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08/21/1989-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1969 2D1 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7:D0 P. M. 1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag 2. Minutes 3. Disbursements 4. Citizen's Input 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Meeting Date for City Council in September 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request by Tee -Ball Parents Group 7. Consider and Possible Action to Award the Solid Waste Disposal Bid 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Smoke Test Proposal 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Lease for the Santa Fe Property 10. Consider and Possible Action on Library Improvements 11. Any Other Such Matters 12. City Administration Report 13. Budget Workshop 14. Executive Session According to V. A. T. S. Article 6252-17 (g) to Discuss (1) Personnel 15. Open Session to Take Action on Items) Discussed in Executive Session 16. Adjournment . Ros lie Garcia, City Secretary MINUTES: City Council August 7, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Shaw, Councilman Danny McDaniel, Councilman Carroll McNeill, and Councilman Wendall Thomas .-Jenkins �, ! !RESENT. City Manager JohnHamilton,« « Garcia, Herbert E. Arledge, Eunice Gray, r « Hollingsworth, 5 . ! Hyde, David •! DavidTucker, Craig Waggoner, Jeff Jackson, Benny Johnson Frontier Waste, CoopeontierWaste, Randy Jainson 9 • Vickie Elieson invocation, and led the pledge to the flag# approve payment or disbursements, Seconded by Councilman Carroll • carried. 4. Citizen's Input: None unice Gray ackle • B ARD YRS 4F SERVICE Utility Board 5 P & Z Commission 12 Library 5 Park Board 5 CITY UUUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1989 Page 2 • erved on - Park Board and Plaques uld warded to them also. .ou Morgan to chair the Library Board, Seconded by mith as lay representative to the North Texas Library System i•i • and Helen Boundsas alternate...:.•.. •,.d i.. Councilman Rhaw. Motioncarried. • . •• • 9'1 Jur C01111CO11111MIi0101-101111 Married. 9. Cc�nsfder and Passible A�tian can Maids Fnt� Solid Wash Dispesal. 11 al III I III ill III • 1i 3 pickupsl N 5 P. perwk. 71.70 12 yds. .. August Page 3 1 �, i iiE.7• RL.l♦ 0 ��ttaC�YYrieYlt� 4 F' �4.50 1P. i1. 50 i yd. per wl 13.50 Z P, U, per wk. 20.50 3 P. U. per wk. 35.00 5 P. U. per wk. 44.00 1 P. U. per wk. 76.00 Z P. U. per wk. 107.00 3 P. U. per wk. 304 00 _ p, it 11 , w. 1 11 i Pickupsper i •1 ow, LIJ is M 1 t, id for !lid Waste Management• ,.tabled for the next City "'ouncilmeeting to allow i t' 4study thebids. ;econded by Councilman Shaw.! • carried. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Dump Truck. (Minute Order) #.. is •' - • • � ^ f. � i 1. •.. -.... !. t - s ••i Pipulve IfFIIlt 11 • it"tramse EA cull1r, • •• by Councilman 5w. Motion carried. The following bids wet°e as fallews: 111 11 ti. 11 11 1111111111 i IT vlotion carried. AUGUST 7j1989 4 " �, i R. r i i 1 iOY ' 1 iandicapped rampsat City Hall and Sullivan Nscussion. i � i 1• 1 1 1 1. R � . _. kccount and that the $475,00 to build the handicap rampsat eniorSullivan Centerand at r at City `r R. . 1. ^i out of General Fund. 13. Any Other Such Matters: a. Councilman Shaw reported on a old 72 Chevy PU -that needs a junk car letter. RUN % T t when the 455 crossing would be closedfor construction especially since schRRstarting,CityManager 1 asked to contact on this. is i... I ".. • R R D1SCUssion. i AUGUST 73 •; PAGE 1 sewer rate study that Plano conducted. waterconcerning a project for future improvement of the he hway at 455 under existing bridge. Mr. Dwight Birl h Staterom Department Highways ransportation will allowto do this as long as egulations werefollowed. UTMroV,rtwoMlill�lrz7Ai.tvalcorage Tank. •. • • .,.. •. is ._..• ... + ._ �.. off dead center. He will be picking up the executive director of Utilities in Denton and meet with the WaterStaff find out • i to theirMarina. CITY OF SANGER VENDOR VENDOR NAME OPEN ACCUUNTS PAYABLE LIS'EING AS OF 8/17/89 16m14g22 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT 1— 34E5 NORBARK INDUSTRIES, INCa PO 3496 G/L DISTRIBUTION 412m 0800 EXTENSION KIT FOR WOOD CHIPPER VENDOR TOTAL �'— 37'�{:i BOHf�1ANN CgNSTo Cqe PO 4536 G/L DISTRIBUTION 42x5a 0400 3 HOURS LANDFILL WORK PO 4539 G/L DISTRIBUTION 425o 0400 3 HOURS LANDFILL WORE, PO 4544 G/L DISTRIBUTION 425a 0400 3 HOURS LANDFILL WORK VENDOR TOTAL i 5r6v 03 1�6n �_r3 850 00 25m 00 5v 00 86Em 50 710. 50 ;;-• 4iuri�r BRAZOS ELECTRIC F'ORdER COUP, PO 4604 115, 4446m bpiG/L DISTRIBUTION RIBUTION 441. 0800 1151496m 89 POWER PURCHASE VENDOR TOTAL 1151496m 8S m Ci�1 Cr�:I m Ci�i F'AGE 1 OPEN 1260 `:i3 126a 03 E�Sa t.rCr L6�a 5Cr 71�'d Sir �• 115� 4��6.85 115,4�5a8'� � 4— 4�-_'SSJ CENTRAL TELEF'{-+ONE Cqe F'O 46Ci7 17�<e �7 a c.ICi 17 Ue ;7 G/L DISTRIBUTION 433m 0100 175= 57 PHONE BILL (458"-3L'3G ) VENDOR TOTAL 175m 57 , oo 175n 57 CHEImLUX PRODUCTS, INCB F'q 456`i 3Ci8.8��i o CrCr 3Ci8a 8Ci G/L DISTRIBUTION 472a 0B00 308w 8O 100 W TRAFFIC BULBS VENDOR TOTAL 308a 80 n 00 3084 80 6-- 6530 CLEAR CREEK SAND i 5r6v 03 1�6n �_r3 850 00 25m 00 5v 00 86Em 50 710. 50 ;;-• 4iuri�r BRAZOS ELECTRIC F'ORdER COUP, PO 4604 115, 4446m bpiG/L DISTRIBUTION RIBUTION 441. 0800 1151496m 89 POWER PURCHASE VENDOR TOTAL 1151496m 8S m Ci�1 Cr�:I m Ci�i F'AGE 1 OPEN 1260 `:i3 126a 03 E�Sa t.rCr L6�a 5Cr 71�'d Sir �• 115� 4��6.85 115,4�5a8'� � 4— 4�-_'SSJ CENTRAL TELEF'{-+ONE Cqe F'O 46Ci7 17�<e �7 a c.ICi 17 Ue ;7 G/L DISTRIBUTION 433m 0100 175= 57 PHONE BILL (458"-3L'3G ) VENDOR TOTAL 175m 57 , oo 175n 57 CHEImLUX PRODUCTS, INCB F'q 456`i 3Ci8.8��i o CrCr 3Ci8a 8Ci G/L DISTRIBUTION 472a 0B00 308w 8O 100 W TRAFFIC BULBS VENDOR TOTAL 308a 80 n 00 3084 80 6-- 6530 CLEAR CREEK SAND �: G/L DISTRIBUTION G/L DISTRIBUTION G/L DISTRIBUTION 36 YARDS OF SAND AND 30.85 TONS F'U 4535 431a 0500 417e 0600 417o 0700 OF FLEX BASE VENDOR TOTAL 413a 78 „ CiCi 413> 78 137n 93 137v 93 137. 92 413e 78 .00 413e 78 7-- 850u0 DALLAS COUNTY � F'O 3'381 �' 1 w Cuter m tu,:r 1 e Cr;�r CITY OF SANGER VENDOR VENDOR NAME a!