Utility Board Mins 01-03-1985EMERGENCY CALL MEETING BANGER UTILITIES BOARD 1/3/85 7*00 PM The meeting was called to order by Herbert Arledge. All members were present along with City Manager, Lloyd Henderson and Electric System Manager, Don Waddell. Also present was Rick Suehla of the City of Denton. Lloyd Henderson gave the Board a summary of past and present pro- blems between the Cities of Denton and Sanger in reference to Reciprocal Agreements and the Testing and Licensing of electricians in both cities. The City of Denton has stopped its Recriprocal Agreement with Sanger and will no longer recognize Sanger elec- tricians working in Denton by this agreement. John Coker made the motion that the Utility Board recommend to the City of Sanger not to reciprocate with the City of Denton on any electrical license issued by the City of Denton and that this action should take effect immediately. The motion was seconded by John Henry. Vote was unanimous. The Board felt that this action would be the the first step in the process to remedy the problem. We further discussed the problem with Mr. Suehla in hopes of setting up a county wide board that will handle testing and licensing in the future. Next, the Board discussed the Interchange Agreement with Brazos Electric. John Coker made the motion to accept the agreement as drawn, seconded by Carroll McNeill. Vote was unanimous. The Board heard from Don .Waddell on the matter of request from citizens to test or check electric meters that citizens felt were inaccurate. Waddell recommended that a fee be adopted similar to that of Brazos. No action was taken at this time. We then discussed the manpower situation in the Electric Department. Waddell indicated that Mike Pennington had resigned and accepted a job with Denton County Coop. A motion was made by John Henry that the Board recommend to the City Council that the city hire two additional persons for the electric department. One to be a Class-B Lineman to be hired immediately and the second to be a Groundsman - Trainee to be hired within six months. The motion was seconded by John Coker. Vote was unanimous. The remainder of the meeting was taken up by discussion of the other city utilities. The Board felt that sufficient attention had been given to the Electric System and it was now time to move on to other areas. The Board also asked that the Water System Manager be asked to attend the January 28th meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Carroll McNeill and seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Je ry Je ins, Sec.