Utility Board Mins 07-30-1984MINUTES OF THE 7/30/84 MEETING BANGER UTILITIES BOARD The Sanger Utilities Board met at City Hall July 30, 1984. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. Members present were Herbert Arledge, Carroll McNeill, Jerry Jenkins and Johnny Coker. Ralph Cole was absent. The first order of business was to set a regular meeting date and time. The motion was made by Johnny Coker to meet the -last Monday of each month at 6:00 PM. The motion was seconded by Carroll McNeill. Voting was tinanimotts in favor. The next business was to hold an open discussion on the different city utilities. Items discussed concerned pri- marily the 1984-85 budget, water, sewer, and electric rates and how they are computed and developer costs of utility installations. The question was brought up concerning the purchase price of electricity from Brazos Electric after September 1, 1984. Herbert Arledge was to talk to the City Manager and determine what kind of agreement we had. There being no further business, Carroll McNeill made the motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Signed Jerry/ Jenkins, Secretary