= LN AGGgUN Vb PHYAbLE L Z 5T T Nip AS OF 8/17/89 16„14Q2 IhdVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT WAGE 2 gF'Ehd GIL DIS"I"RIBUTIOIV 41;'. C►3C►C► �'1. �►C► EVIDENCE ANALYSIS ON RAPE CASE VENDOR TOTAL 1.00 .00 21.00 8-- 885C► DANA COMMERCIAL CREDIT PO 4614 170. 63 a 00 17tj> 63 G/L DISTRIBUTION 449. 01t:►o 1 7OU 63 LEASE PAYMENT ON COPIER VENDOR TOTAL 1704 63 . C► ► 170. 63 �-- 1 w,�'t:►�:► CITY qF DENTaN, ACC. PO 4543 25. 00 .00 25. 00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 451. 0600 25000 5 WATER ANALYSIS VENDOR TOTAL 25. 00 . C►C► 25. O► ") 1C►- 15� C►i► DENTON COUN i Y S.O. PO 3979 7. 00 . 00 7. 00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 445. 0300 7. 00 LAY OUT FEES VENDOR TOTAL 7. C►t► , 00 7. 00 1 ;5tw►(:► DENTON RECORD CHRONICLE PO 4602 16.53 .00 16.53 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442. C►100 16. 53 NEWSPAPER AD FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT OPERATOR VENDOR TOTAL 16.53 . t:►C► 16.53 1;w'- 16�'S{> DIAMOND AUTO FARTS �'O 3,88C► 84. 87 . i►C► 84.87 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419. C►800 51. 40 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.0300 13.99 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419. t►600 4. 55 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.110u0 7.13 G/L DISTRIBUTION 412. C►900 1019 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419.0700 6.61 FUEL FILTERS, OIL FILTERS, STARTER, SPARK PLUGS, SILICONE, ETC: VENDOR TOTAL 84.87 .0c) 84.87 13- 16495 EMPLOYERS NATIONAL INS. c!`J, PO 4598 1, 5C►ta►. C?E: . C►C} 1, 5C►E=►. C►E G/L DISTRIBUTION 438. 0100 19 500, 02 BAA-'64 9C►58 INSTALLMENT VENDOR TOTAL 1, 500m 02 , oo 19 5c)oa t►S 14-- 16500 ENDERBY GAS COMPANY CITY OF SANGER VENDOR VENDOR NAME OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING AS OF 8/17/8`� 16;144V2 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT OVEN NOSE FOR PATCHMAN MACHINE VENDOR TOTAL 3.00 .00 3.00 1 - 16O4C? FMC COR�'ORATION PO 16540 340. 56 .00 340. 56 G/L DISTRIBUTION 437.07C)O 340.56 LEASE PAYMENT ON SEDER MACHINE VENDOR TOTAL 340.56 .00 340. 56 16- 18 ;t�)t3 DAV I S CONCRE i'E CO�i�°i�i�Y PO 4542 175. 50 .00 175.50 G/L DISTRIBUTION 431. t_)500 1 /U. 50 4 112 YARDS OF CONCRETE (STREET REPAIR) VENDOR TOTAL 17 r. 50 .00 1 i . 0 17- �� t�ate)t�) NILZ-SNIDER CNEV. , INC. PO 3879 14. 10 .00 l4. 10 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419. U3t:0 14. tO CORNER LEASE COVER -POLICE UNIT 0 2 (CUR`{"IS"S CAR) VENDOR TOTAL 14. It_) . 00 14. l O PO 4617 43®95 . 00 43®95 G/L DISTRIBUTION 419v Q800 43.95 REPAIRED FLAT TIRE (SERVICE CALL, TUBE AND FLAT) VENDOR TOTAL 43. 95 .0c) 43, SJ 1 �"' t=.JJU�) KOET"i"ER FIRE PRO`CEC;T I ON CO. PO 386'3 i1+C)< �)t) . t:►C) 14t�3. C)C) G/L DISTRIBUTION 416. l it:O 140. 00 2 PAIR OF BOOTS VENDOR TOTAL 140a 00 .00 140: 00 vt)-- ;o6C)ff) IiRIZ DAMS CO. G/L DISTRIBUTION 472. O8OO 11136n 9O 2 SPOOL TIES, WR 159 SQUEEZE ONS, #4 ACSR AUTO SPLICES, ETC,. G/L DISTRIBUTION 472. 080) 72a S2 1/0 AND 210 TWH STRANDED COPPER VENDOR TOTAL 172090 8d . wit^) 11 09u 82 1-• 28500 LONE STAR GAS CO, G/L DIS1`RIBuTION 434. k4laVV 0000 GAS UTILITY CITY OF SANDER VENDOR VENDOR NAME UPEN ACCUUNTS PAYABLE LIS`11114G AS OF 8/17/89 16;14%22 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT OPE{�J VENDOR TOTAL 6a 86 . Cat>> 6.86 � 2229500 LONE STAR PRINTING PO 4605 69a UU a Cur 69a S s G/L DISTRIBUTION 411.0100 69.95 10 BOOKS FOR ELECTRIC AND WATER DISCONNECTS PO 4613 44. 9J WOO 44a 9O G/L DISTRIBUTION 411a 0100 44a 95 6 3/4 WINDOW ENVELOPS (1000) VENDOR 140TAL 1140 UC7 e 00 114® 90 23— 29750 MCMAHAN OIL COMPANY PO 4603 938< 83 > CK) 938n 83 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414d C800 212o20 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414a 0700 394 35 G/L DISTRIBUTION! 414a ()600 172m ` O G/L DISTRIBUTION 414.0500 39>35 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414a 0900 16a 67 G/L DISTRIBUTION 4144 11C*0 3% 3 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414Q 0400 39p 34 G/L DISTRIBUTION 414A 03()0 363400 G/L DISTRIBUTION 413o l l()O 16, 67 GAS VENDOR TOTAL 938a 83 a()() 938o 83 24— 311()() METROPLEX ENGINEERING CORP. PO 4600 142n 9 a 00 142s 5S G/L DISTRIBUTION 435a0100 142n9 INSPECTIONS VENDOR TOTAL 142n 59 a 00 142n S SS�- 31250 MISSISSIPPI TOOL & SUPPLY CO. PO 4541 32v C*6 a 00 32m 06 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421e 0 00 32u 0G 6 VOLT BARRICADE BATTERY VENDOR TOTAL 324 06 .00 32v 06 26— 31560 MOB I LECOMM PO 4599 147n 5O . 147a 50 G/L DISTRIBUTION 443n 0600 73. 7U G/L DISTRIBUTION 443a 0800 73. 75 WAGERS RENTAL VENDOR TOTAL 147e 50 a 00 147o 50 27— 33000 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC. PO 4589 6. 01 a 00 Go 01 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442* 0800 6001 WHITE. CHAULK AND COVER PLATES CITY OF SANGER VENDOR VENDOR NAME OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING AS OF B/17/69 16>14:22 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTAL. 6 . ref 1 PO 3982 11'�.71 G/L DISTRIBUTION 411.0300 11'�. i1 I^`RINTINGA IMPOUND SHEET, CRIME REPORTS, STATEMENT & ANIMAL FORMS VENDOR TOTAL 119.71 �:`�- 3;.�785 �'ERRIGO TRAILi�R AND MFG. PO 46BC) 23.00 G/'L DISTRIBUTION 44G:. C}600 23. ()O DORE RING TO 5"/ CLEAN UP AND REPAIR PIPE HOLDER PO 4621 290v 00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 423.0600 96.67 G/L DISTRIBUTION 423.0700 96.67 G/L DISTRIBUTION 442m Ct✓"00 SG. GG W X 7�'" DOOR FRAME ( COMPLETE WITH LOCK) LABOR TO INSTALL(BARN) VENDOR TOTAL_ 313.00 3C}- 34755 taU I LL COR6�'DRAT I Oh# �`O 45'J3 45.35 G/L DISTRIBUTION 411.0100 45.35 BOOKENDS, ROLODEX, RULERS AND FENS VENDOR TOTAL 45.35 31-- 35�`5C) h#IGHOI_S, JACKS[h# AND DILLARD i°'O 46Ct 1 46. C)Cr G/L DISTRIBUTION 435.Cf1�.0 46v00 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE VENDOR TOTAL 46. ()() 3O:-- 353� yCP R I TE--WELD SUr'IW'LY I NG. G/L DISTRIBUTION 421. 0600 6. 00 G/L DISTRIBUTION 421 .0700 6. 00 OXYGEN BOTTLE VENDOR TOTAL 120 CK) 33- 355CrC) ROHAN COMPANY G/L DISTRIBUTION 427.06UCr 19 1C)L. 00 12-3/4 X 5/8 METERS, 12: CLAMPS, 1-4" METER, & 1�=: METER STOPS VENDOR TOTAL 1, 102s 00 34-- 38tref�:rCr SANDER FARTS CENTER U/L 0151RIBU11014 41'3. 