10/16/1989-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COt1NCIL AGENDA MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1989 ?01 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag 2. Minutes 3. Disburserr er ts 4. Citizen's Input 5. Consider and Passible Action on Praposed Park Use Policy n. Consider anc_1 Possible Action on Proposed Bid Document - Bank Depositary 7. Consider and Possible Action on Praposed Policy far Community Center 8. Car sider• acid Passible Actiaii to Adopt. Resaltttiaii R11 tc} Nominate Candidate For Appraisal Review Board 9. Executive Session According to V. A, T. S. At•ticle 6252-17(,g) to Discuss k1) Personnel 10. ConsiderPassible Action on Appointment of City Attorney 11. Any Other Such Matters 12. City Administration Report 13. Adjournment Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary MINUTES; City Council Meeting October 2, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman �Nendall Thomas, Councilman Danny McDaniel, and Councilman Carroll McNeill �IEIvIBERS ABSENT; Councilman .Terry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton, Rose Garcia - City Secretary, Merwyn Tucker and Elaine Schad 1. Mayor Armstron,� called the meeting to order. City Manager Johii Hamilton gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of Sept, 18, 1989 stood approved as printed, �, Disiaursements; Councilman Thomas made the motion that the disbursements be paid. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. �. Citizen's Input -Fire Chief Tucker° invited any member of the Council V,rho was able, to attend a Fire Fighter's Memorial Service at 2 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 15, 1989, at First Baptist Church of Denton. 5. Consider az�.d Possible Action Re�;ardin� Resolution R8-89 Sttpportinl; Fire Prevention meek. Councilman Shaw made the motion to adapt Resolution R8-89. Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO* R8-89 A RESOLUTION QF THE CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, URGINCT SUPPORT QF FIRE PREVENTION �UEEK, OCTQBER 8-14, 1989. CC :CAGE 2 Consider and Possible Action oii Appoi111111 t cif Representatives to Local Fighter's Retirement Fund Board of Trustees. Mayox° Armst�°one stated the. Fire Department r�net on Tuesday, September 26, 1989 and appointed Merwyn Tucker, Craig aggoner, Jimmy Waggoner, Keith Newton and Franklin Smith to the Board. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded. by Councilman Shaw that Council approve the members that were appointed by the Fire Dept, to serve on this board. Motion s arried. Mayor Armstrong asked Council McNeill since he was a retired fireman, if he would be willing to serve on the board. Councilman McNeill stated he would, Consensus of City Cottz�.cil to nominate Councilman McNeill to serve on Board. �. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Resolution R9-89 Supporting Const-ruction of Additional Corrtio�:� and ?Wental Health Treatraent. Facilities. i�iotion was tx7ade by Councilman Shaw to adopt Resolution R9-89. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. fiESOLUTION NO. R9-69 fiESaLtJTION IN StiPPORT GF PfiOPOSITION NtJ. b FOR FUNDING CONSTRUCTION OF NE�� CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Marina at Lake Ray fioberts. C ity Xrlanagor stated that on Sept. 28, 1989, Larry Hull of the Corps of Er�gir�eers carve to Sanger to inspect possible �riarir�a- sites for Sanger. City Manager stated Mr. Hull did assure him that Corps would assist Sanger in all aspects of selecting a CC PAGE 3 suitable site, in preparation of the bid document, and selection a successful lease. Mr. Hull will meet with staff to develop feasible marina site. Cit%y Manager presented a neap where Mr. Hull has indicated another passibility for a site for a Marina. L�iscttssior7. City Manager did state that if they get a site that was agreeable with Council then the next process would be to prepare a draft Ad document which then would be presented to Council for approval, then to speed the process, when the bids are received, l rid r to bringing there to c :o nail; let the Corp. process the. bids. Car7.sensus of Cit�F Council far City Manager to proceed, 9. Consider and possible Action on Appointment of City Attorr�ey7. Discussian. Car�se�us of City Council to table this r�zatter. 1.0. Conider and possible Action on Adopting Investment policy for the City of Sanger. City Manager stated that when the City has two commercial banks, the city has t.o bid the bank depositary as required by state law. An investment policy is necessary as the first step to work toward a. bank depository. I�i.scussion. Council agreed that an Resoltttian R7-39 under Investment. Methods to on�.itE� & 7 and under Investment Iristittttiar�s orriit �3� and under Investment Collateral omit (6). Mohan was made by Councilman McNeill to a{Jopt Resolution R7-i33 as amended. Mohan carried. RESOLUTION CC PAGE 4 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN IN�JESTIv/IENT POLIC3' FOR THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. 11. Consider and Feasible Action to Adapt Resolution R10-S6 to Nominate Candidate for Appraisal District Board of Directors. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to cast the vote to whoever the SISD nominated+ Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion carried. l Any Other Such matters: 1. Mayor Art strong stated that she had visited with Don Hill and he was real concerned with the rollback election. This .Pill effect our city if ttie callback election is cr3nducted. '�. Mayor Arrr�strong stated Friday is Ecer�orrFic Day ar�r3 volunteers are needed to be there to represent our City. 3. Councilman Sha�P asked if the handicap �i�heel ramp will soon be installed. 1�. ��ity Ititana,er Deport: 1. City I��araager stated that �°epreseritati�res f�°i��I L��ize Sta�Gas Co. and Galaxy Cable will be at City Hall, Tuesday, October 3, 1639 at 9:00 a, m. to discuss a joint `store front.' to serve Sanger residents. Centel did state that prior to any joint meeting with the City and other franchise utilities, they also wanted to meet with staff. 2. City Manager discussed that the Texas Water Commission has refused to grant Sanger a waiver on the 75� of permit. rule on our wastewater discharge; however, they will allow the City six (6) months from September 15th to gather information to confirm or refute that our plant has 5 CC rA.GE 5 reached the 75ro of permit limare pertYiitted a daily discharge of 480,000 gallons of treated wastewater; 75% of that would be 360,000 gallons daily, The six month extension will allow us time to demonstrate (hopefully) that our daily average discharge is significantly less than 3E0,000 gallons, If during this six (a) month period, data indicates that we average or exceed the 360,000 gallons daily discharge, the City will have to employ an engineer to prepare a study on construction plans. This study should cost about $40,000. Once the City reaches 00% average discharge of permitted amount, 432,000 gallons daily, construction an wastewater plant expansion will have to begin. 