Utility Board Mins 01-26-1987minutes nutes of the Regular meeting of the Sanger Utility Board January 26, 1987 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by the chairman, Herb Arledge. Roll Carrol McNeil was absent. minutes Written minutes were prepared and presented by the secretary, Francile Sullivan. Minutes were were approved. Old Business The board was informed by the city manager, Mr. Shutt that ordinance 86®13 is still pending. .New Business Mr. Bud Hoffman of the Metroplex Engineering Corp appeared to pledge his cooperation with the community. He has two building inspectors working in Sanger at the present time. Mr. Shutt said a very professional process must be phased in for community acceptance. Report John Henry reported on the study he has made comparing revenue to water consumption over the past ten years. The demand has increased dramatically over the last five years. Planning for next five years is essential. Sanger does not presently have a depreciation system, nor a capital investment plan. There are no funds for expansion. Rates need to be raised. But according to Mr. Henry, the exact cost of supplying water is difficult to ascertain without knowing the impact of depreciation. Mr. Shutt says this figure is not available and asked Mr. Henry to pursue this study. Recommendation Mr. Arledge suggested that the board meet for a work day to consider a rate distribution plan. The board members agreed and February 10, 1987, at 9r00 AM has been tentatively set as a work day. Page 2 Minutes January 26,1987 Adjourn The motion to adjourn was made by Jack Burkholder and seconded by John Henry. Signeds Chaiicman Signed: Secret ��.