11vv 3. �6 CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR THE FIRE TRUCK ® crercr . CrCr CrCr . CrCr . Cir�P . Crtr . CrCr E'AG!✓ 5 OPEN ��tP, CfCP 45. 35 46. �r�rer 46. t:rr,-i 1, 1Cr;�. CrCr CITY OF SANGER VENDOR VENDOR NAME OC'EN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE t_ I S'C I NG AS OF 8/17/89 16:14u"22 INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTAL , w L6 a tart_) ,��— 4C}C)C.)if SIMS TIRE SERVICE G/L G/L DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION 419, 419, 0600 0800 3, 3425 55 REPAIRED FLAT ON UNIT 780 (CRAIG'S TRUCK) PO 3878 6, 50 REPAIRED FLAT G/L TIRE DISTRIBUTION 415a t.3OO 6050 REPAIRED FLAT G/L ON DISTRIBUTION! BACKHOE 421a 0600 13, 50 PO 4530 Gm Y) REPAIRED FLAT G/L ON DISTRIBUTIONi UNIT 778 (P' S 419, TRUCK) 0700 6050 VENDOR TOTAL 33a00 36-- 45t_ita}ca} 13 FT. SM.iTH' ROUE S G/L COUNTRY STORE DISTRIBUTION PO 3870 423uO6OO 1a0; 1, 05 PO 3878 10099 WATER HOSE G/L DISTRIBUTION! 423a ()600 10099 PO 3881 14aiG BOLTS NUT i? BOLTS AND AND G/L DISTRIBUTION FLAT G/L DISTRIBUTION WEEDEATER MASHERS LINE 442o 0800 PO 4574 412, C}900 14, 15, 16 35 15a 35 BOLT G/L DISTRIBUTION! 421, 0eta)() a 64 VENDOR TOTAL 394 19 37- 4;�'S5�► SONS, MARK G/L DISTRIBUTION 421, 0700 3604 00 WORK DONE ON WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND CONDENSER FAN VENDOR TOTAL 360m 00 38•— 4415t:) UN I F I RST CORPORATION G/L DISTRIBUTION UNIFORM RENTAL F'O 454t) VENDOR TOTAL 17, 1C} 17, 1 ta} 17 a 10 „ ta)tr , Crta) . c)c► ® Cr�4r C►C) SAGE 6 CaC'EN 6a 5C► 36ta), C)C} 36Cr, tartar � 17, 1 C► �• ' CITY OF bHNOER VENDOR VENDOR NAIVE i�=► RECORDS �'ROCESSED G/L DEPARTMENTS ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY POLICE SANITATION STREETS NEATER SEWER ELECTRIC 'ARKS FIRE OPEN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTING AS OF 8/17/89 16>14e6F' I VOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNT TOTAL 1 4I 464a S1 6> 86 s4 30 701 m 84 387 a B4 19 687g 6`� 993061 7 8 117q 642w SE: i 300 8S 11 Rt►6a 41 'AE 7 0�='Fhb 1E4, 46441 4 • t Ot BOX 578 T0: Honorable Mayor � M�mber� of trio City Council FROM: Join Hamilton, City Manager DATE: August 18, 1989 .;ouncii preler to move•; - to I uesua:. • •. .JH:es i FROM: JcsY Hamilton, city Manager DATE: August 18, 1989 ! ! �ecommenctect that a request Dy Me I i e� 11 parents group to plant a wcan tree at the downtown park be approved. The parents group wants to plant the tree, surround It with a circular sidewalk and install iplaque to commemorate 7 CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #324 T0; Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM; John Hamilton, City Manager DATE; August 18, 1989 SUBJECT: Bids for Solid Waste Disposal Services The recap of the bids is enclosed for your consideration. If Council takes no action on this item prior to September 2, 1989, the five year contract with Texas Waste Management would automatically renew. Regardless of which company receives the bid, staff is requesting $1.00 plus tax be added to the residential rate in order to fund our sanitation operation. JH;es enclosure SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BIDS OPENED AUGUST 7, 1989 AT 2:00 P. M. FRONTIER 1 - 11 ACCEPTED RES. - $8.25 COM. - 9.50 2 PICKUPS 19.00 3 PICKUPS 28.50 5 P. U. PER WK 3 YD. 27.00 1 P. U. PER WK 44.50 2 P. U. PER WK 61.50 9 YD. PER WK BFI 1 - 11 ACCEPTED RES. - 8.35 PER MONTH COM. - 13.50 2 P.U. FER WK 20.50 3 P.U. PER WK 35.00 5 P. U. PER WK 3 YD. 44.00 1 P.U. PER WK 76.00 2 P.U. PER WK 107.00 3 P.U. PER WK TEXAS WASTE 1 - 11 ACCEPTED RES. - 5.25 PER MONTH 30.00 2 P.U. PER WK 90.00 3 P.U. PER WK 180.00 5 P.U. PER WK (ATTACHMENT) 4 YARDS 32.00 1 PICKUP 51.85 8 YDS. 71.70 12 YDS. 4 YARDS 49.00 1 P. U. 83.00 116.00 City of Sanger Solid Waste Disposal Bid Proposal Addendum Containers - FEL 3 cu.yd. Containers: 1 Pickup per week 2 Pickups per week 3 Pickups per week 6 cu.vd. Containers: 1 Pic)cup per week 2 Pickups per week 3 Pickups per week 8 cu.vd. Containers: 1 Pickup per week 2 Pickups per week 3 Pickups per week S� A. t � � • � yl � i. +�.' 'y 57.20 110.00 162.90 74.30 141.90 209.40 85.60 163.00 240.40 The City of Sanger water rates are as follows: $9.00 for the first 2,000 gallons of metered water $1.20 for every thousand gallons there after Sewer service rates: Residential users - $8.00 per month, plus a charge of .60 per 1000 gallons of metered water consumption in excess of 1000 gallons. Commercial users - $14.00 per month plus a charge of .60 per 1000 gallons of metered water consumption in excess of 1000 gallons. Sanitation rates: Residential rates per month - $6.78 Commercial curb side pick up (hand collection) $10.49 per month Dumpster rates vary per month with charges ranging from $26.50 to $163.24 h1INUTE Uf-lllkl�i At the regular meet i r�q �,1- held November 2 � 1987 � ire t;hc� C� �ur�c�i 1 �l►1 Erc�livar 5tr^eet, the fallc�win�l iL-r-rn wa upon by the City Council. i;lit� i:;�znger City Cc�unci 1 C:hr:irril,ers at City Hall, !o d l!�C11551'�d tiYld�Gr aCtCd 10. Consdier and Possible action on Texas Waste Management Rate Increase. Mr. Height stated that- they were asking for an increase on their sanitation rates of 5%. Approximately an increase oL 20� for residential. Mayor Armstrong stated that this company has been picking up trash for three years and this is the first time they have. asked for a rate increase. Motion was made by Carroll McNci]_1 L-11at they grant the requested increase from Texas Waste Management and that the City Administrator attempt to negotiate a 5% increase for dumping at the landfill. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. I, Ftasal ie Garci a, City 5ccr^etti�^y f���r Lhc_L'i L-y of hereby certify that the abavc� rnin�_�t�� �_,F tlie� d��ti!�crib��d are a true and correct a count c�1: tFyc� pr�cc:��r_�c.iirica held 2n--- a day �,.� >`Jovemr6er ____..