4. City Manager went over the funds expended on fire dept, traveling which is required for Volunteer Fire Fighters Certificate Program. City Manager stated $1,250 is budgeted for school, dues, and registration and $1,000 for travel. 5, City Manager also presented a summary expense fot° electrical work paid to bark Son, �rleetin� adjourned. CITY OF SANGER VENDOR VENDOR NAME OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING AS OF 19/13/89 111924916 IhdVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT 1.-- '�!22 ABC MAPdUFACTURIPlG PO 3988 62.10 G/L DISTRIBUTION 411.6300 62olO CRIME IJATCH SIGN VENDOR TOTAL 62.10 2- 730 AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY CORP. I Al P04290 622.2O G/L DISTRIBUTION 412oO8OO 622.2O BLANKET CANNISTERS, SHOVELS, TELESCOPIC HOT STIKS, VENDOR TOTAL 622.20 3� 3790 BOHMANN CONST. CO. IN P04346 525.00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 447oO4OO 525600 LANDFILL COVER 102 3 HRS. 10 --- 9 4 HRS. VENDOR TOTAL 525*00 4-- 4�h&i6 BRAZaS ELECTRIC POLJEft COOP P04728 117,064.87 G/L DISTRIBUTION 44loO8OO 1179864687 POL•lER PURCHASE VENDOR TOTAL 1.179864.87 5-� 73&743 Car4PU fER VEhdTURES Pa4318 15.76 G/L DISTRIBUTION 41loOl O 15.76 RIBBONS VENDOR TOTAL 15.76 6- 9500 DAVIS UTILITY Ilk PO 4298 19067.66 G/L DISTRIBUTION 41900800 19067.66 REPAIRS TO OUTRIGGER (DIGGER TRUCK) VENDOR TOTAL 1.4067.66 7� 16250 DIAI'1ardD AUTO PARTS PO 41,41 48.6:3 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419*0300 1.99 G/L DISTRIBUTION! 41940800 46,64 TEMP SENDER, COPPER COAT, PLUGS, OIL FILTERS, PVC VALVES, ETC... VENDOR TOTAL 48.63 8� 16495 EMPLOYERS NATIONAL INS. CO. ,k Pa4319 91.0. QQ G/L DISTRIBUTION 438.431v0 910.0v SEP] 89 EST, PAYROLL REPORT .00 .�a 4� n .Q0 aO ®a .aa ,QQ .�a PAGE 1 OPE14( 62.1� 62,1t� 622.2Q 622.241 525 , 4�0 117,864.87 1.17 , 864 .87 15.'i6 48.63 48.63 " 91Q.4�G� CITY OF SANGER OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING PAGE 2 AS OF 10/13/89 11024:16 VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOICE. P04328 G/L DISTRIBUTION 43840100 INSURANCE INSTALLMENT OC` OBER 89 VENDOR TOTAL 9— 17150 EOXWORTH GALBRAITH LUMBER CO * PO 4299 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442a0800 CEDAR AND YELLO!•J PINE VENDOR TOTAL DAMS cor�CRETE Cnr�PAP�Y A G/L DISTRIBUTION CONCRETE 11-- 20500 FJEUSSrJER Ca, IrdCo G/L DISTRIBUTION #t100 DRUM B.E.F. 24600 IrdTERP�ATInP�AL PAPER CQo .k G/L DISTRIBUTION 30^W POLES 5-35'POLES PQ 4294 43/00500 VENDOR TOTAL 3 o O�7 /47, ,z, 9 I `i OO VENDOR TOTAL Pn4311 47200800 VENDOR TOTAL AP40UhaT 19500009 1,600g09 2,410<09 13— 26000 KRIZ DAMS COa ,k. Pa4z57 G/L DISTRIBUTION 472*0800 *2 COPPER WIRE, ROSS ARMS AND GUY WIRE VENDOR TOTAL 14�- 28500 LANE STAR GAS Ca> P0433�f. G/L DISTRIBUTION 434o0100 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434,0800 G/L DISTRIBUTION 435oO900 GAS BILLS VENDOR TOTAL 15— 31100 mETROPLEX ENGINEERING CORP. h PO 4301 G/L DISTRIBUTION 435n0100 INSPECTIONS 25e68 2568 8�8e50 808050 808050 375000 :375 v 00 375,00 4n607,50 4,6�37 >50 4„607<50 1, 1n775,00 775e00 1n775,00 49e90 21009 14,79 14o02 49<90 57<78 57n78 DISCQUPdI" 400 ,00 ,00 a00 a0� 00 q0a �a0 �00 0F'EN 1 500009 2„41,0009 k 25e68 25468 808650 08 0 50 ,,. 315,00 375,00 k 4n%0/e30 4990 49,90 5778 CITY OF SANGER VENDOR VENDOR NAME OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLL LISTIrgG AS OF 10/13/89 1100240/6 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTAL 57o78 000 16— :31560 MaBILEco►t�n� PO 4 302 G/L DISTRIBUTION 44.3>0800 G/l. DISTRIBUTION 44340600 PAGER RENTAL VENDOR TOTAL 17� 31610 MURRAY LIGHTING £� APPLIANCE: Ilk 147450 1,47*50 295400 PO 4304 19935 G/L DISTRIBUTION 472o0800 199<35 LIGHTS VENDOR. TOTAL 199,35 18— 31650 oAK TLL�CaM IraC IlkP03995 67o20 G/L DISTRIBUTION 422oO300 67e20 RELOCATE BASE STATION FROM REAR OFFICE TO MIDDLE OFFICE VENDOR TOTAL 67 0 20 19-- 31700 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL P04324 200oOO G/L DISTRIBUTION 439o0100 200400 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP OCT. 89 — SEP1 90 VENDOR TOTAL 200,00 20-- 33000 PAYLESS CASI��,�AYS„ Ir�Cd * P04308 G/L DISTRIBUTION 472*0800 CONDUIT, PVC ELBOWS VENDOR TOTAL 21-- 33600 PERFECT Ih1PRESSIONS * P04325 G/L DISTRIBUTION 453oO800 SHIRTS FOR ECO, DAYS ADVERTISEMENTS VENDOR TOTAL 22-- 34300 PRINSCa, IrdCo * G/L DISTRIBUTION WORK DONE AT THE LIBRARY I'O 430:3 NDOR TOTAL VE 23-- 35000 RADIO SHACK * P04327 123092 123o92 96<00 96000 96,00 597,83 597083 697,83 ,00 oo� ,00 f9ii] ,00 aPLr� 57078 * 199035 199035 * 67.20 67a20 96,a0 `�97,83 CITY Or= SANGER OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING PAGE 4 AS OF 10/13/89 11.424o16 VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT OPEN G/L DISTRIBUTION 41.110800 11e96 4 AAA BATTERIES VENDOR TOTAL 11o96 +00 11*96 24-- 35750 SArdGER, cITY OE 1A P04342 4,023*36 400 1�023436 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434a0.100 452>87 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434*0500 723*70 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434�0600 2,210o91 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434e0700 26951; G/L DISTRIBUTION 434oO800 56e23 G/L DISTRIBUTION 43440900 145075 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434a1100 68e23 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434 ,1,200 61 o 46 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434o1800 222.75 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442*0200 42,90 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442�0400 12u01 ELECTRIC BILLS VENDOR TOTAL 4,023436 300 4 023o36 25— 39600 SF{ERG-JIN-4JILLIAr9S PO 4300 102,72 00 1.02a72 G/L DISTRIBUTION 472oO800 102o72 PAINT AND CUTTER VENDOR TOTAL 102472 900 102,72 26�— 42000 Sr9ITF{' S COUrdTRY STORE G/L DISTRIBUTION 444e0300 1o29 HOSE REPAIR KIT FOR DOG POUND PO 4260 2467 000 2467 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442o0800 2<67 FINISHING NAILS PO 4338 13039 000 13�39 G/L DISTRIBUTION 412oO500 13�39 1 SI.JING BLADE CUTTER #163441, '` P011334 64o60 400 64460 G/L DISTRIBUTION 472�0800 64o60 PVC AND CEMENT VENDOR TOTAL 81496 00 81*95 { 27-- 44150 UNIEIRST CORPORATION G/L DISTRIBUTION 454a0600 8�55 UNIFORM RENTAL VENDOR TOTAL 8055 400 8056 28— 45000 TEXAS METER & SE4J1wR CO> CITY OF SANGER OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING PAGE 5 AS OF 10/13/89 :ll1v24�16 VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOICE AMOUNT * PO 4296 270680 G/L DISTRIBUTION 427on6nn 270�80 METER BOXES AND LICKS VENDOR TOTAL 270o8O 29� 46100 TEXAS POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS P04280 G/L DISTRIBUTION 407o0100 G/L DISTRIBUTION 40740300 G/L DISTRIBUTION 40700400 G/L DISTRIBUTION 40741100 G/L DISTRIBUTION 40790500 G/L DISTRIBUTION 407on6nn G/L DISTRIBUTION 407�0700 G/L DISTRIBUTION4n7>0Bnn G/L DISTRIBUTION 407o12nn G/L DISTRIBUTION W o0 900 OCTe 1989 WORKh1ANS COMP INSTALLMENT VENDOR TOTAL 30— 46250 TEXAS PUBLIC POU!ER ASSOCIATION 67�84 915,39 457e19n 33Bo22 314on9 3S7o97 38<70 2n6055 52v42 3o77 24512.,75 Pa4329 6nn<nn G/L DISTRIBUTIand 439onBnn 6nnonn 1990 MEMBER DUES VENDOR TOTAL 600400 31� 4645n TEXAS l:�ATER COh1h1ISSIOP� G/L DISTRIBUTION SEWER LIS. CERT. 2 YEARS 32— 51nnn VULCAN h9A`CERIALS