09/05/1989-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL AGENDA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7:00 P, M. EXTENDED AREA SERVICE WITH CENTEL COMPANY ORDINANCE 10-89 AD VALOREM TAX RATE ORDINANCE 12-89 WASTEWATER RATE ORDINANCE 09-89 WATER RATES ORDINANCE 08-89 ELECTRIC RATES ORDINANCE 13-89 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FEES ORDINANCE 14-89 TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT GRANT RESOLUTION SUVMISSION TEXAS COMMUNITY PROGRAM GRANT 3, Disbu se r'ie i ` 4. Citizen's Input ValoremAd Rate t 11989_11990 a Rates • .. -f •11r(W1Lgg nafer Rates Consider i • Possible Action on Adoption A 81 Participationexas Retirement • f ■t .. . a • t ■.. t t • ■ f • , i a f t 5 154 City Administration Report • • i• August .* .MayorNelArmstrong,Councilman CouncilmanDannyl;... ^ Councilman !. and Wendall Thomas VEMy ■ i PRESENT# City Manager Texase Manag5 . • Hyde, Fred John Gustafson, and David Pomykal and Frontier Wast Management � David Cooper and Randy Johnson, and Discussion continued and issues addressed were: (1) commercial rates (2) equipment (3) liability insurance (4) Possible areas of alternative where Frontier to dump the 0 MO Sanger be .. i. IVIIIVT'E;3t Uity tM.;OULLIAL IVWK41% August 21, 1989 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Councilman Danny McDaniel,Carroll Jenkins,McNeill, Councilman Jerry and a W&O1,roill TImitats. PRESENT:• ManagerTexas Waste Management � Waynard Hyde, Fred Hill, { led the pledge to the flag. carried. 4, Citiz�n'� Input - �o�1e lotion *trriiki.. s a Baseball Team { ` area championship when won wwent to State, parents raised nmoney F { expensesthe trip; however, .. i not win at the finals. A •S PACE 2 There were same fl.�nds left over. The parents association met and rpm omething that add • Sanger. . f •plant Pecan Tree on the West Side • the Square,• • he way, Southto North, Install+ protective walkway around tree nd in the center, they'll have this plaque installed in concrete namest will have all the of the little boys and girls thaton his team along with the sponsorcoaches. plantPark.be ith nursery wl5 two _ year guarantee he request to the Tee Ball Parents Group Association to plant a lecan tree in the downtown site as approved. Seconded by .ouncilman McNeill,Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Award the Solid Waste Disposal Bid. Councilman McNeill made the motion that the contract be awarded to Frontier for five �S) years with the stipulation that City Council will approve the contract. Seconded by Councilman ShaN4. Motion carried with one no vote - Councilman Thomas. Motion carried. 'ouncilman Jenkins. Motioncarried. 9. Consider and Passible Action Revarding Lease for the Santa Fe Praperty. o. for the price of ii i • � � `r •« 0 per year so it can be cleaned up and .w.City can ` .propertyfor whatever .they need. econded by Councilman Jenkins, Motion carried. Abrary Improvements for the Library. Seconded by Councilman Motion carried. �. Councilman Jenkins asked about the extended phone service to Denton. ExpressTHe concern on .« « Denton. Adminisiratian Report: bank depository in October to be effective January 1, 1990. Staff recommends a three (3) year contract. c. A dump truck has not been located. & City Manager instructed that Dwight open during school hours, 1989 PAGE 4 possibly put s walkway to the Elementary School. gave . detail revenue summary andexpenditures of each final draft budget as presented proposed increase in water, sewer and the 3% reduction in the electric, 14. Executive Session According to to Discuss (1) Personnel. • 1�i. A�.,jOU2'Ilnient. SAVINGS & PAYMENTS SEPTEMBER 1, 19BD G. O. INT. & SINKING FD. (SAVING5 �102211) $ 4,965.83 CI`rY OF SANDER 5T. F'D. INDEBTEDNESS (�k192211) 4,577.83 GENEFtAL FD. EQUIP. REPL. ACCT. (#17C�E3J1) 425.00 U`rILIT'Y INT. & SINKING (#132245) 20,467.20 (FR. WATER -- 6801.95) (FR. SEWER - 9470.28) (FR S.E. -- 4104.97} EMERGENCY FUND (4160101) UT. F'D. EQUIP. REPL. (4.160002) S. E. NOTE PAYMENT - 10TH TO F.N.BK. (S.E.CKG.) FIRE TRK. SAVINGS ACCT. (#197673) (FR GF FIRE) GENERAL FUND - (FOR POLICE CARS) S.BK. 10TH GENERAL FUND --- S < BK . 26TM-•PATCHMAN 100.00 357.00 1,146.04 1,251050 760.46 744.70 *'�'� 11T. BD. RESERVE FD< �102237 HAS A TOTAL OF $46,325.37 AND TOGETHER WITM THE C.D.#�57591, UTILITY BOND RESERVE FD. -- 1510151.77 AND C.D#57554, UTILITY BOND RESERVE FD. $640785.36 HAS ALLOWED US TO REACH $242,302.50, THE AGGREGATED WAS TO REACH $242,000.00. DEPOSITS TO THIS ACCOUNT ARE NO LONGER BEING MADE. CT' OF SANGER VENDOR VENDOR HAMS 1-- 222 ABC MANUFACTURING * G/L DISTRIBUTION CRIME WATCH SIGNS 2— 700 ALPHA PEST CONTROL * G/L DISTRIBUTION SPRAYED LIBRARY 3-� 721 AMSRICAN PLANNING ASSOC. * G/L DISTRIBUTION SMALL TOWN PLANNING HANDBOOK OPEN ACGOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING AS OF 9/01/89 15s21<39 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT PO 3983 412*0300 VENDOR TOTAL Pq 4649 423<0200 VENDOR TOTAL Pq 4634 43561200 VENDOR TOTAL 62.50 62<50 62<50 25<00 25600 25.00 27.95 27695 27.95 r, 3790 BOHMANN GONST. Cq. * PO 4562 225.00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 425>0400 225,00 3 HOURS WORK AT LANDFILL * PO 4662 2,425>00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 425<0400 2,425.00 LOADER WORK AND START ON NEW PIT VENDOR TOTAL 2,650<00 5-- 4125 BURRUS SUPSRMARKST * PO 4623 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442.0100 SOFT DRINKS * PO 4635 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442.0100 COFFEE AND SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL 6� 4175 CA!_VSRT AUTOMOTIVE, INC, * Pq 3900 G/L DIS'iRIBUTZON 419.0800 TRANSMISSION AND TORQUE CONVERTER VENDOR TOTAL 7•w 4250 CENTRAL TELEPHONE GO. * Pq 3628 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434.0200 TELEPHONE UTILITY 8.55 8.55 46.25 46,25 54 . 80 295.00 295>00 295>00 25.39 25.39 rrr rrrr rir .00 l�riIr�l BAGS 1 OPEN 62>50 2660 v: 25400 25600 27.95 27.95 226600 2,425000 8456 46.25 295000 296400 v< 25<39 C7 OF SANGER OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING PAGE 2 AS OF 9/01/89 15:21639 VENDOR VENDOR NAME xNVOIGE AMOUNT DI5GOUN1" * PO 4635 224.60 .00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 433.0100 224.60 TELEPHONE SERVICE 458�7444 PO 4637 400.83 .00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 433.0100 400.83 TELEPHONE SERVICE 458-7930 VENDOR TOTAL 650.82 .00 8- 6500 C&H JANITnRxAL SUPPLIES ,k PO 4652 71.43 000 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442.0100 71.43 KITCHEN TOWELS, SINGLE FOLD TOWELS, AND MOP HEAD VENDOR TOTAL 71.43 .00 9�- 10500 DEALERS ELECTRIC SUPPLY * PO 4592 38.46 .00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 47260800 38.46 4-500 WATT QUARTZ HALOGEN BULBS FOR CITY SIGN VENDOR TOTAL 38.46 000 14000 DENTON CO. ELECT. CO�OP,,INC< * PO 4561 14<94 .00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434.0700 14.94 UTILITY BILL AT DUCK CREEK ROAD VENDOR TOTAL 14.94 .00 11.., 1500@ DENTON CO. CnMMUNICATxaNS * PO 3925 13.75 .00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 424.1100 13.75 PAGER REPAIR * PO 4645 55.00 .00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 424.0300 55.00 ANTENNA FOR PORTABLE, ANTENNA JACK AND LABOR VENDOR TOTAL 68.75 .00 12� 15250 DENTON DISCOUNT TIRES * PO 3882 100.00 .00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0600 50.00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0700 50.00 2 TIRES FOR UNIT 776 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 .00 13� 15500 DENTON RECORD CHRONICLE * PO 4636 84.00 .00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442.0100 84.00 