12/18/1989-CC-Agenda Packet-Regulari D.1989 01 BOLIVAR 1 0 Falk. ! iw' • i I ..l ! .. 2. Minutes 3. Disbursements 4. Citizen's Input 5. PUBLIC HEARING PERSONNEL APPEAL PAUL EARHEART 6 . Executive Session Pursuant to V. A. T. S. Article 6Z52-17(g) - Personnel 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session - Personnel 8. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. 19-89 In Recognition of the University of North Texas Centennial 1a. Any Other Such Matters k : Gwr,1 Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Minutes December 4, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Wendall Thomas, Councilman Danny McDaniel, and Councilman Carroll McNeill MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rose Garcia, Leslie Browning, Jim Dunlap -Centel, Ken Amburn-Centel, Jim Doss -Centel, Randall Houchin-Centel, Burl Bourland- Park Hoard, Joe and Patsy Howard, Terry Jones, and Mr. &Mrs. Gene Hughes 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of November 20, 1989 were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements -Councilman Thomas made the motion to approve disbursements for payment. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Matian carried. 4. Citizen's Input -None. 5. Presentation by Mr. Amburn with Centel Regarding EAS Study and Centel's Plans for Growth in Sanger. Mr. Amburn, Vice President of Operations for Centel, made a brief presentation. Issues addressed were Centel's plans for growth in Sanger, investments, construction projects, service availability far future growth and financial stability. Mr. Amburn also addressed the issue of a business office in Sanger which he stated that at this point it was not feasible cost wise to operate an office in Sanger. If the activity was greater than it is - at this time they would be glad to meet these needs. Mr. Amburn also spoke regarding 9-1-1. He also addressed CC Minutes Dec. 4, 1989 Page 2 the issues on extended area service. He stated that the information would be completed by mid -January and at that time they will have some definite information. a. Conduct Public Hearing for gene Hughes' Request for Variance on Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Blk. 49, 0. Town of Sanger. Mayor Armstrong called public hearing open to the public. City Secretary was asked haw may people responded by mail to the variance request. City Secretary stated four (4) people approved of the variance request and three (3) disapproved. City Manager stated Mr. Hughes is requesting a variance to construct three brick homes approximately 1048 sq4 ft. living space each, on his property located on the north west corner of Peach and 8th. i. Area is currently zoned SF2 required a 1500 sq. ft. living area. 2. One lot does not meet 60 ft. frontage requirement (assuming zoning was changed to Sr 4) 3. Two homes would have less than required set -back; 8 ft. required. 4. Existing ordinance requires double car garage and these homes will have single car garage. Staff recommends approval. Mayor Armstrong asked if anyone wanted to speak against the variance request. Mr. Leslie Browning came before City Council to speak against CC MINUTES DEC. 41 1989 PAGE 3 the variance request. His concern was the size of lats. Mayor Armstrong explained to Mr. Browning that the lots would be adequate for the size of house. Mr. Browning was also shown the plat. Mayor Armstrong again asked if anyone else had any objection to the request. Mayor Armstrong closed the Public Hearing. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Gene Hughes' Request for a Variance on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block No. 49, 0. Town of Sanger. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill that Council approve variances as requested with the stipulation that a privacy fence be built between Lots 4B, 4A and 4C at the back on the right on the plat and that a single car garage variance also be granted. Seconded by Councilman McDaniel. