad Denton Jim Doss �� �►�� �s I rr. Na .• re rot� Tokhy T 11 c- s a T A a� Harty ak s *Iny y �Iri cam xy. ri10 I -- Cis S�te.t 76 l r Se co ris( Jrre a 10\ 6 40 I o� co604,c 6�re /vac ws r v,"`� ✓�< a� al . 'T tot r Idmr44 ow r Oil folf r( le4o� T'rsogAslk esnl G.. Tate y ke• " P w a, �� G s w ��,V w n• KA 16 Bel . C YY! d V ✓ r,,,. o w G k s �,i r� T 000 ��vtit woo ' 14 h Tr�Avs v rnend s ' mray�, �s P i •,� a-Oole ��-•�eY eA. r Ott r h- • y r Gt e n n I el ' I# GYM �t.,S l'r w �� �rdL !� !nc��/� � 'llow ,G hA,7 b^rr ' a 101 aet C. S 03 r 4 r ow r K 1� yms t r b