G/L DISTRIBUTION HOT MIX COLD LAID 33�- 515nn �1ALr4ART G/L DISTRIBUTION POLAROID FILM AND FLASH 37 RECORDS PROCESSED DI'��COUi'd1° .nn nn nn ,nn ann ann OPEiT 27n<80 z7n ° i3n ,t 2,5].275 2„512a75 { 6nnenn P04339 4nann nn 4nann 439,n7nn 4Qonn VENDOR TOTAL 40400 ,00 40,00 PO 4295 56n.51 ,nn 56,�,51 431en5nn 56B>51 VENDOR TOTAL 568o5l .nn 563o51. C='O39g2 4n > cft , nn 4n n BS a24a3nn 4n,a� NDOR TOTAL 4n,88 nn 4n,8 TOTAL 140,156a45 nnn 1409156e45 UT I OF S)MNUER VENDOR VENDOR NAME G/L oEPAR'r���NT ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY POLICE SANITATION cl RL-ETS 6�ATER SEWER ELECTRIC PARKS FIRE PLANNING/Zw;lING PLANNING/ZONING OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISAING AS OF 10/13/89 110024916 INVOICE AMOUNT 011SCOUNT 1 3,225<43 2 640 a 73 119088485 634ar21 5 2,428,19 6 3,625v73 7 450.25 Es 127„635<34 w 163454 11 4a6o45 12 J443488 18 222o75 PAGE 6 MEMDRANDUM #358 T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O, BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 70260 Hariorable Mayor &Members of the City Cottricil Joliti Hamilton, City Manage l, Dctober 13, 1989 Proposed Park Use Policy Fr•aril tune t.a t.irne var•iaus groups and organizations request t.o use the park in order to hold social/community events both non-profit and for profit, In the past year staff has attempted to bring these requests to Council for your approval. It has been suggested in order to facilitate this process that the requests for non-profit use, such as pep -rallies, family and church events be authorized for approval by staff and the for profit events such as fund-raisers for the downtown merchants or Chamber of Commerce require Council approval. If Cauticil caricurs a rnatian to this effect wauld be appropriate and the minute order will be placed in the City's policy manual .JH:es CITY OF BANGER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76260 MEMORANDUM 363 TO: Horior•able Mayor & Merilbers of 1 City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: October 13, 1989 SUBJECT: Proposed Bank Depository Bid Document The enclosed draft is submitted for your review and comments. Once the bid proposal is in final form, legal notice advertising the City's intention to receive bids will be placed in the Sanger Courier. I anticipate bid review and possible contract award for our bank depository at the regular meeting of November 20th, 1989. If there is a change in banks, this would allow staff time to arrange new bank accounts and order checks prior to the January 2, 1990 starting date. You will note that this initial contract will be for a period to run from 01-02-90 till 09-30-92. Thereafter, it would be my recommendation to run the depository contract for a two year period, concurrent with the Cit.y's fiscal year. This will also involve a contract, a draft of which will be presented to yott far review at. the November 6, 1989 meeting. JH:es enclosures MEMORANDUM #359 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF BANGER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 762E Honorable Mayot• &Members of John Hamilton, City Manager October 13, 1989 Proposed Policies for Communit.; TlLe Parks Doard has unanimously approved the enclosed draft of policies for the Community Center. A committee. from the Parks Board will be present Monday evening to present this draft for your consideration. Tlie Community Center Policy Comrnittee composed of representatives from each church has not been involved in this process. A copy of the current Comrr�unity Center Rules and Regulations is also enclosed for your review. JH:es enclosures ,; r', • POLICIES GOVERNING THE USE OF THE BANGER COMMUNITY CENTER The following policies as adopted by the City Council, City of Sanger, Texas on May 21, 1984 shall govern the administration and use of the Sanger Community Center. • SECTION I: SCHEDULING POLICIES 1. All reservations will be made on a "first come first serve," basis. , 2. USERS must make reservations in person at the City Offices by filling out a USER PERMIT and paying fees required by the City. No reservations will be accepted by telephone. 3. .The Community Center will be leased on an hourly rate at,. five dollars ($5 40) per hour with a minimum of two (2) hours usage or fifty dollars ($50.00)•.per day•. A deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00)'breakage fee will be required of the USER. - . • • 4. •Cancellations and refunds will be handled•in the following manner: , • .. Refunds of the •deposit and rental fees will be returned • to the USER only when cancellations are received • fifteen (15) days prior to they USERS scheduled • activity. . - ' .• When cancellations are made less'than fifteen (15) days prior to the USERS scheduled activity the USER shall be entitled 'tio a refur►d of the breakage deposit. Refunding of the rental fee will be lef t to the discretion of the Designated City Employee•. • Refunds on the deposited.breadage fee may be picked up at the City Offices threw (3) working days after the scheduled activity to allow time for the City's Designated Staff to make an inspection. 5. All utility costs are included be no additional charge to the lights, gas. or heat. in the rental fee. There will USER for air-conditioning, 6. The Community Center will not be leased to a USER • commercial activities for the purpose of selling or service. 1•iowever, non-profit organizations may Community Cent r for fund raising activities. for a product use the .... � .�_ SECTION II: USER RULES AND REGULATIONS Representatives and/or employees of the USER are to conduct themselves in a manner generally acceptable to the local . community. 2. The USER agrees that in its use of the Community Center�it will indemnify and hold harmless the PERMITTER (City of Sanger) from any,,_and all neglect or misconduct on the part of anyone representing and/or in the employ of the USER. 3. The USER agrees ghat in its use of the Community Center it will indemnify and hold harmless the PERMITTER from all personal injury and/or property damage artising from its use of said facility. � . 4. The Designated City Employee or any other City Employee, under his direction shall have the authority to stop any program, activity or event, until, the Disignated City Employee's directive, written or otherwise with reference ,to the health, safety and welfare of persons in the concerned Commun�.ty Center, has been complied with. 5. The USER is to staff its own operations (program activity or event), as well as`supervise it, and its employees are to be paid solely from the USER'S resources. 6. No monies are to be left at the Community Center by the USER. 7. Extra furniture or equipment needed by the USER which theme PERMITTER does not typically provide shall be obtained solely at the expense of the USER and shall be moved in �' and out only upon authorization by the Designated City �� Employee and or any other City Employee under his direction. 8. All seating inside the Community Center shall be arranged to allow for free. adequate movement in and��out of the Community Center. 