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Joe Howard's Complaint I-ou and 105 Acker Street. Mr. Howard addressed City Council and stated that his presence there was only to reinforce a letter he had sent to City Council. Mr. Howard addressed his complaint concerning the business located in front of his property. Mr. Howard stated that the problems that they face with this business is the sawdust that is packaged and the construction junk that is left outside the business. Mr. Howard presented pictures to City Council. Discussion. City Council instructed staff to write our city attorney, Ron Neiman, for his recommendation. CC MINUTES DEC. 4, 1989 PAGE 4 9. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Ordinance No. #018-89, Freeport Tax, CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE N0. #018-89 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF PROPERTY EXEMPT UNDER ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 1-j, TEXAS CONSTITUTION BEGINNING WITH THE 1990 TAX YEAR; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion was made by Councilman Shaw to adopt Ordinance #018-89. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 10. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. #R16-89 Accepting the Upper Trinity Regional Water District's Water Implementation Plan. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION N0. R16-89 A RESOLUTION of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, accepting the report for the WATER IMPLEMENTATION PLAN of the Upper Trinity Regional Water District, and expressing the intent to participate in the regional water supply project. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to adopt Resolution #R16-89. Seconded by Councilman Shaw. Motion carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. #1?17-89 Honoring Jack Burkholder. CC MINUTES DEC. 4, 1989 PAGE 5 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION N0. R17-89 A Resolution of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, Honoring the Service to the Community of Mr. Jack Burkholder. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill and seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 12. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. #R15-89 Supporting the efforts of the Sanger Library Development Committee. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION N0. R15-89 A Resolution of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas Supporting the Fund Raising Efforts of the Library Development Committee. Motion was made by Councilman McDaniel to adapt Resolution No. #R15-89. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 13. Consider and Passible Action to Approve Resolution No. #R18-89 Regarding Denco Area 9-1-1 Approved Budget for 1989-1990 & Financial Plan 1990-1994. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION #R18-$9 Motion was made by Councilman Shaw to adapt Resolution No. #R1$-89. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. 14. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for Parks Board 0 `� CC MINUTES DEC. 4, 1989 PAGE 6 to Apply for 50/50 Grant with Texas Parks &Wildlife to Construct a Municipal Swimming Pool/Community Center Park. Location was discussed. Councilman Shaw made the motion to allow the Parks Hoard to apply for 50/50 Grant with Texas Parks & Wildlife to construct a Municipal Swimming Pool. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. 15. Consider and Possible Action Regarding 1989-1990 Governor's Community Achievement Awards. Motion was made by Councilman McNeill to join in keep Texas Beautiful and enter the city in the Governor's Community Achievement Awards. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 16. Any Other Such Matters: a. Mayor Armstrong stated that there had been a complaint concerning Lone Star Gas; however, it has been resolved. 17. City Manager's Report: a. City Manager stated that the Mayor and himself" will be meeting with the Executive Director of Texas Parks & Wildlife at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 5th, in Austin to discuss the status of a Marina on the West Bank at Lake Ray Roberts. b. City Manager invited City Council to the annual employee Christmas Dinner scheduled for noon, Thursday, December 21. Meeting Adjourned. o trENL'jUfr VE:1vIT)C1F-: I`lOM tj 'E:I`1 tC:Ci=)IJh;'T ;:; F'r?'r'F)E L_E:: i._ I :T T [ t IVC! I C;E: Fthi!