__._, 1`3---8 j _. Given under my hand and seal c�•F tl-�e C:��y 2nd day cif T�'ebruary _---_....., 1'�.._...._.._. R05ALIt= GARCIA, Stanger, da meet i ng cm the c�•F' Sanger, this CITY 5[_I�f21_ I'i ll'1''r No person shall cast, place or deposit any trash, garbage, rubbish, refuse, kitchen garbage, dry kitchen refuse or ashes into any residential or commercial refuse container without the effective consent of the owner, tenant, lessee, or occupant of the premises upon which such container is located, the City of Sanger, and any agent with which the city has a contract for the dumping of containers. (Ordinance No. 85-3 of February 4, 1985) P. INSPECTION OF PREMISES It shall be the duty of the city manager or his authorized agent, and he is hereby directed, to make all necessary inspections and investigations of any and all premises to see that the terms of this section are complied with. (Ordinance of April 16, 1973) Q. COLLECTION FEES (1) Residential Premises The charge for collecting (2) Commercial Premises refuse ^� The charge for collecting refuse from commer- cial premises shall be based on the frequency of collection and the quantity of refuse. The following scales shall be charged: (a) Commercial Premises Using 1-5 Cans The charge for commercial premises using cans shall be as follows: 2 pick-ups per week ..... $ 9.00 3 pick-ups per week ..... $13.00 5 pick-ups per week ..... $22.50 (b) Commercial Premises Using Containers The charge for commercial premises using containers shall be in accor- dance with an agreement negotiated with a commercial contractor. 126 Supp. No. 9 NOTE: The following types of commercial premises shall be required to maintain no less than five t5) pick-ups per week: grocery stores, drug stores, meat packing plants, restaurants, and all other busi- nesses whose refuse contain discarded foods, chemi- cals, or medicines. (Ordinance No. 84-26 of December 17, 1984) R. USE OF CITY SANITARY LANDFILL (1) License Private sired to Use Landfill b� Haulers No person, except duly authorized agents and employees of the city, shall empty garbage cans or trash receptacles into or convey or transport gar- bage or trash to any sanitary landfill owned or maintained by the city without a written license for each vehicle used for such purpose granted and issued by the City of Sanger. (2) Collection of Fees No monies will be exchanged at the city sanitary landfill during regular office hours of the city hall. The landfill attendant will collect fees on Saturday for the city. All monies collected shall be turned in to the city hall night deposit box on Saturday after the landfill has been closed. (Ordinance No. 80-3 of January 7, 1980, as amended by the Ordinance adopting the Code of Ordinances) (3) Who May Use Landfill Only residents or businesses of the City of Sanger and residents located on the Sanger rural mail routes who receive their mail from the Sanger Post Office shall be permitted to use the Sanger sani- tary landfill. All users of the landfill shall first obtain a receipt showing they have paid the applicable fee. Said receipt shall be obtained at the city hall except on Saturday when the fee shall be paid at the landfill gate. (Ordinance No. O1-88 of March 21, 1988) (4) Sanitary Landfill Use Fee Schedule Sanitary landfill fees shall be as follows: r� 127 Supp. No. 9 CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 i ♦ � S ♦ w. , i � � w ♦ DATE: August 18, 1989 SUBJECT: Consider and Passible Action on Smoke Test Proposal N\K 4 w ♦ S w ♦ 5 ♦ ♦ , f ♦ ww- ♦ rescind acceptance of i ♦ for smoke4ests approve acceptance of the proposal by RJN engineers for smoke test in the amount ♦ ♦00 JH:es a } Po Oo BOX 578 ANGER) TEXAS 76266 DATE: August 18, 1989 SUBJECT: Possible Lease of Santa Fe Property COW ♦ 404 1 ILOA JH:es enclosure 5429 LBJ Freeway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75240-2609 214 / 9i30-7707 August 4, 1989 L-10521 Mr. John Hamilton, City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Harm i ton: Facsimile No.: 214/770-3272 Writer's Direct Telephone No.: 214/770-324F3 Reference previous conversations concerning The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company property located at the corner of Boliver and First Streets in Sanger, Texas. We would be willing to lease said property to the City of Sanger for use as a police -impoundment lot under the following general terms and conditions: TERM: Annual, subject to cancellation upon thirty (30) days' written notice by either party. BASE RENTAL: $360.00 per year; rental to be adjusted annually thereafter in accordance with the increase in the Consumer's Price Index (CPI). The City of Sanger would agree to lease of said property "as is" and would provide for removal of debris, tires and weeds. The City would also agree to demolish and remove the building located upon said property upon termination not the lease agreement. If the above general terms are acceptable to the City, acknowledge by signing and ,returning the duplicate of this letter. We will then proceed to draft the necessary documents. Shouid you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Santa Fe Pacific Realty Corporation is acting as agent for The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. MFA/il AGREED AND ACCEPTED: Yours truly, M. F. Angelo Regional Land Manager DATE: ■ &,NGER, TEXAS 76266 FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: August 19, 1989 SUBJECT# Consider and Possible Action on Libra The parking improvements would add five (5) spaces on the south side of the library at a cost of $750. Additionally,,$250 would be spent to make a * library, in the front of the Citycrews .. amountthe work in September and funding would be from Library Reserve to $... .'unds which currently I:LZSiL PARKING IMPROVEMENTS AT THE LIBRARY FANGE R, 1 11::1Y10 Fi( IVDU1 1 C:IF" iAt`lCit= rl 0. BOX 5478 rE*XAS 7G, C -F'0. h'Icmt e rsa c'sf the? r='r-1rt<. f.:1c: r- rd F= ROVII : ,John Harll i l t iirl, C i. t v Mana fl er )ATE E % Ftl.itjlt :% +, 103 3 f Ulj,J'F C"1'< F-earl<inr. T.rl7pr vr?rnr7rli: a1: 1:hE? I__it r ir, rW: y lt c1Y'e:' r:Y4'Jc` r'f' ltr.:lri'.iYlC:) 'FctCi . ii::lf.?!'