10/02/1989-CC-Minutes-RegularM1NtlTES: City Council Meeting October 2, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman I'lendall Thomas, Councilman Danny McDaniel, and Councilman Carroll McNeill NfEIvfBERS ABSENT; Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT. City Manager John Hamilton, Rose Garcia - City Secretary, Merwyn Tucker and Elaine Schad 1. Mayor° Armstrong called the meeting to order. City Manager John Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of Sept, 18, 1989 stood approved as printed, . Disbursements; Councilman Thomas made the motion that the disbursements be paid. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. 4. Citizen's Input -Fire Chief Tucker invited any member of the Council who was able, to attend a Fire Fighter's Memorial Service at. 2 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 15, 1989, at First Baptist Church of Denton. 5, Consider= and Possible Action Regarding Resolution R8-89 Supporting Fire Prevention meek. Councilman Shaw trade the motion to adopt Resolution R8-89. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R8-89 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER DENTQN CQUNTY, TEXAS, URGINCT SUPPORT OF FIRE PREVENTIQN QCTOBER 8-14, 1989. UEEh', CC PAGE Z t aWIWder and Passible Action an AppaintIII ent of Representatives to Local Fighter's Retirement Fund Board of Trustees. Mayo• Armstrong stated the. Fire Department met on Tuesday, September 26, 11989 and appointed Merwyn Tucker, Craig ATaggoner, Jimmy Waggonez°, Keith Newton and Franklin Smith to the Board. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman Shaw that Council approve the members that were appointed by the Fire Dept. to serve on this board. Motion serried. Mayor At•mstrong, asked Council McN�ill since he was a retired. f ireman, if he would be grilling to serve on the board. Councilma�g McNeill stated lle would, Corxse��us of City Council to nominate Councilman McNeill to serve on Board. '�. Co��sider and Possible Action on Proposed Resolution R9-8�1 Supporting Construction of Additional Correction and Mentib.l Health Tretatment. Facilities+ i�iotian was �x7ade by Counciln7ai� Shaw to adapt Resolution Seconded by Cou110il111.an McNeill. Motion married. RESQLUTION NQ. R9-6n RESOLUTIQN IN StjPPQRT QF PROPQSITION NQ. S FQR FUNDING CONSTRUCTION OF NEVi� CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: Consider and Passible Action on Proposed Marina at Lake Ray Roberts. r ity Manager stated that on Sept. 28, 1989, Larry Hull of the Corps of Engineers c�,rrie to Sanger to inspect possible rr�arir,�. sites for Sanger. City Manager stated Mr. Hull did assure him that Corps would assist Sanger in all aspects of selecting a CC CAGE a suitable site, in preparation of the bid docuintnt, and selection a successful base. Mr. Hull will meet with staff to develop feasible marina site. City Manager presented a map v�There Mr. Hull has indicated another passibility for a site for a Marina. Discussion+ City Manager did state that if they het a site that was areeable with Council then the next process would be to prepare a draft bid document which then would be presented to Council for approval, then to speed the process; € Chen the bi4cs are received, prier to bringing them to Couric=il; let the Corp, process the bids. Consensus of CityT Council far City Manager to proceed, �. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of City Attorney. Discussion. Conset:��zs t}f City Caunril to table this rr�atter. 10. Conider and Possible Action on Adopting Invest�x�.ent Policy far the City of Sanger. City Manager stated that when the City has two camrtiercial banks, the city has to bid the bank depository as rewired by state law, An investment policy is necessary as the first step to work toward a. bank depositary. Discussion. Council a.�reed that on Resolution, R7-89 under Investment. Metlriods to omitEi � 7 and under Investment Ir.�titutior� omit ��� and under Investment Collateral omit (6). ltrrlotian was made by Councilman McNeill to adapt Resolution R7-�39 as amended, Madan carried. RESOLUTION R7-89 C C PACE �l A KESOLU I IUN ADUPTING AN IN�IESTMENT PULICY >j UP THE CITY Of SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. 11. Cansider anti Passible Action to Adapt Resalutian Rll�-8 to Nominate Candidate for Appraisal District Board of Directors. Motion was made by Councilman Thornas to cast the vote to whoever the SISD nominated. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. l�; Arsy Uther Such Matters. 1. Mayor Arrr�strang statcc� that she tied visited. with Dan Hill and he was real concerned with the rollback election. This ��.fill effect our city if ttie rollback election is conducted. �, MayatF Arrrastrang state. Priday is Ecanarr�ic Day and volunteers are needed to be there to represent our City. 3. Councilman Sha�� asked if the handicap wheel ramp wi11 sown be installed. lam. City Manger �:epart: 1. City= I�?anager stated that repo°esentatives fr°c:��i L��i�e St�zG��s Co, and Galaxy Cable will lee at City Hall, Tuesday, October 3, 1999 at 9:00 a.,tn. to discuss a joint `store front' to serve Sanger residents. Centel did state that prior to any joint meeting with the City and other franchise utilities, they also wanted to meet with staff. 2 . City Manager discussed that the Texas Water Commission has refused to grant Sanger a waiver on the 75% of permit. rule on our wastewater discharge; hoxvever, they will allow the City six (0) months from September 15th to gather information to confirm or refute that our plant has 1 C 1 i 1%jm U reached the 75% of permit limit. We are pertY7ftted a daily discharge of 480,000 gallons of treated wastewater; 75% of that would be 360,000 gallons daily. The six month extension will allow us time to demonstrate (hopefully) that our daily average discharge is significantly less than 360,000 gallons. If during this six (6) month period, data indicates that we average or exceed the 360,000 gallons daily discharge, the City will have to employ an engineer to prepare a study on construction plans, This study should cost about $40,000. Once the City reaches 90% average discharge of permitted amount, 432,000 gallons daily, construction on wastewater plant expansion will have to begin. 4. City Manager went over the funds expended on fire dept, traveling which is required for Volunteer Fire Fighters Certificate Program, City Manager stated $15250 is budgeted for school, dues, and registration and $1,000 for travel. 5. City Manager also presented a summary expense for electrical work paid to Mark Son. Meeting adjourned.