=)!_!p:! l:) !..— ,; i=il_I_ }t11-( Ti;t'ihd !_T.F f'REtJIf_l. r}T_'_*TT 'I(;;f ITI0N i7: t?2i7f? (aND CARD V 'T'3 AND /E I'dl;ilr;; 7 OTt;l_ ',i 7, r, .. - ,,•,5i_7t; Fst:tf ,E. z fit. T,aYI._!: R CGir1F'Al'' i'Y 1?I'{rFIF ITION 1. I30i31, +JF- 1T,i_11;l, TCn"i:,t_. _ ; 'ar-7 i=;i-•it-ii{!iltJhl. ;',(lhl` 'T'. ( (7, t3 11._ r} I'':i ! f 11. I IT I ID 44} , fr;t,7i,a 1 EC. Ftf}IT7 L?EC. :i Ci7''. E.t<: ..t)t'11?E i!_l_ .;i'R::,, FAC:H !art_ L7:i._.fr,1.F;1iT10N '_- WAY Ci=iPPET FOR i C!t 1MUI dITY CENIT::R VL*NT7C1R TCiTF't_ i R.IC: !r1 rr)ilF', C r J;..iE:F : 'I_f F':C;i-Ir- ='i: FI_)t+:('! r;-_ t+;,-,C; i f_p,ITFti tl_ TEL(= 1=-'f•IC1i,+! i i?. ENJ1"l:(:):I 1.1924.''f, ? ) I I1- R. I T'F l7E f=' T . 1_.I hlE :=-F,r,El i C:E:: i'!L':7. I Tt I :U 1'>f..+:;, Ern c•a Ci%i-{ _Tr=tl`,IITitF.Ii-it_ J:iIs:3'Tf:?L{;Tl'ill:1 411.irl.r.)t:a 1. r`;, TOIl.E'T T IC,CIJI_:y 1 r::C,,, F'r=)Cr F Tr WE1 „ i : CAA* -0 E,1_ !";:_, CI_E th"E:r; hr)1._rl...{tJr; a_n.. nt= i l.-(, I_F'CiE: Cit`d MACHINE a1I tJE. DE.C;,, Fsr> l c hTl?C!F? `�'F�JDOR h-IPPIIF [14.. F'h1 �1(..�;1.'i_. \! ! -. t•i Y _S,_, i... �_. .. .. .: i .i. �, 1_i 1's ; Ili- !.: _ 1 1. ''+ +` ; `_; �. i7 : ''r:' r 1. 't f r•,I'J(I:( (_:! i=irli 1(i(,,!..t. I:) i. r:;i_ i i(,IhdT tI off "r:!N s1i=.„0IfQ'i ({.; p(6) R WAY) R(S I, mew !J16 I L. I f ce Fait_ nI'=tiIf- R1FJUT10N 41`i);l0o orhl�4.iF:l~ nrlr, 1'niTFI!.!....1 KIF:.(:( F111TRTRTFR LFai, Fttliy k. T!=L;TE_.F:' FQF C ;r:_Nn0F; -r(_)Tt-1t_ 1 „ c, . 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(IN FIRST t It I PPIRIAPY SPAIINEf'r AND FRI:IGHIT ',��._�c:�(:) Rl'r[.--taF_LP :.,L_�,='r'L.T l.rlr..;. ,::�I)�-• =f.:)(jij 1•?. i..) 1 IHAbiMER - i•,':F.-: L.i_i T NG SLjPF'L_.I E_'S G/L.. PT:_;TRIr_uTlora t(:L°,c)r{c)(, __„ 1(:) G/I__ PTC;TRIB TION 'i24.I;,oO 5 F'h, C PC,4,v :�AR_.I'Y GL..AS3 !` AND 1 E,'R, iaF;F::L=1u SAFF.T'( r?T'STRTr?UI'):ON 't "i., 12 TArdl, PF"F I L-L_ I NG OF CIXYFTN _ � ,'i) F;CjAl:r RLlydhlL= R Tt'r=1;=•t= i r�,� :(it-`t:l_Y. I rir_ ._ , . G/L_ 1_?TciTRTFsLITION I(.s� c):_,(;i) '7r,�, . STt?FET SIGNS„ STOP FiN 1:n:;T AND NO PARI;ING GIL_ l fSTr?1:T,i_1TIPr! 'i,(It C)i) VL.NT'=�R i'OTAl -_;-7()i)() :;raft,;,=' t r.Rt?nr r, rLA3 lraE_. n TFr't;-(i.!T10N 4173 i_ �iCj(1 tVENI W I NDOW FL Rt 411.1b ELECTRIC T LIC:I-1 ti ... ;374(:it )(:) Si-}NGrf,' L=Ar; r`.:i C L-. 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CRV:i hlli_L..F:T i:.?�!n q Itd!:,n ��?E:P�TC?t�iFt TCtTriL.. �E ti 1 iil[.. s)I:=i-('F'.II'!�'1"1:?_;;..I �`t.;'�+,(j:�,(it;i �E i;fi{.;F:�l :';t? (�:f iL n t�!f-1'C?CU f IC.F: F�Ct'r? 1=' I'3'I"Cti.. Fif at�,'•CiE: v�hlDftGt 'Ti�Ti`iL. I. , c, `.,-1 i a L.. (_, t i. � f=�:ct:7hr_a::3 r'r-,r_�c:E:.s:�ct� Ci L f)CF'FI(�TI�IE=.hITc; falrt+ll:haIC;.IRAi':(lii•d--f?F I i", j.�rinC',✓=; Ll:r!Ri=�R`(--?:;E�' �=' j., J.�'fE, F�.3 :;rThllT(�aTT.i)I�l--rr= 4 1.,, 1.4i'n `:tii (�Ir-�Cl�rr:t�lr-rre:��.•-r�.s= �, 7fii:�. rI"r• f.�[_[�[..'Ti`: 1. (�"'[.:.E' !i i'�v I l fr �" 1r_� {_' I KI= —Vnr= 1 1. 7��'`'n r.`'-? r �'r.Rl — r , fir_ ,: � : -, I� r� ^ j4 P, cati I�:�,. Cit:a 0 J1. ti •'� PI:1YUH X UJIitL_->.1 rir>hiLti] i �t��T tl�r.1-•L' O1� CITY OF BANGER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #406 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City ManageKf DATE: December 15, 1989 SUBJECT: Resolution #19-89 In Recognition of the University of North Texas Centennial The enclosed letter from Denton's Mayor, Ray Stephens, requests Council to adopt a Resolution in recognition of U.N. T.'s Centennial. Resolution #19-89 is enclosed for your consideration. JH:es enclosure O1J CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION #Il A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS RECOGNIZING THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS CENTENNIAL. WHEREAS, in 1890 the need for a normal teachers school for the WHEREAS, Joshua Crittenden Chilton secured a site for the Texas Normal College and Teacher's Training Institute, and WHEREAS, this institution has prospered and grown to become the University of North Texas with an enrollment of over 24,000 students, and WHEREAS, during 1990 this great institution will celebrate the Centennial of its founding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the City of Sanger Commend and Salute by N the University of orth Texas. ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary 100 years of Educational Excellence Nel Armstrong, Mayor oz�� University of North Texas College of Arts and Sciences Department of History November 29, 1989 The Honorable Nel Armstrong Mayor, City of Sanger P.O. Drawer 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: In 1990 the University of North Texas will celebrate its centennial. From meager beginnings on the northwest corner of the square in downtown Denton the University has developed into one of the five major research/teaching institutions of higher learning in the State of Texas and is now the fourth largest in student enrollment. The presence of the University of North Texas in Denton County has had a most positive impact on the economic well-being of the county and the North Texas regio i, and has provided excellent opportunities for the educational advancement of our citizens. As a member of the University's Centennial Committee, I am requesting that you issue a proclamation from your office as Mayor declaring the year 1990 as "The University of North Texas Centennial Year" in your City, or perhaps you may wish to place this item on your Council agenda as a resolution to be acted on by your City Council. A sample is enclosed to serve as a guide for your own proclamation or resolution. Please send your proclamation or resolution to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation. Sincerely yours, Ray Stephens Member, University of Professor of History Mayor, City of Denton North Texas Centennial Committee P.O. Box 13735 • Denton, 'Texas 76203-3735 A17/565-228A CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #407 T0: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manage DATE: December 15, 1989 SUBJECT: Equipment Purchase - Sand Spreader The current street department budget, Other Equipment, Account #472.05, authorized $9,500 for the purchase of a dump truck, The vehicle has been purchased for $6,400. The enclosed memorandum from Public Works Supt, Chuck Tucker requests the purchase of a sand spreader for the dump truck. This purchase could be accomplished within the budget allocation. Also in August, Council authorized up to $8,000 from Utility Equipment Reserve funds for a vehicle to replace the old brush truck. This purchase has not yet been made. For auditing purposes, staff requests a motion reaffirming this purchase during the current budget year. The current balance in the Utility Fund Reserve is $19,823,19. .1H:es enclosure 022 CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM T0� Jor�� Hamilton, City MAn�;ger FROM: Chuck Tucker, Supt, of Public Works DATE: December 11, 1989 SUBJECT. Purchase Sand Spreader With tY�e rnoney remaining from the purchase of tree dump truck, I would like to purchase a sand spreader. I have received two prices, one at $2650.00 and the other $2510.00. These prices include spreader, hydraulic pump, plus everything else needed to install on back of truck. With this equipment, we would be better equipped to deal with icy reads. It would also save on manpower to complete the job. If you have any other questions, please let rr�e know, Thank yau. CT;es 023 CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76206 MEMORANDUM #408 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City_ Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: December 15, 1989 SUBJECT: City Administrator's Report 1). Attorney Ron Neiman has reviewed our zoning ordinance and it is his opinion that the City can enforce the sections of the code dealing with dust and storage of vehicles/materials in the required side yard. Mr. Neiman is forwarding a letter to this effect. He has suggested that the City give Animart 15 days to comply with the ordinance before any citations are issued. 