Utility Board Mins 10-26-1987MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Sanger Utility Board October 26, 1987 Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Herb Arledge. Roll Call Jeff Morris and Jack ]Burkholder were absent. New Business Steve Shutt and Carrol McNeil presented to the board and discussed the following ordinances: Ordinance # 022-87 Ordinance # 026-87 Ordinance # 024-87 Ordinance # 025-87 Members of the utility board support the ordinances with the following additions. 1. Ordinance # 024-87 An ordinance establishing two capital reserve funds from monies received from the collection of water and sewer tap fees; and, providing for repeal of r odinances in conflict: providing a severability clause, and providing for an effective date. Money to be used for capital improvement, emergencies, capital outlay, other intrastructure improvements as approved by the City Council. 2. Ordinance # 026-87 Rate increase of 4 mills. Adjourn Motion to adjourn was made by Francile Sullivan and seconded by Glenn S�ciw. Signed: Chai igned: S