ONE YEAR RENEWAL OF NEWSPAPER VENDOR TOTAL 84.00 .00 OPEN 224.60 400o83 650.82 71.43 71.43 38o46 38.46 14.94 14<94 13.75 55.00 68.75 100.00 100.00 * 84.00 84<00 G OF SANGER VENDOR VENDOR NAME 14— 16250 aIAMONa AU`1'q FARTS a PEN ACCOUNTS PAYADLE LISTING AS OF 9/01/89 15e21<39 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT * Pq 3886 56.08 G/L DISTRIBUTION 42100500 1011 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.0600 18059 G/L DISTRIBUTION 41960800 36<38 ATF, PLUGS, WIPER BLADES, BATTERY CABLE, FUEL FILTERS, ETC * PO 3890 158.65 G/L DISTRIBUTION 42190900 1*19 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419*0300 143.15 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.0600 13.56 G/L DISTRIBUTION 42100500 >75 SET OF BRAKE PADS, BULB, METRIC NUTS, SHOCKS, OIL FILTER, ETC VENDOR TOTAL 214.73 15— 16257 DISCOUNT TIRES CO> INC> * Pn 3891 109.98 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0600 36*66 G/L DISTRIBUTION 42100700 36*66 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419*0800 36466 2 TIRES VENDOR TOTAL 109098 16-- 18500 DAMS CONCRETE COMPANY * Pq 4560 425.00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 43loOSOO 425.00 10 YARDS OF CONCRETE TO REPAIR STREET BY HOLLINGSWORTH VENDOR TOTAL 425*00 17— 18725 GEORGE'S TEXACO * PO 4642 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.0300 REPAIR FLAT TIRE VENDOR TaTAL 18-- 24250 HUNTER ASSOCIATES,INC. * Pa 4658 G/L DISTRIBUTION 435.0100 ENGINEERING REVIEW ON WILLOWOOD VENDOR TOTAL 19-- 25000 K-MART * Pa 4639 G/L DISTRIBUTION 411.0100 ENVELOPES AND 90 MINUTE TAPES VENDOR TOTAL 20� 26600 KOETTER FIRE PROTECTION COO 4<00 4.00 rim y 368.88 368>88 368.88 26.66 26.66 26.66 tri G ri, .00 .00 .00 rrr 9 PAGE 3 OPEN 56.08 158.65 214<73 * 425.00 4<00 368.88 368<88 26,66 26<66 * a�.., ar SANGER VENDOC2 VENDOF2 NAME OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYROLL LIS`fING AS OF 9/01/89 15a21:39 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT PAGE 4 OPEN * pa 3924 13$.3$ .00 13$.38 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.1100 138.38 2�PRESSURE GAUGE'S FOR INTERNATIONAL TRUCK VENDOR TOTAL 138.38 .00 138.38 � 21• 26000 KRIZ DAVIS CO. * PO 4625 1,688.50 .00 1,688.50 G/L DISTRIBUTION 472.0800 1,688.50 100 WATT BULBS, 150 WATT BULBS, SHADES (PIPS), #6 COPPER, LTC.. PO 4632 464.60 .00 464.60 G/L DISTRIBUTION 472.0800 464.60 AUTO SPLICE, MACHINE BOLTS, WRAPLOCK TIES, AND ARMOR GODS VENDOR TOTAL 29153.10 .00 2,153.10 22- 26500 LAKE CITIES ENGINE REPAIR * PO 3888 17.60 .00 17.60 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0500 17.60 2 CYCLE OIL PO 4554 17.90 .00 17.90 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0900 17.90 2-MURRAY BLADES VENDOR TOTAL 35.50 .00 35.50 23_. 29750 MCMAHAN OIL COMPANY * PO 4656 1,135.11 .00 1,135.11 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414.0300 382.80 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414.0400 122.92 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414.1100 20.80 G/L DISTRIBUTION 413.1100 16.67 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414.0900 16.63 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414.0500 144.11 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414.0600 97.13 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414.0700 125.00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 41460800 209.05 GAS VENDOR TOTAL 10135011 .00 1,135.11 24� 31100 METF2OPLEX ENGINEERING CORP* � PO 4631 75.1$ .00 75.18 G/L DISTRIBUTION 435.0100 INSPECTIONS VENDOR TOTAL 75.18 .00 75.18 26- 31622 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE IN PO 4654 160.95 .00 160.95 G/L DISTRIBUTION 411.0100 160.95 OUTDOOR CORK SIGN C` OF SANGER VLNDgR VENDOR hdAML OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLL LISTING AS OF 9/01/89 15o21e39 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTAL 160.95 .@@ 26- 31633 NEEL ASSOC., INC. * PO 3923 3,657.00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 416.11@@ 39657.00 TURN OUT PANTS AND COATS ($4533.00 PAID BY FIRE DEFT.) VENDOR TOTAL 39657.@@ 27- 3225@ i"HE OFFICE EQUIPMENT Ca. * PO 4653 G/L DISTRIBUTION 411.@1@@ 2 CASES OF COPY PAPER VENDOR TOTAL 28-325@@ PADDACK, DONRLD * PO 4644 G/L DISTRIBUTION 444.@3@@ 50 POUNDS OF DOG FOOD VENDOR TOTAL 33000 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC. * PO 3889 G/L DISTRIBUTION 431.@5@@ 60 FEET OF REDWOOD VENDOR TOTAL 3@- 343@@ PRINSCO, INC. * PO 4594 G/L DISTRIBUTION 431.0500 60 FEET OF 18" HORN AND 2- COUPLERS VENDOR TOTAL RADIO S1iRCK * G/L DISTRIBUTION BATTERIES 32--353@@ RITE --WELD SUPPLY INC. Yr G/L DISTRIBUTION G/L DISTRIBUTION CUT GLASS AND ROUND SOAP STONE * G/L DISTRIBUTION G/L DISTRIBUTION WELDING RODS Pq 4547 VENDOR TOTAL Pq 3896 421.@7@@ PO 4660 42100600 a21.@7OO 9@.00 1@.3@ 1@.30 16.@2 16.@2 16.@2 364.22 36a.22 364.22 4.98 4.98 4.98 12.63 6.31 6.32 44.1@ 22.@5 0100 r1r r,r rr� rr� ri► PAGE 5 OPEN 16@,95 364.22 364.22 a.98 12.63 44.1@ CI` OF SANGER OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING PAGE 6 AS OF 9/01/89 15e21e39 VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUN'1 OPEN VENDOR TOTAL 56.73 .00 56.73 h 33� 35360 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPPLY,INC. * PO 4505 298.80 .00 298<80 G/L DISTRIBUTION 432.0500 298>80 16- STREET SIGNS AND 20- ROUND CAPS VENDOR TOTAL 298.80 .00 298.80 34- 35500 ROMAN COMPANY PO 4545 850.00 .00 850.00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 42760600 850.00 4" METER HEAD FOR TRAILER PARK VENDOR TOTAL 850.00 .00 850.00 35�- 35750 BANGER, CITY OF PO 4659 5,654.03 .00 5,654.03 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434.0100 400.10 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434.0500 723.70 G/L DISTRIBUTION 43440600 2,111.75 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434.0700 19904.03 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434.0800 66.73 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434.0900 330.23 G/L DISTRIBUTION 434.1100 117.49 CITY UTILITY BILLS VENDOR TOTAL 5,654.03 .00 59664403 36- 38000 BANGER PARTS CENTER � Pa 3884 4.85 .00 4.85 G/L DISTRIBUTION 42160600 4.85 ONE BELT FOR ASPHALT SAW PO 3895 3.65 .00 3.65 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.0300 3.65 RADIATOR CAP � PO 3897 3.15 .00 3.15 G/L DISTRIBUTION 44260800 1.05 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0600 1.05 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0700 1.05 TIRE TOOL PO 3899 3.81 .00 3.81 G/L DISTRIBUTION 44290800 1.27 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0600 1.27 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0700 1.27 VALVE STEM VENDOR TOTAL 15.46 .00 15.46 38580 BANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY * Pa 3629 48.5E >0@ 48.5E C7' OF SANGER OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING PAGE 7 AS OF 9/01/89 15:21a39 VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOICE AMauNT DISCOUNT OPEN G/L DISTRIBUTION 411.0200 38>93 G/L DISTRIBUTION 44440200 9.63 FILMS AND BOOKS VENDOR TOTAL 48.56 .00 48.56 38w 40000 SIMS TIRE SERVICE * PO 3717 9.50 .00 9.50 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419*0600 9.50 FLAT AND MOUNT * PO 3883 13.00 <00 13.00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.0600 6.50 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.0700 6.50 MOUNT TIRES (CHUCK'S TRUCK) * PO 3893 6.50 .00 6.50 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.0300 6.50 REPAIRED TWO FLATS VENDOR TOTAL 29.00 000 29.00 39- 42000 SMITH'S COUNTRY STORE * PO 3892 3.39 .00 3.39 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442.0800 3.39 VALVE * PO 3894 3498 .00 3*98 