Utility Board Mins 07-03-1984MINUTES OF THE 7/3/84 MEETING BANGER UTILITIES BOARD The Sanger Utilities Board met at City Hall on July 3, 1984. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM. Members present were Herbert Arledge, Carroll McNeill, Jerry Jenkins and John Coker. Ralph Cole was absent. City Manager Lloyd Henderson and Dennis Hewlitt of Brazos Electric also attended. The first order of business was to hear a report from Herbert Arledge and Carroll McNeill on a joint meeting of the Denton City Council and the Denton Public Utilities Board. Next, the Board Members were given the Amended change to City of Sanger -Ordinance # 84°5, specifically Chapter 10, Section 15®D; Section 15-E-1; and Section II. Next, Lloyd Henderson and Dennis Hewlitt answered questions from board members ranging from agreements (contracts) with Brazos Electric and the City of Sanger to the Oper- ating Budget for the 1984-1985 fiscal year. Because of the short time allowed to -'enact the new budget, the Board will have little or no input into its preparation. The next business discussed was the condition and status of presently owned equipment and stores, as well as the purchase of equipment from Brazos Electric in the Whitesboro District. Next, members received several hand outs that included the 1983a1984 Electric System Operating Budget and the 1984-1985 rough draft Operating Budget. Carroll McNeill brought up a question concerning a difference of approx® imately $200,000.00 in the 1983�1984 Electric Budget. Mr. Henderson said he would check this out and get us an answer. In other business before the Board, the Members present agreed to send a letter to the City Council requesting that Ralph Cole be replaced as a member of the Utilities Board because of his failure to attend scheduled meetings. The next Board Meeting was scheduled for July 30, 1984 at 6:30 PM. Items to be discussed are: Continued Minutes of the 7/3/84 Meeting Sanger Utilities Board 1. Stores and Equipment to be purchased from Brazos Electric. 2.. Other City Utilities Services (General Discussion) There being no further business, Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adjourn. It was seconded by John Coker. The meeting was adjourned at 9*00 PM. Signed J,kry �enkir}/s, Secretary