9. All decorations shall be of'a temporary nature easily removeable, and of such a type that the Community Center will not be defaced when removed, (Note conditions specified under rule �14). 10. Any defacement by the USER of the Community Center or equipment beyond.. that of normal wear shall be chargeable to the USER. �. , 11. All decorations shall be removed immediately following a function. � .� � i -:i- .xtraordinary custodial/janitorial services, those required in addition to that which the PERMITTER routinely provides, are to be provided and incurred by the USER. This implies leaving the Community Center in the state it was in prior to usage by the USER. This includes removing all trash or debri from the Community Center. 13. Cooking is not permitted in the Community Center; however, the preparation of beverages or warming of prepared foods which are served hot is permitted as long as proper, safe dispensing units are used for such, with the exception of catering services. 14. The USER shall comply with all of the most up-to-date I�'ire Codes and Standards.. The maximum occupancy limit shall be 148 persons at -..one time. Temporary additions or "decorations" shall be subject to and contingent upon final inspection and approval by the City Fire Marshall or duly authorized agent . � . 15. A limited number of table"s and chairs will be'made available to the USER. The use of this equipment will be up to the sole discretion of .the PERMITTER. The piano shall be locked at all times and will be available for public use only after ,special provisions have been made, with the PERMITTER._ 16. A religious denomination or church as a USER shall limit '. its use of the Community Center to only that of a'social� and/or recreational nature. � ,' 17. The USER agrees to use the Community Center only for the intents and purposes specified in the permit. 18. NO alcohol may be served. consumed or even be in the � � possession of the USER or anyone connected with the USER S use of the Community Center and surrounding premises as per City Ordinance No. 75-2. � 19. If the USER at any time fails to comply with one or snore of the aforementioned terms and conditions, the USER'S • permit will be Cancelled and with no refund of monies paid prior to cancellation. 20. The PERMITTER reserves the sole right to preempt any scheduled program, activity, event or otherwise if necessary, so long as reasonable advance notice is given to the USER. 21. Any ot'�er policies that the City Council, City of Sanger ' deems necessary to insure that tho the Community Center ' is properly and safely used and is protected shall apply ' to its use. -, -4- .e Community Center shall be available for use during .:he following hours: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday 8:00 a•m. - 12:30 a.m. Friday through Saturday SECTION III SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS 1. The Community Center may be leased by non-profit community service organizations on an annual basis at a cost of one dollar ($1.00) per year, 2. A11 organizations requesting an Annual Lease Contract must be approved by the Community Center Policy Committee. 3. All organizations approved for an Annual Lease Contract must be reviewed and approved annually by the Community Center Policy Committee. 4. Organizations approved for an Annual Lease Contract may reserve the Community Center one (1) time each month. Reservations must be made for the preceeding twelve (12) months.at the time of the annual review of the Policy Committee.. Additional reservations must be made as out- lined in Section I. Scheduling Policies, 5e The City Council may enter into additional special agree- ments with persons or groups as the Council deems to be. beneficial to the community and in accordance with the • purpose of the Community Center faciltiy and with the Policy Committee's recommendation. SECTION IV: POLICY COMMITTEE 1. The Policy Committee shall consist of one member -of each church in the Sanger community. 2. The Policy Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all recommended changes of current or new policies and making favorable or unfavorable recommendations to the City Council for final action. ;i f r 3. The Policy Committee shall review and approve or dis- approve all requests from groups petitioning•£or an Annual Lease Contract. 4. The Policy Committee shall have the authority to restrict or deny the use of the Community Center to USERS who disregard USER RULES AND REGULATIONS. CITY OF SANr,ER COMMUNITY CENTER USER PERMIT, TERMS, � CONDITIONS The PERMITTER, this being the CITY OF BANGER, riereby eaters rota a permit -arrangement with the USER, ,for the use of Community Center under the following stipulations: PROGRAM, ACTIVITY OR EVENT: DATES) OF USE: USER CLASSIFICATION: DEPOSIT: TIME OF DAY: FEE: 1) The t15ER agrees that in its use of saki facility it will iride�nnify and hold harmless the PERMITTER from any and all neglect or misr_onduct on the part of anyone representing and/or in the ernplay of the USER. 2) The USER agrees that in its use of said facility it will indemnify and hold harmless the PERMITTER fi^orn all personal injury, and/or property damage arising from its use of said facility. 3) Extraordinat^y c�istodial services, those required fn addition to that which the PERMITTER routinely provides, are to be incurred by the USER. This implies leaving said facility in tY�e state it was in pi^ior to usage by the USER. 4) NO alcohol may be served, consumed or even in the possession of the U5ER oz• anyazie connected with the USER'S use of said facility �ncl surrounding premises as per City Ordinance Na. 75-2. Thank yatt for not smoking in the building. J) 8) The USER agrees to use said facility only far the intents and purposes specified in this permit. Atiy other conditions not listed here which are part of the established Rules and Regulatiozis governing the use of the C:c��7iziiunity Cent-er da apply to the t1SER and usage of said facility as set. forth in this permit arrangement. It is the z•esponsibility and burden of the USER to become knowledgeable of these other conditions and be in total compliance. CC AGREEMENT PAGE 2 7) If the USER at any time fails to comply with any of the above terms and conditions, this permit will be immediately cancelled and with i]S� ref_Lt,L1� of monies paid prior t.o cancellation. Q) The PERMITTER reserves the sole right to preempt any scheduled prograrri, activity, event or otherwise if need be, provided advance notice is given the USER. 0) If USER goes over scheduled time for activity, funds to cover additional time will be taken out of deposit. 10) Available Use Hours: Sunday -Thursday -- 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 P. M. Friday -Saturday -- 8:00 A.M. - 12:30 A. AGREED AND SIGNED THIS DAY OF , 10 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY CENTER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT USER REPRESENTATIVE GROUP/ASSOCIATION ADDRESS CITY PHONE COMMUNITY CENTER The following policies as recommended by the Park Board and adopted by the City Council, City of Sanger, Texas shall govern the administration and use of the. Sanger Community Center. SECTION I; SCHEDULING POLICIES 14 All reservations will be made on a "first come first serve," basis. 