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0600 1.99 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442<0800 1.99 FILES FOR CHAINSAW * PO 4548 4.39 .00 4.39 G/L DISTRIBUTION 423.0700 4.39 FLAPPER AND KEYS * PO 4550 12.88 .00 a.2,88 G/L DISTRIBUTION 412.0700 12.88 GLASSES AND CAP * PO 4629 7>68 .00 7.68 G/L DISTRIBUTION 432.0660 7>68 BOLTS FOR STREET SIGNS * PO 4630 11699 .00 11,99 G/L DISTRIBUTION 431.0500 11099 WEEDEATER LINE VENDOR TOTAL 44.31 .00 44.31 40- 42550 SONS, MARK * PO 4661 470>28 000 470.28 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421.0700 470.28 7 AMP BREAKER AND LABOR (WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT) VENDOR TOTAL 470.28 .00 470.28 w} 43080 S R C LABORATORIES C. OF SANGER OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING PAGE $ AS OF 9/01/89 15021>39 VENDOR VENDOR NAME G/L DISTRIBUTION SEWER SWEET 42�- 44150 UNIFIRST CORPORATION G/L DISTRIBUTION UNIFORM RENTAL 43—• 50000 U.S.SPRINT G/L DISTRIBUTION LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE INVOICE PO 3738 413,0700 VENDOR TOTAL PQ 4559 454o06OO VENDOR TOTAL Pq 4640 433>0100 VENDOR TOTAL 44� 53000 UJATSON ELECTRIC SUPPLY PQ 4590 G/L DISTRIBUTION 47240800 Q-120 ITE AND 4/0 COPPER WIRE VENDOR TOTAL 45� 53450 WESTGATE VETERINARY HOSPITAL PO 3984 G/L DISTRIBUTION 444.0300 BOTTLE T-61 EUTHANAISA THERE AT THE POUND VENDOR TOTAL TOTAL 64 RECORDS PROCES5ED G/L DEPARTMENTS ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY POLICE SANITATION STREETS WATER SEWER ELECTRIC PARKS FIRE PLANNING/ZONING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 11 12 AMOUNT 17.95 17495 17.95 17,10 17010 17,10 12.00 12000 r,r $4>10 $4>10 $4.10 149.65 149.65 149.65 20,$$1,61 1,969>43 9$.95 $17<55 2,772.92 2,015.$3 3,248*44 673,32 2,927.1$ 365695 3,964909 27*95 DxScauNT 000 ,00 .00 .00 r,y , rr .00 OPEN 17.96 a.7.95 17<10 $4.10 149<65 FROM# John Hamilton,Manager )ATE# September•.• 3UBJECT** Extended Area Service with Centel Telephone loin! no work on our . q t onestablishinga agreement • June of the petitions • lelivered to the PUC in Austin by the Mayorand i Chamber of 7,ommerce delegation. I have attempted to contact Mr. Don Laub, Aanager of Economic and Cost Analysis Telephone Division of the Public Utility Commission, t"this unwarranted delay by Centel, iowever, he is out of office until September It is my understanding that this process is relatively simple and requires Centel negotiating a cost with Denton's service provider, GTE, and proposing a cost to our City Council. The PUC would then rule on our Application within 60 days. residentof This itetxi is o 'i the agenda for Council input. JH;es a s Central Telephone Company of Texas A Centel Company P.O. Box 1150 Killeen, TX 76540.1150 August 24, 1989 Mr. John Hamilton P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: CEWrEL C.I I; fit.., -V- ' AUG Z G 1999 You requested in our conversation on August 23, 1989 that I provide you with Centel's position regarding a potential Sanger to Denton joint Extended Area Service (EAS) filing. As we discussed and the Public Utility Commission advised you, the new EAS rules now allow for joint EAS filings. Centel is currently in the process of discussing joint filings with three communities in our serving area that have long standing EAS petitions at the Commission. Since the joint filing rules are new, the process to achieve a successful filing between all parties is a learning experience for all involved. Centel has encountered many hurdles during the joint filing process that must be crossed. Centel believes that rather than proceeding with discussion toward a Sanger/Denton joint filing, that we must first establish some guidelines and associated policy. Mr. Hamilton, Centel asks for Sanger's patience regarding this matter. Please feel free to call me any time at (817) 526-0106. Sincerely, /I Brad E. Denton Business Affairs Manager BED:NEH:vgn CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #332 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: September 1, 1989 SUBJECT: Tax Rate for FY'89-'90 The proposed tax rate increase is less than 3� and therefore does not require a public hearing. As discussed during budget hearings, the proposed tax rate is $.4425 per $100 valuation. This would be an Increase of $.01273 per $100 valuation, up from the current effective rate of $.42977. This increase will generate an additional $9,709 in general fund revenue. The current appraised evaluation is $76,271,721 down from `88-'89's value of $77,158,384, as net loss in appraised value of $886,663. JH:es CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE N0. #010-89 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON CO,, TEXAS, LEVYING TAXES FOR THE USES AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1989 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1990 AND PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST AND SINKING FUNDS FOR THE YEAR 1989 AND APPROPRIATING EACH LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE. PROVIDING PENALTY AND INTEREST FOR DELINQUENT TAXES; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT TAXES; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is necessary, at this time, that said ordinance be passed levying tax on all property, both real and personal, within the City of Sanger, Texas, in accordance with such budget and all requirements of Article 7244c RCS of the State of Texas have been complied with; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF BANGER, TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That there is hereby levied, and there shall be collected for the use and support of the municipal government of the City of Sanger, Texas, for the year 1989 upon all property, whether real, personal, or mixed, within the corporate limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, subject to taxation for the year of 1989, a tax rate of . 4425 (. 4425) on each One Hundred and NO/100 Dollars ($100,00) valuation of property to be assessed and collected for the purposes hereinafter stipulated, to - wit. ORDINANCE #010-89 PAGE 2 SECTION 2: The general laws of Texas, and particularly all the provisions of Article 7336, and of Title 122 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and all amendments thereto, relating to the date of delinquency, penalties, interest, cost, and the collection of delinquent taxes, insofar as such provisions may be assessed and levied by the City of Sanger, Texas, for the year 1989, are hereby referred to and adopted. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall take effect and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the day of , A.C., 1989. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary CITY OF SANUER P. O. BOX 578 SANUER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #336 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manag DATE: September 1, 1989 SUBJECT: Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance Establishing Wastewater (Sewer) Rates The enclosed ordinance outlines proposed rate increases in wastewater service charges of about 13% increasing Residential and Commercial Rates as follows: Class A Residential Class B Commercial Current $8 minimum $14 minimum 1,000 metered gallons + $.60 1,000 metered gals. + $.60 (current rates are actually based on the average of the 3 lowest months water usage.) Proposed $10 minimum $.65 per thousand metered inimum As our commercial rates were not thoroughly discussed at the last budget workshop, a copy of the current commercial billing is included for your review. This rate increase would conservatively generate an additional $34,000 annually. This increase is needed in order to build a reserve and fund needed improvements to our wastewater system. JH:es CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE N0. #012-89 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 4 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ENTITLED SEWER SERVICE RATES; ESTABLISHING RATES FOR MULTI -FAMILY DWELLINGS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS: SECTION I Chapter 10, Section 4 of the Sanger Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4: Sewer Service Rates (1) Residential -Class A Class A customers shall include all residential type users including but not limited to, single-family residences, apartment units, trailer court units, duplexes, or any other service primarily intended for domestic or residential use. The City may include similar low volume users such as churches and small business offices or stores in Class A. All Class A customers of municipal wastewater facilities will be charged a minimum of $10 per monthly cycle and $.05 per thousand gallons of metered water but in no case to exceed $20.00 per month. (2) Commercial -Class H Class B customers shall include commercial users such as but not limited to, restaurants, cafes, car washes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, offices, hotels, motels, laundries, grocery stores, department stores and other commercial ORDINANCE #012-89 PAGE 2 business operations as may be identified as not a Class A type user. All Class B custorriers of municipal wastewater facilities shall be charged a minimum of $16.00 per monthly cycle and $.65 per thousand gallons of metered water but in no case to exceed $100 per month. (3) Multi -family Dwellings The amount due for multi -family dwellirigs shall be tree Class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units. Section II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section III It is declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or Sect ion. Section IV Whenever in the Ordinance an act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor or whenever in such Ordinance, the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, the violation ORDINANCE #012-8u PAGE 3 of any such provision shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars; provided that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State. Each day any violation of this Ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. Section V This Ordinance will take effect October 15, 19$u. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. Mayor ATTEST; City Secretary CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 A 1107630 Centel 14oOO 2109701 TurnerWard ' 2113740 First Baptist Church (1 ?114300 Methodist 2114601 First National5 MOO 'il 3130400 Saner Football Field 14.00 3130850 Sanger Elementary 15.26 4137010 Hillcrest Church 14.00 4137470 Assembly of God 14.00 4137809 Sweeney's 16.82 4144450 Sanger Pentacostal 14.00 5144506 Graces Kitchen 17.66 5144600 Jerry Don Linn (Bus.) 16.82 5144700 Cherry's Beauty Shop 14.00 5144775 Peggy Sanford 14.00 5146502 Kirby's 14.60 5150152 Gentle's Used Cars 14.24 5150203 Justice of the Peace 14.00 5150231 Denton County 14.00 5150400 Cooper Implement 14.96 5150500 Ashcraft's Garage 14.00 5150702 Diamond Auto Parts 14.00 5150750 Radio Shack 14.00 5150802 Ker s Furniture 14.00 5151059 Ker s Furniture 14.18 5151503 Uniquely Yours 16.82 5151442 World of Video 16.82 5151703 Sanger Mirror & Glass 14.00 5151802 Chamber of Commerce 14.00 5152100 Hollingsworth MFG 14.30 5152201 Stapp, Frank 14.00 5152412 Belcher's Garage 16.82 5152470 Bolivar Water Supply 14.00 5152480 Sanger Headquarters 18.68 5152490 Denton Savings 14.00 5152500 First National Bank 16.82 5152510 First National Bank 14.00 5152521 Sanger Drug 16.82 5152540 Sanger Flower Shop 14.00 5152560 Smith's Country Store 14.00 5152580 Masonic Lodge 14.00 5152590 H & H Tomato 14.00 5152600 Sanger Parts Center 14.42 -- could be two businesses -- 7169810 Lady of Fatima 14.00 7170050 B & B Garage 16,22 7172103 Tuttle Heating & Air Conditioning 14.00 8175800 Gallilee Baptist Church 14.00 8177100 Holy Temple Church 15.20 8177800 AMPCO, Inc. 16.76 8177900 AMPCO, Inc. 15.26 8178301 Hudson Paper Company 15.20 6153870 Classic Design 6153968 Bourland Floor 6154011 Hair Rack 14.06 6163570 Willie Pate 14.00 6154030 Sanger Barber Shop 14.00 6154052 Buckhorn 19.58 6154110 Tucker's Shop 14.00 6154122 North Texas Extinguishers 16.82 6154130 Sanger Furniture 16.82 6154200 Chatfield Comm. Bldg. 70.00 (5) 6154450 North Texas Tooling 14.48 6154971 Sanger Auto Mat 22.64 6158150 Sanger Courier 14.00 6160350 Sanger Middle School (New) 20.00 6160500 Sanger Middle School (Office) 14.00 6160710 U. S. Post Office 14.00 6165050 Dairy Queen 43.94 6165100 Frank Millar 46.88 9179700 Muir A8ency 14.00 9179800 Snap Shop 19.46 9179871 Royal Sanger Inn 16.82 9179900 Benny Johnson one office & one trailer 26.42 9180700 T. K. Video 33.28 9181806 W. W. Family Restaurant 16.82 9181900 Burton Oil 26.72 9182200 Burrus Supermarket 33.62 9182202 First National Bank 21.52 9179894 Jackson Pizza 16.82 9188220 Sanger Elementary 30.26 9188375 Cobblestone Day Care 17.36 9188400 Pilgrim Way Baptist 14.24 9188952 Geo-Con, Inc. 16.82 9189001 Westgate Vet. 14.00 9189020 Aquafine Chem. & Equip. 14.30 9190000 Sanger High School 43.82 9190971 Prinsco, Inc. 16.82 9191001 Double J. P. Ranch 88.24 9191031 Lone Star Printing 14.12 9191046 American Transcoach, Inc. 14.00 9191061 Croney Manufacturing Co. 14.96 9191106 Golston Co. 18.86 9191166 Ben Smith 15.14 9191203 Sanger Ranch Supply 16.82 9191227 The Wood Shed 16.82 9191240 D & L Investments 16.82 9191241 Get n Go #2 16.82 9191286 National Living Center 117.80 9191810 Interstate Salvage 14.48 9191814 Norman, Mike 16.82 9191820 Bucklev?s Mini -Storage 14.00 9191832 Bill Smith 12.20 9189441 Murdock Video & Subs 15.38 9189449 Charles Bittle 16.82 9189485 Sanger Bank 14.66 9189960 Roy Todd (attorney) 14.00 �I�t is+ ' 1 1a l TIVINe Zorrai1.. 1104485 Hollingsworth.. 1107910 d " it ?114250 Church of Christ 14* 12 ?115010,, 4 11 l Pt Ot BOX • 578 ... • • FNVIVE John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: September 1, 1989 SUBJECT: Consider and Possible Action on Qrdinance Amending V�ater Rates The enclosed ordinance reflected the f ollowin change in our water rates; �i « « 61 per « thousand over 15,000 y .. ♦ , .. « rll innually. These funds are needed tobuild reserves and fund needed mprovements to our -substance mpacity for both drinking andfire protection JH;es ORDINANCE #_09-89_ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 3A OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, TO PROVIDE FOR A SCHEDULE OF WATER UTILITY RATES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT ORDAINED HY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS. SECTION I THE SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR CONSUMPTION OF WATER UTILITY FOR BOTH COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS SHALL HE: $10.00 Minimum per unit served for 0-2,000 gallons $1.40 per thousand $1.60 per thousand effective October 15, 1989. SECTION II 2,001-15,000 gallons 15,000+ gallons All ordinances ar parts of Ordinances in conflict hereof are, to the extent of such conflict, repealed. SECTION III It is declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, should any of the same be declared null or void by any court of competent jurisdiction, such action shall not affect the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance. ORDINANCE �09-89 PAGE 2 SECTION IV Failure to comply with any section or provision of this Ordinance that is prohibited or is declared to be unlawful or a misdemeanor, or whenever in this Ordinance, the commission of an act is required or the omission thereof is prohibited, the violation of such provision shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00); provided however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided under the laws of the State of Texas. Each day any violation of this Ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1989) by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED: Nel Armstrong Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #334 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: September 1, 1989 SUBJECT: Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance Establishing Electric Rates for FY'89-'90 This is the only area that our customers and propet`ty owners can t•ec:eive any rate relief. Staff is recommending an across the board decrease of 3%, excluding fuel adjustment and demand charges. The proposed rates are: Winter (November- May) Summer (June -October) urre Pro os $.D41744 $.D4D4917 $.D51744 $.D5D1917 Facility charge would remain at $9.