Utility Board Mins 09-24-1984Minutes: Utility Board September 24, 1984 Members Present: Chairman Arledge, Coker, McNei11, Henry, Henderson and Hewlett Members Absent: Jerry Jenkins Others Present: Carroll Johnson, Jordan Maxfield, and Bill Black Chairman Arledge called the meeting to order. 1. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 2. Mr. Carroll Johnson presented his. plat of the Maxson Motel property pointing out how the aerial electric lines would be located around the southern edge and backside of the property. He requested permission to make an underground installation across the front to cut costs. Utility Board considered the problem and benefits to the city regarding underground service. Coker made the motion and McNe011 gave the second that the Utility Board recommend approval of Mr. Johnson's request to install underground service across the front anal north side of the Motel property contingent upon the following restric- tions: (1) Pad mounted 100KVA Duel Wound 2400/2/160 GDY X 7200/12470 GDY transformer. to be furnished by Mr. Johnson to the City for backup purposes. (2) A11 conductors will be in schedule 40 PVC conduit. Three (3) conduits supplied by the builder and the city would furnish the fourth (4th). (3) Builder to use 340 amp conductor rated wire (4.0) (4) Contractor is to furnish the city with a one (1) year Performance and Maintenance Bond. (5) Contractor to pay for an outside independent inspector who would look out for the city's interest. (6) Total expenses for the installation is to be -paid by the builder and no financial participation would be required of the city. (7) City electric crew would make the cut/over at both ends. The Utility Board .voted unanimously to offer this recommendation to the City Council. Minutes: Page 2 Utility Board September 24, 1984 Mr. Johnson then decided to proceed immediately with the aerial installation rather than underground. 3. Other such matters: (a) the Utility Board discussed .the need for Sanger Electric work force to begin.training for underground electrical installation and maintenance by going to school as soon as possible in order to be prepared for these requests in the future. With no other business to come before the Board; motion was made by Henry and second by McNeill to adjourn. Voted Unan, Submitted Secretary. by .Lloyd Henderson in the absence of Jerry Jenkins