=. c:lt 'irtlf:' . i t?Y"c1r'•y ctY"'f-= C-'Y,tr"'e'(fif"'1)/ limited and ther(on' is rice de sir.1rlated harldim-.Apl7cd 1:sp(7ce'? available?. Staff is pi'"'opoc..inul the establishment 1::t'F* five ('`'D parking t•pacE?5 Orl the soUth ride? of the library. This*S would involve the placing of 65 feet Of cL11vert, back-fi 11, gravel and construction of an additicinal sidewalk west from the exiting north/rcluth ridpwalk. They Gfi$nt erti.rnr-lte fc r this~ rrr .jec:t is &_750_.0_0_„_ clnd wc ulcl bea f _lrldcd fr c rn e?x i t my r e?rve 'f=1..lnds;. .iN:cw /3i/Fi j LANDSCAPING OF LIBRARY GROUNDS C i "i`Y tJE= ,tf lhaC: E . Ca C=i F1PaG _:: FZ `C E : ` ; Fl Wi `7 E: ::: C f' I II _1 1(:]1 2f h1IJlJl { i# _;"37 TCJ h+l rr7k]r-tir^ f •t hr • k_ i k:,r-•t• ry ir_ << r-•d C"C C.1h1 J hrr I-I`an7i.lt rr, ( ii:y 1 i arr rac:?r^ I}fl C E= : Fl ll cJ t_l+lt tP a 1. `:3L r:3 5UI•: ,:fC:CJ"f: L. arrdsc pirrn T fi L_ik]r ary Gr^c t_Irrci T'hEry ter^ a irr fir :: rrt i. thE lik]r^ r-•y bE~twNF_•rr the twc =,id w l.ks rr ds t wr I:]Z? Iclrld"sCcCd .7f.?Cj. In 1•^CiE?r^ ' : ? rrli.Yri.rril. i? r`E?Car.l1Y'f?d mc'.iirr :Prrcirrc_ ' 'rho rrc.lr s d t]hc tc car^G: ph i. z E]r- L r rrtc ci fr• r-• _yc• t_Ir^ ct: rr ai.drar tir rr. This "F7cZt.l C:C t..l1d I:)C3 C? rl i :r^r.lC_tC?d ' ciVlrrC ra : = YIL-75, Y7c• :t_lr^c'i . itl riC? = r^ k]r^I.Ishe?d c rrcr^E?tC exp si.rrg the r•c ek. The "k]r l .•h d" c• rrcr^ tC w .11d ]E? the 1r <_ t F xperrsivn. Thy E W •L imate ci c;c st c ' this Fir^r_,• jE_ct i. w __2.5_ 0_ ___. cinc:i wr t_11cf {, ft_Irrd d fr^r.: m r^ r ?r^v ?s. S z 1= tttt)tt i tlififilwillYl�iti, z` i ,1 s EiQG+# r t j 131 P11tYi�ff �r� l�4 �r�i�'r i ydeWl {� 3+ #g, K a ,� .ti! � i.,h4to 's } } i 1 rig r t y aFo-G :.,Io, '3ot to .t y ! 4 s +� �r� µ.�.v�y*?.y6-ts It to It .s u', �`'� 'f5 !S Yut,. 7It- All 4 s i € � { t �"�+ vIr faIt c.es!`ail-ili'a=+' 419 br4s S`r.�w It i.. It I to rl-o 4r- np tt w fitI 1 wt; ' yja a rt yia aii z s $ "4;"'1" #y 1AIT,r N4 ♦� .f.)rn'`t Mto Ito o to '11i d'1y,:`^'.v 'Y".x E+ji �'' 1 LIt F 45' �r� { ! c to te c� ,plot t t ! iIt 3 r } t [+r { to.a a X �?r'.a !, 3n a. ,..�_ _. a 1..x .:_ . ",-I . , ITFr ZkAfAjUbjX ■ ■o Ot BOX _ hNGE% TEXAS 1 effective January 1.990Staff recommends s three year contract law requires this procedure as there are two commercial banks within and will be forwarding a document for your consideration. State 2). The TML Annual Conference will be held in San Antonio an October 26-26 if any Councilmember is interested we will make hotel reservations. Jli:es iKl 578 ,okNGERj TEXAS 70264 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Counoil FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: August 18, 1989 JH:es Recommendation of the Sanger Utility Board August 1, 1989 Members of the Sanger Utility Board met with John Hamilton to review the budget for 1989-1990. The board favorably accepted the budget. The city of Sanger's need for an economic development fund was also discussed by the utility board. The members of the utility board submit the following recommendation to the Sanger City Council: 1. The Sanger Utility Board supports the budget for 1989-1990. 2. The Sanger Utility Board recommends the establishment of a $3,000 economic development fund. CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 78288 MEMORANDUM #325 T0: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Manager DATE: August 18, 1989 SUBJECT: Executive Session -Personnel This would be to consider evaluation of selected positions for salary adjustments on the proposed FY'89/'90 Budget. The employees under consideration are: City Administrator - City Secretary - $21,818 Public Works Superintendent - $22,750 Electric Superintendent - $28,250 Electric Foreman Folice Fatrol Officers $21,840 . . .t 2-$15,887 $100/ month $150/ month $100/ month $50/ month $50/ month a $23,018 $24,550 $27,450 $22,440 $18,780 $18,467 MEMORANDUM August 18, 1989 Page 2 #325 All employees are scheduled, if Council approves, a 3.5� Cast of Living Adjustment. The above listed employees are under consideration for Merit Adjustments. JH:es ! HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. ! ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONEGLENLAKES SUITE500 DALLAS. TX75231-4350 214,369-9171 1106 CLAYTON LANE SUITE 410E AUSTIN. TEXAS 78723-1033 512/454-8716 August 7, 1989 Ate RICHARD G. FAGIN, P.E. J. TRAVIS ROBERTS, JR,, P.E. PAUL S. BOEDEKER, P.E. SAM C. MCKENZIE, JR., P.E. DAVID J. PREWETT. P.E. CHARILES W. SCHELER, P.E. RICHARD K. ST, JOHN, P.E. THOMAS W. STANG, P.E. DAVID M. HOSSEINY, P.E. DONALD W. WARD, P.E. WILLIAM D. BRYAN, P.E. CHARLES A. DAVIS, P.E. Mr . Hank Smith, P . E . t. uL 7 Vuu u l L.J Texas Water Commission Mx..A.p .__.................. Wastewater Enforcement Section P. 0. Box 1308, Capital Station Austin, Texas 78711 RE: City of Sanger Wastewat Treatment Plant Compliance Inspection, Permit No. WQ0010271-001 Dear Mr. Smith: On February 21, 1989 the City of Sanger received a letter concerning the compliance inspection report performed on the Sanger system by Mr. Forrest B. John, Section B of this report stated that the referenced facility has reached 75% of the permitted daily average flow for three (3) consecutive months. Hunter Associates, Inc., has responded to this item in a letter to Mr. John Hamilton, City Manager, City of Sanger, dated April 21, 1989. A copy of this letter was forwarded to the Texas Water Commission along with construction plans of the 1985 plant expansion and a infiltration/inflow study performed i n 1981. The letter contained a tabulation of the reported daily flow rates from January 1987 to March 1989. This table identified several ion` in which the flow meter was not correctly calibrated. It has come to our attention that the majority of the average daily flows recorded by the City were determined by averaging a maximum of three (3) instantaneous weir readings per day. Several months were calculated with only one (1) instantaneous weir reading. The flow meter has been out of operation or out of calibration for an undetermined amount of time. The flow meter has recently been repaired and reinstalled. Mr. Hank Smith, P.E. August 7, 1989 Page 2 As discussed with Mr. Steve Chong in our telephone conversation If you have any questions, Very truly yours, HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Thomas W. Stang, Vice President