2). The employee Christmas dinner is scheduled for Noon, Thursday, December 21 st. Please plan to attend. 3). The library currently has $6,000 in reserve. The Library Hoard wants to improve the library to make it safer, more efficient and more comfortable for its patrons. Does Council desire each separate project be brought for approval or one blanket approval for renovations not to exceed $6,000? These projects include Insulating the building, improving the lighting, painting and perhaps some furniture and carpet. JH:es 02� RONALD J. NEIMAN MARGARET E. BARNES LAW OFFICES OF RONALD J. NEIMAN 386 W. MAIN / P. O. Box 777 LEWISVILLE, TEXAS 75067 214/43& 1558 December 13, Mr. John Hamilton, City Manager City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Zoning Ordinance Violations Alleged by Joe Howard Dear John: FAX # 2 14-436-1349 I have reviewed the Zoning Ordinance, photographs and letter from Mr. Joe Howard dated November 29, 1989, concerning allegations about the Animart store on the I-35 service road. Based on the items above, it would appear that the Zoning Ordinance, Section018.1, paragraph 8(b) and (d), is being violated if the allegations are correct. It would appear that: 1) The required yards are being -used for storage of merchandise; 2) the required yards are being used for storage of vehicles and equipment; 3) the required yards are being used for storage of waste material; and 4) while it is not evident from the pictures, the use is allegedly objectionable due to a dust nuisance. It would be my recommendation that you have an inspector or other person who is responsible for enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance issue a demand to the property owner to alleviate the violations within a reasonable time (10-30 days), after which time, citations will be L0,sued for every day that the violations continue to exist. If no action is taken to rectify the situation, cita- tions should be issued for three to five consecutive days, and then see if the matter can be resolved at the time of hearing in Municipal Court. If that is still unsatisfactory, the city could seek an injunction to prohibit the continued violation of the Ordinance. Please advise if I may be of additional assistance. Sincerely, Ronald J. Neiman RJN:dmy MEMORANDUM #405 T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayar &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager December 15, 1989 Fiscal Year Audit'88-89 Mr. John Graves, City Auditor, will be present at the meeting on Tuesday, January 2, 1990, to present the fiscal year audit'88-89. He will be available to answer any questions or concerns that you might. have regarding the audit. JH:es 0 TO SUBJECTMESSA L J GE n DATE 1. f�t / SIGNED v- DATE SIGNED INSTRUCTIONS TO RECEIVER: 1 WRITE REPLY 2 DETACH STUB KEEP WHITE COPY RETURN PINK COOP TO SENDER B. 1. THOGMARTIN District Manager Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: lone Star Gas Company 319 West Oak Street •Denton, Texas 76201 December 5, 1989 The Texas Legislature enacted a law changing the amount and applicability of the State Utility Tax, which affects the Standard Industrial Rates charged by Lone Star Gas Company. Effective in October, 1989, the State Utility Tax is .5% applicable to the non -gas cost portion of the industrial customer's bill instead of .25% applicable to the entire bill. This change in State Utility Tax requires the Standard Industrial Rates to be revised in order to comply with the new law. Attached is a copy of the revised Schedule of Industrial Rates to be filed in your city in accordance with state law. Since this change in State Utility Tax is a reduction in the previous industrial rates, no action is required on the part of the city. Please is needed. Attachment let me know if additional information or explanation Sincerel Thogmartin RATE SCHEDULE N0. 