2. USERS must make reservations in person at the City Offfces by completing an Application Form and paying the designated deposit and fees as required by the City. No reservations will be accepted by telephone. 3. Th.e Community Center will be leased on an hourly rate as listed below: Before 5 p,m., Monday through Friday, $15 minirnurn charge for 2 hours, $7, 50 for ea, additional hr, A $20 kitchen use fee is in addition to the basic rate. After 5 p. m. and on Saturday and Sunday, $35 minimum charge for 4 hours, $10 for ea. additional hr, A $20 kitchen use fee is in Addition to the basic rate. Deposit required is fifty dollars ($50.00j breakage fee will be required of the USER. 4. Cancellations and refunds will be handled in the following manner: Refunds of the deposit and rental fees will be returned to the USER only when cancellations are received fifteen (15) days prior to tYie t1SERS scheduled activity. When cancellations are made less than fifteen (15) days prior to the USERS scheduled activity the USER shall be entitled to a refl�nd of the breakage deposit. Refunding of the rental fee will be left to the discretion of the Designated City Employee. Refunds on the deposited breakage fee may be picked up at the City CC POLICIES PAGE 2 Office three (3) working days after the scheduled activity to allow time for the City's Designated Staff to make an inspection. 5. All utility costs are included in the rental fee. There will be no additional charge to the USER for air-conditioning, lights, gas, or heat. �. Th�� Community Center will not. be leased to a USER for commercial activities for• the purpose of selling a product or service. However, non-profit organizations may use the Community Center for fund raising activities. SECTION II: USER RULES AND REGt1LATI0NS 1. Representatives and/or employees of the USER are to conduct themselves in a manner generally acceptable to the local community. Z. The USER agrees that in its use of the Community Center it tNill indemnify end hold harmless the PERMITTER (City of Sanger) from any and all neglect or misconduct on the part of anyone representing and/or in the employ of the USER. 3. The USER agrees that in its use of the Community Center• it will indemnify and hold harmless the PERMITTER (City of Sanger) from all personal injury and/or property damage arising from its use of said facility. 4. The Desigtiat��:l City Employee or ar7y c7ther• City Employee under his �lir•ectiori shall have the aut.hor•ity to stop any pr•ogr•am, activity, or• event, until the Designated City Employee's directive, written or otherwise with reference to the health, safety, and welfare of persons in the concerned Community Center, has been complied with. 5. The USER is t.o staff its own operations (program, activity or event), as well as supervise it, and its employees are t.o be paid solely fror7l the USER'S resources. CC POLICIES PAGE 3 $. No monies are to be left at the Community Center by the USER. 76 Extra furniture or equipment needed by the USER which the PERMITTER does not typically provide shall be obtained solely at the expense of the USER and shall be moved in and out only upon authorization by the Designated City Employee and or any other City Employee under his direction. seating inside the Community Center shall be arranged to allow for free, adequate movement in and out of the Community Center, All exits are to be left clear and unobstructed, 9. All decorations shall be of a temporary nature, easily removable, and of such a type that the Community Center will not be defaced when removed. (Note conditions specified under rule #14). 10. Any defacement by the USER of the Community Center or equipment beyond that of normal wear shall be chargeable to the USER. 11, All decorations shall be removed immediately following a function. 12. Extraordinai°y custodial/janitorial services, those required ire addition to that which the PERMITTER routinely provides, are to be provided and incurred by the USER. This implies leaving the Community Center in the state it was in prior to usage by the USER. This includes removing all trash or debris from the Community Center. 13, Cooking is permitted in the Community Center, including, the preparation of beverages or warming of prepared foods which are served hot is permitted as long as proper, safe dispensing units are used for such, with the payment of kitchen use fee. 14. The USER shall comply with all of the most up-to-date Fire Codes and Standards. The maximum occupancy limit shall be 14$ persons CC POLICIES PAGE 4 at one time. Temporary additions or "decorations" shall be subject to and contingent upon final inspection and approval by the City Fire Marshall or duly authorized agent. 15. A limited number of tables and chairs will be made available to the USER. The use of this equipment will be up to the sole discretion of the PERMITTER. The piano shall be locked at all times and will be available for public use only after special provisions have been made with the PERMITTER. 16. A religious group or church as a USER shall limit its use of the Community Center to only that of a social and/or recreational nature. 17. The USER agrees to use the Community Center only for the intents and purposes specified fn the request and agreements. 18. NO alcohol may be served, consumed or even be in the possession of the USER or anyone connected with the USER'S use of the Community Center and surrounding premises as per City Ordinance No. 75-2. Smoking is discouraged in the building. 1g. If the USER at any time fails to comply with one or more of the aforementioned terms and conditions, the USER'S permit will be cancelled and with �g refun.� of monies paid prior to cancellation. 2D. The PERMITTER reserves the sole right to preempt any scheduled program, activity, event or otherwise if necessary, so long as reasonable advance notice is given to the USER. 21. Any other policies that tl�e City Council, City of Sanger d�:�,�t��s necessary to insure that the Community Centel^ is properly and safely used and is protected shall apply to its use. 22. Community Center shall be available for use during the following hours: `CC POLICIES PAGE 5 a;o0 a.m. - 8:a0 a.m. - 11;aa p.m. Sunday through Thursday 1?.:3a a.m. Friday through Saturday SECTION III: SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS 1. Tl'ie Community Center may be used by community service organizations an a regular and extended basis. Z. All organizations requesting an Annual Contract may be approved by making application to the Parks Board. 3. All organizations approved far an Annual Contract must be reviewed and approved annually by the Parks Board prior to January 1st. 9. The City Council may enter into additional special�ag in toethe with persons or groups as the Council deems to be ben community and in accordance with the purpose of the Community Center facility and with the Parks Hoard's recommendation. SECTION IV: POLICY 1. The Parks Baai•d will l7e i�espoilsibl �,nd'rri kin favorable ammendea changes of current ar new policies g unfavorable recommendations to the City Council far final action. 