�0 minimum. There would be na changes in deposit, connect or reconnect fees. JH:es CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 7, PARAGRAPH 3 AND PARAGRAPH 4, AND SUB -SECTION B; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT CHAPTER 10, SECTION 7, OF THE SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: A. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC RATE 3) Summer Rate June throu October) Facilities Charge: Energy Charge: Minimum Bill; Facilities Charge: Energy Charge: Minimum Bill: $ 9.00 per month $ 0.050192 per KWH foI all KWH $ 9.00 per month roTn $ 900 per . month $ 0.040492 per KWH first 1,000 KWH $ 0.35642 per KWH additional KWH $ 9.00 per month ORDINANCE #08-89 PAGE 2 B. SMALL COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RATE 3) 4) Facilities Charge: Energy Charge: Minimum Hill: $11.50 per month $0.0554810 per KWH for all KWH $11.50 per month Facilities Charge: $11.50 per month Energy Charge: $0.040931 pei^ KWH for all KWH Minimum Bill: $11.50 per month SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to tLiu extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. ORDINANCE #08-89 PAGE 3 SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect October 15, 1989, after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 198% by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary Pm Ox BOX 578 Fl 1. o ti; lire l� rrlilt��rl, `ity ���?�r y r STTP2TD_4Te Ordinance iFJi1E $ Adopting iitli'4 t�Taste Fees CS Tt"le erl��lti��;ei C:=�"'��lilftli�'•� t'L'�£i�s�1��iF_.;�� _����1C�. ;:'�'�.��it� G�l�.i'.,�"��4 1!1 �C�Cti}i"€�.�iii:t� �,ti,l��i Frontier ;ill .:_te Management c. unites. The residential rates 7,.vo.xld become effective. October 15thi the commercial rates January 1, 19903 This �would be consistent wit11 our billing cycles and change of contractor. =Tl-lme•� ORDINANCE N0. #013-89 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FEES FOR RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; AMENDING CHAPTER 6, SECTION 6, Q (1), (2) (a) (b) OF THE SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section I Chapter 6 - Q. Solid Waste Collection Fees: (1) Residential The charge for curb -side collection of solid waste shall be $7.25 per monthly cycle plus any applicable state and local taxes; effective October 15, 1989. (2) Commercial The charge far curb -side collections of solid waste shall be based on the frequency and quantity of collection as set for in the following sections: (a) Curb -side Commercial pick-up shall be: Z pick-ups per week 3 pick-ups per week 5 9.50 per Plus any applicable state and local taxes. (b) Commercial Container Service The charge for commercial premises using containers shall be in accordance with an agreement negotiated with the City of ORDINANCE #013-89 PAGE 2 Sanger solid waste service contractor. Section II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section III It is declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section IV Whenever in this Ordinance an act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful, an offense or a misdemeanor, or wherever in such Ordinance, the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, the violation of any such provision shall be punished by a fine not to exceed One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars; provided that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State of Texas. Each day any violation of the Ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. Section V This ordinance will take effect January 1, 1990, unless otherwise provided within the ordinance. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1989 by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED: Nel Armstrong Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 78268 MEMORANDUM #333 T0: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: September 1, 1989 SUBJECT: Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance Establishing Up -dated Service Credit and Participation Rate in Texas Municipal Retirement System This ordinance will establish the city's participation rate in the TMRS at 1.5 times the employees rate, 1 - 1 1/2 on a 5% contribution rate. This will actually be a city contribution rate of 3.3% of employee's salary. This rate also included up -dated service credit which affects actual retirement benefits of individuals. These funds are included in proposed budget. JH:es 'EXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1700 NORTH INTERSTATE ]5, POST OFFICE BOX 2225 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78768 IVtrs. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mrs. Garcia: August 7, ,198,9 l� r- AC 512/476 7577 As per your request, we are pleased to etSclose combined Model Ordinance to adopt: 100% Updated Service Credit Increased City Matching to lye to 1 (TMRS-C/A-F) We will appreciate receiving a copy of this ordinance as finally adopted and with the adoption of these additional benefits the City's 1990 contribution rate will be 3.26%. We appreciate the City's continued interest in the Retirement System and hope you will always feel free to contact us when we can be of service to you. Sincerely, 7,A 4 - �6 Cric W. Davis Administrative Assistant 1✓Vi/D/pjh TMRS-C/A- TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIRLMLNT SYSTEM AN ORDINANCE AUT1iORIZING AND ALLOWING, UNDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, "UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS" IN SAID SYSTEM FOR SERVICE PERFORMED BY QUALIFYING MEMBERS OF SUCH SYSTEM WHO PRESENTLY ARE IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE CITY OF SANGER; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE-' DATE FOR SUCH ACTIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR INCREASED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CURRENT SERVICE ANNUITY RESERVE AT RETIREMENT OF THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGCR, TEXAS: Secfiion 1. Authorization of Updated Service Credits. (a) On the terms and conditions set out in Sections 63.401 through 63.403 of Title 110B, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, each member of the Texas Municipal Retirement System who has current service credit or prior service credit in said System in force and effect on the 1st day of January, 1989, by reason of service in the employment of the City of Sanger, and on such date has at least 36 months of credited service with said system, shall be and is hereby allowed "Updated Service Credit" (as that term is defined in subsection (d) of Section 63.402 of said title) in an amount that is 100% of the "base Updated Service Credit" of the member (calculated as provided in subsection (c) of Section 63.402 of said title). The Updated Service Credit hereby allowed shall replace any Updated Service Credit, prior service credit, special prior service credit, or antecedent service credit previously authorized for part of the same service. (b) In accordance with the provisions of subsection (d) of Section 63.401 of said title, the deposits required to be made to the Texas Municipal Retirement System by employees of the several participating departments on account of current service shall be calculated from and after the date aforesaid on the full amount of such person's earnings as an employee of the City. Section 2. Effective Date. Subject to approval by the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, the updated service credits granted hereby shall be and become effective on the 1st day of January, 1990. ,T..,....i ,,.,..