48-N SCHEDULE OF INDUSTRIAL RATES - N STATE OF TEXAS Availability: The rates hereinafter set out are available to gas customers who can be served from, and without e>:ceeding the capacity of, Company's existing system upon the terms, conditions, and limitations recited herein, in the contract of which this Schedule of Industrial Rates forms a part, and in reasonable rules and regulations adopted by Company. These rates shall not be available for standby use. The gas delivered hereunder is for the individual use of Customer and shall not be resold. These rates shall not be available to residential customers and shall be available to schools, churches, rooming or boarding houses, orphanages, homes for the elderly, dormitories, hospitals, motels, hotels, apartment buildings or other buildings used primarily as living quarters, or any other use which may be considered human need, only if Customer has standby equipment for the use of other fuel of at least equal capacity to that normally required by the Customer, and fuel in storage in an amount adequate to fulfill Customer's fuel requirements during periods of curtailment, interruption and discontinuance of gas service. Company shall not be responsible for determining the type or amount of standby fuel or equipment; such determination shall be the sole responsibility of Customer. This Schedule of Industrial Rates is based on Customer's use of gas service for twelve full months during the contract year. This Schedule of Industrial Rates may be applicable to service to a Customer's temporary facilities for less than twelve full months c:�ring a contract year by the payment by Customer to Company, upon execution of such temporary contract, of a non-refundable amount which shall be the estimated cost of installing and removing facilities necessary to provide such service. Measurement and Billing: The gas shall be measured at a single meter location and shall not be combined with gas measured through any other meter location for the purpose of billing under this schedule. Amounts billed shall be due and payable within ten (10) days from monthly billing date. The first step of each rat which bill is rendered is for 16 is for 15 days or less during a be carried forward and added to monthly service period for billing Curtailment: e shall be applicable when the service period for days or more. �fi enever the initial service period billing period, the Customer's consumption shall Customer's consumption during the next succeeding purposes. Subject to governmental regulation, gas service under this Schedule of Industrial Rates shall be subject to curtailment, interruption or discontinuance in a particular service area when necessary in the judgment of the Company for it to maintain Residential and Commercial Rate service. and Industrial service having a higher priority. Service shall be furnished by Company and received by Customer in accordance with the following order of priority: Issued: October 17, 1989 Rate Schedule No. 48-N Page 2 (1) Residential and Commercial Rate service (1) Military Rate service (2) Industrial Rate 1 service The following priorities in descending order shall be observed as sub -priorities for Rate 1: 1. Small commercial (less than 100 ;fcf on a peak day). (3) (5) (6) (4) (5) rionthly Rates: 2. Large commercial (100 Mcf or more on a peak day) and industrial requirements for pilot lights and plant protection gas. 3. Small industrial (less than 3,000 Mcf on an average day) requirements for feedstock and process gas needs. 4. Large industrial (3,000 Mcf or more on an average day) requirements for feedstock and process gas needs. 5. Industrial requirements not specified in priorities 3, 4, or 6. 