TWS/jav a time extension in order on obtain more accurate average submitted for your review and for waiver of the requirements Administrative Code, please call our office. cc: John Hamilton, City Manager f�ort�► Cel�ti�al texas Council of Co�crnmenta ��� P. O. Drawer COG Arlington, Texas 76005-588II FROM: John Promise Director of Environmental Resources TO: Selected City Officials in North Central Texas SUBJECT: Survey of Municipal Construction Codes DATE: August 8, 1989 A survey of municipal construction codes being conducted by NCTCOG's Regional Construction Codes Coordinating Committee was recently mailed to you. As noted in the survey cover letter, we respectfully request that the survey be completed by Friday, August 18, so that we may begin analysis of the results using NCTCOG's computerized geographic information system. Also enclosed is a copy of NCTCOG's Policy Position on Regional Construction Codes Coordination and Standardization, which was adopted by the Executive Board in October, 1988. The municipal construction codes recommended by NCTCOG for adoption throughout the region are noted in the Policy Position. Once again, thank you for your assistance in this important regional effort. Please call if you have any questions or if we can be of any assistance. OCF: Enclosure Centerpoint Two 616 Six Flags Drive Dallas/Fort Worth Metro 817l640-3300 Policy Position on RegionalConstructionCodes Coordination and Standardization By the Executive Board of the North Central Texas Council of Governments Since November 1967, the North Central Texas Council of Go',/ernments has been actively involved in municipal codes research and standardization. At that time, the Regiona! Codes Strategy Committee documented the wide disparity in codes used by cities in the region and the advantages of a. standardized code for each type of construction activity. C,JfrpiiSed O` !c'iCal 00`Jetnment Of'tlCaatS c.Iti:hiteCtS, enginees, C i�"aCi_�5, ed � e r?�as�ug^�r�arrt professionals rtYsurance representatives, builders an c we{opers ano f,lanced ent!; elv by 1=7? funds -- ! ie Reoior-p! Codes Strategy CC}` r?t itCee 1, d� « gCO: F ), il" }ie OT a publicrpriVate partners!lip'J;'Gi"i: fGr tiie j i;!)!ic good. TC,d,r t!lat C>.F t!.^rs�''i�:CO'cii�u£� ;ill"ou',11 'tile C-ieQiOna! COdeS CGGrGlilot�r'�g CO l"� �t' �RCt�.�i a:ld l[i� C x tE"tl:?iCai .,�bC71i ite.e 't a ilC, electrical, ene�rfQ}/, fire. !i:e�h The ROC' t.�t. �. i�fr iN 7; 0.` �G 5 VI fl:!Ii`i! ��{Gt.n IC71 regional codes �:ai IV ai dll cU; l!, ` On s.e eral G casicns, the RCCC n s a ed NC{T COG to conduct area !OCaI gC_J rnmenfs. The most recent survey waS Corrlpleted Ill 1984 percentage Gf ti-,e reglon`s popu!atioil covered by NCTCOG reeainr�.er,d�d des. 1- �haMpie, f�CiCOG Sta?f dci , n-%Jned that 1 G':ties, representing aimoSt 88 c 'li tII' U IriCU! j G.'c!tc� population in North Centra! Texas. have. adopted an edition of the Unirir�nm F,L!rlIjin,p Code, the recommended code for building Construction. Because public and private sectors have maintained this joint commItr {rent to Stanch c lze complex codes and amendments, local governments, the buildlnc industr�� and cons rmers have benefitted. In fact, the use of one standard code for each construction acti. ity by many NCTCOG cities has brought the follov,/ing improvements: Decreased confusion and delays to builders, developers and architects vv"ho would otherv,/!se have to work from a. different code in each locality Decreased costs of training and hiring local officials to interpret and enforce codes Decreased duplication and lag times produced by multiple code amendment processes Decreased difficulties in introducing new materials, design innovations and production techniques which require code clearance before being introduced into the building mar!:et Decreased overall cysts of construction as a result of the four previously mentioned improvements. The t�torth Central Texas Counc;l of Goverrmer?ts is a voluntary association of cities, counties, school districts and special districts in the sixteen county North Central Texas reg?on. For mere ir,fom?anon, contact North Central Texas Council of Governments — P O. Drawer COG;`616 Sir. Flags Drivel Arlington, Texas 76005.5886/(817) 640-3300 (metro). In 1986, however, the RCCC recognized the need to restate their position and recommit themselves to the standardization of construction codes and amendments. They appointed a Task Force on Code and Amendment Standardization, which developed a set of policy statements to encourage code uniformity. These statements have been endorsed by the RCCC and adopted by the NCTCOG Executive Board. The North Central Texas Council of Governments is pledged to the standardization of construction codes and amendments throughout the region for the benefit of citizens, local governments, and representatives of the building industry. To this end, NCTCOG adopts this Policy Position can Regional Construction Codes Coordination and Standardization: Municipalities within the region should adopt the NCTCOG recommended model code for each construction activity. Municipal cads officials should review local amendments to the NCTCOG recommended codes and approve one set of regionally -recommended amendments. Interpretation of the NCTCOG recommended codes and amendments should be consistent among public and private construction personnel. A oetaiieo discussion of these policies foBOVIVs: Municipalities within the region should adopt the NCTCOG recommended model code for each construction activity. In their -initial recommendations, the Regional Codes Strategy Committee suggested that the NCTCOG Executive Board appoint a group of subcommittees to review the model codes and recommend the ones best suited for construction in the North Central Texas region. The subcommittees recornmended that all North Central Texas cities adopt the Uniform Codes, as administered by the Internatiol ,al Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), for building, plumbing and mechanical activities. i hey also endorsed the National Electrical Code, as published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). A