2. The Parks Board reviews, approves or disapproves all requests from groups petitioning for an Annual Contract. 3. The Parks Board has the authority to restrict or deny the use of the Community Center to USERS who disregard USER RULES AND P.EGtILATIONS. City of Sanger Bank Depository Proposal Proposal Submitted By. Bank Name Address By Name &Title of Bank Officer This bid is submitted as a proposal to serve as the depositary for City of Sanger funds and to provide banking services from .January 2, 1990 until September 30, 1992. The City of Sanger s funds may be invested with any banking facility in Texas in accordance with City Investment Policy in compliance with State Statutes. This bank agrees: 1). We (will or will not) agree to pledge U.S. Securities or other mutually agreeable securities to cover all City of Sanger Deposits in excess of $100,000. Monthly statements will be submitted concern- ing the type and amount of pledged securities. These securities will be payable to the City of Sanger in case of default or closure of the bank by a government agency. 2). To pay interest on funds of the City of Sanger designated as "time deposits" or certificates of deposit of not less than: (a) Interest at per annum - 7 to 89 days (b) Interest at per annum - 90 to 179 days (c) Interest at per annum - 180 to 269 days (d) Interest at per annum - 270 to 359 days (e) Interest at per annum - 360+ days B). Ta enable the bidder as much flexibility as possible, and in the Bank Bid Proposal Page 2 interest of the City, bids will be received for any specific time, amount and/or interest proposals an deposits that care to be proposed. These specific terms should be detailed on a separate sheet and attached to this document. 3). We (will ar will not) provide the following services without charge to the City of Sanger; �, Deposit Slips and Withdrawal Slips. B. Monthly Statements of Accounts C. The use of a night depository and the necessary materials for its use. D. Purchase of U, S, Treasury Securities at value except far any charge by a broker or the Federal Reserve Bank. 4). We (will or will not) pay all accumulated interest at the date of maturity and continue to pledge securities for these funds until interest matures after the termination of the depository agreement. 5). We (will or will not) pay interest an checking accounts that meet minimum deposit requirements. B), Short term loans extended to the City of Sanger will be charged at an interest rate of . The bidder must enclose the bank's last available statement of condition. Exceptiar�s, Special Conditions; Please attach or note any exceptions or special conditions that the bank would care to propose in this space. Bid Proposal page 3 I am properly authorized to submit this bid on behalf of __ and I certify by my signat.lire that I have read and understand all parts of this bid form, the attached bid notice and the proposed contract. Signature Typed oi- Printed Narne Title Date MEMORANDUM #36�1 T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & Members o he City Council John Hamilton, City Manager October 13, 1989 Appraisal District Correspondence The enclosed letter froii� the Appraisal District explains this ite�77. The deadline for action is November 1, 1989. The School Board has yet to act on this matter. JH:es enclosure JOE D.ROGERS,CTA/RPA/RTA Chief Appraiser JOHN D. BROWN, RPA Deputy Chief Appraiser JOE A. FORSYTHE Deputy Chief Appraiser For Finance and Collections DENTON CENTRAL APPRAI < 9911 MORSE STREET P.O. BOX 2816 DENTON,TEXAS 76202 817-566.0904 1 T0: All Jurisdictions FROM: DCAD Board of_ Directors DATE: September 25, 1989 SUBJECT: 1`Tominees To Appraisal Review Board Members The Board of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District requests that your jurisdiction nominate a candidate for appoint- ment to the Appraisal Review Board. To qualify for service on the Appraisal Review Board, a person must have lived in the appraisal district for at least two years prior to taking office. Members serve two -years terms, with approximately half the member's terms expiring each year. Terms begin January first. The law prohibits certain individuals from serving on the Appraisal Review Board. Appraisal District directors may not serve. Neither can officers or employees of the Appraisal District, a taxing unit served by the Appraisal District, or of the State Property ifax hoard. An Appraisal Review Board member who has served all or part of three previous terms cannot be reappointed. Members who can not serve again are Charles Gladden, George Hardesty, Jr., W. C. Hendrixson, and John S. Taylor. Please return the name of your jurisdictions nominee by November 1, 1989. Do not confuse Appraisal Review Board member nominations with the Board of Director member nominations mailed to you earlier this month. )RS: rman :hairman -etary I RESOLUTION NO. R 11-89 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger has nominated as a candidate for the Appraisal Review Board. PASSED AND APPROVED the ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary day of 1989. Nel Armstrong, Mayor NIEMORAA:Di;M #369 T0: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TENAa 70200 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager October 13, 1989 I� _ Executive Session - Personnel This session will he t.wo-fold; 1) to discuss the disciplinary action against two of our police officers, and 2) appointment of a city attorney. More detailed information will be available at the meeting. Please treat this as strictly confidential. JH:es CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 1��Ei\�lt)RANUt Ti��I #:�55 T0: Honorable Mayor � Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: October 13, 19811 St�iB.JECT: Palice Persannel Please treat this mPmorandurn as confidential. JH:es MEMORANDUM #361 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager rW October 13, 1989 Appointment of City Attorney This item was tabled at the last regular meeting and brought back to you fot• your consideration following the scheduled executive session. JH:es CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 I�IEMORANDt11�`i #362 TO: Honorable Mayan &Members oft e City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: October 13, 1989 SIIB_]ECT: City Administrator's Report 1)$ Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker had back surgery in Dallas on Wednesday, October 11 th, and is expected to miss a month of work. 2). Police Officer Sheri Morrison Ablon has resigned effective October 26, 19890 JH:es T0: Chief Benny Erwin FROM: Officer Ablon RE: Change of Departments DATE: October 12, 1989 I regretfully submit my letter of resignation to the Sanger Police Department effective on the 26 of October at the end of my regular shift. I wish to express that my leaving has nothing to do with the depart- ment or the officers therein. It is mainly a financial move as the City of Corinth Police Department has a higher pay scale. I wish to express my appreciation to you Chief, as you gave me the opportunity to serve the people and the town that I will