�., wkNw.:.:'.t � ,z�:,.'�si �'� PF1jQ�� /�;Z s� TE7�AS MUNICIPAL I;ETII3EMENT SYSTEM '7�° Nolrrl� It�,TFRsTATF POST OFFICE BOX 2225 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78768 June 12, 1989 Mrs. Rosalie Garcia City Secretary City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mrs. Garcia: r� ti ��� �►;,�a� -----� �.w.�...�-, -_------_..M �-�rr�76.7577 The Updated Service Credit study for the City of Sanger has been completed. Enclosed you will find the specifications used in computing the retirement estimates and in calculating the City's contribution rate under the proposed plans of Updated Service Credit. In addition, retirement estimates for each employee eligible to receive an Updated Service Credit are enclosed. In looking at the various proposed plans, you will note that under Plan 2, the City can adopt 10090 Updated Service Credit. This plan would also provide for adopting increased City .matching to lye to 1, and the City's contribution rate for 1990 will be 3.269'0. The City can -:!opt these benefits and will have twenty-five years in which to amortize the additional cost. For an individual contemplating retirement in 1989, the defermenfi of retirement until 1990 should be considered, since in most cases the adoption of Updated Service Credit will improve retirement benefits. In any case, employees should compare retirement benefits under the City's present plan with the estimated benefits shown on the attached listing before finalizing their retirement decision. The TMRS Act allows member cities of TMRS to adopt Updated Service Credit on an annual basis and we have had a great deal of interest from member cities in these benefits. Should you have any questions concerning the study or the retirement estimates, please feel free to call us for an explanation. We look forward to working with you in providing increased retirement benefits for your employees. �`��GWA/pjh Enclosures � � �, �� V ,. �,� Sincerely, �j /7 'Gary W. Anderson Assistant Director 1 UPDATED SERVICE CREDIT AND ANNUITY INCREASE STUDY EXPLANATION OF PLANS TMRS member cities have the opportunity to annually adopt Updated Service Credits and Annuity Increases, providing cities the opportunity to upgrade retirement benefits for both active employees and retirees who are currently receiving a monthly annuity from the System. If the City adopts 100% Updated Service Credit, a member's retirement benefits will be recalculated based on the member's average monthly salary for the three-year period of 1986, 1987 and 1988, assuming the member had always earned that average salary and made contributions to the System, matched by the City, on the basis of the three-year average salary. In other words, a member's retirement benefits are "updated" based on the higher wages earned in recent years. In addition, if the City has increased the employee contribution rate and/or the City's matching ratio, the new Updated Service Credit will reflect those changes. If the City adopts Updated Service Credit of less than 100%, the percentage adopted will be used in calculating the member's benefit credit. The proposed plans on the Updated Service Credit Annuity Increase study are prepared as follows: 1) The first plan includes Updated Service Credit, along with the optional provisions of S.B. 505 and/or 10 year vesting, if the City has not previously adopted these provisions. 2) If your City has a matching ratio other than 2 to 1 or an employee deposit rate other than 7%, additional plans will be shown with a higher City matching ratio or a higher employee deposit rate. These plans will also include the optional provisions of S.B. 505 and/or 10 year vesting if the City has not previously adopted these provisions. 3) If your City requested any specific plans, these plans will also be shown. The City also has the option to adopt increases in the monthly annuities being paid to its retirees. Most cities adopt annuity increases along with Updated Service Credit, and do so each year. The increase that can be granted to retirees is calculated based on a maximum of 70% of the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U), less any previously granted increases. The change in CPI is measured from December preceding the individual's actual retirement date through December 1988. By adopting Updated Service Credit/Annuity Increases each year, the City can provide a retirement program that keeps benefits in line with increases in employee's salaries, in addition to protecting retiree's monthly retirement annuities from the effects of inflation. As an additional consideration, cities that adopt these benefits on an annual basis experience smaller changes in their contribution rate on a year-to-year basis. H Laiy a�� H:r Ul O G� H (n 0 20 0 N � L�i H C H OD � •mA 0) � W c 1 a oo a 4 I= N {-A IN U1 g moo Q, N 1 0 �! o� woo aae ro N C.I1 1-+ I I-+ tD 1 I O w I 1p �P Ol 0 1 O 1 P N l o 10 ►-. ' �-. 0 00 0ol n I II I I i I ow10wfl '� S"H(� I Cn a Ol 1 4 N 1 lDOD 0 I O r 1 N! I I I 0 I� w ON 1 0 4 I O W' M 0 0O hd ��olwcl��loPw �ao0e W� IL H I I I ' I f to I 1 �cil� (o II CITY OF SANGER P, 0* BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TG: Horiorak�le l�layot• � �1lernk�ers of the City Council 14ROM John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: September 1, 1989 SUBJECT: Conduct 2nd Puk�lic Hearing on Teas Development Grant Application This is the second required Public Hearing on our proposed �ratrt application to address our wastewater collection system's infiltration problem. RJN Engineer's have completed their smoke4esting and have forwarded their data to both Hunter Associates and GSA, our grant writer. .JH:es GOVF,ItNM..NTAL ,SERVICI; AGENCY, INC. Municipal Consultants & Codification August 31, 1989 Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P.G. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Re: 1989 Texas Application Dear John: Community Lyndon Plaza 10935 Estate Lane, Suite 475 Dallas, Texas 75238 (214)553-7070 Development Program Enclosed is a proposed resolution authorizing submission referenced grant application. I do not have a cost estimate time inasmuch as the smoke test results were not available ntil yesterday afternoon. I do hope have such estimates verbally confirmed by Tuesday night at your council meeting. try to visit with you by telephone on this matter prior meeting date. I do intend to be present at the meeting. u Please contact me if you information regarding this SncPr Lawrence have any questions matter. Grant of the at this at le t0 US ast I will to that or need additional Lawrence have any questions matter. Grant of the at this at le t0 US ast I will to that or need additional CITY OF BANGER RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TIIE St1BMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT ASSISTANCE UNDER THE 1989 TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (TCDP), AUTHORIZING A LOCAL MATCH, AND DESIGNATING TIIF. CITY MANAGER TO ACT AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO TIIE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN TIIE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Whereas, the city desires to develop a viable community, including decent housing, a suitable living environment and/or expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low to moderate income; and Whereas, certain conditions exist in the city which represent a threat to the public health, safety or welfare; and Whereas, funds are available through the 1989 Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) to alleviate such conditions and to meet community development objectives. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE GOVERNING BODY OF TIIE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: (1) That a 1989 Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) l,�rant application is hereby authorized to be filed with the Texas Department of Commerce (I C) in the amount of under the Community Development fund for the following described project: Replacement of substandard wastewater collection lines with lines meeting state standards and long term needs of the community in the area bounded by Seventh, Locust, Second and Austin streets. (2) That the following local resource commitment is hereby authorized to be included as part of the application: The City of Sanger commits to support the wastewater system improvement project described above with $ _ in local funds, which is a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the total TCDP grant request, from local funds. In addition, the City of Sanger commits to fully support with local funds any costs associated with the project which exceed the budget as presented in the grant application. (3) That the City Manager is hereby authorized to act as the city's representative in all matters in connection with the application and the city's participation in the 1989 Texas Community Development Program and to execute documents in conjunction with the application. RESOLVED this day the of , 1989. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary Mayor CITY OF SANGER P. CI. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMQRAND%7M #341 T4: Honorable Mayor & Members of 'the City Council FAUIVI: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: September 1, 1989 St1B,JECT. City Administrator's Report 1�. The Planning Department of the City of Denton met with me on Wednesday, 8/30/89. Denton planners were riot aware of the current ETJ agreements Sanger has on file, As a result of this meeting, our two cities will attempt to arrive at a mutually agreeable ETJ line generally on our southern border, The line would generally follow natural boundaries such as creeks and reads that conform to our existing ETJ property. If Council concurs with this general approach, staff will proceed and brim a specific proposal back to you. 2). As the building renovations are nearing completion, it appears that the allocated funds of $11,000 will be short about $1,500 for conference room furnishings. Staff is currently auditing expenditures to provide an exact figure. No formal action is required at this time but if Council concurs, the furniture for the conference room, an expense of about $1,500 with a useful term of 10 years, can be ordered. At the next meeting on September 18, an exact figure could be presented. to Council for formal authorization. This would bring the building renovation cost to $12,5004 9A The Community Center needs new carpet. This would be a repair and maintenance expense charged to building repair which was budgeted $3,000 and has had expenses of $1,545. I am told that the carpet in the Community Center is the original from the time the building was constructed, Bourland carpet has submitted a quote of $1,840 to remove the current carpet and replace it with oz. commerciai carpet wim R I year wear] nd stain guarantee. Because of this expense, I ain proposing v. )f the project be done on this year's budget and 1/3 on 1 udget ($1214 this budget year, $626 on 19budget.) 3uIlding Maintenance account for r is $1,750. onstruction of the Tof�,Ball Field. CITY of DENTON, TEXAS MUNICIPAL BUILDING / DENTON, TEXAS 76207 / TELEPHONE (817) 588-8307 Otl/ce of the Clty Manager January 129 1988 A9r. Steve Shutt City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Steve: At its meeting of January 5, 1988, the City Council considered staff s recommendation that the City of Denton execute an ETJ agreement with your City based on boundaries shown on the attached map. One change that we are proposing, and hope that you will agree to, is to make F.M. 2164 the boundary line along the southeast portion of the area in question. This is a more natural and discernible boundary from our perspective because it follows a major road. The idea of establishing boundary agreements with neighboring cities was generally acceptable, but the City Council is also interested in. assurances that adequate municipal control of subdivisions and development will be extended or maintained throughout the area surrounding Lake Ray Roberts before making a formal decision. Our staff will continue to work on legal descriptions and other required documents. , In the meantimeplease provide the rt hack to the following as soon as possible so that we can repo City Council: (1) Confirmation and documentation of the fact that your. FTJ has been expanded as proposed in accordance with statutory requirements (certified and written consent of owners of all affected and contiguous properties). Mr. Steve Shutt January 12, 1988 Page 2 (2) A copy of your current or proposed subdivision regulations and development requirements applicable to your FTJ and information regarding your Willingness and ability to enforce these controls into your expanded FTJ. Thanks once again for your cooperation. Respe fully, 41 oy Harrell City Manager LVH:bw 3813M Attachment It ,SANGER/DENTON ETJ _ .. P R d _--a..'_.r" ! j, m, • =A r n 0 n t 0 e 1 ti a Rd I • 1R1t r x g q 0 oYnmon Lone - N s<!Scr• • _' ; _ i• F it Ma on _ I Ile.tj 1 At It loits. Gc TV oval I it Rd r . r = or and Ord A Rd } e sts too to old! l Y III 11c •rt Lois Rd Lo e d b ': I N ' , yc_ o'ce q NM ,' ct. k : " N.Nor, o ,<: pIV AT Alsom • •'' . . .• . •M Ploti • • S _ . .TV 11 s dV'bf Z . oN c •dis tied -r led ON .r IT ',x) Selz Rd. Ago t R 1^' -r .o g5 '' L • 'L -7 , a♦ r O • r.zir_ r_g'mpr[On Rdd . , :d UnOn Hi11 Rd r ,. .h 2 At o , Its'.1 W f j ptraCe ld " a lowAlso \ 4 ,I old 0 re oIt dosidelrt Iof • tp,,le S4r. FR MCReyno off '"•Rd.,'It fti t`i;,rj.Y ePiery R. •'11 , ' 2164 IIdes Not r,K,;,t I I. got II elI It L N• Not `,1N ' ♦ • • ` i`J#I{ 4ift`8;''it:?rd' toolA1 if r «' `t ', • R _ eedgme° y NIAir¢ a e'er • •. _ , , 1 'N i S .1 ,, r It f IT IN of d IN Neel to I of I All I. it se, o I II. XI iof ' ' 75 ayI# " `i,, r 'i a¢' Baty'ar n' 1.'P • VH 1ON R` 'k~r>£is r Pti , Lee' t "' fr tiedy NICholeon Rd. r r} ' Its.It yerotter°F t 5r r" o j .., , ' itrdr Itsjrtib ,g'r_ r 9 !1 IN : ' wedge.; .r, E r`,a1gt£ e tY"v}I4 ':tr ;tN' ` r , ,r 0' (•_J '°"__ 1 „ y ✓ y pi Sgo r. >`, `n ',.', }., fir a` 'rt yy tj f . } ;4 "f ' ` r . r i rD ILI t7L R • ' ' r6.' rvri'.;F, `S`,'tS f7.5 `J , r J,` JjI t, , F"✓py{. 3,, t s` t ...