Utility Board Mins 10-29-1984MINUTES OF THE 10/29/84 MEETING SANGER UTILITIES BOARD The Sanger Utilities Board met The meeting was called to order at City Hall October 29, 1984. at 6:00 PM. Members present were Herbert Arledge, Carroll McNeill, Jerry Jenkins and John Henry. City Manager, Lloyd Henderson was also present. Reading of the minutes of the September 24, 1984 meeting was delayed until the next regular meeting in November. The Board Secretary was absent from the September 24th meeting and was not given the minutes of that meeting until after this meeting was called to order. The Board, along with Lloyd Henderson, discussed the Ordinance that governs the Utility Board. This was done in order to clarify the Board's position, responsibilities and duties in regard to city owned utilities. Next, the Board discussed the progress of the change over of the electrical system. The City Manager reported that the system was beginning to take shape and that very few problems had come up. With the hiring of Don Waddell -to take over as Electric System Manager, the City Manager felt that it would only be a short time before the system gets on track. The Board then discussed two recommendations (see Attachment) that were to be presented to the City Council. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Signe Je Attachment y J�nkin�, Sec. October 29, 1984 Mayor Nel Armstrong City Council Members Utility Board Members City of Sanger The Sanger Utilities Board respectfully submit the following recommendations. Recommendation # 4 In an attempt to standardize the procedures for installation, expansion and maintenance of the Sanger Electric System, the Utility Board recom- mends that the Sanger City Council adopt the most current edition of Specifications and Drawings for 7.2/12.5 KV Line Construction, R.E.A. Specification. Recommendation # 5 The Sanger Utilities Board recommends that the Sanger City Council authorize the Utility Board to make a study on the most effecient and econ- omical way of reading Sanger water and electric meters and then present our recommendation to the City Council, Herbert E. Arledge, Chairperson Utilities Board