number of criteria for selecting between model codes were used. Of course, the first consideration was the quality of the code publisher. ICBO and NFPA vdere originally chosen because they were nationally recognized as model codes. Both published well -catalogued codes that were regulary revised through a democratic process. As well, they maintained full- time staffs and provided training services for their members. Lastly, in the case of ICBO, they published codes for a variety of construction activities, so localities could cross-reference codes and coordinate inspection of all construction activities. NCTCOG also considered the total population served by each code, as well as the number of cities using a. code. For example, 9G°io of the region's incorporated population (77 of the 153 cities surveyed in 1970) were covered by the National Electrical Code. A final consideration was the quality of code enforcement provided in cities using a model code. NCTCOG looked at the level of training possessed by city personnel, the ratio of trained personnel to volume of construction and the consistency with which high code standards were applied When comparing codes, the NCTCOG subcommittees informally weighed these criteria and selected the code with the highest degree of compatibility to them. Although the decision v✓as advisory, it represented the best judgement of public and private code professionals and therefore could not be easily disregarded. The code selection process has not been repeated, since the recommended codes have maintained their ability to meet the criteria. Surveys of local code usage, reviews of new code editions, and examinations of construction techniques and materials are regularly made to ensure that the NCTCOG recommended codes continue to meet the highest standards. The North Central Texas Council of Governments has formally endorsed the following editions a.s the recommended codes for municipalities in North Central Texas: 1988 Uniform Building Code and 1988 Uniform Building Code Standards (International Conference of Building Officials) 1987 t�afional Electrical Code (Na.tional Fire Protection Association) 1988 Uniform Fire Code and 1988 Uniform Fire Code Standards (International Conference of Building Officials ANestern Fire Chiefs Association) i988 Un{form t��iechanica{ Code (International Conference of Euilding Officialsllnternational Association of Plumbing and lViechanica{ Officials) 1988 Uniform Plumbing Code (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials) NCTCOG appreca.tes the efforts of city councils that have adopted these codes and asks their continued support for the RCCC's work towards uniformity. Municipal code officials should review local amendments to the NCTCOG recommended codes and approve one set of regionally recommended amendments. Among those cities that have adopted the recommended codes, there are a large number of local arnendments. These amendments have been documented in the various faun{cipal Codes pvrts tj rat NCTCOG periodically publishes. I4CTGOG recognizes the need for some amendments necessary to account for regional dififerences in c{icrate and geography. However, the current multiplicity of local amendments negates the benefits brought about by code standardization: Therefore, NCTCOG has developed a plan to reduce the number of local code amendments. First, the RCCC v✓i!! continue to consider proposed changes to the hlCTCOG recommended codes and suggest standardized amendments when necessary. Hov.iever, rather than v�raiting for these r rev✓ amendments to be considered at the national level, the RCCC will adopt such changes immediately within the region. This move should eliminate the delays that sometimes accompany national amendment processes. As well, the RCCC is available to review potential code changes in individual cities. Should a municipality request such a review, RCCC members will individually research the proposal, meet and make a recommendation. NCTCOG, as mentioned previously, periodically publishes f��runicipal Codes Reports. NCTCOG staff v✓ill continue to document amendment disparity between the region's cities through this report series as a service to local .governments and those involved in the building industry. In addition, NCTCOG will regularly convene roundtable discussions among the region's building, fire, plumbing, mechanical,'and .electrical officials to re`,�iew local amendments and pare them to a set of regional amendments. Agreement upon one set of amendments. vFrill be a big step to\�rards standardization among North Central Texas cities. I�iG�COG suggests that North Central Texas cities can be a' a corr;petitive advant �� v:rhen tl"iere is ;Dint core staridardizatior� and cc�lsisr,ent c-ode in"i�sri:-retet��c;r�. OIlG V',/�-�,`�r of ERSit!'!nCG COr1SI5tent lrltCrprC�tatlC) 15 `?rOU'"�i 8d'JCatiCrl. i�cic�G prCit`I:)CS COdB C{BSS2S ar Id Ir`I� r{lcTt�;r?al Seniina!'.�', t{�{rOUvI1 tilt ,�i�'; Orin-{ Ir�l{,il'l� CE''itE" TF ��' c� i t 1@� CI�_,...CS aC@ G`Icr'ed tC% riJJi'�, arC! �rlVcte S?COr COrl�ytrUC�l:�rl f>; ..,,'lEa. `l!CI'� t {�i!ia haS hei,.��d deCi"ea56' tilE COStS OT Ilt�i"}g iJU!idiilg OtficialS, SIrICE it {1S',; i ,:.i-.';cSEC t{lc'!" !`"i,'1`S'.SS,Oilai StctUS �-t!1C{ ;cb me".ii�'y. in aCidii!Otl t0 t(ie$c edUCa'tIC.)nal efOrtS; tiiC i RCCC ISo'Jaiiabic' iU a�.SiSt r:lufllCij?ail't4CS \"tf;i!-1 COd2 (r'{tCr7r2idti^Il �'v'eStiOr1S Or COnGernS. Cities Ir1tEr25tC�, in a CC��C Iri'CrF)CC?a;iO�i OI Ci.'-:r"ilC.ilOr! may contact l`=CTCOC and request a rocon-!n�er!caio(i^^ b�}% tl"ie RCCC. The RCCC has expanded th� i:'��L: �.!t the tE��.{ Ir11VC1{ St1bC0ri?rrlitieG�':.J lil at l Ct iC)r� tl: it IVOilrB t I i�i:�E I?•I i.