always consider home. I also wish to express my appreciation to the rest of the officers of this department especially Sgt. Mike Riley as I could not have asked for a better FTO. Sincerely, Sheri Ablon My Choice ... Drug Free NATIONAL FEDERATION OF PAAkNTS 1989 A T I O N A L 1989 NATIONAL RED RIBBON CAMPAIGN mow RedRibbon HISTORY: C A M P A 1 G N The Red Ribbon Campaign originated when Federal Agent Enrique Camarena was e murdered by drug traffickers in 1985, The Red Ribbon became the symbol to reduce National Federation of Parents the demand for drugs, just as the yellow ribbon symbolized the hostages in Iran, and for Drug -Free Youth the green ribbon symbolized the murdered children of Atlanta. The NATIONAL National Honorary Chairmen FEDERATION OF PARENTS (NFP) is proud to sponsor the second National Red President George Bush Ribbon Campaign. and Mrs. Bush National Chairmen THEME. Colonel Frank Borman - IMY CHOICE-.:. DRUG FREE and Mrs. Borman NFP Red Ribbon Carcpa:gn Headquarters SYMBOL: California95616 rna The RED RIBBON symbolizes a commitment to a dru free, health lifestyle .. . Davis.�av�s. Ca(orna 956 � 6 y g' y `� (9661 752-2820 no use of any illegal drug and no abuse of a legal drug. NATIONAL HONORARY CHAIRMEN: President George Bush and Mrs. Bush NATIONAL CHAIRMEN: Colonel Frank Borman and Mrs. Borman CAMPAIGN GOAL: The goal of the NFP Red Ribbon Campaign is to present a unified and visible commitment toward the creation of a Drug Free America. a OBJECTIVE. This comprehensive campaign is designed to establish a parent/community network in every community to support drug -free lifestyles. The network should include all aspects of our communities: schools, parents, youth, religious institutions, business and industry, law enforcement, government, service organizations, media, medical, social services, legislators, and YOU. For information on how to mobilize your community, order a -----Communityear� Ma�uafend-$1S to-NFP;-14325 Oakwood Place NE; -Albuquerque; -- NM 87123. TIME LINE: OCTOBER 22 - 29, 1989 — RED RIBBON WEEK October 22, 23 — Red Ribbon Sports Weekend October 23 — Red Ribbon Rally Day October 25 — Wear RED Day October 28, 29 — Red Ribbon Religious Weekend ACTION: Demonstrate your commitment for a DRUG FREE AMERICA by wearing and displaying Red Ribbons during Red Ribbon Week. Participate in Red Ribbon Week prevention education activities and programs in your community and build the bridge from apathy to action! For further information contact the National Campaign headquarters. Join "Red Ribbon Week" John C. Lawn Administrator Drug Enforcement Administration In 19850 drug traffickers in Guadalajara, Mexico, kidnapped and brutally murdered a dedicated young DEA agent, Enrique Camarena. The death of "Kiki" Camarena is some- thing we who worked with him - and indeed the nation — are still getting over. We were touched when the Na- tional Federation of Parents for Drug Free Youth (NFP) sponsored the first National Red Ribbon Campaign in 1988 in response to Kiki's death. NFP has developed an annual awareness , prevention and education program that promotes healthy, drug -free life- styles and builds community teams to coordinate prevention activities throughout the year. Red Ribbon Week is observed across the nation by millions of Americans. The Red Ribbon is worn and displayed to symbolize a unified and visible commitment toward the creation of a drug -free America. Pa- rades, rallies, seminars, jog-a-thons, and essay, poster, and rap contests are being organizeg to focus the public's attention on the threat of drugs. It isn't a time for somberness. Instead, and I know Kiki Camarena would concur, it`s a time to be posi- tive, and above all to celebrate, to affirm how good it is to be young and have your mind and body running at 100 percent. There can be something for every- body in Red Ribbon Week, and that includes high school athletic coaches. I am happy to announce that the National High School Athletic Coaches Association and the Drug Enforcement Administration, strong partners and good friends for years, are joining forces once again, this time to sponsor an observance, Octo- ber 22-29, in conjunction with Red Ribbon Week. It's fitting that an antidrug obser- vance be coupled with one in which we pay tribute to high school sports, since games throughout history have honored the concept of the healthy body. We want the ingenuity and energy of America's high school coaches, administrators, teachers, and students to get a workout during that week. It I an opportunity to recharge our determination to do everything pos- sible to save our youngsters from the tragedy of drugs. One way to proceed is to have a statement read during your school's home football game at the beginning or end of Red Ribbon Week. But it certainly doesn't have to be limited to football. There should be a lot of cross country meets and field hockey games that week, for instance, and probably some volleyball and a dozen other sports I haven't thought of. It`s time for posters and floats and putting red ribbons on athletes, cheer- leaders, fans, tuba players, scoreboards, watertowers, cars, school buses, teach- ers, students, librarians, policemen, parents, and mascots. More than one school cafeteria will probably have a Red Ribbon Special that week. And we may see a red swimming pool or two. October 22 through 29. Put it down. It`s a time to'make a little noise for two good causes, drug prevention and high school sports. ■ How you_can participate in "Red Ribbon Week" Get the ball rolling now for `Red Ribbon Week" October 22-29,1989. Get your school and community in- volved. The involvement of your school in this anti -drug campaign is limited only by the imagination of those interested in a drug -free com- munity school. Here is a sample of ideas: * Coaches, staff and athletes wear a red ribbon during the; week of Octo- ber 22-29 'to demonstrate a commit- ment to a healthy, drug -free lifestyle (no use of any illegal drug and no illegal use of a legal drug). * Distribute red ribbons to atten- dees at home contests at the begin- ning or end of Red Ribbon Week. * Plan Red Ribbon half-time ac- tivities. * Display Red Ribbon Week post- ers inlocker rooms, offices and gyms. * Encourage cheerleaders to com- pose skits and cheers using the theme, "My Choice...Drug Free". For materials and more informa- tion, contact the National Red Rib- bon Campaign, University ofCalifor- nia, Davis CA. (918452-2820) ■ Natioiwl Coach 29 MEMORANDt1M #356 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANDER P. 0. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor ? Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Manager October 13, 1989 11 Proposal By Fowler Energy Company The attached proposal is enclosed for your information anti direction. Would you be interested in me pursuing more information on this company and its proposal to supply 50% of our wholesale electrical power needs? JII:es cc: Larry Yoast, Electric Dept. enclose Tres FOWLER ENERGY COMPANY October 4, 1989 Mr. John Hamilton, City Manager City of Sanger, Texas P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear M"r. Hamilton: In looking at your electric bill from Brazos for the month of August 1989 we have determined the following: Rate reduction.......................................