6. (a) Boiler and other indirect flame applications (300 Mcf or less on an average day) with alternate fuel capabilities. (b) Boiler fuel and other indirect flame applications (more than 300 Mcf on an average day and less than 3,000 Mcf on an average day) with alternate fuel capabilities. (c) Boiler fuel and other indirect flame applications (3,000 Mcf or more on an average day) with alternate fuel capabilities. Public Free School Rate service Industrial Rate 2 service Industrial Rate 3 service Special Electric Generation service Dump interruptible sales made subject to interruption or curtailment at Seller's sole discretion under contracts or tariffs which provide in effect for the sale of such gas as Seller may be agreeable to selling and Buyer may be agreeable to buying from time to time. Subject to Company's limitations on the availability of each rate, Customer shall receive service under its choice of one of the following rates in accordance with the rate selected by Customer as provided in the contract: First All over First All over First All over RATE 1 12S Mcf or less 125 Mcf @ RATE 2 600 Mcf or less 600 Afcf @ RATE 3 1,250 Mcf or less 1,250 Mcf @ $202.39 1.58 $905.26 1.434 $1,748.12 1.374 030 Issued: October 17, 1989 Rate Schedule No. 48-N Adjustment for Heat Content: Page 3 This Schedule of Industrial Rates is based upon the delivery of gas having an average total heat value of 1,000 British thermal units (Btu) per cubic foot. Should the average total heating value of gas delivered in any monthly period be more or less than 1,000 Btu per cubic foot, the measured volume for such period shall be increased or decreased, respectively, in the percentage by which the average heating value of such gas is greater or less than 1,000 Btu per cubic foot. The monthly average total heating value of the gas at a pressure of four ounces plus 14.4 pounds per square inch and at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit shall be determined at Company's expense by the use of standard methods and procedures. Adjustment for Gas Cost: The foregoing rates are based upon a weighted average cost of gas purchased by Lone Star Gas Company of $1.00 per 1,000 cubic feet (Mcf) based on a pressure of four ounces per square inch above an assumed atmospheric pressure of 14.4 pounds per square inch and a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The "weighted average cost of gas purchased," as used herein, shall be computed by dividing the total amount paid or accrued by Company (as reflected by Company's Gas Purchase Accounts), including any production, severance, dedication or gathering tax paid or accrued by Company directly or by way of reimbursement to its gas suppliers, to producers, processors, transporters, or other sellers of gas in the latest available fiscal month by the total volume of pipeline quality gas in Mcf purchased by Company during said period. Whenever the weighted average cost per Mcf, the amount billed under this the amount of such difference multiplied for heating value. In applying the gas be computed to the nearest one -hundredth of gas purchased is more or less than $1.00 schedule shall be increased or decreased by by the consumption in Mcf, without adjustment cost adjustment clause, the adjustment shall of one cent. Company, from time to time, may be required by the terms of a gas purchase contract (including an agreed settlement of a disputed claim) or by a determination of a regulatory body or court to make additional payments with respect to gas previously purchased by Company. In such case, appropriate adjustments to compensate therefore shall be made in the price payable for gas hereunder as soon as practicable after the time of such payment so that Customer shall bear a proportionate 'part of any such payment which has not been previously included in the weighted average cost of gas purchased as defined above. Adjustment for Taxes, Licenses, Fees, Charges, And Rentals: Customer shall pay Company an amount equivalent to a proportionate part of all taxes or rentals which now are or which may be levied, charged or imposed by any governmental body under authority of any law, ordinance or contract for the use of the public streets, alleys and thoroughfares in the conduct of Company's business, or because of Company's occupation; and Customer shall pay Company an amount equivalent to a proportionate part of any new tax or increased tax or any other governmental imposition, rental, fee or charge levied or charged after July 1, 1976, (except state, county, city, and special district ad valorem taxes, taxes on net income and any production or similar tax included in the weighted average cost of gas as provided