�r�IC.IpQi 0,{I�,{ass in l{"�{!S code interpretation and review .process. adopted by the Regional Codes Coordinating Committee and the E>:ecutive Board of the I�'orth Central Texas Council of Gavernnients on October 20, 1988. I�C'rCOG Executive �oara OPPicers Everett Cladding, President h^ay�or Prc Tem, City ,^,f Greenvil{e Eeri \Yiliiams, Vice Presioeni PI ynr Pro Tem, Clty c Fort lrJorth h!arfi VanRavensv;aey. Secrelary�Treasurer CouncilmemGer, City of Arlington ,toe Reeian. Past President Fntner CourciUnember, City of G jrland Lee Jackson County Judge. Dallas County Pt,aroie Waldrop CvSayor Pro Tem, C.it�,� cf Lane25ter Bill Lottand County JudcE:, Rock:vrnli Cou^ty FeoionaP Citizen Representatives John Stevenson Tarrant Cnuoty Stan Lambert Ellis County Direcfors Jotm Evens Jerry Gilmore, Genera! Counsel IJi21�;)r Pro Tem, City o` Dallas Attorney at �e✓. Dallas '� Ed Gailican William J. PilsticL, Execu!ive Di�ecto•' Councam�amhet, North Cents! Teras �! Cii}� of Grand Pra�ne Council of Governments tVo'i��� Cer,u�• te>:ee� Council of Gu.�ernments F_ O. Drav:et C:OG Arlington, Texas 76005�5888 f�17) 60-3300 1meLoj Regional Codes Caordirating Committee Lesser Paice. Chairman Asst Direr S✓�ic� ,v Giv o! Fv�", A'Jor;t� L. P.. A'iurr, Vice Chairman P tes dent ! urr f3rott t�ctnc Charles Ciarrson �.-eiaot of C ..,mun. } D �:elopsienf pity cf HrC�_r,., Jack Craycrc#i F ch tact Cra ��rott A �.� Dan Dotson CI`.y Ftranace. City of D�.t t L. Richard E(iis r. ...,dtni L Rich6�d E i s t✓i�c C �_..�;"ant Lonnie Fairless BUi[arny Oftic!cl City of Ca;,o;'iy. Tommy Hardy Commundy Development Dueciot City of Grapetine ` T, GUbert Hazard txe u!�,•e Director !ndeper�dent Electrical Contractors rYe4a Cir�'.rr \Mende! T. Hulse C,tv i:!zna'tet Ci!. r,f a � .� Praiit Garr Matula FS � �istF� .>nerai Co�traetas Cherry) Pett-rman 6 �c O iaf C� } cr Da�'�. Don Peacock FrE t.:a'Stici C ty o".- Fo t Vdorth James Staticup Ec .;2� in r.-rter Ct� �, FSrt V�orth L. Da��le Yeaacr Pre`eSSCi,' 0 fiF<,:d .^,t DeF)arif?l:+ni of Ti:c�tnoloay E s+ TezaS State tJ�i��er�ity BANGER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT EOUnI OPVOR7UNnv EMFLpvEa August 4, 1989 Mr. John Hamilton City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear John: /z; P.O. BOX 188 Jirri F. Coulston, Superintendent BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Mike Rosenberg, Business Manager (817) 458-7438 High School Principal -Bill Mustin - (817) 458-7497 Middle School Principal -Jack 13iggerstaff • (817) 458.7916 Int©rmediate School Principal •Alice Madden - (817) 458-7476 Elementary Principal -Travis Underwood - (817) 458.5297 Dir. of Educational Data Services -David L. Moore (817) 458-7438 Curriculum Coordinator -Greta Miller (817) 458.7438 I want to thank you, the city, and your staff for digging the holes for the trees that the school has set out at the High School. They look great! We appreciate your support. If you need out assistance, please call. Sincerely, Jim Coulston Superintendent JC/sk " lrlicalrl (u +, duri linn _ .. Qlummittrl to +.;xrcllrucc" J r I h 611t. e h ph t w C Add L I s ;. 3mak0 wilt eXlt from tha vent pipe on top of uach rm id ncm " . . __ Privata ee,rvicb cSai ct Cotrtrti utlnp to inflow problem >='or the next few dZys, crews will be inspecting the sanitary ewex system in your area. An inpartant part of their work will. be the "smoke testing" of sewer lines to locate breaks and detects in the sewer system. The smoke that you'].? see coming from vent stacks on houses or holes in the ground is PdOtd—TOY,YC, HAR2 iLESS, HAS NO ODOR AND CtZE TES No EZRE HA AP.D, l.u* binQ ox d un dram traps If you have any seldoz -used dra;.ns, please pour water in them to fill th` trap. =f the harmless sma};e daes enter your home, please contact a membez of the smoke-ts st:.nq crew so that testing can ' e rialted. Please note, thauak r, teat if the smoke can enter yr ur Y ome, ;he potential exists for clangorous scorer ga 7es to ent. r your homE , tao. You should consult a ?icenyed plumber, The study will .involve t%ze opening and entering of rlunholcs in streets and asenents. Some sower lines and ;, anholes are located on the. tia^k : ard eese: ent property lane. k'heneVer these lines rer ulr"£ inVC:St1g4'ClOn, 2iti_fib ?rS Of thQ 1nSpeCtion C.G.•% dT111 need access to the easements. Homeowners c a not. need to be home and the wor :ers will not need to enter your hot:se. Crews will phatograph alX defeats loczted during the smo?:c- trstinG in cxd?r tc later determine repaa.r. We anticipate the s^oke-testing wi11 require approximately trwG da; s in your area. The information gained ?'ram this study will be used to improve your sK k er services. RJty Environmental ASSOCS.a.tes, In... is pert orrl:;.ng this nTork for the City of Sanger. Your cooperation is appreciated, Should you have any auestians or desire pcial assistance, please call (p p ' '. $ RJN tN`JSR ptd }NLhf7 L A964LIAY'IC B, STt C. I 12:•' `r kl Pn:.;. £ .0 11: ,iuu•. »r1, L.•?! .. .. .. _ .. _. .. .. METROPLEX ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERING • LAND PLANNING • SURVEYING 1123 FORT WORTH DRIVE 617-363-1416 14 August 89 • DENTONI TEXAS 76205 Honorable Mayor Nel Armstrong and City Ccancil P,rlembcrs CITY OF SANGER P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Attn: John Hamilton, City Manager Honorable Mayor Armstrong and Council Members: METRO 214-260-3455 86-0611.5 We regret the necessity to notify you that, effective 30 September 89, we must discontinue providing Building Inspection services for the CITY OF SANGER, Due to the continuing decline in some areas of the local economy we have been forced to re-evaluate our agreement with the CITY to provide Building Inspection Services. We have concluded that after 30 September 89, in order to preserve the economic health and integrity of Metroplex Engineering and continue to provide the quality of Building Inspection services to which the CITY is entitled we must adjust our Fees as follows: A direct fee of $45.00 per hour with a minimum charge of two (2) hours, or $90.00 per Inspection requested and performed, regardless of the Permit Fee collected by the City. To enable the CITY Council sufficient time to replace our services we shall remain on call and available ur_til the end of Sep±ember 89. We wish to express our genuine appreciation for the cooperation and help we received from your fine staff and CITY officials during the past three years and wish it were possible to continue the relationship. Sincerely, T Stanfor Hauptmann, P.E., R.P.S. President