($1.41) Power cost adjustment.................................$1.21 Total demand charge...................................$6.55/kw (2) Energy charge or usage charge: Energy charge.........................................$0.0098233/kwh Rate reduction.......................................($0.0021700/kwh) Fuel cost adjustment........•.........................$0.0075400/kwh Power cost adjustment.................................$0.0134400/kwh Total energy charge..................0000$*@Ofa,..,,,,$0.0286333/kwh (3) Facilities Charge: You are charged for the two substations at a rate of $150/month or a total of $300 for the City of Sanger and Keaton delivery points. Your monthly usage was 2,840,600 kwh or an average of 3,818 kw each hour. We would propose to sell the City of Sanger 2,000 kw or about half your load at a rate less than Brazos. As a qualified facility or QF, Petrolia Power is able to require Brazos to transport or wheel the power to the City of Sanger. We would pay the wheeling charges. You paid the following price for electricity in August: $128,233.64 ($ 300.00) Meter Charge $127,933*64 Dividing this by the kwh you used ($127,933.64 2,840,600 kwh) we arrive at your rate of $0.0450375 per kwh. 5511 PARKCREST DRIVE, SUITE 107 • AUSTIN, TEXAS 78731 •PHONE (512) 451-3388 •FAX: (512) 458-9168 We would propose to sell you the 2,000 kw of power at a rate of $0.04/kwh. Assuming a 91% delivery rate or 8,000 hours/year, this would save the City $80,600 per year for the first year. We would escalate our power sales at the same escalation (upward or downward) as Brazos to insure that you are always achieving the lower rate. If the City has an interest in pursuing this project, we would be happy to meet with you and/or the City Council to discuss it in detail. Sincerely, FOWLER ENERGY COMPANY 4L aC4�t dT) Donald W. Fowler, P.E. President DWF:dd cc: Mr. Ed McCormick Mr. Terry Brown Mr. Bill Neal Mr. R. C. Choens PETROLIA POWER COMPANY BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR PROPOSAL TO SELL ELECTRICITY TO THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS OcCober 4, 1989 PETROLIA POWER COMPANY RECEIVED QUALIFIED FACILITY STATUS FROM THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION (FERC) ON JUNE 3, 1988. SIZE:' CERTIFIED FOR TEN MEGAWATTS BY FERC PROJECT LOCATION: APPROXIMATELY 30 MILES NORTHWEST OF BOWIE NEAR PETROLIA, TEXAS NEAREST ELECTRICAL LINES TO PROJECT: BRAZOS ELECTRIC INTERCONNECTING UTILITY: WILL CONNECT TO BRAZOS ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE, INC. FUEL SUPPLY FOR PETROLIA POWER: LOW BTU NATURAL GAS FTELD WITH 6 BCF PROVEN RESERVES (46 MEGAWATT YEARS) POTENTIAL RESERVES: WE BELIEVE THAT THE PROJECT WILL BE EXPANDED BECAUSE OF LARGE POTENTIAL OF ADDITIONAL RESERVES WHAT DOES QUALIFIED FACILITY (QF) STATUS MEAN? PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION REQUIRES: ...ALL.�ELECTRIC UTILITIES TO WHEEL OR TRANSPORT QF POWER ...ELECTRIC UTILITIES TO WHOM THE POWER IS TENDERED TO PURCHASE QF POWER AT THEIR AVOIDED COSTS IN OUR PROJECT BRAZOS HAS FILED WHEELING RATES WHICH ALLOW PETROLIA POWER TO WHEEL THE POWER TO BANGER. WHO ARE THE PERSONNEL BEHIND THE PROJECT? Bill Neal, Attorney, Vernon, Texas Donald W. Fowler, Engineer, President of Fowler Energy Company, Austin, Texas Ed McCormick, Oil Producer, Bellevue, Texas R. C. Choens, Geologist, Wichita Falls, Texas Operator of the field: Terry Brown, Production Operators, Amarillo, Texas Other Owners: Interest owners in the wells WHAT DOES PETROLIA POWER HAVE TO OFFER BANGER? ...IMMEDIATE SAVINGS WITHOUT CAPITAL INVESTMENT FROM BANGER ..LONG TERM LOW COST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEDICATED TO BANGER ...POTENTIAL TO EXPAND PROJECT SIZE MQNTHLY REPOkT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY SEPTEMBER 1989 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The library building has been made more attractive by the addition of a new parking area on the south side of the Library, the finishing of a hand rail on the new ramp, and the pouring of a patio in front. ADMIIJI STRATI ON: Meetings attended: North Texas Library System Meeting, 9/21, River Oaks (with Nancy Smith) Found a volunteer, Jerene Wood, to come in on Mondays and give Mrs. Parramore a lunch break, since the librarian is in school all afternoon and evening on Monday. COLLECTION: Cataloged through R in the Biography section. PUBLIC kELATIONS: Made a brochure explaining library services for distribution to new residents of Sanger. Took some to the Chamber of Commerce. In order to increase community awareness, Library Board member Sandra Moore created a flyer explaining the need for a new library. SPECIAL PROJECTS: The North Texas Library System gave to our library a videotape cleaner-rewinder and a GM-6 Mouse for use with our computer. Films for September and October Story Times were ordered. The theme of September Story Time was clothing. The October theme will be transportation. The Sanger Library Adult Volunteers, Etc. manned a book sale booth at the Sanger Sellabration. Proceeds of $119.75 were split between the volunteers and the city. The flyers explaining the need for a new library were distributed at the booth. September Statistics Sep 88 Sep 89 BORROWER CARDS: Last month 1,180 1,288 New cards 26 23 TOTAL 1,206 1,311 CIRCULATION: Adult nonfiction 91 131 Adult fiction 50 64 Junior fiction 30 55 Child's nonfiction 17 54 Child's fiction 52 216 Paperback fiction 116 137 Magazines 5 3 Crystal 1 Videos 92 108 Cassette players 6 2 TOTAL 459 771 PATRON VISITS: 294 (getting books) 191 229 PROGRAMS: Number of programs 3 Total attendance 40 VOLUNTEERS: Number of adults 9 3 Number of juniors 3 0 Total hours 31 12 COLLECTION: Last month 10,672 Books added 50 50 Books withdrawn 44 81 TOTAL 10,655 10,641 REVENUE: Overdue fines $26.75 $47.10 Stationery sale 1600 Book sale 80.25 59.75 Lost materials 4.00 Donations 0.75 TOTAL $111.75 $107*85 �61112X �+ Library story- dour to begin September 12, by Vickie Lewis service of the Sanger Public Sanger preschool children Library. The program is will again be offered the designed and operated by a• opportunity to have fun with.: volunteer staff under thet reading at the Sanger Public q leadership of Librarian: Library. Starting September. .Vicky Elieson:mm 12 at 10:30, area pre- Story Hour is set-up for schoolers can come fo Story'" torychildren ages three and four, Hour, a time of reading, although children of other crafts, and fun. ages• are, welcomed. Each =_ Lil.:-il _.. Story-14our�will be he child mustbe accompanied. each Tuesday morning (at by a parent or other adult: 10:30). and. will feature The library is located at the stories, games, songs, corner of Seventh and Elm puppets, and fingerplays. Streets.'. Films will be an occasional For more information_ on addition to the agenda,the'Story Hour program, or. The program is offered free to become a Story Hour of charge and is a public, volunteer, call 458-3257. .