+ } ✓ tt',• *Ioo$1 `r V 1 ;k' speoll 1 r '%3ij,¢ 44 ,;ir et 4Y' K6 . '' (' nrl .', ,/ rt ✓r` ", -l. N Is iAbf ,{ +', , i '.(} i ;. "}_ { i. s . 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Bobbitt of the Texas Department on Aging, a copy of which is enclosed. Since there is an allegation of violation of the criminal code which took place at the Sullivan Senior Citizens' Center, I thought you should be advised and that this letter should be made part of the ongoing record. I believe the letter is self explanatory. If there are any question, please give me a call. Sincerely, Ovid Neal August 28, 1989 Mr. O. P. Bobbitt Texas Department on Aging Post Office Box 12786 Austin, Texas 78711 Dear Mr. Bobbitt: Pursuant to V.A.T.S, "Title 6. SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY, CHAPTER 101, TEXAS DEPARTMENT ON AGING, Section 101.0221. Public interest information; Complaints (a) and (b)" and in accord with my letter of August 1, 1988, I would appreciate the following. 1. A proper grievance hearing regarding a hearing requested and refused in the May 25, 1988 letter of Span, Inc. and signed by Paul Ephriam, Chairperson and subsequently refused again and again by your North Central Texas Council of Governments as well as SPAN, Inc.. 2. In accord with (a) cited above, please send the guaranteed information regarding procedures by which complaints are filed with and resolved by the board. 3. Complying with (b) cited above, and if you cannot handle these requests, please send name, address and telephone number of the board and the information that is available about them, as individuals. 4. I would like to point out Section 102.002 (a) which states the following: "A person providing services to the elderly may not deny an elderly individual a right guaranteed by this chapter." and (b) which states: "If a person providing services receives funds from the Texas Department of Human Services, the department shall require the person to implement and enforce this chapter." 5. Section 102.003 Rights of the Elderly states: (a) In addition to other rights an elderly individual has as a citizen, an individual has rights provided by this section. " and ividual is encouraged and assisted in the 11(h) An elderly ind exercise of an individuals rights. An elderly individual may voice grievances or recommend changes in policy or service without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal. The person providing services shall develop procedures for submitting complaints and recommendations individuals and for assuring a response by the by elderly person providing services." 6. My rights, as stipulated in this law of the great State of Texas, have been violated again and again and again by SPAN, Inc. and the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the City of Sanger, Texas. I have a whole book of correspondence to prove it as well as proof of violations of the Texas Criminal Code as well as the U. S. Code, by one or more members of said organizations. I have pointed out this repeatedly as you know, to you and to each of these entities. 7. In accord with the lawful premises stated above and as a senior citizen, 69 years of age, I request that you invoke your power to guarantee my rights under this law. I further request a formal hearing or hearings before the board as guaranteed by these laws. Sincerely, Ovid Neal Copy to: SPAN, Inc. ,Roberta Donsbach, Director NCTCOG, Fred W. Keithley, Director of Human Services City of Sanger, Texas, Nei Armstrong, Mayor, State of Texas, Bill Clement, Governor August 23, 1989 Mayor Nel Armstrong City of Sanger P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong, PHONE 817-458-7702 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P.O. BOX S37 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 I just wanted to give you plenty of time to gather your city team together for the Olympiad at the Sellabration, September 16, 1989. I am hoping that once again, you will be accepting the challenge. The time we have set for the competition is 2:30 P.M. and, as last year, we have similar games planned. The Chamber and I are looking forward to seeing you and your team at the Sellabration for a full day of fun and excitement. Sincerely, Karen Lambert Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce I PHONE: 817.565.8556 HOT CHECKS: 817.565.8557 JERKY COBB CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY STM FLOOR CARROLL COURTS BLDG. P.O. Box 2344 DENTON.TEXAS 76201-2B99 MEMO T0: ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES IN DENTON COUNTY DATE: August 16, 1989 On June 28, 1989, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals delivered its opinion in Bryan O'Neil Comer'v. The State of Texas. The Court's decision in Comer will affect the admissibility of statements and/or confessions made by juveniles, therefore, all law enforcement officers, who in the course of their duties may detain juveniles, should read the opinion. Accordingly, a copy has been provided. The Court's ruling means that a police officer cannot take . a written statement from a detained juvenile until after the child has been taken to the Denton County Juvenile Detention Center. The child must be taken to the Detention Center immediately after he has been detained by the officer. The only exception to this is that the court will allow the officer to do his paperwork on the case so that the child may be admitted to the Detention Center. Let us know if we can help you with any questions you may have. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DENNIS M. BURN, P.E., DIRECTOR (817) 383.1166 COURTHOUSE ON THE SQUARE 110 W. HICKORY DENTON, TEXAS 76201 NOTICE OF ADOPTION On August 14, 1989 the Denton County Commissioner's Court approved new rules and regulations for the following: Subdivision of Property Flood Plain Management Private Sewage Facilities The previous regulations adopted in 1985 have been superseded by this 1989 version and are no longer in effect. All applications relative to these regulations that were received by this office prior to August 14, 1989 will be evaluated on the 1985 regulation version. All applications relative to these regulations received by this office after August 14, 1989 will be evaluated based on these new regulations. Copies of these regulations (single bound edition) are available in our office during regular business hours for $10.00. c ity of August;;, 1'3F3'3 T0: Chief Benny Erwin u FF,'OMA Sgt. Paul Earheart RE* Junk Vehicle Letters Dear Sirs: re JA .. .. . City of Sanger Sent This officer conducted a survey of the residential areas in Banger. The list of addresses of the residence that k/0 mailed Certified Letters and a copy of the City Ordinance on Junk Vehicles, are as fellows: 1. 61 Bolivar 11. 07 N. Si•rth . 808 Pecan 12. 106 Wayne 3. 901 Peach 130 802 So First 1. 302 S. F"irst 14. 60'9 S. Third . 611 PI UM l5w 316 Austin 6. '3 1 N. Eighth 16. 218 S. Fourth 7. 919 N. Seventh 1/. 105 E. Locust H. 905 N. Sixth law 110 Cherry y. 702 N. F'i fth 19 a 401 F'each 10. 704 N. Fourth 20. 613 N. Third 21. 707 N. First A followup list will be produced as to ordinance at the end of the condition letters sent to the occupants of the above Thank you, Sgt. Paul Earheart the co mpliance of this date set forth in the addresses. 2U1 13OL1VAR ST. • P.O. 13OX 578 • SANGF.12, TEXAS 76266 • 817.458-7930 r ANGER)o Ot BOX 578 TEXAS Ta, Honorably 1Viayor& 1Vie nb r° oP the City Cot n il FROM John Hamilton, City Manag DATE: September 1, 1989 )r our proposed operating budget for 1989 1990. On advice of the City kttorney, to postpone the adoption of - budget September 18th in order to run the required notice in the paper, JH:o