in the gas cost adjustment clause). Q3i Issued: October 17, 1989 CITY OF BANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #409 CONFiDENTi AL T0: Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: December 15, 1989 SUBJECT: Securities Pledged Against Deposits at the First National Bank in Sanger John #409 12-15-89 Page 2 Listed below are our securities pledged: MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY NOVEMBER 1989 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: Volunteer activity is increasing at the library. We now have five people who come regularly. Jerene Wood takes care of the check out desk for an hour on Monday so that Mrs. Parramore can have her lunch break while Mrs. Elieson is at school. Sandra Moore has been sorting and boxing magazines; Mary Snyder has been helping with Story Time, Nancy Smith shelves and chairs the volunteer organization, and Margie Beck has been helpinq with cataloging and overdues. ADMINISTRATION: Meetings attended: North Texas Library System Publicity Committee, 11/28, Fort Worth Denton County Library Advisory Board, 11/30, Carrollton COLLECTION: Cataloged through "V" in biography. SPECIAL PROJECTS: Many residents have donated used books this month. They have been sorted and the most useful were kept for the library. The remainder will go in the next book sale. The theme of Story Times in November was "I Can Do It". Activities included "cooking", drawing, and pantomime. Labels from Swanson, Franco -American, and V-8 products were turned in for a bonus in Campbell's Labels For Education Program. November Statistics BORROWER CARDS: Last month 1,235 11343 New cards 31 19 Cards reactivated 1 0 TOTAL 1,267 1,362 CIRCULATION: Adult nonfiction 240 115 Adult fiction 57 85 Junior fiction 102 90 Child's nonfiction 43 41 Child's fiction i02 lib Paperback fiction 120 154 Magazines 14 1 Crystal 1 0 Videos 111 89 Cassette players 9 7 16mm films 1 0 Games,cards,audio 1 0 TOTAL 801 700 PA`PRON VISITS: 353 300 (getting books) 273 220 PROGRAMS: Number of programs 4 Al Total attendance 41 40 VOLUNTEERS: Number o£ adults 7 6 Total hours 21 21 COLLECTION: Last month 10,665 10,474 Books added 50 25 Books withdrawn 48 55 TOTAL 10,667 10,444 REVENUE: Overdue fines $29.84 $46.95 ILL postage 0.87 0.64 Book sale 0.50 Lost materials 17.54 Donations 5.00 5.00 TOTAL $53.75 $52.59 w mber 201. 4,989 e ►mecominsIv, 1� . an bneT�dier, �X��any ce >mmittee ; •, anK yous Ma de, a reality tIt H •• by Wendy Etemadi Sanger doesn't just have to be also' provide space: for a Homecoming Committee The Sanger Librarywas built a dream, it can be made Into a r conference room which could , ld :like to thank the -in 1902, . It has 2,200 square reality, A new library would_ be used by the community to viduals that provided owing businesses'.; d .feet of room to store, a.161000 give,, library patrons a more hold meetings. �:'de. volume' collection, It has comfortable . environment to. The new library can become a. �$ .for prizes awarded to ; de w+nners. Inadequate. lighting,` heating, ''read. in and a more tolerable reality, but it has to be made a Vati 1 Sank and cooling capabilities, environment for librarians to, reality, which requires action, ;r Fut eral Home Sanger is a growing ..work in, with better lighting, Sanger.t residents can help to, ;er Bank community and has seen . heating. and cooling.. A. new make the dream a reality by:.' :raft Insµranc.e : ' growth • and development In library would offer more space becoming involved, Some of ;er Florist :, many areas of the community, and as a result ability to grow the things residents' can do k Mrs. ClyderGhapim; n f TThe Library has yet to reach in the volume collection from a are, donate time, effort, ideas us Superma . 'the. potential of what it could 1'6,000;volume collection to as an money. Snider, Chevgrlef:, be for the community, large a a 40,000 volume col For more • inforrriation please ' rar Genreal Store ,_ A. Having a new library in 4lection, A new library would' contact the Sanger Library at loll Howard, Paints g �' �' thorn I2Estaurant r `„� . _� _. _ r_ 458-3257. ,