Utility Board Mins 02-10-1987Minutes Minutes of Special Work Day of the Sanger Utility Board February 10, 19g7 Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Herb Arledge. Roll Jack Burkholder was absent. Old Business at 9600 A.M. City Manager, Steve Shutt, presented needs of the city at the present time. A 25% raise in water rates was suggested by him to care for present and future needs. Revenue is needed to maintain and/or develop the followings 1. Maintenance operation budget 2. Existing debt service (and future debts) 3. Capitol improvement program (on -going) !�. Depreciation (Replacement cost for existing system.) Figures for the actual cost of the above is not available at the present time. Mr. Shutt stated that he could have the cost of 1, 2, and 4 very soon with number 3 to be factored in. Report John Henry presented a chart with various scales showing rate increases and how these increases would effect the small as well as the large consumer. He also had charts comparing rates with Denton and Pilot Point. Motion After studying the charts and discussing the pros and cons of each scale, Carol McNeil made the motion to recommend the rate that placed the largest increase on the consumers who use the most water, raising the minimum from $ti.00 per 1,000 gallons to $9.00 per 2,000 gallons and $1.20 per additional 1,000 gallons. After discussion the motion was to include the following statements Based on the data we have at this time, we recomment a minimum increase after and only after, the council has developed an accounting system to accommodate: a maind tenance operation budget, an existing debt service, a capitol improvement program, and a depreciation fund. John Henry seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. Adjourn: Carol McNeel made the motion to was seconded by Her. � ad ' ourn�i Recommendation of the Sanger Utility Board February 10, 19S? As Sanger grows and new demands are made on the existing facilities, the need to update, improve and expand our present water system is obvious. We have been unable to get an exact figure on the cost of a gallon of water from the time it leaves the ground until it reaches the consumer. Without this figure, it is difficult to justify a raise in rates until a more sophisticated budget system is developed. Therefore, the Sanger Utilities Board makes the following recom- mendation to the Sanger City Council: Based on the data we have at this time, we recommend a minimum increase after and only after, the council has developed an accounting system to accommodate the following: 1. a maintenance operation budget 2. an existing debt service 3. a capitol improvement program 1�. a depreciation fund 'We recommend raising the minimum usage rate from $8.00 for 1,000 gallons to $9.00 for 2,000 gallons and from $1.00 per additional 1,000 gallons to $1.20 per 1,000 gallons. This would increase revenue collected by 20% and would place the largest in- crease on the consumer who uses the most water.